Il y a 6 jours - LAB KEY GEO EXPLORATION INSTRUMENTS (CHINA); UNIV JILIN (CHINA) - This letter presents a low-cost wind-insensitive ultrawideband conformal balloon antenna for wireless seismic telemetry applications. The proposed design consists... Simulations of CO2 injection into fractures and faults for ...
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BULLETIN DE VEILLE GEOSCOPIE n°51 – Décembre 2017 Edito


Chers lecteurs, adhérents, membres et partenaires, Voici le n°51 du bulletin de veille Géoscopie, avec sa sélection d’articles d’actualités, de brevets et de publications scientifiques sur toutes les techniques et technologies contribuant à une meilleure Edito connaissance du sous-sol et à sa valorisation énergétique. Voici notre dernier bulletin de l’année ! Des actualités dominées par les premiers ou nouveaux projets de géothermie industrielle qui voient le jour en Ecosse,De en Hongrie, auévènements Chili ou en France à Villiers cette le Bel (95) et à2016, Illkirsch (67).leUne production nombreux ont marqué année mais principal dansscientifique notre qui confirme l’intérêt croissant des chercheurs et des ingénieurs pour la géothermie, une émergence domaine restera la chute historique des prix du brut en début d’année et ses effets sur le tissu du stockage géologique d’énergie utilisation d’anciens sites miniers, etc.) un retour du CCSet/ou (Carbon industriel des filières(CAES, sub-surfaces avec notamment les et restructurations Capture &acquisitions/fusions Storage) comme un incontournable dans le mix des solutions au problème climatique. qui en ont découlé. Son effet reste bien plus étendu qu’au seul secteur du pétrole. La base de données de veille technologique IP Metrix / Géoscopie contient aujourd’hui près de 34000 articles. Elle peut être interrogée à tout moment, gratuitement pourque les membres du POLE AVENIA pour une Malgré cet environnement difficile, nous avons constaté de nombreuses jeunes pousses recherchecontinuent basique mais personnalisée et ciblée à partir de vos jeux de mots-clés, par exemple en amont à voir le jour, portées par l’esprit d’entreprendre, avec l’idée de faire mieux avec d’un projetmoins de R&D ou d’innovation pour évaluer l’état de succès, l’art et la oudans identifier les experts en étant disruptif, espérant, souvent avec seconcurrence, faire une place un monde sur toute thématique. à nous en demander contact: [email protected]. où les cartesN’hésitez viennentpas d’être rebattues. En effet plus, les grands donneurs d’ordre, convaincus de la nécessité d’innover et de penser différemment, leur prêtent une oreille attentive espérant Et pour qui ne l’a pas déjà fait, dites-nous ce que pensez du bulletin Géoscopie via l’enquête en ligne. trouver la solution leur permettant de surmonter l’obstacle de la baisse des cours du brut. Merci pour vos retours et bonne lecture à tous ! L’équipe du POLE AVENIA Bonne lecture et joyeuses fêtes à tous ! SOMMAIRE DU BULLETIN DE VEILLE GEOSCOPIE N°50 Pages 2-3 : ACTUALITES Page 4 : AGENDA DU POLE AVENIA ET DE SES PARTENAIRES SOMMAIRE DU BULLETIN DE VEILLE GEOSCOPIE N°46 Page 5 : TABLEAUX DE BORD DE L'ACTIVITE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE Page 6-8:



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ACTUALITES Les Géosciences en France 21/09/2017 – Pétrole: Total va continuer ses recherches au large de la Guyane [source] - Le permis d’exploration du pétrolier français est prolongé jusqu’en juin 2019. L’interdiction prévue par la loi Hulot ne concerne que les nouvelles demandes de permis. 01/11/2017 - Three areas show significant geothermal potential in France [source] - There are three main areas with geothermal potential in France in the NE tip of the country, in the central massif and in the SE. 01/12/2017 – Fin des hydrocarbures: l’Assemblée nationale rétablit sa version du projet de loi [source] L’Assemblée nationale a rétabli en nouvelle lecture sa version du projet de loi sur la fin de la recherche et l’exploitation des hydrocarbures en France d’ici 2040, que la majorité sénatoriale de droite avait profondément modifiée. Le texte sera définitivement adopté par l’Assemblée le 19 décembre. En supplément quelques articles de presse sur le sujet: 08/09/2017 – Pétrole : Vermilion assure éviter 100.000 tonnes de gaz à effet de serre [source] - Après l’annonce du projet de loi de Nicolas Hulot, Vermilion, le groupe pétrolier canadien de Calgary, fait valoir que sa production pétrolière française en circuit court est meilleure pour l’environnement que l’import. 08/09/2017 – Mines et forages en France : pas si simple d’arrêter! [source] – Le ministre de la transition écologique a annoncé la fin de l'exploitation des hydrocarbures français à l'horizon 2040. Dans les faits, la réalité va être plus complexe. Enquête. 26/10/2017 – Loi hydrocarbures : quand l’or noir profite aussi aux collectivités de Seine-et-Marne [source] Les collectivités territoriales touchent la redevance des mines, manne financière de 4,5 M € qui devrait disparaître avec la fin de l'extraction en 2040.

Nouvelles des membres du pôle 14/09/2017 - Réforme du stockage du gaz: TIGF veut un cadre juridique rapide [source] La réforme du stockage du gaz en France doit avancer rapidement afin que les acteurs disposent d'un nouveau cadre juridique au printemps prochain, estime TIGF. 20/09/2017 - Vallourec lance son premier « Open Innovation Challenge » [source] - Vallourec lance son premier « Open Innovation Challenge », sur la thématique des tubes intelligents. 10/10/2017 - Pau : la Région octroie près de 11 millions d'euros à l'UPPA [source] - La Région NouvelleAquitaine accompagne très fortement l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour sur ses projets de recherche et d'innovation.


10/10/2017 - Mémoire de l'eau, mémoire de nos pollutions, le BRGM enquête [source] - Le BRGM est au coeur des enjeux environnementaux du cycle de l'eau. Les pollutions de surface, du sous-sol et des nappes demandent un inventaire de toutes les molécules en jeu dans ces processus souterrains. 08/11/2017 – Total devient n°2 mondial du GNL en rachetant des activités d'Engie [source] - Total va devenir le numéro deux mondial du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) en rachetant des activités dans ce domaine à Engie, qui poursuit de son côté sa transformation stratégique.

