tout le vocabulaire qui apparait ici en rouge doit figurer dans vos

Sep 8, 2016 - We went on with pronunciation and phonetics and you had to find out the music bands whose names were ... of the events. Don't forget to put all the new vocabulary in your index book ..... is as if they had no limits, they were free. Solidarity ...... superhero. A hero/ 2 heroes/ a heroine≠ a bad guy = a villain ...
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WELCOME TO MRS MONNIER’S ENGLISH CLASS !!! I wish you all the best for this school year. ☺ Today we talked about the organization of your binders and what you were expected to do in”langue approfondie”. Then we watched two short videos (if you want to watch the videos again go to LESSONS 1ère L TOPICS) and saw that mispronunciation may lead to misunderstandings. We then practiced pronunciation with a few tongue twisters. I hope you had fun! You can see the powerpoint again and practice at home by going to 1ere L TOPICS Homework : for next time , don’t forget to ask your parents to sign your “ correspondence book” , ,and complete your identity form in English of course!! You must make sentences. Don’t forget to send me an e mail


Thursday September 8th We went on with pronunciation and phonetics and you had to find out the music bands whose names were given in phonetics ( thanks to Florinda Fernandes for sharing the idea!) Then we started our first topic with a brainstorming around the word “summer” This what we wrote for Marianne who was absent . Here are the words I want you to know ( don’t forget to write them down in your index book: letter S “SUMMER”) -

To go on holiday ( GB) / a holiday-maker = vacancier To go on vacation (US) / a vacationer= vacancier To travel by plane/ by train/ to be on foot / to hitch –hike = faire de l’auto stop To go camping / to pitch one’s tent To sunbathe and to get sun-tanned ( bronzer ) To practice sport/ to swim


To chat up girls/ boys = draguer To wear : shorts/ flip flop shoes/a cap/ a hat / sunglasses To carry a camera / to carry a rucksack= a backpack To pack (your suitcase)≠ to unpack To go sight seeing ( to visit monuments)

Then I gave you a method to describe pictures and I insisted on the fact you will need the part which is on the right to comment on the photos of events that took place this summer You started discussing in groups what these events could be… Homework : for next Monday , learn the vocabulary about Summer and complete your index book Letter S SUMMER Use the method I gave you to make minimum 1 sentence to explain what each event of the summer review may be . Attention je ne m’attends pas à ce que vous trouviez ce que chaque image représente mais vous devez au moins emettre des hypotheses en vous servant de la fiche que je vous ai donnée: Exemple : it must be/ it must take place/ judging from the flag we can say it refers to …etc Have a nice weekend !!

MOnday September 12th

Be careful !!!

some of you didn’t know their lesson…

We then talked about the summer review and you had to take notes to be able to complete the commentary.Useful words : release (sortie d’un film) / tabloid/ involved in a scandal/ Norwegian flag/ bombing in Oslo/ shooting in a summer camp/ the sotck market/ to pay tribute to / a fake attack / the Prime Minister/ coalition / lib democrat/ conservative/ far right extremist/ to deliver a speech/ riots/ drought/ famine/ UN

For tomorrow don’t forget to do your homework !!! Rendez vous devant la salle CO1 pour la distribution des manuels

Tuesday September 13th We corrected the commentary of the summer review For next time you must learn it to be able to comment on a powerpoint presentation of the events Don’t forget to put all the new vocabulary in your index book

Thursday September 15th You had to comment orally on a powerpoint presentation of the events of summer 2011 and include all the words which were on the blackboard.You were quite good at it. ☺ We revised tenses and I gave you a time line to help you. Then we started talking about music festivals. For Célia who was absent here is what we wrote. MUSIC FESTIVALS What are the ingredients of a successful music festival? What is the magic recipe? ( recipe = recette) -

Good music / all kinds of music from all over the world/ good bands


Good sound and good lights


A good audience ; a lot of revelers= party-goers


It is better outdoors than indoors


Good drinks = beverages/ food stalls ( stands)


A friendly and warm atmosphere


To be able to chat up girls!!!


A camping site for people to pitch their tent and live in community

HOMEWORK: for Monday revise very carefully the commentary of summer in review and HOW TO DESCRIBE A PICTURE; you will have a test !!! For Tuesday September 20th you must do this : La fiche Giving your opinion se trouve dans TOPICS HOMEWORK : ON A COPY for Tuesday 20th 2011


1-Is summer your favourite season? Yes/ no. Why ? 60 words. 2-Among the events that took place this summer which one left an impression on you ? Explain why. (You may choose among the events we discussed in class or any other event that took place this summer). 120 words ( USE “GIVING YOUR OPINION” )

Don’t forget to skip lines please!! (sauter des lignes)

Monday September 19th

Test Bingo game Music Festival

Tuesday September 20th We worked on the various questions you could ask in the bingo game and spoke about your experience. YOU MUST SPEAK MORE !!!Don’t be too shy! The more you speak in class the better it is!! ☺ Here is what we wrote in the lesson for Elisa and Gladys who were absent INTERVIEWING SOMEONE ABOUT FESTIVALS -have you ever been to a music festival ? yes I have / no I haven’t When did you go? Where did you go ? I went to … -Did you go to a music festival this summer ? yes I did/ Iwent to …I didn’t - Have you ever been camping? How long have you been camping? Where did you pitch your tent? Would you like to go ? why do you want to go ? Can you give the 3 main ingredients? Do you know a festival abroad? In a foreign country ?

Then we played a team game to complete a crosswords about music festivals ( la correction de ce mots croisés a été donnée pour les absentes à vos camarades) Then we worked on 5 FAMOUS FESTIVALS ; you had to match the photos with 2 descriptions and the name ; and justify your answers ( we only did the first one) DOCUMENT DANS TOPICS Homework : learn the vocabulary of the crosswords; on a copy use HOW TO DESCRIBE A PICTURE ( partie droite) to do the exercise on famous festivals Voici un modèle de ce que j’attends de vous :en rouge les expressions de la fiche HOW TO DESCRIBE A PICTURE Judging from the dragon, picture one must take place in Japan. So I believe it must be called Nebuta ( it sounds Japanese). Since it takes place in Japan the description must be C and H ; I quote ( je cite) “famous festival in Japan” and “bamboo flutes” See you on Thursday THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 22ND -

I taught you how to correct your test and do a memo ((= fiche aide mémoire)


I tested your memory about the words you learnt in the crosswords ( don’t forget to put all the new words in your index book!)


Then we corrected the worksheet on the 5 famous festivals ( you were good at it and your remarks were interesting: well done



Homework : complete the exercise on the 5 famous festivals with words from HOW TO DESCRIBE A PICTURE and do your memo.

Have a nice and sunny weekend! The weather should be fine !! Monday September 26th We corrected your exercise then you listened to a recording and watched 2 short videos about Nottinghill and complete the worksheet to get as much information as possible about this famous festival. You can listen to the recording again by going to TOPICS For tomorrow you must answer the question : Would you like to attend this festival? Explain

Tuesday September 27th We talked about your memo ( fiche aide mémoire) then we listened again to the mp3 about NOttinghill . This is what we wrote NOTTINGHILL FESTIVAL = a carnival It takes place in the western neighborhood of Nottinghill in London . It takes place every year at the end of August on Sunday and Monday (bank holiday). It is the biggest carnival in Europe and the second in the world after Rio. Many people attend the festival ( up to 2 million people). It was created by immigrants from the Caribbean ( Trinidad and Tobago) who arrived in London in the 1940’s 1950’s. Their arrival provoked riots so, to celebrate their culture and in order to = so as to (= afin de) bring people together they created this carnival.During the carnival all cultures mix together. People dance, sing, make up and dress up ( se déguiser). We can listen to all sorts of music : soca ( soul + calypso) , reggae, hip hop, steel(acier) drums…

A RETENIR : So as to= in order to = to+Verb = pour = afin de + V ( dans repertoire à AIM) We can eat all sorts of food: fried chicken, chicken wings, rice and peas, curry… We can drink all sorts of beverages : ginger beer, coconut juice… People wear flamboyant and colorful costumes and have fun. Would you like to attend this festival? (oral + in the lesson) Yes I would

No I wouldn’t

I like listening to this sort of music= I love =I’m fond of= I’m crazy about=I’m keen on listening to …

