Stand Alone Console Commands - DigiGrids

Help Set: set. 2. -- Help Set: show. 3. -- Help Set: reload. 4. -- Help Set: forceµ. 5. -- Help Set: stats. 6. -- Help Set: debug. 7. -- Help Set: change. 8. -- Help Set: ...
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Stand Alone Console Commands

Aurora-Sim Stand Alone Console Commands.

Voici la liste des commandes du server autonaume (Standalone) Aurora-Sim. Cette liste concerne la Version actuelle d'Aurora-Sim à savoir: Aurora-e6ed37ba8-2011-05-19.

Region (RegionName) # help

Help Sets (tapez le help + le nom pour obtenir plus d'infos à ce sujet). 1. -- Help Set: set 2. -- Help Set: show 3. -- Help Set: reload 4. -- Help Set: forceµ 5. -- Help Set: stats 6. -- Help Set: debug 7. -- Help Set: change 8. -- Help Set: load 9. -- Help Set: save 10. -- Help Set: kick 11. -- Help Set: reset 12. -- Help Set: modules 13. -- Help Set: kill 14. -- Help Set: fcache 15. -- Help Set: delete 16. -- Help Set: fix 17. -- Help Set: create 18. -- Help Set: grid 19. -- Help Set: clear 20. -- Help Set: login 21. -- Help Set: open 22. -- Help Set: ban 23. -- Help Set: physics 24. -- Help Set: ADNE

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25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

-- Help Set: alert -- Help Set: update -- Help Set: wind -- Help Set: terrain -- Help Set: sun -- Help Set: bypass -- Help Set: region

help options - -- help [help]: Get a general command list - -- quit [quit]: Quit the application - -- shutdown [shutdown]: Quit the application - -- restart-instance [restart-instance]: Restarts the instance (as ifed and re-opened Aurora) - -- command-script [command-script [script]]: Run a command script fr - -- remove-region [remove-region [name]]: Remove a region from this s - -- delete-region [delete-region [name]]: Delete a region from disk - -- backup [backup [all]]: Persist objects to the database now, if [a force the persistence of all prims - -- alert [alert [first] [last] [message]]: Send an alert to a user - -- export-map [export-map []]: Save an image of the world map

help set - -- set log level [set log level [level]]: Set the console logging level - -- set timer script interval [set timer script interval]: Set the interval for the timer script (in minutes). - -- set region flags [set region flags [Region name] [flags]]: Set database flags for region - -- set regionsetting maturity [set regionsetting maturity [value]]: Sets a region's maturity 0(PG),1(Mature),2(Adult) - -- set regionsetting addestateban [set regionsetting addestateban [first] [last]]: Add a user to the estate ban list - -- set regionsetting removeestateban [set regionsetting removeestateban [first] [last]]: Remove a user from the estate ban list - -- set regionsetting addestatemanager [set regionsetting addestatemanager [first] [last]]: Add a user to the estate manager list - -- set regionsetting removeestatemanager [set regionsetting removeestatemanager [first] [last]]: Remove a user from the estate manager list

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- -- set regionsetting addestateaccess [set regionsetting addestateaccess [first] [last]]: Add a user to the estate access list - -- set regionsetting removeestateaccess [set regionsetting removeestateaccess [first] [last]]: Remove a user from the estate access list - -- set terrain texture [set terrain texture [number] [uuid] [x] [y]]: Sets the terrain [number] to [uuid], if [x] or [y] are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in [x] or [y] to wildcard that coordinate. - -- set terrain heights [set terrain heights [corner] [min] [max] [x] [y]]: Sets the terrain texture heights on corner #[corner] to [min]/[max], if [x] or [y] are specified, it will only set it on regions with a matching coordinate. Specify -1 in [x] or [y] to wildcard that coordinate. Corner # SW = 0, NW = 1, SE = 2, NE = 3.

help show - -- show info [show info]: Show server information (e.g. startup path). - -- show version [show version]: Show server version - -- show threads [show threads]: List tracked threads - -- show uptime [show uptime]: Show server startup time and uptime - -- show queues [show queues [full]]: Shows the queues for the given agent (if full is given as a parameter, child agents are displayed as well) - -- show stats [show stats]: Show statistical information for this server - -- show users [show users [full]]: Shows users in the given region (if full is added, child agents are shown as well) - -- show regions [show regions]: Show information about all regions in this instance - -- show maturity [show maturity]: Show all region's maturity levels - -- show digest [show digest ]: Show asset digest - -- show region [show region [Region name]]: Show details on a region - -- show presences [show presences]: Shows all presences in the grid

help reload - -- reload config [reload config]: Reloads .ini file configuration

help force - -- force GC [force GC]: Forces garbage collection. - -- force update [force update]: Force the update of all objects on clients