Marché de la géothermie 14/09/2017 – 48 MW Cerro Pabellón geothermal power plant officially inaugurated in Chile – first in South America [source] - Cerro Pabellón, the first geothermal power plant in South America and the world’s first large-scale facility of this kind to be built at 4,500 meters above sea level, was recently inaugurated by Enel and ENAP in Chile 19/09/2017 - Scotland to get its first deep geothermal heating system [source] - Scotland’s first deep geothermal heating system which will use the warmth emanating from the Earth’s magma-filled mantle is to go ahead after the Scottish Government awarded a £1.8m grant, the developers have announced. 28/09/2017 – A Finnish Forbes billionaire is pioneering a geothermal well that could cover 10% of Espoo’s heating needs [source] - The goal is to drill two 7 kilometer wells deep into the granite bedrock, pump water into one of them, let the 115 celsius environment warm the water and push it back out of the 2nd well. 09/10/2017 – Illkirch (67): des engagements réciproques pour un réseau de chaleur vert, grâce à la géothermie profonde [source] - Les forages préparatoires et la signature du protocole d'accord pour garantir que le nouveau réseau de chaleur s'alimentera en géothermie, constituent le point de départ d'un chantier qui se poursuivra pendant 3 ans. 13/10/2017 – Kenya : la géothermie est désormais la première source d'énergie du pays [source] - La géothermie produit désormais 50% de l’énergie consommée actuellement au Kenya. Elle devient ainsi la première source d’énergie du pays devant l’hydroélectricité (39%) et le thermique (15%). 07/11/2017 - Deux nouveaux permis d'exploration géothermique signés en Auvergne [source] – TLS Geothermics vient de décrocher deux permis exclusifs de recherche géothermique haute température dans le Puy-de-Dôme, l'Allier et la Creuse.

Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 - DECEMBRE 2017

14/11/2017 – Villiers-le-Bel (95) accélère dans la géothermie [source] - Le forage d'un troisième puits de production va permettre d'augmenter la ressource géothermale dans le réseau de chaleur de Villiers-leBel et Gonesse. 17/11/2017 – First geothermal heat & power plant of Hungary connected to grid [source] - KS Orka has announced that it has connected its Turawell combined geothermal heat and power plant (7 MWth/3MWe) in Hungary to the grid. 20/11/2017 – Incredible untapped potential for the direct use of geothermal heat globally [source] Direct use of geothermal energy for heating and cooling purposes represents an incredibly large and untapped potential globally, a recent study says.

Marché du stockage géologique 06/09/2017 – How does thermal energy storage reach scale ? [source] - It’s considered vital to decarbonization road maps, but today’s thermal storage market is tiny. A handful of companies are hoping to change that. 20/09/2017 - CO2 storage test can distinguish carbon from coal, gas and biomass [source] - A new method of carbon storage monitoring allows to determine the origin of a CO2 sample with its chemical fingerprint. 02/10/2017 - Total, Shell et Statoil s'allient dans le stockage de CO2 en Norvège [source] - Les géants pétroliers Total, Shell et Statoil annoncent la signature d’un accord de partenariat pour développer un premier projet commercial de stockage de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) en Norvège. 06/10/2017 - After spending €587 million, EU has zero CO2 storage plants, but CCS is not dead! [source] - The EU has spent at least €587 million in grants, subsidies, and public procurement on CCS on at least 68 projects in the past decade but, as of 2017, the EU has zero demonstration plant. What happened? 15/11/2017 - Implications of a Lithium-Ion Storage Transformation [source] - The race to develop storage projects with LiBs has left many questions unanswered. Is there sufficient supply of Lithium, Cobalt, Nickel, etc. to meet the needs of EVs, mobile applications, and stationary grid storage? 21/11/2017 - Utiliser le sous-sol wallon pour stocker de l'électricité? [source] - Utiliser de vieilles mines et des carrières abandonnées pour stocker de l’électricité, l’idée n’est pas si saugrenue. Le principe ? Utiliser deux réservoirs: l’un à la surface; l’autre, une ancienne mine ou une carrière abandonnée, en sous-sol.


28/11/2017 - Power to gas : la filière, dans les startingblocks, attend un soutien de l'Etat [source] - Alors que les projets de power to gas se multiplient en France, les professionnels attendent un coup de pouce des pouvoirs publics pour lancer cette technologie de stockage de l'électricité par le gaz.

Techniques et technologies pour les géosciences 29/09/2017 - Lightning shattering rock: new drilling method for deep geothermal energy [source] - Two universities in Germany are working on a new technology that uses electric impulses to produce lightning strikes and crush the rocks. 03/10/2017 - Interview: 3D modelling and its role for geothermal development [source] - An interview with Jeremy O'Brien of AranzGeo about Leapfrog, 3D modelling and its role in geothermal development. 13/10/2017 - Automated drilling, a trend that keeps on churning [source] - During the downturn, automation became a key theme in the offshore industry as companies looked to cut costs & reduce headcounts. What will the next generation of rigs look like? 17/10/2017 - U.S. shale producers applying DNA sequencing to improve reservoir economics [source] Biota Technology, the oilfield DNA sequencing pioneer, allows to improve reservoir economics by quantifying hydrocarbon fluid movement. 19/10/2017 - MGX Minerals Has Altered the Lithium Playing Field [source] –Canadian company MGX Minerals announces a breakthrough in ingredient removal from lithium brine, solving the industry's nagging and complicated magnesium problem. 02/11/2017 - Geoscience Australia uses machine learning to peek below Earth's surface [source] -Geoscience Australia has developed a series of machine learning algorithms to hunt for minerals beneath the Earth's surface and peer through satellite imagery cloaked by cloud. 03/11/2017 - Glasspoint starts up 1 GW Solar Thermal EOR on Time and on Budget [source] - Upon completion, the Miraah project will be among the world’s largest solar plants, delivering up to 6,000 tonnes of steam per day used for heavy oil production. 17/11/2017 - Water and Waste Water Treatment, Overcoming the Challenge of Global Water Requirement [source] - Factors propelling the growth of water and waste water treatment market includes rapidly depleting fresh water resources, rising population & increasing demand, and regulations.

Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 - DECEMBRE 2017



19 Décembre 2017


Journée de restitution « Mission Innovation-CCUS Experts Workshop, Institut Astrophysique PARIS, France Houston, 25-29 sept 2017» organisée par le Club CO2. Plus d’infos ICI

19 Janvier 2018

Lancement de l’Appel à Projets CITEPH 2018-2019 - Concertation pour l'Innovation Technologique dans les domaines des énergies

PARIS (Courbevoie) France

1-2 Mars 2018

GEOTHERM 2018 : congrès annuel de référence pour les praticiens de la géothermie, tous types confondus. Salon + conférences, infos ICI

OFFENBURG, Allemagne

3-5 Juillet 2018

Just announced : 1ère édition des GeoEnergy Days, conference, B2B & visits (fusion Club Géosciences + RDV d’affaires du POLE AVENIA)

Palais Beaumont PAU, France

COMMUNICATION DU POLE AVENIA FUI 25: CLOTURE AU 1ER FEVRIER 2018 Le FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel) a pour objectif d’aider entreprises et laboratoires de recherche au développement collaboratif de nouveaux produits et services susceptibles d’être mis sur le marché à court ou moyen terme. Le label d’un ou plusieurs pôles de compétitivité est une condition nécessaire au financement public (jusqu’à 45% pour les PME & 100% pour les labos publics). Le 25ème appel à projets du FUI, qui a fait l’objet d’un report de quelques mois, sera clôturé le 1er février 2018. Labellisation : les dossiers devront être transmis au POLE AVENIA au plus tard vendredi 5 janvier 2018. Plus d’infos sur le calendrier et la procédure ICI

LE POLE AVENIA ACCOMPAGNE VOS PROJETS RDI & D’ENTREPRISE – Que vous soyez un laboratoire académique ou une entreprise, l’accompagnement de vos projets de recherche, développement et innovation ou de vos projets de création ou croissance d’entreprise est au cœur de la mission du POLE AVENIA. Notre équipe, assistée d’un comité d’experts, vous aide à structurer et maturer vos projets, à identifier d’éventuelles compétences manquantes ; nous vous mettons en relation avec des partenaires potentiels, nous vous orientons vers les guichets de financement les plus adaptés à vos besoins, nous labellisons vos projet et les soutenons auprès des financeurs, nous les faisons connaître à vos futurs clients, nous accueillons votre startup au sein de notre incubateur GEOSTART, etc.


EUROPEAN GEOTHERMAL INNOVATION AWARD 2018 : Organisé par l’EGEC, le Prix Européen de l’Innovation en Géothermie est décerné chaque année à des entreprises qui ont apporté une contribution exceptionnelle dans le domaine de la géothermie sous la forme de produits innovants, de recherches scientifiques ou d'initiatives de projets. Les nominations sont ouvertes jusqu’au 10 janvier prochain et le lauréat sera annoncé le 1er mars lors du congrès GEOTHERM à Offenbourg (Allemagne). Toutes les infos ICI


Faites-nous connaître votre projet et vos besoins en nous retournant une fiche d’intention de projet .

Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 - DECEMBRE 2017

TABLEAUX DE BORD DE L'ACTIVITE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE Répartition géographique des brevets et des publications scientifiques

Répartition des documents et principaux acteurs

Les principaux acteurs dans les brevets


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

LES BREVETS Note: la sélection qui suit représente un échantillon seulement parmi les 983 brevets contenus dans la dernière mise à jour, bimestrielle, de la base de données IP-Metrix/Géoscopie, sur la base des thématiques génériques du POLE AVENIA et des sujets plus précise remontés aux équipes du pôle par ses membres au sein des diverses manifestations. N’hésitez pas à nous solliciter pour interroger la base de données avec vos motsclés propres!

Techniques d'exploration 26/10/2017 - US2017307772 FORMATION MEASUREMENTS USING DOWNHOLE NOISE SOURCES - BAKER HUGHES (USA); MAGNITUDE MICROSEISMIC JV - A method of performing measurements of an earth formation includes disposing at least a first receiver and a second receiver in one or more monitoring boreholes in a formation, and injecting fluid into the formation from an injection borehole, wherein injecting includes operating a fluid control device to generate seismic and/or acoustic noise having an identifiable characteristic. The method also includes detecting... 26/10/2017 - WO17184122 SAND-RESISTIVITY/CONDUCTIVITY AND SATURATION EVALUATION IN LAMINATED FORMATIONS WITH BIAXIAL ANISOTROPY - HALLIBURTON (USA) - The present disclosure relates to oil and gas exploration and production, and more particularly to systems and methods for evaluating sand-resistivity and/or sandconductivity, as well as saturation in laminated shale-sand formations with biaxial anisotropy. Shale is one of the more important common constituents of rocks in log analysis. Aside from their effects on porosity and permeability,... 19/10/2017 - WO17180131 ACOUSTIC IMAGING FOR WELLBORE INVESTIGATION - HALLIBURTON (USA) - An acoustic imaging tool, logging system and method are disclosed for producing high-resolution three-dimensional images. The imaging tool may include three separate arrangements of acoustic transducers: a circumferential set for wall inspection, internal transducers for fluid characterization within a chamber open to wellbore fluid, and forwardlooking transducers located at the bottom end of the tool. Forward-looking transducers emit... 19/10/2017 - WO17180795 METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR DETERMINING FAST AND SLOW SHEAR DIRECTIONS IN AN ANISOTROPIC FORMATION USING A LOGGING WHILE DRILLING TOOL - SCHLUMBERGER (FRANCE) - Methods are provided for determining properties of an anisotropic formation (including both fast and slow formations) surrounding a borehole. A logging-while-drilling tool is provided that is moveable through the borehole. The logging-while drilling tool has at least one dipole acoustic source spaced from an array of receivers. During movement of the loggingwhile-drilling tool, the at least one dipole acoustic source is operated to excite a... 21/09/2017 - WO17160279 MULTICOMPONENT INDUCTION DATA PROCESSING FOR FRACTURED FORMATIONS HALLIBURTON (USA) - Evaluation of formations and fracture characterization based on multicomponent induction (MCI) log data includes automated calculation of biaxial anisotropy (BA) parameters by performing iterative inversion operations based on the MCI log data. Biaxially anisotropic effect corrected (BAC) logs are BA anisotropic effect corrected using the inverted BA parameters, which can also be used for identification and quantification... 08/09/2017 - WO17151140 MULTIPLE DEPTH OF INVESTIGATION NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE LOGGING FOR DETERMINING THE POROSITY AND PORE TYPE OF SUBTERRANEAN FORMATIONS - HALLIBURTON (USA) - Nuclear magnetic resonance methods may be used to determine the porosity and the pore type of subterranean formations while accounting for fluid infiltration from the drilling mud or mud filtrate thereof into the formation. For example, the apparent porosity of (1) a shallow sensitive volume (Øsh) and (2) a deep sensitive volume (Ødeep) may be measured. Then, a comparison of the Øsh and the Ødeep may be performed, and the porosity (Ø) of a... 07/09/2017 - US2017254911 CONTEXT BASED BOUNDED HYDROCARBON FORMATION IDENTIFICATION - EXXONMOBIL (USA); GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) - A method of identifying bounded hydrocarbon formations of interest in a seismic data set includes obtaining a seismic data set, pre-processing the seismic data set, inputting the plurality of graphical model inputs and one or more rules to a graphical model, wherein the rules define a relationship between a plurality of attributes of a bounded hydrocarbon formation, running a graphical model on inputs, post-processing...