I don’t like when there are many people = when it is overcrowded = surpeuplé (the crowd = la foule)

I love making up and dressing up

I dislike listening to soca/ I can’t bear = can’t stand +VING ( je ne supporte pas)

Mettre tous ces verbes pour dire “aimer” dans le repertoire à Likes and Dislikes

Mettre tous ces verbes pour dire “aimer” dans le repertoire à Likes and Dislikes Attention aimer ou ne pas aimer faire quelque chose = like or dislike+ VING

Then you had to remember as much information as possible about the 5 festivals. Homework : for Thursday : revise all the info about NOttinghill + the document with the 5 festivals ( photos and description) Find 10 questions about these 5 festivals ( pour vous aider à poser des questions je vous ai distribué une fiche qui se trouve dans TOPICS) On Thursday we will play a team game : you will have to ask your friends questions about the festivals

Thursday September 29th We played a team game in which you had to ask your friends questions ; you were good at it !!! and everybody participated!! Well done ! ☺

But, be careful when I had a look at your questions , I realized your work wasn’t always very clean and that there were sometimes many mistakes  So you must remember how to ask questions : Question word+ auxialiary + SUBJECT + verb !!! (REVOIR LA FICHE SUR LES QUESTIONS DISTRIBUEES EN CLASSE QUE VOUS DEVEZ METTRE DANS VOTRE CLASSEUR 1ERE PARTIE !!!!)

Then you worked by groups on a new document ( pour Manon ce document se trouve dans TOPICS) ; you had to find : -

The type of documents/ its composition/ its aim


Information about the place the price the dates


Information to incite people to come ( activities , food, location)

Homework / FINISH THE WORK ON THE NEW DOCUMENT ( = Woodstock flyer) and do exercises 1 and 2 ( fiche d’exercice intitulée WOODSTOCK FLYER EXERCISES); voir dans TOPICS pour élèves absents) ; attention cette fois- ci vous porterez une attention toute particulière à la structure des questions et pour cela vous devrez relire attentivement la fiche SAVOIR POSER DES QUESTIONS !!!

Have a nice and sunny weekend

Monday October 3rd Rémi was absent. this is what we wrote WOODSTOCK FLYER This is the flyer for Woodstock festival, it is composed of a picture, shorts texts with logos and a coupon. The picture is aimed at attracting the people’s attention ( to be aimed at +VING = être destiné à / avoir pour but …) thanks to ( grâce à ) its colour; it is eye –catching; the bird symbolizes peace.

The texts are aimed at informing people; attendants will be able ( will can IMPOSSIBLE) to discuss art with artists, they will be able to buy antiques and to create objects; they will be able to model clay ( faire de la poterie). It says Woodstock will last 3 days from Friday the 15th to Sunday 17th in the state of New York (year 1969)

It will cost 7 dollars for 1 day/ 13 dollars for 2 day and 18 dollars for 3 days In this document we can see that Woodstock was not only a music festival but an art fair : It says there will be no pollution, they will camp in an unspoiled atmosphere (no traffic light no skyscraper) and that people will experiment with curious food; it might be exotic food from other countries or it might be food that contain drugs!!! The coupon enables people to buy their ticket/ to book ( = réserver) their tickets.TO ENABLE PEOPLE TO = TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO = permettre aux gens de …

Correction of the exercise 1-Find in the flyer synonyms for : Will be happy to:will be glad to The beauty of the location:the splendor of the surroundings ( = alentours) Unpolluted: unspoiled To enable artists to breathe :to allow performers to take their breath 2-Find the questions (Q) corresponding to the following answers (A )about the flyer. Q:WHAT DOES THE BIRD SYMBOLIZE? A: the bird symbolizes peace and freedom. Q: HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? A: It will last 3 days. Q:HOW MUCH IS IT/ DOES IT COST? A: it is $ 7 for one day. Q:WHERE WILL IT TAKE PLACE? A: it will take place in a big field ( no traffic light, no skyscrapers) Q:WHAT CAN ATTENDANTS DO? WHAT WILL THEY BE ABLE TO DO? A: attendants can meet artists, buy jewels, write poetry, model clay… Q:WHAT WILL THEY EAT A: there will be all sorts of food, hot dogs but also dozens of curious food. Q:CAN YOU PITCH YOUR TENT? A:Yes, if you want to , you can pitch your own tent or rent (louer) a tent.

Q:WHERE CAN YOU BUY OR RENT A TENT? A: at the Camp Store. Q:AT WHAT TIME WILL THE MUSIC START? A: the music will start at 4PM on Friday. Homework : for tomorrow correct the mistakes in the questions ( voir exo dans TOPICS) Tuesday October 4th

We started with your exercise on questions: you had to correct all the mistakes in the questions to obey the structure QUESTION WORD + AUX + S +V ( à mettre dans repertoire) Remember that it doesn’t work when the question word is also the subject We did a short exercise in which you had to find the questions corresponding to the answers given ( about the 5 festivals); you will have the same sort of questions to ask in your test Then I tested your memory about the lesson ( well done ! ☺ ) and insisted on the words you have to remember in your lesson; you used it to find arguments to promote Woodstock.You had to prepare in 5 minutes a one minute speech. We listened to 6 of you. It’s a pity some of you found it hard to last 1 minute but there were also good and convincing speeches! ATTENTION PENSER A METTRE DANS VOS REPERTOIRE TOUS LES MOTS NOUVEAUX DE LA LECON ET AUSSI DES EXERCICES N’OUBLIEZ PAS DE METTRE LES EXPRESSIONS CONTENUES DANS VOS ROLES PERMETTANT D’EXPRIMER LA SUGGESTION Lorsque des mots sont soulignés en rouge dans le cours vous devez faire de même cela vous aidera à cibler les points importants dans votre lesson Homework : revise asking questions about the 5 festivals and the lesson on Woodstock flyer as well as the SUGGESTIONS vocabulary (test) SUGGESTIONS ( à mettre dans répertoire) If you like( = are fond of/ are keen on/ are crazy about )+VING…. You should come/ you had better come…(ADVICE) If you feel like + VING = avoir envie de Why not +BV…= pourquoi ne pas…

What about + VING= que diriez vous de …. It is worth + VING= cela vaut la peine de…

See you on Thursday for the test!

Thursday October 6th 1- Test 2- Slideshow ( à revoir dans topics) VOC EN ROUGE A METTRE DANS REPERTOIRE ET A CONNAITRE Do the pictures appeal to you ? The people look happy; they seem (= semble) cool They seem to be having fun A friendly/ communal/ convivial atmosphere prevailed at Woodstock It is as if= it is as though the attendants were not afraid of being naked (= nus) it is as if they had no limits, they were free. Solidarity prevailed in Woodstock It makes me feel like being there. FIRST IMPRESSIONS ( voc à inscrire dans repertoire letter I) To seem/ to look + adjective ( sembler avoir l’air) To seem to V ( sembler + verbe) It is as if = it is as though ( comme si) + past It makes me feel like + VING ( cela me donne envie de)

Homework / FAIRE SIGNER MESSAGE AUX PARENTS ( droit à l’image) et faire exercices 1 et 2 sur le grand document WOODSTOCK 69 (doc A3)

Docs dans TOPICS POUR LODIE ( attention tu feras le test prévu aujourd’hui lundi)

Monday October 10th You first compare your answers with your friends. ATTENTION LE TRAVAIL DE CERTAINS D’ENTRE VOUS N’EST PAS ASSEZ APPROFONDI VOUS DEVIEZ FAIRE TOUTES LES QUESTIONS For Charline and Marianne here is what we wrote


organiser le voyage : to plan the trip économiser: to save money mensonges : lies ( to lie = mentir/ a liar = un menteur) rassembler vos potes et prendre la route : to round up your buddies and hit the road confiant : to be confident in / to have confidence in ( avoir confiance en) faire face à la circulation : to handle traffic invités : guests embouteillages : traffic jams programmé à l’origine: originally scheduled presque annulé : almost cancelled spectateurs ( personnes assistant à un spectacle ) : attendees surpeuplé : overcrowded boissons alcoolisées : alcoholic beverages des couvertures et de la nourriture: food and blankets remarquablement bien élevés : remarkably well-behaved/ behaviour = comportement évènement : event renversé par : run over by le partage : sharing

