monkeys & champagne

I'm not going to, place with that .... Any last one I had dissolved itself in ...... Under the water, in the bottom of the pool, Matias shouts as hard as he can.
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MATIAS (24) is leaned against a gray big wall, smoking. He wears tuxedo and tie. It's a dark and quiet place. Matias is kind of intellectual, a little bit overweight sports. He is always trendy looking, clean and well shaved.



Someone whistles. Matias throws the cigarette away, looks up and adopts a funny position. MATIAS (in low voice) Come on. A big box falls, Matias fails to trap it and the box hits the floor. Sounds of several bottles crashing. MATIAS Fuck. VOICE Idiot, that was 100 dollars. Matias adopts the funny position again, another box falls, this time he traps it and puts it on the floor. A third box falls, he traps it too, puts it on the floor and looks up. MATIAS Happy? Matias lights another cigarrete. A man enters the frame falling from upside and athletically strikes the floor. Is HUGO (25), wearing a cheap tuxedo without tie. Hugo is skinny, quite tall and has a beard of a week. He studies Communication. A quite man, until something or someone provokes him. He is pretty lazy. HUGO Let’s go. They lift up the boxes and walk trough the parking area, both watching around. The place seems to be empty. MATIAS Are you sure those dogs have a bunch of things to eat, right? HUGO Yah, but just in case, the Rott Weiller’s name is OJSimpson and the Doberman is Barbra Streisand. Matias shakes his head as in ‘no’. MATIAS Why people has to put human names on their pets, even worst, celebrity names?


HUGO Come on, names are just names. They don’t mean anything. MATIAS Of course they do. Anyway, if the beast attack us, just don’t try to stop them by naming them. Right? Dogs barking. The guys stays paralyzed, hided behind a van. HUGO Fuck. Don’t breath. Don’t even move. Matias, completely pale, closes his eyes. 2



An empty mirror, a huge ‘SNIF’ and from underneath a woman appears in the crystal. She just took a shot of cocaine. ELISA (25), in pain, presses her nose with both hands as if she were praying. ELISA Oh, God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, Maria and Pedro, the Apostles and the whole fucking Bible! This is good stuff. Elisa has fake blond hair and is a little bit overweight, she is tall and wears a fancy dress; big tits, brazilian ass. ISABEL (26) is standing next to her, retouching her mascara. Isabel is a self-confident and very social woman. She is slim and quite tall, dark long hair and green eyes. The girl is stunning. Elisa offers coke to Isabel, but she denies it shaking her hand and keeps retouching her mascara. ISABEL Who gave you that shit? ELISA Your beloved Lucas did. ISABEL In exchange of a kiss, a blow job, or what? ELISA In exchange of psico pressure. She stops working on her face and looks at her through the mirror. ELISA (CONT’D) He wants me to convince you to brake with Hugo once and for all. ISABEL Are you kidding me, right? ELISA No I’m not.


Isabel puts the cosmetics on her purse again and closes it. ISABEL What’s wrong with him? I already told Lucas that it won´t be that easy. I don’t want to hurt Hugo. Isabel walks towards the door and Elisa goes behind. ELISA Come on, Isabel, you would hurt him anyway. Hugo is still in love with you. So make it brutal and fast. Believe me, that would be the easiest way for both of you. Isabel opens the door of the bathroom and a compound of music, smoke and lights hit the girls in the face. ELISA Aren’t you afraid of him, are you? ISABEL You know Hugo. He wouldn’t let me go. Isabel gets out and Elisa goes behind ELISA (to herself) That crazy mother fucker. 3



LUCAS(25) is in the huge garden of the club where the wedding party is taking place. Lucas´s hair is always messy in a way it suits him. He's slim but muscular. He wears a fancy suit with a shall, even in summer. He’s the classic Don Juan. He was just fired from a veterinary. Lucas is leaned against a tree with a bottle of whisky in one hand and a cigarette in the other. It’s quiet dark and we can hear the music coming from the party. At Lucas´s back, Isabel appears from the vegetation and frightens him. ISABEL BU! LUCAS Fuck! He drops the bottle and Isabel smiles. LUCAS (CONT’D) Very funny. ISABEL How many times I told you not to sent me text messages, you dumb. Lucas kisses her, but she pushes him away.


LUCAS What? ISABEL It's stupid. LUCAS It’s exciting. ISABEL (pointing somewhere) Hugo is right there, for God sake. LUCAS Don’t worry. He’s busy stealing champagne together with Matias. Isabel just looks at him, surprised. LUCAS (CONT’D) Yes, madam. The man has no class. She opens her purse and takes a cigarette. Lucas lights it. ISABEL And what about you, mr classy? I still can’t believe what you said to Elisa. LUCAS She told you? That bitch. Isabel punches him in the shoulder. LUCAS (CONT’D) Auuu. ISABEL That beach is my best friend. LUCAS Anyway, listen, I called you because I need your help. I have this huge albino snake at my place. A client asked me to take care of it while he is on a business trip and I ISABEL Wait. Wait a second. What the hell are you talking about? LUCAS The albino snake. Her name is Condoleezza Rice. 3 m long and ISABEL Stop. Stop it there. You are telling me that there´s a 3 m long albino snake at your place? Lucas nods. ISABEL Jesus, Lucas. Isabel turns round, closes her eyes and sights.


LUCAS What? She doesn’t answer. Lucas hugs her from behind, starts to kiss her neck and she smiles. He lift up her fancy dress. EXT. PARKING - NIGHT Hugo and Matias are steel holding the boxes of champagne without moving an inch. HUGO (in low voice) They are gone. Come on, go and open the trunk. MATIAS (low voice) You go. HUGO No more dogs, brother. Go. Matias, embracing the box, shakes his head as in ‘no’. HUGO (CONT’D) Fuck, Matias. Hugo puts his box over Matias´s box and crosses the parking, opens the trunk of Matias´s car and nods to his friend. Matias crosses the parking carrying the boxes. Hugo helps him to put them in the trunk of the car and closes it. HUGO Done. They start to walk towards the party again. HUGO (CONT’D) Thanks, brother. I mean, you’ve your important job, your money. But this, you know, this would make my month. MATIAS And what about next month? How are you going to keep your glamorous girl happy and hooked up to you if you insist on avoiding the real world? Hugo slaps him in the ass. HUGO Come on, boy! You are going too philosophical again! Hugo running climbs the stairs, while Matias goes slowly going ´no´ with his head.





Lucas and Isabel are having sex against a tree, Lucas in his tuxedo, Isabel with his fancy dress lifted up. ISABEL Aah...I’m not going to, place with that snake in it...ah. LUCAS Ah..But it’s just for a They laugh and keep fucking. Someone approaches singing. VOICE “Don’t cry for me Argentina...” LUCAS Shit. It's Matias. In a hurry, Lucas lift up his pants and Isabel pulls her dress down. Lucas starts to climb the same tree they used as a wall in the intercourse. Isabel, in shock, watches him going up, and up. ISABEL (in low voice) What the hell are you doing? Lucas don’t even answers her and keeps climbing the tree. Matias appears singing from between the plants and sees Isabel lighting a cigarette. MATIAS Isabel. I can’t believe you are here, alone. ISABEL (forcing a smile) I´m Smoking. What are you doing here? MATIAS Watching the stars, looking for affection. Like you, I guess. Isabel performs another fake smile. MATIAS (CONT’D) The only difference is that I’d never betray those I love by doing it. Matias and Isabel’s dialog from Lucas POV up in the tree. ISABEL What are you talking about? MATIAS Your affair with Lucas. LUCAS (closing his eyes) Shit.


ISABEL I see. But you wont tell anything to Hugo, right? MATIAS I just wish he weren’t so in love with you, then it´d be my pleasure. ISABEL Thanks. MATIAS So, what the fuck are you gonna do about it? ISABEL Going inside, it’s getting cold here. Isabel turns round and leaves. MATIAS (to himself) Bitch. Matias looks around and Lucas watches him from the top of the tree. MATIAS Come on, Lucas! I know you are here! The fashion woman would never drink from that bottle of cheap whisky! Matias picks up the bottle of whisky from the ground. MATIAS (CONT’D) Let’s talk about it! LUCAS All right! What the fuck! You already know everything! Matias looks up and sees Lucas going down from the big tree. MATIAS Check out the crazy monkey up there. 5



Lucas jumps and falls stand on the ground, right next to Matias. LUCAS (looking up) Wow, I had already forgotten how sexy looks life from the top of a tree. Matias gives a glance at the top the tree and then watches Lucas, who now is looking at him. LUCAS (CONT’D) You also should try it too.


MATIAS How is that you don’t feel guilty fucking your best friend woman? LUCAS It’s not my fault. The girl is irresistible. They walk towards the party again. MATIAS Come on, Lucas, that’s so stupid. Lucas takes the bottle from Matias’s hands and drinks. LUCAS Who told you about us? MATIAS Come on, baby, I´m smart, and I’m gay. You are so into her. But let me tell you, if Hugo discovers it...Jesus. Matias shakes his head as in ´no´ and Lucas throws the half empty bottle of whisky in the pool. LUCAS Desire is a strong shit, brother. With their hands in their trouser pockets, they both stay watching the bottle going down and down. LUCAS (CONT’D) By the way, why don't you declare your love to Hugo once and for all? He must be quite drunk by now. LUCAS (CONT’D) Yah, maybe he’s interested in you too, and that would make things much easier to Isabel, and to me. MATIAS Ass hole. Matias turns round and leaves, but before getting in the party again, he turns round and watches Lucas, who keeps observing the bottle’s journey. MATIAS The difference between me and you is that I can control my desire! Lucas nods without even looking at him. MATIAS (CONT’D) And keep your bloody advises for your enemies! Matias gets in. Lucas watches the water again. Inside the pool, the bottle reaches the bottom.





Day is coming and drunken people start to leave the party. It is 6 o'clock in the morning. In the parking everyone is leaving truly drunk, everybody pretty work up. It's a chaotic scene: cars, screams, laughs, people kissing, people discussing with the valets parking, a women crying and Matias looking for his friends. MATIAS HUGO! LUCAS! He switches off the alarm of his car. MATIAS (CONT’D) WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? A middle age distinguish lady is looking at him. LADY Excuse me. Why is that you’re shouting like a primitive beast? MATIAS Looking for my friends, both dressing like footballers. Have you seen them? The lady goes away complaining and Hugo, walking completely drunk, appears from the chaos, still wearing his tuxedo. MATIAS Here you are! Now where is Lucas?! HUGO Don’t know. I've been looking for him for hours. Hugo turns round and keeps walking through the parking. MATIAS Listen, why don't you wait in the car while I look for him?! Hugo doesn’t answer, Matias goes and grabs him by the arm. MATIAS (CONT’D) Baby, you are too drunk. Hugo frees himself from Matias’s hand and keeps walking. Matias takes his cell phone and calls Lucas. MATIAS Come on... Lucas doesn't answer. Matias calls Isabel, but she doesn't answers either. MATIAS (CONT’D) Stupid people.


MONTAGE: From Hugo´s POV: Lucas kisses Isabel and she tries to stop him. Now Lucas, laughing, touches her ass and she pushes him away. HUGO (to himself) Mother fucker. MONTAGE: Matias is writing a message on his cell phone, sees a couple of security guards running through the parking, and further away sees Lucas and Hugo fighting. MATIAS Shit. MONTAGE: The security guys leave the area laughing. Isabel is trying to calm Hugo down, while cleans his blood with a Kleenex. Lucas is being calm down by Matias. Both have bleeding cuts in their faces. ISABEL What’s wrong with you?! We were just talking! HUGO Talking?! Are you kidding me?! The mother fucker was trying to rape you! Hugo, being hold by Isabel, points at Lucas and shouts: HUGO (CONT’D) YOU TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN I FUCKING KILL YOU! LUCAS (being hold by Matias) FUCK OFF! ISABEL STOP IT! ARE YOU TWO FUCKING INSANE! Hugo and Lucas look furious at each other. Isabel turns round and walks away, throwing the Kleenex with blood to the wind. MATIAS (to the crow) All right, everybody! There's nothing to see here! Go home! 7



The three guys get in Matias’s car without saying a word. Further away, Isabel and Elisa are standing side by side, looking at them. ISABEL Can you believe this? They almost kill each other and now they get in the same car. It’s hilarious.


ELISA It’s stupid. Elisa puts on his trendy sunglasses, and in the reflex of the very dark crystal, Matias’s car takes off and leaves. FADE TO: 8



Matias drives through a deserted highway. The scenery is a wasteland: flat and empty. Lucas goes seated in the back. Hugo goes seated next to Matias. Hugo and Lucas aren’t talking to each other, they slowly take off their suit in order to put on the sport outfit. MATIAS You know, guys, I’m too tired, I think I’m gonna sleep this time. No one says a word. MATIAS (CONT’D) So no camera man today. Silence. MATIAS (CONT’D) Anyway, I forgot to bring it. LUCAS What? Naked legs and brainless men behavior is not that sexy anymore? Matias looks serious at him through the rear view mirror. MATÍAS Talking about not being sexy, what about Elisa in the podium? I mean, it felt kind of awkward after such an striptease, don’t you think so? LUCAS Maybe I shouldn’t gave her the whole bag. The crazy woman took half of the shit. MATIAS Oh, Jesus, Lucas, so you Hugo takes his pants off and Matias blushes as son as he sees his dick, forgetting that he was saying something to Lucas. MATIAS (CONT’D) And what about you? No more slip? HUGO Nop. Any last one I had dissolved itself in the washing machine. Matias watches Hugo's bundle once more before shorts...something crosses the road and they hit it.






MATÍAS AAAH! HUGO WOW! Matias pulls the car over and Lucas slaps him on the back of his neck. LUCAS You see, for not watching the road! Matias puts the car in reverse. Lucas turns round and looks at the heap in the middle of a deserted road. LUCAS Oh, fuck. It’s an animal. HUGO (watching trough the side view mirror) And it doesn’t moves anymore. Matias stops the car a few meters from the body. MATÍAS I’m not going, guys. I don’t want to faint in the middle of nowhere. 9



Hugo and Lucas are standing on the asphalt, both half naked and looking down. Lucas in his trousers, naked torso and bear feet, while Hugo is in his shorts, socks, shirt and tie. LUCAS Oh my God. HUGO Well, it seems that we murder an ancestor. The little heap at their feet is a monkey. Matias gets out of the car leaving the door open, lights a cigarette and seats in the front of the vehicle, quite far from the scene, giving his back to the boys. MATIAS So, what´s going on? HUGO Murderer! MATÍAS It was his fault! Matias curses. MATIAS (CONT’D) Is it alive?! Hugo, with both hands in his short pockets, bows a bit and sees the monkey from closer.


