
pouvez rajouter deux autres couvertures de comic. -bookpour affiner la compréhension : Captain America se battant contre les Nazis (couverture de mars 1941).
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2. What do you know about Sal Paradise, the narrator (situation, occupation)? How would you describe him? Answer in your own words. 1 pt 3. Where did he and Dean meet? 0,5 pt 4. Quoting from the text, give at least two reasons why this meeting was important for the narrator. 1 pt 5. Drawing elements from the text, tell what you know of Dean’s life so far: 5 pts 6. According to the narrator, what characterizes Dean and his group of friends? Choose two adjectives among the following and justify your choice. 4 pts dangerous / criminal / desperate / wild / angry / hungry / ambitious / demented / passionate / absurd 7. True or false? Tick and quote two elements from the text to justify. 2 pts T ❏   F ❏ a. Dean Moriarty is a Christ-like figure. T ❏   F ❏ b. The story will end well. 8. Dean Moriarty : “hero of the snowy west” or antihero? Answer in your own words. 5 pts 9. (bonus / LVA) “The only people for me are the mad ones”: what does this phrase suggest about Jack Kerouac’s generation and their outlook on life immediately after the Second World-War? 2 pts

Dossier LVA


p. 186-187

Cette double page supplémentaire vous entraîne dans l’univers bien connu des super-héros américains. Il s’agit ici pour les élèves de comprendre en quoi le glissement de ces personnages – autrefois sans failles – vers une identité imparfaite les rend encore plus populaires. Cette leçon pourra être traitée par les élèves de filière littéraire en langue vivante approfondie afin de rajouter une facette à leur oral sur la notion.

1    Mutating Superheroes a.  Anticipation Projetez les deux visuels et laissez tout d’abord les élèves s’exprimer librement. Ils seront ainsi amenés à répondre à la question 1 et, sans doute en partie du moins, à la question 2 (qui sera posée si nécessaire pour affiner encore la prise de parole). La comparaison pourra tout aussi bien porter sur la représentation graphique (couleurs, actions) que le contexte historique (dates). Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez rajouter deux autres couvertures de comic -book pour affiner la compréhension : Captain America se battant contre les Nazis (couverture de mars 1941) et Superman, Spiderman ou Captain America pleurant devant les ruines du World Trade Center.

b.  Exploitation La projection des deux visuels aura permis aux élèves de répondre aux questions 1 et 2. Guidez à présent les [ 164 ]  Unit 7

élèves vers la lecture du Touch of Culture et répondez ensemble à la question 3 en utilisant la Toolbox. La question 4 pourra faire l’objet d’une interaction orale par deux avec compte rendu à la classe ou d’un court travail écrit pour le cour suivant. Cette question offre également une transition vers l’activité 2.

Corrigés et productions possibles -------------------------------------------------------

1. On the left, there is Superman. I know he comes from Krypton and he has amazing powers. On the right, there is Superman again as well as Batman, who is also a superhero although he has no super powers. He fights the villains of Gotham City. 2. There is a real contrast between those two documents. On the one hand, the 1938 Superman cover is very bright and colourful. It shows us Superman saving people with his amazing powers. On the other hand, the 2015 movie poster is extremely dark and features a battle between two superheroes. Things seem to have deteriorated. There is a shift towards darkness. 3. Left cover = the Golden Age / Right cover = the (Post-) Modern Age. These documents really correspond to the characteristics of their age. Indeed, the Superman cover features a superhero whom people look up to for protection. He seems to have no weaknesses. On the other hand, the fact that Batman and Superman end up fighting against each other shows the shift to dark times and the rise of the “super-antihero”. These are flawed superheroes indeed. 4. Well, for me, superheroes will continue their shift towards complex and f lawed heroes because they represent today’s world. They are influenced by the historical context they live in.

Breaking 2    Perfectly Imperfect a.  Anticipation Demandez aux élèves de donner rapidement des noms de super-héros modernes (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Deadpool, etc.). Mettez les élèves par deux et accordez-leur entre 5-6 minutes pour répondre à la question 1 sur le super-héros de leur choix. Ils devront rendre compte à la classe de leur opinion, ce qui permettra de rebrasser rapidement le lexique des qualités et des défauts utile pour l’étude du texte.

b.  Exploitation Les questions 2 à 5 peuvent faire l’objet d’un travail individuel rédigé avec correction en classe entière. Dans ce cas, accordez environ 30 minutes aux élèves. Lors de la correction de la question 4, si le terme ne s’est pas présenté pour l’activité précédente, demandez aux élèves : Can modern-day superheroes be called super-antiheroes? Why (not)?

Corrigés et productions possibles -------------------------------------------------------

1. Deadpool is the first that comes to my mind. He is so imperfect in the sense that he is vulgar and revengeful but he is also ready to do anything for the woman he loves. 2. The first paragraph deals with a controversy over superheroes. Indeed, some people believe that they are not good role models since they are not perfect. Batman, Deadpool or even Spiderman would fit this description. 3. flawed / not selfless / overdone / popular / imperfect / believable / successful / complicated / vulnerable / inspirational. 4. The author claims that they “allow us to connect with the characters more” (ll. 6-7). They “provide an escape from our everyday struggles” and give us “hope” (ll. 9-10). And, in the end, “we become motivated by seeing a character on screen defeat his or her own actually demon.” (ll. 22-23). In other words, we are able to relate more easily and develop more empathy for imperfect superheroes because they seem to be like us. The fact that they can overcome their weaknesses can inspire us to overcome our own. The author argues that their flaws make them even better role models. 5. I see her point and I understand how superheroes can inspire people to evolve. However, I believe that actual human role models are the people we should look up to and try to emulate.


3    Rubrique « Recap the notion »


Cette rubrique a pour but de guider les élèves dans leur réflexion sur la notion à l’aide de quelques questions reprenant le contenu de la double page. Elle pourra donner lieu à un travail d’expression orale en classe ou écrite en préparation à la maison avant d’aborder « Let’s Recap the Notion! » p.187.

Productions possibles -------------------------------------------------------

1. A classic superhero is the embodiment of perfection and strength, whose only goal is to help people selflessly. However, since the Golden Age, there has been a real evolution and now superheroes appear imperfect. They still have their superpowers but also very human feelings. They have a dark side that makes them more like antiheroes. 2. Modern-day superheroes are more inspiring in the sense that they show us that flaws and weaknesses can be overcome. They give us hope and faith in ourselves: we don’t have to be perfect to be heroes as even imperfect people can make their dreams come true. That is very inspiring. I believe that the American heroic ideal is even more inspiring today because it appeals to everyone. We are all humans so we are all flawed but we can still make it. That is a great source of inspiration to do better in our lives.

Unit 7  [ 165 ]