2-Say whether the following statements are right ( R) or wrong ( W). Underline the quotation in the text , then justify in your own words.

a- The festival actually* ( in reality = in fact) took place in Woodstock . [ w ] Quotation: “it was originally scheduled...local opposition arose” In fact it took place in Bethel because the local authorities didn’t want the festival to take place in Woodstock . The neighbours were afraid of drug/ alcohol / noise / they were frightened = scared (à metre dans repertoire à FEAR) by too many people/ too many drugs/ too much noise/ too much rubbish ( too many + pluriel/ too much + singulier)

b-There were very different people at the festival. [ r ] quotation :”anti war protesters/ Vietnam vets (?)/ black militants vs rednecks (?)” People in favour of the war versus Vietnam vets = people who took part in the Vietnam war Vietnam war : South Vietnam (supported by the US) vs North Vietnam ( communist) from 1959 to 1975 People who were in favour of : approved of drug legalization vs people who were against Redneck ( reactionary people) versus black militants

c- It was actually free for everybody. [ w ] quotation : most of whom did not pay admission ; not for everybody remember the flyer what was there at the end? some people paid but most people didn’t (mais la plupart)

d- Everybody was well prepared . [ w ] quotation“lack of food/ they were prepared” they didn’t expect so many people/ they expected 50,000 attendees.There were too many people so there was a lack ( manque) of food and blankets/ there were many traffic jams/ it was raining so it was cold and there was mud everywhere/ there were not enough sanitation facilities there were 3 deaths/ there was too much drug use


Tuesday October 11th Gladys was absent; this is for you Gladys We corrected your test then we finished talking about the document Woodstock 69

e- The neighbourhood complained about the young’s behaviour. [ w ]quotation: “no violence was reported, the fact that the attendees were remarkably well-behaved was particularly noted” The attendees were well-behaveddespite the number of people/ although there were 500.000 there was no violence; of course there were 3 deaths ( overdose/ appendix/run over by tractor) but nothing unusual in a town of 500,000! Despite drug and alcohol the attendants were well-behaved Although there was a lot of drug the attendants were well- behaved.

Vous pouvez faire une entrée LINK WORDS (mots de liaison) dans vos repertoire : despite+ nom = malgré/ although= bien que) f- The organisers of the festival finally made a lot of money . [ r ] quotation:”the festival did not initially make money for the promoters did eventually become profitable”

They made money thanks to ( grâce à ) the video and the record [‘reko:d] and the film

Then we watched a video WOODSTOCK REMEMBERED

( you can see the video again by

going to TOPICS) You had to complete the following grid

Woodstock = generosity

Woodstock = problems

Woodstock = sudden awareness = prise de conscience To become aware of/ that = prendre conscience de/ que

When people were cold and hungry the others offered them shirts and food/ they lent them shirts and blankets when they were wet ≠dry

Some people took to drinking ( se mirent à boire)

People hugged each other

The weather was bad (there was a lot of mud = boue) because of the rain (it was a rainy weekend)

To hug = to hold in your arms

Some became alcoholic and drug-addicts



HOMEWORK : For Thursday -

Complete the last part of the grid (sudden awareness) thanks to the video WOODSTOCK REMEMBERED




Learn your lesson!!

NEXT WEEK YOU’LL HAVE A TEST; this is what you have to revise PROGRAMME DE REVISIONS POUR LE DEVOIR BILAN WOODSTOCK Cette fiche a pour but de vous aider dans vos révisions ; bien entendu, il vous faut apprendre votre leçon au fur et à mesure et systématiquement pour que les révisions pour le devoir BILAN soient plus faciles Le jour du devoir , Il vous faudra raconter votre séjour à Woodstock VOUS LE RACONTEREZ AU PASSE ( ex : I went… the people were…we had…we travelled… we parked our car… I appreciated the music…it enabled me to …I didn’t see…I wasn’t… they weren’t…etc) Ce que vous devrez faire -

Savoir parler de votre voyage jusqu’à Woodstock / le lieu ( Bethel et pas Woodstock expliquer pourquoi)


Savoir dire pourquoi vous êtes allé à Woodstock


Savoir parler de ce que vous avez vu/ des activités/ des personnes rencontrées Savoir parler de vos impressions et de l’atmosphère/ du lieu Savoir parler des éventuels problèmes rencontrés Savoir dire ce que vous avez apprécié et dire ce que vous avez appris grâce à Woodstock


Où trouver de l’aide dans le cours/ ce que vous devez apprendre Voc utile : rassembler mes potes et prendre la route/ embouteillages /surpeuplé (voir correction de l’exercice de vocabulaire) er Voyager en voiture/ faire de l’auto stop ( voir 1 cours SUMMER VOCABULARY) Voc utile dans répertoire : AIM ( in order to/ so as to / TO +V = pour…) listen to music Voc utile : WOODSTOCK FLYER ( activities)/ WOODSTOCK 69 : correction RIGHT OR WRONG Voc utile : cours sur WOODSTOCK SLIDE SHOW FIRST IMPRESSIONS ( a friendly atmosphere prevailed…) Voc utile : WOODSTOCK 69 : correction RIGHT OR WRONG/ Voir cours sur vidéo WOODSTOCK REMEMBERED et surtout correction de la question 3 :” a different outlook on life” ( Voc utile : to become aware/ to enable/ thanks to)


Thursday October 13th

We started with a recap then we went on with the video WOODSTOCK REMEMBERED This is what we wrote WOODSTOCK = SUDDEN AWARENESS People became aware that they could change the word by protesting against the war= by demonstrating against the war

It made them realize that they could get involved in many causes(s’impliquer) They became aware that there were different lifestyles They realised that they could change the world by helping black people to be accepted instead of segregating them

Then we corrected exercise 1 in WOODSTOCK MEMORIES and you had to write a paragraph using to enable/ to allow/ thanks to/ to become aware about the sentence: “thousands of people left the Woodstock event with a different outlook on life” (à finir pour lundi)YOUR TEST WILL BE ON THURSDAY 20THStart revising!!! Monday October 17th

For Pauline who was absent today ; this is what we wrote in the lesson. WOODSTOCK People left this event with a totally different outlook on life because thanks to Woodstock they saw their lives in a different way. It enabled the revellers to be aware that they could change the world and be better , be more peaceful. It allowed people to know sharing( = how to share) and to become aware that the world was not perfect and after the festival to protest against the war.

LES VERBES SONT AU PASSE ATTENTION VERBE REGULIER = verbe + ED ( forme négative = didn’t + BV) Verbes irréguliers ex : to see →saw/ to leave →leV ( forme negaWve: I didn’t see/ I didn’t leave)/ be →was avec un singulier/ were avec un pluriel ( négation : wasn’t / weren’t)

Then we practised past tenses with a slide show that you had to complete using the past. You can see this slideshow again by going to TOPICS

Then you started writing your role plays by groups (Pauline : you are with Elisa and Charline)

Test on Thursday!! You will need the past Le jour du devoir j’aimerais que vous apportiez vos repertoires et vos classeurs pour que je les vérifie

Tuesday October 18th You went on writing your role plays USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES ( ce vocabulaire est à mettre dans votre repertoire et à utiliser) :

BREAKING NEWS Do you know what ? Do you know the news ? Guess what ? … ASKING FOR PERMISSION Do you mind if … Can I…/ could I …+ BV ? I was thinking of + Ving … DETERMINATION I would like to + V./ I want to + V I would like + complement + to V/ I want + complement + to V… I plan to + V It would be great to + V … I feel like + Ving … I’d give my eye to V … I’m determined to + V… My decision is definite. That’s settled.(=n’en parlons plus) DISAGREEMENT and ANGER I disagree with / I disapprove of … Are you crazy ? Don’t you answer me like that ! Get lost ! ( va te faire voir) I can’t bear it … FORBIDDING of course not ! no way !(pas questions) I forbid you to+ V …= I don’t want you to RECOMMENDATIONS… Make sure … Be careful to …/ not to …

