Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on

Call the tool “CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL”. - Set tool ..... PL7 Pro V4.4 and superior .... Insert the CANopen master “TSX CPP 110” (“Insert” -> “Master ...”). .... Open the user guide as a hyperlink to the “User_Guide.pdf” file in the current directory.
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Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0

User Guide

Edition October 2004


User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


C. Nowosad, M. Senzani, T. Markwitz


28 September 2004

Document reference:

UG 04 309 ADV 04



Change records ISSUE 01 02



User Guide

DATE CHANGE RECORD dd/mm/yyyy 10/06/2004 Creation 26/08/2004 Modifications: - Call the tool “CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL” - Set tool version to 1.3 - Replace Digital by Data for channel type - Modify the look of algorithm diagrams - Change the symbolization chapter - Add chapter “Before starting” for helping the configuration of Microsoft Access driver 13/09/2004 Modifications: - Set tool version to 1.4 - Modify the points 6 and 7 of chapter “Before starting” - Add the "superior versions" for Advantys and SyCon - Add chapter “Restriction” - Add chapter “Step by step” 28/09/2004 Modifications: - Change completely the symbolization mechanism, we take now as symbols the user defined labels od Advantys parameters.

AUTHOR C. Nowosad M. Senzani

M. Senzani T. Markwitz

M. Senzani

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Table of contents 1

INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

GENERAL BEHAVIOUR ................................................................................................................................4 DOCUMENT PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................4 DEFINITION OF SOFTWARE VERSIONS ..........................................................................................................5 RESTRICTION .............................................................................................................................................5 GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................5


BEFORE STARTING...................................................................................................................................6


STEP BY STEP USER GUIDE ....................................................................................................................7 3.1 3.2


DESCRIPTION OF INPUT FILES............................................................................................................14 4.1 4.2


INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................7 INSTRUCTION.............................................................................................................................................7

ISL FILE ..................................................................................................................................................14 CO FILE ..................................................................................................................................................15

CANOPEN SYMBOLS TOOL FUNCTIONS............................................................................................16 5.1 MAIN SHEET OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................17 5.2 PL7 SHEET OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................18 5.3 UNITY SHEET OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................19 5.4 ADVANCED SHEET OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................20 5.5 SYMBOLIZATION AND COMMENT DESCRIPTION..........................................................................................21 5.5.1 Manual symbolization ....................................................................................................................21 5.5.2 Automatic symbolization ................................................................................................................22 5.5.3 Comment .......................................................................................................................................24 5.6 USE WITH PL7 SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................25 5.6.1 Input parameters............................................................................................................................25 5.6.2 Output parameters .........................................................................................................................25 5.7 USE WITH UNITY SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................................26 5.7.1 Topological addresses....................................................................................................................26 5.7.2 Input parameters............................................................................................................................26 5.7.3 Output parameters .........................................................................................................................26


IMPORT INTO PL7 & UNITY SOFTWARES .........................................................................................27 6.1 6.2

IMPORT INTO PL7 ....................................................................................................................................27 IMPORT INTO UNITY................................................................................................................................28

Table of figures Figure 1: General behaviour of CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL....................................................... 4 Figure 2: Properties of module “STB DAO 8210” .................................................................... 14 Figure 3: SyCon node configuration.......................................................................................... 15 Figure 4: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - Main sheet .................................................................. 17 Figure 5: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - PL7 sheet .................................................................... 18 Figure 6: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - UNITY sheet................................................................ 19 Figure 7: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - Advanced sheet ........................................................... 20 Figure 8: PL7 variables table .................................................................................................... 27 Figure 9: UNITY variables editor .............................................................................................. 28

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General behaviour Advantys

ISL files



CO file

SCY file

XSY file



Figure 1: General behaviour of CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL

CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL is a tool making it possible to retrieve the labels the user has set in its Advantys configurations. In more it generates automatically symbols associated to each Advantys I/O variables. CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL needs as input the ISL files and one CO file. In output it provides one SCY or XSY file which will be imported respectively in PL7 or UNITY.

