Sommaire Séquence 12 - Quomodo

Write everything you can about this painting using the vocabulary used in the previous activity. ..... expressions. a helmet, 4 self-portraits, a pipe, a glass of coke, an art book, ...... I love stories, you know, so please, tell me all about it! Séquence ...
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Sommaire Communication

Séquence 12 Civilisation

Grammaire Lexique



Séance 1

Découvrir un tableau

Associer des artistes à leurs créations

Lexique de la thématique : les différents domaines des arts, l’atelier d’un peintre

Analyser la structure d’un tableau

Séance 2

Enrichir une description en localisant les accessoires Exprimer des hypothèses à partir d’indices

Découvrir l’autoportrait

Localiser (Verbes + prépositions) Lexique de la thématique : les accessoires d’un peintre

Utiliser des informations périphériques pour déduire des éléments biographiques

Séance 3

Dresser un bilan des éléments biographiques connus Faire un choix et justifier les raisons de ce choix

Découvrir la biographie d’un peintre américain célèbre

Se justifier, expliquer un choix : Let me tell you why... / To tell you the truth, I’ve always wanted...

Être capable de faire des repérages dans une biographie et de prendre des notes (1)

Séance 4

Émettre des hypothèses quant à la vie d’un personnage célèbre Justifier ces hypothèses en utilisant des éléments extraits d’un texte autobiographique

Découvrir un texte autobiographique d’un écrivain britannique célèbre

Lexique de la thématique : les accessoires d’un écrivain Exprimer une hypothèse

Utiliser les références implicites d’un objet pour découvrir son propriétaire

Séance 5

Exprimer des certitudes et les justifier Exprimer un choix

Découvrir ce qu’est un thésaurus

Exprimer des certitudes (No doubt he was, I’m certain he was...) et les justifier (thanks to..., it corroborates the fact that...)

Être capable de croiser des informations pour établir des certitudes

Séance 6

Raconter une expérience personnelle en lien avec un objet

Découvrir un texte autobiographique d’un célèbre personnage américain

Raconter une anecdote : gap fillers, feelings, preterit

Être capable de faire des repérages dans une autobiographie et de prendre des notes (2)

Séance 7

Établir des différences entre deux autoportraits Poser et se poser des questions avant de dessiner un autoportrait

Découvrir un extrait de Through the Looking-Glass, de Lewis Carroll

Le questionnement

L’intonation des WH-questions et des yes-no questions

Repérer les caractéristiques d’une autobiographie

Séance 8

Réactivation des outils langagiers de la séquence

Rebrassage des thèmes culturels abordés


Prise de conscience des critères à respecter pour réussir l’évaluation

Être capable de vérifier que l’on a tous les outils nécessaires pour aborder l’évaluation

Tableau de Norman Rockwell, Triple Self-Portrait

Tableau de Norman Rockwell, Triple Self-Portrait

Biographie de Norman Rockwell

Document iconographique : représentation du bureau d’un personnage célèbre Extrait d’une autobiographie

Tableau récapitulatif d’information sur l’écrivain célèbre

Deux anecdotes


Tableau de Norman Rockwell, Triple Self-Portrait

Documents travaillés lors de la séquence


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 1 — Séquence 12

Séance 1 Je découvre une nouvelle thématique Je découvre le lexique associé à cette thématique Je découvre un tableau célèbre, j’analyse sa structure Tu as découvert, lors de la séquence 10, une œuvre intitulée The Problem We All Live With. Tu t’es rendu compte qu’à travers un tableau, on pouvait faire passer un message, créer une atmosphère, raconter une histoire. Ta mission finale, à la fin de cette séquence, consistera à créer un tableau. Tu devras, en tant qu’artiste, le commenter, et l’accompagner d’un texte. Quel sera le thème de ce tableau, comment vas-tu t’y prendre ? Procède étape par étape. Première étape : va à la rencontre d’un artiste dans son studio, de façon originale.

je découvre une nouvelle thématique Step 1 1- Think of «visual arts» (arts, architecture, sculpture, cinema, photography). Write all the words which come to your mind. (Pense aux “arts visuels” et écris tous les mots qui te

viennent à l’esprit.)

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2- Think of some of the masterpieces you have already seen in museums, in art books, in school books, on television. Write down some of the names of these masterpieces as well as some of the names of famous artists you know. (Pense à tous les chefs-d’œuvre que tu as

déjà vus dans des musées, des livres d’art, des manuels scolaires, à la télévision. Écris les noms de certains de ces chefs-d’œuvre ainsi que des noms d’artistes célèbres que tu connais.) masterpieces


Think of an American painter you discovered in Séquence 10. Remember the title of the painting you studied. © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 1

3- Are you an art expert? Here is a list of five of the ten most valuable works of art sold at auctions or at private sales. How well do you know paintings and painters? (Es-tu un

expert en matière d’art ? Voici une liste de cinq des dix œuvres d’art vendues les plus chères lors de ventes aux enchères ou de ventes privées. Connais-tu bien ces peintures et ces peintres ?)

List the masterpieces in the grid starting from the most valuable one. Then, match the name of the artist with the title of his masterpiece. The dates should help you to find out.

