Brock University

25 mai 2014 - CPA Tradition: Chairs are assigned by fiat. Read all the programme carefully. If the assignment is inconvenient, please arrange for a substitute.
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CPA Saint Paul University 223 Main Street Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1C4 Canada

ACP Université Saint-Paul 223, rue Main Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1C4 Canada

Executive Committee Comité exécutif President / Président : Adam Morton Vice Pres. / Vice-prés. : Frédéric Bouchard Past Pres. / Prés. sortante : Adèle Mercier Treasurer / Trésorier : David Matheson Secretary / Secrétaire : Judy Pelham Assistant Secretary / Secrétaire adjointe : Syliane Malinowski-Charles

 Programme Committee Comité de programme Guillaume Fréchette, Chair – président

Canadian Philosophical Association Association canadienne de philosophie 58th Annual Congress —

58e Congrès annuel

[email protected]

 Abbreviations – Sigles S : Speaker / Conférencier-conférencière C : Commentator / Commentateur-commentatrice P : Chair / Président - présidente R : Respondent / Réponses de l’auteur-auteure O : Organiser / Organisateur-organisatrice S : Maximum 25 minutes C : Maximum 10 minutes

 Please note: Speakers will not be allowed time for formal replies to commentators.

 Avis : Aucun temps de réponse formelle au commentateur / à la commentatrice n’est réservé pour le conférencier / la conférencière.

Roberta Ballarin Paul Bartha Endre Begby Jean-Marie Chevalier Sam Cowling Christine Daigle Susan Dimock Yiftach Fehige Michael Griffin Christian Leduc Angela Mendelovici Pierre Poirier Marc Ramsay Mauro Rossi Meredith Schwartz John Spackman Mélissa Thériault Chris Tillman Sandra Tomsons


Brock University Université Brock May 25 – May 28, 2014 —

25 mai – 28 mai 2014


EVENTS / ÉVÉNEMENTS Sunday, May 25th – dimanche 25 mai : 9:00 – 12:30: Centre Kenmore Centre Joint Session / Session conjointe – ACP/CPA – Hume Society Hume’s Moral Psychology 17:30 – 18:30: Lowenberger – Dining Hall / Salle à manger Presidential Address / Allocution présidentielle Adam Morton (UBC) Failures of Reference and Failures of Meaning Manque de référence et manque de signification

Monday, May 26th – lundi 26 mai : 12:30 – 14:00: Lowenberger – 273 Departments of Philosophy Chairs’ Meeting Rencontre des directrices et directeurs des départements de philosophie 17:00 – 19:00: Walker Complex Brock University’s President’s Reception Réception du Président de Brock University

Tuesday, May 27th – mardi 27 mai :

CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHERS LA SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE DES PHILOSOPHES CHRÉTIENS ET CHRÉTIENNES Kenmore Centre 26 May 2014 9:00 – 10:00am – Analogy as Cosmic Desire P: Stephanie Rumpza, Boston College C: Dennis Hudecki, Brescia University College at Western University 10:15 – 11:15am – Thomas Aquinas on Morally Good Human Actions in the Absence of Grace P: Jeremy Skrzypek, Saint Louis University C: Joshua Harris, Institute for Christian Studies 11:30 – 12:30pm – When Disagreement twixt the Faithful Pains: Testimonial Traditions and Religious Disagreement P: Donald Bungum, Saint Louis University C: Kirk Lougheed, Ryerson University 12:30 – 2:00pm – LUNCH

11:30 – 13:00 South Block 215 Joint Session / Session conjointe – ACP/CPA - CJP The CJP Distinguished Lecture Social Structure, Narrative, and Explanation

2:00 – 3:00pm – William Hasker on Gratuitous Evil P: Klaas Kraay, Ryerson University C: Dustin Crummet, University of Notre Dame

17:00 – 19:30: AGM / AGA – South Bloc 216

3:15 – 4:15pm – Sufferer-Centred Constraints on Theodicy and Genuinely Regrettable Evils P: Dustin Crummet, University of Notre Dame C: Klaas Kraay, Ryerson University

19:30 – 21:30: CPA Reception / Réception ACP – South Bloc Hallway / Corridor

Wednesday, May 28th – mercredi 28 mai : 14:00 – 17:30: Lowenberger 273 Joint Session / Session conjointe – ACP/CPA – CSWIP Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges

4:30 – 5:30pm – KEYNOTE ADDRESS Perfect Productive Power: A Unifying Theme in Scotus’ Philosophical Theology P: Marilyn McCord Adams, Rutgers University The CSCP gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support of the Canadian Centre for Scholarship and the Christian Faith in funding Rev. Adam’s Address