Homework : revise for the test on THursday

Thursday October 20th ENGLISH TEST ____________________________________________________________ LANGUE APPROFONDIE Aide au travail à faire pour la rentrée: ●THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3RD a-WHAT DID PEOPLE LOOK LIKE IN 1969 ? (looks : hairstyle/clothes/ accessories) →the quesXon is in the past you must use the past in your answer →write a paragraph; use link words : first/ second/ moreover (=de plus)/ on the one hand/ on the other hand ( d’une part / d’autre part)/in fact (en fait)/ indeed (en effet) b-UPDATE ( mettre à jour) YOUR INDEX BOOK AND REVISE ALL THE VOCABULARY (and organize your binders = classeurs properly) → pour meZre à jour vos répertoires pensez à mettre le vocabulaire nouveau vu dans la leçon mais aussi les exercices (ex: voc vu dans la fiche de compréhension sur doc. A3 Woodstock 69, voc vu lors du mots croisés sur Summer festivals…etc), la fiche méthode (how to describe a picture), les activités (ex : Suggestions dans l’activité « promoting Woodstock festival , ou Breaking news etc…dans l’activité « going to Woodstock role play »).Pensez que sur mon site figurent en rouge les élèments à connaître,cela doit vous aider !! c-COMPLETE YOUR ROLE PLAY AND SEND IT BY MAIL FOR ME TO CORRECT IT (pour ceux pour qui le jeu de rôle est incomplet vous devez me l’envoyer par mail pendant les vacances pour que je vous le corrige avant que vous ne l’appreniez ● MONDAY NOVEMBER 7TH LEARN YOUR ROLES AND BRING CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES !

Have a nice holiday!

Thursday November 3rd I asked you to tell what you did during the holiday (think that you must use the past!!)

We played a game to revise the voc of your index book by teams; then we watched a video of John Sebastian to see what people looked like in Woodstock FASHION IN THE LATES 60’s EARLY 70’s To wear clothes≠ to carry objects

Looks (hairstyle)

Clothes and accessories

They looked cool Men wore beards and sideburns (whiskers= des favoris They had long unkempt hair (ébouriffé) Women USED TO wear long hair, plaits (des nattes)

CLOTHES People wore bell bottoms = flared trousers= pattes d’éléphant

USED TO SERT A DIRE AUTREFOIRS EX: they used to wear : autrefois ils portaient

Women wore gypsy style long skirts or miniskirts Platform shoes (shoes with thick soles)( talons compensés)/ leather sandals/ boots Men wore flowered shirts ACCESSORIES They used to wear round glasses ,medallion necklaces (anti nuclear symbol)They used to wear colourful hairbands Leather belts (ceintures en cuir) Accessories made of wood :hoop earrings, necklaces, rings….

Then we talked about what you would wear for your roleplays! FOR MONDAYGet ready!!! Don’t forget to bring accessories and learn your roles And for Tuesday you must learn this lesson + correct your test and do your memo ( je ramasserai les fiches aide mémoire) Monday, November 7th Voici le projet concernant l’épreuve de LVA

PROJET Épreuve pour la langue choisie comme enseignement de spécialité(langue vivante approfondie) Temps de préparation : 10 minutes, Durée de l’épreuve : 30 minutes. Niveau attendu en référence à l’échelle de niveaux du CECRL : C1 « niveau autonome » pour la LV1, B2 « niveau avancé ou indépendant » pour la LV2.

Le candidat a choisi deux des notions étudiées dans l’année et a constitué pour chacune d’elles un dossier comportant deux documents étudiés en classe et un document de son choix. L’examinateur choisit l’une des notions. Après 10 minutes de préparation, le candidat dispose de 10 minutes pour présenter son dossier et justifier ses choix. L’examinateur doit laisser le candidat aller au bout de ce qu’il souhaite dire, même s’il connaît quelques hésitations, voire de brefs silences. Cette prise de parole en continu sert d’amorce à une conversation conduite par l’examinateur, qui part de ce qu’a dit le candidat. Cette phase d’interaction n’excède pas 10 minutes. Lors de cette évaluation de l’expression orale, on attend du candidat qu’il s’exprime clairement dansune gamme de langue suffisamment étendue pour pouvoir décrire, exprimer un point de vue, voire développer une argumentation. On valorisera la capacité à varier la formulation. Le candidat devra pouvoir communiquer avec un certain degré d’aisance et de spontanéité rendant tout à fait possible une interaction régulière. Il devra s’exprimer dans une langue grammaticalement acceptable et avoir acquis une prononciation claire et une intonation pertinente

Then you rehearsed for your roles ! well done! For tomorrow, don’t forget to do your memo Thursday November 8th We started a new topic : GIVING A HAND = helping You worked by groups 1-HOW CAN YOU HELP THE OTHERS? (group work) give concrete examples AT HOME




By doing favours (=rendre des services) By doing the household chores (tâches ménagères): - Doing the washing up - Emptying/ loading the dishwasher(vider / remplir le lave vaisselle - Hoovering(aspirateur) - Tidying up - Cleaning the car - Walking the dog - Doing the shopping - Helping your brothers and sisters to do their homework

By helping your classmates Sharing the work Emptying the bin Sorting out the garbage= rubbish ( trier les déchets)

By giving money to beggars: by taking a homeless person to the shops


Helping a blind person or an old person to cross the street

Helping a pregnant woman ( enceinte)to carry her shopping Giving up your seat ( céder sa place) in

the bus

Homework : learn the lesson + vocabulary see below+ finish the grid GIVING A HAND


to care about / for ≠ to be indifferent to to sympathize with * = to be sympathetic* with : avoir de la compassion pour to show solidarity to help = to give a hand to donate ( a donation ) to save =to rescue to provide: fournir to prevent : empêcher ( to prevent someone from doing something ) to set up = to found / to organize :metre sur pied / fonder to champion a cause = to defend a cause to be in favour of to fight/ to struggle for ≠ against to support: soutenir / to cheer up= to comfort ( remonter le moral) a volunteer : un bénévole brotherhood(fraternité) / friendship(amitié) / solidarity to be in dire straits = to be extremely poor = to be destitute = to be underprivileged poverty : la pauvreté an outcast : un exclu de la société the homeless = les sans-abris to seek shelter : chercher un abri a beggar = a tramp = a dosser : un clochard to beg for money/ for food: mendier starvation = famine To be entitled to : avoir droit à freedom ≠ imprisonment to suffer from to be discriminated against

Thursday November 10

We started with a recap ( I asked you a few questions about the previous lesson and about the vocabulary; certains élèves ne participant pas assez aux reprises de cours ce qui montre que le cours et le voc ne sont pas bien appris; attention test lundi !) Then we saw how we can help around the world : -by donating money to charities ( =associations) - by raising money = collecting money ( = fundraising = collecte ) - by fighting against starvation ( giving food to charities) - by adopting a child - by sponsoring a child - by becoming a volunteer in a charity Then I showed you photos and you had to guess what it was about VOICI CE QUE NOUS AVONS ECRIT ET QUI DOIT ETRE APPRIS POUR LUNDI

The Samaritans = a charity ; it is to help people ( to + V = pour + V) who call for help (for+ nom = pour +nom)/ it consists in listening to people. The people who work for the Samaritans are volunteers THE CALLERS: what sort of people may call the Samaritans?