HUGO Well, it looks pretty dead to me! Lucas points at the animal's necklace. LUCAS You see? It might have escaped from a circus or something. The two half dress men look in all directions, but no circus tent to be detected, as a matter of fact no sign of civilization at all, not even trees. Lucas bows and takes a closer look at the monkey's face. LUCAS Bad luck, my friend. HUGO Fuck bad luck. You know, superstition is like Roman Catholicism. LUCAS What? HUGO A huge lie. LUCAS (pointing at the monkey) I’m talking to him. HUGO Ah. Matias turns round a little bit. MATÍAS I kill it yes or no?! HUGO AND LUCAS YES! A 'shit' comes from Matias. Lucas kneels down on the asphalt with the purpose of check the animal properly. Matias throws the cigarette away and gets in the car without closing the door, he takes his sunglasses from the glove compartment and puts it on. From Lucas POV: the monkey’s face in detail. LUCAS Looks like if it was quite a funny character. HUGO Ordinary monkey to me. Matias honks the horn and Lucas frightens himself. LUCAS Fuck.


Hugo, always with both hands in his short pockets, laugh at his friend kneel down on the asphalt. Lucas looks up and gives him a furious glance. Matias starts the car. MATIAS Let’s go, people! I don't want to be here anymore! Lucas takes the animal up by his arm and stands up. HUGO What the fuck are you doing? That thing is dead. Lucas opens the trunk of the vehicle with his free hand and leaves the monkey over one of the boxes of champagne. HUGO (CONT’D) Hey, I’m talking to you. Lucas takes a bottle from the second box and closes the trunk. Hugo grabs him by the arm. HUGO (CONT’D) Look, I'm sorry. We were too drunk. But don't provoke me, brother. Just answer when I’m fucking talking to you. Lucas frees himself from Hugo's hand. LUCAS Don’t touch me. Lucas gets in the back seat and then goes Hugo, who splits in the asphalt before getting in the car and closes the door. 10


10 MATÍAS (to Lucas) You didn't put that thing in the trunk, did you?

LUCAS That thing was a monkey. MATÍAS What? HUGO (overacting) A monkey, Matias. A bloody ancestor. Matias, grabbing the driving wheel with both hands, turns round and takes off without saying a single word. LUCAS You stop in the first store you see. I’m gonna get a shovel and burry him in dignity.


MATIAS Right. Hugo looks at them, astonished. HUGO I can’t believe this. It’s a fucking monkey. People have them in their houses, destroying things and shitting all around. Like a stupid pet. MATIAS Come on, Hugo, it’s not just a pet. It’s almost like hitting a 2 year old kid. HUGO That's it. You two are nuts. Lucas opens the bottle of champagne. 11



From the bloodstain on the asphalt, we see the car going smaller and smaller on the empty road, until it disappears. 12



The car stops on a small store by the road. Matias gets down first and then goes Hugo, Matias wearing tuxedo and tie and Hugo his soccer outfit. Lucas stays sleeping in the back seat, also wearing his sport outfit, with a half empty bottle of champagne between his legs. HUGO Wait! I don’t want to stay alone with that freak. MATIAS Why do you provoke him? You know he loves every stupid little animal in this world. HUGO What are you talking about? The mother fucker was trying to rape my girlfriend, in public! They get in the store. 13



The guys get out of the store, Matias with a garden shovel, Hugo eating a chocolate with one hand and drinking Coke with the other. MATIAS My point is that you overreacted, Hugo. I’m sure they were just talking. HUGO (mouth full of chocolate) Come on, you know Lucas, he’d be delight to fuck your mother if he’d only have the chance.


Matias don’t even answers him. HUGO (CONT’D) Someone has to teach the son of a bitch. They get in the car and Lucas keeps sleeping unbotherered. 14



They get off the road to a path surrounded by trees. MATIAS Fifty minutes driving just to watch you run behind a ball. I told you, this is my last time. Nobody answers him. Matias looks at them, both sleeping. MATIAS (CONT’D) WAKE UP, CHILDREN! Lucas wakes up, watches trough the window and then looks at the half empty bottle of champagne between his legs. Hugo wakes up making estrange noises and opens the window. 15



They arrive at two soccer fields and notice there's nothing around, just four goals, not one house there, not even changing rooms. HUGO I've already heard about this place. It's a wasteland. LUCAS One hour and thirty minutes early. What the fuck are we gonna do now? MATIAS Sleep. Matías leans his seat back and closes his eyes ready to sleep. Lucas takes out what's left of the cocaine after Elisa and takes a couple of shots. Matias can’t believe what he just heard, anyway, he keeps trying to sleep. MONTAGE Hugo is preparing a joint while a doped Lucas doesn’t stop revolving himself on the back seat, the two of them without exchanging a single word. MONTAGE Hugo lights his joint and a cloud of smoke fills the car. Matias wakes up. MATÍAS Smoking outside!


HUGO Come on, brother, don't be like that. I promise I'll be careful. MATÍAS You already burned all three seats, Hugo! Get out! Hugo gets out, complaining. Matias and Lucas stay inside, one trying to sleep, the other one high, revolving himself on the seat. LUCAS Yah, I know, you told me. I should have kept away from her. Now I lost the girl and a friend. And my job. Great, this has been the worst bloody month of my whole life. MATIAS (eyes closed) Mmm. LUCAS Of course I feel bad, but his reaction was absurd, I mean, I only was looking for attention, you know what I´m saying. Matias don’t even react to his comment. 16



Hugo is smoking next to the car. He keeps the joint on his lips, opens the trunk of the vehicle and the monkey bites him in the hand. HUGO AUU! FUCK! From far we see a euphoric Hugo punching several times inside of the trunk. With the joint still on his lips, he closes the trunk and watches his fist full of blood, then watches the bite on his other hand. He smokes once more and throws the joint away. 17



Hugo gets in the car. MATIAS What was that? HUGO (showing the bite on his hand) The stupid animal attacked me, and, uh, I think I killed it. LUCAS You what?! HUGO It was in self defense. LUCAS ARE YOU FUCKING IDIOT OR WHAT?!


MATIAS Hey, listen, you can kill each other! I don’t give a shit! But do it outside of the car, please! Lucas gets out. Matias closes his eyes again and Hugo turns round on the seat. From Hugo’s POV: Lucas opens the trunk. HUGO You think he want to fight again? Lucas, wearing his soccer outfit, appears in front of the car with the dead monkey in one hand and the half empty bottle of champagne in the other. LUCAS (shaking the monkey) I'm taking it back to where it came from! You coward! Matias opens his eyes again. Lucas turns round and starts to walk towards the wood. MATIAS He is going to do what? HUGO Give it back. I guess. Hugo and Matias look at each other, then look at Lucas again whose now getting into the wood. 18



Hugo and Matias are standing at a large tree, looking up they see Lucas in his soccer outfit climbing up between the branches. The bottle on the ground, right next to the tree, empty. HUGO (to Matias) Come on, you say something. MATÍAS Come down, Lucas. You're climbing way to high! Lucas doesn't answer. MATIAS (CONT’D) Don't be silly, the animal will discompose itself and fall down anyway! HUGO True! Lucas doesn't answer. Hugo and Matias look at each other. MATÍAS (inhaling strongly) Mmm, fresh air. Countryside. Can you smell it?


Hugo inhales strongly. HUGO No. I don’t smell anything. MATÍAS And that's what I don’t do drugs. Hugo looks up again. MATIAS Come down, Lucas! What’s with you and climbing trees today?!

HUGO Listen, we bought a shovel while you were sleeping! So there's no need to do whatever are you trying to do with that beast! Lucas still doesn't answer and Hugo looks at Matias. HUGO (CONT’D) I’ve just told the guy to fucking answer when I’m talking to him. Hugo looks up again. HUGO (CONT’D) LUCAS, ARE YOU RETARDED OR WHAT?! LUCAS ASK YOUR GIRLFRIEND, MOTHER FUCKER! HUGO WHAT?! WHAT YOU SAID?! MATIAS Oh, man, not again. Hugo catches a stone, sees another one even bigger and catches it too. MATIAS (CONT’D) Hey, what are you doing? HUGO You heard the son of a bitch. Hugo drops the stones and takes the bottle of champagne. MATIAS No, wait! Hugo throws the bottle with such violence that he almost falls. The bottle must hit a hard brunch, since it crashes up in the tree provoking a rain of glasses. Hugo and Matias cover their heads with both hands. MATIAS Are you fucking crazy?!


The monkey falls down at Hugo and Matias feet. LUCAS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Lucas falls right next to them, neck twisted and tong outside of the mouth. 19



The two guys panic. With one finger, Hugo pushes Lucas tongue into his mouth again and tries to reanimate him giving mouth-to-mouth respiration and pressing his chest. HUGO Come on, Lucas! Come on! Lucas doesn't react. MATIAS Shit, is not working. Now, with two fingers, Hugo tries to feel Lucas pulse on his neck. MATIAS And? HUGO I think he is dead? MATIAS You think?! HUGO You wanna try or what?! Matias don’t even moves and Hugo keeps trying to feel Lucas pulse. MATIAS You don’t know how to do it properly, right? HUGO SHUT THE FUCK UP, MATIAS! Hugo starts pressing Lucas chest again with both hands. HUGO Come on, Lucas! Don’t be stupid! Matias turns around and grabs his head with both hands. MATIAS Oh my God. Hugo keeps trying to reanimate him, now by hitting his chest too hard.





Hugo and Matias are kneeled down on the ground, both in shock looking at his dead friend. Suddenly, the bag of cocaine drops itself from one of Lucas´s short pockets. Hugo looks at Matias, but he’s still absent watching the body. Hugo grabs the bag and takes a couple of shots. He offers what is left of the cocaine to Matias, but he denies it waiving his hand. HUGO It’d make you stronger. Trust me. Matias takes a shot and throws the bag to the air. HUGO (CONT’D) You know, I'm in deep shit. Matias gives him a glance. HUGO (CONT’D) I punch him and threaten him of death in front of a bunch of people. And every person in that parking saw us getting in your car. Hugo shakes his head as in ‘no’. HUGO (CONT’D) I'm so fucked up. MATIAS Easy. HUGO Easy? Are you kidding me? The man is dead! MATIAS The man is Lucas! Show some respect! Matias stands up. Hugo stands up too. HUGO (pointing at Lucas) He wanted to fuck my girl! MATIAS (pointing at Lucas) Don't be childish, Hugo! You threw him the stupid bottle! You killed Lucas! HUGO Don't, that's unfair, Matias. I didn't throw anything. Matias turns around and starts to walk away, but not towards the field, he goes straight to the dense woods. Hugo goes behind him. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, brother. You have to help me with this.


Matias doesn’t answers him and keeps on walking. HUGO (CONT’D) Listen, we can't go to the police. Matias stops. MATIAS Of course we can. In fact I’m gonna call them right now. Matias takes out a cell phone from his trousers pocket and starts to punch a number, but Hugo violently takes it off from his hands and keeps it in his shorts pocket. MATIAS What the fuck are you doing?! HUGO Listen to me, we’ve the shovel. Lets burry him. MATIAS Are you fucking insane?! HUGO No! I'm fucking scared! Matias, wearing his fancy tuxedo, turns round and keeps on walking without looking backwards. HUGO (CONT’D) Don’t you see?! I'm gonna be put in jail! Hugo keeps still, looking how Matias goes away. HUGO (CONT’D) Where are you going now?! Matias don’t even answers him. HUGO (CONT’D) Hey! Matias! Matias disappears behind some trees, Hugo turns round and watches the bodies a few meters behind him, looks at the woods again, but he can’t see his friend anymore. HUGO (CONT’D) WE HAVE TWO DEAD BODIES HERE! Hugo tries to see something, and sees nothing but trees. HUGO FUCK!





Hugo follows Matias right from behind, through a wood that is getting more and more dense. HUGO And everybody saw us getting drunk in your car. So you are fuck too, mate. Forget about your successful career. You’ll loose your freedom. Matias stops, turns round and furious points at him. MATIAS Look, I'm not stupid! I'm not gonna loose anything because I didn't do anything, so don't even try to intimidate me with circumstantial crap, Hugo! And give me my cell phone back! Hugo shakes his head as in ‘no’. Matias looks furious at him, turns round and keeps on walking. Hugo follows him. HUGO I'm talking about avoiding the police, interrogatories, blood exams. We are full of shit, man, and that's more trouble, you know it, your mother is a lawyer. MATIAS Divorce lawyer, not a crime one, for God sake. HUGO You see, your first reaction is thinking on this as a crime. Come on, just think about it. Who’d believe such a crazy accident? Monkey’s affair included. Matias stops again, but this time in order to look around: the wood looks exactly the same in any direction. MATIAS Where are we now? Hugo looks around. HUGO FUCK, MATIAS! WE ARE LOST! MATIAS DON’T SHOUT AT ME! They both watches around. 22

EXT. IN THE DENSE WOOD – DAY Matias goes first, trying hard to make vegetation. Hugo goes right behind him.

22 a






HUGO Come on, Matias. Just think about it. MATIAS I remember that tree. Hugo watches his clock. HUGO Listen, we have the shovel and 55 minutes before the others arrive. Matias don’t answers him and keeps on walking, kicking plants and braking brunches with both hands. He is not good at it. MATIAS I’m sick of this! You are the macho here! You go first! Hugo steps in front of him and violently starts to open a path by using feet and hands. Matias makes himself smaller and goes behind him, safe at Hugo’s strong back. HUGO Listen. Lucas was upset and provoking everyone since he lost his job. Right? MATIAS True. HUGO Then we can say that after the fight he told us he needed vacations, given that he was aware of his state and didn't want to hurt anybody. Lucas wanted to be alone for a while, so he took the money from his severance payment and left to Brazil. MATIAS Just take me out this place. Hugo turns round, watches Matias in the eyes and with both hands grabs him by the shoulders. HUGO Look, it’s you and me now, and this would be our secret. You see? It’d keep us together, forever. Matias, moved, just watches his beloved man giving up at him. Hugo perceives his friend’s weakness and hugs him, looking at his watch over Matias shoulder...8:40 am MATIAS (whispering in his ear) All right. Hugo pushes him away.


MATIAS (CONT’D) I’m with you. Hugo nods to his friend. HUGO Come on, we’re almost there. Hugo keeps making their way through the dense vegetation. Matias follows him from behind, protected under his shadow. 23



The guys are next to the bodies. Hugo, kneel down on the ground, is trying to stick the shovel on the earth, but it's such an area full of roots that he can't even stick it once. Matias walks nervously in circles around him, with both hands in his trouser pockets. HUGO Fuck! It’s not working! MATIAS It must be a sign. I’m sure it means something. HUGO Stop walking! You’re dizzying me! Matias stops walking and Hugo keeps trying to stick the shovel on the ground. MATIAS Why don’t you dig in other place? HUGO Right. Hugo stands up. HUGO (CONT’D) What about the middle of the soccer field? It’s a mistreat area, nobody is gonna notice it. MATIAS And playing the match over Lucas? No. That’s insane. HUGO Yah, maybe. MATIAS Why don’t we do it by the side of the field and put my car over it? They stay staring at each other.





