The network marketing industry is booming with more than 50,000 people entering the industry each week. According to a Money Maker's Monthly sur-.
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WHY 4LIFE®? THE 4LIFE DIFFERENCE Only a few times in a lifetime does a program come along that contains all of the necessary factors that will provide an outstanding opportunity to succeed!

SELECTING THE RIGHT COMPANY The network marketing industry is booming with more than 50,000 people entering the industry each week. According to a Money Maker's Monthly survey, there are approximately 11 million individuals involved in the industry. The first and possibly the most important step in developing a successful business is selecting the right program and support system. All of the systems and personal effort in the world will not be of value to you if the company you choose to work with goes out of business or is structured in such a way as to restrict your potential success. The industry is full of paradoxes. On one hand, you have many testimonies of "rags to riches," and on the other hand, you have a vast number of network marketers who are frustrated, wandering from one program to another, trying to find a program that will work for them. Another paradox in this lucrative, exploding industry is the great number of network marketing companies that go out of business within the first five years. For a majority of marketers, the journey to success is like moving through a mine field. There are certain dynamics involved in our industry that will affect your pursuit of success. It can be of great value to know these factors.

COMPANY LEADERSHIP The company leaders must provide their distributors with security and effective leadership. Providing adequate financing, being responsive to market trends and distributor concerns, providing efficient logistic services, being prepared to address challenges quickly and effectively, and maintaining adequate inventories are all important functions of effective leadership. With only 29 network marketing companies surviving more than ten years, out of 2000 companies that have started during the past 40 years, effective leadership becomes a major concern. With 4Life, we are fortunate because its founder, David Lisonbee, has an established "track record." David was the co-founder of Enrich, a fifteen-year-old network marketing company, which reached $100 million in annual gross sales under his leadership. David has proven that he has the business skills and talented leadership necessary to guide 4Life to unprecedented success.

PRODUCT PHILOSOPHY The right product strategy is important to the success of the networker. Product strategy should have a two-fold focus. First, you need a flagship product that is a "door opener." Secondly, you need a diversified product line that is focused on a proven market so that the consumer has a broad selection from which to do transfer buying. In a proven market, you can compound your investment by "piggy backing" the millions of dollars spent by conventional companies in advertising. With Transfer Factor we have a product that is unique and has the potential for a very broad market appeal. Unlike most flagship products in our industry, not "everyone on the block" is going to have this product. 4Life's product line includes a broad selection of nutrition products. 4Life's products are of the highest quality and manufactured according to very strict standards.

COMPENSATION STRATEGY Success for the company does not always equal success for the networker. How the proceeds are proportioned will determine the boundaries of your success. Traditionally, companies have placed the majority of the commissions deep within the pay structure so that they do not have to pay out the full potential of the plan, nor pay it quickly. This practice has led to an industry-wide attrition problem that undermines the viability of the industry. Traditional programs pay out five and ten percents for the first six or seven levels. With these percentages, it requires 10-15 purchasers in your organization for you to break-even on your qualifying purchase. This equation guarantees that 85% of your distributors will never get into profit. Since this is a percentage factor, the problem only worsens as the organization gets larger. The "cards are stacked" against the majority of distributors. 4Life has taken a revolutionary approach of paying a 25% fast start bonus with a permanent 25% second level bonus. In 4Life, it only requires four purchasers to break-even instead of the traditional 10-15 purchasers. This approach will have a major impact on attrition, insuring a long-term residual income as well as access to an immediate income, allowing you to build your business with the profits that it generates, instead of with your paycheck, credit cards, or your savings. 4Life has created a balanced pay plan that is fair and equitable.

CREDIBILITY AND COMPANY SUPPORT 4Life is a company that provides an unusual amount of support for its distributors. The toll-free messages are very powerful. 4Life has been able to attract a great number of renowned medical specialists. These individuals create a window of opportunity that only comes around once in a great while. Distributors can "ride" on this credibility wave, which will have a dramatic effect on your capacity to attract networkers and leaders throughout the industry. The 4Life opportunity has attracted a great number of network marketing leaders that will add to the overall credibility of the opportunity. As the industry observes the "tidal wave" of leadership growth, the momentum will build. If you act now, you can be in front of the "tidal wave"!




