ESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Clean with a damp cloth and wipe parts dry. I-5WB1-0417. #2. Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet ...
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12400 Earl Jones Way Louisville, KY 40299 rev-a-shelf.com Customer Service: 800-626-1126

For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126

Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Plantside Drive Rev-A-Shelf Jeffersontown, KY 40299 2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown,www.rev-a-shelf.com KY 40299






5 MIN Step 3. slides Install slides front tofront cabinet floorto cabinet floor Step 1. entire Place unit entire unit into cabinet at 2. Step Slide outtohalf way Step 1. Place into cabinet at Step Slide 2. drawer outdrawer half way allow forto allow forStep 3. Install with provided providedfront screws Step 1.location. Place entire unit Step installation 2.of Slide drawer out into 3. Install slides screws desired location. Make sure desired Make sure installation rear screws intoscrews cabinet floor. of rear cabinet Step floor. with adequate space isspace available adequate available into cabinet atisdesired half way to allow for to cabinet floor with and for door etc. forclosing, door closing, etc.

CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Clean with a damp cloth wipe parts dry.

location. Make sure adequate space is available I-58-TRI I-58-TRI for door closing, etc.

installation of rear screws into cabinet floor

provided screws


For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 For help call our Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 12400 EarlCustomer Jones Way Louisville, KY 40299 Rev-A-Shelf Rev-A-Shelf rev-a-shelf.com 2409 Plantside Drive 2409 Plantside Drive Customer Service: 800-626-1126 Jeffersontown, KY 40299 Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com


For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126

Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Plantside Drive


Rev-A-Shelf Jeffersontown, KY 40299 2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown,www.rev-a-shelf.com KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com





Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for with provided screws desired location. Make sure installation of rear screws into cabinet floor. adequate space is available Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for for door closing, etc. with provided screws desired location. Make sure installation of rear screws into cabinet floor. TIME:


adequate space is available for door closing, etc.


Step 3. slides Install slides 3. Install front tofront cabinet floorto cabinet floor Step 1. entire Place entire unit into cabinet at 2. Step 2. Slide out way to allow forStepStep Step 1. Place cabinet at Step Slide Step drawer outdrawer half way tohalf allow for CARE AND MAINTENANCE: Stepunit 1.into Place entire unit 2. Slide drawer out 3. Installscrews front slides provided screws desireddesired location. Make sure location. Make sure installation of rear screws intoscrews cabinetinto floor. installation of rear cabinet floor. with providedwith into cabinet at desired half way to allow for to cabinet floor with adequate space isspace available adequate is available Clean with a damp cloth and location. Make sure installation of rear screws provided screws for door closing, etc. for door closing, etc. wipe parts dry. adequate space is available into cabinet floor for door closing, etc. I-58-TRI



For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126

For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 Rev-A-Shelf

12400 Earl Jones Way Louisville, KY 40299 rev-a-shelf.com Customer Service: 800-626-1126

For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126

INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIÓN / LES INSTRUCTIONS D’INSTALLATION Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Plantside Drive For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com


Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com

Herramientas requeridas: Outils Requis:


Tiempo estimado de ensamblado Durée de l’installation:


Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for with provided screws desired location. Make sure installation of rearOuvrir screws into cabinet floor. Étape le tiroir Étape 1.location. Placer l’unité entière with provided screws desired Make sure installation of rear2. screws into cabinet floor. à adequate space is available adequate space is available door closing, etc. mi-chemin afin d’installer à l’intérieur dufor cabinet à for door closing, etc.

l’endroit choisi. Vérifier qu’il y I-58-TRI a suffisamment de place pour fermer la porte, etc.


Cuidado/ Entretien:

Limpie con un paño húmedo y seque las partes. Nettoyez avec un linge humide et essuyez les pièces pour les sécher complètement.

Etapa 1. Colocar la unidad completa al interior del gabinete al lugar escogido. Verificar que hay espacio

Étape 3. Fixer les glissières à l’avant au plancher du cabinet avec les vis fournies.

les vis de derrière dans le plancher du cabinet.

help call oura Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 Etapa 2. Abrir laForgaveta Etapa 3. Fijar los rieles en medio camino para instalar Rev-A-Shelf For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 2409 Plantside Drive la parte delantera al los tornillos de atrás en el Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com Rev-A-Shelfsuelo del gabinete con los suelo del gabinete.

2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com

tornillos suministrados.

suficiente para cerrar la puerta, etc.


12400 Earl Jones Way Louisville, KY 40299 rev-a-shelf.com Customer Service: 800-626-1126 Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at desired location. Make sure adequate space is available for door closing, etc.

Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for installation of rear screws into cabinet floor.

Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor with provided screws

For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126


Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at desired location. Make sure adequate space is available for door closing, etc.

Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Drive Step 3. Plantside Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for For help call our Customer Service Specialist atscrews 800-626-1126 Jeffersontown, KY 40299 with provided installation of rear screws into cabinet floor. www.rev-a-shelf.com


Rev-A-Shelf 2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com


Herramientas requeridas: Outils Requis:


Tiempo estimado de ensamblado Durée de l’installation:


Cuidado/ Entretien:

Limpie con un paño húmedo y seque las partes. Nettoyez avec un linge humide et essuyez les pièces pour les sécher complètement.

Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for Step 3. Install front slides to cabinet floor Step 1. Place entire unit into cabinet at Step 2. Slide drawer out half way to allow for with provided screws desired location. Make sure installation 2. of rear screws into le cabinet floor. à Étape Ouvrir tiroir Étape 1. Placer l’unité entière with provided screws desired location.adequate Make sure installation of rear screws into cabinet floor. space is available adequate space is cabinet available mi-chemin afin d’installer à l’intérieur dufor à door closing, etc. for door closing, etc.

l’endroit choisi. Vérifier qu’il y I-58-TRI a suffisamment de place pour I-58-TRI fermer la porte, etc. Etapa 1. Colocar la unidad completa al interior del gabinete al lugar escogido. Verificar que hay espacio

suficiente para cerrar la puerta, etc.

les vis de derrière dans le plancher du cabinet.

Étape 3. Fixer les glissières à l’avant au plancher du cabinet avec les vis fournies.

Etapa 2. Abrir la For gaveta help call ouraCustomer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 medio camino para instalar Rev-A-Shelf Etapa 3. Fijar los rieles en For help call our Customer Service Specialist at 800-626-1126 2409 Plantside Drive la parte delantera al los tornillos de atrás en el Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com Rev-A-Shelfsuelo del gabinete con los suelo del gabinete.

tornillos suministrados.

2409 Plantside Drive Jeffersontown, KY 40299 www.rev-a-shelf.com
