the death penalty - ANGLAIS CPGE

ANGLAISCPGE.FREE.FR. 1- VOCABULARY (About 50 words). Innocenter qn / to prove sb innocent, to exonerate sb ... Un délinquant sexuel / a sex offender.
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1- VOCABULARY (About 50 words) Innocenter qn / to prove sb innocent, to exonerate sb Etre innocenté grâce à l’ADN / to be cleared by DNA

Etre coupable de / to be guilty of murder Un problème controversé /a controversial, contentious issue

Un abolitionniste, un partisan de l’abolition de la peine de mort / an abolitionist

Un délinquant sexuel / a sex offender

Un récidiviste / a repeat offender, a recidivist

La culpabilité / guilt

Appliquer la loi du talion / to demand an eye for an eye

Déclarer qn coupable, condamner qn / to convict sb, to find sb guilty

Condamner qn à mort / to sentence sb to death

Une condamnation à tort / a wrongful conviction

Une condamnation / a conviction

Lapider qn, tuer qn à coups de pierre /to stone sb to death

Condamner qn à 25 ans de prison / to sentence sb to 25 years imprisonment

Rétablir la peine de mort / to reinstate, reintroduce, restore the death penalty

Dissuader qn de faire qch / to deter sb from doing

Avoir un effet dissuasif / to act as a deterrent

Une condamnation à mort / a death sentence

Une condamnation à perpétuité / a life sentence

Perpétuité sans possibilité de remise de peine / life without parole

Mettre qn en prison / to jail, imprison sb

Un détenu, un prisonnier / a prisoner, an inmate, detainee Une cellule / a cell

Etre dans les couloirs de la mort / to be on death row

un avocat / a lawyer

un appel / an appeal

Lapider qn, tuer qn à coups de pierre /to stone sb to death Casser une décision (de justice) /to quash, to overturn a decision

Faire appel d’une décision / to appeal against a decision Commuer une condamnation à mort en réclusion à perpétuité / to commute a death sentence to life sentence.

Surseoir à l’exécution d’un condamné / to grant a convict a stay of execution, a reprieve

Grâcier un criminel / to pardon a criminal

Exécuter un condamné / to execute a convict

Mettre qn à mort / to put sb to death

Un bourreau / an executioner

Une piqûre mortelle / a lethal injection

Faire une piqûre mortelle à qn / to inject sb with a lethal substance

Appliquer la peine de mort / to apply,enforce the death penalty

La guillotine / the guillotine

Guillotiner qn / to guillotine sb

Electrocuter qn / to electrocute sb

Pendre qn / to hang sb


Capital punishment was abolished in Britain in 1969 and in France in 1981. In Europe where abolition of capital punishment is a condition of membership of both the European Union and the council of Europe Belarus is the only country that still uses it. Singapore, Japan and the US are the only developed countries that have kept the death penalty and in the US, 14 of the 50 states have abolished it. In 2002, the US Supreme Court ended the death penalty for mentally retarded offenders and in 2005 for those who were minors at the time of their crimes. This week, The us supreme court will hear a case about whether-for the first time in decades- a criminal can be executed for a crime that isn’t murder. Patrick Kennedy was convicted in 2004 for the rape of a child, his 8-year-old stepdaughter, and the state of Louisiana contends that his crime is tantamount to murder and worthy of death. Nobody in this country has actually been executed for anything other than murder since 1964 Amnesty international, a non-governmental organization, was founded in 1961 to fight human-rights abuses. It has played a key role in the struggle against the death penalty world-wide. Human rights watch is another NGO devoted to the same goal because it considers that the death penalty is a violation of basic human rights.

3- TRANSLATION REMARKS (3 from French to English, 3 from English to French)

* If you kill someone by accident you may be charged with manslaughter, which is not the same as murder Si l’on tue qqn par accident, on peut être accusé d’homicide involontaire, ce qui n’est pas la même chose que le meurtre.

* Studies show that administering the death penalty is more expensive than keeping someone in prison for life. Des études montrent que l’application de la peine de mort est plus onéreuse que de mettre qqn en prison à perpétuité.

* Under Sharia law, adultery and homosexuality are punishable by death. Selon la sharia, l’adultère et l’homosexualité sont passibles de la peine de mort.

* Devrait-on rétablir la peine de mort pour les délinquants sexuels récidivistes ? Should the death penalty be reinstated for repeat sex offenders?

* Les sondages montrent que de plus en plus d’Américains s’opposent à la peine capitale. Polls show more and more Americans are opposing capital punishment.


4- PROBLEMATICS AND PLAN FOR A COMMENTARY ON THIS TOPIC Problematic (20 words or so): how come the US has retained capital punishment unlike most other developed countries? Can the United states be compared with other developed countries in matter of violence or capital punishment? PART 1: a very violent society in link with the gun culture Argument: Polls reveal that the United States are more used to see murders and violent behaviours than other developed countries and even developing countries in part due to the easy access to weapons Example 1: the trend saying that the South American countries are the most violent in the world recently had been disturbed by the death toll concerning some states in the US. Argument 2: A way to fight violence with violence? Example 2: After the torture, the death penalty still is considered as the most violent way to legally punish somebody and some family members of a victim even have pleasure in viewing the murderer’s execution. PART 2: Some states decided to conserve the capital punishment whereas a lot of critics can be addressed to this system. Argument 1: Everybody agrees In saying that capital punishment still is an efficient way to prevent people from infringing the law. Example 1: The death row is a horrible situation whose effects on personality are well describe in some movies. Argument 2 : In addition to the ethical issues posed by the capital punishment, the results of this system show that it is not the best way to reduce crime Example 2 : some of the states that most avidly execute prisoners, such as Texas and Oklahoma have higher crime rates than states that offer only life in prison without parole

PART 3: Can we assert that the conservation of this system has a link with the culture and the relative autarky of some states? Argument 1: The huge majority of states which apply the capital punishment is very conservative and religious and seems to recognize differently crimes from other developed countries. Example 1: Anne Sinclair said that her husband’s success with women must be seen with a positive mind whereas we remember the huge consequences of the Monica gate. Argument 2 : These states are generally the less affected by globalization Example 2 : Most of the states touched by the globalization phenomenon due to in particular the economic development which allows immigration and then an open-minded on the world have abolished the death penalty