Garçon à la pipe (1905),

• Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

• Francis Bacon (1909-1992)

• Gustav Klimt (1862-1918)

$82.5 million

• Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Triptych (1976), $86.3 million

• Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)

$104.2 million

Bal au Moulin de la Galette (1876), $78.1 million

Portrait of Adèle Bloch-Bauer (1907), $135 million

Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890),

N’hésite pas à inscrire le titre des tableaux sur un moteur de recherche pour les découvrir. Lequel préfères-tu ? Check and correct.

je découvre le lexique associé à cette thématique Step 2

1- Read this paragraph: The artist is in his workshop. He is not sitting on his stool, he is standing, painting on his canvas. He is holding a paintbrush in his right hand and a palette in his left hand. There are different colours of paint on his palette. The canvas is propped up on an easel. 2- Write the underlined words in the appropriate box.

Check and correct.


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 1 — Séquence 12

je découvre un tableau célèbre, j’analyse sa structure (1) Step 3 1- Here is one of the most famous paintings by an American painter you have already heard about. Look closely at this painting.

Write everything you can about this painting using the vocabulary used in the previous activity. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................

2- Have a look at the lines made by the paintbrushes on the painting. The paintbrushes draw lines attracting your eyes to three different places on the painting. Describe what your eyes can see in… 1- .................................................... 2- ....................................................

2 1

3- ....................................................


© Works by Norman Rockwell Printed by permission of the Norman Rockwell Family Agency Copyright © (Year of Book’s publication) The Norman Rockwell Family Entities

3- What are the common points between 1, 2 and 3? .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 1

4- What are the differences between 1 and 2? .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 5- Read the signature at the bottom of the canvas. Write the name of the artist. .......................................................................................................................................... 6- Imagine a title for this painting. .......................................................................................................................................... Check and correct.


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

Séance 2 J’associe le titre d’un tableau à sa structure J’enrichis une illustration en localisant les accessoires Je formule des hypothèses quant au contexte du tableau et à la vie de l’artiste Je sais faire des repérages dans une biographie et prendre des notes

j’associe le titre d’un tableau à sa structure Step 4

1- Give the name of the artist who painted this very famous portrait. .......................................................................................................................................... 2- Look carefully at the painting. Imagine the artist painting this portrait. Match the number with the action Step 1 Step 2 2 1


Step 3

The artist is peeking over the canvas at his own reflection in the lookingglass. You are looking over the artist’s shoulder. The artist is looking over his shoulder at you, but in fact at himself because he is painting.

Apart from the paintbrushes, what is the object which guides your eyes through these three steps? ...................................................... ......................................................

© Works by Norman Rockwell Printed by permission of the Norman Rockwell Family Agency Copyright © (Year of Book’s publication) The Norman Rockwell Family Entities

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 2

3- Think of the structure of the painting and choose the title given to this very famous painting. a) Self-Portrait r b) Portrait of An Artist r c) Triple Self-Portrait r Justify your choice. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Check and correct.

j’enrichis une illustration en localisant les accessoires Step 5

1- Look at all the props (accessoires), or objects surrounding Norman Rockwell in his workshop. Write a caption in the appropriate box using the following words or expressions. a helmet, 4 self-portraits, a pipe, a glass of coke, an art book, a looking-glass, a trash can with smoke coming out of it.

© Works by Norman Rockwell Printed by permission of the Norman Rockwell Family Agency Copyright © (Year of Book’s publication) The Norman Rockwell Family Entities


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

2- Situate the different props. First, remember the prepositions you can use to situate things. On, in ........................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... 3- Then, complete the following sentences. a) The glass of coke is ..................................................... the art book. b) The art book is ................................................................... the seat. c) The trash can is ............................. to Norman Rockwell’s right foot. d) The self-portraits are . ................................................ of the canvas. e) The helmet is .................................................................... the easel. f) The pipe is . ........................................... Norman Rockwell’s mouth. g) The looking-glass is . ....................................... the back of the chair. 4- You did very well, but read the last seven sentences again. What is the verb used in every sentence? .......................................................................................................................................... This is not a very descriptive verb. Give the same sort of information but choose more descriptive verbs to convey a better idea of the way the props are situated on the painting. Match each prop with the appropriate verb. Then write the complete sentences. Don’t forget to use the passive voice. Props 1- The glass of coke 2- The art book 3- The trash can 4- The four self-portraits 5- The helmet 6- The pipe 7- The looking-glass

Verbs clipped to the top right hand-side of… propped up against… thrust in… perched on top of… placed precariously on… spread open on… positioned next to…

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Check and correct. © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 2

j e retiens

Un peintre utilise des techniques pour rendre son tableau plus lisible : il trace des lignes invisibles pour guider les yeux du spectateur, il utilise des accessoires pour créer une atmosphère… De la même façon, pour rendre ta description plus accessible à celui qui te lit ou t’écoute, tu dois toujours essayer de trouver le vocabulaire le plus précis possible. Pour t’y aider, tu peux bien sûr utiliser un dictionnaire, mais tu peux aussi utiliser un thesaurus. C’est un répertoire alphabétique du vocabulaire approprié au classement documentaire qui facilite l’accès à l’information. Les mots sont classés par thème. L’intérêt est qu’il permet d’accéder au lexique inhérent à la thématique abordée. Tu verras lors de la séance 5 un exemple de recherche menée avec un thesaurus.

e formule des hypothèses quant au contexte du tableau j et de la vie de l’artiste

Step 6 1- Not only are you an art expert but you are also a good detective. The props give us a lot of information about Norman Rockwell. Use them as clues and answer the following questions.

Are you ready to play the detective? a) What do we know about Rockwell thanks to the glass of coke?

