20 Domino Games 20 juegos de domino
Domino seu vuy in size according to the number of pieces. The 11Wldard set is the QDouble-Six,� but the ff Double-Nine," "Double-Twclve," and the "Double-Fifteen" ma give gttatcr variety to play and inteffiit to the game becawie of the lllCttalied skill requital. The following tw.1:11 apply to the "Double-Six" sw but are equally applicabl.i: to the laigi: seb, taking into account the necelllliary changell needed fur the in.i:.re.ued nwnbcr of pi.oci:5 with their com:apimdingly larger !ipOt, or ''pip" count.
Ga.ow Domino games begin by shuffiing the pieces that have been turned face down IO the pips do not shmv. Players di.en draw th.e required number of piece11 and the balance left are sec to one side for further use as COftred in the rules. Pieces an: playM end to end but all doubles are pJaced cro.sswi.se. Object In almost all domino games, the playns strive to block the game 110 that othen cannot Mm a play. The goal ill umally to make the sum or multiple of the ends �ual a certain number, or ends of the line need to show pips of �ual wlue.. A pla,= goes "Domino" when he plays his last pieces before any opponent.
For 2-8 plaJlirs, Use a set ofDonble--T� dominos. With 2, 3, or4 pl�, draw 15 dominos each; with 5 or 6 players draw 12 eadi.; and with 7 or 8 players draw 1 1
Object To play off all your dominos. You play off onto your own tiain, onto the Caidinal MmcaD. TrainTM and ooto otbe£ pla}'M maiked trains.
First Play« Open the Caidinal. Mexican 'frainTM station by placing your highest double in the ceotel". You may then begin your train on one of tbe eight "sidingi' of the irtation by playing off a domino matdiiog tbe station nwnffl". Your train W>uld "depart" the station heading tow.mLi you.
(When the fust player bu no doubk, the Dal player opem the statioa, If no one bas a double, dnw in tum until one Ill fuund.)
Continue to play off on your own train until you have no more matches. Any left over tiles are called "empties." Theiie may be pi.ayld. later on the C.ardinal Me:rican TrainTM when new sidings are started that all playen may Ulle. (When all eight directioll!l from the station have been tab:o., mn new sidings off to the side and out of the way.)
Suh.-3, pmceed right instead of left.
Tum: are 16 mit!i, 0'ro tbru 15'5, In every- suit, pieces tank.from 15 down to 0, For =imp.le, the ll's .tank. 11-15 (high), 1 1-11, 1 1-13, 11-12, 11-ll, 11-10, 1 1-9, etc., down to 1 1-0.
If players agree, take a 5-point penalty fur not fullowing suit when able (this Ill called, "rewking"). Penalty lihould bi: reduced to l point if im=.-ted. before next trick begim. (No penalty on nm-to-lut trick.) Partnership DOUBLETAKES for Four Players Partners sit facing each other. One player on each side should keep the tricks caken..
DOUBLETAKFS for Two Playa11 There ate fuur rounds, ea.di player taking 17 tiles per round. Play and score as in a 4-player game, Alternate the first play for ead,. new round. Total number ofpointli; 84.
DOUBLBTAKES for Three Players There are three rounds, ea.:h pla,= taking 15 tiles per round. (The single tik: remaining after the thit.d round draw will go to the winner ofthevery last trick; it's worth l point if it's a double.') Play and aeon: as in the 4-playcr game. For the 2nd and 3rd rounds, the fim lead shifu one player to the left. Total number of pom.1:11: 61.
THAT'S ill
For 2 or more plaJ=!i, Object: To form your X'Rll. tiles into a winning hand oftwo mdd.t. A mdd is three or four tiles ofthe same n11111ber (or "snit''), or three or four doubles. Ex:amples: 3-f,, 3-12, 3-14 is a meld of3'!; 4-4, 6-6, 13-13 is a meld of douhles. To Start: Each player 12m a hand nf sevm. dominos, kq>t hid.den from the other player.