• Beta Sitosterol-a phytosterol that has been shown to help activate immune system respone. • Olive Leaf Extract-may be instrumental in slowing the duplication of infectious cells.

IMMUNE KNOWLEDGE FOR A HEALTHY LIFE One of the strongest forces in nature for transferring and ensuring good health, transfer factors have taken their place in the forefront of nutritional science. Simply stated, transfer factors are tiny molecules that transfer immunity information from one entity to another, such as between a mother TARGETED TRANSFER FACTOR Targeted Transfer Factors are part of a revolutionary new system of support, and her infant who she breastfeeds. scientifically researched and developed by 4Life, where the power of transfer factors are targeted to directly benefit specific systems of your body. Providing support that goes beyond any vitamin, mineral or herb known today, transfer factors educate your naive immune cells about a present or Using advanced technology and a patented extraction process, 4Life propotential danger in your body along with a plan for action. Although the most notable function of these smart molecules is to speed up the recogni- motes system-specific immune function within its egg sources through careful management of the chicken's environment. These specialized transfer tion phase of an infection, making the duration of an illness shorter, they factors are then extracted and concentrated, providing highly targeted nutrialso promote the immune system's ability to remember past invasions, tional support to areas such as the cardiovascular system, the metabolic sysallowing your body to more quickly respond to similar health threats. In addition to boosting your immune response, transfer factors have also been tem and the brain. shown to balance it by suppressing an overactive immune system.

TRANSFER FACTOR TECHNOLOGY E-XF BLEND Synergy. You are familiar with the concept-an outcome that is greater than the sum of its parts. This is exactly what 4Life aimed for when we decided to combine two sources of immune-enhancing transfer factors. And it's exactly what we achieved. 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula, as well as other 4Life Transfer Factor products, features the scientifically proven E-XF proprietary blend. Developed exclusively by 4Life using patented and patent-pending technology, the E-XF blend calls upon the knowledge of two sources, providing an enhanced combined effect of transfer factors from both cow colostrum and chicken eggs. Research shows that the immune building effects of this transfer factor blend are more potent than that of colostrum or egg sources alone.

INDEPENDENT STUDIES 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formulas raise Natural Killer cell activity to unprecedented levels. Natural Killer cells, or NK cells, are important immune cells that provide a crucial first defense against infectious agents and diseased cells. Once activated, NK cells react in two ways. First, they promptly secrete chemical messenger proteins that modulate emerging immune cell responses. Second, they become potent killers of infected cells. Without Natural Kill cells, threatening conditions can get a strong foothold before additional immune responses are able to kick in. Recent studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Science validate these original results and report that 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula boosts NK activity by 283%* and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula propels NK cells activity to 437%* above normal immune response!


4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula provides far reaching immune support. It combines the synergistic power of Transfer Factor E-XF with the proprietary blend Cordyvant™ to nourish, strengthen and activate the immune system. Cordyvant combines ingredients known to enhance innate immune system, our first and instinctive response against foreign invaders. It includes: • Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms-long known to promote T-Cell (immune system) function and other healing properties. • Cordyceps-rich in polysaccharides, which help activate immune system response. • Inositol Hexaphosphate-gaining attention for its preventative immune power. • Beta Glucans-an important immune cell stimulator. They are the "wake-up" call to white blood cells.


*Test results obtained by a blind study conducted by Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev, head of Immunology, at the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Cancer containing cells were subjected to Cytotoxicity testing. Samples containing 4Life Transfer Factor from cow and egg sources were tested individually and in blended forms for incubation periods of 24 and 48 hours to determine the most beneficial combination and activation time.