1.2 Document purpose This document is the user guide of CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. It contains the following chapters: •

Before starting: o

Create a DSN for Microsoft Access driver

Step by step user guide

Description of input files: o

Automation islands (ISL files) created with Advantys tool


CANopen bus (CO file) created with SyCon tool

CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL functions

Import into PL7 & UNITY softwares of CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL output files

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


1.3 Definition of software versions The CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL operation is guaranteed with the following software versions: •

Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Microsoft Office 97 & 2000

PL7 Pro V4.4 and superior

UNITY Pro V2.0 and superior

Advantys tool V1.1.0.4 and superior

SyCon tool V2.8 and superior

1.4 Restriction The CAN-Extender “STBXBE2100” including the Enhanced CANopen modules are not supported in this version.

1.5 Glossary Name


CANopen bus

Standard of bus in the industrial automatisms

Advantys tool

Automation island configuration tool

SyCon tool

CANopen bus configuration tool

STB variables

I/O parameters in the automation island configuration. File created by the Advantys tool containing STB modules (automation island). Access base CANopen configuration file, created by The SyCon tool. Access base Process Data Objects PL7 symbols file to import in PL7 software. Text format UNITY variables file to import in UNITY software. XML format Symbolization Export Tool for Advantys configurations on CANopen bus Data Server Name of ODBC driver for Microsoft Access

ISL file CO file PDOs SCY file XSY file


User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


2 BEFORE STARTING ISL and CO files are data files with the format “Microsoft Access”. So CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL needs a Microsoft Access driver (ODBC driver) for reading these ISL and CO data files. The tool calls this driver by using the DSN “MS Access Database”. Before starting CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL, you have to verify if the add the DSN “MS Access Database” is already created. If it is not the case you have to add it: 1. You access the Data Sources (ODBC) settings: • In Windows NT through the Start menu under Settings, Control Panel, • In Windows 2000/XP, choose Start, Settings, Administrative Tools. 2. Double-click to open the Data Sources (ODBC), then select the System DSN tab. 3. Click Add; in the Create New Data Source window, select “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)”. 4. Click Finish to display the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup dialog box. 5. Under Data Source Name, enter “MS Access Database”. 6. To finish, click OK in the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup and the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog boxes.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


3 STEP BY STEP USER GUIDE 3.1 Introduction This is a step by step user guide for CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. We set up the following CANopen network with two Advantys STB on a Premium PLC.


Node #3

Node #2 consists of a “STBNCO2212” CANopen interface module, a “STBPDT3100” power supply module, a “STBDDI3410” 4 bit input module, and a “STBDDO3420” 4 bit output module. Node #3 is like Node #2, but has additionally 2 analog modules, the “STBAVI1270” two channels analog input module and the “STBAVO1250” two channels analog output module.

3.2 Instruction Step 1 – Advantys tool Create a new workspace

Start the Advantys tool, create a new workspace and enter name and path.

In our example, we have chosen the path “D:\Advantys_Projects\Quick Start” The name of the project file is “Quick Start.aiw” and the name of the Advantys STB is “Node_2” (referring to its CANopen node address). All the Advantys STB on the same bus must be declared in the same workspace. Default workspace path is User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


“C:\program Files\Schneider Electric\Advantys\Project\” Step 2 – Advantys tool Configure the STB nodes

After that, a workspace with a DIN rail for Node #2 is opened. Now configure Node #2 according to its hardware configuration by drag and drop the modules from the hardware catalog on the right side of the screen. Do not forget the Termination plate (Ref “STB XMP 1100”). Then, create a new node (“Add new Island” from the “File menu”), name it “Node_3” and configure it according to the hardware configuration of Node #3. The following figure is showing the Node #3 properly configured.

Note: you can also read out the configuration when you are in online mode. In this case, the power supply module and the termination plate are missing as they cannot be detected on the island’s backplane. You must add them manually. Step 4 - Advantys tool Create the EDS files

Select node 2 and create the EDS file by “File” -> ”Export ...”. Select “Node_2” as name for the EDS file. Do the same for node 3. In our example the files will be exported on the following directory: “D:\Advantys_Projects\Quick Start\*.eds” Now the Advantys STB configuration is complete. You have generated the EDS files as output and you are now ready to start the CANopen configuration with SyCon.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Step 5 – SyCon tool Create a new SyCon project

Start the SyCon tool and open a new CANopen project. Save the empty project as “...\” The default path is “...\SyCon\Project\”

Step 6 – SyCon tool Import the EDS files

From Menu "File" then "Copy EDS", copy the EDS files “node_2.eds” and “node_3.eds” you have generated with the Advantys tool. Refuse the import of the bitmap file (those files don’t exist). Files to be imported are localized in this example into the following directory (refer to Step 4): “D:\Advantys_Projects\Quick Start\*.eds”

Step 7 – SyCon tool Insert the “TSX CPP 110”

Insert the CANopen master “TSX CPP 110” (“Insert” -> “Master ...”). Keep the node address #1. SyCon is offering as a default value.