Canadian Journal of Philosophy Distinguished Lecture Sally Haslanger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Social Structure, Narrative, and Explanation For several decades, social theorists have argued that racism, sexism, and other forms of inequality, are best understood as forms of structural injustice. On such accounts, broad social structures systematically disadvantage certain groups and privilege others. Structural explanation is intended as an alternative to accounts that rely on narratives about the bad (sexist, racist...) behavior of individuals. Recent work on discrimination suggests, however, that even those who are explicitly committed to equality are susceptible to acting in ways that reflect implicit bias, and there has been much interest in showing how implicit bias explains inequality. This paper raises questions about the relationship between structural explanations and implicit bias explanations. Are implicit bias explanations a re-emergence of individualistic explanation? Do they inherit some of the ideological presuppositions of individualism? Or are they compatible with - perhaps even a necessary component of - a structural approach?

 Sally Haslanger is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. She has published on topics in metaphysics, epistemology and feminist theory, with a recent emphasis on accounts of the social construction of race and gender. In metaphysics, her work has focused on theories of substance, especially on the problem of persistence through change and on Aristotle's view that substances are composites of matter and form. Her work in feminist theory takes up issues in feminist epistemology and metaphysics, with a special interest in the distinction between natural and social kinds. She has co-edited Adoption Matters: Philosophical and Feminist Essays (Cornell University Press, 2005) with Charlotte Witt, Theorizing Feminisms (Oxford University Press, 2005) with Elizabeth Hackett, and Persistence (MIT Press, 2006) with Roxanne Marie Kurtz. She regularly teaches courses cross-listed with Women's Studies. Before coming to MIT, she taught at the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the University of California-Irvine.


Failures of Reference and Failures of Meaning Manque de référence et manque de signification Philosophers once wielded criteria of intellectual respectability against over-ambitious or wacky theories. These were themselves overambitious, and look wacky now. I attempt, cautiously, to reconstruct something like a criterion of cognitive significance by combining causal accounts of reference with the division of intellectual labour. Il fut un temps où les philosophes employaient des critères de respectabilité intellectuelle pour éliminer les spéculations trop ambitieuses ou farfelues. Mais ces critères, qui étaient eux-mêmes trop ambitieux, nous paraissent aujourd’hui farfelus. Avec précaution, je voudrais ici reconstruire une sorte de critère de la signification cognitive en combinant des théories causales de la référence avec la division du travail intellectuel.

 CPA Tradition: Chairs are assigned by fiat. Read all the programme carefully. If the assignment is inconvenient, please arrange for a substitute. Une vielle tradition de l’ACP veut que les président-e-s de session soient assignée-s d’office. Lisez bien tout le programme. Si l’attribution ne vous convient pas, svp trouvez un-e substitut.

The Canadian Jacques Maritain Association / L’Association canadienne Jacques-Maritain

10:15 – 12:15 Glenridge Building A-164

 

12:15 – 14:00

14:00 – 17:00

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Session I: Persons and Personalism

Session III:

Chair - Commentator / Président et rapporteur:

Chair - Commentator / Président et rapporteur:

Anne Wiles (James Madison University), In Praise of Persons: Aquinas, Jacques and Raissa Maritain Jude P. Dougherty (The Catholic University of America), The Person of the Church and her Personnel


Louis Groarke (St. Francis Xavier University), Against Reductionism: The Human Person as a First Principle of Moral Knowledge

David Lea (American University of Sharjah), Overcoming Sovereignty through our Agamben’s Non-identitarian Politics LUNCH

Session II: Persons, Identities, Subjectivity

Session IV: Personalism and Ethics

Président et rapporteur / Chair – Commentator:

Président et rapporteur / Chair - Commentator:

Sarah Scott (Manhattan College), Personhood in the Moral Philosophy of Martin Buber

Mario O. D’Sousa (St. Michaels’ College, University of Toronto), Maritain and the Person, and Lonergan and the Subject: Educational Implications

Glenridge Building A-164

William Sweet (St. Francis Xavier University), Transhumanism and Persons

12:00 – 14:00

Glenridge Building A-164

09:00 – 12:00

14:00 – 17:00 Glenridge Building A-164

Betty Trott (Ryerson University), The Self, the Individual, the Person

Jordan Olver (St. Thomas More College), A Personalist Solution to the Problem of Eudaimonism

Scott Roniger (The Catholic University of America), The Primacy of the Common Good as the Foundation for Absolute Moral Prohibitions and Virtues

Len Ferry (Niagara College), Once More into the Breach; or, is MacIntyre’s Retreat from Maritain on the Common Good and Persons Unnecessary?

