Congrès Marx International IV - Hussonet

Wolff, Max Fraad – Wolff, Richard: Red, White and Broke: The Rise of Military. Unilateralism ... shifts the burden of U.S. imperialism onto US workers. Moreover ...
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Congrès Marx International IV

Congrès Marx International IV

SECTION ECONOMIE Coordinateurs : Gérard Duménil et Dominique Lévy Gerard Dumenil

Dominique Levy

PLÉNIÈRE ET ATELIERS RÉSUMÉS Appel Français English Español

PLÉNIÈRE ET ATELIERS Plénière de la section économie : Crise ou rebond du capitalisme mondial. Vendredi 1, 16 heures Atelier 1. Economie politique de l'impérialisme. (Jeudi 30, 10 heures) Atelier 2. The New Global Order : Strengthening or Weakening of Capitalism. (Thursday, 30, 10 a.m.) Atelier 3. Amérique Latine : urgences et opportunités (Jeudi 30, 14 heures). Atelier 4. The Contradiction of the U.S. Imperium. (Thursday, 30, 2 p.m.) Atelier 5. Le nouveau Brésil : espoirs et désillusions. Jeudi 30, 14 heures) Atelier 6. Profitability, Finance, and Growth (Thursday, 30, 4 p.m.) Atelier 7. Globalisation : idéologies et politiques. (Vendredi 1, 9 heures) Atelier 8. Nouvelles trajectoires du capital. (Vendredi 1, 9 heures) Atelier 9. Mondialisation néolibérale : réalité, avenir et alternatives (Vendredi 11 h.) Atelier 10. Jeunes chercheurs en économie du développement. (Vendredi 1, 11 h.) Atelier 11. L'état actuel de l'économie du développement. (Vendredi 1, 14 heures) Atelier 12. The Contradictions of Néoliberal Latin America. (Friday1, 2 p.m.) Atelier 13. Etat et classes dans le capitalisme du XXIème siècle. (Samedi 2, 9h30) (1 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Atelier 14. L'enjeu cognitif dans le capitalisme néolibéral. (Samedi 2, 9 heures 30) Atelier 15. Guerres et enjeux économiques au Moyen-Orient et au Maghreb à l'ère néolibérale. (Samedi 1, 11 heures30) Atelier 16. Concepts et mécanismes fondamentaux de la théorie marxiste. (Samedi 2, 11 heures 30)

PLÉNIERE de la section Économie : Crise ou rebond du capitalisme mondial ? Vendredi 1, 16 heures. Coordination : Duménil, Gérard Amin, Samir : La nouvelle étape de l’expansion du capitalisme mondialisé Chesnais, François : Quels repères théoriques pour interpréter la phase actuelle du capitalisme ? Husson, Michel : L’économie mondiale ou… la continuation de la guerre par d’autres moyen ? Lévy, Dominique : L’impérialisme états-unien est-il en crise ? Atelier 1. Jeudi 30, 10 heures. Économie politique de l’impérialisme Coordination : Johsua, Isaac Bihr, Alain : Pour en finir avec le concept d’impérialisme Le Masne, Pierre : Mondialisation, exploitation et dépendance Arnaud, Alain : Guerre et système-monde : entre l’hégémonie et l’empire Hebert, Jean-Paul : L’évolution des relations stratégiques transatlantiques vers une nouvelle course aux armements Atelier 2. Thursday, 30, 10 a.m. The New Global Order : Strengthening or Weakening of Capitalism? Coordination : Wolff, Richard (2 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Gindin, Sam – Panitch, Leo : Global Finance and American Empire McDermott, John : The International Middle Class: Mass Constituency for Globalism Nitzan, Jonathan – Bichler, Shimshon : Dominant Capital and the New Wars Saghieh, Khaleb : Imperialism, Progress and Marxism Atelier 3. Jeudi 30, 14 heures. Amérique Latine : urgences et opportunités coordination : Herrera, Rémi (à confirmer) Katz, Claudio : Le volcan latino-américain Habel, Janette : Salama, Pierre : Amérique Latine : une euthanasie des rentiers nécessaire ?