-people in despair= desperate people / depressed people/ suicidal people: people who want to commit suicide; people who are alcoholic/ drug addicts -people who are anxious about their job, their married life/love life -people who are harassed at work (harcelé) -people who feel lonely -battered women -men whose wives have broken up (to break up= to split = rompre) -jokers!! Sometimes people make hoaxes on the phone (hoax = canular)

THE VOLUNTEERS: what qualities must you have to work for THE SAMARITANS You should (vous devriez)/ you must ( vous devez) be good listeners : caring ≠selfish (egoiste)/sensitive (sensible)/ courageous/ strong/patient/sympathetic/broad-minded ≠ narrowminded (étroit d’esprit) to sympathize with people who have problemsto cheer up= to comfort (réconforter) people who have problems

Homework / POUR LUNDI BIEN REVOIR LECON how can we help+ samaritans (test) FAIRE EXERCICE 1 2 3 sur SAMARITANS Monday November 17th You started with a test then we started correction you work on Samaritans

The first caller IS a woman (« your husband »)/ she must be pregnant (« your condition/new arrival ») so she MUST be in her twenties or thirties She is calling to say her husband is unfaithful/ cheats on her Word to express ADVICE : you ought to ≠ you ought not to + v Words to express COMFORT: cheer up/ every cloud has a silver lining The second caller is a boy ( take it easy boy”); he MUST be about 16 since he is in year 12 He is phoning to say he wants to give up school in order to work as a waiter in a fast food restaurant but his parents don’t agree

For tomorrow you must find out how to say in English: au telephone, raccrocher, décrocher, la ligne est occupée, qui est au telephone, ne quittez pas, pouvez vous me passer…

Tuesday November 15th Marianne and Gladys acted their roles : i twas very good ! ☺ Then we did a recap of the callers’s problems and revised ADVICE AND how to express COMFORT He is phoning to say he wants to give up school in order to work as a waiter in a fast food restaurant but his parents don’t agree ADVICE : You had better + BV ≠ you had better not + BV COMFORT it is not as bad as all that/ take it easy! The third caller must be a girl ( “fashionable dress”); she must be little perhaps 8 or 9 or in her early teens; she is complaining because her parents can’t afford to buy fashionable clothes or a mobile; they must be poor and her classmates laugh at her= make fun of her MOCKERY ADVICE : you should ≠ you shouldn’t +BV / If I were you I would/ wouldn’t +BV COMFORT: come on ! there’s nothing much the matter after all

We then revised the phone vocabulary which will be useful to you for your roles and I gave you your roles: you must get ready for Monday: please don’t reveal your role to the others or there’ll be no surprise…for this role play you will have to improvise since you don’t know who will have a conversation with you on the phone!! HW: for Thursday learn lesson and update index book + do your memo ON THE COPIES I CORRECTED YOU WILL FIND SOME HELP FOR YOUR MEMO THURSDAY NOVEMBER 17TH You started working on your “celebrity” and her/ his charities: are celebrities the new heroes of our times? (multimedia lab) You will convince your audience that they must get involved too and we will vote for the best speeches and create a hall of fame!! Step 1 : finding useful information and arguments

Hw/ PREPARE YOUR ROLES Monday 21st I talked about the projects concerning next year exam and about what I was expecting from your role plays. We listened to 12 of you. The rest of you will play their roles on Thursday Remember we will be going to the library (CDI) tomorrow; bring your notes For Thursday you have some work to do ( for Apolline you can send me an e mail if ever you didn’t get the work to do for Thursday) Tuesday November 22nd You went on taking notes for your celebrity’s speech project. For Tuesday 29th you must write your speech; this is the outline you should follow ( le plan à suivre) : 1- Who are you? What did you do ( explain anecdotes/ events you participated in: vous pouvez aussi inventer des anecdotes pour expliquer pourquoi vous avez decidé de vous impliquer) 2- Why do you think it is important for a celebrity (in general) to champion a cause ? 3- What causes do you support? Thanks to which charities? ( here you should give concrete examples and when you make your speech don’t forget to show photos or objects or a powerpoint presentation) 4- Explain why you think these causes and charities are important 5- Why do you think other people should get involved too? Vous écrirez ce discours pour le mardi 29 ; je le corrigerai et le noterai; puis vous le rendrai jeudi 30 afin que vous puissiez vous entrainer à l’oral chez vous et prendre quelques notes ( une quinzaine de mots) pour votre passage à l’oral le lundi 5 décembre; lors de votre passage à l’oral, veillez à rendre votre discours facile à comprendre, concret et convaincant puisque vos camarades prendront des notes ( rappelez vous qu’il faudra choisir les 3 discours les plus convaincants et les associations et/ ou causes les plus intéressantes) ; pour rendre votre discours plus vivant il vous faudra prévoir d’apporter pour le lundi 5 décembre des photos, un diaporama ou autre pour convaincre votre « public » ; le discours doit être écrit à la 1ere personne puisque vous êtes une célébrité…si vous faites un diaporama pensez qu’il doit être enregistré en .ppt et pas ppx sur votre clé USB Bon courage rappel :

Pour jeudi 24 pensez que vous avez à faire un travail (voir job offers) en 180 mots minimum Thursday November 24th I told you about my impressions of the class before your “conseil de classe” We listened to your role plays We corrected a few mistakes We started to work on a speech by Bono ; he is an activist = someone who champions a cause = advocates = supports He wants to raise people’s awareness about poverty/ he wants to sensitize people to this problem in Africa Hw: write your speech TUESDAY NOVEMBER 29TH We went on with Bono’s speech What is the aim of his speech ? →Bono wants…to raise people’s awareness about poverty in the world. He wants to show people that they must take a stand against poverty by convincing the world’s leaders to act. G8 = group of the 8 most powerful economies (USA, JapAn, Germany France, the UK, Italy, Canada et Russia) He doesn’t ask for money NOT TO frighten people/ SO AS NOT TO scare them/ IN ORDER TO reassure them Celebrities are used to asking for money BE USED TO + VING expresses habit He refers to Band Aid and Live Aid. What do you think they are? Band aid = charity whose aim was to raise funds against famine (created in 1984) Live aid = concerts which were organized to raise funds against famine in Ethiopia in 1985 How does Bono managed to make a convincing speech? What devices ( a device = a technique) does he use in order to convey his message. →he manages to make a convincing speech by… -referring to his own experience: he is involved/he gives an anecdote to explain how he became interested in/ involved in this cause : it was after seeing a report on TV; it turned his life upside down= it upset him/ it changed his life -by giving figures : the donations( 289 million) , the number of people who are dying of poverty (30.000)every day; but explaining it means someone dies every 3 seconds: it is even more shocking/ it makes the figures more concrete

-By snapping his fingers to make it more vivid: it enables us to picture what happens every 3 seconds

-By giving concrete examples : it only costs 25 p to save a child, talking about a precise case and giving a little girl’s name+ showing her photo By contrasting our life and life in poor countries ( easy to go to the chemist/ die of a stupid diarrhea)/ he shows how fragile life is in poor countries By using striking words : it’s an emergency/ stupid By showing moving, powerful photos of children but not too shocking not to frighten people By showing happy children in the end to symbolize the future By referring about the impact we want to leave on future generation/ the role in history We then watched the video of a song by BONO ; you can go to TOPICS to see it again Homework : LEARN THE LESSON DO YOUR MEMO and get ready to speak about this video: What for? Who ? where?

THURSDAY DACEMBER 1ST Remarques sur les discours ; certains sont trop courts 5 minutes lundi après deux heures de recherches internet ; vous pouvez m’envoyer un mail pour des questions éventuelles ou si vous avez complété pour correction ;pensez à écrire au tableau les mots difficiles ; pensez qu’il faudra prendre des notes A SONG BY U2 : WALK ON 2 misspelt words in video 1 : streangth is STRENGTH compation is COMPASSION WHAT FOR: This song is aimed at paying tribute to AUNG SAN SUU KYI / She is a Burmese activist

it is aimed at championing human rights in MYANMAR/ it is aimed at advocating democracy/ the right to vote/ freedom of expression WHAT CAN WE SEE? We can see some people protesting in the street against the violence of the military junta/ Burma USED TO be ruled by the military ( from 1962 to 2011) USED TO PERMET DE DIRE AUTREFOIS

BURMA= MYANMAR INFO ABOUT HER :AUND SAN SUU KYR =leader of the National league for democracy

She won the Burmese elections in 1990 with the National League for Democracy, but was never allowed to take power She was under house arrest for a very long time ( was imprisoned in 1989 and was released in 2010)

He compares her with Nelson Mandela and Doctor King MANDELA/ ANTI APARTHEID ACTIVIST was imprisoned for 27 years(1963-1990) president from 1994 to 1999 today = Jacob Zuma

In 1964 the Civil Rights Act made discrimination in public places illegal and in 1965 the Voting Rights act gave Blacks full equal rights

MARTIN LUTHER KING Civil rights activist

POINTS IN COMMON : Non violent struggle for human rights Like Mandela was imprisoned Like Mandela became a political leader ; she is fighting standing in parliamentary elections Won Nobel PEACE PRIZE : MLK 1964/ AUNG SAN SUU KYI : 1991 / MANDELA :1993

HOMEWORK: get ready for your speech on MONDAY For Thursday 8th learn your lesson about BONO and AUNG SAN SU KYI Get ready to choose 3 speeches and explain why they are your favourite ( revise COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS see the subjects about the 3 job ads) Monday December 12th We listened to your speeches then we discussed the following question : what are for you the qualities of a good speaker A good speaker should = had better = ought to