Organizing committee / comité organisateur : Program Chairs: Len Ferry (Niagara College), William Sweet (St. Francis Xavier University), Walter J. Schultz (President, CJMA), Site Coordinator: Brian Lightbody (Brock University)


Lowenberger Cafeteria

Lowenberger 273

Lowenberger 301


Titles Un-named

Cross-Linguistic Ambiguity Tests and How to Fail Them

The Importance of the Environment in Complex Modeling Practice


S: M.-A. Xhigness (McGill) C: P: A. Cantin-Brault (Saint-Boniface)

JOINT SESSION 9 : 00 10 : 00


SUNDAY, MAY 25, 2014 Kenmore Centre

Hume`s Moral Psychology

A. Schmitter (Alberta) D. Ainslie (Toronto) J. Bricke (Kansas) 10 : 15 11 : 15

Transparency, Representation, and Error

The Butterfly Effect Argument against Agent-Centered Constraints

S: S. Roe (California – Davis) S: B. Baumgaertner (Idaho) C: I. Brigandt (Alberta) P:

Solving Kant’s Problem of Artistic Beauty

Epistemic Uses of Dynamic Ought and Must

Eusocial Evolution: Darwin versus the Modern Synthesis

Clarifying Blurred Vision

S: E. Tuna (Alberta) C: P: M.-A. Xhigness (McGill)

S: N. Howard (Southern California) C: C. Langston (Toronto) P: R. Mason (Northwestern)

S: J. Yakubu (McMaster) C: F. Bouchard (Montréal) P: B. Baumgaertner (Idaho)

S: M. Lachelt (Toronto) C: M. Ivanowich (Western) P: S. Bartlett (Western)

La mauvaise musique

Semantics and Social Ontology

A Portrait of an Ironic Intellectual

Who ISN’T a Zombie?

S: A. Cantin-Brault (Saint-Boniface) C: P: E. Tuna (Alberta)

11 : 30 12 : 30

Lowenberger 373

S: C. Langston (Toronto) C: N. Howard (Southern California) P: V. Lehan (York)

O: N. McArthur (Manitoba)

S: R. Mason (Northwestern) C: V. Lehan (York) P: N. Howard (Southern California)

S: P. Mikulan (SFU) C: C. Kavanagh (Ryerson) P: G. Fréchette (Salzburg)


DIMANCHE, LE 25 MAI 2014 Lowenberger 309

S: S. Bartlett (Western) C: B. Richards (Guelph) P: M. Lachelt (Toronto)

S: D. Goldstick (Toronto) C: E. Diaz-Leon (Manitoba) P: M. Ivanowich (Western)

S: H. Nye (Alberta) C: E. Mathison (Toronto) P: J. van Weelden (McGill)

Potential Harms and Well-Being S: E. Mathison (Toronto) C: J. van Weelden (McGill) P: H. Nye (Alberta)

Infinite Values, Epistemicist Worries, and the Possibility of Parity S: D. Crummett (NotreDame) C: Ro. Mason (Toronto) P: E. Mathison (Toronto)

Lowenberger 401

Lowenberger 409

Aristotle on Body Sense

Haecceitism and Global Destruction

S: J. Thorp (Western) C: R. Berg (Lakehead) P: C. Li (Western)

Kahn's Indirect Argument from Philolaus to Pythagoras S: R. Berg (Lakehead) C: J. Wright (Western) P: S. Hogarth Rossiter (Western)

Epicurus on Friendship S: C. Li (Western) C: S. Hogarth Rossiter (Western) P: J. Thorp (Western)

S: S. Cowling (Denison) C: P: G. Fréchette (Salzburg)

Mo-power: Foucault, Prostates, and Hairy Faces S: M. Maestrello (McMaster) C: C. Clune-Taylor (Alberta) P: D. Apostolopoulos (Notre-Dame) Memory in Merleau-Ponty S: D. Apostolopoulos (Notre-Dame) C : K. MacLaren (Ryerson) P : M. Maestrello (McMaster)


14 : 00 15 : 00



The Work of Fred Wilson


L’œuvre de Fred Wilson


O: T. Lennon (Western)

15 : 15 16 : 15

Participants: L. Falkenstein (Western) S. Tweyman (York) L. Armour (Ottawa) A. Hausman (CUNY at Hunter) T. Lennon (Western) Author / Auteur : F. Wilson (Toronto)

16 : 30 17 : 30


O: A. Scarfe (Winnipeg) Discussion of philosophy curricula in secondary education. Discussion de l’enseignement de la philosophie au niveau secondaire.