Agacino, Rafael (espagnol) : L’exception chilienne ? Les illusions et failles d’une contre-révolution néolibérale parvenue à maturité Atelier 4. Thursday, 30, 2 p.m. The Contradictions of the U.S. Imperium Coordination : Panitch, Léo Wolff, Max Fraad – Wolff, Richard: Red, White and Broke: The Rise of Military Unilateralism McIntyre, Richard : Labor Rights in the Service of Empire Ruccio, David : Globalization and Imperialism Epstein, Gerald, Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA, [email protected] Do U.S. Workers Gain from U.S. Imperialism? This paper attempts to answer the following question: Do U.S. workers currently gain from U.S. imperialism? The tentative conclusion is that U.S. workers do not, on balance, gain from U.S. imperialism, at least since 1985. On the one hand, U.S. workers gain substantially from the more (3 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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stable and possibly lower oil prices created by US imperialism, as well as from the lower prices of other consumption goods facilitated by U.S. global power. On the other hand, the U.S. tax system shifts the burden of U.S. imperialism onto US workers. Moreover, U.S. imperialism facilitates a system of cheap imports from abroad that lowers U.S. workers’ wages and employment. Taking these factors into account, on balance, my estimates indicate that U.S. workers currently loose substantially from U.S. imperialism in economic terms. On top of that, of course, are the costs in blood to US workers, who make up most of the US military. The situation was probably different in the 1950', '60's and '70's. At that time, U.S. workers had much more power to extract rents from U.S. capitalists, and globalization tended to work to the benefit of U.S. workers. Therefore workers had much more power to get a piece of the imperialist pie and probably did so. Moreover, oil prices were extremely low and very stable. Finally, taxes, which paid for U.S. imperialism were more progressive, so workers had to pay a lower share of the costs. Still, the cost in terms of the blood of U.S. workers was substantial, and there is no sensible way to put a price tag on this.

Atelier 5. jeudi 30, 16 heures. Le nouveau Brésil : espoirs et désillusions Coordination : Chesnais, François Rollemberg, Maria de Lourdes – Saad-Filho, Alfredo (anglais) : La politique économique au cours de la « décennie néolibérale » au Brésil Corazza, Gentil : La globalisation financière au Brésil Dedecca, Claudio : Le nouveau gouvernement et le développement social au Brésil da Silva, Luiz Fernando : Crise du capital, néolibéralisme et situations révolutionnaires en Amérique Latine: une analyse comparative entre l’Argentine, le Brésil et la Bolivie Atelier 6. Thursday, 30, 4 p.m. Profitability, Finance, and Growth Coordination : Husson, Michel Campbell, Al – Glick, Mark : The Profitability of Capital in Japan Orhangazi, Özgür : The Rise of Finance Capital and its Implications Petith, Howard, Professor departament d'economia i d'historia economica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Spain. [email protected] (4 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