Hugo is digging by the side of the field, next to Matias car. Further away, Matias comes out from the wood, taking a big branch with both hands and the monkey hanging from it. MONTAGE: Hugo appears from inside the wood carring Lucas´s body on his back. He walks like if he were about to fall. MONTAGE: Hugo throws Lucas inside the shallow grave and falls seated on the ground, exhausted. MATIAS (waving the small shovel) Come on, they’re about to arrive. Hugo just looks at him from the ground. MONTAGE: Knelled down on the ground, Hugo starts to throw earth over the monkey and Lucas with both hands. Matias does the same with the small shovel, but no one dares to throw earth over Lucas face, and none of them talks. MONTAGE: Hugo takes Lucas´s suit, shirt, tie and shoes out from the back seat of the car and puts everything over Lucas face. They continue burring him fast and in complete silence. 25



Hugo and Matias are standing over Lucas´s grave, both looking at the earth under their feet. The car is right behind them. HUGO It’s over... Hugo looks at his clock. HUGO (CONT’D) And just in time. Matias keeps quiet, looking down. HUGO (CONT’D) Hey, are you OK? Matias kneels down on the ground and closes his eyes. HUGO What? MATIAS I want to say some words.


HUGO Words? What for? MATIAS (opening his eyes again) I just want to say some fucking words in memoriam of Lucas! Is the least we can do, right?! Hugo turns round and watches the path to check if someone is arriving. HUGO Fine, but hurry up. Matias starts to mumble. Hugo goes, opens the trunk of the car and throws the shovel inside. MATÍAS You know the holly father or the Ave Maria?! HUGO Not a clue! Matias keeps mumbling. Hugo comes back. HUGO So why should we pray again? MATIAS Respect, Hugo! Bloody respect! Matias starts to mumbles again, and he even more nervous. Hugo starts to drag to make the earth look even, and by friend. At the distance, the cars start

takes his time, making Hugo get his foot around Matias in order the way put pressure into his to arrive, one after the other.

HUGO Fuck! They are here! Matias doesn’t react. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on! We’ve to move your car! Matias keeps mumbling, kneeled down on the ground, eyes closed and hands against his chest. Hugo gets in the car, takes off the hand brake and starts to push the vehicle towards Matias. HUGO (CONT’D) WATCH OUT! Matias opens his eyes and sees the front of his own car about to hit him in the face, so he is forced to stand up in a hurry and jump aside. MATIAS YOU DON’T GIVE A SHIT! RIGHT?! FADE TO:





Matias is sitting with his back leaned against the trunk of the tree from which Lucas felt. He is smoking a cigarette while picks up pieces of glass from the ground and puts them in one of his tuxedo pockets. A whistle calls Matias attention, anyway, he throws the cigarette away and keeps seated leaned against the tree, picking up fragments from the rain of glasses and keeping them in his pocket. 27



Hugo is standing next teammates around him.










HUGO Come on, guys! This is Moet & Chandon at Freixenete price! TEAM MATE 1 What are we celebrating, Hugo? That we loose again?! Some of them laugh. Hugo gives bottles and receives money. HUGO Just think on your girls! They love bubbles! And probably they will feel glamorous for once! And that, boys, means a good fuck! TEAM MATE 2 At least you are a good seller! Some of them laughs again. Hugo sees Matias coming out from the woods and immediately closes the trunk. HUGO And its over! See you next weekend, everybody! Some protest and others leaves happy with their bottles. TEAM MATE 2 Yeah, right, Hugo! What are you gonna steel next week?! Everybody laughs. HUGO Fuck off, losers! All of them leaves, except for PABLO (25). Pablo is a little bit overweight, one of those persons with chronic sad face. Hugo counts the money without even look at him. HUGO What do you want, Pablo?


PABLO Uh, you know, my girl is upset with me and uh, well, I’d love to make her feel special tonight, but actually I don’t have the money here with me, and I was wondering Hugo opens the trunk, gives a bottle to Pablo, closes the trunk again and keeps counting the money. Pablo smiles. PABLO Thanks, mate. By the way, what happened to your eye? HUGO Dancing. PABLO Wow. Uh... Pablo looks the bottle in his hands and smiles again. PABLO (CONT’D) And what about Lucas? HUGO (counting the money) Somewhere in Brazil. PABLO Nice. Business or Pleasure? Hugo stops counting the money and upset looks at him, but Pablo doesn’t leaves, so he keeps counting the money and answers without even looking at him. HUGO He lost his job and decided to, you know, the man needed some time off. Hugo puts the money in his short pocket and Matias arrives walking slowly, completely wasted. HUGO And here’s the man in the trendy tuxedo! Hugo jumps and falls seated in the trunk of Matias car. PABLO (to Matias) You were playing in the mood or what? Matias watches his filthy tuxedo, but don’t even answers.

MATIAS (To Hugo) What was all that about? HUGO The guys wanted to celebrate.


MATIAS You won the match? Pablo is the only one who laughs. PABLO Actually I forgot the last time we won a match. Matias looks at Hugo, waiting for an explanation. HUGO Business, my friend. Pablo watches the tense exchange of gazes between them, watches the bottle in his hands and offers it back to Hugo. PABLO Look, I didn’tHUGO Keep it, brother. You’d need it. Cars accelerating and honking the horn. Pablo turns round and sees a bunch of cars leaving the field. PABLO Fuck! Those idiots leave me here! HUGO Easy. We’ll drop you in the city. A phone rings inside Matias´s car. Hugo gets his ass down from the trunk of the vehicle, seats in the copilot’s place and leaves the door open, his feet outside, on the ground. Hugo takes the phone out from one of his trouser pockets. HUGO Allo? Hi, baby, what’s up? No, not really. Yeah, I slept 30 minutes. And you? Mm I’m jealous. Listen, you are not gonna believe this, a monkey attacked me. It bite me. Yah, hilarious. To the Hospital? What for? While talking with Isabel, sitting on the copilots place, we see Hugo’s feet on the grass, his soccer shoes all filthy, and a few centimeters behind, under the vehicle, the top of a dirty finger shows sticking out of the ground, pointing at the car. HUGO(CONT’D) Yeah, right. Meet you there in an hour. Ciao. Hugo switches off the phone and stays watching the bite on his hand. 28



Matias and Pablo gets in the car. MATIAS Who was it?


HUGO Isabel. MATIAS And? HUGO You´d have to take me to the hospital, brother. MATIAS Hospital? What for? HUGO The bite. Antirabies shot. Isabel is gonna be there too. PABLO Bite? Antirabies shot? It sounds as if anybody attacked you. Matias takes off. HUGO Yah. A monkey bite me last night. PABLO Monkeys and Champagne. What’s the deal today with you two, guys? Nobody answers him. 29



The dirty finger shows again, now pointing at the sky. CUT TO: 30



Matias is sleeping like a baby, siting on a plastic chair in the emergency room of an Hospital, drooling from his mouth, his shirt full of dirt and the tuxedo completely filthy and all wrinkled. A couple of nurses passes by and laugh at him. Isabel arrives. She is wearing a short skirt, a white shirt and golden babushkas. She also has a golden bag and golden sunglasses over her head. ISABEL Hi, Matias. Matias keeps sleeping and she seats next to him. Isabel kisses the man in his forehead and Matias slowly wakes up. ISABEL Welcome, sleeping beauty. Matias cleans the drool from his mouth and tries to seat properly.


MATIAS Hi. Isabel watches his outfit. ISABEL Don’t tell me. You were attacked by a Gorilla. MATIAS No darling, that’s Asia. Isabel immediately gets the man’s mood and Matias watches his ruined tuxedo. ISABEL So, where is he? MATIAS In that room. ISABEL You know if it’s gonna take long? MATIAS Don’t think so. Isabel opens her golden purse and starts to revolve inside, until she takes out a cigarette. ISABEL Shit. Isabel drops the cigarette inside again. ISABEL (CONT’D) I hate hospitals. She takes out a small lolly and a chewing gum. ISABEL (CONT’D) Anyway, this would help. She offers the lolly to Hugo and keeps the gum for herself. There is an awkward silence while both work on their candies. Isabel watches her nails and Matias looks around. ISABEL So, tell me about that monkey. MATIAS Well, we hit it on the road, Hugo wanted to check if it was still alive and the creature bite him. ISABEL And what about Lucas? I mean, he’s the vet. MATIAS Lucas. Actually he wasn’t there. He left to Brazil early in the morning.


Isabel just looks at him, surprised. MATIAS (CONT’D) Yah, he was feeling bad about Hugo. But the main reason was you. ISABEL Me? What are you talking about? MATIAS Come on, woman. I know everything. I saw you two fucking in the garden last night. She sticks the chewing gum under the chair and watches him straight in the eyes. ISABEL You told him? MATIAS No. ISABEL Does he suspect something? Matias shakes his head as in ‘no’ and Isabel sights. MATIAS So Lucas decided to take some time off to cool things down with you. ISABEL Well, I don’t know what to said. MATIAS You can start by explain me why Because it’s pretty clear to me love Hugo anymore, right? Oh, I here hoping to see Lucas again. you’re amazing, woman.

are you here. that you don’t see, you came Oh my God,

ISABEL And you are such an ass hole. A poster of first aids behind Isabel takes all Matias attention, turning him into a confused pale man. ISABEL What? MATIAS Nothing. Isabel turns round looking for what he saw, anything, so she watches him in the eyes again.





ISABEL Come on, Matias, what’s going on?


MATIAS Listen, I murder a beautiful animal and now I feel like shit, right. Now let me alone. Matias stands up. ISABEL Wait a minute. If Lucas left, what about the snake? Matias just looks at her. Hugo appears pressing a piece of cotton against his arm, wearing his soccer outfit and going ‘clac clac clac’ with his soccer shoes in the hospital floor. The cut in his eye is now painted with disinfectant. HUGO Three horrible shots in my ass. Isabel stands up and kisses his boy. Matias goes to see the poster of firsts aids on the wall. Isabel takes Hugo´s hand and he complains. ISABEL´S VOICE How it looks? From Matias POV: 1 by 1, the 5 steps in the meanwhile we hear Isabel and Hugo’s conversation.




HUGO´S VOICE The fucking monkey almost ripped my hand off. ISABEL’S VOICE Come on. You are dramatizing. Hugo and Isabel start to walk towards the exit. HUGO’S VOICE Matias! Tell her how the teeth of that beast looked like! An overwhelmed Matias turns around, sweaty and quite pale. MATIAS What? HUGO (smiling) Yeah, well, I’m tired too Matias walks fast towards the exit. ISABEL What you two need is a whole day nap. Matias gets out first and then goes Hugo, leaving Isabel behind. ISABEL (CONT’D) And a course of good manners. 31



On the sidewalk, Matias goes to one side and the couple to the other.


MATIAS See you, guys. HUGO Hey, take care. And thanks. Hugo smiles, but a serious Matias turns around and leaves. ISABEL Ciao. Matias just street.











ISABEL Your friend is acting weird today. HUGO Yeah, I know. He feels terrible for that bloody monkey. ISABEL (slapping his shoulder) I knew it! You don’t give a damn for that poor creature. Hugo smiles. ISABEL (CONT’D) You are so insensitive, Hugo. He tries to kiss her, but she doesn’t let him do it. HUGO Oh, come on! Why is that suddenly everybody cares so much about cats, rabbits, monkeys and stuff? ISABEL Right, going back to humans. What about Lucas? Matias told me he left to Brazil. HUGO Yep. We dropped him at the airport early in the morning. Isabel switches off the alarm of her car. HUGO (CONT’D) Oh, shit, my suit! He turns round and shouting like crazy starts to run behind Matias car. Matias stops in the corner and Hugo arrives running, exhaust. Matias opens the window. HUGO My suit, brother. I’m going to her place and that’s the only thing I’ve got. Matias takes the suit from the copilot seat and gives it to him without saying a word.


HUGO (CONT’D) Hey, are you all right? MATIAS Yeah, I buried my friend without giving him properly firsts aids and now I’m lying to everybody, just to save your ass. I feel great. HUGO (severe) I’ll call you later. Matias takes off and Hugo stays in the middle of the road watching the car. HUGO Bugger. 32



Isabel and her roommate’s house is a small building of two floors, stylishly decorated and has a nice little garden. Isabel and Hugo are taking a shower together. Hugo, behind his girl, puts his hand between her legs and starts to play. They get horny. HUGO Are we alone? ISABEL Mm-mm. HUGO Where is she? ISABEL Flying. HUGO Details. ISABEL Mmm, she said something about sushi and little people. HUGO That far? ISABEL Uh-huh. Isabel turns round and they start to kiss. HUGO I like her job. ISABEL Mm-mm.


HUGO Yah, maybe one day I’d be an air stewardess too. She smiles. The bandages get wet and drops from Hugo’s hand. HUGO. Shit. ISABEL Let me see. Isabel takes his hand, sees the bite and laughs. ISABEL (CONT’D) Oh, man, it's was a tiny little creature! HUGO. Yeah, right. Hugo gets out of the shower, takes a tower and hardly dries his balls before leaving the place. ISABEL (CONT’D) Come on, Hugo! Don't be such a pussy! 33



A naked Hugo gets wet in Isabel´s bedroom, puts on his pants, lies on the bed and switches on her Mac, which is also over the bed. Isabel enters the room naked. Hugo closes the laptot and admires his girl while she dries her hair with a towel. HUGO You are so fucking gorgeous. ISABEL Tell me something I don’t know. Hugo sits on the bed. She puts on a string and a bra, takes some bags from the cupboard and throws them over the bed. HUGO More? ISABEL Yes more. And is never gonna end. She takes out a shirt and a mini skirt from one of the bags and puts them on. ISABEL And? HUGO (pointing at the skirt) Too short.


Now she takes out a pair of shoes with high heels from another bag, sits on the bed, puts them on and stands up. ISABEL And what about this? HUGO Too tall. Isabel gives him the finger and watches herself in the mirror, checking how the quilt goes with her ass. Hugo smiles, so in love with her. ISABEL I like it. Now she takes a small box from another bag and gives it to him. HUGO (CONT’D)} To me? ISABEL Uh-uhu. Sitting on the bed, Hugo rips off the present paper, excited like a child. HUGO Sunglasses. Oh, thanks, princess. He puts them on. ISABEL Sexy boy. A serious Hugo watches himself in the mirror for a couple of seconds and lets himself falls back on the bed. ISABEL (CONT’D) What? You didn’t like them? HUGO Of course I do. I’m just too tired. She takes her new shoes off and lies over him. ISABEL Tell me how was between you and Lucas after the fight? Isabel takes the sunglasses off Hugo’s injured face. HUGO Well, we were upset for a while and, uh, you know... Look, I don’t really want to talk about him. ISABEL I just want to know how is that he left, just like that.