Step 8 – SyCon tool Insert the nodes “Node_2” and “Node_3”

Insert Node #2 (“Insert” -> “Node ...” and choose “Node_2” from the list of available devices). Keep the node address #2 SyCon is offering as default value then click on "Add>>" button and valid the screen by “OK”. Do the same for Node #3.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Step 9 – SyCon tool Configure the PDOs for Node #2

Double click on “Node_2”. The Node configuration screen opens and is showing two PDOs in the “Predefined Process Data” grid. The first PDO is a Receive-PDO (RxPDO) to configure the output data for Node #2, the second is a Transmit-PDO (TxPDO) to configure the input data from Node #2. (The transmission direction is always seen from the node’s point of view). Double click on the first PDO and validate the transmission type window. (We use the predefined settings from this screen). Now you have configured the first PDO SyCon has got all necessary information from the EDS file you have created with the Advantys tool. Do the same for the second PDO and you have finished the PDO mapping for Node #2. Now the screen is looking as follows:

Click on "OK" to valid and close the node configuration window. Step 10 – SyCon tool Configure the PDOs for Node #3

Do the same with Node #3. For Node #3, SyCon is offering four predefined PDOs, two Receive PDOs and two Transmit PDOs. • • • •

RxPDO1 is defining the PLC digital output data RxPDO2 is defining the PLC analog output data TxPDO1 is defining the PLC digital input data TxPDO2 is defining the PLC analog input data

Save the project. You have now finished the CANopen configuration with SyCon.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Step 11 – CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL Target software selection

Start CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL and select the target software: UNITY or PL7. In this example UNITY is used as target software.

Step 12 – CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL Set input parameters and output file path

Fill in the green fields of the UNITY worksheet: • SyCon file path “...\SyCon\Project\” • Bus Alias • Output file path, in this example we use “D:\DATA\CANopen_var.xsy” • Directory path of Advantys files “D:\Advantys_Projects\Quick Start”

Click on button “GENERATE UNITY VARIABLES FILE” The variable export file is created and you are ready to import it in UNITY.

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Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Step 12 – CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL Advanced worksheet

User Guide

The Advanced sheet displays read only information. The Advanced sheet describes all nodes configured in input CO file given in PL7 or UNITY sheet. This sheet displays for all nodes configured in CO file: • CANopen node ID, from 2 to 127, • Prefix for automatic symbolization, Node or N, with node = CANopen ID, • ISL file associated to the current node (EDS file), • Number of input words, • Number of output words. In the first line of the “Input_Words” column is displayed the total number of input words of the CANopen bus (sum of input words for all nodes configured). In the first line of the “Output_Words” column is displayed the total number of output words of the CANopen bus (sum of the output words for all nodes configured).

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


Step 13 – UNITY or PL7 Import into UNITY: Import of variable output file 1. Configure the CANopen bus in UNITY software, 2. Open the variable editor and import the XSY file generated by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. Be careful, the configuration must be the same in UNITY and in CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL: CO file and bus alias must be identical!

Import into PL7: 1. Configure the CANopen bus in PL7 software, 2. Open the variable table and import the SCY file generated by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. Be careful, the configuration must be the same in PL7 and in CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL: CO file, the first input %MW and the first output %MW must be identical!

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


4 DESCRIPTION OF INPUT FILES 4.1 ISL file Automation islands (ISL files) are created with the Advantys software (see Advantys help to configure an ISL with STB modules). Be careful:


The user defined label will be used by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL to generate the PL7 symbol or the name of the UNITY variable. Consequently the format of user defined label must be compliant with the syntax of PL7 symbols or UNITY variable. Only parameters with user defined labels will be taken into account by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. It may be possible that more than one parameter is associated to an address. In this case, only the first user defined label will be used by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL.

Figure 2: Properties of module “STB DAO 8210”

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


4.2 CO file CANopen bus (CO file) is created with SyCon software (see SyCon help to configure a CO file with EDS files (nodes)). An EDS file associated to an automation island is exported with Advantys tool. Be careful, PDOs are not automatically mapped, it has to be done manually!

