Warm up vocabulary and “subtitles”

Warm up vocabulary and “subtitles”. As for the last lessons, ... Vocabulary: alpabetically sorted. ENGLISH. FRENCH. ENGLISH. FRENCH amplitude. Amplitude.
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Warm up vocabulary and “subtitles” As for the last lessons, we’ll do the warm up in english. Well, in order to make it easier both for you and me, we will reproduce the same warm up than the last Tuesday, do you remember it? When the others Physical Education teachers were observing us? The first part of the warm up: do you remember what is it? 1) It’s the setting in activity, so it’s a moderate race: it means you have to do a slow paced running, you can speak together: how long must it last, at least? Ok, 4mn of moderate race. Now, the second part, what is it? 2) The articular mobilization. So, now if you remember, you have to focus on your movement amplitude; you must do the largest movements you can. For example, you can - Bring your knees high in front of you; - Kick your buttocks with your heels. - Run with your legs extended - Run sideways, backwards - Jump on one foot as far as possible The third part : 3) The Stretching of the main muscles which are involved in the relay activity: Do you remember theirs names? the hamstrings, behind the thigh, the calves behind your leg, and the quadriceps in front of the thigh. The fourth and last part: 4) The rise in intensity and the specific part: this time, you have to increase the frequency, instead of the amplitude. So remember you can do the same exercices than before but with a greater frequency. Moreover, you can jog in place as fast as possible for 10 seconds ; you can jump a few times and stay in a chair position for 10seconds for preparing your leg muscles.... Vocabulary: alpabetically sorted ENGLISH amplitude Backwards Behind both buttocks Calves Chair Hamstrings heels in order to... Instead of... Involved Jog in place

FRENCH Amplitude Vers l’arrière Derrière à la fois Fesses Mollets Chaise Ischio-jambiers Talons De façon à... Au lieu de ... Impliqué Courir sur place

ENGLISH knees moderate Physical Education Quadriceps Rise in intensity sideways slow paced running Stretching the setting in activity Thigh to focus on... To last

FRENCH Les genoux Modéré E.P.S Quadriceps Montée en intensité Sur le coté (=pas-chassés) Course à allure lente Étirement La mise en activité Cuisse Se concentrer sur... Durer