A good speakers shouldn’t = ought not to = had better not +BV

Speak loud Be self-confident Be clear Be well- organized Use concrete examples Be lively - By pointing at photos - Using gestures - Not using a monotonous tone

Shouldn’t speak too low/ ought not to be dull and boring/ had better not speak too fast/Read his or her notes Shouldn’t be too nervous = edgy Shouldn’t hesitate too much

We did a recap of the previous lesson and worked on the lyrics of the song WALK ON ( 1 – we worked on rhymes then we completed the song) Voc : a verse = un couplet/ a chorus/ the lyrics HW : BRING YOUR NOTES FOR TOMORROW AND GET READY FOR THE TEST Tuesday 13th / TEST à rattraper pour les absents Thursday December 15th

We worked by groups on the lyrics of the song and then you pretended to be Bono to answer an interview Here is what we can say about this song for the pupils who were absent : WALK ON a song by U2 verse 1: “daylight/ darkness” what do these words symbolize? What does he do in this verse? Daylight represents freedom whereas darkness symbolizes imprisonment ; she was under arrest for a long time (15 years) The daylight is a long way : means the path to freedom is long Daylight stands for hope Chorus: “what you got they can’t steal it, they can’t even feel it/they can’t deny it/ they can’t sell it or buy it.” Who is “they”? what is it “they” can’t deny or steal? “They “are the military the oppressors the people who denied her convictions They can’t steal “it” = her courage and dignity and they can’t deny it either Verse2 and verse 4 : “ a place none of us has been” “ a place that has to be believed to be seen”. “home hard to know what it is”. Explain these lines She wasn’t really imprisoned but she was condemned to stay at home; “A Home hard to know what it is” because her phone was tapped (sur écoute )she was spied on she was watched over all the time; her family was far away

Verse 3 : “you could have flown away”. “ an open cage”. What does the singer allude to? It alludes to = refers to the fact In reality she could have left A place no one has seen because for many people her decision to remain far from her family ( her husband died as she was away ) was unbelievable; but she knew that if she left Burma to go to the UK and see her family she would never be allowed to come back The title : “walk on” : what is the message conveyed by the singer? Walk on = to keep on walking = to go on walking The singer wants her to continue her fight; he encourages her to go on WANT COMPLEMENT TO V cette structure est à connaître + it alludes to the fact she went on walking during a protest despite the threat of soldiers’ rifles rd

HOMEWORK →Tuesday 3 : update your index book and revise it . Do the exercises on REAL HEROES ( voir dans la partier 1ere L TOPICS pour les absents HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY



Tuesday January 3 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

We gave the results of your votes : HALL OF FAME The most concvincing celebrities were : 1- Oprah Winfrey 2- Madonna 3- Jay Z and Pink The pupils who were elected will have to give me their speech + photo so that I may put a poster of our hall of fame on the wall Then we corrected your exercises and revises tenses as well as the use of small words such as : on in since for ago….when speaking about a period of time CORRECTION REAL HEROES Read your lesson about Aung San Suu Kyi before doing these exercises Complete this short biography of Nelson Mandela by choosing a word from this list and by putting the verb between brackets in the correct tense (look at the time/tense line): List : ago- since – for – from – to- in- on Nelson Mandela _____is______(to be)one of the most respected people in the world. For countless reasons he ___is___________(to be ) a huge hero. He is a person all us can learn many lessons from. Since he __was born_________( to be born) …in… 1918 he ___has seen________(to see) almost everything , from being tortured to becoming president of the country he loves. He __has been retired________( to retire) …since……… 1999 but today he __continues__________ ( to continue) to travel the world helping people. He first ___learned=learnt___________( to learn) of the terrible apartheid system when he _____studied/was studying_________( to study) to become a lawyer. This __led_________(to lead) to his involvement in the African National Congress (ANC), which he later _____became________( to become) the leader of. The South African government ___did_________ (to do) its best to keep Mandela from spreading his message of equality for blacks and racial unity. It ____sent________( to send) him to prison …for….. 27 years. Mandela _was__released___________ ( to release) from prison ……in…….1990 and the world rejoiced. He ___received__________(to receive) the Nobel Peace Prize 18 years ago………. A year later, he was___elected__________( to elect ) to be his country’s first ever black president. He was president …from……1994 …to……1999. go on ) fighting for equality and justice.

…since……then he ___has gone on____________( to

Same exercise about Martin Luther King.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important leader of the American civil rights movement. He __helped______________(to help) unite a nation with his powerful speeches and use of nonviolent protests …for……many years. His 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech is one of the greatest in human history. Thanks to King’s efforts to end racial discrimination he _____won___________(to win) the Nobel Peace Prize 1964. King was born 82 years..ago....... in Atlanta. His father was a reverend and so King ___had__________( to have) a religious upbringing. King _____went_________(to go) to India to visit Gandhi’s family. He _____was inspired__________(to inspire)by Mohandas Gandhi's success with non-violent resistance . He ____led___________(to lead) the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ___ended__________(to end )racial segregation on public buses in Montgomery. King helped organize the famous Million Man March on Washington 1963, where he ____spoke____________ (to speak) to the nation appealing for racial harmony. His non-violent protests ___met_________(to meet) with success as Congress passed civil rights laws (…in……1964) and voting rights laws (……in…..1965). King’s friendship with President John F. Kennedy also helped his cause. King ___was assassinated_______________( to assassinate) ……on…… March 29th, 1968 ., a national day ....on......the third Monday ____was_______( to be ) decided. But it ____has been_________( to be) observed in all fifty US states …for……11 years only (…since……2000).

Then I introduced the new topic by showing a video ( see in TOPICS : real life superheroes) For next time you must answer the following questions about the video : Who: name? where from? When does he go out? What for? Name of his organization ? what for? Their most dangerous mission? You must also explain the points in common and the differences between a hero and a superhero and do your memo ( test celebrities ) th

Thursday January 8

New topic : HOW COME SUPERHEROES ARE STILL SO POPULAR? HOW COME = how can it be (colloquial English = anglais familier pour dire “pourquoi”)

Final task : in your final task you will apply for a job as a superhero designer and create your own superhero A hero/ 2 heroes/ a heroine≠ a bad guy = a villain

VIDEO Who is this man ? his name ? where is he from ? his nickname is “Life” he comes from the US When does he go out? What does he pack his bag with? What for? AT NIGHT TO HELP THE HOMELESS/ he goes out in order to give food and clothes to poor people in the street Name of his organization ? SUPER HEROES ANONYMOUS THEY TAKE JUSTICE INTO THEIR OWN HANDS What is their most dangerous mission? THEY TRY TO STOP DRUG DEALERS They wear masks not to be recognized What are the points in common between heroes and superheroes ? what is the difference? POINTS IN COMMON


They are courageous= brave= fearless ≠ cowardly=fearful (peureux)

A hero or heroine is a helpful and courageous man whereas a super hero has supernatural powers

They risk their lives to save people CAPACITY They protect citizens from natural disasters/ criminals

They can fly

You can rely on them/ they are reliable ( fiables)

They are able to run extremely fast

They prevent people from being attacked

They are capable of lifting heavy objects They have many gadgets and special weapons They use gadgets; for example a belt in order to climb up a building/ an armour to protect themselves They have a secret identity/ in normal life they are “common people” whereas when they wear their costumes they become superheroes

We started pronouncing the various words on your worksheet about natural disasters FOR MONDAY LEARN THE LESSON AND DO EXERCISES 1 AND 2 ( in topics for Marianne and Gladys)


Monday January 9

Oral recap on the previous lesson

Correction of the 2 exercises


Heroes and superheroes often save people from natural disasters, let’s see what you know !Match the photos and the words; be careful ; the phonetics are here to help you pronounce these words :

Flood- drought- earthquake-blizzard-mudslide-forest fire- hurricane- volcanic eruptionsandstorm- tidal wave 5fire


1volcanic eruption

landslide4 3blizzard 10mudslide



8 drought

9tidal wave

2- Superheroes often have all sorts of weapons and accessories; find the anagrams by reordering the letters then match the words with their definition : Methel – skam- heilds- wodsr-ryax-pace-ossal- blet abcdefgh-

