Lab 01_ Remo

Nov 27, 2017 - Lab Procedures. Task 1: Install .... You will need to reference this Pod number if you make any calls to Helpdesk due to access problems. Also ...
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8. 32.1. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 57. 56. 55. 54. 53. 52. 51. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 8.3. 8.2. 8.1.

Lab 1: Remote Lab Access Lab Overview Welcome to Global Knowledge and Deploying Unified Contact Center Express Labs. This lab guide will focus on the implementa on of Cisco Unified Contact Center Express. Our focus will be on Deploying Unified Contact Center Express, Integra on with Unified Communica ons Manager, Basic Scrip ng, and Advanced Feature Implementa on. Throughout this lab guide, you will configure the various aspects of Cisco Unified Contact Center Express. You will examine an integra on with Cisco Unified Communica ons Manager, and configura on of various subsystems including RMCM and JTAPI. You will integrate UCCX with SQL Server, Exchange, and Social Miner. In addi on, basic scrip ng techniques will be discussed and implemented. Agent integra on with Cisco Finesse and Historical Repor ng with Unified Intelligence Center will also be demonstrated. As the old saying goes, before we can walk, we must crawl. In this lab, you will configure connec vity and install the required so ware to communica on with which is our hosted lab environment. This lab will focus on the following configura on elements: Install Citrix Receiver for Windows Log In and Navigate the Global Knowledge Remote Labs Environment Confirm Desktop Viewer Se ngs and PSTN Phone Registra on

Es mated Time to Complete 45 minutes

Lab Procedures Task 1: Install Citrix Receiver for Windows In this task, you will install Citrix Receiver for Windows. Note: Apple MAC students, these labs will not work properly inside MAC OS-X na vely; we strongly suggest you load a Windows 7/8x virtual machine using VMware Fusion to perform your labs. This was communicated as part of the new student informa on packet which was sent out prior to the course start date. No fy your instructor if you need further informa on or clarifica on on the lab

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hardware and so ware requirements. Open a web browser on your personal or work computer and enter h p://

Click the Downloads link and select Citrix Receiver. Note: The Citrix homepage and web site change frequently; the following screenshots may vary. We will also provide URL's as a failsafe should naviga ng the site become difficult. As an alternate URL, you can browse to h p://

For the Product field, select Citrix Receiver and click Go.

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Note: The Citrix web page may auto detect which opera ng system you are currently using and provide you with the correct so ware download link.

For the Download Type field, select Receiver for Windows and press Find. Note: The Citrix web page may auto detect which opera ng system you are currently using and provide you with the correct so ware download link.

Your opera ng system will be detected automa cally. Click Download Receiver X.X.XXX for Windows, where X.X.XXX represents the latest version of the Citrix Receiver so ware available for download Note: X.X.XXX represents the latest version of the Citrix Receiver so ware. At the me of this lab guide development, the latest version was 4.3.100 for Windows.

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You may be prompted to accept the EULA. Select the check box to accept the Citrix License Agreement then click Con nue. If no EULA agreement is displayed, you will be presented with the Citrix Receiver download and you may con nue to step 7.

Select Download File to download the receiver file to your computer. Note this download pop-up will be present in Internet Explorer. If you are using Google Chrome or Firefox, this pop-up may not be present; you may con nue to step 8.

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Click Run to start downloading the Receiver Install file. Note the Run op on is specific to Internet Explorer. Google Chrome or Firefox users will have a Save File op on. Both op ons will be shown below for clarity sake: Internet Explorer File Download dialog:

Firefox/Chrome Save File dialog:

Download progress bar (browser independent):

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Internet Explorer users, a er the download has completed, click Run then click Install to begin the Citrix Receiver install.

Note: Depending on the permissions and rights on your personal or work laptop, you may encounter errors installing the Citrix Receiver. Should this occur, no fy your instructor immediately. We recommend a emp ng to right click the installer and choosing Run as Administrator as a troubleshoo ng step. This may require your IT department execu ng the program with elevated Administrator permissions.

Firefox/Chrome users, a er the file has completed downloading, you may need to locate your Downloads folder (se ngs may vary) and double click the executable.

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Once the installer has launched, click Next.

Accept the License Agreement by placing a checkmark in the I accept the license agreement check box field and click Install.

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Depending on machine speed and processing power, the installa on may take 3 - 5 minutes.

Once the installer has completed, you will be presented with an Installed Successfully banner as shown below. Should you have any failures installing the Citrix Receiver, no fy your instructor immediately. Once the installer has completed successfully, click Finish.