. ............................................................................................................................... b) What about the pipe?

. ............................................................................................................................... c) The trash can with smoke coming out of it is a reference to an accident that occurred 17 years before this painting was made. What happened? Have a guess.

. ............................................................................................................................... d) Rockwell loved to buy antiques but he was fooled once. He thought he had bought an antique but in fact, it was just part of a fireman uniform. He decided to keep this object as a souvenir in his studio. What is this object?

. ............................................................................................................................... e) The self-portraits are tributes to the great artists he admired. Match their names and short biographies with their self-portrait.


. ...............................................................................................................................

— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

1 2

a) Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) is generally considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness and committed suicide. Self-Portrait, 1889, Orsay Museum, Paris. b) Rembrandt (1606-1669) is one of the Netherlands most famous 17th-century painters. Self-Portrait, 1652, Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna.


c) Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) was a German painter, wood carver and engraver. Self-Portrait, 1498, Prado Museum, Madrid. 3


d) ? Give the name of the artist who painted this masterpiece. Name of the artist

1 2 3 4 Check and correct.

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 3

Séance 3 Je sais faire des repérages dans une biographie et prendre des notes Je dresse un bilan de ce que je connais Je justifie un choix Par l’intermédiaire du tableau de Norman Rockwell, Triple Self-Portrait, tu as pénétré à l’intérieur de l’atelier d’un peintre célèbre. C’était la première étape de ton apprentissage d’artiste. Tu as découvert, lors de la précédente leçon, que de nombreux objets ou accessoires décoraient cet atelier. Ils sont tous représentatifs de l’artiste, de ses goûts, de ses habitudes, d’évènements marquants de sa vie. Apprends à décrypter ces objets. Toi aussi tu devras choisir des objets ou des accessoires que tu incluras dans ton tableau et qui transmettront des informations à ton sujet à celui qui admirera ton œuvre.

e sais faire des repérages dans une biographie j et prendre des notes Exercise 1 1- Read the biography of Rockwell.

Born in New York City in 1894, Norman Rockwell always wanted to be an artist. At age 14, Rockwell enrolled in art classes at The New York School of Art. Two years later, in 1910, he left high school to study art at The National Academy of Design. Rockwell found success early. He painted his first commission of four Christmas cards before his sixteenth birthday. While still in his teens, he was hired as art director of Boys’ Life, the official publication of the Boy Scouts of America.

In 1916, the 22-year-old Rockwell painted his first cover for The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Over the next 47 years, another 321 Rockwell covers would appear on the cover of the Post. Also in 1916, Rockwell married Irene O’Connor; they divorced in 1930.

The 1930s and 1940s are generally considered to be the most fruitful decades of Rockwell’s career. In 1930 he married Mary Barstow, a schoolteacher, and the couple had three sons, Jarvis, Thomas, and Peter. The family moved to Arlington, Vermont, in 1939.

In 1943, inspired by President Franklin Roosevelt’s address to Congress, Rockwell painted the Four Freedoms paintings. They were reproduced in four consecutive issues of The Saturday Evening Post with essays by contemporary writers. Rockwell’s interpretations of Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear proved to be enormously popular. Although the Four Freedoms series was a great success, 1943 also brought Rockwell an enormous loss. A fire destroyed his Arlington studio as well as numerous paintings and his collection of historical costumes and props.

In 1953, the Rockwell family moved from Arlington, Vermont, to Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Six years later, Mary Barstow Rockwell died unexpectedly. In collaboration with his son Thomas, Rockwell published his autobiography, My Adventures as an Illustrator, in 1960. The Saturday Evening Post carried excerpts from the best-selling book in eight consecutive issues, with Rockwell’s Triple Self-Portrait on the cover of the first.


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 3 — Séquence 12

In 1961, Rockwell married Molly Punderson, a retired teacher. Two years later, he ended his 47-year association with The Saturday Evening Post and began to work for Look magazine.

In 1973, Rockwell established a trust to preserve his artistic legacy by placing his works in the custodianship of the Old Corner House Stockbridge Historical Society, later to become Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge.

2- Highlight all the elements related to “Triple Self-Portrait”. Don’t forget the elements related to props. 3- You know more details about this famous painting which was in fact a magazine cover. Complete the identity card of the painting. Title: .......................................................................................................................... Artist: ........................................................................................................................ Date: ......................................................................................................................... Age of the artist at the time: ....................................................................................... Name of the magazine: ............................................................................................... Title of the artist’s autobiography: .............................................................................. Reference to an accident: ........................................................................................... Check and correct.

je dresse un bilan de ce que je connais Exercise 2

1- Write a list of the seven props in Rockwell’s studio. Use the Pictionary to help your memory.

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 3

2- Recap what you have learned about what he liked doing when painting, what he liked looking at on his easel when painting, and why. (Souviens-toi de la construction que tu as

apprise lors de la Séquence 7 pour parler d’habitudes passées.)

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 3- Explain why Rockwell painted smoke coming out from his trash can. What important event does it refer to? .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 4- This accident is related to one of Rockwell’s routine. Have a guess. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Check and correct.

je justifie un choix Step 7

1- Your visit of Rockwell’s studio is coming to an end. Before you leave, Mr Rockwell wants to talk to you.

Listen to Norman Rockwell on your CD.