Superman wears a red one on his shoulders :cape Batman wears one around his waist; it carries gadgets and special weapons: belt Some superheroes wear one to protect their heads from shocks or bullets:helmet Wonder woman uses it as a weapon to catch her enemies and force them to tell her the truth:lasso Most superheroes wear one not to be recognized :mask A useful weapon to cut things and heads!! :sword These special glasses enable superheroes to see through walls :x ray Warriors and superheroes sometimes use one to protect themselves from their enemies’ attacks :shield

Then you worked by groups on 5 texts and complete information about 5 famous groups of superheroes To be completed for tomorrow


Tuesday January 10

You finished to work by groups and we collected all the information Here is what we wrote for Elisa and Marianne


He is different from the others because although he hasn’t got any super powers = he has no super powers; he is a superhero thanks to his strength and intelligence he has many gadgets Although = even if he has no super powers he is a super hero because he protects his city HIS GADGETS? WHAT ? WHAT FOR? Night vision lenses to see at night/ belt to throw weapons JOB : he is a business man : wealthy = well off = rich HOW AND WHY DID HE DECIDE TO BECOME A SUPERHERO? He witnessed his parents’ murder so he decided to take his revenge HIS MISSION he fights against evil

SPIDERMAN real name : Peter Parker JOB : a journalist SPECIAL POWERS : he is able to spin webs he is capable of jumping from one roof to another ORIGIN OF HIS POWERS he was bitten by a spider MISSION helps the police to arrest criminals = murderers / thieves ( one thief / two thieves = burglars= robbers = voleurs , cambrioleurs)

THE X MEN : q Charles Xavier is a scientist POWERS he can read people’s thoughts and influence them ORIGIN he became a mutant because of radiations MISSION want human beings and mutants to live in peace WANT SOMEONE TO V

THE FANTASTIC FOUR quote photo DR RICHARD he is capable of stretching taking shapes SUE she can become invisible JOHNNY he is able to turn into flame BEN he is strong and looks like stone ORIGIN a cosmic storm altered their chemical composition

THEIR MISSION to fight against the villain = bad guy DR DOOM Doom = bad destiny

SUPERMAN REAL NAME Clark Kent JOB a reporter POWER he can lift heavy weights very muscular ; is able to fly ORIGIN was born on Krypton = extraterrestrial MISSION he protects citizens from criminals / gets rid of them = se débarrasser

HOMEWORK : revise all the lessons about the topic SUPERHEROES and find 8 questions (about the information about the vocabulary about the pronunciation ...) to test your friends



You tested your friends about the lessons on superheroes; BE CAREFULLY TO LEARN YOUR VOCABULARY!! Then you worked on the trailer of the series HEROES ( Compréhension orale); we will correct your work on Tuesday. THE VIDEO IS IN TOPICS



Monday 16 Test


Tuesday 17

We corrected what you had done in the lab about the series Heroes and I presented your role plays; you were each given a role that you will have to prepare for next time ! GET READY!! th

Thursday 19

We listened to the radio programme of one your groups;for Monday you must get ready for the CHINESE PORTRAIT AND CORRECT YOUR TEST mind the conditional !


Monday 23

Some acted their roles while the others practised the conditional with a few exercises


Tuesday 24

We corrected the exercises (see below) and then did a team game : you had to ask questions using the conditional JEUDI RENDEZ VOUS EN SALLE MULTIMEDIA LE PORTRAIT CHINOIS SERA FAIT LE LUNDI 30 CORRECTION EXERCICES

1- Match the prompt (amorce) in column A with an ending in column B . A If he had seen you If he met you in the street If I got a letter from Suzan If I had known it was Jane If a burglar broke into my house. Correction 1-c/2-e/3-a/4-b/5-d 12345-

B a- I would phone her . b- I’d never have answered the phone. c-he would have spoken to you d- I would be terrified. e-he would shake hands with you.

2-Complete with the correct form of the verb between brackets : a- If I had super powers I ....would be.........................( to be ) really happy because I


......could.............( can) fly or turn into flame. I..would be able to..................................( to be able to) read in people’s thoughts. I.......would be capable of...............................(be capable of) becoming very strong. If he had .....known....................... ( to know) he ....wouldn’t have come..................................... ( not / to come ). If I ..had invited.................................... him (to invite) he would have been delighted . If he had arrived earlier he ....would have seen................................... (to see) her. If he left now he .......would catch............................... ( to catch ) his train. If he had told her the truth she ...wouldn’t have left........................................ (not / to leave) him. If he didn’t do his work he ..would be punished................................... (to punish ). If he ........hadn’t done..................................( not/ to do) his homework he would have been punished.

4- Translate into ENGLISH :CORRECTION Si tu venais nous irions au cinéma. If you came we would go /Si tu étais d’accord j’achèterais un nouveau jeu vidéo.if you agreed I would buy /Si j’avais su j’aurais pris l’avion.if I had known I would have taken /Si j’avais compris avant je n’aurais pas dit cela.if Ihad understood I wouln’t have said this /Si tu m’avais téléphoné je t’aurais expliqué la situation .If you had phoned me I would have explained /Si je pouvais je partirais en vacances pendant 6 mois !if I could go I would go on holiday for 6 months /J’aimerais pouvoir devenir invisible parfois ! I would like to become invisible sometimes

Thursday January 26th

CO EN SALLE MULTIMEDIA (video dans topics) Hw: revise the conditional and make sure you have used all the vocabulary given and justified your answers in the Chinese portrait TH




Tuesday 7

As most of the visits of our English partners have been cancelled we are going to visit Chinon together so I won’t do my classes today


CHINESE PORTRAIT ET QUE POUR LE 13 FEVRIER VOUS DEVEZ FAIRE LA PARTIE B DE VOTRE TACHE FINALE ( illustration et description de votre superheros en respectant les consignes données)

Thursday February 9th

Only 10 pupils were present : we worked on your Chinese portraits by groups ; you had to make someone else’s Chinese portrait by asking questions to each other (oral activity) AIM 1: PRACTISING THE CONDITIONAL Here are a few prompts you used : If she was an animal she would be a cat because… If he was a period of time he would be summer. Indeed in summer you can… If he was a famous photographer he would take the photo of…As a matter of fact, …. If she had super powers she would like to fly so as to fly above Paris and look at …. Rappel / AU CONDITIONNEL ON PEUT RENFORCER L’IDEE D’IRREEL en utilisant he were/ she were plutôt que was mais attention dans une phrase au preterit normal voici comment se conjugue BE I was/ you were/ she or he was/ we were/ you were/ they were AIM 2 : creating a superhero/ WHAT MUST YOU DO TO CREATE A GOOD SUPERHERO? Then we started talling about Stan Lee and we summed up his point of view. According to him a good superhero must be believable and realistic.

To create a good superhero you must ask yourself questions: what about his personal life? What kind of character is he? Where does he live? What does he do when he is not chasing the villains? Is he successful with members of the other sex? To sum up, in order to make a superhero realistic you must make him 3 dimensional.

Les réponses de Stan Lee pourront vous aider dans l’entretien d’embauche que vous passerez pour parler de votre proper super hero. RAPPEL : POUR LUNDI VOUS DEVEZ FAIRE LA PARTIE B DE VOTRE TACHE FINALE EN SUIVANT BIEN LES CONSIGNES ( description ecrite + illustration par ordinateur ou en dessinant) VOIR CI-DESSOUS

B-The text : description of your superhero + an illustration ( draw or use your computer*) : minimum 180 words In your description you should : 1- Give the 2 names of your superhero/superheroine ( secret and public life ) and say what his/ her job is in his/her everyday life 2- Describe the looks and personality of your superhero / heroine ( physical appearance/ costume/ accessories) 3- His/ her special powers ( use CAPACITY) 4- How and when it all started 5- His/ her mission POUR FAIRE CETTE PARTIE DU TRAVAIL VOUS COMMENCEREZ PAR RELIRE ATTENTIVEMENT TOUT LE COURS SUR LES SUPERHEROS ET PRENDREZ NOTES AU BROUILLON DE CE QUI PEUT VOUS ETRE UTILE *Voici un site qui peut vous permettre de créer votre super héros mais attention je noterai votre anglais en priorité alors ne perdez pas trop de temps sur l’illustration !!!