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Do not start the Citrix Receiver so ware on your computer at this me. Simply click the Start bu on on your computer to verify that the Citrix Receiver has been installed successfully. Do not open the Citrix Receiver program at this me.

Alternately, if you do not see the icon listed in the pinned Start Menu icons, you can click Search and type Citrix.

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Task 2: Log In and Navigate the Global Knowledge Remote Labs Environment In this task, you will log in to the Global Knowledge Remote Labs environment, modify the connec on se ngs to allow you to launch the Citrix Desktop Viewer Selec on Screen, and launch the Citrix Desktop Viewer. Open a web browser on your computer and enter h ps:// Use the creden als assigned to your pod to log in to the Global Knowledge Remote Labs environment. If you are unsure of the creden als, ask your instructor. Once you have entered valid creden als for your pod, click Log in.

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If your login is successful, you will see the Pod Control screen. You will need to modify the Connec on Se ngs in order to be able to launch the Citrix Desktop Viewer selec on screen.

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Under the Op ons tab, select Connec on Se ngs.

For Graphical Connec ons, select Citrix. Then click Update.

Note: This step will not present a confirma on dialog window; make certain you click Update! Students who are behind a corporate firewall or are concerned about their connec vity to Remote Labs may op onally run the Start Connec vity Test. This test will check for firewall ports necessary to remote labs as well as internet bandwidth. Note: Now would be an excellent me to disconnect any VPN clients you may be running. The Remote Labs solu on works best when you are NOT behind a corporate firewall or using NAT for your IP or Internet connec on. If you are running IP-SEC or SSL VPN clients in order to check work

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emails, perform job func ons, etc., be aware your lab experience may be degraded. Note: The Connec vity Test listed in step 21 uses a Java Applet; if you a empt to run this test and you see a blank screen, you may need to adjust your browser′s Java se ngs. Ask your instructor for further informa on.

Select the Labs tab; then select Go to Lab.

The Pod Control screen should be displayed. Click -PC-Console.

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Depending on the browser you are using, the steps to turn off the pop-up blocker vary. For Internet Explorer: under Tools, select Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker. For Firefox: under Preferences > Content, uncheck Block pop-up Windows. Turn off the pop-up blocker now. Check Do not show this message again; then click Con nue.

Note: You may be directed to the page below depending on your browser. If you are presented the log in screen below, enter your pod login to launch the Desktop Viewer selec on screen.

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Next, you will be presented with two Desktop Viewers (these are Citrix desktops): Desktop 1 Desktop 2 Your Instructor has designated who is Student 1 and who is Student 2 within your team. Student 1 will use Desktop 1 and Student 2 will use Desktop 2. If your instructor has not assigned you to a desktop, kindly remind them to do so now.

Task 3: Confirm Desktop Viewer Se ngs and PSTN Simulator Phone Registra on In this task, you will verify the configura on of the Desktop 1 or Desktop 2: Audio Se ngs for Cisco IP Communicator Registra on of the PSTN Simulator Phone Note: The IP addresses of all the lab equipment are pre-configured. Since the mic and speakers of the physical machine you are on need to be captured by Citrix for use by the Desktop VMs, the first exercise will walk you through the Audio Tuning Wizard and troubleshoo ng the Citrix Receiver Common Audio Issues. Note: No ce that next to Desktop 1 or Desktop 2 there is a PodXX iden fier. Make note of your Pod number. You will need to reference this Pod number if you make any calls to Helpdesk due to access problems. Also, each me you come back to your desktop, ensure that you are on the same Pod as before. If, by mistake, you log into the wrong Pod and see a different Pod number throughout the week, log out of the incorrect Pod and close all browser windows before logging back in. The browser may cache the incorrect Pod number if you don′t close all browser windows before logging back in. Click the Desktop 1 or Desktop 2 bu on on the Desktop Viewer selec on screen to access your assigned desktop.

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Note: If the desktop does not open a er several minutes, right click your desktop icon and select Restart. If it s ll does not start a er several minutes, no fy your instructor. Note: It may take up to a minute to launch the Desktop Viewer the first me.

Your Desktop should look similar to the above picture with no applica ons running. You will check to see if Cisco IP Communicator has been launched (this is a so ware phone). Go to the tool bar on the bo om right of the Citrix Desktop window and click the up arrow to display hidden icons.

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If you see the Cisco IP Communicator icon, right click and select Exit. If no icon is present, skip to step 30.

You will now need to configure the Cisco IP Communicator on your assigned desktop. Launch Cisco IP Communicator (CIPC) by double clicking the program shortcut.

