Mémo grammaire

Mémo grammaire. 199 cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. Time expressions with different tenses. Why is it important? □ When you use a time expression, you need to ...
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Time expressions with different tenses

d’habitude (usually) tous les jours (every day) tous les soirs (every evening) tous les samedis (every Saturday) tous les week-ends (every weekend) ■

The following time expressions can only be used to refer to the past, so use them with the perfect tense. hier (yesterday) samedi dernier (last Saturday) l’été dernier (last summer) la semaine dernière (last week) l’année dernière (last year)

je joue (I play) je fais (I do/make) je vais (I go) je reste (I stay) je sors (I go out)

Mémo grammaire

Why is it important? ■ When you use a time expression, you need to use the right tense with it to be understood clearly. For example, you wouldn’t say ‘Last weekend, I go shopping’. Using time expressions and tenses correctly will also help you to achieve a Grade C in your GCSE. ■ The following time expressions are normally used with the present tense.

j’ai joué (I played) j’ai fait (I did/made) je suis allé(e) (I went) je suis resté(e) (I stayed) je suis sorti(e) (I went out)

The following time expressions refer to the future, so use them with the near future tense. demain (tomorrow) samedi prochain (next Saturday) l’été prochain (next summer) la semaine prochaine (next week) l’année prochaine (next year)

je vais jouer (I’m going to play) je vais faire (I’m going to do/make) je vais aller (I’m going to go) je vais rester (I’m going to stay) je vais sortir (I’m going to go out)

1 Look at which tense the verb in each sentence is in. Fill in each gap with a suitable time expression. Finally, translate the sentences into English. 1 2 3 4

, je vais jouer au foot. , je fais du vélo. , je suis allé à une fête. , j’ai regardé un film d’horreur.

5 6 7 8

, je sors avec mon frère. , j’ai acheté des CD. , je joue à l’ordinateur. , je vais manger une pizza.

2 Look at the time expressions in these sentences to decide which tense each verb should be in. Then copy out the sentences, putting the infinitive in brackets into the correct tense. 1 2 3 4 5 6

La semaine dernière, je (aller) à un concert. Hier, je (faire) de la natation. La semaine prochaine, je (sortir) avec mes copains. Tous les week-ends, je (jouer) au basket. D’habitude, je (rester) à la maison. Samedi prochain, je (aller) au cinéma.

3 Write six sentences about yourself using different time expressions and verbs in the correct tense. cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 199