0. introduction proba-stat - Rachid Ababou

Kendall M.G., A. Stuart, 1977 : The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol.1 : Distribution ... Kenkel, J.L. Introductory Statistics for Management and Economics.
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R. Ababou : Proba. Appli. (1998/99)

RÉFÉRENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES « PROBABILITÉS APPLIQUÉES » PROBABILITES, VARIABLES ALEATOIRES & FONCTIONS ALEATOIRES Adler R.J. 1981 : The Geometry of Random Fields. Wiley. New York. 280 pp. Beran M.J. Statistical Continuum Theories. Interscience Publishers (Wiley). New York. 1968. Kendall M.G., A. Stuart, 1977 : The Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol.1 : Distribution Theory. Mc Millan, New York, 472 pp. Lévy P. Processus Stochastiques et Mouvement Brownien. Gauthier-Villars 1965. Réédité par J.Gabay (Coll. Grands Classiques Gauthier-Villars), Paris, 1992. Loève M. Probability Theory, Vol.II. 1963 & 1978 (Springer-Verlag 1978). Mandelbrot B.B., J.W. van Ness, 1968 : Fractional Brownian Motions, Fractional Noises, and Applications. SIAM Review, Vol.10, N°4, 422-437. Monin A.S. and A.M.Yaglom 1965 : Statistical Fluid Mechanics : Mechanics of Turbulence (Vol.1 & Vol.2). Ed.J.L.Lumley. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Papoulis A. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1965. Vanmarcke E., 1983 : Random Fields (Analysis and Synthesis). The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 382 pp. . Ventsel, H. Théorie des Probabilités. MIR, Moscou, URSS [Traduction en français à partir du russe par A. Sokova, MIR, Moscou]. 1973. Wax N. Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes. Dover Publi. New York. 19xx. Wiener N. et al. Selected Papers of Norbert Wiener (including Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Tauberian Theorems). With contributions by Y.W.Lee et al. Published by SIAM and MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1964. Yaglom A.M., 1962. An Introduction to the Theory of Stationary Random Functions. Revised, edited and translated from russian by R.A.Silverman. Dover Publi. Inc., New York. STATISTIQUE, TRAITEMENT DE DONNEES & INFERENCE Bain L.J. Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life-Testing Models (Theory and Methods). Marcel Dekker Inc. New-York and Basel. 19xx. Kenkel, J.L. Introductory Statistics for Management and Economics. 2nd Edition. Boston, Massachusetts, Duxbury Press. 1984. Tassi Ph., 1989 : Méthodes Statistiques, Economica.

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