Forage et équipements de puits


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

07/09/2017 - US2017254155 METHOD AND RELATIVE SYSTEM FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF MALFUNCTIONINGS OF THE DRILL BIT DURING THE DRILLING OF HYDROCARBON WELLS - GEOLOG - Disclosed is a method for identification of malfunctioning of a drill bit during drilling of hydrocarbon wells, including: measurement of the rate of penetration of the drill bit, measurement of the drilling length, measurement of the concentration in the drilling mud of at least one gas species belonging to the group of the alkenes, measurement of the torque at the drill bit, analysis... 14/10/2017 - CA2959266 EFFICIENCY TRACKING SYSTEM FOR A DRILLING RIG - NABORS DRILLING TECH USA (USA) Systems, devices, and methods for tracking the efficiency of a drilling rig are provided. A sensor system on a drilling rig is provided. A controller in communication with the sensor system may be operable to generate measureable parameters relating to at least one Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The measurable parameters may be compared with measureable parameters from a target to generate an Invisible Lost Time (ILT) period and an... 19/10/2017 - WO17180157 REAL-TIME OPTIMIZATION AND VISUALIZATION OF PARAMETERS FOR DRILLING OPERATIONS LANDMARK GRAPHICS (USA) - System and methods for optimizing parameters for drilling operations are provided. A target value of a user-selected operating variable is estimated for each stage of a drilling operation to be performed along a planned well path, based on a first set of wellsite data. Values of one or more drilling parameters are determined for performing each stage of the operation, based on the estimated target value of the operating… 26/10/2017 - WO17184428 CORROSION INHIBITING FORMULATION FOR DRILLING FLUID BRINES - LUBRIZOL OILFIELD SOLUTIONS (USA) - The present invention relates to corrosion inhibition and, in particular, to mixtures of corrosion inhibitors for use in drilling fluids which fluids can contain simply water, or a brine containing water and a salt... 26/10/2017 - WO17182949 OILFIELD CENTRIFUGE DECANTER FOR DRILLING WASTE DRYING METHOD AND APPARATUS RECOVER ENERGY SERVICE - A horizontal decanter centrifuge for enhanced recovery of drilling mud from drilling mud solids. Oilfield decanters will always suffer some drilling mud losses because they can only achieve a certain effectiveness with respect to solids dryness. The embodiment describes a process to mitigate the financial burden of drilling mud losses by adding a less expensive sacrificial fluid to take the place of drilling mud in the solids phase. 05/10/2017 - WO17171693 DISSOLVABLE CASING LINER - HALLIBURTON (USA) - Dissolvable casing liners are utilized to isolate existing perforations. A dissolvable casing liner is deployed downhole along the interior of a casing string having a plurality of perforations. The casing liner is then secured against the casing string, thereby effectively sealing the perforations. Once the perforations are isolated, refracturing operations may be conducted. At some time thereafter, the casing liner is dissolved and removed... 21/09/2017 - US2017268325 ESTIMATING WELLBORE CEMENT PROPERTIES - BAKER HUGHES (USA) - A method of estimating properties of wellbore cement by penetrating the cement, and monitoring the amount of energy or power required for penetrating the cement. Penetrators include a drill bit that bores into the cement, and probes or pins that are forced into the cement. The energy or power monitored can be current and/or voltage supplied to a motor that drives the drill bit or probe. Comparing the monitored energy or power with that required...

Techniques de production 26/10/2017 - US2017306219 CONTROLLED RELEASE OF CHEMICALS IN OILFIELD OPERATIONS - TRICAN WELL SERVICE (CANADA) - Particulates, such as proppants, that are coated with a coating agent selected from the group consisting of: organosilanes, organosiloxanes, polysiloxanes, long carbon chain hydrocarbon amines containing no silicon or fluoro-based groups in the molecule, amine functionalized polyolefins and polymerizable natural oils; and a chemical additive selected from the group consisting of: a scale inhibitor, a biocide, and an H 2 S scavenger. The coating... 05/10/2017 - US2017283688 SELF-SOURCED RESERVOIR FLUID FOR ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY - EXXONMOBIL (USA) Disclosed techniques include a method of obtaining an enhanced oil recovery fluid from a hydrocarbon reservoir, comprising producing a hydrocarbon stream from the hydrocarbon reservoir, separating an associated gas stream from the hydrocarbon stream, and condensing at least a portion of the associated gas stream to obtain an enriched hydrocarbon fluid suitable for injecting into a liquid layer of the hydrocarbon reservoir to enhance recovery of... 05/10/2017 - WO17172719 METHOD FOR SOLUBILIZING BIOPOLYMER SOLIDS FOR ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY APPLICATIONS - CARGILL - Disclosed herein is a method to rapidly solubilize beta glucan (BG) material comprising passing the beta glucan material, in solution, through an in-line high shear system, wherein viscosity of the solubilized beta glucan material is 90 percent or greater of ultimate viscosity and wherein filterability ratio of the solubilized beta glucan material ranges from about 1-2. 7

Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

13/10/2017 - CN107246362 POWER GENERATION AND UTILIZATION OF HOT DRY ROCK EXCAVATION, HEAT PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER SYSTEM RENOVATION AND STORAGE (MACHINE TRANSLATION) - UNIV GEOSCI CHINA (CHINA) - The present invention provides a power generation and utilization of hot dry rock excavation renovation and pipe heat exchanger system, thermal storage, the system includes a ground system, underground systems, piping and heat the working fluid, the ground systems and underground system through the pipeline in communication, the heat exchanger working fluid through a pipe into the underground system for heat, take the heat, heat the working... 29/09/2017 - KR101783588 A STORING APPARATUS AND ITS METHOD OF FLUIDS IN NATURAL CAVITIES IN THE EARTH KUMOH INST NATL TECH IND ACADEMIC COOP FOUND - The present invention is naturally in the ground or cavity (cavity) formed in the relates to a device for storing the fluid, more detail is It is for storing gas phase or liquid phase of a solid shield between the steel casing and the grouting after intervening structure by carbon dioxide is stable and does not leak to the outside of the natural lumen such that the carbon dioxide storage device to relate… 12/10/2017 - KR20170111826 UNDERGROUND HEAT EXCHANGE SYSTEM USING SUPPLY UNDERGROUND WATER AQUIFER AND RETURN UNDERGROUND WATER AQUIFER AND METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING THIS SAME - JIAENJI TECH (CHINA) The present invention is configured to distinguish between supply and ground water aquifers using depth interval geothermal heat exchanger system and relates to a construction method, a multi-layer consisting of a layer formed by the groundwater aquifers in lipid-based depth divided by a constant groundwater aquifers temperatures are in ground water pumping to the groundwater and used as a geothermal heat pump system can be supplied from the... 07/09/2017 - US2017254265 SYSTEM, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMPROVING GAS TURBINE PERFORMANCE WITH COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE - CAL POLY - A system and method of increasing efficiency and power output of a gas turbine system using a compressed air storage system including delivering a compressed air charge from the compressed air storage system, the compressed air charge having a pressure greater than ambient pressure and a temperature less than ambient temperature, the compressed air charge being delivered to the gas turbine and the compressed air charge operable to cool at least...

Techniques de monitoring 14/09/2017 - US2017260839 DAS FOR WELL RANGING - CONOCOPHILLIPS (USA) - Using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) fiber optic cable for borehole surveying and/or well ranging. 14/09/2017 - WO17155412 TRACER INJECTIONS - RESMAN - The invention is a petroleum well tracer injection and monitoring method comprising the steps of providing a one or more curable liquid doped with one or more tracer, arranging said one or more liquid in an intervention liquid injecting tool, running the injection tool into a production tubing in a petroleum well to one or more desired injection position along the tubing, actuating the injection tool to apply one or more portions of the tracer... 08/09/2017 - WO17151133 CASING THICKNESS ESTIMATION BY FREQUENCY CORRELATION - HALLIBURTON (USA) - The thickness of borehole casing can be determined by ultrasound logging in conjunction with simulations of ultrasonic plane-wave echo waveforms across a range of frequencies for a plurality of casing thicknesses and correlation of synthetic frequency spectra derived from the simulated plane-wave echo waveforms for the various casing thicknesses against the frequency spectrum of a measured pulse-echo waveform. 02/11/2017 - WO17187368 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MONITORING, CONTROLLING AND SECURING WELLS FOR THE EXTRACTION OF FORMATION FLUIDS - ENI (ITALY) - A system and method are described for monitoring, controlling and securing a well (10) for the extraction of formation fluids. The system comprises a set of sensors (22) for detecting the bottom hole pressure and resistivity, composition and density of the drilling mud, a series of wireless transmitters/receivers (24) for the communication of signals from and towards the bottom hole, a surface device...

HSE-Environnement 02/10/2017 - NO20160506 ANNULAR BLOWOUT PREVENTER - MARITIME PROMECO - A packer actuation system for a blowout preventer, comprising: a packer arrangement (100) having an axial passage therethrough (211); an actuation system which is releasably mechanically connected to the packer arrangement (100); wherein the actuation system is operable to move the packer arrangement (100) from an expanded position to a contracted position such that a dimension of the axial passage decreases, and the actuation system is...


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

LES PUBLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES Note: la sélection qui suit représente un échantillon seulement parmi les 581 publications contenues dans la dernière mise à jour (bimestrielle) de la base de données IP-Metrix/Géoscopie, sur la base des thématiques génériques du POLE AVENIA et de sujets plus précise remontés aux équipes du pôle par ses membres. N’hésitez pas à nous solliciter pour interroger la base de données avec vos mots-clés spécifiques!

Géo information - Géoscience big data A geospatial hybrid cloud platform based on multi-sourced computing and model resources for geosciences - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Earth - DENVER (USA); UNIV DENVER (USA); UNIV SOUTH CAROLINA (USA); UNIV WISCONSIN–MADISON (USA) - Cloud computing has been considered as the next-generation computing platform with the potential to address the data and computing challenges in geosciences. However, only a limited number... Big Data Analytics of Identifying Geochemical Anomalies Supported by Machine Learning Methods - 2017 - Natural Resources Research - UNIV GEOSCIENCES CHINA (CHINA) - Big data analytics brings a novel way for identifying geochemical anomalies in mineral exploration because it involves processing of the whole geochemical dataset... How virtual reality can help visualise and assess geohazards - 2017 - International Journal of Digital Earth - UNIV LIEGE (BELGIUM) - Geohazard research requires extensive spatiotemporal understanding based on an adequate multiscale representation of modelling results. The most commonly applied representation basis for collected data is still... The new world of 3D geologic mapping - 2017 - GSA Today - UNIV TEXAS EL PASO (USA) - Digital geologic mapping is now a fully mature technology that dramatically improves field efficiency and problem solving capabilities. Basic digital mapping is just the tip of the iceberg, however, in regard to new and approaching capabilities with true 3D...

Techniques d'exploration Occurrence types and genesis models of hot dry rock resources in China - 2017 - Environmental Earth Sciences ACAD CHINESE GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES (CHINA) - As a significant part of geothermal resources, the hot dry rock (HDR) resources have drawn more and more attentions because it potentially can provide clean, stable, and huge… Application effectiveness of the microtremor survey method in the exploration of geothermal resources - 2017 Journal of Geophysics and Engineering - ACAD CHINESE SCI (CHINA); GEO ANALYSIS INST (JAPAN); GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JIANGSU PROVINCE (CHINA) - Geophysical techniques are critical tools of geothermal resource surveys. In recent years, the microtremor survey method, which has two branch techniques (the microtremor sounding... Technologies for the exploration of highly mineralized geothermal resources - 2017 - Thermal Engineering - ACAD RUSSIAN SCI (RUSSIA) - The prospects of the integrated processing of the high-parameter geothermal resources of the East Ciscaucasia of artesian basin (ECAB) with the conversion of their heat energy into electric energy at a binary... Low-Cost Wind-Insensitive Ultrawideband Balloon Antenna for Seismic Telemetry Systems - 2017 - IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters - COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION MFG (AUSTRALIA); LAB KEY GEO EXPLORATION INSTRUMENTS (CHINA); UNIV JILIN (CHINA) - This letter presents a low-cost wind-insensitive ultrawideband conformal balloon antenna for wireless seismic telemetry applications. The proposed design consists... Simulations of CO2 injection into fractures and faults for improving their geophysical characterization at EGS sites 2017 - Geothermics - DIV ENERGY GEOCIENCES 74 316C (USA); SCHLUMBERGER (FRANCE); UNIV LOUISIANA LAFAYETTE (USA) - We propose the use of CO2 in push-pull well tests to improve geophysical identification and characterization of fractures and faults at enhanced geothermal system (EGS) sites. Using TOUGH2/ECO2N, we carried out numerical... Magnetotelluric Studies for Hydrocarbon and Geothermal Resources: Examples from the Asian Region - 2017 - Surveys in Geophysics - INST CSIR NATL GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH (INDIA) - Magnetotellurics (MT) and the other related electrical and electromagnetic methods play a very useful role in resource exploration. This review paper presents the current scenario of application of MT in the exploration for hydrocarbons and geothermal resources in Asia...