Congrès Marx International IV

Growth with a Reserve Army This paper resolves two issues: The first embedded in Marx’s writing and the second concerning the treatment of trade unions in economic theory. Marx, in a criticism of the Malthusian theory, looked at the case where a decrease in the Irish workforce raised the wage. Marx stated that, rather than wait for a population increase, the capitalists merely raised the capital to labour ratio to create a reserve army of unemployed and drive the wage back to its previous level. Although the invocation of capital labour substitution in the 1860’s is impressive, it would seem that Marx did not get it quite right since the rise in the capital to labour ratio should raise the wage. With respect to the treatment of trade unions, the model one invariably sees is some variant of the monopoly union one. The union, with a utility function in the wage and unemployment, sets the wage to maximise utility. The employer reacts by fixing employment. Thus, in this model, it is the union that is responsible for unemployment. The issue is: is there not another way to think about this that absolves the union of blame? The paper constructs a Solow type growth model is which the wage and the level of unemployment are determined in the following way. At the beginning of each period there is a given labour force and stock of capital. The capitalist moves first and decides the capital to labour ratio which determines the level of unemployment. After this the capitalist negotiates individually with each worker. The outcome is the Nash co-operative solution in which the worker’s disagreement payment falls in the level of unemployment. Thus the capitalist has an incentive to create unemployment to lower the wage. The dynamics of the model are such that, on the approach to steady state, the rate of unemployment grows, the capital to labour ratio increases and the wage remains at subsistence level. Thus the answers to the two issues are the following: First Marx’s observation that the wage remained constant in the face of a rising capital to labour ratio can be supported by a rigorous model. And second there is a coherent way to think about union activities that puts the blame for unemployment squarely on the shoulders of the capitalists.

Vercelli, Alessandro : The Co-evolution of Economic and Policy Paradigms in Industrialized Countries after W.W.II Atelier 7. Vendredi 1, 9 heures. Globalisation : idéologies et politiques Coordination : Magniadas, Jean, Syndicaliste,Docteur en sciences économiques,Membre Honoraire du Conseil Economique et Social, Ancien Président de l'IRES Lebaron Frédéric : Néolibéralisme et mondialisation : la construction sociale de l’opinion économique Rosen, Menahem : Darwinisme social et néolibéralisme Vergopoulos, Kostas : Hégémonie et répression dans contexte de la mondialisation Menahem, Georges, Directeur de recherche CNRS, CEPN, Université Paris XIII, Maître de recherche IRDES [email protected], Site de l'IRDES :> Guerre idéologique, système médiatique et société sécuritaire (5 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Atelier 8. Vendredi 1, 9 heures Nouvelles trajectoires du capital Coordination : Lévy, Dominique Loranger, Jean-Guy – Boismenu, Gérard Stabilité et instabilité macroéconomique : une analyse de longue période de l’économie canadienne Johsua, Isaac Une trajectoire du capital. De la crise de 1929 à celle de la nouvelle économie Walker, Richard Le boom et la bombe : La collusion entre la nouvelle économie et la finance spéculative dans la Baie de San Francisco Tauile, José Ricardo, Professeur à l'Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Instituto de Economia), [email protected] Estrella Faria, Luiz Augusto, Professeur à la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul La dialectique micro-macro dans les transformations du capitalisme contemporain – Le contexte latino-américain This text will deal with the causality of the transformations present in contemporary capitalism and their effects on economic dynamics. In the neo-classical epistemological viewpoint, all determinations are reduced to a micro-level; i.e. the “micro-fundamentals”. Notwithstanding, it is accepted by several heterodox currents, that in passing from micro to macro, new determinations emerge. We start from Marx’s proposition that social relations, and not the individual are the very basic units of analysis. The dynamic of these relationships produce the structures that will form the macro level. Once such relations are established, they will induce and condition the evolution trends and the transformation of the system itself. Different from other moments on history, a set of transformations under way in contemporary capitalism that are related to the spatial dimensions of the system, to the labor process, to the monetary constraints, to the power relations, among others, did not produce a new phase of economic growth. What would be, then the reasons for this “non-creative destruction”. Moreover, to what extent the answers to this question may be found in the prevailing economic policy? The guiding line to answer this question will be found in the relationship between growth and economic policy in Latin America from the beginning of the 1990’s on. There is a strong and popular criticism on developmental import substitution policies. This criticism supports a “neutral” economic policy, in which state intervention is restricted to inflation targeting and the building of regulating institutions of a liberal kind. This is considered to be sufficient to promote growth and stability. Tuned with this proposal, the new Brazilian government has proposed a set of actions in the micro level such as industrial policies, new credit institutions, employment programs and supporting “solidary economies”. For their effectiveness it is necessary to identify which activities generate (6 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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income, the nature of this income, and to what extent it can generate growth. In spite of that, macroeconomic policy is focused on inflation targeting and debt payment. It does push income flows in benefit of finance, therefore restricting productive investment and economic growth

