Dossier lves voyage U

Consignes : Les réponses aux différentes questions seront rédigées (in English ! ... Your family and immigration : when ? country of origin ? are these roots ...
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DOSSIER ÉLÈVES VOYAGE U.S.A. - AVRIL 2007 Consignes : Les réponses aux différentes questions seront rédigées (in English !!!) à partir de votre propre expérience et des questions que vous aurez posées autour de vous, en classe ou en famille ; vous pouvez bien sûr utiliser ponctuellement Internet ou des ouvrages en anglais, à condition de TOUJOURS CITER PRÉCISÉMENT vos sources, mais le "copié-collé" intégral, sans reformulation, est interdit. Évoquez tous les alinéas au titre souligné (environ 5 lignes pour chacun), mais ne vous sentez pas obligés de répondre en détail à chacune des petites questions qui suivent : elles sont là pour vous mettre sur la voie. Pour les illustrations, en plus de quelques documents que vous pourrez trouver sur le Web ou dans des brochures collectées sur place, nous vous demandons (sauf pour le chapitre 2) de prendre des photos que vous inclurez dans votre dossier (en face, à côté, au milieu de vos paragraphes) ; authentifiez-les en incluant un élève du groupe (ou un "morceau d'élève" : tête, main, pied…) qui servira de signature… Vous devez traiter, au choix, 4 des 5 chapitres, et, dans chacun de ces chapitres, 2 thèmes sur 3.

chapter 1 : U.S. CITIES theme 1a - Urban districts : Urban structure : How are American cities organized ? (you may draw sketch maps or a skyline). City centers : describe and contrast buildings (use photos, maps, etc.) : Cincinnati / Louisville, Frankfort… Suburbs : houses, streets, amenities… Who lives there ? theme 1b - Urban life : Work : What are "commuters" ? How is a workday organized ? Leisure : Say what you think of museums, parks, theaters, stadiums, concert halls, bowling alleys that you went to. Ethnic groups : Where and how do WASPs, African Americans, Chicanos… live ? "Melting pot" or salad bowl" ? theme 1c - Means of transportation : Personal experience : describe the different transportation means you have used. Road and street networks : what are the main differences between the U.S and France ? Prices : gas, bus tickets, etc. (name places where you got the prices). What personal conclusion can you draw about the urban environment in the U.S.A. ? (10 lines max.)

chapter 2 : THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM theme 2a - The Constitution : Who drafted it, and in what historical context ? What are its fundamental principles ? Do you know what "amendments" are ? Give one example. Elections : What happens in a presidential election year ? Who else is elected in the U.S. ? When ? theme 2b - Federal government : What are the President's powers and their limits ? What is the Legislative Branch composed of ? What are the differences between the two Houses ? How are the Supreme Court Justices appointed ? What are their missions ? theme 2c - State government : How are the different branches of power organized in Kentucky ? Give examples of laws passed by state legislation. What struck you most during your visit of the capital of Kentucky ? Conclusion : is the meaning of "Democracy" the same on both sides of the Atlantic ? (10 lines max.)

chapter 3 : KENTUCKY theme 3a - Geography : Find maps in order to draw your own rough sketch of Kentucky ; build your own key. Is the Ohio river a frontier or a link ? How is it used for agriculture ? industry ? transport ? tourism ? What are the economic activities in your host area ? Is it a wealthy region ? How is it influenced by globalization ? theme 3b - History : What is the Cumberland Gap ? What part did it play in the history of Kentucky ? A great U.S. president was born in Kentucky. What about his youth, his career and his death ? What is Fort Knox famous for ? Is the U.S. an important financial power ? Give arguments. theme 3c - Your observations : Architecture : Select buildings, describe them, underline European influences or what makes them "American". Describe rural landscapes ; draw personal conclusions. Is the expression "Bluegrass state" accurate ? How is Bourbon made ? How is alcohol considered by the law ? by the local population ? Conclusion : what do Kentuckians think of their state ? (10 lines max.)

chapter 4 : AT HOME WITH AN AMERICAN FAMILY theme 4a - Your host family : Your family and immigration : when ? country of origin ? are these roots important for them ? Your family and religion : denomination, church attendance, rites… did the family involve you in their religious life ? Your family and patriotism : signs (flags, words, attitudes…) ; did they give opinions on U.S. foreign policy ? theme 4b - Everyday life : Shopping with your host family : similarities with and differences from your own French experience. Activities : sports, TV, the Internet, housekeeping, relations between generations, teen jobs, etc. Week-ends : what were your family's activities on Saturdays and Sundays ? theme 4c - Food and meals : Breakfast : how long ? composition ? food quantity ? do you think your family made special efforts for you ? Lunch or dinner : choose a particular meal, say how the table was set, length of the meal, etc. The recipe of a dish you particularly enjoyed (do not copy it, ask your family and write it down ; add explanations). Conclusion : what about your stereotypes of America ? (10 lines max.)

chapter 5 : AT SCHOOL theme 5a - General information about the school : When was the school founded ? Who was Bishop Brossart / J.M. Atherton ? Type of school, number of students, levels, schedule, staff, etc. What do the students do after graduation or after dropping out (in percentages) ? theme 5b - A day at school : List the different classes you have attended (you may give details about the atmosphere in some of them). Work organization : books, copybooks, homework… ? Lunch at school : differences with the French "cantine". theme 5c - After school activities : Sports : the importance of school teams, the role played by teachers... Music, art : Are there choirs, concerts, art workshops in your host school ? What about the atmosphere there ? What struck you most in the time spent by your partner after a day at school ? Conclusion : what elements in American education would you like to bring back with you to France ? (10 lines max.)

CONCLUSION TO YOUR TRIP (20 lines) : COMPULSORY ! Add a "coup de cœur" paragraph : you've been particularly seduced, or moved, or interested in a place you visited. Describe it and say what you felt when you discovered it and why you liked it. Joker and bonus : Joker : be a reporter… You do not like one (and only one…) of the 4 compulsory chapters, but you met an interesting person while in the U.S. and you interviewed him/her. Write out the whole interview (50 lines max.). Bonus : 10 new words a day… You've been away for 18 days, and have had the opportunity to learn many new words. List 10 really new words for each day. Connect them to a particular activity ("at the Customs", "at the museum", etc. Do it for at least 5 days. Marking : Advice : when describing something, begin with a general outline and then focus on more specific items. Marking grid : answers to the questions : 80 points (20 / chapter) (30 points for a "joker" interview) personal conclusions : 40 points (10 / chapter) adequate documents : 40 points (personal illustrations, good examples of what you want to prove) general conclusion : 20 points general presentation and care : 20 points English : 200 points bonus : 5 days ⇒ + 5 points, 10 days ⇒ + 10 points, 15 days ⇒ + 15 points TOTAL : 400 points (+ bonus)