Alexandre GONDRAN .fr

Professor Steve Hurley, Mobile Communications Research Group. ... Computers & Operations Research : Theorem and Heuristics ... A new algorithm ... WIFI/WIMAX networks and the application of the hypergraph T-coloring to the GSM ...
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Alexandre GONDRAN Doctor in Computer Science Master’s in Engineering from TELECOM ParisTech Postdoctoral Fellow in Optimization, Metaheuristics and Operations Research Personal Details Date of Birth: January 15, 1978, Clamart (92) Nationality: French Single [email protected]

Home address: 8 rue André Parant 90000 Belfort France Phone: +33 6 73 20 05 06

Work address: SeT Laboratory UTBM 90010 Belfort Cedex, France Phone: +33 3 84 58 38 14 Fax: +33 3 84 58 33 42

Education 2005-2008


1998-1999 1995

PhD in Computer Science University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM) and University of Franche-Comté, Systems and Transports Laboratory (SeT). Wireless local area networks modeling and optimization. Master’s in Engineering TELECOM ParisTech, Paris (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris, ENST). Specialisation: Knowledge Engineering and Intelligent Man-Machine Interfaces. Master of Science in Applied Mathematics University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and University of Sheffield (UK). High School Diploma in Science Rabelais High School, Meudon (92), cum laude.

Professional Experience 2008-2009

2007-2009 2005-2007 2005


2003-2004 2002-2003

Visiting Researcher (3 months) Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, UK. Professor Steve Hurley, Mobile Communications Research Group. Software development for joint planning of WIFI/WIMAX networks. Hypergraph T-coloring applied to real problems (Vodaphone and Orange Labs) of GSM frequency planning. Assistant Professor SeT Laboratory, Computer Science Department, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard. Researcher, Orange Labs WIFIOPT Project. SeT Laboratory, UTBM. Computer Science Engineer (2 months). BISTIA, Paris. XML-based Content Management search engine development for the Index medical journal. Telecoms Engineer (1 month). CEREAU / Céltel, Libreville, Gabon. Environmental impact calculations of GSM electromagnetic fields. Design and development of telecommunication software for Céltel (telecoms operator). Mathematics and Physic Teacher. Blaise Pascal French High School, Libreville, Gabon. Research Engineer. FERMAT Institute, Meudon (92). Fundamental studies and numerical simulations in quantum mechanics (de Broglie-Bohm theory).

Other Skills Computer skills Operating Systems English

C/C++, Java, MATLAB, VisualC++, Eclipse, XML/XSL, LaTeX. Windows, Linux, Unix. Good working knowledge (M.Sc. in Mathematics in England, visiting researcher, Cardiff).

Leisure Sport: rugby, skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing, mountain hiking.


Publications (more details on Publications during PhD: International revues and journals


International conferences with proceedings and reviewing board


National conferences with proceeding and reviewing board National workshops and presentations Technical reports and presentations for industrial research projects

4 5 12

2007: International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (Interscience) 2008: IEEE PIMRC (selection rate < 25%) 2008: IEEE VTC (selection rate < 25%) 2007: IEEE SoftCOM 2007: IEEE ICI 2006: META 2007-08-09: ROADEF 2008: JDIR SimCITI (2008), ResCOM (2006-07), Reseau Grand Est (2007), CITI/SeT (2007) 2006-08: project with Orange Labs

Publications before PhD in quantum mechanics: 2007 : Acta Physica Polonica A International revues and journals 2 2005 : American Journal of Physics 2005 : REE (Revue de l’Electricité et de l’Electronique) National revues 2 2006 : REE (SEE) Madrid Workshop on Bohmian Mechanics, Seminars at International and national 3 University of Montpellier and University of Strasbourg workshops and presentations Publications coming soon: International journals

International conferences with proceedings and reviewing board



- Annals of Telecommunications : WLAN Planning Overview - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology : Robust Optimisation with Multi-period Scenarios - Computers & Operations Research : Theorem and Heuristics for Graph Coloring using Partial Solution and Kempe Chain - WIFI/WIMAX Join Planning - Hypergraph T-coloring for GSM