Engaging with the Ethics of Obesity: Philosophy and Public Health Policy

Heidegger's Relation to Transcendental Philosophy

Responding to Evil Répondre au mal

Amorcer le dialogue sur l’éthique de l’obésité : Philosophie et politiques de santé publique O: S. Brennan (Western) U. Schuklenk (Queen’s) S. Brennan (Western) K. Rodier (Alberta) C. Womack (Bridgewater State)

La relation de Heidegger à la philosophie transcendantale O: G.A. Bruno (Toronto / Bonn) K. Robertson (Guelph) D. Suarez (Toronto) C. Cooper-Simpson (Toronto)

O: T. Calder (St. Mary’s) K. Norlock (Trent) S. Cloutier (St. Paul) A. MacLachlan (York) T. Calder (St. Mary’s)

Toward an Eco-Cosmopolitan Disposition S: J. Morris (McMaster) C: J. Nielsen (Queen’s) P: S. Coyne (Toronto)

In Praise of Partisanship S: N. Dixon (Alma College) C: S. Coyne (Toronto) P: J. Morris (McMaster)

Propositions as World Properties: A Defense S: O. Ion (Alberta) C: M. Macaulay (Western) P: E. Shupe (Carleton)

The Phenomenology of Transience S: M. Macaulay (Western) C: S. Cowling (Denison) P: O. Ion (Alberta)

Empathy and the Interpersonal Standpoint

Reflectance Physicalism and the Problem of Metamers

S: I. Ilyes (York) C: H. Nye (Alberta) P: N. Dixon (Alma College)

S: E. Shupe (Carleton) C: M. Ivanowich (Western) P: J.-C. Pelland (UQÀM)

Le projet moderne d'autonomie politique après les totalitarismes S: T. Tranchant (Sherbrooke / Rennes 1) C: R.-P. Garner (Toronto) P: M. Bennett (McMaster) Deleuze's (Mis)reading of Aristotle: on Homonymy and Analogy S: M. Bennett (McMaster) C: S. Dejanovic (York) P: T. Tranchant (Sherbrooke / Rennes 1) Learning to Become Ourselves: Foucault and Dewey on Subjectivity S: T. Goetze (Toronto) C: A. Riggio (McMaster) P: S. Dejanovic (York)

17:30 to 18:30 — Presidential Address — Résidence Lowenberger Residence, Dining Hall / Salle à manger — Allocution présidentielle — 17h30 à 18h30

Abstracts — — Résumés


9 : 00 10 : 00

Lowenberger 101

Lowenberger 273



The Unity of Consciousness, Within Subjects and Between Subjects



Beyond Accommodation Au-delà des accommodements 10 : 15 11 : 15


MONDAY, MAY 26, 2014 Lowenberger Cafeteria

O: Clune-Taylor (Alberta) O: T. Isaacs (Western) K. Dotson (Michigan State) K. Norlock (Trent) M. Howes (Trent) A. Jaarsma (Mount Royal)

11 : 30 12 : 30

Ernie Lepore and Matt Stone's Imagination and Convention de Ernie Lepore et Matt Stone O: R. Stainton (Western) Critics / Critiques : M. Arseneault (SUNY at New Paltz) N. Wyatt (Calgary) Authors / Auteurs : E. Lepore (Rutgers) M. Stone (Rutgers)

Lowenberger 309

Lowenberger 373

Lowenberger 401

Lowenberger 409

Comparing Mozart to Michelangelo: the Inapplicability of Parity


Friendship as Shared Joy in Nietzsche

Immoral Deference


S: D. Harris (Guelph) C: R. Bamford (Quinnipiac) P: H. Hunter (Ind. Sch.)

S: J.-C. Pelland (UQÀM) C: D. Crummet (NotreDame) P: N. Brett (Dalhousie)

S: L. Roelofs (Toronto) C: S. Pearce (Western) P: J. Sullivan (Western) Flexible Intentional Action as Criterion for Consciousness

Leibniz and Descartes against Material Monism S: A. Harmer (Toronto) C: R. Arthur (McMaster) P: G. Koc Maclean (Mount Royal)

S: R. Foley (Western) C: J. Sullivan (Western) P: K. Zhao (SFU) The Evolutionary Function of Phenomenal Consciousness S: S. Smith (Toronto) C: K. Zhao (SFU) P: R. Foley (Western)

Bertrand Russell's Neutral Monism S: G. Koc Maclean (Mount Royal) C: A. Harmer (Toronto) P: R. Arthur (McMaster)


LUNDI, LE 26 MAI 2014

Lowenberger 301

A Right-that-he-be-ruledAccount of Authority

John Burbidge's Ideas, Concept and Reality de John Burbidge O: J. Vernon (York)

The Epicurian Community: Real Friends through Group Ataraxia

S: S. Coyne (Toronto) C: N. Brett (Dalhousie) P: D. Crummet (NotreDame)

Critics / Critiques : B. Sassen (McMaster) R. Burch (Alberta) C. Tindale (Windsor)

S: A. Venis (Western) C: H. Hunter (Ind. Sch.) P: J. Wright (Western)

Goldberg on Reductionism and Epistemic Buck-Passing

Author / Auteur : J. Burbidge (Trent)