2- Norman Rockwell is very generous. What does he want you to do? Tick the correct answer: a) Choose an object from his painting and take it back with you


b) Choose an object in your room and paint it


c) Choose an object in a shop and buy it


3- But on two conditions. Tick these two conditions. a) You must tell him why you chose this object


b) You must not choose the helmet


c) You must insert it in your future painting


d) You must put it in your bedroom


e) You must give him another object in return


4- Make up your mind, what object are you going to choose? .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 3 — Séquence 12

5- Why? Give three reasons. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................

Norman Rockwell wants you to give him the reasons for your choice. Prepare your speech. a) Thank Norman Rockwell for his offer. Give the name of the object you have chosen. .................................................................................................................................. b) Think of link words to order your reasons. .................................................................................................................................. c) Think of words or expressions introducing an explanation. ..................................................................................................................................

Think of expressions such as…

I chose ................. as I have always admired those painters.

I will explain why I chose ................. In fact, .................

Let me tell you why I chose .................

I chose ....... To tell you the truth (A dire vrai), I have always wanted to have such a nice...

Are you ready to answer Norman Rockwell? Rehearse several times, then record yourself.

? If you can’t record yourself, write your script. Check and correct.

le coin des curieux Le Saturday Evening Post est un journal américain. Initialement composé de quatre pages de type journal sans illustration, il a pris par la suite la forme d’un magazine. Aujourd’hui encore il revendique sa création en 1728 par Benjamin Franklin. Or, il semble que The Saturday Evening Post ait réellement vu le jour le 4 août 1821 (soit plus de 30 ans après la mort de Franklin) sous forme d’un hebdomadaire, forme qu’il conservera jusqu’au 8 février 1969. Dès le début du XXe siècle, le Post offre systématiquement à ses lecteurs une couverture illustrée présentant une scène de la vie quotidienne. Les plus connues des couvertures du journal sont celles du peintre Norman Rockwell. Dans les années 1920 et 1930, le journal publie des nouvelles de certains grands auteurs comme Agatha Christie, Francis Scott Fitzgerald ou John Steinbeck. De nos jours, le Saturday Evening Post est publié six fois par an par la «Saturday Evening Post Society».

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 4

Séance 4 Je découvre un personnage célèbre grâce aux objets qui l’entourent J’émets des hypothèses et je les justifie Je confirme des hypothèses en recherchant des informations dans un texte autobiographique Je comprends les points essentiels d’un bref message oral Tu as déjà pénétré dans le studio de Rockwell par l’intermédiaire de son tableau. Souviens-toi, la deuxième étape de ton apprentissage d’artiste consiste à analyser les objets, les accessoires, à les faire parler. Un autre personnage célèbre du monde des arts accepte de te recevoir dans son atelier de travail. Quels objets vas-tu découvrir, que vont-ils te révéler sur leur propriétaire ? Ouvre l’œil et… bonne visite !

e découvre un personnage célèbre grâce aux objets j qui l’entourent

Step 8 Your host died in 1990, but he used to keep these objects on his or her desk in the 1980s. Draw them on his or her desk. (Ton hôte est mort en 1990. Voici une liste des objets qu’il

conservait sur son bureau dans les années 80. Dessine-les.)

a paper knife- two model Hurricanes (war planes during World War 2) a mug full of pencils- a saucer filled with paper clips (trombones) and English stampsa pair of glasses- two rubbers- the famous person’s hip (la hanche) bone- a notebooka gypsum flower (rose des sables)


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 4 — Séquence 12

2- Are you ready to play the detective again?

What can you guess about this famous person, just looking at his or her desk? Complete this information sheet. Nationality?: .................................................................................................................. Old or young?: . ............................................................................................................. Job?: . ............................................................................................................................ Activity during World War 2?: ........................................................................................ Important event(s) in his or her life?: .............................................................................. Personality?: .................................................................................................................. Name?: . ........................................................................................................................

Check and correct.

j’émets des hypothèses et je les justifie Step 9 Explain your answers, using expressions such as: 1- I think/suppose that ......... because (of) ......... 2- The ….(name of the object) makes me think of ......... 3- The ......... (name of the object) reminds me of ......... 4- He could have been a/an ......... during World War 2 because of the ......... 5- The ......... (name of the object) could mean that ......... 6- Maybe he had a/an ......... on his desk because ......... 7- He may have been a ......... (adjective) sort of person as he had chosen to have a/an/ his/ ......... on his desk. 8- He probably was a ......... (adjective) sort of person ......... (nationality) o (old or young) o (job) o (activity during World War 2) o (Important event in his life) o (Personality) o (Name) o Check and correct.

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 4

e confirme des hypothèses en trouvant les informations jrecherchées dans un texte autobiographique

Step 10 This very famous artist began writing in 1942, after he was transferred to Washington as Assistant Air Attaché. His first published work was a short story published in the Saturday Evening Post, in the August 1, 1942 issue. 1- Take your pencil and read the editors’ introduction to his short story. Underline all the words you understand.


The author of this factual report on Libyan air fighting is an RAF pilot at present in this country for medical reasons.

2- Take your pencil again and read an extract from your host’s short story entitled Shot Down Over Lybia. Underline all the words you understand.


Then it happened. I don’t know what it was that had jammed the elevators on my tail plane, but it had suddenly been shaken loose, and there they were, flapping in the slip stream, completely disconnected. The Hurricane dipped its nose and dived toward the ground, and there wasn’t a thing I could do. Pulling the stick back made no difference, but I closed the throttle as soon as possible, in an effort to slow down the dive a little. I was doing about 250 miles an hour, so I suppose it took, roughly, two seconds to hit the deck, but it seemed a long two seconds. I remember looking down the nose of the machine at the ground and seeing a little clump of camel thorn growing there all by itself, and my stomach felt as though someone were using it as a pincushion for rusty hatpins.

