last months meeting the players photos - SHADOWMANIACS
LAST MONTHS MEETING. Breakthru' started the evening off with some Shadows instrumentals and with an assortment of Cliff Richard songs, this was a great ...
LAST MONTHS MEETING Breakthru' started the evening off with some Shadows instrumentals and with an assortment of Cliff Richard songs, this was a great selection especially for Jean who is a huge Cliff fan. This month Breakthru' was joined by John Ward on the keyboards.
THE PLAYERS John Clarke with Martin Brauner (on Bass) - Telstar and Rounding the Cape Steve Juden - Dance On, Geronimo Gareth Morgan – The Stranger, Kon Tiki Alan Tarrant – Find me a Golden Street, Diamonds Barry Gibson with Keith West (singing) – Move It, It'll be me John Cade - In the Shadows, You only live twice John Bell – Jessica (Top Gear Theme), Genie with the Light Brown Lamp Chris, Brian & Chris – The Rise and Fall of Flingel Bunt, Apache Ken Emerson – Petite Fleur, Yakety Sax Bob Withrington – Return to The Alamo, Santa Anna
Above – Barry Gibson with Keith West and Breakthru' Right – John Ward on the keyboards with Breakthru'
The Surrey Shadows Club
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February 2015
ITEMS FOR SALE Have you got any guitar or music related items that you would like to sell? Then why not bring them along and display them at one of our meetings. If you would like to advertise your item(s) for sale in our Newsletter, then please send the details in advance to our Editor – Steve Juden ...ABOUT THAT STRAT In a past newsletter I wrote about “Brownie” my new American Standard Strat and how initially I was disappointed when it arrived as it was not set up properly and had a persistant buzz on the low strings. Eventually I decided to change the strings and get it set up properly and upon the advice of friends I took it to Charlie Chandler's Guitar Experience in Hampton. If Charlie was good enough for Mr Clapton and Mr Townsend, then he could handle my “Brownie”. While there I saw a thing of beauty, lovely woodgrain veneer, SSH pickups, lightweight and nice a low action. She sounded great too especially as the price was less than a tenth of the cost of the “Brownie”. So a Yamaha Pacifica has now joined my growing guitar collection. Charlie Chandler gigs in our area so look out for him on Lemon Rock
Steve J Question – When does it stop being a hobby and become an obsession?
Peter Morse (from the Watford Club) â Misty, Saving all my Love (for you) ... My Burns guitar raised £430 at the raffle last night and I made it up to £450.
Sep 26, 2015 - medley of songs, sadly Peter Netley was unwell so Steve Deeds stood in. All the best Peter, get well soon. THE PLAYERS. Bob Withrington ...
Dec 5, 2015 - LAST MONTHS MEETING. In our beautifully decorated club the evening started off unusually rather slowly, but soon began filling up to what ...
LAST MONTHS CLUB MEETING. Breakthru' opened the evening with a selection of tunes and a few Cliff vocals from Paul Larkin and then Steve Deeds sang ...
Tim (Rhythm) / Ken (Bass) â South of The Border, Theme for Young Lovers. Breakthru' played a selection of tunes and vocals including one where they were.
Again I was first up to get it over and done with, my drugs seem to be working and I am ... Songs were - Twenty Flight Rock, That'll be The Day and Folsom Prison Blues. Then Tony ... out about our club via the Lemon Rock website which we use as it li
Controls the Flange by the lovel of the input signal. Selects the number of Low-Mid EQ Frequencies acted upon. 5 Band EQ only. C#. Low Mid EQ Amplitude.
Meeting with the Queen. Me. The Queen. Nice ............................................................ ! ......................................................................... .
The Last Crusade is a quick, yet realistic game of World War II combat, recreating the .... "Hitler" or âStalinâ cards; any cards that mention either of these leaders, even in the historical ... Also, units can perform tasks that don't normally c
dreams of following in his father's career footsteps, but has seen too much ... It is here that he meets Natalia, a gorgeous acrobat, and abused wife of Sergio.
Having the leading role in a big production is pretty exciting. ..... POUPÉES ET DES ANGES as well as Catherine Breillat's next film BAD LOVE (temporary title).
The screens will profile examples of. Canadian research, programs and policy across a variety of key topics. Resources on display will demonstrate Canadian ...
A tale of two romances, one beginning, one near its end, The Last Station is a complex, funny ... FILMMAKERS. Written and directed by Michael Hoffman (A Midsummer Night's Dream, One Fine Day, ...... Plummer was elected into the. Theatre's ...
Like that strange moving finger at Balthazar's Feast,. Where they asked the ..... And the name upon the draftsman's chart, Isambard Brunel. A riveter was on the hull ..... Ira Coleman â Bass. Joe Bonadio ... Clarinet: Jon Carnac. Bassoon: Gavin ...
Infectious pathologies, cardiovascular ones, digestive ones, none had any secret for me. It was one month after my inauguration that the first incident occurred.
edited program before selecting another program, or your edits will be lost. ... PURE QUAD spotlights the digital signal processing section of QUADRAVERB GT.
Ed Rendell's procurement reform efforts, which ... commitment to forge a 21st century competitive policy. .... Congress took steps to close tax loopholes.21 ...... 27 ... 31 In 2000
book of poems that I composed myself, all inspired by you. That was the first time I ... towards you, my first overture, a small gesture of love. I took a chance, not ...
Andrei Popescu-Belis. IDIAP Research ... andrei.popescu- [email protected] ..... More realism was also required by the subjects, who sug- gested to include actual ...