Mapping species distribution using Google™: a pilot study of

May 11, 2012 - and the Google cars. Google™ = a set of services accessible from the web for free. Google Maps™ and Google Earth™ = Mapping and ...
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Mapping species distribution using Google™: a pilot study of the Pine Processionary Moth J. Rousselet, C.-E. Imbert, A. Dekri, J. Garcia, F. Goussard, O. Denux, C. Robinet, F. Dorkeld? A. Roques, & J.-P. Rossi? URZF & ?CBGP, INRA, France

7-03-14 IUFRO Group Symposium “Entomological Research in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems” May 11, 2012


Assessing species distribution over large regions Documenting the presence/absence of the species Monitoring species expansion Climate change Biological invasion Question Can we take advantage of free databases such as Google Maps™ to improve our knowledge of species distribution ?


Comparing field data with in silico data derived from Google Maps™ Assessing possible scale effects by working at 2 contrasted spatial scales Subject species : the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa

Google Street View™ and the Google cars Google™ = a set of services accessible from the web for free Google Maps™ and Google Earth™ = Mapping and geospatial resources Google Street = technology providing panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world

The Google cars explore the streets and take pictures used to generate panoramic views

Google Street View™ and the Google cars Google Street = technology providing panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world

Google Street View™ and the Google cars Google Street = technology providing panoramic views from positions along many streets in the world

Study sites A large study area of ca. 240 × 300 km (' 73 000 km2) A smaller study area of 22 × 22 km (484 km2)

Sampling for presence/absence Studied area discretised in : 291 cells of 16 × 16 km size 121 cells of 2 × 2 km size


Traditional sampling Each cell was explored by well trained people (car driving) and the presence of PPM nest recorded. All roads were run through. Sampling PPM using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™ Each cell was explored using the Google database by means of visual exploration of the available panoramic views.

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Each cell was explored using Google Maps™ and Google Street View™

Large scale study (cell = 16 × 16 km) Field data

Google-derived data

Large scale study (cell = 16 × 16 km) Field data

Google-derived data



presence absence

field presence true positive=273 false negative=13

absence false positive=0 true negative=5

True positive rate (sensitivity) = 96% True negative rate (specificity) = 100% Accuracy = 95.5%

Good performance

Short scale study (cell = 2 × 2 km) Field data

Google-derived data

Short scale study (cell = 2 × 2 km) Field data

Google-derived data



presence absence

field presence true positive=3 false negative=63

absence false positive=0 true negative=49

5 % of cell with no data True positive rate (sensitivity) = 4.5% True negative rate (specificity) = 100% Accuracy = 45.2%

Poor performance

Too many false negatives (i.e. too few true positives : 4.5%) Network of roads available within Google streetview™ → coverage decreases with increasing spatial resolution i.e. with smaller cells

Conclusions Google seems to provide reliable occurrence data for the PPM in our large scale studies (low resolution : 16 × 16 km) each cell contains many Google roads and many visible host trees Google seems not to provide reliable occurrence data in our small scale study (high resolution : 2 × 2 km) Many cells do not contain Google roads or only a few Higher probability for the pictures to be taken during summer/fall when there is no nest or nests cannot be seen

Conclusions This pilot study shows that in silico data such as Google Streetviews™ may be useful to study species distribution The performances appear to be scale-dependent The accuracy of Google-derived data may change according to landscape type → more exploratory surveys are needed !

Conclusions This pilot study shows that in silico data such as Google Streetviews™ may be useful to study species distribution The performances appear to be scale-dependent The accuracy of Google-derived data may change according to landscape type → more exploratory surveys are needed !