Yuen Yee Lo Tel. - Why Why Web

Unix/Linux/Window. •. C, C++, Java, Javascript, cgi, Perl, Python, Ruby ... French: Fluent. Interest. Travelling ... Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HONG KONG. Eamail:.
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Resume Name: Tel.: Email: Address:

Yuen Yee Lo +1 617 792 9827 [email protected] 1 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA

Working Experience: Oct 2007 – Current

Research Scientist Nuance Mobile labs Nuance Communications, Inc.  Language modelling for mobile phone dictation  Research and development router confidence estimation for Directory Assistant and Voice Search application  Research on new algorithm for Confidence estimation on automatic Voice Mail to text transcription

Feb 2007 – Jul 2007

Assistant Researcher ShenZhen Institute of Advanced Technology (ShenZhen, China)  Project on English language learning for Chinese: Mispronunciation detection and correction

Mar 2005 – Jul 2006

Research Staff Member IBM India Research Laboratory (New Delhi, India)  Voice accent detection for Call centre application o Detect English mispronunciation of English made by India speaker  InfoSphere: Unstructured data management o Structured and unstructured data linkage and retrieval

Dec 2000 – Feb 2005

Research Assistant LIMSI/CNRS (Paris, France)  Topic tracking on broadcast news on English, Chinese and French language.  French and European Community funded projects: Audio search and digital library

Aug 1997 – Mar 2000

Research Assistant Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)  Language model adaptation for Cantonese speech recognition  Multilingual Speech-Based Web Browser  Database Collection o Spontaneous Telephone Speech Collection and Transcription Project (cooperate with Hong Kong Telecom)  Multi-Lingual Information Retrieval for machine translation

o o

Sep 1997- Jul 1998

Education: Dec 2000- Feb 2005

An IR Approach for translating new words from nonparallel and comparable corpora Languages: Chinese, English and French

Teaching Assistant Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)  Elec530: Stochastic Processing  Elec001: Academic Advisor for Undergraduate Students

PhD Universite de Paris XI Spoken Language Processing Group Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (LIMSI/CNRS) Paris, France Thesis director : Dr. Jean-Luc Gauvain Subject: Automatic topic detection and tracking on broadcast news

Apr 2000 - Sep 2000

Internship Dept of Computer Science and Networks Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France Project director: Dr. Francois Yvon Research Topic: Class-based N-Gram Language Modelling for speech recognition

Sep 1997 - Jan 2000

Master of Philosophy Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Human Language Technology Center Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Thesis director: Dr. Pascale Fung Subject: Colloquial Language Modelling for Spontaneous Cantonese Speech Recognition

Sep 1994 - Jul 1997

Bachelor Dept of Electronic Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Final Year Project: PC-based Video Server

July-August 1996

Summer student University of California Los Angles Summer course: Micro-economics, Investigative Journalism

Research Area

   

Statistical language modelling for automatic speech recognition Information retrieval on multilingual audio documents Pattern recognition and classification on large dataset Machine translation

Programming skills    

Unix/Linux/Window C, C++, Java, Javascript, cgi, Perl, Python, Ruby DB2, TCP/IP networking programming, UNIX shell script HTK - Cambridge Speech Recognition Toolkit

   

Cantonese: Native English: Good in written and spoken Mandarin: Good in written and spoken French: Fluent



Travelling, swimming, hiking, cinema, diving

Publication:  Helen Meng, Yuen-yee Lo, Lan Wang and Wing-yiu Lau, "Deriving Salient Learners' Mispronunciations from Cross-Language Phonological Comparisons," in the Proceedings of ASRU, Kyoto, Japan, 9-13 December 2007  Rema Ananthanarayanan, Yuen Yee Lo, Sreeram Balakrishan, Berthold Reinwald. “Unstructured Information Integration through data-driven similarity discovery”, ICDE 2006  Ashish Verma, Kunal Lai, Yuen Yee Lo and Jayanta Basak. “Word Independent Model for Syllable Stress Evaluation”, ICASSP 2005  Yuen-Yee Lo and Jean-Luc Gauvain. "Topic tracking on broadcast news". Workshop on Multilingual Spoken Document Retrieval (MSDR), ISCA, April, 2003  Yuen-Yee Lo and Jean-Luc Gauvain. "The LIMSI Topic Tracking System for TDT2002". In Proc. DARPA Topic Detection and Tracking Workshop, Gaithersburg, Nov 2002.  Yuen-Yee Lo and Jean-Luc Gauvain. "The LIMSI Topic Tracking System for TDT2001". In Proc. DARPA Topic Detection and Tracking Workshop, Gaithersburg, Nov 2001.  Pascale Fung and Lo, Yuen Yee, "Understanding Chinese Spontaneous Speech - Are Mandarin and Cantonese Very Different?" In ISSPIS 99, Guangzhou, China, November 1999  Pascale Fung, Cheung Chi Shun, Lam Kwok Leung, Lau Wai Kat, Lo Yuen Yee, "SALSA version 1.0, A Speech-Based Web Browser", ICSLP 98: Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Sydney: Dec. 1998, vol.4, 1615-1619.  Pascale Fung, Cheung Chi Shun, Lam Kwok Leung, Liu Wai Kat, Lo Yuen Yee and Ma Chi Yuen "SALSA, A Multilingual Speech-Based Web Browser", In 1st Web Technology Workshop  Pascale Fung and Lo, Yuen Yee, "Translating Unknown Words Using Nonparallel, Comparable Texts". In COLING-ACL98, Montreal, Canada: Aug. 1997, 414-420.

Reference Dr. Gillick, Larry, Mobile lab, Nuance Communications, Inc., 1 Wayside Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA. [email protected] Dr Sreeram Balakrishnan, Unstructured Information Management Architecture Group, IBM Research Lab, Yorktown Heights & Hawthorne, NY, USA. Email: [email protected] Dr. Jean-Luc Gauvain, Spoken Language Processing Group, LIMSI/CNRS, B.P. 133, 91403 Orsay Cedex, France. Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pascale Fung, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, HONG KONG. Eamail: [email protected]