PhD -

Period: 1st November 2005 – 8th December 2008 (3 years). Place: Systems and Transports Lab (SeT), University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM). Supervisors: Alexandre Caminada, Professor in UTBM and Oumaya Baala, Associate Professor in UTBM. Title: Wireless local area network modeling and optimization. Funding: Research contract with Orange Labs, France Telecom (2005-2007) and ATER (2007-2008) Jury members: Michel MINOUX Professor, Paris 6 University, President Olivier HUDRY Professor, TELECOM ParisTech, Reviewer Jean-Marie GORCE Professor, INSA-Lyon, Reviewer Philippe GALINIER Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Montréal, Examiner Jean-François MORLIER Engineer, Orange Labs, Belfort, Examiner Alexandre CAMINADA Professor, UTBM, Supervisor Oumaya BAALA Associate Professor, UTBM, Co-supervisor

- Abstract: There are two relevant stages in Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) planning. First, a location for each transmitter must be selected and the parameters for all sites must be set. The second important stage is to allocate a

frequency to the transmitters in order to provide users with a wireless access in their local network. The objective is to respect financial requirements and to guarantee a given Quality of Service (QoS). The modeling is based on the calculation of the real throughput offered to each service point by the network. It is demonstrated that this real throughput criterion allows a complete modeling of QoS. It unifies the usual criteria of coverage, interferences management and capacity. The optimization addresses the access point location and the frequency assignment problems together. A new algorithm called Random Variable Neighbourhood is defined: at each iteration of this local search, the neighbourhood structure is randomly selected. This algorithm is highly modular and easily combines the location and assignment problems.


Collaborations and industrial partnerships were established: WLAN global planning software with Orange Labs and sequential planning solutions with the start-up Trinaps. Finally the modeling problem is further examined by clarifying the links between the real throughput calculations and the SINR. Initially, it is shown that the SINR threshold constraints induce a graph T-coloring problem (necessary condition). To obtain an equivalence accounting for the multiple interferences, a generalization of T-coloring problems for the hypergraphs is introduced. Secondly, an algorithm deducing the SINR thresholds from the real throughput constraints is defined. This new modeling is the base of future developments.

Collective Responsibilities •

Organization of the 10th French Conference JDIR’09: Steering Committee Chair, co-editor of a special edition for Annals of Telecommunications and TSI, member of Technical Program Committee and Streaming Committee of JDIR’10. Elected to the Scientific Council of UTBM, 2008-2010. Elected to the Laboratory Council of Systems and Transports Lab, 2005-2008. Reviewer for several conferences (IWCMC’09, JDIR’09). Co-supervisor of 3 Master internships, SeT Lab, UTBM, 2006-2008. Assistant-director for training courses for extra teaching, Objectif Maths, Paris, 1998-2001.

• • • • •

Teaching Activities •

University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard: ~ 374hrs of teaching: Operations Research, Metaheuristics, Parallel Optimization, Multicriteria Optimization, Embedded Systems, Wireless Networks. Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau: co-supervisor of a Collective Scientific Project in Applied Mathematics. Blaise Pascal French High School, Libreville, Gabon: mathematics and physic teacher. University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines: mathematics tutoring.

• • •

Research Projects and Industrial Partnerships • -

Research contract - Orange Labs Title: Automatic Optimization of Wi-Fi networks design. Duration: 16 months (October 2005 – February 2007) Funding: 73 K Euros Partnership: Orange Labs (France Telecom R&D, Division RESA). WIFIOPT Software, 8 technical reports and 4 presentations. The objective was to develop models and algorithms for WIFI network location selection and to automatically set antenna parameters (frequency, azimuth, emitted power) in order to guarantee a given Quality of Service.

• Technology transfer – TRINAPS company - Funding: 28 K Euros. - Duration: 2006-2007, 6 months. - Partnership: TRINAPS company. - Transfer of technological know-how and intellectual property with TRINAPS. TRINAPS is a start-up specialized in wireless network services. It currently deploys the greatest commercial wireless mesh network in France from TECHN'HOM industrial park in Belfort. • International Collaboration, Cardiff University – UTBM - Start in 2006 - Partners: Pr. Steve Hurley, head of Centre for Intelligent Network Design and Vitaly Teterin, postgraduate, Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University, UK. - November 2008 - January 2009: Stay in University of Cardiff; Research was conduced on the joint planning of WIFI/WIMAX networks and the application of the hypergraph T-coloring to the GSM networks.

Referees Alexandre CAMINADA Professor, UTBM, France PhD Supervisor [email protected] Phone: +33 3 84 58 34 46

Steve HURLEY Professor, University of Cardiff, UK [email protected] Phone: +44 29 20874749


Philippe GALINIER Professor, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada PhD Examiner [email protected] Phone: +1 514 340 4711