Frequently Asked Questions WHAT ARE TRANSFER FACTORS? Transfer factors are tiny natural molecules found in all mammals and birds in the body that transfer critical immune information to our cells. They work across species barriers-from animal to person or animal to animal-to give the naive immune system the knowledge it needs. HOW DO TRANSFER FACTORS WORK? Transfer factors educate your naive immune system about a present or potential danger and equip it with a plan for action. Although the most notable function of these smart molecules is to speed up the recognition of a threat, making the duration of an illness shorter, they also support the immune system's ability to remember past invasions, allowing your body to more quickly respond to similar health threats. In addition, transfer factors can balance the immune system by suppressing it when it's overactive, for example with an autoimmune disorder. HOW WERE TRANSFER FACTORS DISCOVERED? In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence determined that an immune response could be transferred from a donor to a recipient through a white blood cell extract. He concluded that the extract contained a factor capable of transferring the donor's immunity information to the recipient and named the substance transfer factor. WHAT PROMPTED SCIENTISTS TO LOOK FOR TRANSFER FACTORS IN EGGS AND COLOSTRUM? It was first noticed that when newborn cows didn't or couldn't nurse, they often quickly died. Infection, and not starvation, was usually the cause. Researchers realized that the mother was passing immunity information to the calf after birth and that the only means could be transfer factors in her milk. It was then realized that birds must have a similar mechanism for passing immunity on to their own young. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF USING CHICKEN EGGS OR COW COLOSTRUM AS A SOURCE OF TRANSFER FACTORS? Both chickens and cows live mainly outside, where they eat off the ground, drink from shared water sources, endure varying weather conditions and contend with the challenges of communal living. This leaves them exposed to a variety of germs, bacteria and viruses, which their immune systems must battle and then remember in order for them to stay healthy. It's the heroic nature of their immune systems, needed for survival that makes them ideal donors for transfer factors. Because transfer factors can be shared safely and effectively from human to human, chicken to human or cow to human, either source alone offers excellent immune support. Combined, they offer the broadest range of immune support available. WHICH SOURCE OF TRANSFER FACTORS DOES 4LIFE USE IN ITS PRODUCTS? 4Life uses both the cow and chicken to obtain transfer factors that provide a wide range of immune support. For targeted support, 4Life uses egg sources specially farmed to benefit specific body systems. 4Life licenses the cow colostrum patent. And 4Life pioneered extracting transfer factors from chicken eggs and holds the patent and has patents pending on this source. 4Life has streamlined the extraction processes, which concentrate the power of transfer factors in unique and innovative supplements that help strengthen the immune system.

Transfer Factor E-XF™-4Life Transfer Factor Plus® Advanced Formula and other 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula products are made from 4Life's proprietary scientifically proven Transfer Factor E-XF blend. Developed exclusively by 4Life using patented and patent-pending technology, the blend combines the immune knowledge of two sources to deliver the benefits of transfer factors from both cow colostrum and chicken eggs to offer the broadest range of immune knowledge possible. 4Life Targeted Transfer Factor®- 4Life's line of Targeted Transfer Factor products is part of a revolutionary support system. Scientifically researched and developed by 4Life, they target the power of transfer factors extracted from eggs specially farmed to benefit specific body systems. ARE THERE ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DRIED EGG YOLK OR COW COLOSTRUM AND 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? Unlike dried egg yolk or cow colostrum, 4Life's Transfer Factor E-XF contains concentrated transfer factors. Through patented processes, 4Life separates transfer factors from the other components in egg yolks and cow colostrum to capture a broader range of immune-enhancing transfer factors. Dried eggs or cow colostrum alone may contain only small amounts of actual transfer factors along with other compounds. In addition, Transfer Factor E-XF goes through a special stabilization process to protect their effectiveness. ARE TRANSFER FACTORS SAFE? Transfer factors are a natural molecule and have been safely used in supplement form for many years. Throughout the history of transfer factors use, there have been no reports of serious adverse reactions, even when clinically administered in excess or with normal doses given over many years. IS THERE SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT TRANSFER FACTORS ARE EFFECTIVE? In the 50 years since Dr. Lawrence's pioneering work on transfer factors, an estimated $40 million has been spent on scientific research and hundreds of scientific papers written that document its effectiveness. Several independent books have also been authored. Independent studies have also shown the ability of 4Life Transfer Factor products to increase immune system effectiveness.1 IS THERE SPECIFIC SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? Yes. Studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Science show that 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula boosts immune activity by 283 percent* and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula boosts it 437 percent*! The study compared 4Life Transfer Factor products to individual herbs and ingredients known to improve immune response such as noni, dry cow colostrum, echinacea and others. An earlier study showed that 4Life Transfer Factor Classic boosted NK cell activity 103 percent.

