LAST MONTHS MEETING In our beautifully decorated club the evening started off unusually rather slowly, but soon began filling up to what was a very good evening with great music from all of our players. As always, excellent backing was provided by Breakthru' who performed this time without Paul Larkin, who was away on business. Bob Withrington
Bob Withrington – Rounding The Cape, Dance On Ken Bowler – Theme for Young Lovers, The Stranger John Bell – Pulaski, Moonlight Shadow Roy Haines – Riders in the Sky, Razzamataz Polka Derek Misselbrook – Main Theme, Storm Chase Iain Wootton – I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Arthur, Summer Lover ‘ 59 Stuart Osbourne – Gonzales, Twenty Flight Rock (vocal) Tony Knight – Foot Tapper, Shindig Joe – Albatross, Move It! (vocal) Bob Dowler sang – On the Beach, All My Sorrows Bob Dore – Sacha, Jessica
Photo montage from last month (thanks to Bob Withrington) Photos from Left to Right
Big Bob singing, Tony Knight plays Shindig, Derek Misselbrook (lighting up the stage), Roy Haines with a fast Polka, Ken Bowler with The Stranger The Surrey Shadows Club
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January 2015
R.I.P PHIL SCOTT On December 17th our good friend and fellow musician lost his battle with his illness and sadly passed away. Phil was a regular performer, together with Susan, at the Surrey Shadows Club almost since the club began seven years ago and he will be sadly missed by us all. Phil was a big man with a kind heart. - Bob Withrington Jean and I also knew Phil from his Tuesday night playing at The Europa pub in Molesey, where he often played guitar and sang with Tony Vee. Not only was his playing excellent but his knowledge of the songs, writers, dates released and the albums the songs appeared on were second to none. - Steve & Jean J
We are delighted to announce that by huge popular demand Barry Gibson’s The LOCAL HEROES will be returning to The Hersham Sports & Social Club on Saturday 5th December 2015 for another evening of spectacular music. As last year, the show is being sponsored by The Surrey Shadows Club who will be managing the event. We anticipate that tickets for the show will be going on sale to members & friends at our April meeting. The Surrey Shadows Club
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January 2015
CH’TISHADS 2015 TO BE ON SATURDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2015 Our twinned club Shadowmaniacs France have recently announced that the date for the Ch’tishads 2015 event will be on Saturday 3rd October 2015. Once again the event will held in Fleurbaix. For those interested in participating in this great experience please contact Bob Withrington.
Our Bruce Heyden playing drums at Ch’itshads 2014
The Surrey Shadows Club
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January 2015