Xenophanes’ Epistemology S: J. Wright (Western) C: A. Venis (Western) P: D. Harris (Guelph)

S: J. Baker (York) S: P. Clark (Toronto) C: P. Kelly (SUNY-Buffalo) P:

S: J. Van Weelden (McGill) C: P: V. Kumar (Michigan)

Reticence, Responsibility, and Climate Science S: K. Peacock (Lethbridge) C: P: J. Van Weelden (McGill) Do Psychopaths Falsify Internalism or Lack Responsibility? S: V. Kumar (Michigan) C: J. Davis (Toronto) P: K. Peacock (Lethbridge)


14 : 00 15 : 00



Considering Fricker’s Epistemic Injustice

Consciousness and Intentionality

O: J. Wong (WLU) O: J. Rusin (WLU)

15 : 15 16 : 15

L. Code (York) S. Dieleman (Dalhousie) J. Wong (WLU) J. Rusin (WLU)

O: D. Bourget (Western) D. Bourget (Western) B. Brogaard (Missouri at St. Louis) G. Fréchette (Salzburg) A. Mendelovici (Western) D. Pitt (California State at Los Angeles)

The Second 'Type' in Kant's Critique of Practical Reason S: A. Westra (Montréal) C: C. Leduc (Montréal) P: G. A. Bruno (Bonn)

S: K. Rodier (Alberta) C: J. Epp (Western) P: J. Payton (Toronto) Eliminative Individualism

Kant and the Men of Intelligence S: D. Maclachlan (Queen’s) C: A. Westra (Montréal) P: D. Harris (Guelph)

Freedom and Pluralism in Schelling's Fichte-Critique 16 : 30 17 : 30

Transformative Knowledge: Feminist Autonomy and the Phenomenological Method

S: G. A. Bruno (Bonn) C: D. Harris (Guelph) P: D. Maclachlan (Queen’s)

S: N. Leonard (Northwestern) C: J. Payton (Toronto) P: N. Leonard (Northwestern) Seeing Negative Actions S: J. Payton (Toronto) C: N. Leonard (Northwestern) P: J. Epp (Western)

Davidson’s Theory of Meaning: the Early and the Late S: L. Zhou (Alberta) C: O. Ellefson (York) P: V. Lehan (York)

Pluralism without Incommensurability S: V. Lehan (York) C: R. Mason (Northwestern) P: L. Zhou (Alberta)

Inscrutability and Triangulation S: O. Ellefson (York) C: L. Zhou (Alberta) P: R. Mason (Northwestern)

Varieties of Nihilism S: D. Matheson (Carleton) C: I. MacDonald (Waterloo) P: D. Hicks (Western)

Dual-Use Research and the Scientific Community S: D. Hicks (Western) S: C. Pence (Notre Dame) C: P : D. Matheson (Carleton) Are Thought Experiments and Arguments Token-Identical? S: G. McComb (Toronto) C: P: C. Pence (Notre Dame)

A Response to the Problem of the Imperishability of the Epicurean Gods S: G. Raghunanan (Western) C: C. Li (Western) P: H. Hunter (Ind. Sch.) The Freedom of "Living Things" in De Rerum Natura S: H. Hunter (Ind. Sch.) C: G. Raghunanan (Western) P: C. Li (Western) How to Be Modest (without Ignorance or Arrogance) S: M. Roy (Western) C: S. Rietti (Ottawa) P: H. Hunter (Ind. Sch.)

Self-Defense and the Value of a Fair Fight S: J. Davis (Toronto) C: M. Rosner (Queen’s) P: S. Weaver (Waterloo)

Inattention and the Virtue of Modesty S: I. Brooks (UBC) C: S. Weaver (Waterloo) P: J. Davis (Toronto) Defending Aristotelian Virtue Ethics from the Situationist Challenge S: I. MacDonald (Waterloo) C: I. Brooks (UBC) P: J. Davis (Toronto)

12:30 to 14:00 – Departments of Philosophy Chairs’ Meeting – Résidence Lowenberger Residence, Room / salle 273 – Rencontre des directrices et directeurs des départements de philosophie – 12h30 à 14h 17:00 to 19:00 — Brock University President’s Reception — Walker Complex — Réception du Recteur de Brock University — 17h00 à 19h00

Abstracts — — Résumés



TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014


MARDI, LE 27 MAI 2014


Meeting Philosophy’s Demographic Challenges

9 : 00 10 : 00

S: S. Dieleman (Dalhousie) C: J. Dryden (Mount Allison) P: F. Bouchard (Montréal) TENURED PROFESSOR ESSAY PRIZE / PRIX DE L’ESSAI DE PROFESSEUR-E AGRÉGÉ-E