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- -- force send appearance [force send appearance]: Force send the avatar's appearance - -- force permissions [force permissions ]: Force permissions on or off

help stats - -- stats report [stats report]: Returns a variety of statistics about the current region and/or simulator

help debug - -- debug packet [debug packet [level]]: Turn on packet debugging. - -- debug scene [debug scene [scripting] [collisions] [physics]]: Turn on scene debugging. - -- debug permissions [debug permissions ]: Enable permissions debugging.

help change - -- change region [change region [region name]]: Change current console region. - -- change estate [change estate]: change info about the estate for the given region.

help load - -- load xml2 [load xml2]: Load a region's data from XML2 format. - -- load oar [load oar [oar name] [--merge] [--skip-assets] [OffsetX=#] [OffsetY=#] [OffsetZ=#]]: Load a region's data from OAR archive. --merge will merge the oar with the existing scene. --skip-assets will load the oar but ignore the assets it contains. OffsetX will change where the X location of the oar is loaded, and the same for Y and Z. - -- load archive [load archive]: Loads an Aurora Archive - -- load iar [load iar []]: Load user inventory archive (IAR). - -- load avatar profile [load avatar profile ]: Loads profile and avatar data from an archive - -- load avatar archive [load avatar archive ]: Loads appearance from an avatar archive archive

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help save - -- save xml2 [save xml2]: Save a region's data in XML2 format. - -- save oar [save oar [-v|--version=N] []]: Save a region's data to an OAR archive -v|--version=N generates scene objects as per older versions of the serialization (e.g. -v=0) The OAR path must be a filesystem path. If this is not given then the oar is saved to region.oar in the current directory. - -- save archive [save archive]: Saves an Aurora Archive - -- save iar [save iar []]: Save user inventory archive (IAR). - -- save iar withoutassets [save iar withoutassets []]: Save user inventory archive (IAR) withOUT assets. This version will NOT load on another grid/standalone other than the current grid/standalone! - -- save avatar profile [save avatar profile ]: Saves profile and avatar data to an archive - -- save avatar archive [save avatar archive ]: Saves appearance to an avatar archive archive (Note: put "" around the FolderName if you need more than one word. Put all attachments in BodyParts folder before to save the archive)

help kick - -- kick user [kick user [first] [last] [message]]: Kick a user off the simulator

help reset - -- reset region [reset region]: Reset region to the default terrain, wipe all prims, etc. - -- reset user password [reset user password [ [ []]]]: Reset a user password

help modules - -- modules list [modules list]: Lists all simulator modules. - -- modules unload [modules unload [module]]: Unload the given simulator module

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help kill - -- kill uuid [kill uuid [UUID]]: Kill an object by UUID.

help fcache - -- fcache status [fcache status]: Display cache status - -- fcache clear [fcache clear [file] [memory]]: Remove all assets in the file and/or memory cache. - -- fcache assets [fcache assets]: Attempt a deep scan and cache of all assets in all scenes. - -- fcache expire [fcache expire ]: Purge cached assets older then the specified date/time

help delete -

-- delete asset [delete asset ]: Delete asset from database. -- delete object owner [delete object owner ]: Delete object by owner. -- delete object creator [delete object creator ]: Delete object by creator. -- delete object uuid [delete object uuid ]: Delete object by uuid. -- delete object name [delete object name ]: Delete object by name

help fix - -- fix inventory [fix inventory]: If the user's inventory has been corrupted, this function will attempt to fix it

help create - -- create user [create user [ [ [ []]]]]: Create a new user. - -- create region [create region]: Create a new region.

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help grid - -- grid clear regions [grid clear regions]: Clears all regions from the database. - -- grid clear down regions [grid clear down regions]: Clears all regions that are offline from the database - -- grid clear region [grid clear region [RegionName]]: Clears the regions with the given name from the database - -- grid send alert [grid send alert ]: Sends a message to all users in the grid - -- grid send message [grid send message ]: Sends a message to a user in the grid - -- grid kick user [grid kick user ]: Kicks a user from the grid

help clear - -- clear default inventory [clear default inventory]: Clears the Default Inventory stored for this grid

help login -

-- login level [login level ]: Set the minimum user level to log in. -- login reset [login reset]: Reset the login level to allow all users -- login text [login text ]: Set the text users will see on login. -- login enable [login enable]: Enable simulator logins. -- login disable [login disable]: Disable simulator logins. -- login status [login status]: Show login status

help open - -- open region manager [open region manager]: Opens the region manager. - -- open abusereportsGUI [open abusereportsGUI]: Opens the abuse reports GUI.

