Chapter 4, vocabulary 1 Meat and fish Dairy products - English is cool

ice cream a hot dog a hamburger crisps a pizza chips a sausage a cake ... Chapter 4, vocabulary 1. Drinks water orange juice soda hot cocoa coffee tea beer.
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Chapter 4, vocabulary 1 English what you must remember English if you want to learn more

Food meat beef mutton lamb chicken turkey ham sausage fish tuna vegetables mashed potatoes mushroom rice dairy products milk butter cream cheese fruit pear strawberry raspberry grapes lemon peach pineapple cherry egg sugar flour jam bread

viande bœuf mouton agneau poulet dinde jambon saucisse poisson thon légumes purée champignon riz les produits laitiers lait beurre crème fromage les fruits poire fraise framboise du raisin citron pêche ananas cerise œuf sucre farine confiture pain

Chapter 4, vocabulary 1

Drinks water juice soda coffee tea sparkling

eau jus soda café thé pétillant, gazeux

Cooking beat melt peel add grease mix combine stir pour bake grill fry boil cut heat baking powder recipe enough

battre (faire) fondre éplucher ajouter graisser mélanger incorporer remuer verser cuire au four cuire au grill cuire à la friture faire bouillir couper chauffer levure chimique recette assez, suffisamment