The Human Right to Subsistence and the Collective Duty to Aid

10 : 15 11 : 15

S: V. Igneski (McMaster) C: A. Macleod (Queen’s) P: F. Bouchard (Montréal) CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY DISTINGUISHED LECTURE

Sally Haslanger

11 : 30 13 : 00

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Social Structure, Narrative, and Explanation LUNCH / DÉJEUNER

Lowenberger 134

Lowenberger 209

Lowenberger 273

Lowenberger 301

Lowenberger 309

Varieties of Logical Realism

Le conatus chez Hobbes et Spinoza

'Just Say No' (For Now): The Ethics of Illegal Drug Use

Commonality in Norms of Assertion and Other Speech Acts

SYMPOSIUM 14 : 00 15 : 00

Institutional Corruption: When Should the Whistle Blow? Corruption institutionnelle : Quand faut-il sonner l'alarme ?

S: S. Lapointe (McMaster) C: G. Koc Maclean (Mount Royal) P: T. Goetze (Toronto)

S: Sy. Charles (UQTR) C: B. Côté (Sherbrooke) P: G. Fréchette (Salzburg)

William James's Wager

Thomas Bradwardine's Account of Future Contingents

S: M. Doucet (Waterloo) C: R. Critch (Manitoba) P: J. Epp (Western)

Lowenberger 373

Lowenberger 401

Lowenberger 409

The Sense of Time

Legitimacy: About Facts and Norms

S: G. Viera (UBC) C: D. Booth (Western) P: M. Frise (Rochester)

S: K. Boyd (Toronto) C: J.-H. Vollet (Geneva) P: M. Da Silva (Toronto)

S: P. Shadd (LCC International University) C: C. Macleod (Victoria) P: K. Johannsen (Queen’s)

O: D. Martin (Toronto) O: M.-A. Dilhac (Montréal)

15 : 15 16 : 15

P.-Y. Néron (Lille) M. Bozzo-Rey (Lille) A. Farmanesh (Virginia Commonwealth) Y. Allard-Tremblay (Montréal) C. McDonald (Rogers Sch. of Business Mgmt.)

S: K. Bromhall (Guelph) C: T. Goetze (Toronto) P: S. Lapointe (McMaster)

S: S. Hogarth Rossiter (Western) C: J. Thorp (Western) P: Sy. Charles (UQTR)

Loving, Caring, and Reasoning S: R. Critch (MUN) C: J. Epp (Western) P: G. Koc Maclean (Mount Royal)

The Knowledge Norm of Action S: M. Da Silva (Toronto) C: P. Bondy (Cornell) P: K. Boyd (Toronto)

Preservationism and the Problem of Stored Belief S: M. Frise (Rochester) C: E. Derksen (Toronto) P: G. Beaulac (Western)

Weakness of Will without Commitment Violations? S: M. Doucet (Waterloo) S: J. Turri (Waterloo) C: C. Tappolet (Montréal) P: G. Viera (UBC)

17:00 to 19:00 — Annual General Meeting — South Block 216 — Assemblée générale annuelle — 17h à 19h 19:30 to 21:30 — CPA Reception — South Block (Corridor Long Hallway) — Réception de l’ACP — 19h30 à 21h30

Abstracts — — Résumés

On the Theoretical Significance of FactInsensitivity S: K. Johannsen (Queen’s) C: W. Buschert (USask) P: D. Booth (Western)


9 : 00 10 : 00

Lowenberger 209

Lowenberger 273


Answerability and the Value of Moral Responsibility

Understanding Dukkha: An Argument against Mark Siderits’ Interpretation

Epistemology and the Problem of Evil Épistémologie et le problème du mal O: K. Kraay (Ryerson) O: M. Penner (Trinity Western)

10 : 15 11 : 15


WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2014 Lowenberger 134

S. M. Penner (Trinity Western) D. Anderson (SFU) I. Wilks (Acadia) P. Draper (Purdue)

S: M. Rosner (Queen’s) C: B. Wald (Toronto) P: M. Hemmingsen (McMaster) Discourse-Capabilities Ethics S: J. Lundy (Guelph) C: M. Hemmingsen (McMaster) P: M. Rosner (Queen’s) Why Folk Psychology Can’t Ruin Comparative Cognition

Chair / président : K. Kraay (Ryerson) 11 : 30 12 : 30

S: K. Andrews (York) C: S. Hermanson (Florida International) P: J. Lundy (Guelph)

Lowenberger 301

S: O. Komorowski (Western) C: M. Coughlin (McGill) P: R. Mason (Northwestern) Semantic Vagueness and the Ethics of Gender Assignment

S: R.-P. Garner (Toronto) C: P:

Hedonism and Natural Law in Locke's Moral Philosophy S: E. Rossiter (Western) C: J. McHugh (Denison) P: B. Côté (Sherbrooke)

What Makes Health Care Special?