Atelier 9. Vendredi 1, 11 heures. Mondialisation néolibérale : réalité, avenir et alternatives Coordination : de Brunhoff, Suzanne Duval, Guillaume : Le libéralisme n’a pas d’avenir Teper, Bernard : Face à la globalisation turbocapitaliste, quelles perspectives pour la Gauche ? Savran, Omer Sungur : La « Mondialisation », mythe et réalité Zerbato, Michel : Financiarisation et nouvelle donne économique Atelier 10. Vendredi 1, 11heures. Jeunes chercheurs en économie du développement Coordination : Herrera, Rémy Bayart, Philippe : Éducation dans la révolution, l’exemple cubain de 1990 à nos jours Leme, Pablo : Le système fiscal brésilien et la réforme conduite par le gouvernement Lula Tetoe, Poeura : Les effets de la globalisation sur les formations sociales en Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée Köksal, Elif : Comment conjuguer le développement de l’économie de la connaissance et la « paix sociale » sur les marchés du travail des pays en développement ?: le cas de la Turquie Atelier 11. Vendredi 1, 14 heures. L’état actuel de l’économie du développement Coordination : Borrely, Rolande Chesnais, François Harribey, Jean-Marie (7 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Herrera, Rémy Treillet, Stéphanie Atelier 12. Friday, 1, 2 p.m. The Contradictions of Neoliberal Latin America Coordination : Campbell, Al Dathein, Ricardo, Doctor in Economy, Teacher of Economic Sciences, Chief of the Department of Economic Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Porto Alegre - Brazil. [email protected] Brazil in the « Era of Adjustment This paper starts from Angus Maddison's idea, who called the post-1980 period in Brazil as the "Era of Adjustment". Thus, the article studies the Brazilian performance from 1980 to 2003, in comparison with previous periods and with other countries, in macroeconomic and social meanings and in terms of the job market, the external sector and the state acting. It is also made a comparison among the performances in the presidential periods, from 1901 to 2003. Are studied, with more details, the post-Real Plan (1994) years, with the drastic reduction of the inflation and the adoption of liberals’ agenda of reforms and macroeconomic policies, surprisingly maintained and deepened by the Lula’s government. The article concludes that the economic and social results of the period are negatives, and that the economic model adopted now is unable to revert this reality. The stabilization macroeconomic policies have been impeding the sustained growth, besides didn’t take the adjustment longed. In opposite, the macroeconomic maladjustments have deepened. The consequence of those options has been the virtual elimination of the counter-cyclical fiscal and monetary polices, with the adoption of antikeynesians policies by the State, through budget cuts and elevation of interest rates just in situations of crisis. Thus, the idea that it is necessary first to stabilize the economy, as condition for, only after, through market, to grow, becomes a "Sisifo’s nightmare". It is analyzed, also, as the wide commercial and financial opening turned the economy more vulnerable to speculative attacks and to external crises, without adoption of instruments or precaution measures. The paper stands out, moreover, how the abandonment of planning instruments eliminated the necessary development policies. That, besides the strong reduction of state investments, practically eliminated the State as promoter of development, what largely explains the weak economic acting since 1980. In the end, the analysis of the first year of Lula’s government concluded that the hope that the new government reverted that situation is being frustrated, what indicates a negative perspective for the Brazilian people in the close period. (8 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Feliz, Mariano (espagnol), (CEIL-PIETTE / CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata), [email protected] Conflits de classe, salaires et productivité. Un regard de long terme sur l’Argentine La disputa por el resultado del trabajo social es el conflicto inmanente a la sociedad capitalista. Una de las formas de expresión de la misma es la compleja relación que existe entre la productividad laboral y los salarios reales. En este trabajo estudiamos 80 años de historia argentina intentando indagar en la dinámica de esa interacción. Proponemos una lectura que parte de comprender a la lucha de clase como elemento dinamizador de los procesos históricos y sociales. Mostramos cómo en la experiencia argentina los cambios violentos ocurridos en la distribución del trabajo social refleja las transformaciones en la correlación de fuerzas sociales y la dinámica del conflicto entre el trabajo y el capital.