The fint player tw:I another tile from the boneyard, and looks at it without mowing it. The first player then discarw any tile fu:e up. The other player maym1re this discarded tile, and pnt out a new disaud in exchange. Or, if the fiwe up discard isn't wanted, it goes into a trash heap - and out of the game::. The player whose mm it is
Dam la plupart des jew: de dominos, le joueur s'dforce d.e bloquer le jeu d.e ses adversaires. L'objectif est genetalement d'obrenir des extr6nite.5 dont la 110mme ou le multiple oorrespond 11. Wl certain nombre ou des extrem.i� de m� valeur. Le domino est le joueur qui pose sa demielC piece avant son ou = adversaires.
CARDINAL MEXICAN TRAIN'" De 2 a 8 joueurs.
Utiliser un jeu de Double-Twdve (double--douze). A2, 3 ou 4 joueurs, piocher 15 dominos par joueur; 11. 5 ou 6 joueurs, piocher 12 pieces; 11. 7 ou 8 joueurs, en piocher 11.
But dujeu.
Placer rous ses domiOOll en oonsriruanr sa proprc suin: (• mlln •), en dtmarram unc nouvclk sui� du C'..ardinal Me.tlcan Train- ou en jouanr sur ks uains balises des auues participanL'l.
Le premier joueur etablit la gare du Cardinal Mexican Train- en pla�t son double le plus �M au milieu de la rable. TI ajaure ensuire Wl domino proposam le m&M hour que la gare 11. l'unc des huit sorties possibles et commence aill.!ii son train. Les joueurs doivent demam:r leur train en face d' eux. (Si le premier joueur n'a pas dt, double, il passe son rour. Si aucun des joueun n'a de doublt,, on pioche jwqu'/i. a: qu'un double soit rirt.)
To Play Turn up a tik: from the boneyard, and place it on top of any regular domino that it matdu:ii. For aample, in the diagram shown, yon tum up 6-10. You can play it on the >'10, 6-1, or4-6. The bellt play Ui likdy to be on 4-6 at 10 o'clock time dot, in ca11e you tum up 10-10.
Ka:p tuming new tiles one at a time, piling each on top of a matdiing tik: whenever possible. If a tile bas no matches, put it into a wal!1:e heap. When you've got a choice, try to put a domino in an appropriate time slot. Some domino piles may grow high.
A Double in Trouble Wlwi. yon tum up a double that ba no match on the clock at all, or when you've gm: a douhl.,, on the clodc but in the wrong p1,,ce • Jih, the 7-7 at 4 o'dock ..hnwn in the diagram - yon have a double in "trouble." Now you can move the top domino of any pile to the top of another pile, if it mao:h.e.!i. And 1mq, making such DXJYes to bring any double in trouble to its correct time slot. You may empty an entire time slot in this way, and create a blank space. Ifyon cannot plai:e the rurned up
Sroriog SIMPLE SCORING: Tiu: first player out of tiles, winll a point from each pla,= for every domino they have left. If the game is bl.ocked - no one can play - the winner ill the one with the fewi:.rt tiles left. SUPER SCORING: Wumer tallia the pip total of the non-winning remaining dominos.
La jem: d.e d.ominos varieut en taill.e sdon le nombre de pieces. Si le jeu standard. est le Double-Six (double-sh), les variantt:8 Double-Nine (douhle-neuf}, Double-Twelve (double-do11tt et Double-Fifteen (double-quinze), procurent un plm grand inthtt strattgique et demandent une pll.lll grande habtleti!. Les r�es du Double-Six (double-six) expJiqlft'l ci--aprCS s'appliquent i!gal.ement 11. ce.s variantes. Il suffit d.e les adapter 11. Wl plllll grand nombre de piea:8 tout oomme le syi;teme d.e dt':compte des pomlli.
Regl, generak
For aample, playing with double-6's, you tum up 3-6, 1-2, 2--4, 5-5, Play with a quad of all fuur domiooii:
II faur tout d'ahord milinger ks pi� face contre table pour ne pas voir Jes points. Les joueurs piochent le nombre d.e piea:8 requis et mettent d.e cote Jes piCm restante.5 pour la suite du jeu (cf. regles). La piea:8 se placeru: Jes lltlell 11. la suite des aunes, bout 11. bout, saufles doubles, plads perpmdU:ul.air=nt.
Thc Layont First, take out the blank-blank and point it towards 12 o'clod