S: B. Côté (Sherbrooke) C: C. Leduc (Montréal) P: E. Rossiter (Western) Mutual Sympathy and Moral Development in Adam Smith S: J. McHugh (Denison) C: E. Rossiter (Western) P: C. Leduc (Montréal)

MERCREDI, LE 28 MAI 2014 Lowenberger 373 Lowenberger 401 Gaming the Golden Rule

Why Can't I Believe against my Evidence?

ACP Lowenberger 409 Close Encounters of the Morally Relevant Kind

S: G. Koehn (Huron Univ. Coll.) C: K. Kuhl (Toronto) P: G. Beaulac (Western)

S: C. Lee (Calgary) C: G. Glatz (Manitoba) P: A. Brigham (Trinity Western)

S: J. Thomson (Cornell) C: V. Igneski (McMaster) P: C. Shirreff (Western)

Raising Autonomous Agents. A Critique of Clayton

How to be a Structuralist about Set Theory

Testimonial Trust and Truthfulness

Normativity and Best Explanations

S: J. Nielsen (Queen’s) C: M. Ramsay (Acadia) P: V. Igneski (McMaster)

S: K. Kuhl (Toronto) C: G. Koehn (Huron Univ. Coll.) P: F.-I. Banville (Western)

S: L. Horne (Toronto) C: A. Wellington (Ryerson) P: A. Macleod (Queen’s)

Perspectives nécessitaristes et responsabilité morale chez Joseph Priestley

S: S. Kapusta (Western) C: R. Mason (Northwestern) P: O. Komorowski (Western)

Quelles démos?

Lowenberger 309

Knowledge Attributions and the Role of Relations S: J.-H. Vollet (Genève) C: D. Melamedoff (Manitoba) P: J. Nielsen (Queen’s)

Representational Vocabulary in Neuroscience as a Research Heuristic S: F.-I. Banville (Western) C: P: K. Kuhl (Toronto)

S: Ma. Siebert (Toronto) C: S. Cowling (Denison) P: C. Lee (Calgary) Darwinian Epistemology and the Reliability of Commonsense S: A. Brigham (Trinity Western) C: G. McComb (Toronto) P: Ma. Siebert (Toronto)

S: B. Wald (Toronto) C: C. Shirreff (Western) P: J. Thomson (Cornell)

Against Human Rights Minimalism S: A. Macleod (Queen’s) C: J. Morris (McMaster) P: B. Wald (Toronto)


14 : 00 15 : 00



Experimental Philosophy: The State of the Art

Philosophical Blogging as Community Outreach

La philosophie expérimentale : état de la technique

Les blogues philosophiques et l’engagement communautaire

O: W. Buckwalter (Waterloo) 15 : 15 16 : 15

O: T. Isaacs (Western)

J. Turri (Waterloo) O. Friedman (Waterloo) C. Figdor (Iowa) E. Machery (Pittsburgh) J. Beebe (SUNY at Buffalo)

S. Brennan (Western) T. Isaacs (Western) P. Marino (Waterloo) K. Norlock (Trent)

JOINT SESSION SESSION CONJOINTE ACPA – CSWIP Family-Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges O: C. McLeod (Western) O: F. Baylis (Dalhousie) S. Hannan (Manitoba) A. MacLachlan (York) A. Mullin (Toronto) V. Panitch (Carleton)

What is a Faculty of Language? S: G. Hoffmann (York) C: M. Ungureanu (UBC – Okanagan) P: A. Auch (Dalhousie) Conflict in the Home (Language): Chomsky's Naturalism Revisited S: M. Ungureanu (UBC – Okanagan) C: A. Auch (Dalhousie) P: G. Hoffmann (York) Chomskian Semantics and the Exclusion of Linguistic Normativity

16 : 30 17 : 30

S: A. Auch (Dalhousie) C: G. Hoffmann (York) P: M. Ungureanu (UBC – Okanagan)

Back to the Fodor-modules. The Modularity of Mind Revisited S: G. Beaulac (Western) C: P: F.-I. Banville (Western)

A Dual-Process Theory of Mind S: L. Cochrane (Concordia) C: P: G. Beaulac (Western)

Two Minds Are Not Better than One S: J. Mugg (York) C: G. Beaulac (Western) P: L. Cochrane (Concordia)

On Meeting the Requirements for Moral Perfection


Two Causal Accounts of the Epistemic Basing Relation S: P. Bondy (Cornell) C: D. Mittag (Albion College) P:) Practical Issues for Deadbeats S: M. Scarfone (McGill) C: P. Poenicke (SUNY – Buffalo) P: P. Bondy (Cornell)