WHO BENEFITS FROM TAKING 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? Everyone who needs an extra immune boost, needs to suppress an overactive immune system or who simply wants to maintain their everyday health benefits from taking 4Life Transfer Factor products.

WILL TRANSFER FACTORS SURVIVE IN MY STOMACH? Unlike the antibodies and proteins found in egg yolks and colostrum alone, transfer factors readily survive the digestion process and are easily absorbed. Stomach acids and digestive enzymes won't degrade their potency. CAN PEOPLE WITH ALLERGIES OR LACTOSE INTOLERANCE USE 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? Yes. Transfer factors themselves are non-allergenic. 4Life's extraction process avoids or removes common allergens in egg and colostrum sources. Any remaining lactose in colostrum-derived transfer factors is far below the amounts that typically cause reactions. (As precaution, people with allergies specifically to egg yolks, should check with their physician before taking 4Life Products with Transfer Factor E-XF or Targeted Transfer Factor.)

CAN INFANTS AND CHILDREN SAFELY TAKE 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? 4Life Transfer Factor products that contain only transfer factors are safe for infants and children up to 18 years of age. Transfer factors were, in fact, designed by nature for newborns. 4Life offers 4Life Transfer Factor Kids® just for children, which combines the power of Transfer Factor XF with 22 essential vitamins and minerals in tasty, chewable tablets that provide the immune and nutritional support that growing kids need.

WHY SHOULD I TAKE TRANSFER FACTORS IF I WAS BREASTFED AS AN INFANT? The transfer factors you received as an infant helped educate and strengthen your naive immune system. But, immune cells regularly die and are replaced, so the ongoing protection from transfer factors lasts only a short time. Because today, more than ever, we're exposed to new immune challenges, regularly taking transfer factors to strengthen your immune system is critical to your health. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I TAKE 4LIFE TRANSFER FACTOR PRODUCTS? Our bodies create new immune cells almost every day, which need instruction. To meet this need, 4Life Transfer Factor products should be used daily to give the immune system the continual support it needs to recognize and respond to new and emerging health threats. 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula, 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Classic can safely be combined with Targeted Transfer Factor products to optimize overall immunity as well to target specific systems. ARE THERE PRODUCTS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO PREFER NOT TO SWALLOW PILLS? 4Life offers both a chewable version of 4Life Transfer Factor as well as chewable 4Life TF Kids™. 4Life also offers 4Life Transfer Factor Immune Spray, a great-tasting throat spray that combines the antibacterial properties of colloidal silver with the power of Transfer Factor XF. 4Life Transfer Factor capsules are also easily opened and the contents mixed with formula, pureed foods or drinks.

1 Test results obtained by a blind study conducted by Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev and his team at the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Cancer containing cells were subjected to cytotoxicity testing. Samples containing 4Life Transfer Factor from cow and egg sources were tested individually and in blended forms for incubation periods of 24 and 48 hours to determine the most beneficial combination and activation time.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Independant Study Results Natural Killer cells, or NK cells, are important immune cells that provide a crucial first defense against infectious agents and diseased cells. Once activated, NK cells react in two ways. First, they promptly secrete chemical messenger proteins that modulate emerging immune cell responses. Second, they become potent killers of infected cells. Without Natural Kill cells, threatening conditions can get a strong foothold before additional immune responses are able to kick in.

Recent studies conducted by the Russian Academy of Medical Science validate these original results and report that 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula boosts NK activity by 283%* and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula propels NK cells activity to 437%* above normal immune response!