HUGO Why not? He has the money and the time. The man was working in that fucking pet clinic for 4 years. Isabel looks at him with a distrustful expression. Hugo pushes her away and lies over her. HUGO You are making too many questions. ISABEL (laughing) I just want to know. They start to struggle in a seductive way. HUGO Let’s talk about us. ISABEL No, it’s more funny to talk bad about others. We love that game. HUGO I love you. Wrestling over the bed, they kiss, they laguh and they end by making love. 34



Matias, wearing shorts, T-shirt and Hawaianas, crosses the living room of his house. It's a clean and well-decorated place, big rooms, all tidy and cozy. Matias enters the kitchen and opens the fridge, pounding with food and drinks. He takes a beer and a box of pizza, pushes a door and gets out, to the garden. 35



It’s a nice garden with a swimming pool. The MOTHER (50) is making a barbecue. Matias mother is a skinny, small, but with strong character woman. She is a Divorce Lawyer. There is also Matias sister, CAROLINA (18) and a girlfriend of hers, NATY (17), both sitting at the table preparing the salad, both of them wearing bikinis and completely wet. There is music at low volume. MATIAS Hi, girls. MOTHER Hello, Matias. CAROLINA Brother. NATY Hi.


Matias takes two slices of pizza from the box and puts them on the barbecue, next to the scampi and chicken’s brochette. MOTHER So how was the weeding? MATIAS Nice. CAROLINA (in low voice to Naty) I see dead people. The girls laugh and Matias sits at the table, next to Naty. MATIAS What the fuck did you say? CAROLINA That you’re getting old, brother. A happy night and next morning you look like shit. MATIAS Fuck off. MOTHER (dealing with smoke & fire) Hey, easy you two! Matias takes a cigarette and lights it. The girls keep cutting paprika. Naty looks intensely at Matias, but he is completely absent, smoking and drinking beer. MOTHER (while works on the bbc) So, seeing one of your friends getting married doesn’t makes you feel like, getting a girlfriend and, you know? CAROLINA Oh, mom. MOTHER What? I just want to know how he feels about it. The mother turns around and watches him. Matias stands up and goes for the pizzas. MATÍAS Look, I’m not in the mood for talk! Right?! Mother and sister looks at each other, then looks at Matias again, who throws the cigarette on the fire and takes the slices of pizza. MATIAS (CONT’D) There was a fight between Hugo and Lucas. MOTHER What? A fight?


CAROLINA And who won? He doesn't answers them and seats at the table eating the pizza. MOTHER How bad was it, Matias? MATIAS B Bad enough to make Lucas left to Brazil. CAROLINA That’s not bad. NATY Brazil is hot. The mother takes distance from the smoke and pointing at him with the knife says: MOTHER Hugo definitively isn’t a good influence! MATIAS Wrong! What he needs is run away from his father, escape from his girlfriend and start all over again. That’s what he needs. MOTHER (waving the knife) Listen, I don’t have anything against him, but the boy needs professional help, and you know it. Matias sights. MOTHER (CONT’D) What I think is that he never overcame the suicide of his mother. CAROLINA Mum, that was 15 years ago. MOTHER It’s a trauma for life, dear. The mother turns round and keeps working on the barbecue. MOTHER (CONT’D) Actually I don’t know what it’s worst, if loosing a son or loosing a mother. Matias looks pale and sweaty. MATIAS (to himself) I fell sick.


He leaves the rest of a slice of pizza over the table while the girls work on the salad. MOTHER A fight. Brazil. It sounds crazy to me. CAROLINA Lucas is crazy. NATY My cousin lives in Rio. Matias takes out his T-shirt, walks towards the swimming pool and pulls in it with his Hawaianas still on. The mother turns around with the knife in one hand and the fork in the other. Under the water, in the bottom of the pool, Matias shouts as hard as he can. The girls watches the bubbles on the surface and the red Hawainas floating around. CAROLINA What’s going on? Mother and bubbles. 36












Isabel wakes up. She looks for Hugo next to her, but he is not there, just her laptop closed, but switched on. She opens it and sees an Internet page with the “Rage” disease description, she presses backwards and another “Rage” page shows, this time with pictures of victims with a developed grade of the disease, she presses backwards again and another page shows, describing symptoms and saying that once started, it can't be stopped. A stressed Isabel closes the laptop. 37



On the floor underneath, Hugo is plundering Isabel's fridge, wearing again his tuxedo, shirt and shoes. He takes a sandwich, a Diet Coke and leaves them over the table. He takes the kitchen’s phone, punches a number and seats at the table. HUGO Wake up, it’s me. You already told to your mother? Hey, easy! I’ll call you later, right? No, wait, lets meet at 4:00 in front of Gloria’s house. Yah, be there. He hangs up. HUGO Sweet dreams, you freak. He starts to eat the sandwich and drink the Coke. Isabel enters the kitchen wearing underwear, a pot of Nivea cream in one hand and some magazines in the other. ISABEL Talking alone?


HUGO (mouth full of bred) Mm-mm. ISABEL Aren’t you hot in that suit? HUGO I’m OK. She leaves the things over the table, opens the fridge and takes a bottle of orange juice. ISABEL How long did I sleep? HUGO Almost fifty minutes. ISABEL And what about you? Hugo shakes his head as in ´no´. She sits in front of him and watches Hugo in the eyes while he devours the sandwich. ISABEL Aren't you afraid of that Rage thing, are you? HUGO Mm-mm. ISABEL Come on, this is 2005. And you already took the vaccines. There's nothing to worry about. Believe me. HUGO I don't know. I feel strange. ISABEL You need to sleep, boy. HUGO Yah, I know, but I can’t. I’ve to meet Matias at four o clock. ISABEL Again? HUGO It’s the never ending story. She takes an ashtray and a cigarette from a small basket. HUGO (CONT’D) I don’t like to see you smoking that much. Isabel lights the cigarette.


ISABEL So, what are the two of you gonna do now? HUGO Just talk, about some things. ISABEL And would you like to share those things with your girlfriend? HUGO Just technical things about nothing serious. Boring for you. ISABEL Please, let me decide what is boring for me and what’s not. Hugo finishes his sandwich and droves the plate away. He’s sweating now. Isabel puts the cigarette out without even finishing it and they look at each other for a few seconds. ISABEL (CONT’D) Come on, Hugo Lusich, I know you, and right now you’re feeling guilty. HUGO (containing the breath) Beg you pardon? ISABEL I know that very inside you, there's some remorse for that beast. HUGO Which beast? ISABEL Uh, Lucas. HUGO (angry) I told you I don't want to talk about him anymore! ISABEL (angry too) Of course I was talking about the monkey, you dumb! HUGO Ah. Sorry. Isabel stands up and takes her things. ISABEL I'm gonna be outside. It’s too hot in here.





Isabel is sunbathing in her sexy underwear, laid on a deck chair, meanwhile Hugo sleeps laid on the grass, wearing just the trousers and his sunglasses. The rest of the wedding outfit is over a plastic table. Isabel has a glass of lemonade by her side and a bunch of fashion magazines: Vogue, Wallpaper, I-D, all of them marked with flashy postits. The garden it’s small but lovely: grass, flowers, all clean and with a trendy garden kit. Isabel watches her cell phone. ISABEL It’s 5’ to 4:00! He doesn’t react. MONTAGE: Isabel is watching one of the magazines. There is less lemonade in the glass. ISABEL Hugo, it’s 4:00 o’clock! He doesn’t react. MONTAGE: Isabel is sunbathing, eyes close. Suddenly, she takes her cell phone and watches the time. ISABEL It’s 5’ past 4:00! Hugo keeps sleeping. ISABEL (CONT’D) HUGO, WAKE UP!!! He doesn’t react. She takes the small spoon from the glass of lemonade and throws it to him, but she misses. Now she catches a magazine, throws it and hits Hugo in the back. HUGO (sleepy) What? Who was? Fuck. ISABEL It’s 5’ past 4:00. Hugo sits on the grass. HUGO Shit! I have to leave! He stands up and puts on his shoes in a hurry. HUGO (CONT’D) How much did I sleep?


ISABEL Hour and a half. HUGO Nice. I think I feel better now. He takes the vest and the shirt from over the chair, kisses his girl and leaves while puts on the shirt. ISABEL Take care! HUGO I’ll call you later! ISABEL (to herself) Yeah, right. Hugo leaves. 39



Isabel sits properly, takes her cell phone and punches a number. ISABEL Hey, it’s me. ELISA´S VOICE Hi, pretty. ISABEL Listen, I need you to come with me to check Lucas´s apartment? ELISA´S VOICE Why? What happened? Isabel stands up and starts to walk through the garden. ISABEL I don't know yet. But something weird is going on. ELISA´S VOICE Oh, tell me. ISABEL Let’s meet in half an hour and I tell you the whole thing. Right? ELISA´S VOICE All right. But first I’ve to finish here. Give me 50 more minutes. ISABEL Where are you? ELISA´S VOICE At my brother’s place.


ISABEL O.k, listen, it’s fine if I pick you up in an hour? ELISA´S VOICE Cool. It’s sounds as if we were going on a mission or something. ISABEL Kind of. There’s a ‘bip’ and Isabel’s battery cell phone goes off. ISABEL Great! CUT TO: AT THE PLAYING FIELD: The wind blows over the grave with the finger pointing at the sky. CUT TO: 40



Matias wakes up from a nightmare in which Lucas is desperately trying to get the earth off him, looking from some air. Matias sits on the bed, sweating and exhausted. MATIAS Fuck. He looks the time in his cell phone. 10 minutes past 4:00. Matias stands up, looks through the window and sees Carolina and Naty, one sunbathing, the other one swimming, both of them naked. 41



Hugo gets in the house wearing suit and sunglasses over the head. It's only Hugo and his father in the family. The house is messy: magazines and dirty clothes are laying all over the place. There's not a single decorative element in the room. The FATHER (51) is sitting on the sofa, in front of the TV, wearing only underwear, drinking beer and watching National Geographic. He’s a skinny tall man, has a beard of a week and always looks as just waked up from a long nap. HUGO Hi. FATHER Mm. The man don’t even look at him. HUGO What are you watching?


FATHER Bears. Hugo goes to the kitchen, opens the fridge and is empty, as always. He comes back to the living room and sits down on a sofa, next to his dad. The father gives him a glance and sees the cut in his face. FATHER So, someone kicked your ass. HUGO You should see the other guy’s face. Hugo opens a small box of pizza which is over the table, right in front of them, but there’s nothing left. He sees a spot of tomato sauce in the remote control. HUGO I’m gonna die of hunger one of these day. FATHER Get a job and buy your own food. Hugo watches two bears fighting on the television. After a few seconds, he grabs the bottle of beer from over the table, but the father violently takes it out of his hand. FATHER (CONT’D) I’m serious, Hugo! I’m sick of you! Go and get your own stuff! Hugo stands up. HUGO Whatever! I’m sick of you too! The father looks furious at him while he climbs the stairs. HUGO (CONT’D) Sick of this place. He gets into his bedroom. HUGO (CONT’D) Mother fucker. He presses ‘play’ in the stereo and takes the suit off, leaving the sunglasses over his head, then goes naked to his father bedroom and takes a yellow slip from the night stand drawer, puts the slip on and watches himself in the mirror, puts on his new sunglasses and keeps looking at him, serious. 42



Matias is standing in the opposite sidewalk of Gloria’s house, waiting, wearing shorts, T-shirt and red Hawaianas. He watches the time in his cell phone, 4:30 pm. Matias sights and punches a number. MATIAS Where the fuck are you?


HUGO´S VOICE Right behind you. Matias turns round and sees Hugo walking towards him, wearing shorts, T-shirt and green Hawaianas. Just like him. Except for the new trendy sunglasses in his face. HUGO Sorry, I fall asleep. They crosses the street. MATIAS How many hours you crashed? HUGO Hour and a half. And you? MATIAS Four. And I woke up with this dream of Lucas buried alive. Horrible. HUGO (in low voice) Come on, Matias, forget that. He was dead. Gone. Now it's you and me. Capishe? MATIAS I don´t know. Both stays standing in front of Gloria’s house, side by side, both of them watching the door. HUGO You do the talking. The woman doesn’t like me. MATIAS Don’t tell me. Hugo takes a deep breath and presses the bell. A melody make the guys get even more nervous. Matias looks at Hugo. MATIAS You are not gonna take out your sunglasses? HUGO No. I feel more confident with them. And from now on is all about being cool. MATIAS You look suspicious. Hugo gets the point and takes them out. MATIAS (CONT’D) Jesus, Hugo. You look bad. HUGO Thanks, brother. You too.


Gloria is not answering, so Hugo presses the bell again. HUGO I hate this stupid melody. MATIAS Then why you play it twice? Hugo keeps quiet, looking at the door. MATIAS (CONT’D) Let’s go. She must be somewhere else. Matias turns around and Lucas grabs him by the arm. HUGO Please, don’t leave me alone with her. GLORIA (52) opens the door in bikini and open rope, she has a great tan and is wearing huge sunglasses, ‘70 type. Gloria is a strong woman, not fat, nor thin, middle height and has red curly hair. GLORIA Boys, what a surprise! She kisses them and the guys forces a smile. MATIAS Hi, Gloria. HUGO Hi. GLORIA (pointing at Hugo’s eye) What happened to you? HUGO Last night. I was bite. A Doberman. GLORIA Ouch. I hate Dobermans. HUGO Yah, me too. GLORIA (looking around) And where is Lucas? MATIAS Uh, well, that’s why we are here. Hugo nods. HUGO Uh-huh.


GLORIA Oh, I see. What he did this time? MATIAS You know, we went to Pablo’s wedding last night and GLORIA Of course! Lucas told me something about it! Come in, I want details, but in the garden... Gloria turns round and disappears inside the house. GLORIA’S VOICE (CONT’D) ...The sun is leaving faster and faster each day! Matias touches Hugo’s waist to make him get in first, but Hugo denies him the pleasure, so Matias gets in and then goes Hugo, who delicately closes the door. 43



Gloria is sunbathing on a deck chair, face down, eyes closed. Hugo and Matias are behind her, sitting in two metal chairs at a round crystal table. Over the table there’s a phone, a hydrating cream, Gloria’s rope and sunglasses. MATIAS So we took him to the airport and he left in the first flight to Sao Paulo. GLORIA (eyes closed) And you couldn’t stop him, guys? I mean, you two are his best friends, you should be able to make him understand what it’s sane and what is it insane. Hugo and Matias look at each other, Hugo points at Matias, indicating that he is the one who should replies her point. MATIAS Uh, yah, you are right, Gloria. But this time he was too excited. You should’ve seen him. GLORIA I know. Sometimes he’s so stubborn. And that he got it from his father. That psychopath son of a bitch. Hugo takes his sunglasses out from his shorts pocket, but instead of puts them on, he leaves them over the table and puts on Gloria’s sunglasses. An angry Matias just looks at him. GLORIA (CONT’D) Would one of you two put some cream on my back, please?


