CV d'Eric

Main activity: related to security business consultancy, as cryptography, data ... ENGLISH: good level, Obtained the 'Certificate of Business English' from the ...
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Eric Poupon 10, Place des Provinces 92 170 Vanves (nearby Paris) France (French citizen) Phone: +33 (0)6 61 94 70 90 (mobile) Email: [email protected] 45 years old - single

PROFESSIONAL IN PAYMENT CARDS SYSTEMS & FIGHTING AGAINST FRAUD Qualifications Security: fight against fraud, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, HSM, legal and professional rules (PCI-DSS, ISO 27k) compliance, general risk management policy. Payment card systems: Issuer: card personalization, authorization server, fraud detection... Acquirer: POS parameters, merchant fraud management and prevention, CNP... Common: compliance & regulatory rules, lobbying, EMV, 3D-Secure, contactless... Broad skills applicable to everything related to fraud prevention issues in general (beyond card). Good financial knowledge, IT project management. Professional background Since September 2005: working as a consultant for my clients through various employers (Logica, GFI and ADN’co subsequently).  Main activity: related to security business consultancy, as cryptography, data protection, fight against fraud, risk management... Commercially autonomous for 90% of my activity as a consultant since 2005. Examples of clients: Banques Populaires, CEDICAM (Credit Agricole Group), Club Méditerranée, PMU (French leader with horse race gambling), TOTAL...  Set-up of a card business line for Logica France and of a Security business line for GFI.  Built of training courses with card data protection and with cryptography.  Internal Management duties at Logica from 2006 to 2008 : 0% of staff managed turnover in spite of high employment opportunities for IT consultants at that time.  Selling to staff other consultants (excellent subsequent to sale meeting concretization rate). Late 1997 – august 2005: in the Cards Department of the CEDICAM, subsidiary of the CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP in charge of the payment systems for this very large French bank, and leading French issuer of debit/credit cards. Resident expert in EMV implementation and in protection against card fraud (EMV is the international smart cards payment standard).   

Chose the values of all the data and parameters influencing risk issues, for all the Credit Agricole Group in the EMV context. These EMV data range from card components to point of sale or ATM devices, and include acquiring and authorisation systems. Created a Credit Agricole internal course about risk management in EMV context, and taught it. Proposed a risk-coverage policy (insurance, estimated liabilities…) for the most important card fraud patterns.

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Initiated and organised card-systems projects and tools evolution in order to minimize fraud risk. Wrote risk documentation. Represented Credit Agricole in "inter-bank" working teams and in negotiations

1991 - late 1997: in UCABAIL, holding company including all the leasing subsidiaries of the CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP.  

Coordinated a task force in the Computer Department (1997): corrected financial and accountancy data and the logical accounting process. "Budget controller" (1991-1996): controlling the overhead expense budget monitored and forecasted financial incomes and credit risks.

Languages FRENCH: native language. ENGLISH: good level, Obtained the ‘Certificate of Business English’ from the London Chamber of Commerce ("advanced level", with distinction). TOEIC score: 930 (August 2005). SPANISH: good level too. RUSSIAN and VIETNAMESE: basic conversation (about 800 words read and spoken in each language). ARABIC and TURKISH: notions (some hundred words, can have a basic dialogue in Turkish after some hours of revision).

Education & diplomas 1988-1991: ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE DE MONTPELLIER. (a French "grande école" in business administration - ranked first of the "budget control" Major, and second among the 90 students who obtained the diploma ("DESCAF") in 1991). (1987-1988: military service in the mountain troops, National Defence Medal). 1985: Baccalauréat C (end of secondary school, diploma mastering in mathematics and physical sciences).

Miscellaneous - Driving licence. - Leisure: many trips (in particular to central and eastern Europe, see page (in French)), photography, history, associative activities. Many sports: cross-country, cycling and many casual sporting activities (windsurfing, hiking, swimming…) - A very detailed version of this resume is available at, « avalability » information and updated professional situation are on .