Cold War Context: - 1957 (Sputnik and ICBM program) and 1961 (Berlin Wall) leads to rapid military build up by USA while Soviets hoping still to neutralize ...
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US-CUBA RELATIONS AND MISSILE CRISIS, 1959-1962 Cold War Context: - 1957 (Sputnik and ICBM program) and 1961 (Berlin Wall) leads to rapid military build up by USA while Soviets hoping still to neutralize western power in Germany. -By 1962, USA sceptical about Soviet ICBM credibility- U-2 spy planes may have revealed that Soviet ICBM strength less than claimed by Khrushchev -By summer 1962, Khrushchev moved to regain strategic initiative by supplying arms, including missiles to Cuba to support Castro's 'war of liberation while announcing that the "Monroe Doctrine is dead." Cuban Background (pre-revolution): -After Spanish-American War (1898) Cuba becomes republic but with corrupt and oppressive leaders; Batista rules as quasi-dictator in 1950s -Island’s economy is largely dependent on USA: US businesses own 40% of Cuba's sugar, 90% of its mining, 80% of its utilities, naval base at Guantanamo Bay; tourism, gambling and prostitution attract additional American money but most Cubans live in poverty. -Fidel Castro leads revolutionary movement to overthrow Batista; guerrilla warfare launched from Cuban mountains gains wide popular support -Batista flees country Jan. 1 1959; Castro sets up gov't of his Popular Socialist Party with help from Argentinean Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara Castro in Power: -Castro’s policies: anti-imperialist/anti-American: Feb. 1960 Cuba and Soviets sign trade agreement; Castro nationalizes US owned businesses (sugar) seizing $1 billion in assets. -July 1960 USA boycotts Cuban sugar exports in retaliation; Jan. 1961 USA break off diplomatic relations with Cuba [Cuba had turned to USSR who bought sugar and supplied oil - Cuba enters COMECON in 1972] -further deterioration of relations: April 1961 Bay of Pigs - failed invasion by anti- Castro Cuban exiles trained by CIA (planned since 1960) -USA imposes economic blockade of Cuba The Crisis Unfolds: -August 1962 US spy plane detects Russian surface-to-air missile site (defensive?) and then 42 medium range bombers on airstrips -Kennedy warns Soviets against installation of offensive weapons -Spy planes detect ground-to-ground missiles (offensive) -Oct. 14 2 sets of missile launch pads detected (long range: 1000 & 2000 miles) -US considers options: naval blockade or air strike against sites (which would kill Soviet technicians thus risking direct Soviet retaliation) -Oct. 22 JFK speech to country revealing secret of Soviet missiles in Cuba "to provide nuclear strike capability against Western Hemisphere" and

calling for "quarantine on all offensive military equipment" being shipped to Cuba. -US military forces placed on full alert -JFK called on Khrushchev to remove missiles -Oct. 26 Khrush. responds: agrees to remove missiles if US promises not to invade Cuba -Oct. 27 second letter from Khrush. with 2nd condition for removal of missiles: US dismantle short range Jupiter missiles in Turkey (placed there by US after Sputnik to offset Soviet long range weapons) -JKF ignores 2nd letter, accepts first -Oct. 28 US prepares for air strikes against sites -Oct. 30 Khrush accepts US offer; 16 Soviet ships sailing toward Cuba turn around Consequences: Ambiguous! THAW in Cold War [Brinkmanship: neither side willing to back down until almost too late to avoid direct armed conflict] -Having come so close to a (nuclear) war two sides see need for caution and better communication: setting up of 'Hot Line' (direct phone link between Moscow & Washington) -Arms limitation: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (USSR, USA, Britain) 1963 end to aboveground (atmospheric) testing of nuclear bombs -Some easing of Soviet control in Eastern Europe But, East-West tensions continue -JFK's prestige soars: vindication of tough US policy (effective use of /threat of conventional military power where US has a "vital interest," for example, Vietnam -Khrushchev's prestige declines: Chinese call him cowardly for backing down; hardliners in Kremlin, military oust him Oct. 1964 -Cuba driven further into dependency on communist support remaining a focus of tension and conflict in Western Hemisphere