Hugo watches the cream pot over the crystal table and then looks at Matias who points at him, but Hugo shakes his head as in ‘no’. Matias performs a furious face pointing at the cream and then at Gloria. GLORIA (CONT’D) Boys? HUGO Uh, yah. I’ll do it. Hugo takes Gloria’s sunglasses off and leaves them over the table again, then grabs the cream and kneels down on the grass. Gloria untied the laces of her bikini and Hugo squeezes the cream pot over her shoulders. GLORIA Not that much! HUGO Oh, sorry. Hugo wrinkles his face while spreads the cream on her back with one hand. GLORIA Mm-mm. Well, it’s true that loosing the job really got him down. But it’s pretty stupid to waist the money of the severance payment on an improvised trip. I mean, he has to pay the rent of his apartment, right? HUGO AND MATIAS Right. GLORIA Anyway, he’s a smart boy. He’d have fun for a while and then, when he get tired of all those girls, he’ll come back and figured out how to get another job. MATIAS Yeah. I’m sure he would. Hugo points at the back of the woman with his free hand, showing Matias how the flesh adopts impressive forms, but Matias doesn’t find any fun on it. GLORIA That’s it, Hugo. You are already in the massage department. HUGO Oh, sorry. GLORIA Listen, guys, I don’t have beers, but I can offer you a cup of tea. She starts to tie up the laces of her bikini. Hugo makes a gesture to Matias, but he doesn’t get it, then Matias makes a gesture to Hugo, and he doesn’t get it either.


MATIAS Actually we have to leave right now. We have a rendezvous. GLORIA Oh, what a shame, I was enjoying your company so much. Gloria stands up and the guys does so. GLORIA (CONT’D) Sure you don’t want anything else? HUGO Oh, no. We are doing fine, I guess. Matias closes his eyes and the woman puts on her rope. MATIAS Thanks, Gloria. GLORIA Oh, please, thank you boys for bring me the bad news. She smiles. Hugo and Matias forces a smile and they all get in the living room. 44



GLORIA I remember when you were foolish teenagers. Oh my, time goes by. Now look at you. Two handsome young men. They smile again and Hugo puts his sunglasses on. HUGO By the way, Gloria. You’ve an extra key from Lucas apartment? GLORIA Yeah, I think so. But what for? HUGO Lucas asked me to take care of his plants while he is abroad. Matias looks perplex at his friend. GLORIA Nice. That’s so sweet of you two. She goes and opens a silver box which is right in the middle of the table.


GLORIA (CONT’D) (playing with the keys) So plants is his thing now, uh. You remembered this garden a few years ago? It was like a zoo. Anyway, I don’t want you to be late for your rendezvous. Then, If Lucas get in touch with you guys first, just let me know. HUGO Yeah, of course. Hugo prepares himself to receive the keys, but Gloria gives them to Matias. GLORIA There you go. Matias nods to her and keeps them in one of his short pockets. She opens the front door, but before the guys could get out, Gloria gives a wet kiss to each one of them. GLORIA Take care you two. HUGO Same. MATIAS Ciao. GLORIA And Hugo, those sunglasses suits you the best! Hugo nods to her and Gloria closes the door. 45



Hugo turns around and watches Gloria’s house behind them. HUGO It was my impression, or she was so fucking horny? I mean, now I get why Lucas is so womanizer. MATIAS (furious) What’s wrong with you?! HUGO What? MATIAS Don’t play the fool with me, Hugo! The keys! That’s why you wanted to come here so much! HUGO Don’t you see? Now we can move to Lucas apartment. MATIAS ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!


They turn round on the corner. HUGO Look, the idea of coming here was because of Gloria. She is all the family Lucas has and it was our duty to inform her. Right? MATIAS We lie to her! There’s a big difference! We’ve been lying to everybody in case you didn’t noticed it! While crossing the street, Hugo embraces him. HUGO Come on, Matias. We've never been so close before. It’s you an me now. Together. Forever. Matias frees himself from Hugo’s arm. MATIAS You already said that. HUGO Because I mean it. Matias stops walking. MATIAS And where are we going now?

HUGO Well, I don’t know. But actually we must go to Lucas´s place and make his trip seem real. Matias sights. HUGO (CONT’D) You know, take out the valise and passport, those kind of stuff. MATIAS (pointing at his back) Inside there it was really hard to me, it wasn’t for you, that was pretty obvious... Hugo notices that his friend is about to cry this time. MATIAS (CONT’D) ...Listen, I might help you with this and then it’s over, Hugo. I don’t even want to talk about Lucas anymore! Matias looks up and Hugo gives him a tender hug.


HUGO Then it's over. I promise. Two big men walking on the opposite sidewalk make fun of them. MAN 1 HEY, FUCKING FAGOTS! GO BACK TO THE CLOSET! Hugo watches them with furious anger. HUGO WHAT DID YOU SAY? YOU UGLY FAT BOY?! Man 1 and Man 2 stop walking and keep waiting for him. Hugo tries to go there, but Matias grabs him by the arm and drags Hugo away. MATIAS Let’s go! We already had enough! Hugo turns round and sees the two men provoking him from the opposite sidewalk, so he gives them the finger. HUGO (in low voice) Yah, fucking racists. MATIAS Come on, let’s go to Lucas’s place. Hugo and Matias turns on the next corner and crosses the street. Matias looks backwards, there’s nobody behind them, he sights. MATIAS Jesus. HUGO Look, you can keep with the keys if you want. Moving to Lucas’s place, bad idea. Definitively bad. Matias shakes his head as in ´no´ and smiles for real, for the first time in the whole day. 46



Isabel walks down the street looking up at the buildings. She takes the cell phone from her purse and punches a number. ISABEL Hey, I’m here. All right, but hurry up. Isabel drops the phone in her purse again, takes a cigarette, lights it and leans herself against a luxurious parked car. 47



Isabel finishes the cigarette and throws it away. Elisa gets out of the building.


ELISA Hi! ISABEL Hello! They kisses two times, like french does. ISABEL (CONT’D) Sorry for the delay. I was 15’ looking for a bloody space to park. Elisa opens her purse. ELISA Check this out. She shows something in the interior to Isabel. ISABEL Oh my God. Where did you get that thing? ELISA Have you ever hold one? ISABEL Are you crazy? Elisa takes out a gun and puts it in Isabel’s hands. ISABEL Oh, no, don’t, stupid girl. A scared Isabel throws the gun back to Elisa’s hands. ELISA (laughing) It’s a toy, woman. ISABEL What? They both start to walk towards the car. ELISA Look... Elisa pushes the trigger: a slim dick comes out from the cannon and quickly goes back. ISABEL What was that? Elisa slaps her in the shoulder. ELISA That was a dick, you dumb. I got it from my brother’s night sides drawer. Look... Elisa pushes the trigger and let it pressed, so the dick


comes out several times. Elisa laugh but Isabel does not. ELISA (CONT’D) Got the concept? ISABEL No. Are you thinking on masturbating with that thing or what? Elisa puts the gun in her purse again. ELISA Of course not! But it looks real. ISABEL And? ELISA (not smiling any more) Listen, you told me we are going on something weird, and weird always could be dangerous. Jesus, Isabel, I’ve to explain you everything. ISABEL And why is that your brother has something like that? ELISA I prefer not to know. And please, don't make any more questions, or I’ll shoot you right in the ISABEL Shut up! They crosses the street running and a car honks the horn to honor them. 48



Matias puts the key in the keyhole of the door and watches Hugo, who looks to both sides of the corridor and then nods to him. Matias opens the door but doesn't get in, so Hugo gets in first and then goes him. Matias stays stand in watches around, as if place is full of small table with a telephone from the wall.

the middle of the living room, freeze while it were the first time he gets in there. The trees and plants. There’s a big sofa, a TV, a and some posters of well-known painters hanging HUGO

Lets work. MATIAS I feel strange. Hugo sees that Matias is pale and sweating. HUGO Oh, brother, come here. Sit down.


Hugo helps him to seat down on the sofa and then opens the window. HUGO (CONT’D) I’ll take care of this. You stay there and just don’t... don’t throw up, OK? Matias nods, eyes closed. HUGO (CONT’D) You want something to drink? Matias shakes his head as in ‘no’. Hugo goes to Lucas’s bedroom and takes the valise out from the closet, leaves it over the bed and starts to throw clothes in it. Matias, eyes still closed, takes a deep breath and Condolezza Rice starts to cross the room right in front of him. It’s a truly big albino snake. The beast gets in the kitchen. Hugo goes to Lucas bathroom and takes the toothbrush, the paste, a Gillette and some condoms, puts everything in the neccesaire and throws it inside the valise. In the living room, Matias sticks his hand under his ass and from the sofa takes a pearl necklace. He shakes his head as in ‘no’ and keeps the jewelry in one of his short pockets. HUGO (from the bedroom) How are you feeling?! MATIAS Strange. Hugo closes the valise, leaves it over the bed and goes to the living room. HUGO At least you look better. Matias stands up, kisses him in the mouth and an angry Hugo pushes him away. HUGO What the fuck are you doing?! MATIAS Sorry. I’m so stupid. I didn’t HUGO Forget it. Now help me to find Lucas passport. Hugo turns round. MATIAS Let’s go. I don’t feel very good. HUGO LET’S FIND THE FUCKING PASSPORT!


MATIAS FUCK OFF! HUGO FUCK YOU, BITCH! Matias turns round and leaves Lucas’s apartment. HUGO (CONT’D) No, Matias, listen, I’m sorry... Hugo goes behind him, walking fast through the corridor. HUGO (CONT’D) I lost my mind. Come on, brother, we are too tense. Matias gets in the elevator and pushes the bottom. HUGO (CONT’D) Just wait for me in the car, right? The doors get close. HUGO (CONT’D) We would talk about this later! Hugo looks at both sides of the corridor, there’s nobody. 49



Matias, crying, takes Lucas’s keys and the pearl necklace out from his pocket and watches both things in his trembling hand. Dizzy, he leans himself against the mirror, closes his eyes and sees a desperate Lucas trying to take the earth off him. In the hall, the elevator doors opens and Matias throws up on the floor. He gets out of the building talking alone and walking as if he were completely drunk. 50



The girls are stuck in a traffic jam. ELISA You know, it’s and ‘etiquette’ thing. Isabel opens lighter.











ELISA (CONT’D) Good manners, you know what I mean? ISABEL Yeah. Hugo and Lucas, for instance. ELISA Exactly. Why don’t you propose them to take an ‘etiquette’ course? This workshops are so popular today.


Isabel opens the window and lights the cigarette. ISABEL Are you serious? ELISA Come on, Isabel, you deserve more, juts look at you. A professional stunning woman. Believe me, a few month, two times a week, and the beasts would learn to seat and eat properly, talk and gesticulate like gentlemen, be more confident and polite, open you the door, etc etc. ISABEL Yeah, you might be right. And that would help him to take ELISA Wait a minute. Who is him? Isabel just looks at her. ELISA (CONT’D) I see. You already made your choice? ISABEL No. ELISA Girl, you just said Lucas, that means you are gonna dump Hugo once and for all. Isabel throws the cigarette away and absent just stays looking at Elisa. ELISA (CONT’D) It’s the right decision, Isabel. The cars start to move slowly, but Isabel doesn't perceives it, she sights and lays her forehead against the driving wheel. ISABEL Aaah. What I’m gonna do? ELISA (taking her hand) Don’t be afraid. You just tell him the truth. You got in love with his friend, well, you know, shit happens. The car behind honks the horn and someone shouts something. ISABEL True. I guess. Isabel takes off.





Hugo is looking for Lucas’s passport in his desk, but He can’t find it. He takes all the drawers and empties them one by one on the floor. HUGO Come on! He goes to the closet and starts to throw Lucas’s clothes over the bed. Nothing either. HUGO (CONT’D) Where the fuck are you?! He kicks a bunch of papers in the floor and the passport appears. HUGO (CONT’D) Ja! You little peace of shit! He takes the passport with one hand and the valise with the other, gets into the living room and the anaconda is right there, extended all along the room, cutting his way out. HUGO Fuck. A pale Hugo stays paralyzed and starts to sweat. HUGO (CONT’D) Fuck. He takes a couple of slow steps backwards and closes the door, ´drops the valise on the floor and jumps over the bed with Lucas’s passport still on his hand. HUGO (going ‘no’ with his head) It can’t be. He lays face down on the matrix and watches under the bed. It’s empty. Hugo gets down of the bed, goes to the window and sees Matias´s car still parked outside, then goes to the door again and tries to see something through the key hole. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, man. That thing wasn’t real. He opens the door minimally and watches. It seems that the monster is not there anymore. Hugo takes a deep breath, takes the valise and crosses the living room jumping and shouting like crazy. HUGO AAAAAH! AAH! AAAAAAH! He gets out of the apartment, closes the door, runs trough the corridor and takes the stairs. INT. MATIAS CAR - DAY Matias leaves the pearl necklace on the copilot’s seat and looks at himself in the mirror.


MATIAS Hugo, there’s something you have to know. He watches the pearl necklace, then looks at himself in the rear view mirror and combs his hair. MATIAS (CONT’D) Listen, brother, there is something about Isabel you should know. Matias closes his eyes and sights. MATIAS (CONT’D) Look, Hugo, you have the right to know. He scares himself when sees Hugo getting out of the building. Matias takes the pearl necklace from the copilot’s seat and hides it in the glove compartment OUTSIDE THE CAR: Hugo, running, crosses the road, opens the trunk of the vehicle and throws the valise inside. The bottles of champagne clashes against each other. Hugo gets in the car. 52



Hugo is pretty excited and Matias is quite nervous. HUGO Hey, that vomit was yours? Matias nods. HUGO Oh, man. Are you OK? MATIAS Yah. I guess. HUGO (waving the passport) Got it. Come on, let’s go. MATIAS Wait, there’s something you should know. HUGO Look, I’m sorry for what I said up there. I’m an ass hole. You are helping MATIAS No, no, it has nothing to do with that. The thing is that, uh, well, these horrible visions are driving me crazy, brother. I can’t stand it anymore. HUGO (shocked) Visions? Like giant snakes and stuff?


MATIAS No, just Lucas. Lucas buried alive, asphyxiating. HUGO Oh, come on, Matias! Again?! Give me a break, brother! MATIAS We didn’t check him properly! And you know it! HUGO I did it! MATIAS Yeah, right. Matias starts the car and takes off. HUGO Oh, I get it! You don’t trust me, right?! You think I checked Lucas body, he was alive, but I said that he was dead, just to save my ass! Isn’t it?! Matias keeps quiet and don’t even look at him while drives. HUGO (CONT’D) Great! Now you think I’m a fucking murderer! 53



Isabel’s car and Matias’s car crosses in the corner of Lucas’s street, but none of the four characters realizes it. 54



ISABEL It’s right there. ELISA How many times have you been here? ISABEL Just one. Isabel parks in the same place where Hugo was parked. ELISA That doesn’t help much to our mission. Elisa opens the door and Isabel grabs her by the arm. ISABEL Wait. There is something I didn’t tell you, because, uh, I was afraid you wouldn’t come. ELISA Oh come on, you know me. I’m a tuff woman.


ISABEL (CONT’D) Well, it seems to be a huge snake inside Lucas apartment. ELISA (taking her hand) Listen, I’m only afraid of three things in this life: death, spiders and snakes. Elisa takes her purse and gets out of the car. Isabel wrinkles her forehead while watches her crossing in front of the vehicle. 55



The girls crosses the street and Isabel press the 501 in the intercom. Nobody answers. She do it again. ISABEL Come on, Lucas. Nobody answers. ELISA And what about the man inside? Isabel watches inside, there is a huge black man cleaning the floor. She knocks on the crystal and the LANDLOR (40) makes a bizarre gesture to them. ELISA What was that suppose to mean? ISABEL I don’t know, but he’s so big. ELISA And looks so angry. The man opens the door and the girls must look really up to watch him in the eyes. ISABEL Hy, I’m Isabel and she isLANDLOR What do you want? ELISA Pleasure to meet you too. ISABEL We’re looking for Lucas. LANDLOR Yeah, don’t tell me. The man points at the intercom. LANDLOR (CONT’D) 501.


