Exercice 1 Transformer les phrases suivantes en phrases négatives. 1

I was reading Harry Potter in my room when the phone rang. 2. They were ... 4. Stephan and Kevin (go) to London. 5. The class (play) handball outside. 6.
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Exercice 1 Transformer les phrases suivantes en phrases négatives. 1. I was running. 2. They were listening to music. 3. She was doing her homework. 4. I was reading the newspaper. 5. He was decorating his house.

Exercice 2 Transformer les phrases suivantes en phrases affirmatives. 1. We were not playing music. 2. I was not learning my lesson. 3. She was not buying a perfume. 4. We were not fixing our car. 5. They were not watching TV.

Exercice 3 Poser la question sur l'élément souligné. 1. I was reading Harry Potter in my room when the phone rang. 2. They were washing the car last Saturday at 2 pm. 3. Tom's father was singing while he was cooking. 4. We were playing football for two hours when it started raining. 5. He was learning his lesson because he wanted to have a good mark.

Exercice 4 Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au preterit be+ing. 1. Jeremy (play) with the dog. 2. Stephan (make) a cake in the kitchen. 3. I (go) to Paris when I heard the news. 4. Stephan and Kevin (go) to London. 5. The class (play) handball outside. 6. Peter (eat) cookies in the hall.

7. Justin Timberlake (sing) a new single. 8. The headmaster (buy) new chairs for the school. 9. I (chat) with Mrs Blake. 10. You (go) into the garden. 11. We (stop) a murderer. 12. They (drive) to McDonald's. 13. He (listen) to Rap music. 14. I (fight) the monster. 15. She (deep-freeze) some food. 16. The dog (catch) the cat. 17. You (sleep) in a small bed. 18. They (ring) the bell.

Exercice 5 Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au preterit be+ing. 1. She (go) to the zoo. 2. He (drive) too dangerously. 3. We (take) the tube. 4. He (ride) his bike. 5. (Eat) they? 6. I (not kick) the ball. 7. What (look) you at? 8. We (not visit) the Tower of London! 9. He (do) some extra-work. 10. I (listen) to some records.

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