Mendoza, Gabriel : Economic Growth in Marx, and the Evolution of Latin-American Economies during the Neoliberal Period (1980-2003) Valle, Alejandro, Precarious Employment and Development : The case of Latin America Atelier13. Samedi 2, 9h30. État et classes dans le capitalisme du XXIe siècle Coordination : Delaunay, Jean Claude (à confirmer) Matos, Angelica (espagnol) : L’État capitaliste en débat Castelo, Rodrigo : Classes sociales, division internationale du travail et Empire nordaméricain au XXI° siècle : le capital comme barrière à l’internationalisme ouvrier Soares, Maria Cristina : Les impératifs d’expansion du capital et l’impossibilité ontologique de contrôle sur le système du capital, selon Istvan Meszaros Wallenstein, Klaus : Crépuscule des dieux sur le "nouvel ordre mondial" Atelier 14. Samedi 2, 9h30. L’enjeu cognitif dans le capitalisme néolibéral Coordination : Vercellone, Carlo Harribey, Jean-Marie : Guerre à l’intelligence ou appropriation de l’intelligence par le capitalisme ? Sortie de crise avortée du capitalisme contemporain (9 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Herscovici, Alain : Information, Économie de la Connaissance et Technologies de l

´Information et de la Communication. Publicisation, privatisation et modalités de réappropriation sociale de l´Information Siquiera, César Ricardo : Économie de la connaissance, Logique rentière et dépassement du capitalisme. Réflexions à parti de Marx et du projet de génome humain Caldas, Pedro : L’illusion de la technologie Atelier 15. Samedi 2, 11h 30. Guerre et enjeux économiques au Moyen-Orient et au Maghreb à l’ère néolibérale Coordination : Clément Françoise (à confirmer) Davidi, Efraim : Après l’occupation de l’Irak : Une ZLEA méso-orientale ? Bichler, Shimson – Nitzan, Jonathan (anglais) : Israel’s Global Capitalism Motamed-Nejad, Ramin: Les fondements politiques des réformes économiques mises en œuvre en Iran depuis le début des années 1990 Khaoua, Nadji: L’autonomisation de l’économique et du social comme forme essentielle de la guerre impériale au Sud : le cas de l’Algérie Atelier 16. Samedi 2, 11heures 30. Concepts et mécanismes fondamentaux de la théorie marxiste Coordination : Delaunay, Jean-Claude Guibert, Bernard : La mondialisation de la valeur Braz da Costa, Andréa – Soares, Marcos Antônio (espagnol) : La tendance à la baisse du taux de profit et l’expansion des marchés Chattopadhyay, Paresh: Le capital fictif chez Marx Valle, Gloria (espagnol) : Productivité et exploitation : démonstration d’un paradoxe RESUMÉS (10 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Dathein, Ricardo, Doctor in Economy, Teacher of Economic Sciences, Chief of the Department of Economic Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) - Porto Alegre - Brazil. [email protected] Brazil in the « Era of Adjustment This paper starts from Angus Maddison's idea, who called the post-1980 period in Brazil as the "Era of Adjustment". Thus, the article studies the Brazilian performance from 1980 to 2003, in comparison with previous periods and with other countries, in macroeconomic and social meanings and in terms of the job market, the external sector and the state acting. It is also made a comparison among the performances in the presidential periods, from 1901 to 2003. Are studied, with more details, the post-Real Plan (1994) years, with the drastic reduction of the inflation and the adoption of liberals’ agenda of reforms and macroeconomic policies, surprisingly maintained and deepened by the Lula’s government. The article concludes that the economic and social results of the period are negatives, and that the economic model adopted now is unable to revert this reality. The stabilization macroeconomic policies have been impeding the sustained growth, besides didn’t take the adjustment longed. In opposite, the macroeconomic maladjustments have deepened. The consequence of those options has been the virtual elimination of the counter-cyclical fiscal and monetary polices, with the adoption of antikeynesians policies by the State, through budget cuts and elevation of interest rates just in situations of crisis. Thus, the idea that it is necessary first to stabilize the economy, as condition for, only after, through market, to grow, becomes a "Sisifo’s nightmare". It is analyzed, also, as the wide commercial and financial opening turned the economy more vulnerable to speculative attacks and to external crises, without adoption of instruments or precaution measures. The paper stands out, moreover, how the abandonment of planning instruments eliminated the necessary development policies. That, besides the strong reduction of state investments, practically eliminated the State as promoter of development, what largely explains the weak economic acting since 1980. In the end, the analysis of the first year of Lula’s government concluded that the hope that the new government reverted that situation is being frustrated, what indicates a negative perspective for the Brazilian people in the close period.