The Landlord tries to close the door, but Isabel avoids it by putting one of her foots in it. The man opens the door again, not very happy. ISABEL We already try it, but he must be taking a shower or something. There’s an awkward silence in which everyone looks at the other. ELISA (super sensual) You are so big, mm-mm, I wonderISABEL Elisa, Elisa, please. Let me take care of this. Isabel looks up at the landlord’s face again. ISABEL(CONT’D) Forgive her, she is an actress, you know, always desperately looking for attention. Anyway, ILANDLOR Sorry, girls, but I don’t have time for this. The man tries to close the door again. ISABEL Wait, look, this is the situation: I slept here last night and I forgot my wallet inside. And now I need it, or I’dELISA Be fired of your job. Isabel nods to Elisa. ISABEL Yeah, that’s right. LANDLOR Oh, I see, you are one of Lucas’s lovers. ISABEL Well, actually I’m just a friend. ELISA(CONT’D) Yah, a special one. I mean, just look at her. Isn’t she special? ISABEL Look, If there’s a way to get in, please, I’d like to take my wallet and leave. And that’s it. The man just looks at them. ISABEL(CONT’D) Please.


LANDLOR I’m sorry. ELISA Come on, you are a good man. I can see it in your eyes. The landlord and Isabel watch her. Elisa smiles, approaches to the big man and tells him a secret while puts her right hand on his pants and grabs his testicles. Isabel, astonished, just looks at her friend. LANDLOR (smiling) All right, girls. Come in. The man gets in. ISABEL (whispering) What did you tell him? Elisa smiles. 56



The three of them walks through the hall. LANDLOR Sorry for the smell, but some jerk threw up in the hall. Isabel covers her mouth and nose with both hands, Elisa does so and they all get in the elevator. The landlord pushes the number 5, the doors get close and the girls breathes again. ISABEL Oh, disgusting. ELISA Makes me want to puke too. LANDLOR Don’t do it. You don’t want to see the black version of Hulk. The girls smiles, but they feel intimidated with such a huge man in such a small place. 57



They all get out of the elevator and walk trough the corridor. LANDLOR So, Lucas again, uh. The landlord smiles and shakes his head as in ‘no’.


LANDLOR (CONT’D) The boy is weird, but I like him. Last month there were two girls fighting for him, right in front of the building. ELISA That’s interesting. LANDLOR The funny thing was that he left them out there and said to me: ‘Ulises, the truth is the more I hang around with people, the most I like my dog’. ELISA (smiling) That’s so Lucas. Isabel gives her a glance and the landlord presses the bell in Lucas’s apartment. LANDLOR And the weird thing is that he never had a dog. ELISA And the moral of the story is? Isabel starts to get annoyed with the silly conversation. LANDLOR Uh, well, maybe that in spite all those girls, he feels lonely. ELISA (to Isabel) Oh, he’s so cute. Ulises smiles. ISABEL Lucas definitely is not here. Shall we? Ulises takes out a chain with a bunch of keys from his trousers pocket and looks for Lucas’s apartment key. He inserts the key in the keyhole, but doesn’t open the door. LANDLOR Listen, girls, I usually don’t do this, only when it’s an emergency. And I know Lucas, he wouldn’t care, but what I’m trying to say is that you two assume all responsibility for this. Right? ISABEL Right. The man now looks at Elisa, she nods. Ulises opens the door. ISABEL Wait.


He closes it again and looks at Isabel ISABEL (CONT’D) Well, I don’t know if Lucas told you, but it might be a huge snake in there. Ulises looks at Elisa again. ELISA The girl is serious. ULISES Then I’ll go right behind you. The man opens the door, but he doesn’t get in, neither Isabel get in first, so they both look at Elisa.

wants to

ELISA You know, Ulises, I used to haveISABEL (in low voice) Elisa. Isabel gestures her that she should get in first. Elisa nods, takes out the gun from her purse and gets in. LANDLOR Oh my God. Isabel closes his eyes and shakes her head as in ‘no’. LANDLOR (CONT’D) Why is she carrying a gun? ISABEL Don't worry, it's just lipstick. Isabel catches up with Elisa in the middle of the living room. ISABEL (whispering in her ear) Put that in your bag again! ELISA Are you crazy, this is like a jungle. Grabbing the gun with both hands, Elisa checks the kitchen full of filthy plates and then comes back to the living room, where Isabel waits for her standing right in the middle and looking nervously around. ELISA Now I’m gonna check the bedroom. You cover me. Elisa goes to Lucas’s bedroom. Isabel turns round and sees Ulises still waiting at the door. LANDLOR And?


IN LUCAS’S BEDROOM: Elisa sees all the mess and jumps over the bed. ELISA Guys, you have to see this. 58



Hugo gets home, pale and sweating. His father is still watching television in the sofa, same scene as early in the afternoon, the only difference is that there are more empty cans of beer over the table. Hugo climbs the stairs. FATHER Wait! You have to see this! HUGO See what? FATHER (pointing at the TV) Come here! You can’t miss it! From the stairs, Hugo looks suspicious at him. He gets down and the father slaps the empty space in the sofa. FATHER Come on, sit down. Hugo watches the TV, just another sitcom. Anyway, he sits next to his father who rapidly squeezes Hugo’s throat with one hand and grabs him by the hair with the other. HUGO Ajjj. What? They start to wrestle over the sofa and they both fall on the floor. The father sits over his son’s stomach, now strangling him with both hands. FATHER How many times I have to tell you not to mess with my things! DO NOT MESS WITH MY MOTHER FUCKING THINS! HUGO Ajjj. Which aajj things? FATHER You took my yellow slip, ass hole! Hugo, completely red, points at his neck. HUGO Can’t ajjj talk! The man frees Hugo’s throat and with both hands tries to pull down his shorts, until sees his yellow slip.


FATHER You son of a bitch! The father slaps him in the face. Hugo reacts punching him in the face too, but not hard enough to knock him out, so the man punches him even harder. Hugo grabs his father’s balls with one hand and squeezes them as hard as he can. The man shouts in pain and falls down on the floor. Hugo stands up and climbs the stairs with his father running right behind him. Hugo locks himself in his room and the drunken man starts to hit the door. FATHER OPEN THE DOOR! Hugo watches himself in the mirror and sees a bleeding cut in his forehead. He also looks extremely pale and sweaty. HUGO Beautiful. FATHER OPEN THE DOOR, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Now Hugo touches the other cut in his face, the one from the fight with Lucas. HUGO So fucking beautiful. FATHER YOU CAN’T STAY THERE FOREVER, YOU SKINNY PEACE OF SHIT! Hugo starts to pack a big black bag. The man stops hitting the door and goes away complaining. 59



Matias takes two pills and lays down on his bed. He shuts his eyes for a couple of seconds, opens them again and stands up. Matias goes to the bathroom and finds the friend of his sister sitting on the toilet. MATIAS Oh, sorry. He closes the door again, however, with the door knob still in his hand, decides to go back in and kisses the girl while she tries to lift up her bikini. NATY No, stop it! She pushes Matias away and looks at him with furious anger. NATY (CONT’D) What’s wrong with you?!


MATIAS I don’t know. Matias goes back to his room and opens a small fridge. MATIAS (to himself) I just need some love. I guess. He takes a lemon diet coke, opens it, drinks it in one time and lets himself drop back on the bed. Matias sights watching the 122 fluorescent stars on the ceiling. MATIAS (CONT’D) I must be going crazy. He sights again and starts to count the stars. MATIAS 1,2,3,4... CUT TO: AT THE PLAYING FIELD: Thousands of real stars on a countryside sky. Insect noises, the night falls over the grave with the top of the finger pointing at the sky. FADE TO: 60



Hugo opens the door, watches the corridor and gets out of his room with the black bag hanging from his shoulder and bear foots. He walks very slowly with the snickers in one hand and a heavy chain in the other, prepared to hit and run. His father bedroom is dark and quiet. The bathroom looks dark and quiet too. He reaches the stairs and gets down, step by step, without making a single noise. In the living room the TV is on, but the sofa, where the man was sited all day long, now is empty. Hugo holds his breath and starts to cross the living room very carefully. He opens the front door and his father gets out of the kitchen eating a sandwich. They both exchange gazes. The father watches the chain and the bag, knowing that he is seeing his son for the very last time. Hugo steps outside without leaving his father out of his sight, throws the chain in the living room’s floor and closes the door. 61



The girls are at a quite big pet shop watching black scorpions. We see their faces from inside the aquarium. ELISA I still don’t get why is that you want to do this? ISABEL I know I can make him talk.


ELISA Yeah, well, you know him better than me. By the way, add scorpions to the list of things that scary me the most. Isabel smiles. They keep walking and get in the mammals department. ISABEL Yuke, this place smells like a zoo. ELISA Don’t tell me. Look, I’m gonna leave now, and while you talk with Matias, I’d prepare a nice dinner. Are you agree? ISABEL Great. I love it. But don’t you want me to drop you at your place? ELISA Oh, no, don’t worry, I’ll take a cab. We don’t know how long this guys would take in preparing that thing for you. And when it’s about cooking, sister, I like to take my time. Isabel gives her a tender hug. ISABEL Thanks for accompany me, Elisa. You are a great friend. ELISA My pleasure, princess. I’m having a lot of fun. ISABEL Indeed. ELISA See you later then. ISABEL Ciao. Elisa leaves and in her way out she frightens a parrot. 62

INT. MATIAS HOUSE – NIGHT Matias is laying frenetic whisper.



62 his








MATIAS ..191...192...193... His cell phone rings. MATIAS Allo.


ISABEL´S VOICE Matias, It’s me, Isabel. MATIAS Yah, I know. How are you? ISABEL´S VOICE Fine. Listen, I have something for you. It’s a surprise. MATIAS Tell me. ISABEL´S VOICE No. I can’t tell you by the phone. You have to come with me. MATIAS Uh, it has to be now? ISABEL´S VOICE Right now, boy. I’m in front of your house. Matias kneels on the bed, looks through the window and there is Isabel, standing on the front sidewalk, stunning, as always. MATIAS I see. All right, I’m coming. Matias throws the phone away and curses. 63



Matias gets out of his house. ISABEL Hi. MATIAS Hello. They don’t kiss each other. MATIAS So, there is a particular reason for this ‘surprise’? ISABEL Don’t be anxious, boy. You’d see. Come on, my car is in the following street. MATIAS Oh, it’s in your car? ISABEL Uhu-uh. Matias keeps his hands in his short pockets and they both start to walk towards the car.


ISABEL Hey, are you OK? MATIAS Yah, I’m doing good, except for the fact that I took a couple of sleeping pills, but then I regret it and didn’t want to fall asleep because now I’m afraid of nightmares, so I counted 205 starts three times and there you call me and here I’m, more tired than excited. ISABEL Anyway, look, I know about you and Hugo. Matias stops walking and shocked stays looking at her. MATIAS What? He told you? ISABEL Hugo? No. But it’s so obvious. I mean, come on, you can’t hide your feelings when you are in love. MATIAS Uh, yah, well, I guess you can’t. Matias forces a smile and they keep on walking. ISABEL Listen, Matias, if you want to keep Hugo as a friend, it’d be better not to say a word about this. He’d just run away from you. MATIAS Yeah, I already knew that, but thanks anyway. ISABEL Sorry, but that was sarcasm? MATIAS No, I don’t think so. There is an awkward silence while they crosses the street. ISABEL So, Lucas already got in touch with you? MATIAS Why is that you are so obsessed with him? ISABEL Oh, come on, Matias. We are both adults here trying to be sincere with each other, right? Isabel switches off the alarm of her car. MATIAS (annoyed) Well, he didn’t get in touch with anybody. The man only left today.


She gets in the car first, and then goes Matias. 64



ISABEL (smiling) Now, you want to tell me about that monkey? MATIAS The monkey? What for? ISABEL Well, at the hospital you said you were feeling terrible for having killed it... Matias just looks at her. Isabel points at the back seat. Matias turns round and frightens himself when sees a monkey in a big cage, looking at him. MATIAS Fuck! What is that? ISABEL It’s for you. His name’s Jean Paul the II, loves to drink Fanta and eats green bananas. And the guy from the store says that he’s definitely gay, from head to toe. The creature starts to make classic monkey noises. ISABEL (CONT’D) Oh, he’s so cute. He knows we are talking about him. Matias looks at Isabel and looks at the monkey again. MATIAS What? Isabel smiles. MATIAS (CONT’D) Are you serious, right? Isabel nods. MATIAS (CONT’D) Hugo has something to do with this? Isabel, pissed off, shakes her head as in ‘no’. MATIAS (CONT’D) Look, I might be gay, but I’m not a pervert. I don’t do animals. Isabel laughs. Matias does not.


ISABEL You hit that monkey in the road, right? So now this is your chance to redeemed by taking care of this one. MATIAS Oh, I see. Well, thanks anyway. A offended Isabel looks through the window. ISABEL Yeah, however. Matias looks at Jean Paul again, who is now looking at him. Matias smiles. MATIAS. Hy, Jean Paul the II. It’s seems that you’ll be my new best friend now. The animal starts to jump in the cage and talk in ‘monkey’. ISABEL Oh, he likes you. MATIAS (looking at the beast) Maybe I should call him ‘The Pope’, or just ‘Jean Paul’. I mean, it’s shorter. ISABEL Do whatever you want. It’s all yours now. MATIAS You know, the funny thing is that it’s quite similar to the monkey we hit on the road. ISABEL (pointing at the cage) There you go. And you see that pink thin rope. That’s his leash. MATIAS Yah, well, talking about leashes. He takes out the pearl necklace from one of his short pockets and offers to her. MATIAS (CONT’D) This must be yours. A surprised Isabel takes the necklace. ISABEL Where did you find it? MATIAS Oh, Isabel, look at you, there’s also an actress very inside you.


Matias gets out of the car and closes the door. Isabel is perplex. Matias opens the back door, gets in the back seat and grabs the cage with both hands. MATIAS (CONT’D) You are almost perfect, woman. ISABEL Wait! MATIAS By the way, how do they know that Jean Paul is gay? ISABEL Attacked the females and fucked the males. MATIAS Good boy. Matias takes the cage out of the car and closes the door with his ass. 65



Matias walks away carrying the heavy cage. He shakes it a bit. MATIAS What the fuck am I gonna do with you now? A few meters behind him, Isabel gets out of the car. ISABEL Matias! Wait! He turns round and sees Isabel walking fast towards him with the pearl necklace in one hand. ISABEL (CONT’D) What’s going on? MATIAS Before leaving, Lucas asked me to give it back to you. They both look at each other for a few seconds while she puts the pearl necklace on. ISABEL Lucas is not in Brazil? Isn’t it? MATIAS Are you going to drop Hugo? Don’t you? They look at each other, and none of them answers the question. Matias turns around and leaves. Isabel stays looking at him. ISABEL (to herself) Poor little bastard.