And then I knew I was still alive, because I could feel the heat around my legs, but I couldn’t see a thing.

3- Highlight the words or sentences corroborating some of your hypotheses (nationality, job, activity during World War 2, important event in his life) in the introduction as well as in the extract. (Souligne dans l’introduction et dans l’extrait les mots ou les phrases qui

confirment certaines de tes hypothèses.)

4- Read this sentence: my stomach felt as though someone were using it as a pincushion for rusty hatpins.

Choose the correct translation: a) On aurait dit qu’on prenait mon ventre pour un coussin à épingles à chapeau rouillées.


b) Mon estomac ressemblait à un chapeau avec des épingles rouillées.


c) J’avais posé un chapeau sur mon ventre pour me protéger des épingles rouillées. r


What does this comparison indicate about this writer’s moral traits? a) A sense of melodrama


b) A sense of humour


c) A sense of criticism


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 4 — Séquence 12

5- This extract illustrates an important event in this well-known writer’s life. What event? .................................................................................................................................. a) When? .................................................................................................................................. b) What objects did he keep to remind him of this event? .................................................................................................................................. Check and correct.

je comprends les points essentiels d’un bref message oral Exercise 3

1- Some objects sitting on the desk remain mysterious. What objects? .......................................................................................................................................... 2- Listen to your host on your CD. He will tell you all about one of these objects. Write down all the words you understand. .......................................................................................................................................... 3- Listen again. What object is your host talking about? .......................................................................................................................................... 4- Why has he got this object on his desk? ..........................................................................................................................................

le coin des curieux Do you know what these three letters RAF stand for? The Royal Air Force (RAF) is the United Kingdom’s air force, the oldest independent air force in the world. Formed on 1 April 1918, the RAF has taken a significant role in British military history ever since, playing a large part in World War II and in more recent conflicts. The RAF operates almost 1,100 aircraft and, as of 31 March 2008, had a projected trained strength of 41,440 regular personnel. The majority of the RAF’s aircraft and personnel are based in the UK with many others serving on operations (principally Afghanistan, the Middle East and the Balkans) or at long-established overseas bases (Ascension Island, Canada, Cyprus, Diego Garcia, Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and Germany).

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 5

Séance 5 Je confirme mes hypothèses et les justifie à l’aide d’informations prélevées dans des documents iconographiques, sonores et écrits Je justifie mes choix Tu arrives à la troisième étape de ton apprentissage d’artiste. Tu dois maintenant choisir les accessoires ou objets que tu intégreras à ton tableau et qui, accompagnés de tes commentaires et de ton texte, permettront au spectateur de mieux faire ta connaissance.

e confirme mes hypothèses et les justifie à l’aide j d’informations prélevées dans des documents iconographiques, sonores et écrits

Step11 1- Some of your hypotheses have been corroborated. What do you know for sure now? Recapitulate everything you know, indicate where you found the information (the editors’ introduction, the extract from the report, the oral message from your host). Quote from the texts or from the script of the oral message. Write the name of the object which gave you a clue.

One has been completed as an example Sort of information


Old or young Job Activity during WW2 Important event in his life Personality


— © Cned, Anglais 3e





The Saturday Evening Post editors’ introduction

An RAF pilot


English stamps

séance 5 — Séquence 12

2- Write a paragraph to sum up everything you know. You can no longer use the same expressions as in STEP 9 because at that time you were not sure of your answers. Cross out all the words expressing doubt and modify the sentences. a) I think/ suppose that ............ because (of) ............ b) The ............ (name of the object) makes me think of ............ c) The ............ (name of the object) reminds me of ............ d) He could have been a/an ............ during World War 2 because of the ............ e) The ............ (name of the object) could mean that ............ f) Maybe he had a/an ............ on his desk because ............ g) He may have been a/an ............ (adjective) sort of person as he had chosen to have a/an/his/ ............ on his desk. h) He probably was a/an ............ (adjective) sort of person ............ You can also use expressions like: i) Thanks to the (sort of document, object) ..... , I know that/I am certain that ...... j) The (sort of document, object) ............ proves that ............ k) The (sort of document, object) ............ corroborates the fact that ............ l) No doubt he was ............ m) The (sort of document) ....... shows that he definitely/undoubtedly was ............ .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 3- Did you find who this very famous writer is? Here are two clues to help you. - You can visit the museum dedicated to this famous person in Great Missenden. - Use all these letters to write his first name and his family name: DHOLLARAD

So, whose desk did you discover?

.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Check and correct. © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 5

j e retiens

Je sais exprimer des doutes. Pour rendre mon discours plus riche, j’apprends à varier les formes d’expression d’hypothèses. Je peux utiliser : des verbes : Ex: I suppose/think that… des auxiliaires de modalité : Ex: It could mean that…/He could have been../He may have


des adverbes : Ex: probably, maybe… Je sais aussi exprimer des certitudes. Il est important que je puisse comprendre et utiliser des expressions variées. Je peux employer : des verbes : Ex: I know that…/I am certain that… des adverbes : Ex: definitely/undoubtedly des expressions : Ex: No doubt he was…. Si j’exprime des certitudes, je dois aussi les justifier. J’utiliserai : des verbes tels que : Ex: It corroborates the fact that…/It proves that…/It shows that.. des expressions telles que : Ex: Thanks to…

je justifie mes choix Step 12

1- You are the artist. So what about you? What favourite objects would you keep on your desk? What posters would you stick on your bedroom wall? Make a list. If you don’t know a word in English, don’t hesitate to look it up in the dictionary. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2- Among this list, choose props which will be part of your painting. a) Choose two objects symbolising what you like.

