Jacob Epstein “It was in the experimental pre-war days of 1913 that I

Jacob Epstein. “Rock Drill” (1913-15). (reconstruction by Ken Cook and Ann Christopher after the dismantled original, 1973-74). Polyester resin, metal and wood.
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Jacob Epstein

“Rock Drill” (1913-15) (reconstruction by Ken Cook and Ann Christopher after the dismantled original, 1973-74) Polyester resin, metal and wood 205 x 141.5 cm

Torso in Metal from “The Rock Drill” (1916) Bronze 705 x 584 x 445 mm

“It was in the experimental pre-war days of 1913 that I was fired to do the rock-drill, and my ardour for machinery (short-lived) expended itself upon the purchase of an actual drill... and upon this I made and mounted a machine-like robot, visored, menacing, and carrying within itself its progeny, protectively ensconsed. Here is the armed, sinister figure of today and tomorrow. No humanity, only the terrible Frankenstein's monster we have made ourselves into... Later I lost my interest in machinery and discarded the drill. I cast in metal only the upper part of the figure'.” (Jacob Epstein, Epstein: An Autobiography, London, 1955.)

Paul Valéry (1871-1945) - La crise de l’esprit (1919) Première lettre Nous autres, civilisations, nous savons maintenant que nous sommes mortelles. [...] La crise militaire est peut-être finie. La crise économique est visible dans toute sa force ; mais la crise intellectuelle, plus subtile, et qui, par sa nature même, prend les apparences les plus trompeuses (puisqu’elle se passe dans le royaume même de la dissimulation), cette crise laisse difficilement saisir son véritable point, sa phase. Personne ne peut dire ce qui demain sera mort ou vivant en littérature, en philosophie, en esthétique. Nul ne sait encore quelles idées et quels modes d’expression seront inscrits sur la liste des pertes, quelles nouveautés seront proclamées. [...] Tant d’horreurs n’auraient pas été possibles sans tant de vertus. Il a fallu, sans doute, beaucoup de science pour tuer tant d’hommes, dissiper tant de biens, anéantir tant de villes en si peu de temps ; mais il a fallu non moins de qualités morales. Savoir et Devoir, vous êtes donc suspects ? [...] L’oscillation du navire a été si forte que les lampes les mieux suspendues se sont à la fin renversées.

Anthem for Doomed Youth Wilfred Owen (1917) What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? Only the monstrous anger of the guns. Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle Can patter out their hasty orisons. No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells, Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs– The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells; And bugles calling for them from sad shires. What candles may be held to speed them all? Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes. The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall; Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds, And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.

Wyndham Lewis, New York, 1914. Pen and ink, Watercolour. Private Collection.

Alvin Langdon Coburn, Vortograph of Ezra Poud, 1917 (printed later). Gelatin Silver Print. image: 284 x 199 mm.