MoNDAY February 13th

You completed your self assessment for your oral participation (pour les absents; envoyez moi un mail avec votre notre d’oral pour le 2ème trimestre)

Then we went on working on :CREATING A SUPERHERO STAN LEE’S DEVICES ( a device = un procédé) HOW DOES STAN LEE MANAGE TO MAKE HIS SUPERHEROES REALISTIC? By giving them a personal life/ by saying what they are doing when they are not chasing the villain: he gives them a private life, a family background : they have problems; they are often single≠married ( so that they can keep their secret life)/ their homeplace (they can live in a luxurious flat or in a hiding place: a cellar = une cave for example) VIDEO WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN YOU CREATE A VILLAIN

To put humour/ make him humorous/ the creator and the reader must have fun

HOW DOES HE MANAGE TO MAKE HIS STORIES GRIPPING = captivating? Voc: have the edge= have the advantage/ take sides with= prendre partie pour/ identify with = s’identifier à He makes his stories gripping by making the villain have the edge on the superhero; he involves us (nous implique)in the story because we worry for the superhero , we want him to win, we identify with him and feel close to him; he wants us to take sides with the good guy A job offer ; Piperworks Software Inc., an independent studio focusing on the

development of video games is looking for an enthusiastic technical candidate willing to assist in the creation of next-generation superheroes and superheroines. Applicants should send the portrait (text+illustration) of a superhero they have created and their cover letter to Piperworks Software Inc., 555 Lincoln Avenue Washington.

If we want to apply for (postuler pour) this job what must we do? We must send a cover letter (lettre de motivation) and an illustration and description of the superhero if we want to apply for this job/ if we are interested in this job as a video game designer/we must enclose a CV= a resumé The qualities of the applicant: He/she should be enthusiastic / creative=imaginative/ he should know how to draw/ how to use a computer/ he should be sociable ( to work in a team)

ATTENTION JEUDI VOUS DEVREZ ECRIRE VOTRE LETTRE DE MOTIVATION EN CLASSE . DEMAIN NOUS TRAVAILLERONS SUR LA FACON D’ECRIRE CETTE LETTRE Pour les absents ; pensez à vous mettre votre note de participation orale pour ce trimestre et à me l’envoyer ; demain vous devrez me rendre votre illustration + texte sur votre super héros


A degree in art ; in new technologies etc…: un diplome en… To graduate from university ex: I graduated from University in 2007 (j’ai eu mon diplome en 2007/ phrase au preterit car c’est terminé) To attend high school/ university : aller au lycée à la fac… To be interested in / to be fond of/ to be keen on / to enjoy + VING = pour dire ce qu’on aime ex: since I left school I have been interested in drawing (depuis que j’ai quitté l’école je m’intéresse à …ici on met le present perfect =HAVE + PARTICIPE PASSE car cela a commence dans le passé et continue aujourd’hui To be determined to V / to be eager to V/ to look forward to VING = être determiné à / être impatient de… 1- WRITING A COVER LETTER TO APPLY FOR A JOB A-Read the following phrases and translate them into French CORRECTION EN JAUNE VOCABULAIRE A APPRENDRE POUR JEUDI ENGLISH a- My qualifications would match your requirements. b- I am looking forward to hearing from you soon c- I would define myself as d- I am writing to you in reference to your advertisement e- I’m writing to you to apply for the position of… f- Please find my résumé enclosed g- I am available for an interview. h- In my current position i- I believe it is time for me to move to another company j- Yours Faithfully k- Your advertisement has sparked my interest l- To consider my application

FRENCH Mes competences seraient en adéquation avec vos attentes Je suis impatient d’avoir de vos nouvelles Je me définirais comme… Je vous écris concernant votre annonce J’écris pour postuler pour le poste de Veuillez trouver mon CV ci-joint Je suis disponible pour l’entretien Dans mon poste actuel Je pense qu’il est temps pour moi d’aller vers une autre société Veuiller agreer l’expression de mes salutations distinguées Votre annonce a attire mon attention De considerer ma candidature

Exercice ci dessous consiste à completer la letter avec les mots du tableau



Kensington square London

Dear Sir or Madam, OU BIEN DEAR MR JONSON/MRS JONSON Your _____ADVERTISEMENT_________________in 'The Time News' for the position as a teacher _____HAS SPARKED MY INTEREST_________________________________________________________. Indeed, I believe I can contribute to your department. With over 15 years of experience in teaching English and French in Paris, Norwich and Inverness, I believe my___MY QUALIFICATIONS WOULD MATCH YOUR REQUIREMENTS___. __IN MY CURRENT POSITION_ , I manage a team whose main purpose is to find the best way to teach different languages to young pupils. My superiors and the students' parents have recognized that I have found an easy method which develops my students' skills. _I WOULD DEFINE MYSELF as serious and dynamic, I am able to relate well to people and believe it is __TIME FOR ME TO MOVE_to a university like yours in order to pursue my teaching career and to bring my best to your students. Please find the details of my experience in my __RESUME ENCLOSED____. If you are interested or if you have any questions I am of course_ AVAILABLE FOR AN INTERVIEW_ I thank you for taking the time to ___CONSIDER MY APPLICATION I ‘ M LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU

_YOURS FAITHFULLY,_____________________________, Bridget Smith.

POUR JEUDI SAVOIR LE VOCABULAIRE POUR POUVOIR ECRIRE VOTRE LETTRE DE MOTIVATION VOIR CI-DESSUS + PHOTOCOPIE FINAL TASK le paragraphe avec les consignes ci dessous A-Your cover letter : minimum 180 words It should refer to : 1- Your current job and your previous experience (Today I work as a …/ I have already worked as a …/ last year I worked in…/ 2 years ago I changed… ..MIND THE TENSES!!) 2- Your qualities and why you believe you are up to the job 3- How and why you would be useful to the company if you were hired ( mind the CONDITIONALl! Voir exercice sur le conditionnel) IL SERAIT BON DE REVOIR LA STRUCTURE DES QUESTIONS EGALEMENT

VOICI LE TRAVAIL A FAIRE POUR LUNDI JOB INTERVIEW : interviewing and being interviewed

OBJECTIFS: Linguistique :Dialoguer/S’adresser à quelqu’un / Adapter son propos à la situation/ interroger/ répondre/Décrire/Raconter, relater/Exprimer son point de vue et argumenter Phonologique : Schéma intonatif des questions/Accent de phrase ( dans les questions en WH la voix monte sur le mot en WH et descend en fin de phrase/ dans les yes / no questions la voix monte en fin de phrase) Pragmatique :Fonctions : se présenter,donner un point de vue, convaincre maîtrise de l’argumentation (réfutation d’arguments) Sociolinguistique : règles sociales

Exercise 1 : complete the following dialogue

Mr Smith:

OK. Well, do you have any questions for me?


Yes. If you offered me the job, __________________________________?

Mr Smith:

We have a vacancy now, so as soon as possible. Would you be able to start next week?


That would be fine. ________________________________?

Mr Smith:

4 pounds 50 per hour



Mr Smith:

Normally from Monday to Friday. But you might have to work on Saturdays and Sundays too when we have a lot a work to do.



Mr Smith:

Well, it is often busy but there is a friendly atmosphere, I think. We work hard, but like to have fun too.



Mr Smith:

I can tell you now. If you want the job, you can start next Monday.


Yes, I want the job, thank you. I look forward to working here.

Mr Smith:

Good. Well, come here at 10 o'clock on Monday morning and we can sort out the other details then.


Thank you. See you on Monday. Goodbye

Mr Smith:

Goodbye, Huijin. I'm sure you will like working as part of our team.

Exercice 2: You have created a superhero and are applying for a job as a video game designer. Get ready to answer each question. ( A FAIRE SUR FEUILLE) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

How do you think a friend or someone who knows you well would describe you? What do you think is your greatest weakness? What accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction? Tell me about your experiences at school. Tell me about your most significant work experience. Why are you the best candidate for this position? Have you ever supervised anyone? Why are you interested in this job? How do you work under pressure? What do you do in your spare time? What kind of salary are you looking for? Are you willing to work during the weekend? What motivates you? What would you like to be doing five years from now?