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

Play-fairway analysis for geothermal resources and exploration risk in the Modoc Plateau region - 2017 - Geothermics - LAB LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATL (USA); UNIV CALIFORNIA (USA) - The region surrounding the Modoc Plateau, encompassing parts of northeastern California, southern Oregon, and northwestern Nevada, lies at an intersection between two tectonic provinces; the Basin and Range province and the Cascade volcanic arc. Both of these... Performance portability in reverse time migration and seismic modelling via OpenACC - 2017 - International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications - TOTAL (FRANCE); UNIV HASHEMITE (JORDAN); UNIV HOUSTON (USA) Heterogeneity among the computational resources within a single machine has significantly increased in high performance computing to exploit the tremendous potential of graphics processing units (GPUs). Portability in terms.. Analytical model for convection-conduction heat transfer during water injection in fractured geothermal reservoirs with variable rock matrix block size - 2017 - Geothermics - UNIV AMIRKABIR TECH (IRAN) - The purpose of management in geothermal reservoirs is to economically enhance the energy recovery. This paper describes a model to analyze the process of cold water injection into a fully penetrating well with a number of n equally spaced horizontal fractures Exploring seismic inversion methodologies for non-stationary geological environments: a benchmark study between deterministic and geostatistical seismic inversion - 2017 - Geophysical Prospecting - UNIV LISBOA (PORTUGAL) - This paper presents a comparison between subsurface impedance models derived from different deterministic and geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies applied to a challenging synthetic dataset. Geostatistical seismic... Treatment of temporal aliasing effects in the context of next generation satellite gravimetry missions - 2017 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth - UNIV TECHNICAL MUNICH (GERMANY) - Temporal aliasing effects have a large impact on the gravity field accuracy of current gravimetry missions and are also expected to dominate the error budget of Next Generation Gravimetry Missions (NGGMs). This paper focuses on aspects concerning their treatment...

Forage et équipements de puits Economic assessment and review of waterless fracturing technologies in shale resource development: A case study - 2017 - Journal of Earth Science - AIR LIQUIDE (FRANCE); CALGARY (CANADA); FORUM ENERGY TECH (USA); FRACTURING HORIZONTAL WELL COMPLETIONS (CANADA); HALLIBURTON (USA); IHS MARKIT (USA); UNCONVENTIONAL OIL GAS TECH DEVELOPMENT (USA); UNIV CALGARY (CANADA); UNIV KANSAS (USA); UNIV WYOMING (USA) - Our database tracking of USA water usage per well indicates that traditionally shale operators have been using, on... Wellbore integrity factors for CO2 storage in oil and gas producing areas in the Midwest United States - 2017 Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology - BATTELLE (USA) - The condition of legacy oil and gas wells is an important issue for geologic CO2 storage projects. Many regions with large CO2 point sources coincide with historical oil and gas fields. This is especially apparent in the Midwestern United States, where over one million oil and gas wells... Development of a Novel Hybrid-type Rotary Steerable System for Directional Drilling - 2017 - IEEE Access - INST KOREA ADVANCED SCIENCE TECH (SOUTH KOREA) - Unlike conventional resources, unconventional resources such as shale gas and coal bed methane (CBM) are situated horizontally under geological formations. To exploit these resources, directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies are required. In directional drilling, the dog leg severity (DLS)... Hydration at early ages of styrene-butadiene copolymers cementitious systems - 2017 - Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - UNIV FED DO RIO JANEIRO (BRAZIL) - Oil well cementing is a vital operation to assure casing stability and zonal isolation for oil and gas exploration. However, some scenarios demand the cemented region to withstand high thermal gradients and imposed deformations, as occurs in the case of oil wells subjected to cyclic steam... Silica content influence on cement compressive strength in wells subjected to steam injection - 2017 - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - UNIV FED RIO GRANDE DO NORTE (BRAZIL) - High temperatures cause deleterious changes in hydrated products of Portland cement, compromising its physical properties, mainly, the compressive strength. This phenomenon is known as strength retrogression and occurs when the CaO/SiO2 ratio is close to 2.0... Analytical model for production performance analysis of multi-fractured horizontal well in tight oil reservoirs - 2017 Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - UNIV PETROLEUM CHINA (CHINA) - The combination of horizontal well drilling and reservoir stimulating via multiple fracturing has been proved to be an effective technology to exploit low permeability unconventional tight oil reservoirs. Through multiple fracturing, the very-complex fracture network...