. ............................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................................................... b) Choose two objects symbolising what you like doing.

. ............................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................................................... c) Choose one object symbolising someone you admire or something you really like.

. ............................................................................................................................... d) Choose one object referring to an important event of your life.

. ...............................................................................................................................


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 5 — Séquence 12

3- Explain your choice for 1), 2) and 3).

Souviens-toi, lors de la Séance 2, tu as découvert que l’on pouvait rechercher des synonymes grâce à un thesaurus. Pour expliquer tes choix, tu peux bien sûr utiliser pour chaque objet “I have chosen… because…”. Mais ce serait bien d’essayer de varier l’expression et d’utiliser d’autres verbes. a) Quel mot vas-tu chercher sur le thesaurus ? ................................................................................................................................. b) Connais-tu la nature de ce mot ? Est-ce un verbe, un nom, un adjectif, un adverbe ? ................................................................................................................................. Voilà l’entrée que tu peux trouver CHOOSE, vb, adopt, co-opt, cull, designate, elect, pick, predestine, prefer, select. Tous ces mots représentent l’idée de choisir, mais tu ne pourras pas tous les utiliser dans le contexte présent. Si tu hésites, tu peux chercher leur définition dans un dictionnaire unilingue ou chercher leur traduction dans un dictionnaire bilingue. Exemple : -cull On pourra trouver la définition suivante dans un dictionnaire unilingue : vb-to select, to pick out, gather n- the selection of certain animals with the intention of killing them On pourra trouver les traductions suivantes dans un dictionnaire bilingue - réformer (bétail), faire une battue à (renard) - massacrer (phoques, baleines) - puiser (informations, détails) - from something (dans quelque chose) Choisis parmi la liste proposée par le thesaurus, les verbes les plus appropriés pour expliciter ton choix. You can explain your choice. Use different expressions. Two objects representing what I like. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... Two objects symbolizing what I like doing. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... One object symbolizing someone I admire or something I really like. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 5

le coin des curieux Tu as sans doute remarqué, lors de ta dernière leçon, que le premier texte publié par Roald Dahl est paru dans le Saturday Evening Post, le même magazine que celui dont Norman Rockwell dessinait la couverture. Roald Dahl a publié deux autobiographies, l’une, Boy, raconte ses années d’enfance, la seconde, Going Solo, raconte ses activités pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. On peut d’ailleurs les trouver regroupées sous un seul volume. Elles sont toutes deux écrites avec beaucoup d’humour. C’est d’ailleurs son sens de l’humour qui lui faisait garder en souvenir de son opération de la hanche l’os que lui avait donné son chirurgien en lui disant que c’était le plus gros qu’il ait jamais vu !


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 6 — Séquence 12

Séance 6 Je raconte une expérience personnelle en lien avec un objet Je découvre un genre littéraire Tu as passé avec succès les trois premières étapes qui font de toi un artiste. Prépare-toi à la quatrième étape. Tu as choisi un objet qui te rappelle un évènement important de ta vie personnelle. Tu devras raconter cette anecdote par écrit. Ce texte accompagnera ton tableau. Mais aujourd’hui, entraîne-toi à l’oral. Cela te donnera des éléments que tu pourras ensuite exploiter dans ton texte.

je raconte une expérience personnelle en lien avec un objet Step 13 1- Read these two anecdotes again.

Shot down over lybia

Then it happened. I don’t know what it was that had jammed the elevators on my tail plane, but it had suddenly been shaken loose, and there they were, flapping in the slip stream, completely disconnected. The Hurricane dipped its nose and dived toward the ground, and there wasn’t a thing I could do. Pulling the stick back made no difference, but I closed the throttle as soon as possible, in an effort to slow down the dive a little. I was doing about 250 miles an hour, so I suppose it took, roughly, two seconds to hit the deck, but it seemed a long two seconds. I remember looking down the nose of the machine at the ground and seeing a little clump of camel thorn growing there all by itself, and my stomach felt as though someone were using it as a pincushion for rusty hatpins.

And then I knew I was still alive, because I could feel the heat around my legs, but I couldn’t see a thing.

Hello, my dear friend. You must wonder why my hip bone is sitting on my desk! I’m sure you don’t have any bone on your desk! Anyway, let me tell you why. As you know, I am getting old and I seemed to have problems with my hip. I couldn’t fly a Hurricane these days, mind you! So, my doctor decided to have me operated on. I was feeling quite anxious about it, but everything went well and I came home safely after the operation. A few days later, I received a parcel. I wondered who it was from. It was from the surgeon who had operated on my hip. And you know what, inside the parcel was this beautiful hip bone, with a message from my surgeon: “This is the biggest hip bone I have ever seen! Wishing you all the best with the new one!”.

Now you know why this bone is decorating my desk! I thought it was a funny sort of trophy!

What about you? What object have you got on your desk which reminds you of an important event in your life? I love stories, you know, so please, tell me all about it!