Figure 3: SyCon node configuration

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0



Recover the parameters labels defined by the user and make them symbols (see chapter §5.5.1),

Create automatic symbols for the parameters configured by the Advantys tool and add them in comment (see chapter §5.5.2),

Recover the parameters labels defined by default by the Advantys tool and add them in comment (see chapter §5.5.3),

Create SCY file to import symbolization into PL7 (see chapter §5.6),

Create XSY file to import symbolization into UNITY (see chapter §5.7).

CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL is provided in the form of an Excel workbook named CANopen_Symbols_Tool_V.xls This one is composed of 3 sheets: •




The following chapters describe those sheets. A more precise description of the use of this tool is done in chapter §5.6 for PL7 software, and §5.7 for UNITY software.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.1 Main sheet overview

Figure 4: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - Main sheet

The Main sheet makes it possible to: •

Select the target software (PL7 or UNITY),

Open the user guide as a hyperlink to the “User_Guide.pdf” file in the current directory.

When the user selects the target software, the associated sheet is automatically opened, respectively PL7 and UNITY.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.2 PL7 sheet overview

Figure 5: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - PL7 sheet

PL7 sheet is a worksheet which makes it possible to generate PL7 symbols file.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.3 UNITY sheet overview

Figure 6: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - UNITY sheet

UNITY sheet is a worksheet which makes it possible to generate UNITY variables file.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.4 Advanced sheet overview

Figure 7: CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL - Advanced sheet

The Advanced sheet displays read only information. The Advanced sheet describes all nodes configured in input CO file given in PL7 or UNITY sheet. This sheet displays for all nodes configured in CO file: •

CANopen node ID (from 2 to 127),

Prefix for automatic symbolization (N, with node = CANopen ID),

ISL file associated to the current node (EDS file),

Number of input words,

Number of output words.

In the first line of the “Input_Words” column is displayed the total number of input words of the CANopen bus (sum of input words for all nodes configured). In the first line of the “Output_Words” column is displayed the total number of output words of the CANopen bus (sum of output words for all nodes configured).

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.5 Symbolization and comment description In this chapter, we call variable, a. Either a PL7 symbol, b. Or a UNITY variable. Only the ADVANTYS parameters with user defined labels are able to generate variables in the output file. For each ADVANTYS parameter two symbolization mechanisms are carried out: 1. Manual symbolization: the user defined label is used to generate the variables names, 2. Automatic symbolization: a specific comment is built automatically according a topological syntax.


Manual symbolization

The manual symbolization consists in recovering the labels defined by the user in the ADVANTYS configurations to generate variables names of them. Consequently the format of user defined label must be compliant with the syntax of PL7 symbols or UNITY variables. If the user label of an ADVANTYS parameter is not defined, no variable is generated. In the case of a parameter of the type "Analog State", CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL generates 8 names of Boolean variables starting from the only one user label associated with a ADVANTYS status parameter on 8 bits. These 8 names of variables having to be different, the following syntax is applied: _ where bitNum is the number of extracted bit in the topological address. Remarks:


No control nor transformation is carried out on the user defined labels. If a variable is already defined at this address, the user defined label is added as a simple comment.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0



Automatic symbolization

The automatic symbolization consists in generating specific comments providing topological information to help the user to find again its ADVANTYS configuration. A specific comment is never empty and added in the beginning of the variable comment. CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL generates different kinds of specific comments depending on the parameter type:


Analog Variable: value of an analogical input for example. N_RM__W_ with:


node is the CANopen node ID,


railNo is the rail number in the Advantys configuration,


slotNo is the physical location of the module in the rail,


channelType is the channel type: D (Data) or S (Status),


IOType: is I for Input data, O for Output data,


numWord is the incremental index of word from index 0,


Name is built with the 10 first characters of the module name.

Input or Output Register: digital information eventually related to different modules. N_Digital__W with:

User Guide


node is the CANopen node ID,


IOType: is I for Input data, O for Output data,


numWord is the incremental index of word from index 0.

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0



Digital Variable: value of a digital input for example. N_RM__ with:


node is the CANopen node ID,


railNo is the rail number in the Advantys configuration,


slotNo is the physical location of the module in the rail,


channelType is the channel type: D (Data) or S (Status),


IOType: is I for Input data, O for Output data,


channelNo is the channel number,


Name is built with the 10 first characters of the module name.