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

Techniques de production Optimal parameters selection for SAGD and VAPEX processes - 2017 - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology - UNIV KING FAHD PETROLEUM MINERALS (SAUDI ARABIA) - Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Solvent Vapor Extraction (VAPEX), both of the techniques have been proved to be successful for the exploitation of heavy oil reservoirs. Field development of heavy oil reservoirs requires careful determination of... Economic assessment and review of waterless fracturing technologies in shale resource development: A case study - 2017 - Journal of Earth Science - AIR LIQUIDE (FRANCE); CALGARY (CANADA); FORUM ENERGY TECH (USA); FRACTURING HORIZONTAL WELL COMPLETIONS (CANADA); HALLIBURTON (USA); IHS MARKIT (USA); UNCONVENTIONAL OIL GAS TECH DEVELOPMENT (USA); UNIV CALGARY (CANADA); UNIV KANSAS (USA); UNIV WYOMING (USA) Laboratory study of a novel cold production technology for Venezuela heavy oil - 2017 - Oilfield Chemistry - CHINA NATL PETROLEUM (CHINA); PETROCHINA (CHINA) - The reservoir of MPE3 block in Venezuela had heavy oil with high viscosity and oil layer with widely thickness and heterogeneities. In order to decrease the cost of thermal recovery and carbon emission, a novel cold production technology for heavy oil was studied in lab with homemade viscosity... Preparation and properties of novel pH-sensitive core−shell microspheres for enhanced oil recovery - 2017 - Polymer International - CHINA NATL PETROLEUM (CHINA); SINOPEC (CHINA); UNIV CHONGQING SCIENCE TECH (CHINA); UNIV GEOSCIENCES BEIJING CHINA (CHINA); UNIV WYOMING (USA) - A novel pH-sensitive core−shell microsphere was synthesized by growing sodium acrylate as a shell on crosslinked polyacrylamide particles as the core by surface... Optimal selection of different CCS technologies under CO2 reduction targets - 2017 - Natural Hazards - CTR COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION ELECTRIC VEHICLES BEIJING (CHINA); CTR FOR ENERGY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY RESEARCH (CHINA); INST TECH BEIJING (CHINA); SCHOOL MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS (CHINA); SOCIETY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH INST FOR ECONOMY BEIJING (CHINA); UNIV SHENZHEN (CHINA) - In China, carbon capture… Acid Rock Drainage Treatment Using Membrane Distillation: Impacts of Chemical-Free Pretreatment on Scale Formation, Pore Wetting, and Product Water Quality - 2017 - Environmental Science and Technology - DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (USA) - Acid rock drainage (ARD) is a metal-rich wastewater that forms upon oxidation of sulfidic minerals. Although ARD impacts >12,000 miles of rivers in the U.S. and has an estimated cleanup cost of... An improved correlation to estimate the minimum miscibility pressure of CO2 in crude oils for carbon capture, utilization, and storage projects - 2017 - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering - INST BATTELLE MEMORIAL (USA) - The utilization of anthropogenic CO2 for enhancing oil recovery while sequestering CO2 in depleted oil and gas fields is increasingly being viewed as an attractive economic proposition for reducing greenhouse gas emissions... Reinjection of cooled water into sandstone geothermal reservoirs in China: a review - 2017 - Geosciences Journal INST TIANJIN GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION DEVELOPMENT – DESIGNING (CHINA); UNIV CHINA PETROLEUM EAST CHINA (CHINA); UNIV JILIN (CHINA) - Low injectivity of sandstone geothermal reservoirs during reinjection of geothermal waste water is a problem generally encountered in China, and has become a main obstacle for sustainable... Zero Emission Geothermal Flash Power Plant - 2017 - Energy Procedia - POLYTECH DIPARTIMENTO ENERGIA MILANO (ITALY); UNIV STUDI BRESCIA (ITALY) - The successful exploitation of geothermal energy for power production relies on the availability of nearly zero emission and efficient technologies. Two zero emission flash plant layouts, with full reinjection of the geothermal fluid (non-condensable gas included), are considered. This paper focusses on the CO2... Advancement of sweep zones in waterflooding: conceptual insight based on flow visualizations of oil-withdrawal contours and waterflood time-of-flight contours using complex potentials - 2017 - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology - UNIV DELFT TECH (NETHERLANDS); UNIV TEXAS A M (USA) - Sweep zones are traced in synthetic reservoir models of waterflood advancement based on potential functions. Time-of-flight contours... Performance improvement of two-stage serial organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) integrated with absorption refrigeration (AR) for geothermal power generation - 2017 - Geothermics - UNIV HEBEI ENGINEERING (CHINA); UNIV KEY LAB EFFICIENT UTILIZATION LOW MEDIUM GRADE ENERGY TIANJIN (CHINA); UNIV TIANJIN (CHINA); UNIV TIANJIN CHENGJIAN (CHINA) - Compared with ORC, the two-stage serial organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) can improve the temperature... Evaluation of surfactant flooding using interwell tracer analysis - 2017 - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology - UNIV NORWEGIAN SCI TECH (NORWAY); UNIV TEXAS AUSTIN (USA) - Surfactant flooding is an


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

important enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, especially in carbonate oil reservoirs where water flooding may not have an effect on oil recovery as much as for sandstone reservoirs. This is because of the initial wettability of most... State-of-the-art on ultrasonic oil production technique for EOR in China - 2017 - Ultrasonics Sonochemistry - UNIV SHANGHAI SCI TECH (CHINA) - Ultrasonic oil production technique for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) attracts more attention due to its high adaptability, simple operation, low cost and zero pollution to the oil reservoir. In this paper, recent new downhole tools used for enhanced oil recovery developed in China are summarized. Furthermore...