Epstein, Gerald, Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA, [email protected] Do U.S. Workers Gain from U.S. Imperialism? This paper attempts to answer the following question: Do U.S. workers currently gain from U.S. imperialism? The tentative conclusion is that U.S. workers do not, on balance, gain from U.S. imperialism, at least since 1985. On the one hand, U.S. workers gain substantially from the more stable and possibly lower oil prices created by US imperialism, as well as from the lower prices of other consumption goods facilitated by U.S. global power. On the other hand, the U.S. tax system shifts the burden of U.S. imperialism onto US workers. Moreover, U.S. imperialism facilitates a system of cheap imports from abroad that lowers U.S. workers’ wages and employment. Taking these factors into account, on balance, my estimates indicate that U.S. workers currently loose substantially from U.S. imperialism in economic terms. On top of that, of course, are the costs in blood to US workers, who make up most of the US military. The situation was probably different in the 1950', '60's and '70's. At that time, U.S. workers had much more power to extract rents from U.S. capitalists, and globalization tended to work to the benefit of U.S. workers. (11 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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Therefore workers had much more power to get a piece of the imperialist pie and probably did so. Moreover, oil prices were extremely low and very stable. Finally, taxes, which paid for U.S. imperialism were more progressive, so workers had to pay a lower share of the costs. Still, the cost in terms of the blood of U.S. workers was substantial, and there is no sensible way to put a price tag on this.

Feliz, Mariano (espagnol), (CEIL-PIETTE / CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata), [email protected] Conflits de classe, salaires et productivité. Un regard de long terme sur l’Argentine La disputa por el resultado del trabajo social es el conflicto inmanente a la sociedad capitalista. Una de las formas de expresión de la misma es la compleja relación que existe entre la productividad laboral y los salarios reales. En este trabajo estudiamos 80 años de historia argentina intentando indagar en la dinámica de esa interacción. Proponemos una lectura que parte de comprender a la lucha de clase como elemento dinamizador de los procesos históricos y sociales. Mostramos cómo en la experiencia argentina los cambios violentos ocurridos en la distribución del trabajo social refleja las transformaciones en la correlación de fuerzas sociales y la dinámica del conflicto entre el trabajo y el capital.

