Chinese Celebrity-Bruce Lee .fr

For exercises and resources that support this episode click here to visit the Learning Center and. Vocab Builder. 中级7 Chinese Celebrity -Bruce Lee. 谁是中国最 ...
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中级7 Chinese Celebrity -Bruce Lee

   谁是中国最有名的电影明星?当然是Bruce Lee, 李小龙。他是    香港人。他是功夫电影大师。他在好莱坞成为世界巨星。他的    招牌是双节棍和他的叫声。    shuí shì zhōng guó zuì yǒu míng de diàn yǐng míng xīng ? dāng rán shì Bruce    Lee, lǐ xiǎo long. tā shì xiāng gǎng rén. tā shì gōng fu diàn yǐng dà shī. tā zài    hǎo lái wù chéng wéi shì jiè jù xīng. tā de zhāo pai shì shuāng jié gùn hé tā de    jiào shēng.    Who is China’s most famous movie star? Of course Bruce Lee, Li Xiao Long. He    is an ative of Hongkong. He is a master of kungfu movies. He became a world    superstar in Hollywood. His trademark was his nunchaku (double-sectioned    stick) and his shout. Key Vocabulary

......是中国最有名的...... …shì zhōng guó zuì yǒu míng de… … is the most famous…in China.

电影明星 diàn yǐng míng xīng Movie star

当然是...... dāng rán shì… Of course is… / certainly is


tā shì…dà shī。 He is a master of….

episode code: chinesepod067_C7_20051209


功夫电影 gōng fu diàn yǐng kungfu movies

他在......成为....... tā zài…chéng wéi…. He became …in … / It’s in … where he became …

世界巨星 shì jiè jù xīng A world superstar

......的招牌是...... …de zhāo pai shì… … trademark is … / … is famous for …

叫声 jiào shēng shout 繁體中文对话文本 Dialogue in Traditional Characters

   誰是中國最有名的電影明星?當然是Bruce Lee, 李小龍。他是    香港人。他是功夫電影大師。他在好萊塢成為世界巨星。他的    招牌是雙節棍和他的叫聲。    shuí shì zhōng guó zuì yǒu míng de diàn yǐng míng xīng ? dāng rán shì Bruce    Lee, lǐ xiǎo long. tā shì xiāng gǎng rén. tā shì gōng fu diàn yǐng dà shī. tā zài    hǎo lái wù chéng wéi shì jiè jù xīng. tā de zhāo pai shì shuāng jié gùn hé tā de    jiào shēng.      

episode code: chinesepod067_C7_20051209