RESUME Yves Pigneur Information Systems Institute Université de

Founding board of the Management of Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Joint program of EPFL (engineering school) and HEC Lausanne (business ...
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RESUME Yves Pigneur Information Systems Institute Université de Lausanne 1015 Lausanne +41 21 692 3416 [email protected] RESEARCH INTERESTS: information system design, management of information technology and e-business. EDUCATION: Ph.D., University of Namur (Belgium), 1984; Ms/Bs, University of Namur, 1977. CURRENT POSITION: Professor in information systems, University of Lausanne. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: 2006 Head, Information Systems Institute, University of Lausanne 2000-2004 Adjunct dean, HEC School of Management, Université de Lausanne 1996-2004 Head, Information Systems Institute, University of Lausanne 1984 Professor, HEC School of Management, Université de Lausanne courses taught: Service Design, Design science research in IS, Introduction to information systems, Management of Information Technology, Strategy and Information Technology, e-business, and Design of Interactive Systems Founding board of the Management of Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Joint program of EPFL (engineering school) and HEC Lausanne (business school). VISITING POSITIONS: University of British Columbia (2004), Georgia State University (1994) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1994). PH.D. STUDENTS: Isabelle Petoud (CS), Gabor Maksay (HEIGVD), Giovanni Zucchinetti (GiTec), Michael Bloch (McKinsey), Eric Revaz (Pioneers), André Lang (TCS), Alexander Osterwalder, Giovanni Camponovo (Supsi), Jan Ondrus (ESSEC), Gang Fang (Uni. Zhejiang), and Cédric Gaspoz, Boris Fritscher, Lotfi Hussami, Riccardo Bonazzi (in progress). SELECTED PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Editor-in-chief Systèmes d’information et management (SIM). Associate editor Journal of AIS. ICIS’08 doctoral consortium. General Chair, AIM 2007. Swiss representative of IFIP TC 8 (information systems) SELECTED KEYNOTES: ER 2002, OOIS 2002, PACIS 2005, SIKS 2007.