Technical study - (Great Traveller Tools) GTT Project

Jan 6, 2006 - Technical study - en.odt ... introduces our PFE (Project For Epitech) through a “technical study”. .... Oracle, SQL server, mySQL ; ... Material environment ... through PDA or mobile devices applications (the way to use data in the.
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Great Travelers Tools [email protected]


Technical study

Julien Martin (martin_e)

Technical study - en.odt v1.1

Vincent Magarelli (magare_v) Ouail Nitassi (nitass_o) Alexandre Dagorn (dagorn_a) Gabriel Ferlus (ferlus_g)

06/01/2006 Initial PFE Team

This documentation introduces our PFE (Project For Epitech) through a “technical study”. After a brief explanation of the PFE context, we will introduce GTT and provide a complete description of the project and the tools used to create it.

© Copyright 2005 – PFE EPITECH [email protected]

End Studies Project 2005

Table of Contents Remind of the general context........................................................................3 Objective of pfe.............................................................................................. 3 Base principles of future system.....................................................................3 Presentation of the environment of the realization......................................... 3 Realization environment ........................................................................... 3 Material environment.................................................................................3 Technical architecture................................................................................ 3 Already existing component used for the project...................................... 4 Security...................................................................................................... 4 Careful points.............................................................................................4 Description of programs to be done................................................................4 Description of data bases................................................................................ 7 Portal.......................................................................................................... 7 Personal Web Site...................................................................................... 7 Description of 1st level tests...........................................................................7 Annex..............................................................................................................8 Norm of code............................................................................................. 8 Norm of the documentation....................................................................... 8

Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005 Introductory 1. Remind of the general context 1.1.Objective of pfe The PFE, Project for Epitech, is the final project of Epitech course. It will be achieved through the last two schooling years and will be a reference for our future professional activities. This project draws our future professional specialization. The PFE is scheduled on a 16 months period, and the final product will be presented to the PFE supervisor, Flavien Astraud, on March 2007. 1.2.Base principles of future system The GTT pfe is a solution of great travelers dedicated tools. It will allow travelers to send informations to our portal, and thus to relate their trips via personal web sites. Those informations will additionally permit us to build an atlas based on the real travelers experiences. 2. Presentation of the environment of the realization 2.1.Realization environment Applications : Languages : C# , C++, XML ; Editors : Microsoft Visual studio & mono. Web interfaces : Languages : PHP, Perl, CSS, XML, Java ; Editors : Scite & text editor, Dreamweaver. Database : Oracle, SQL server, mySQL ; Power Designer. 2.2.Material environment The solution is intended to travelers so it has to be installed on mobile devices such as notebook on various operating systems (Windows, Linux) or pda on Windows CE. Moreover, the solution has to interact with GPS devices to permit the localization. 2.3.Technical architecture Some protocols have to be established inside the solution to permit the communication between the traveler's web sites and the global portal ; but also outside to permit, defining an API, to enable other applications or Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005 web sites to use our data (through web services for example). 2.4.Already existing component used for the project Every existing component we are going to use for the solution concerns the maps creation, via different sources types, which are : – plotting or vectorial files, based on GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) data; – satellite shots : our reference projects are GoogleEarth and Blue Marble from the Nasa. 2.5.Security Several main parts of the solution may be critical for the security because they are linked by Internet. For each communication, the receiver has to know if it is a authorized sender (identification) and to control the integrity of the message (md5 checksum). Also the different web interfaces have to be secured to protect the databases in particular the global portal web site. 2.6.Careful points The solution is composed by three distinct parts, so we have to check the good interfacing between these parts during the realization of the project. 3. Description of programs to be done –

Global Portal (Atlas)

The Global Portal includes general web site and database. It has several functions: The Global portal Home page can mainly be used as a free Atlas. Through a world map - based on Google earth API ( ) and GMT (General Mapping Tools: see: for more informations) - that allows Internet user to make a request or to click on a world place he wants to be informed on. The portal will then provide him any informations he has, like photos or comments on useful places or beautiful locations, provided to our data-base by traveling users via client application (cf. Client application). The Global Portal will help globe-trotters to prepare their travel. Different ways will be possible to plan their trip. For example, it will possible to draw their future track on a map defining principal way points (main stages). Afterward, all informations about main places to visited near his track will be extracted and will consequently feed our client back through PDA or mobile devices applications (the way to use data in the client application will described further). Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005

It will also permit to share its data with external applications using web services through an appropriate API. The aim is to allow other applications such as travel simulators or geographical tools to get the more informations possible on the defined place. –

Client Application

It is a C# application that the traveler could install on his mobile device, such as pda or laptop. There are several traveler profiles integrated in the application : 

the organized traveler

Before leaving for travel, he has planed his trip using our travel organizer located on the global portal (cf. Global Portal section). He has fed the application with the desired trip data, composed of several way points which are the different places to visit or the main stages to stop at. During his travel, he is supposed to follow the way given by the application and stays informed on the nearest places to visit with informations and photos. If the traveler wants to change his way during the travel and to update his way points informations, he just have to connect to Global portal, to change his way and to update his mobile device. 

the improvised travel

The traveler is located in the middle of nowhere and want to know which important places around him needs to be visited. In that case, a localization is made through the GPS. Then, manually or using key words such as country, city, nearest places,... and using an Internet connexion, nearest places information are downloaded to the application. 

And for any important travel

The application keeps positioning datas through the GPS at specified frequencies, customizable or depending on the way of transport (the higher the speed is, the more frequent the localization must be done). When the traveler wants to describe a location, he uses a special part of the application which makes a flash positioning (automatically through the GPS or manually) when requested, and then asks the traveler to fill a form. The different fields of the forms are the following : ✔ GPS position ; ✔ name of the place ; ✔ others useful details about place description; ✔ personal comments or impressions. The client application also offers the option not to fill the form at the precise Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005 position acquisition's moment, but to edit it later, thus allowing the traveler to fully enjoy the moment, and permitting him to edit the way point later and also to add photos and comments for each one. All these data are saved in a buffer on the mobile device until an Internet connexion is established enabling to send data to the web site. All those informations about the travel are saved in XML files using a defined norm. All this XML files are located in the client application directory. When the traveler is connected to Internet, the application send information in XML files via POST method or web services feeding the database. –

Personal Web Site Generator

Every user has the possibility to own a personal web site. It offers the opportunity to communicate his location on a customized world map, to share experiences and photos, and to keep a daily travel diary. This web site is also used to update the general portal database via RSS flow. Then, this flow is analyzed by the XML parser in order to extract the valuables informations so as to keep enhancing the global portal database. The refreshment frequency will be set according to the server's charge and the quantity of clients but it will still remain possible for the administrators to overrule the automatic operations. This web site will be automatically created via a PHP generator and will be customizable with CSS style files to make each one unique. This method allows the owner to manage his personal web site without the need off any specific programming knowledge thus increasing the panel of potential users.

Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005

4. Description of data bases 4.1.Portal – –

General organization Tables

4.2.Personal Web Site – –


General organization Tables

Description of 1st level tests –

publication through the application and referencing on the global portal

off-line consultation of geographical information after the travel planning.

On line daily traveler's tracking via his personal web site.

Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU

End Studies Project 2005

Annex A.1 Norm of code Our norm of code is based on the Epitech norm ( and we also want to use objects in PHP to get a better clarity of source code. A.2 Norm of the documentation The norm of documentation is as wished by the Epitech PFE team.

Technical study - en.odt [email protected]


Director : Flavien ASTRAUD Technical responsible : Jérôme LANDRIEU