Analog State: status of an analogical input for example. N_RM__ with:


node is the CANopen node ID,


railNo is the rail number in the Advantys configuration,


slotNo is the physical location of the module in the rail,


channelType is the channel type: D (Data) or S (Status),


IOType: is I for Input data, O for Output data,


bitNum is the number of extracted bit in the topological address,


Name is built with the 10 first characters of the module name.

Remarks :


The field is built with the 10 first characters of the logical name of module, where before the characters [ -_().,"'] are removed.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0




CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL builds the variable comment by appending respectively character strings of the following parts separated by semicolon: 1.

The specific comment generated by the automatic symbolization,


The default label of the first ADVANTYS parameter mapped at this address,


The user defined label of the second ADVANTYS parameter mapped at the same address as the first parameter,


The default label of the second ADVANTYS parameter mapped at the same address as the first parameter, …


The user defined label of the n ADVANTYS parameter mapped at the same address as the first parameter,


The default label of the n ADVANTYS parameter mapped at the same address as the first parameter,

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.6 Use with PL7 software 5.6.1

Input parameters

Follows the description of the input parameters: •

SyCon file path: CO file path, this field can not be empty,

Index of the first input word, this field can not be empty,

Index of the first output word, if this field is empty, it is calculated.

first output word


Not empty

index first input word + input word size



first output word

index first input word + input word size


Advantys file path: directory containing all ISL files used in CO file. It is not checked. If an ISL file does not exist in Advantys directory path, there is no error message!

Output file path: SCY file path. If the file does not exist, it is created, else it is replaced.


Output parameters

Follows the description of the output parameters: •

SCY file (path is given as input parameter): o

This file is created when user clicks on the “GENERATE PL7 SYMBOLS FILE” button.


The user can view the SCY file generated by clicking on the “VIEW GENERATED PL7 SYMBOLS FILE” button.

Number of input words: sum of used input words for all the nodes configured in the CO file.

Number of output words: sum of used output words for all the nodes configured in the CO file.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


5.7 Use with UNITY software CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL associates variables to the topological addresses. 5.7.1

Topological addresses

The input and output topological addresses are: %IW\b.e\r.m.c.d.i %QW\b.e\r.m.c.d.i with:


§ § § § § § §

b: bus alias, 3 to 999, e: connection point number (CANopen node ID), 1 to 127, r: virtual rack number, always 0, m: virtual module number, always 0, c: virtual channel number, always 0, d: channel data number, 0 to 59, i: bit number, 0 to 15.

Input parameters

Follows the description of the input parameters: •

SyCon file path: CO file path, this field can not be empty,

Bus alias,

Advantys file path: directory containing all ISL files used in CO file. It is not checked. If an ISL file does not exist in Advantys directory path, there is no error message!

Output file path: XSY file path. If the file does not exist, it is created, else it is replaced.


Output parameters

Follows the description of the output parameters: •

XSY file (path is given as input parameter): o

This file is created when user clicks on the “GENERATE UNITY VARIABLES FILE” button.


The user can view the XSY file generated by clicking on the “VIEW GENERATED UNITY VARIABLES FILE” button.

Number of input words: sum of input words for all the nodes configured in the CO file.

Number of output words: sum of output words for all the nodes configured in the CO file.

User Guide

Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


6 IMPORT INTO PL7 & UNITY SOFTWARES 6.1 Import into PL7 This chapter describes the steps to be followed to import SCY file generated. 1. Configure the CANopen bus in PL7 software, 2. Open the variable table and import the SCY file generated by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. Be careful, the configuration must be the same in PL7 and in CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL: CO file, the first input %MW and the first output %MW must be identical!

Figure 8: PL7 variables table

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Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0


6.2 Import into UNITY This chapter describes the steps to be followed to import XSY file generated. 1. Configure the CANopen bus in UNITY software, 2. Open the variable editor and import the XSY file generated by CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL. Be careful, the configuration must be the same in UNITY and in CANopen SYMBOLS TOOL: CO file and bus alias must be identical!

Figure 9: UNITY variables editor

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Symbolization export tool of ADVANTYS configurations on CANopen bus Version 2.0



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Schneider Electric Industries SAS Headquarters 89, bd Franklin Roosevelt F - 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex

Owing to changes in standards and equipment, the characteristics given in the text and images in this document are not binding us until they have been confirmed with us. Printed in Italy

October 2004