Petith, Howard, Professor departament d'economia i d'historia economica, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Spain. [email protected] Growth with a Reserve Army This paper resolves two issues: The first embedded in Marx’s writing and the second concerning the treatment of trade unions in economic theory. Marx, in a criticism of the Malthusian theory, looked at the case where a decrease in the Irish workforce raised the wage. Marx stated that, rather than wait for a population increase, the capitalists merely raised the capital to labour ratio to create a reserve army of unemployed and drive the wage back to its previous level. Although the invocation of capital labour substitution in the 1860’s is impressive, it would seem that Marx did not get it quite right since the rise in the capital to labour ratio should raise the wage. With respect to the treatment of trade unions, the model one invariably sees is some variant of the monopoly union one. The union, with a utility function in the wage and unemployment, sets the wage to maximise utility. The employer reacts by fixing employment. Thus, in this model, it is the union that is responsible for unemployment. The issue is: is there not another way to think about this that absolves the union of blame? The paper constructs a Solow type growth model is which the wage and the level of unemployment are determined in the following way. At the beginning of each period there is a given labour force and stock of capital. The capitalist moves first and decides the capital to labour ratio which determines the level of unemployment. After this the capitalist negotiates individually with each worker. The outcome is the Nash co-operative solution in which the worker’s disagreement payment falls in the level of unemployment. Thus the capitalist has an incentive to create unemployment to lower the wage. The dynamics of the model are such that, on the approach to steady state, the rate of unemployment grows, the capital to labour ratio increases and the wage remains at subsistence level. Thus the answers to the two issues are the following: First Marx’s observation that the wage remained constant in the face of a rising capital to labour ratio can be supported by a rigorous model. And second there is a coherent way to think about union activities that puts the blame for unemployment squarely on the shoulders of the capitalists.

Tauile, José Ricardo, Professeur à l'Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Instituto de Economia), [email protected] Estrella Faria, Luiz Augusto, Professeur à la Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (12 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

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La dialectique micro-macro dans les transformations du capitalisme contemporain – Le contexte latino-américain This text will deal with the causality of the transformations present in contemporary capitalism and their effects on economic dynamics. In the neo-classical epistemological viewpoint, all determinations are reduced to a microlevel; i.e. the “micro-fundamentals”. Notwithstanding, it is accepted by several heterodox currents, that in passing from micro to macro, new determinations emerge. We start from Marx’s proposition that social relations, and not the individual are the very basic units of analysis. The dynamic of these relationships produce the structures that will form the macro level. Once such relations are established, they will induce and condition the evolution trends and the transformation of the system itself. Different from other moments on history, a set of transformations under way in contemporary capitalism that are related to the spatial dimensions of the system, to the labor process, to the monetary constraints, to the power relations, among others, did not produce a new phase of economic growth. What would be, then the reasons for this “non-creative destruction”. Moreover, to what extent the answers to this question may be found in the prevailing economic policy? The guiding line to answer this question will be found in the relationship between growth and economic policy in Latin America from the beginning of the 1990’s on. There is a strong and popular criticism on developmental import substitution policies. This criticism supports a “neutral” economic policy, in which state intervention is restricted to inflation targeting and the building of regulating institutions of a liberal kind. This is considered to be sufficient to promote growth and stability. Tuned with this proposal, the new Brazilian government has proposed a set of actions in the micro level such as industrial policies, new credit institutions, employment programs and supporting “solidary economies”. For their effectiveness it is necessary to identify which activities generate income, the nature of this income, and to what extent it can generate growth. In spite of that, macroeconomic policy is focused on inflation targeting and debt payment. It does push income flows in benefit of finance, therefore restricting productive investment and economic growth

GUERRE IMPERIALE, GUERRE SOCIALE Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à participer à ce congrès et à vous insérer dans la démarche de la section économique dont nous sommes responsables. Les contributions doivent s'inscrire dans le cadre du thème général du congrès, Guerre Impériale, Guerre Sociale; elles peuvent notamment aborder l'analyse de l'impérialisme, du néolibéralisme, de l'économie mondiale et de ses crises, tant au centre qu'à la périphérie. Les contributions peuvent être théoriques ou factuelles. La question des perspectives ouvertes pour les décennies à venir et des luttes dont elles vont dépendre est centrale. *** Traduction: Dans l'état actuel des choses, nous ne pouvons pas garantir des traductions simultanées entre le français, l'anglais et l'espagnol, mais nous y travaillons. Nous reprendrons contact avec vous dès (13 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