help ban

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- -- ban user [ban user]: Bans a user from the current estate.

help physics - -- physics stats [physics stats]: physics stats - -- physics profiler [physics profiler]: physics profiler - -- physics current stats [physics current stats]: physics current stats NOTE: these are not calculated and are in milliseconds per unknown time.

help ADNE -

-- ADNE restart [ADNE restart]: Restarts all scripts and clears all script caches. -- ADNE stop [ADNE stop]: Stops all scripts -- ADNE stats [ADNE stats]: Tells stats about the script engine -- ADNE disable [ADNE disable]: Disables the script engine temperarily -- ADNE enable [ADNE enable]: Reenables the script engine

help alert - -- alert general [alert general [message]]: Send an alert to everyone

help update - -- update map [update map]: Updates the image of the world map

help wind - -- wind base wind_plugin ConfigurableWind [ConfigurableWind - Provides a predominate wind direction that can change within configured variances for direction and speed.]: - -- wind base wind_update_rate [Change the wind update rate.]:

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- -- wind ConfigurableWind avgStrength [ConfigurableWind : avgStrength - average wind strength]: - -- wind ConfigurableWind avgDirection [ConfigurableWind : avgDirection - average wind direction in degrees]: - -- wind ConfigurableWind varStrength [ConfigurableWind : varStrength - allowable variance in wind strength]: - -- wind ConfigurableWind varDirection [ConfigurableWind : varDirection - allowable variance in wind direction in +/- degrees]: - -- wind ConfigurableWind rateChange [ConfigurableWind : rateChange - rate of change]: - -- wind base wind_plugin SimpleRandomWind [SimpleRandomWind - Provides a simple wind model that creates random wind of a given strength in 16m x 16m patches.]: - -- wind SimpleRandomWind strength [SimpleRandomWind : strength - wind strength]:

help terrain - -- terrain save [terrain save ]: Saves the current heightmap to a specified file. FileName: The destination filename for your heightmap, the file extension determines the format to save in. Supported extensions include: - -- terrain physics update [terrain physics update]: Update the physics map - -- terrain load [terrain load ]: Loads a terrain from a specified file. FileName: The file you wish to load from, the file extension determines the loader to be used. Supported extensions include: - -- terrain load-tile [terrain load-tile ]: Loads a terrain from a section of a larger file. file width: The width of the file in tiles file height: The height of the file in tiles minimum X tile: The X region coordinate of the first section on the file minimum Y tile: The Y region coordinate of the first section on the file - -- terrain fill [terrain fill ]: Fills the current heightmap with a specified value. value: The numeric value of the height you wish to set your region to. - -- terrain elevate [terrain elevate ]: Raises the current heightmap by the specified amount. amount: The amount of height to remove from the terrain in meters. - -- terrain lower [terrain lower ]: Lowers the current heightmap by the specified amount. amount: The amount of height to remove from the terrain in meters. - -- terrain multiply [terrain multiply ]: Multiplies the heightmap by the value specified. value: The value to multiply the heightmap by. - -- terrain bake [terrain bake]: Saves the current terrain into the regions revert map. - -- terrain revert [terrain revert]: Loads the revert map terrain into the regions heightmap. - -- terrain stats [terrain stats]: Shows some information about the regions heightmap for debugging purposes. - -- terrain newbrushes [terrain newbrushes ]: Enables experimental brushes which replace the standard terrain brushes. enabled: true / false - Enable new brushes. - -- terrain effect [terrain effect ]: Runs a specified plugin effect name: The plugin effect you wish to run, or 'list' to see all plugins.

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- -- terrain flip [terrain flip ]: Flips the current terrain about the X or Y axis direction: [x|y] the direction to flip the terrain in. - -- terrain rescale [terrain rescale ]: Rescales the current terrain to fit between the given min and max heights Min: min terrain height after rescaling Max: max terrain height after rescaling. - -- terrain help [terrain help]: Gives help about the terrain module.

help sun -

-- sun year_length [year_length - number of days to a year]: -- sun day_length [day_length - number of seconds to a day]: -- sun day_night_offset [day_night_offset - induces a horizon shift]: -- sun update_interval [update_interval - how often to update the sun's position in frames]:

- -- sun day_time_sun_hour_scale [day_time_sun_hour_scale - scales day light vs nite hours to change day/night ratio]:

help bypass - -- bypass permissions [bypass permissions ]: Bypass permission checks

help region - -- region restart [region restart