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 6

2- The underlined words or expressions indicate common points between the ways the two anecdotes are told. Tick these common points and write a quotation from one of the anecdotes. Common points

 or 


The narrator is I The narrator is he Use of gap fillers Use of the preterit Expression of a feeling Use of the preterit be-ing Use of had+V-en Use of direct speech 3- The highlighted words or expressions indicate differences between the two forms of anecdotes. Differences

 or 

In the text/ In the script


The narrator is I Use of gap fillers Use of the preterit Use of direct speech A title Expression of a feeling Il est tout à fait possible d’utiliser le discours direct dans la présentation rédigée de l’anecdote. Cela la rendra justement plus vivante aux yeux du lecteur. Check and correct.

Exercice 4 1- Write the name of the object that refers to an important event in your life. .......................................................................................................................................... 2- Listen to Roald Dahl again. He would like you to tell the anecdote. Before you speak, draw the object and take a few notes about the circumstances of the event (when, where, who, what…).


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 6 — Séquence 12



3- Get ready to tell your anecdote. You have to use all the elements you have ticked in Step 13 b- as well as all the elements related to the script that you have ticked in Step 13c

Write your check list. Checklist

- .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... - .................................................................................................................................... 4- Have a go! Roald Dahl is listening to you! Rehearse several times, then record yourself. Check and correct.

je découvre un genre littéraire Step 14

1- Read this extract from a book.

From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books. Pleased with the Pilgrim’s Progress, my first collection was of John Bunyan’s works in separate little volumes. I afterward sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton’s Historical Collections; they were small chapmen’s books, and cheap, 40 or 50 in all. My father’s little library consisted chiefly of books in polemic divinity, most of © Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 6

which I read, and have since often regretted that, at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge, more proper books had not fallen in my way since it was now resolved I should not be a clergyman. Plutarch’s Lives there was in which I read abundantly and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of De Foe’s, called an Essay on Projects, and another of Dr. Mather’s, called Essays to do Good, which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life.

This bookish inclination at length determined my father to make me a printer, though he had already one son (James) of that profession. In 1717 my brother James returned from England with a press and letters to set up his business in Boston.

2- What is this extract about? Tick the correct answer. a) The description of an incident which happened during World War 2.


b) The narrator’s childhood.


c) A political event in the United States during the 19th century.


d) A story told to little children.


3- Underline all the information you can get about the narrator. 4- Fill the narrator’s identity card in. - male or female: .......................................................................... - century: ..................................................................................... - nationality: ................................................................................ - family: ....................................................................................... - hobby: ....................................................................................... - future job: . ................................................................................ 5- When a painter paints his own portrait, it is called a self-portrait. When someone tells the story of his or her life, what is it called?

It is called an . ...............................................................................................................

This is just what you did when you told your anecdote.

This is a famous literary genre. Do you know other writers who have written about their own life? ......................................................................................................................................

6- By the way, did you guess who wrote the extract you have just read? If you need a clue, go back to Le coin des curieux in Séance 3. Check and correct.


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 6 — Séquence 12

le coin des curieux The extract you have read is from The Autobiography

of Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard’s Almanac and other papers, Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the traditional

name for the unfinished record of his own life written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs. Although it had a very complex publication history after Franklin’s death, this work has become one of the most famous and influential examples of autobiography ever written. Franklin’s account of his life is divided into four parts, reflecting the different periods in which he wrote them.

The Autobiography remained unpublished during

Franklin’s lifetime. In 1791, the first edition appeared, in French rather than English, as Mémoires de la vie privée de Benjamin Franklin, published in Paris.

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 7

Séance 7 Je me pose des questions Je découvre une œuvre littéraire en lien avec la thématique Tu as découvert lors de la précédente leçon que l’autoportrait d’un peintre était une sorte d’autobiographie mise en image. Tu as déjà choisi les objets qui vont révéler ta personnalité dans ton tableau. Tu as déjà réfléchi à l’anecdote que tu allais raconter. Mais avant que tu ne te transformes complètement en artiste, retourne une dernière fois dans le studio de Norman Rockwell.

je me pose des questions Step 15

1 2

1- Describe portrait 1 : ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... 2- Describe portrait 2 : ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... © Works by Norman Rockwell Printed by permission of the Norman Rockwell Family Agency Copyright © (Year of Book’s publication) The Norman Rockwell Family Entities


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 7 — Séquence 12

3- List the differences you have noticed between portrait 1 and 2. You are now an artist. Suggest reasons for these differences if you can. Differences ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... .....................................................


Reasons ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................... .....................................................

4- Are there any differences you cannot explain? In that case, highlight them. Norman Rockwell is ready to take your questions.

Prepare your questions. ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Check and correct.

Exercice 5 1- Listen to Norman Rockwell and ask your questions. Don’t forget to respect the appropriate intonation. a) Can you indicate what sort of intonation is used for WH-questions? ..................................................................................................................................... b) What about yes-no questions? ..................................................................................................................................... c) You can now listen to Norman Rockwell on your CD and ask all your questions. ..................................................................................................................................... 2- Norman Rockwell has got questions to ask you. He wants to help you with your own painting. Write down your answers on your notepad. They will help you to draw your selfportrait. Question 1: .................................................................................................................... Question 2: .................................................................................................................... Question 3: .................................................................................................................... Check and correct.

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Séquence 12 — séance 7

je découvre une œuvre littéraire en lien avec la thématique Step 16

The book you have received from Norman Rockwell is beautifully wrapped in paper. You are very impatient to open your present. You tear off the paper and discover a part of the book cover. Here is what you can see.