Techniques de monitoring Microseismic magnitudes and b-values for delineating hydraulic fracturing and depletion - 2017 - SPE Journal - HESS (USA) - In 2014, Hess Corporation collected microseismic and hydraulicfracturing data in a Bakken field trial near an existing oil well in the Williston Basin of North Dakota. In addition to monitoring the microseismic activity of the newly drilled offset-well completions, the field test delineated the depletion surrounding the original well by slowly... Electromagnetic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing: Relationship to Permeability, Seismicity, and Stress - 2017 - Surveys in Geophysics - ADELAIDE (AUSTRALIA); UNIV ADELAIDE (AUSTRALIA) - Hydraulic fracking is a geoengineering application designed to enhance subsurface permeability to maximize fluid and gas flow. Fracking is commonly used in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), tight shale gas, and coal seam gas (CSG) plays and in (Formula presented.) Virtual time-lapse seismic monitoring using fully coupled flow and geomechanical simulations - 2017 - Leading Edge - ADVANCED GEOPHYSICAL TECH (USA); CHEVRON (USA); KAPPA ENGINEERING (USA); MPGEOMECHANICS (USA); UNIV YALE (USA) - SEAM Time Lapse, a collaborative technical project of SEG and the Society of Petroleum Engineers, created integrated geologic, reservoir, and geophysical models to simulate temporal changes in the geometry and... Remediation and monitoring of abandoned mines - 2017 - International Journal of Mining Science and Technology CSIRO ENERGY (AUSTRALIA) - This paper describes a recent study on using fly ash for backfilling abandoned room and pillar mines. Detailed investigations on fly ash properties such as the strength and stiffness of settled fly ash, flowability of fly ash grout, as well as chemistry and environmental aspects of fly ash backfill have been undertaken in the... Mining land subsidence monitoring using sentinel-1 SAR data - 2017 - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives - CTR FOR LANE RESOURCES (CHINA); CTR SATELLITE SURVEYING MAPPING APPLICATION (CHINA); UNIV GEOSCIENCES CHINA (CHINA) - In this paper, DInSAR technique was used to monitor land subsidence in mining area. The study area was selected in the coal mine area located in... The effects of seasonal variations in rainfall and production on the aquifer and surface features of Rotorua geothermal field - 2017 - Geothermics - GNS SCI (NEW ZEALAND); UNIV AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND) - The Rotorua geothermal field is a shallow geothermal reservoir lying directly beneath Rotorua City in New Zealand. It is renowned for an abundance of natural geothermal manifestations including the geysers and hot springs at Whakarewarewa. Over-exploitation... The induced earthquake sequence related to the St. Gallen deep geothermal project (Switzerland): Fault reactivation and fluid interactions imaged by microseismicity - 2017 - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth INST GEOPHYSICS (CHINA); SERVICE SWISS SEISMOLOGICAL (SWITZERLAND) - In July 2013, a sequence of more than 340 earthquakes was induced by reservoir stimulations and well-control procedures following a gas kick at a deep... Monitoring field scale CO2 injection from time-lapse seismic and well log, integrating with advanced rock physics model at Cranfield EOR site - 2017 - Acta Geophysica - INST NATL GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH (INDIA) - Causes and effects of global warming have been highly debated in recent years. Nonetheless, injection and storage of CO2 (CO2 sequestration) in the subsurface is becoming increasingly accepted as a viable tool to reduce the amount of... Use of Seismic Analyses for the Wind Energy Industry - 2017 - Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME - UNIV CORNELL (USA) - This paper proposes new seismic-based methods for use in the wind energy industry with a focus on wind turbine condition monitoring. Fourteen Streckeisen STS-2 Broadband seismometers and two three-dimensional (3D) sonic anemometers are deployed in/near an operating wind farm to collect the data used... A study of the geophysical response of distributed fibre optic acoustic sensors through laboratory-scale experiments - 2017 - Geophysical Prospecting - REECE INNOVATION (UK); SCHLUMBERGER (FRANCE); UNIV PSL RESEARCH (FRANCE) - In the past few years, distributed acoustic sensing has gained great interest in geophysics. This acquisition technology offers immense improvement in terms of efficiency when compared with current geophysical acquisition methods...


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017

HSE-Environnement An overview on exploration and environmental impact of unconventional gas sources and treatment options for produced water - 2017 - Journal of Environmental Management - CTR EMPRESARIAL TECH (PORTUGAL); UNIV DO PORTO (PORTUGAL) - Rising global energy demands associated to unbalanced allocation of water resources highlight the importance of water management solutions for the gas industry. Advanced drilling, completion and stimulation... Debating Unconventional Energy: Social, Political, and Economic Implications - 2017 - Annual Review of Environment and Resources - DEPT GEOGRAPHY (INDIA); NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNCIL (CHINA); UNIV BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA); UNIV DUKE (USA); UNIV FREIE BERLIN (GERMANY); UNIV PITTSBURGH (USA); UNIV QUEEN S BELFAST (UK); UNIV TORONTO (CANADA) - The extraction of unconventional oil and gas-from shale rocks, tight sand, and coalbed... Environmental impact of geothermal power plants in Aydln, Turkey - 2017 - E3S Web of Conferences - UNIV ADNAN MENDERES (TURKEY) - Geothermal energy is classified as a clean and sustainable energy source, like all industrial activities, geothermal energy power plants (GEPP) technology has also some positive and negative effects on the environment. In this paper are presented by attent not only on environmental impacts of GEPP onto Büyük Menderes... Radioactivity in wastes generated from shale gas exploration and production – North-Eastern Poland - 2017 - Journal of Environmental Radioactivity - UNIV AGH SCIENCE TECH (POLAND) - In the present study, the K-40, U-238, Ra-226, Pb210, Ra-228 and Th-228 activity concentrations were measured in 64 samples of wastes generated from shale gas exploration in North-Eastern Poland. The measured samples consist of drill cuttings, solid phase of waste drilling muds... Restoring industrial disturbances with native hay in mixedgrass prairie in Alberta - 2017 - Ecological Restoration - UNIV CALGARY (CANADA) - Native grassland restorations are often unsuccessful as a consequence of unreliable seed sources and competition from weeds and agronomic species. To improve on conventional approaches, we tested whether native hay can be used as a seed source for restoring native mixedgrass prairie on oil and gas well sites and... Sustainable Low-Carbon Expansion for the Power Sector of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Kenya - 2017 Environmental Science and Technology - UNIV CALIFORNIA (USA) - Fast growing and emerging economies face the dual challenge of sustainably expanding and improving their energy supply and reliability while at the same time reducing poverty. Critical to such transformation is to provide affordable and sustainable access to electricity. We... An ecosystem services perspective for classifying and valuing the environmental impacts of geothermal power projects - 2017 - Energy for Sustainable Development - UNIV ICELAND (ICELAND) - An ecosystem services perspective can provide a useful means of understanding, in human well-being terms, the type, scale and value of environmental impacts deriving from the deployment of renewable energy technologies. This paper provides the first thematic... Oily Wastewater Treatment by Nano-TiO2-Induced Photocatalysis: Seeking more efficient and feasible solutions. 2017 - IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine - UNIV MEMORIAL (CANADA) - Oil is one our most important energy sources However, the wide use of oil could lead to diverse environmental problems, such as oily wastewater discharge. Oily wastewater is water that has become contaminated through oil and gas production, the refinery process,... Investigation of waste heat recovery of binary geothermal plants using single component refrigerants - 2017 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - UNIV SAKARYA (TURKEY) - In this study, the availability of waste heat in a power generating capacity of 47.4 MW in Germencik Geothermal Power Plant has been investigated via binary geothermal power plant. Refrigerant fluids of 7 different single components such as R-134a, R-152a, R-227ea,... Sustainable Low-Carbon Expansion for the Power Sector of an Emerging Economy: The Case of Kenya - 2017 Environmental Science and Technology - UNIV CALIFORNIA (USA) - Fast growing and emerging economies face the dual challenge of sustainably expanding and improving their energy supply and reliability while at the same time reducing poverty. Critical to such transformation is to provide affordable and sustainable access to electricity. We...


Bulletin de Veille Géoscopie n°51 – DECEMBRE 2017