i.Sr, I
6t e6on6uo; rcultly cql ,o .rtotD^rcsuot 3cln|lfsul rslqppn8 cql
.Igaqll lucrtrlod paure8arÂ1nru ;o rireloroc p sr t{cltl^[ 'ecuesstuuarÂreralq aql Frnleu lo enr^ eÀrlcella eql ua{l PUPsuorlBrurol ^reu eql Io ustuuqeau cpslnEuq eql [B '6! ol tlst^t oltr letl/X\ alerlsuouaP Io lsrlt 'uorlegdupe cqsn8uq Io. lrcllo alquraprsuoc I puBurep ,(puerle qtlql\À to suotlectlfurrr aluroq?le {lEutsearcut eql 'sactirros crlqnd luelrodun ueger puu sluàugredap eÀtls{ ,stutupp luepodun gsou e$l yo fpngs eql ol sa,rlasrno auluoc llutls e/T;uotlestrelndod lo IIoÀr Uotls P Io ïIo/vreusll /lrousu stll u!q{^Â lralqns sltll lsnpqxa ol Eutldruallu aq o1 puelard lou op an drelnqucoÀaÀtlerl -stutups eql qUÀr ereq Eu{eap egq/f\ '(g) suollBclllpotu.rtet B qll^r 'uralsfs s.rurup!\tr '{AI uI patpoque e1d1c -urrd aql pesn alreq a,lt rurel æulq) s elere -ltlsuprl o1 paft1qo uaaq eÂBq e/'r autl qcta 'dpn1s 'uorl?stusruogalq snll Io eslnor eql ul -rssnupedllecrroqsrq s sasodo.rdpue [reqe11[s urttro uerpul eqt uo papunot raûq) eql Io 3r 1roÀr sy11 '( 7 ) tutuu141'rl :rntr Io lBql sPrÀ esuet 8!rll ur uelBuePun lduellr PlIsA ,{1uo ar{I 'reuq;1 sr irolcBrurlc urlB-l olut uorlsrâlrlsuBrl drolce;sr1rs l$lar ,(ltuarE oB lltal erc araql lntll sa8cnEuel lBlueuo Tclr{^À 'raaanoq'ilrupglsnu ad\ '( I ) tno petrrec aq plnoqs { ,}roq Io a8palanoul,(ur lnoqlur 'arnleu Pe^raruof sBAr l! HJluo ssel Io aroru E IO 'a8unEuel eql lo uorl?rouepp .iÀolsaql ol Palnqtlluot qlt[,!r IolsBI P3PPB u? spÂr uorlBsruBruou 'lÛnoccBolu uaïBl lou su,n lEolou,$a ! scrlaubqd.1o sesodrnd aql ,!uo eÂrâsol fqderEoqUo rot fcuapual ',(upo1 sn o1 Eutqsruolre u sprÀ âreql ulaâs t1a1lÀr sltll Io salduura ana; e e.lrE ol uorsBrco aÂBrl [sqs ô41 'r(qder8oquo lo PIal, eql ur pau8rar,(qcfeueelqequcsaPul 'eÂtlBler rood e sE suotltpsrl fuotleu Pelesrl pup ornlpc urelsad\ B artnbce ol Paau 3t{l Passalls uotlecnPs 'slallel uqPoqusS ereql peqsqg?lse' lo eurlcap pnper8 u se,r'r, rurt âlBlolcelold qcuelj stll uaq/f\ .,.ralqÀÀ,, ,olopn 'qS eql uo 'T) lutll ro eerl,, 'oi\ia Pes?qs!'IlP.gt t, 'lotq 'rïs eql urol PeaueP $ .,lsrol ,, 'q) eql lsql 'spuBra rot 'it1E1slsrtf 'suotlectltPout rfll
âseql palo,tord qr!q,$ 3,1ÀBIctlauoqd aql puu lrrTrups lo atpalnoul e lnoquÀr auofus sr urErro raql lpql uort uspp}l ,(1a1a1duoc lu3$e ur qcns ol , PasrusrPoquRf, , u?aj esaql Jo lequlnu leart 3^ttl sPlo.lÀ uPol 'BlPul urorf PeTcBI l! sPro^r rÀorroq ol v per.re;ard rErnEurl uerpoqure3eql ( Era rno 'suor1 lo 3auntuaCql9 pue tll5 eql lnoqB) -sailuBur frelaill u^ûroullssrlrBeaql lo etutl aql ulo{ lpql lsEI eqt [q parlusntrequn, [Ils 3B^ÀSrrll 'uorlBPunotuBIPul us uo PauePI/t eqf leql aq pporls ,fte1nqeco,r leuorlsu 'frlunoc aql lo alrl eql IBrnlEu paurees l! ur alor Eurpeal B sdeld 'a8en8uq qed aqt ur pesserdxa'uorEtlar lqqppn8 aql sB PUB ( ttl,lppng pup tsrupunlerg qtoq) Iror$lau fllear8 sen Frnlpc usrpul eql ur pa,rlo^ut 'suaztut lsud uurpoqus3 eql sV Io raqunu alqrrsod lsaErel aql ol elqtsuaqerduoc aq PFoÂÀ qclqJr1' PUB etusnu luetclllns lo ,ftepqecon lertuqrel B Eutlearc Io lsel gunoureredeql sp^l ereql lnq-sreaf parpunq euo lsBI eql Euunp petlqcuarJ aluocaq - sural qsuarj Io luelu Putl lsql suuel ro -aculder eql eEsrnocua ol trresseceu{ sc,tr' 'aEqrraq cqsrnEuq eql Io Eut1u1 {uo pN -Icols lsel B PesnBr e^Bq .lqs uJePou E to sluauralnber oql ol uotlurlstutulpc 3tll Io uorleldepe aql puB ecuapuadaput 3PIB,nolruopEur; aql lo uoqnloÀe aql
