4L James B Cosh 1– 8 : 1c turn RH | cast

1–8 : 1c cross RH | cast off (2c up) ; turn LH 1¼ to face out and down on W side, 1M behind 1W (see note). 9–16 : 2W+1c+3W Rsh lead-change Reel3 on W side ...
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 The White Heather J40 4/4L James B Cosh 1– 8 : 1c turn RH | cast (2c up) ; turn LH 1½ to finish BtoB between 2c 9–16 : 1c+2c Reel4 across, at end 1c pass Rsh to face 1cnr 17–24 : Turn CPCP, finish between 3c, BtoB facing opposite side 25–32 : 1c+3c Reel4 across, 3c finish in 2pl, 1c pass Lsh in centre and join LH 33–40 : 1c turn LH and cast off on own sides (4c up) ; 1c turn RH. (2,3,4,1) The Silver Tassie S32 3/4L John Drewry 1–8 : 1c+2c+3c cross RH | set ; repeat 9–16 : 1c+3c DblFig8 round 2c (1c cross down, 3c cast up) 17–24 : 1c followed by 2c+3c dance down the middle (2c & 3c divide) ; 1c (leading) +2c+3c dance up 25–32 : 1c+2c Rondel (2,1,3). Dancing Dolphins J32 3/4L Barry Skelton : The Dolphin Book 1–8 : 1c cross RH | cast off (2c up) ; turn LH 1¼ to face out and down on W side, 1M behind 1W (see note) 9–16 : 2W+1c+3W Rsh lead-change Reel3 on W side (1W leads down, 1M up), at end face out and down on M side 17–24 : 2M+1c+3M Lsh lead-change Reel3 on M side, 1c end in promhold facing W side 25–32 : 1c pass Rsh round 3W, dance to top and cast to 2pl Note : during the reels 1M and 1W always cover parallel to the sidelines. The Black Mountain Reel R32 5/5L Derek Haynes 1–8 : 1c & 3c cross RH | cast off (2c+4c up) ; ½ Fig8 up and face 1cnr 9–16 : Turn CPCP (1c & 3c turn 1cnr RH, P LH, 2cnr RH, P LH), finish facing 1cnr 17–24 : 1c & 3c Reels4 with 1cnrs, at the end pass P Lsh. 25–32 : 1W+2c (top), 1M+4c+3W (middle) and 3M+5c (bottom) RHA ; 1c & 3c turn LH and cast off (4c+5c up). (to: 2,4,1,5,3) Up in the Air Up in the Air S32 3/4LW Boag 1–8 : 1c cast behind own lines and cast back, on [8] all dance in for 9–16 :1c+2c+3c Promenade, 1c casting off to 1cnrs and 2c finish in 1pl 17–24 : 1c set to 1cnrs, set to 2cnrs, swivelling R to between corners ; All circle6 L (2,1x,3) 25–32 : All A&R ; all turn BH to own side (1c 1½ turn) (2,1,3).Chased lovers Jig Out of thin air S32 3/3L Sue Porter and Di Rooney    1-8 : 1c set | cross RH ; cast (2c up) | turn LH to face 1cnrs 9-16 : Turn CPCP, finish in 2pl middle facing up NHJ 17-24 : 1c dance up between 2c | cast to 2pl ; dance down between 3c | cast to 2pl (2,1,3) 25-32 : 1c+3c Tournée Rest And Be Thankful R32 3/4L 1-8 : 1s cross RH & cast 1 place, cross LH & cast (Lady up & Man down) to meet 1st corners in prom hold 9-16 : 1s+1st corner dance 1/2 way round behind 2nd corner to 3rd corner while 2nd corners Adv +Ret, 1s leave 1st corners & turn LH to meet 2nd corners in prom hold (1st corners now in diag opp place) 17-24 : 1s dance with 2nd corner person 1/2 way round to 4th corner while 1st corners Adv+Ret, 1s leave 2nd corners & turn LH to face 1st corner (pstn) 25-32 : 1s dance 1/2 diagonal Reel of 4 with 1st corners & 1/2 Reel with 2nd corners to end on own sides 2nd place

Earlstoun Loch R32 5/5L
 1-8 : 1s & 3s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross LH, cast round 4th corner into Double Triangle pstns (BtoB facing own sides) 9-16 : All dance Double Triangles & end in 2nd/4th place own side 17-24 : 1s & 3s lead down 1 place, cast up 1 place, turn RH & lead up to original places to end with 1s facing 2s & 3s facing 4s 25-32 : 1s & 3s set to 2s/4s & 1/2 turn facing dancer 2H, 1s & 3s set to 4s/5s & 1/2 turn facing dancer 2H to end 2 4 1 5 3 Chased Lovers J32 3/4L

1-4 : 1s set, cross down (no hands) to 2nd place facing out (2s step up 3-4) 5-8 : 1s cast down behind 3s,meet & dance up centre with 1L leading, 1M following, to face 2M (her 1st corner) 9-16 : 1s, in tandem, dance LSh reel of 3 on 1st corner diagonal (out of top of set to start), finishing by 1s pulling back RSh to face down, 1M leading, facing 3M 17-24 : 1s, in tandem, dance RSh reel of 3 on 2nd corner diagonal (out bottom of set to start), finishing with 1s facing own 1st corners 25-32 : 1s dance Pass+Turn with 1st corners, (pass RSh), Pass+Turn with 2nd corners, finishing passing RSh to 2nd place own sides Da Rain Dancin’ 3/4L · R32 1-8 : 1s dance down below 3s, cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side, 2s+1s+3s set & cross RH 9-16 : 1s dance up round 2s & cast down to 2nd place opposite sides, 2s+1s+3s set, 1s turn LH to face 1st corners while 2s & 3s cross LH 17-24 : 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting with 1st corners & 3/4 turn RH to face 2nd corners, 1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting to 2nd corners & 3/4 turn RH to end 2nd place own side 25-32 : 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back