The first me you launch Cisco IP Communicator, you may receive the following pop-up. This pop-up is a emp ng to map your Microphone and Webcam from your PC to the Citrix environment for use with so ware inside the Citrix session. Click Permit use of these devices. If you do not receive the pop-up, you may con nue to step 32.

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Note: The Audio Tuning steps in this lab (steps 31 - 34) can prove problema c for students who are using Windows 7 and using certain types of microphones. Should you receive ANY errors during steps 31 - 34, contact your instructor immediately. Should these steps fail, they must be remedied immediately so you can proceed with the remaining labs in this course. The first me you launch the CIPC, the Audio Tuning Wizard will begin. Complete the following steps to configure the CIPC audio. If the Audio Tuning Wizard does not launch, click Menu > Audio Tuning Wizard. On the top right of the phone, the Menu bu on is the le most bu on and looks like an upside down top hat. Click Tune to start the CIPC Audio Tuning Wizard.

Select Citrix HDX Audio or Default Windows Audio Device for all audio input and output devices. These se ngs map your physical microphone and speakers to the virtual Citrix session. Should you have any errors on this step or you do not see any devices listed, no fy your instructor immediately.

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Adjust both the listening and the microphone volumes. You may click Play to hear and listen to the current speaker and microphone volume levels. Adjust the levels and gain to your liking. Once you have completed each test, click Next.

Once you have completed the Audio Tuning Wizard, you will see a summary of op ons you have configured. Click Finish.

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Complete the following steps to update the network se ngs on the CIPC on your assigned desktop. You may see the Unable to reach TFTP server error. Click OK.

Once CIPC has launched, select the Menu bu on. On the top right of the phone, the Menu bu on is the le most bu on and looks like an upside down top hat.

Under Menu, select Preferences.

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Select the Network tab.

Under Device Name, click the radio bu on Use Network Adapter to generate Device Name and select Network Connec on #2. Click OK if the warning message displays.

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Under TFTP Servers, select the radio bu on Use these TFTP servers: and verify or type in the IP address of your Call Manager Server ( and press OK.

Note: TFTP Server 2 may have a duplicate IP Address of It′s okay, keep on rocking. Your phone WILL NOT register. It has not yet been built in Call Manager. It was important at this me to start the applica on to run the Audio Tuning Wizard. You will get the phone set up in a later lab exercise. We have provided a summary of the se ngs below:

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Now you need to confirm the registra on of the PSTN Simulator Phone. There is a PSTN Desktop shortcut on your desktop. Double click to launch PSTN Desktop. Click No if a LiteManager message displays.

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Note: Click No if you receive a pop-up window informing of a new Lite Manager update being available. Lite Manager is one of our VNC tools. It may be necessary to log in to the PSTN Desktop. At the top center of the PSTN Desktop window, access the small white strip to reveal tools. Press the Send Alt-Ctrl-Del tool bu on.

Log in with username Administrator and password Ci5co123!. Double click the CIPC shortcut on the desktop. If you get prompted with the Audio Tuning Wizard, run it again as you did for your desktop ini ally in steps 32 - 35.

Once CIPC has launched, select the Menu bu on. On the top right of the phone, the Menu bu on is the le most bu on and looks like an upside down top hat.

Under Menu, select Preferences.

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Select the Network tab.

Under Device Name, verify the following informa on. If it is not already preconfigured, select the radio bu on for Use this Device Name. Key in the case-sensi ve device name of PSTN_Phone. Ensure that TFTP Server 1 is set to Click OK.

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Your PSTN Phone will register.

You have now verified proper setup of your desktop and PSTN Simulator Phone. At the end of labs each day, you should properly disconnect from all sessions. Use the following steps to prac ce this now. First, end the PSTN Desktop session. At the top middle of your desktop screen, you will see the Citrix Tool Bar (black) with the VNC Tool Bar hiding below it (white). Hover over the white tool bar and the VNC Tool Bar will drop down. If hovering does not bring the drop-down onto the screen, click the small white tool back as seen below:

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Click the last icon (X) to end the VNC Session. Click OK if the warning message displays.

Now hover over or click the Citrix Tool Bar (black) and the Citrix Tool Bar will drop down.

Select Disconnect.

This will take you back to the Remote Labs login page. At the end of each day, close this browser tab. Since you will now probably be moving on to Lab 2, select your assigned Desktop (Desktop 1 or Desktop 2) and launch the Citrix Desktop session to prepare for the next lab.

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Lab Complete

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