In a periode where health prevention for chronic diseases, in a

... professions. This has motivated the APA students and Professors to organise a national event, which has brought. 400 people together the 30th of Mars 2007.
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UFR STAPS Filière Activité Physique Adaptée 700, avenue du Pic St-Loup, 34090 Montpellier 30 march 2007, UFR STAPS celebrate 25 years of filière APA In a period where health prevention for chronic diseases, in a situation of disabled and/or aged people becomes a serieus National and Europeen situation/problem, the adapted physical activities shows his effectiveness at several points. If these physical activitys will slow down the appearance of certain diseases (diabetes type 2, osteoporosis) will prevent exacerbation of certain chronic diseases (alcohol addiction) or will prevent second affections like (obesity, depression), the education/training needs proffesional qualification to work in a coordinated and proper manner. L’Unité de Formation et de Recherche en Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives (UFR STAPS) of the university of Montpellier 1 was the first UFR in France that lanced these educations/trainings 25 years ago. Now these days, more then 200 new students are signing in every year. To gain a diploma of teacher (bac+3, BA) in APA (activity physical adaption), coordinator (bac+5, Master) in APA or scientific researcher (bac+8, Doctorate) in APA. The diploma BA will supervise the physical activitys in a health education sanitary. The diploma Master will coordinate physical activity programs in every zone of prevention for readaptation. And the last one is doing research in the effectiveness and completing the physical activitys in there attention. In 25 years, The UFR STAPS has given more then 1000 diplomas. A statement of professionalization and completing other professions in the health sector, and a prospective for the future APA professions. This has motivated the APA students and Professors to organise a national event, which has brought 400 people together the 30th of Mars 2007.

Health Being healthy means being healthy physical, mental and social and does not consist of the absence of a disease and impairment (OMS, 1946) The Ottawa’s definitions of healt, the mesure where a group or individual can realise his ambitions and satisfy his needs, evolve in his sector. Health is comprehend as a daily thing in life and not as a goal in life, it’s about a concept positif that puts in value the social resources and physical capabilitys. (OMS, 1986) Prevention Prevention is a traditional total of messures to avert or reduce the number and the gravity of diseases and accidents. Primal prevention read, all the messures to reduce the impact of a disease or accident in population, like to reduce the risk of breaking something a second time. Secondairy prevention read, all the messures to reduce the prevalence of a disease in population, so reducing the number of sick people by treatment at first sight of the disease. Thirt prevention read, all the measures to reduce the number of people with a chronic disease or who recur in society, so reduce the number of people who are incapable to function correctly in society because of the chronic disease. The idea is to prevent this, in the section re-education or re-insertion, professional and social. Health promotion Health promotion is a process that gives the population a way to control their own health and to modify it (OMS, 1986). The health promotion is not just about the sanitary section, it’s also about: Healthy public politics - A successful environment - Own capabilities The patient’s education The education of the patient is a process divided in different parts build in the processes of the cure. It’s a package of activities in sensibility, information, education, and help social and physiological in concern the disease. To treat and cure the disease, to inform the patient and family about the disease, this will help the patient to return to his activities of the normal life the best as possible. Activities physical adaptation The APA intervention is a profession based on intervening and using physical and sportive activities for prevention and/ or rehabilitation, re-education and re-introducing disabled and/ or aged people in to society (Ninot and Partyka, 2007).