MATIAS (to himself) It’s all your fault, bitch. 66



Hugo walks trough a dark street with the black bag hanging from his shoulder. His is sweating pretty much and the cut in his forehead is bleeding, but he doesn’t perceives it. Hugo drops the bag on the street, takes out his cell phone from one of his short pockets and punches a number. HUGO Come on... ISABEL’S VOICE Hy, I’m not available right now... HUGO Fuck! ISABEL’S VOICE (CONT’D) ...but you can leave me a message if you want. Au revoir. HUGO It’s me. Call me as soon as you can. I love you. Hugo lifts up the bag, hangs it from his shoulder again and keeps on walking. 67



A completely wasted Hugo arrives at Isabel’s place, drops the bag on the sidewalk and sights. He rings the bell and cleans the sweat from his face with the T-shirt. She is not answering. Hugo rings the bell once more, but nothing happened. He rings the bell four consecutive times. Nobody answers. HUGO Where the fuck are you?! Hugo sits on the floor leaning his back against Isabel’s house front door. He grabs his head with both hands and feels something in one of them, watches the hand and sees blood mixed with sweat. He licks the bloody sweat and his cell phone rings. HUGO Allo, Isabel? MATIAS VOICE Yeah, I’d like to. HUGO What’s up? MATIAS VOICE I need to see you right know.


HUGO Why? What happened? MATIAS VOICE I can’t tell you by phone. Where are you? HUGO At Isabel’s place, but outside. She is not here. MATIAS VOICE Let’s meet at Bar La Dolce Vita, in 5 minutes. You know where? HUGO The one which is two blocks from here? MATIAS VOICE Right. See you there. HUGO Wait! Matias is already off line. Hugo leans his head against the door and closes his eyes. 68



Isabel rings the bell at Elisa’s place. ELISA IT’S OPEN! Isabel gets in and smiles when sees a bottle of wine, bread and two plates over the table. Its a tiny apartment, minimalist decoration and a cat. Elisa is in the kitchen. ELISA (CONT’D) I’m about to finish! Isabel takes a pice of bred, gets in the kitchen and sees a stressed Elisa preparing a sauce, checking the oven and preparing a salad, all at the same time. ISABEL I was right. Something’s wrong. ELISA Tell me. ISABEL Matias gave me this, which I forgot at Lucas place 2 days ago. She points at the pearl necklace in her throat, but Elisa can hardly see it, as she is in the climax of the main dish preparations. ISABEL (CONT’D). Conclusion, the guys were at Lucas apartment before us.


ELISA (opening the oven) And that’s all the evidence you have? ISABEL Indeed. But it was the way he told me some facts. I know the man, Elisa, and something inside me was saying that he was trying to tell me something else. Elisa opens the fridge, takes the mustard and looks at her. ELISA You just listen to the lady. She has all the answers, you only have to know which ones are the rights questions. ISABEL Which Lady? What questions? What are you talking about? Elisa condiments the salad. ELISA The voice in your head, sister. Follow your instincts. Elisa takes the chicken with potatoes out of the oven. ELISA (CONT’D) Voila. ISABEL Wow, it looks great. ELISA I know, I’m hungry too. They both get out of the kitchen, Isabel carrying the salad and Elisa the chicken. 69



The girls are sitting at the table, eating and drinking wine. ISABEL You should have seen Matias face when he saw the monkey. They laugh. ELISA What he said? ISABEL (imitating his voice) I might be gay, but I’m not a pervert. I don’t do animals.


ELISA Oh my. Can you picture that scene?! ISABEL Of course not. Especially when I’m eating. Elisa laughs again and Isabel serves more wine. ELISA So, which is your plan, now? ISABEL I don’t know. They both look at each other. Elisa smiles. ISABEL (smiling too) What? ELISA I like this game. ISABEL Come on, Elisa. What’s going on? Elisa takes the glass of wine and raises it up in the air. Isabel does the same. ELISA To us. ISABEL To your marvellous dinner. 70



A completely ruined Hugo arrives at the bar with the new cut on his face and the bag hanging from his shoulder. Matias is already there, sitting at a table on the terrace, smoking and having a Duvel. MATIAS What happened to you? HUGO I left my house. Hugo seats in front of him and sights, exhausted. MATIAS And why was fight with the old man this time? HUGO Doesn’t matter. Listen, I need Lucas’s apartment keys. The place is empty and I need somewhere to sleep. MATIAS Come on, Hugo, we already talk about it.


HUGO I need the keys, man! MATIAS I don’t have them here with me. HUGO You are lying! Give me the fucking keys! The waitress arrives smiling with another beer, fills Hugo’s glass and immediately feels the tension in the air. WAITRESS Anything else? MATIAS No, thanks. She looks at Hugo and points at her forehead. WAITRESS You have, blood here, I guess. Hugo just watches her. She leaves. MATIAS Why don’t you go to your girlfriend's place? HUGO She says we are not ready to live together yet. MATIAS Of course she is not. HUGO What do you mean? Matias puts the cigarette out. MATIAS Listen, I didn’t ask you to come here to talk about your problems with Isabel. I call you because I’m going crazy, Hugo. Nuts! I can’t be really awake because I’m fucking tired and wasted, but I can’t sleep either because every time I close my fucking eyes I see Lucas asphyxiating under earth and the dead monkey bleeding and bleeding and I’m sick of this bloody nightmare. You understand? I can’t go on like this! I can’t! HUGO They are only visions. They can’t hurt you. MATIAS Don’t fuck with me, Hugo! Not now! HUGO (watching around) Hey, easy.


MATIAS Look, I need to go there again and check Lucas boHUGO Forget it. MATIAS (hitting the table with his fist) DON’T INTERRUPT ME! Everybody in the bar turns to see them. Hugo smiles to everybody and then looks at his friend again. HUGO Well, congratulations, it seems that you are becoming a real man. MATIAS Fuck you! Hugo smiles. MATIAS (CONT’D) I’m gonna check if Lucas was buried dead or alive. If you don’t come with me, then I’ll go with the police. You choose. HUGO Are you menacing me? Matias finishes his beer and Hugo goes ‘no’ with his head. HUGO (CONT’D) (to himself) What a fucking long day. MATIAS Come on, Hugo. We are both loosing control and you know it. This is getting worst and worst every bloody hour. Hugo looks angry at him, but this time Matias holds his furious gaze. HUGO Fine, lets go. But if Lucas was dead, which I’m certain he was not, I stay with his apartment. And no police, ever. Understood? MATIAS If he was alive, then I’d tell the truth, cost what it cost. HUGO That’s so stupid, brother. Matias extend his open hand. Hugo looks at him in the eyes and watches the hand, looks at him in the eyes again and finally shakes Matias’s hand.


HUGO You’ve changed today. MATIAS Not as much as you did. Matias leaves the money over the table and stand up. Hugo keeps seating on the chair, looking at him. 71



Hugo opens the trunk of Matias car, but there’s no more space for his bag, as there is already Lucas’s valise and the boxes of Champagne, so he closes it again and gets in the car. 72



Hugo is going to throw the bag in the back seat, but a big cage with a monkey inside ruins his plans. HUGO What the hell is that?! MATIAS It’s Jean Paul. And it’s gay. Hugo just looks at him, astonished. MATIAS (CONT’D) Isabel gave it to me. HUGO Isabel? My Isabel? MATIAS (looking at the monkey) Yah, you know, I’ll redeem myself by letting him free in the woods. HUGO My Isabel? MATIAS Are you deaf or what?! HUGO But why?! What’s wrong with her?! And what’s wrong with you?! Why didn’t you tell me before?! WHAT’S THE FUCKING WRONG WITH EVERYBODY TODAY?! The animal starts to jump in the cage. MATIAS Hey, easy. She just came to me with Jean Paul cause I told her I was depressed with the monkey’s death. And that’s it. I guess. With the bag on his lap, Hugo turns round and looks at the monkey again.


HUGO That doesn’t make any sense! She would never do such a thing! Hugo takes his cell phone from one of his short pockets. HUGO (CONT’D) I know her. She’s into something. MATIAS Of course she is. She doesn’t believe a word of Lucas’s story. Hugo seems not to listen to him while punches Isabel’s number. Matias shakes his head as in ‘no’, starts the car and takes off. HUGO It’s me again. What does this monkey means? And why you went to Matias and not to me? Where the fuck are you?! Call me! Hugo throws the bag next to the cage and the monkey starts to scream. HUGO YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! Jean Paul obeys. HUGO (CONT’D) Good boy. FADE TO: 73



The guys arrive at the field in the middle of the night and park next to Lucas’s grave. The spotlights of the vehicle and the moon are the only sources of light illuminating the zone. Hugo is the first one on getting out of the car and quickly goes to see the grave, while Matias stays inside saying something to the monkey. Hugo sees the top of a dirty finger sticking out of the ground and frightens himself, turns round and sees Matias getting out of the car. HUGO The shovel! The shovel is in the trunk! While Matias gets the shovel Hugo uses his foot to cover the finger with earth. Matias closes the trunk, comes with the shovel and throws it to Hugo, who traps it in the air. MATIAS There you go! Hugo throws him the shovel back even harder and Matias traps it too, of course, without any style at all. HUGO This was your idea, brother!


Matias throws the shovel back to him as harder as he can, the shovel passes near Hugo’s head and hits the car. MATIAS (pointing at him) Bury Lucas, your idea! Hugo looks furious at him, turns round, goes and gets the shovel, comes back and kneels down on the ground. HUGO Are you sure you want to go through this, right? Matias nods and Hugo starts to dig right next to the earth bundle. HUGO (in low voice) Ass hole. Matias lights a cigarette and seats over the front of his car. He smokes tense while watches Hugo digging. CUT TO: 74



Matias finishes the cigarette and throws it away. He takes another one and lights it. HUGO I touched something. Matias throws the cigarette away, approaches to Hugo and nervously bows over him. Hugo drops the shovel and keeps digging with his own hands, until he finds the tuxedo. MATIAS Oh, Jesus. Hugo looks properly.











HUGO Are you sure? Matias nods and Hugo grabs the filthy tuxedo. HUGO (CONT’D) At the count of three. One... two...three! Hugo takes the tuxedo out and Lucas face shows, eyes wide-open, open mouth and teethes full of earth. MATIAS Aaah! Fuck! Matias walks backwards and falls seat on the ground. Hugo just stays looking at Lucas’s face.


HUGO (going no with his head) It can’t be. MATIAS Shit! This is bad! So bad! Matias approaches to the grave again. MATIAS (CONT’D) Oh, man. Matias grabs his head with both hands. MATIAS (CONT’D) I knew it. Hugo stands up. MATIAS (CONT’D) And you knew it too! HUGO What are you talking about? MATIAS This is it. It’s over. It’s so fucking over. Hugo steps in front of him. HUGO What the fuck are you talking about, Matias?! MATIAS Don’t you see?! We kill him! And now we’d have to pay for it! HUGO (furious) Don’t be stupid! It was an accident! Matias takes a couple of steps backwards. MATIAS We kill Lucas! Don’t you see?! HUGO Come on, brother, this is our secret. MATIAS No. Is not a secret anymore. We made a pact, Hugo! Hugo starts to walk around him. HUGO Listen carefully! I’d not sacrifice my life with Isabel just for your stupid guilt feeling!


MATIAS What? Hugo keeps walking around him. HUGO I won't pass the next 15 years in other get at it with my girl!

jail while

A sweaty and pale Matias start to loose his balance. MATIAS Stop it! HUGO She’s everything I’ve got. Everything! You know what that means? Hugo grabs him by the T-shirt. HUGO (CONT’D) So you are going to keep quiet, my friend. Very quiet. All right? Matias pushes him away with an unexpected brutality. MATIAS You want me to tell you about Isabel?! Uh?! You want to know the truth about your lovely girlfriend?! Well, she betrayed you with Lucas the whole year! HUGO What? Matias points at Lucas. MATIAS The whole fucking year, Hugo! Hugo shakes his head as in ‘no’. MATIAS (CONT’D) Oh yes. She is Lucas’s lover. HUGO No. MATIAS Voila. Your pretty Isabel! Matias walks towards Hugo, who now walks backwards. MATIAS (CONT’D) And you want to know more?! She is completely in love with him. HUGO That’s not true. Matias nods.


MATIAS Everybody knew it, except for you, Hugo! Hugo keeps shaking his head as in ‘no’ and walking backwards. MATIAS (CONT’D) Face it, my friend. She never respected you. HUGO You are lying! MATIAS No I’m not. Hugo turns round and tries to walk away, but Matias follows him right from behind. MATIAS She lies to you! HUGO (crying) LEAVE ME ALONE! Hugo walks even faster, but Matias keeps following him. MATIAS Your lovely Isabel is a bitch! HUGO NO, SHE IS NOT! Hugo falls down on the ground, stands up again and keeps on walking, now covering his ears with both hands. MATIAS SHE ALWAYS WAS A BITCH AND SHE ALWAYS WOULD BE! HUGO! She is not a bitch! Hugo turns round and punches him so hard in the face that Matias falls unconscious on the ground. Hugo sits over Matias stomach and starts to strangle him. HUGO (CONT’D) CAN YOU HEAR ME?! SHE IS NOT A BITCH! 75



In spite of the fact that the fight scene is quite far, Jean Paul screams and jumps like crazy inside the cage. 76



Hugo cries and keeps strangling Matias who is completely pale and rigid. HUGO She didn’t do it! I swear she didn’t do it!


Hugo frees his neck and wiping stays watching Matias in the eyes. HUGO (CONT’D) She loves me, not him! Did you hear me? She loves me. Hugo embraces him and starts to cry even harder over Matias chest. HUGO (CONT’D) I’m sorry, brother. I’m so sorry. 77



Jean Paul is seated inside the cage, looking nervously around. 78



Isabel is in a Pub with Elisa and another girl friend, MONICA (25). Monica is thin and has red hair. She is also trendy looking. The three of them are sitting at a round table where there are three drinks, three cell phones and two packets of cigarettes. The three of them are tipsy. MONICA I’m not gonna feel comfortable. ELISA He was crazy for you, Monica. You can’t brake his heart like this. ISABEL (to Monica) It´s his little brother. MONICA Yeah, I know. But I’m not gonna feel comfortable dating a man that I know used to jerk off with me. ELISA Oh, so this is the reason why; come on, girl, I was kidding. MONICA No you were not. ELISA Listen, princess, every man you meet, from the first to the last one, jerked with you at least 10 times, and the same with me and Isabel and every girl in this planet. ISABEL True. Isn´t it great? They laugh and Isabel receives an sms, checks the message and surprised looks at Elisa.