S: K. Kraay (Ryerson) C: B. Donohue (Buffalo) P: E. Ferrier (UMass – Amherst) Is it Rational to Prefer Atheism? S: M. Penner (Trinity Western) C: E. Ferrier (UMass – Amherst) P: K. Kraay (Ryerson) A Cosmological Argument from Moderate Realism S: T. Dumsday (Concordia Univ. Coll.) C: P: M. Penner (Trinity Western)

9:00 to 12:30 – Executive Committee meeting (Board at 9:30) — Résidence Lowenberger Residence, Room / salle 201 — Réunion du CE (et du CA à 9h30) – 9h à 12h30

Abstracts — — Résumés

The CPA would like to thank all the referees whose work has made this programme possible. We apologize for any omissions. L’ACP aimerait remercier tous les évaluateurs-trices des communications qui grâce à leur travail ont rendu ce programme possible. Veuillez excuser les omissions.

P. Abela M. Al-Khalidi H. Andersen H. Andreas K. Andrews J.-P. Anfray I. Angus J. Armstrong S. Arnaud V. Aucouturier M. Aydede A. Bailey R. Bamford M. Banks F.-I. Banville R. Barney G. Beaulac A. Beaulieu M. Bedke M. Bélanger J. Benovsky B. Bergo S. Bernstein R. Bilodeau K. Borgerson F. Bouchard D. Bourget S. Brennan N. Brett J. Bridges I. Brigandt A. Brook J. R. Brown W. Buschert M. Buzzoni A. Calcagno

T. Calder M. Cameron C. Campbell B. Caplan E. Carson J.-M. Chevalier R. Clot-Goudard J. Connelly A.-A. Cormier G. Cornwall F. Correia W. Cray R. Dart S. Dea O. Deery R. de Sousa J. De Wispelaere E. Diamond E. Diaz-Leon M. Doucet J. Dryden D. Dumouchel T. Dumsday D. Egan A. Erler L. Faucher E. Ferrier H. Fielding S. Foisy S. Ford M. Frankel B. Gan J. Garfield B. Gaultier L. Gerson C. Gibbs

J. Giroux V. Guillin B. Guindon A. Habib W. Hankey A. Harbin D. Harris P. Harrison J. Haukioja J. Heath C. Heyes K. Houle D. Hutchinson M. Hymers V. Igneski B. Inwood T. Isaacs M. Ivanowich C. Jenkins M. Johnson M. Johnstone D. Kelly P. Knee D. Kofman C. Koopman D. Koukal A. Krause L. Kretz M. Laerke J. Lampert L. Langlois S. Lapointe A. Larivée R. L’Arrivée D. Laurier B. Le Bihan

A. Levey F. Loth C. Lowry P. Ludwig A. Lyssy I. MacDonald D. MacIntosh K. MacLaren S. Maitzen E. Margolis D. A. Masolo Re. Mason S. Mason M. McCullagh J. McHugh J. McIntosh M. McPherran A. Mendelovici L. Meynell D. Morris S. Motta J. Muir R. Murray J. Nado C. Nagel J. Narveson M. Nelson H. Nye K. Okruhlik S. O’Neill A. Panaioti V. Panitch A. Passinsky C. Paternotte S. Pearce J.-C. Pelland

J. Pepp L. Peterschmitt D. Pereplyotchik D. Perinetti C. Piché P. Poirier S. Psillos B. Puri M. Ramsay G. Rattan P. Raymont S. Réhault I. Reiland F. Renaud B. Richards M. Rioux-Beaulne S. Robert K. Ronzoni A. Ross M. Roy P. Rusnok H. Savage M. Scarfone M. Scarpati K. Scharp Y. Schmitt M. Schwartz D. Schweikard A. Sennet A. Sepielli L. Shapiro P. Sheridan L. Soderstrom J. Spackman R. Stainton

W. Starr B. Stoyles J. Sullivan D. Tanguay C. Tappolet C. Taylor M. Teichman P. Thagard M. Thériault M. Thibodeau J. Thorp C. Tillman K. Tomsons K. Trogdon P. Turmel J. Van Weelden E. Vargas C. Viger K. Voigt A. Voizard D. Walsh J. Walsh S. Wein K. Wendling J. Wong J. Woodrow J. Woods N. Wyatt C. Young D. Zeman Y. Zhao J. Zupko


Books must be published in English or French between October 1, 2012 and October 1, 2014. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2014. Please visit our web site for information.

ϕϕϕ LE PRIX DU LIVRE DE L’ACP 2015 Les livres doivent avoir été publiés, en anglais ou en français, entre le 1er octobre 2012 et le 1er octobre 2014. La date limite de dépôt est fixée au 31 octobre 2014. Veuillez visiter notre site Web pour les renseignements.