Through the looki

1- You look at the drawing. What is the book about? Have a guess. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... 2- You can read a part of the title. Try to give the complete title. It is made of three words, one of which is a compound noun. .......................................................................................................................................... 3- In your opinion, why did Norman Rockwell give you this book? Remember, he said it would give you the answer to his third question. .......................................................................................................................................... 4- At last, you can have a look at the book. It’s an illustrated book. You open it and are surprised by the text…

There was a book lying near Alice on the table […], she turned over the leaves, to find some part that she could read, “for it’s all in some language I don’t know”, she said to herself. It was like this. JABBERWOCKY ‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.


She puzzled over this for some time, but at last a bright thought struck her. “Why, it’s a Looking-glass book, of course! And, if I hold it up to a glass, the words will go the right way again”. — © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 7 — Séquence 12

5- You can probably answer Rockwell’s third question:

My third and last question: What is the object in the painting which transformed the vision I had of myself?

.......................................................................................................................................... 6- Alice has gone through the looking-glass and she has found a Looking-glass book. What is special about this book? .......................................................................................................................................... 7- What is special about Rockwell’s looking-glass? ..........................................................................................................................................

Will your looking-glass be special, too? You will have to make up your mind about this. You are now a full-fledged artist!

le coin des curieux Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (1871) was written by Lewis Carroll. It is the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865). The themes and settings of Through the Looking-Glass make it a kind of mirror image of Wonderland: the first book

begins outdoors, in the warm month of May, on Alice’s birthday (May 4) and draws imagery of playing-cards. The second opens indoors on a snowy, wintry night exactly six months later and uses imagery based on chess. In it, there are many mirror themes, including opposites and time running backwards.

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 8

Séance 8

j e m’évalue Voici la dernière séquence de ce Palier 2. Tu dois être capable de réviser et de t’auto-évaluer de façon plus autonome. La tâche finale de cette séquence est particulière. Les différentes activités proposées lors de cette séance vont te permettre de faire le point sur tes connaissances et tes savoirfaire pour t’aider à te situer par rapport à la réalisation de cette tâche finale.

Exercise 1 Fais le bilan des différentes étapes de cette séquence. Définis de façon précise ce qui sera attendu de toi à la séance 9. 1- Bilan des différentes étapes : tu as découvert progressivement en quoi consistait un autoportrait. Explique, avec tes mots à toi, les différentes étapes qui t’y ont mené. À chaque fois, un mot ou un nom t’aidera à te remémorer ces étapes. - Étape 1 (studio): .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... - Étape 2 (desk): .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... - Étape 3 (model Hurricane and hip bone): .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... - Étape 4 (looking-glass): .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 8 — Séquence 12

2- Surligne les éléments constitutifs de la tâche finale que tu auras à réaliser. Numérote-les de 1 à 3. - Rédiger un article de journal sur Norman Rockwell. - Interroger un peintre célèbre. - Dessiner ton triple autoportrait. - Décrire la vie de Roald Dahl. - Répondre à une interview de critiques d’art en commentant ton œuvre et en justifiant tes choix. - Lister les objets qui sont sur ton bureau quand tu travailles. - Rédiger un texte racontant l’anecdote à laquelle se réfère un des objets du tableau.

Exercise 2 You will have to comment your work to art critics. You need to use the appropriate words. 1- Write the captions.

2- List the objects you will include in your painting. Check their spelling and their pronunciation in a dictionary on line. a) two objects representing what you like. ................................................................................................................................. b) two objects representing what you like doing. ................................................................................................................................. c) one object representing someone or something you admire. d) one object refering to an important event in your life. ..................................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 3e —


Séquence 12 — séance 8

3- When you present your painting to the journalists, you will have to locate the different personal objects you are talking about, so check your verbs and your prepositions.

Complete the picture of exercise 2 respecting the following description.

- A photo is clipped to the top left hand-side of the canvas. - Another painting is propped up against the easel - A cigarette is thrust in the painter’s mouth. - A parrot is perched on one of the painter’s shoulder. - A book is spread open on the stool. - A bottle of water is placed precariously on top of the book. - A trash can is positioned next to the stool.

Exercise 3 You will also have to justify the choice of your objects and of their location on your painting. 1- Draw a rough sketch of your future painting

- Draw three portraits of yourself: one from behind, one through the mirror and a pencil sketch on the canvas. Have you made up your mind? Because of the looking glass, the portrait you will draw of yourself on the canvas will be different from the others. But how different? Make up your mind. - Include the objects you have chosen. - Don’t forget your signature.


— © Cned, Anglais 3e

séance 8 — Séquence 12

2- Justify the choice you made for your self-portrait on the canvas. Go back to Séance 5 if you need any help. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................

Exercise 4 You will have to tell the story of an important event in your life. How did Roald Dahl go about it? Fill in the gaps respecting the appropriate form of the verb. My doctor ................... (decide) to have me operated on. I ................... (feel) quite anxious about it, but everything ................... (go) well and I ................... (come) home safely after the operation. A few days later, I ................... (receive) a parcel. I ................... (wonder) who it ................... (be) from. It ................... (be) from the surgeon who ................... (operate) on my hip.

Lors de la prochaine séance, ce sera vraiment toi l’artiste. Prépare crayon de papier, crayons de couleurs, feutres ou peintures si tu le souhaites.

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