Congrès Marx International IV

que nous saurons à quoi nous en tenir. Des ateliers en Anglais ou Espagnol pourraient être organisés, selon le nombre de propositions. *** Soumission (règles pratiques obligatoires): Si vous souhaitez proposer une intervention, veuillez nous envoyer un titre et un résumé d’une vingtaine de lignes, indiquant la démarche et les principales conclusions, avant la fin du mois de FEVRIER 2004. Utilisez l'adresse électronique de Gérard Duménil: [email protected] Votre résumé doit être placé dans le corps du message, et non dans un fichier attaché. Dans la ligne objet/ sujet mentionnez: Marx IV L’information générale sur le Congrès s’affichera progressivement sur le site:

IMPERIAL WAR, CLASS WAR The Congress Marx International IV will be held, between September 29 and October 2, 2004, at the Université de Paris-X Nanterre, near Paris. We are happy to invite you to participate and join the Economic Section of the Congress, of which we are responsible. Contributions should match the general theme of the congress, Imperial war, Class war. In particular can be addressed topics such as: imperialism, neoliberalism, the world economy and its crises at the center as well as within countries of the periphery. These contributions can be theoretical or factual. Perspectives for the coming decades, as well as the struggles of which these perspectives will depend, are of special interest. *** Translation: To date, we cannot guarantee simultaneous translations between French, English and Spanish, but are working on this issue. We will inform you as soon as a decision is made. Workshops in English and Spanish could be organized depending on the number of proposals. *** Submission (compulsory practical rules): If you wish to submit a contribution, please send a title and a 20-line summary, stating the line of argument and the major conclusions. Use Gérard Duménil's e-mail: [email protected] Your summary must be placed within the message, not in an attached file. In the Subject line indicate: Marx IV (14 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

Congrès Marx International IV

General information on the Congress will be gradually made available on the site:

GUERRA IMPERIAL, GUERRA SOCIAL El Congreso Marx Internacional IV tendrá lugar del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2004 en la Universidad de París X-Nanterre. Tenemos el gusto de invitarlos a participar en este congreso y a contribuir al trabajo de la sección económica, de la que somos responsables. Las contribuciones deberán inscribirse en el marco del tema general del congreso: Guerra imperial, Guerra social. Podrán por ejemplo abordar el tema del imperialismo, del neoliberalismo, de la economía mundial y sus crisis, en el centro como en la periferia. Las contribuciones pueden ser teóricas o referidas a hechos. Cuáles son las perspectivas para las próximas décadas y de qué luchas dependerán será una pregunta capital. *** Traducción: En el estado actual, no podemos garantizar que haya traducciones simultáneas en francés, español e inglés, pero estamos trabajando en ello. Retomaremos contacto con Ustedes tan pronto avancemos en esto. Sin embargo, se podrán organizar talleres en español o inglés, según el número de propuestas. *** Propuestas (reglas prácticas obligatorias): Si Usted desea someter una intervención, envíenos por favor el título y un resumen de aproximadamente 20 líneas en donde indique el método y las conclusiones principales. Envíe esta información antes del final de FEBRERO de 2004. Puede enviar sus propuestas al emilio de Gérard Duménil: [email protected] . Por favor incluya su resumen en el texto del mensaje y no como archivo adjunto. En el tema del mensaje escriba Marx IV. Las informaciones generales sobre el Congreso se verán gradualmente en el sitio: Gerard DUMENIL, 39 rue d'Estienne d'Orves, 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses tel: (33) (0)1 47 02 62 37 [email protected] (15 of 16)24/06/2004 19:52:18

Congrès Marx International IV

Dominique LEVY, Cepremap-Ens, 48 bd Jourdan, 75014 Paris [email protected] Page Web / Home Page :

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