Helen Lindén

CURRICULUM VITAE. Helen LINDEN started playing the cello with a Hungarian pedagogue,. Csaba Szilvay, at the age of six. She showed very young an ...
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Helen Lindén Cellist CURRICULUM VITAE

Helen LINDEN started playing the cello with a Hungarian pedagogue, Csaba Szilvay, at the age of six. She showed very young an outstanding talent, and at the age of nine she made her debut as soloist with a symphony orcherstra. At fifteen she was employed by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra for ten performances. Then she started to take part in competitions; She won the Finnish National Contest, she was finalist at sixteen in the Turku Nordic Cello Competition and at eighteen she played in the finals of the EUROVISION Competition for Young Soloists in Brussels. In 1993 She interrupted her studies in the Sibelius Academy and went to the Indiana University (USA) at the Bloomington School of Music, where she got the tuition of prof. Janos STARKER. It was for her two years of intensive Musical education and activity; The Indiana University awarded her the first prize in a Concerto competition, the first prize in a ”Popper”(Vituosity for Cello) competition, and an ”Artist Diploma” ending her studies in the United States. In 1999 she completed her Masters degree in the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki. Helen Lindén has been performing as soloist or in chamber music in most of the European countries, as well as touring with orchestra playing concertos in Hong-Kong, Taïwan, China and Japan. She has been recording for numerous Radios or TV, including of course the Finnish Radio, where she is a regular soloist. She also has an intensive activity playing quartet, trio and duos with Olivier Pons, Risto Lauriala and Folke Gräsbeck. Her recordings include a CD with David Poppers cello music and a DVD with Bach Cello Suites in 2010. Composers Harri Wessman and Jack Mattson have written works for her. Lindén plays an Italian cello made by Cappa in the 18th century.