ot lFugtp l! U lp I I 'suoltsenbrltsln6u!l u! pelseretu;I;;rou;rd 1ou elo or{r|t sJePpeJeEo.rnocslp lou ll!/'\ Ipnls lrotls fnq snolres lloulslurorduorun slql tDrlt edoq e^
*{l;Llï1ïf"":.fi ;3ï3ÏlJ,,';"''Tli,1^f:ff?1,,i11,i1î;}";l# roï6uv polred
or{l ol e6on6uol Jno ldopo o1 {op rego {Dp 6ur;66nrls ero ot{rtrsrerut{)peuroel jo dno.r6 aqt of enp s! e6ouroq lo pro,lÀy 'urop6u!) eql Jo uollosrurepourprdo.reql ït!,t dn deel ot e6on6uol rer!q) sql elqoue , ol Ino pelrror 6ugeqs! Isol luellod o 'seleqds lollos puo 3nuouore eql u! epput 6uleq suorfe eql ot lellorod
.d âs swtrql1
:i frelnqelo1 aallsJlslulups aql lo dPnts V
Ilul|[ilr.| tlll tl|l l0 l|lul[Iu ilu|[0[ilr!
A S T U D YO F T H EA D M I N I S T R A TVI VOEC A B U I . A R Y II Before the French intervention, the Cambodian administration der.iveddiiectlv frour the crown (a). Tne Protectorate diâ not bring obgyl. any .notable changes in its structure. Although it was .crownéd'by the authority of the protecting porver, ilË administration operated at the lower levels and in the provinces within the traditional framervork. The former ',council of ministers" rvhich assisted the sovereiqn and of which the King had been replaceil as chair.man by the French Résident Supérieur, wàs called 1n-;tn:orngnlsic) (in R. Meyer Cours de Cambodgien et læcturçs Cambodgierurcs,Phnom_Penh 1929, p.494) /curisiiênàputtî (5). The first ele-ment'of this hybrid word represents the Fnench word consell(to be replaced by LnuÊô krumjarynury (6), and the second'comegfrom tlre Skr. send, " arrny ", and the Skr. pafi (7), "chief",' Skr. send.pati, "military clrief, general". trualuÉ scndi pati is one of the generic words for "minister". There ltrere five mandarins in the old Council of Ministers who had the following titles : the "Prinre Minister" was called either rnln tillqfilU, ukfr.d,-cauhudy,..mandarin master of the firmament"
(8) or angirrg or tf1lttsLrnrffn or grmrfiJcru6or urnrruelËui, ukltna-agga or agra)mahâ-send(or.maâdlsenâpati, or omahddhipatQ, Ift. flH, â[I corresponding to Pali agga and Shr. agra "summit, higher than" (9). Kh Utfir, maàô, i'great" is Skr. mahd meaning rËufi, adhipati, reproducing Skr. adhi-pati ..Chief". .The literal translation of the title, althouAh it tloes not imply anv miltarv siqnificanée in Camlloclian, wou[d thereiore-be ..the supergeneral mandarinof the armed forces" 'fhe (10). second grand mandarin of the Council, in chageof Justice,is the rngprUunn ukhna l7ama riij, .,mandarin king of hell,' (11). The Vedic divnity Yama, is] in fact, the god of death and the iudqe of the dead 112).-Theminister rvho loofi,s ifter the royal treasury and who watches over the wouien of tlre court is called angi:i:n, ukf,d-udryh "mandarin of the royal', enclosure" (13). nn is really the fortified enclosure within q'hich the roval court resides ( a sort of "Yatican City'Twith its own admiiristration, autonomousstatus etc.) The ..palace" erected to the glory of a deity or- of a deified monarch is the ôrrs or i$s Qimdn er ufmn-n) Sl