ISABEL (CONT’D) It’s Lucas: ‘I’m arriving at my place in two hours. Meet you there. I’m dying to make love to you’. Isabel and Elisa exchange gazes. Elisa smiles. CUT TO: 79



Hugo throws Lucas’s phone over Lucas’s body. Right after takes Lucas’s apartment keys from Matias’s short pocket and keeps it in his shorts. Now Hugo looks like a zombie, extremely pale, rigid and completely wasted; no emotions. Hugo grabs the skinny Matias by his feet and drags him to the border of the grave, however has problems to takes the muscular Lucas out of the hole. HUGO Mmm! Come on! Mmm! He succeed and lets himself fall back on the ground, exhausted. HUGO (CONT’D) Oh my fucking God. Hugo stays watching a bunch of stars on a dark sky while his breathing calms down. He stands up and starts to work hard and as faster as he can on making the hole larger and deeper. A hole for three bodies. CUT TO: 80



Elisa and Monica are chatting and laughing while Isabel is talking on the phone. Isabel puts the phone over the table. ELISA And? ISABEL I left a message. His cell phone is off again. Strange, isn´t it? MONICA I hate those games. ELISA Yeah. He must be playing with you. ISABEL I don´t know. CUT TO: 81



Hugo is filling the big hole with the three bodies inside. He is sweating uncontrollably and looks as if he were about to faint.


CUT TO: 82



Carolina enters in her mother’s bedroom at one o’clock in the evening. The room is dark and the mother is sleeping. CAROLINA Mum. MOTHER Mmm. CAROLINA I have to tell you something. MOTHER Mm-mm. We hardly can see Carolina sitting in hers mother’s bed. CAROLINA Uh, I don’t know if I should tell you this. Maybe I shouldn’t. MOTHER What is it, sweetie? CAROLINA Naty told me, well, she comment that Matias tried to rape her in the bathroom. The woman switches on the light. She is in shock. CAROLINA (CONT’D) Mum, are you OK? MOTHER Are you sure? CAROLINA Completely. Naty would never lie to me with such a thing. The mother can’t hide a tiny smile. CAROLINA (CONT’D) That’s good or bad news? MOTHER Let’s say fifty-fifty. The woman gets up and goes to Matias bedroom. Carolina follows her right from behind. CAROLINA Maybe he is not gay after all? MOTHER Maybe.


They get in Matias bedroom without knocking at the door, but the room is empty. CAROLINA But mum, what he did is a crime. Isn’t it? MOTHER Depend on the context, sweetie. The mother takes the phone from the night stand of his son and calls him. MOTHER (CONT’D) And we always can twist it a bit 83

EXT. FIELD – NIGHT The up, his and


phone rings 1 meter and a half under the ground, 1 meter and a half Hugo hardly hears something as he is stamping the earth even with foot. He kneels down on the ground, press his ear against the earth recognizes the tone. HUGO "Matias is not available right now. Please, leave your message after the tone".

Hugo takes the shovel and stands up again, watches his hands and clothes full of earth. He tries to clean his clothes a little bit, without success. He opens the trunk of the car, throws the shovel inside and takes a bottle of champagne. Hugo gets in the car. 84



Hugo looks at himself in the mirror, he went from being pale to yellow now, and sweats excessively. He tries to clean his filthy face, but with the sweat and earth it ends by making mud. HUGO Yeah, I know, I look horrible. Hugo starts the car, but doesn’t takes off. HUGO (CONT’D) But you know, I don’t give a shit. I’ve no more girl, nor friends, not even a family. I have nothing. Hugo turns round on the seat and looks at Jean Paul. HUGO (CONT’D) Except for you, my friend. And you have nobody either. Except for me. Therefore... Hugo opens the bottle of champagne. HUGO (CONT’D) Let’s make a toast for the two of us! To the beginning of a sincere and loyal friendship! Cheers!


He drinks from the bottle, leaves it between his legs and takes off. Driving with one hand, Hugo uses the other to open the cage. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, get out! We are not made to be in jail! The monkey stays inside the cage. HUGO (CONT’D) You know, I tried to explain that same shit to Matias, but he never listens. Hugo looks through the rear view mirror and sees that the monkey is still in prison. HUGO (CONT’D) Hey, don’t you see?! You are free now! The monkey shyly gets out of the cage. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on! Let’s celebrate, man! Jean Paul goes to the copilot seat. HUGO (CONT’D) Good boy. Hugo gives Jean Paul the bottle and helps him to drink. 85



They reaches the highway and Hugo speeds up. 86



Hugo drives fast while Jean Paul jumps crazily from one seat to the other, making noises and screaming. HUGO Stop talking ‘monkey’, brother! I can’t understand what the fuck are you talking about! The animal keeps jumping and screaming. HUGO (CONT’D) Listen, I’d not learn your bloody language, so you better start to practice mine, you drunken son of a bitch! Jean Paul keeps screaming and Hugo starts to shout too, so becomes a hell of guttural screams. 87


the car


Elisa and Monica are kissing. Isabel is smoking a cigarette while watches the people dancing. She looks quite bored. Isabel puts the cigarette out.


ISABEL Girls, I’ve to leave! The girls stop kissing and look at her smiling. Isabel takes her purse, stands up and kisses each one of them. ELISA Oh, I’m gonna miss you. Isabel nods smiling. MONICA Have fun with your lover! ISABEL I certainly would. Isabel leaves. ELISA Thanks for the funny day! Isabel waves her hand. 88



It’s almost three o’clock in the morning. The streets are dark and quiet. Hugo gets down of Matias’s car carrying his bag. He opens the copilot’s door, grabs the pink leash and takes Jean Paul out of the car. They step on the middle of the street and Hugo looks up at Lucas’s apartment. HUGO You see that window over there? Well, this is our new home. Hugo looks at Jean Paul, but he is not even looking up. HUGO (CONT’D) Sometimes you are so primitive. Hugo leaves his bag next to the car and, without dropping the pink leash, opens the trunk, open Lucas’s valise and takes a shirt and a pair of trousers. HUGO We’d need this. And this. He takes a pair of sneakers and a typical hat from Lucas. HUGO (CONT’D) Also this. And of course, this and this. He takes two bottles of champagne and puts everything in his bag, lift it up and closes the trunk. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, my friend. It seems that party tonight.

we’d have a


They crosses the street. 89



Isabel gets out of her car and crosses the darken street. She presses the 501 on the intercom. Upstairs, someone picks up the intercom’s phone. ISABEL It’s me! The door opens and she gets in. 90



Hugo is sitting on the sofa surrounded by plants. He has the monkey by the leash and wears Lucas’s clothes and hat. The lights are switched off, so we can hardly see his silhouette in the room. Isabel opens the door and gets in. ISABEL Hey, I was worried about you. She tries to switched on the lights, but it doesn’t works. ISABEL (CONT’D) Mmm, is this some kind of game? Hugo stands up and walks towards her. ISABEL (CONT’D) Lucas? Hugo passes by her side and closes the door with the key. She crosses the living room, switches a lamp on and frightens herself with Hugo looking like a zombie, his face and hands full of mud, wearing Lucas’s clothes and hat. ISABEL Hugo! HUGO You seemed to know the house pretty well.

ISABEL What happened to you? What are you doing here? HUGO We live here. Jean Paul and me. Jean Paul falls down and hits the floor while was trying to climb a big plant, calling their attention for a couple of seconds. Hugo walks towards her again. Isabel tries to go backwards, but she can’t, she tries to run towards Lucas’s bedroom and Hugo grabs her by the arm, pushes her hard into him and she falls down on the floor. ISABEL WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!


Jean Paul starts to scream and Hugo watches her with a scary calm. Isabel stands up and trembling offers him her hand. ISABEL (CONT’D) Come on, baby. Let’s get out of this place. Hugo snaps her hard in the face and Isabel again falls down on the floor. HUGO DON’T TREAT ME AS IF I WERE MAD! She starts to cry. ISABEL Hugo, what happened to you?! Isabel drags herself through the living room’s floor. ISABEL (CONT’D) Please, talk to me! HUGO I know about you and Lucas. ISABEL What are you talking about?! He takes a plant and throws it against a wall. HUGO WHY?! Isabel can’t go backwards anymore, she just looks at him, in panic. HUGO (CONT’D) You love him? ISABEL No! Is not true! I love you! HUGO DON’T LIE TO ME, BITCH! ISABEL (crying even harder) I swear, Hugo! I love you! HUGO Everybody knew it except for me, right?! Hugo grabs her by the hair with one hand, by the throat with the other and makes her stand up. ISABEL No! Aaah! HUGO Your never respected me!


Hugo slaps her in the face once more and Isabel falls over some plants. She stands up and tries to scape to the kitchen, but Hugo gets in her way. ISABEL LEAVE ME ALONE! She takes one of the bottles of champagne from over the table and throws it to him as hard as she can, but she misses. ISABEL (CONT’D) HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME! HUGO You want to join him? Uh? You want to be with your lover? Isabel takes the other bottle and throws it to him, but she misses again and the bottle smashes against the wall. Hugo grabs Isabel by the hair with one hand and sticks his other hand under her kilt. ISABEL Au, no, Hugo! HUGO I’m not Hugo! I’m Lucas! You love me! You want to fuck me! That's why you came here, right?! He licks her face. ULISES WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?! Hugo turns round and sees the huge black landlord standing at the door. HUGO Shit. Who the fuck are you? Kin Kong? Ulises watches Jean Paul drinking champaign from the floor. ULISES LEAVE HER, NOW! Ulises gets in. Hugo pushes Isabel inside the kitchen and closes the door. HUGO Fuck off, negro! This is none of your business! Hugo tries to punch the landlord, but Ulises takes him and throws him through the air as if he were a bag. Hugo hits a wall and falls over some plants. HUGO (shaking his head) Wow. Ulises opens the kitchen’s door and Isabel frightens herself when she almost stick a knife on Ulises belly.


ISABEL Oh, sorry. ULISES Go, miss. Go and call the police. Isabel throws the knife away and leaves the apartment, meanwhile Hugo tries to recuperates himself from the brutal impact. HUGO Princess! Help me! The man takes Hugo again. Hugo punches him in the face, but nothing happens to Ulises who lances him against other wall. HUGO Uh, time up. Mmm. Hugo is bleeding from his nose and mouth. He covers his face with one hand, watches the hand palm and within the blood sees a couple of teeth. HUGO Shit. Ulises grabs him one more time and Hugo shuts his eyes, resigned to his destiny. But nothing happens to him this time, so he opens his eyes again and sees Ulises paralyzed and terrified while watches his leg being squeeze by the albino snake. HUGO Only fuck. Condoleezza Rice is huge. A terrified Jean Paul tries, in vane, to climb one of the plants. HUGO (CONT’D) It’s fucking real. Ulises can’t talk. He is in shock. Hugo stands up slowly. HUGO (CONT’D) Don’t even move, King Kong. That thing can kill you in matter of seconds. Hugo walks slowly towards the door and takes Jean Paul by the leash. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, my friend. Hugo gets out corridor with so Hugo lifts he can by the 91

of the apartment and really hurt tries to run through the Jean Paul running behind him. The elevator is not there, up Jean Paul and hugging the monkey gets down as fast as stairs.



Ulises reacts and grabs the snake by the throat, he falls on the floor and starts to struggle with the monster.





Once in the hall, Hugo sees Isabel on the street, talking by the phone. HUGO Look at her. Isn’t she lovely? Hugo leaves Jean Paul in the floor again, he turns round and over the elevator doors sees the numbers in red going 2...3...4... and stopping in 5. Isabel gets in her car and leaves. Hugo and Jean Paul get out of the building and run towards Matias’s car, they get in the vehicle and leave behind Isabel. Ulises gets out of the building covered with blood and the dead snake hanging from his neck, as a collar, almost touching the street with head and tail. He steps in the asphalt, looks to both sides, but the city is dark and quiet. 93



Isabel gets down of her car and leaves it to the valet parking boys. The security guys smile to her and opens the chain to let her in. She enters running into the place. 94



Hugo parks in the corner of the pub. HUGO Here we are. He looks at himself in the rear view mirror and tries to clean the mud mixed with blood from his face. He has blood in one of the two cuts, the one from the fight with his father. He also has a dry tear of blood under his nose and swollen lips, after Ulises. HUGO (CONT’D) Now I’m going in there and I’ll teach my girl what respect means. Hugo looks at Jean Paul straight watching anywhere but him.








HUGO (CONT’D) Hey, look at me when I’m talking to you! Listen, I’m sorry about your fellow. It wasn’t my intension to punch him that hard. I’m sorry. He bite me here... Hugo shows Jean Paul the scarf in his hand. HUGO (CONT’D) You see? And I, I just, you know, anyway, your fellow was almost dead. I just end with his misery. I’m sorry, man. Hugo gets out of the car leaving Jean Paul in the copilot’s seat. 95




Hugo arrives walking slowly. He has removed almost all the mood from his face and hands. Anyway, he’s sweating too much and looks extremely pale. He tries to get in, but the two men in black don’t even move. HUGO What? The bodybuilders don’t say a word, one chewing gum, the other one smoking, they just look at Hugo him. HUGO (CONT’D) Come on, guys. I’m a regular client! MAN 1 You are bleeding. HUGO I’m Isabel’s boyfriend, right! The two men look at each other and laugh in Hugo’s face. MAN 1 We can’t let you in, bump. HUGO You know what? Call her! And do it now! Man 1 grabs Hugo by the shirt and Man 2 stands right behind our hero. MAN 1 Look, you little peace of shit, Isabel is stunning and chic, you are ugly, poor and you smell like a dirty fat man ass, so get your face out of my sight, or I’ll make it even more horrible. Capishe? The man frees Hugo, but the other man pushes him from behind and they both laugh at him again. HUGO Yah, right. FUCK THE TWO OF YOU AND FUCK THIS WHOLE BLOODY PLACE! Hugo leaves walking fast. MAN 1 AND MAN 2 Uuuu. 96



Isabel appears in the front door of the bar with Elisa. The security guys are already gone. Isabel makes a gesture to one of the valet parking boys and he goes running for her car. Isabel waits standing on the street, while Elisa is standing next to her, but on the edge of the sidewalk. Eighty meters behind, Hugo starts Matias’s car and takes off with the lights of the vehicle switched off.





Jean Paul is still in the copilot’s seat. HUGO Look at her. Hugo speeds up going directly into Isabel. HUGO (CONT’D) Isn’t she too pretty for this world?! Hugo, bleeding even more from the cut on his face, starts to scream like crazy. HUGO AAAAH!!! Jean Paul starts to scream too. 98



ISABEL Thanks for coming. I don’t want to sleep alone. Not tonight. Isabel hears something at her back, and when she is going to turn round, Hugo twists the wheel passing extremely close and almost hitting her at 100km/h. Isabel's kilt lift up and her black string shows. 99



I CAN’T! Jean Paul jumps on Hugo’s face making him crash into a column 30 meters far from the Pub. 100



The impact is so strong that it sounds like an explosion. Elisa and Isabel are in shock, paralyzed looking at what is left of the car. ISABEL (whispering) Hugo. The monkey runs away from a car in flames. Some men run towards the vehicle, but before they can reach it, Matias’s car explodes with Hugo in it. Elisa hugs Isabel. TITLES