and letterheads: rules. pat- terns. and shading for forms creation: and storage ... 3220 are fully IBM-compat- ible. run under DOS 2.x and. 3.x using the standard.
functions and utilities found in AT&T's UNIX operating system. PCUNIX uses about 20K bytes of RAM and its utilities take about IOOK bytes on disk. PCVMS emulates Digital Equipment Corporation's VAX/VMS operating system. The Operating System Toolbox is priced at $99. PCUNIX and PCVMS are $49 each. All three products include complete C source code. For more information. contact Wendin. Box 266. Cheney. WA 99004. (509) 23 5-8088. Inquiry 608.
Hewlett-Packard's LaserJet Plus
P's LaserJet Plus is an enhanced version of the popular LaserJet laser printer. Enhancements include a new formatter board (that has more memory and new firmware) and a Centronics parallel interface option. The improved formatting board gives the LaserJet Plus more flexibility in fonts. The printer can download fonts from 6 to 30 points. store up to 32 fonts. and employ up to 16 fonts per page. Cartridge fonts are still an option and the user can choose either portrait- or landscape-printing orientation. The board contains 512 K bytes of RAM that yields 395K bytes of user memory for improving the printer's graphics capability. The LaserJet could print a full page of 7 5-dpi graphics. a half-page at I 50 dpi. and approximately a sixth-page at 300 dpi. The LaserJet Plus can print a full page of I 50-dpi graphics and a half-
GP l11dustria/ Electro11ics' XM5 I 2 EPROM Emulator. page of 300-dpi graphics. The formatter board also allows downloadable forms and letterheads: rules. patterns. and shading for forms creation: and storage of up to 32 forms in the printer's memory. The LaserJet Plus is priced at $3995 and is 100 percent compatible with the LaserJet (both use HP's PCL printer command language). The formatter is available as an upgrade for LaserJet owners at a price of $1495 until December 31. 198 5. and for S199 5 after that. The parallel interface option is not available as an upgrade. Contact Hewlett-Packard Co.. I820 Embarcadero Rd .. Palo Alto. CA 94303. Inquiry 609.
EPROM Emulator
P Industrial Electronics has introduced the XM 512 EPROM Emulator. which is capable of emulating all EPROMs in current use. It is intended to help microsystem designers and development engineers speed up the process of
combining software and hardware. 'fYpical address access time for writing data to or read ing it from the XM 512 is 200 nanoseconds. This emulator connects to the target system via supplied 24-/28-pin cables. An LED provides status and error information. If you wish. you can emulate I6-bit systems by connecting two units. Pricing for the XM 512 EPROM Emulator is set at £795. Contact GP Industrial Electronics Ltd.. Unit E. Huxley Close. Newnham Industrial Estate. Plymouth PL7 4JN. England. tel: (752) 342961: Telex: 42 5I 3. Inquiry 610.
Fast 20-megabyte Backup Tupe
enoa Systems Corporation is offering the Galaxy Models 3120 (internal) and 3220 (external) 20-megabyte. half-height.
streaming. digital. cassettetape drives. The 312O and 3220 are fully IBM-compatible. run under DOS 2.x and 3.x using the standard OlC-02 interface. and require an IBM PC. XT. AT. or compatible with 2 56K bytes of RAM. one floppy-disk drive (to install the backup software) . and two expansioncard slots. The drives transfer data at 86.3K bytes per second (at a 90-inches-persecond tape speed) and can back up a full 20-megabyte disk in 4.3 minutes. The 3120 and 3220 use the same software as the Galaxy Model 3160 (internal) and 3260 (external) 60megabyte. half-height. streaming-cartridge drives. The Genoa software has a multiple-window interface. menus. a batch option. and on-line help. A time/percentage bar chart shows the time left to execute a backup function. The software offers full restoration or file-by-file backup. File-by-file can be organized by directory or subdirectory: by time. date. and last-modified files: or by file appending and exclusion. Reports of backup activity and directories are automatically saved and can be printed. A DOS toggle lets you run other applications or DOS commands without terminating any backup program. You can also employ the drives as a system resource: They are compatible with 3Com. PCnet. and Novell networks. Suggested prices are $99 5 for the Model 3120 and $11 45 for the Model 3220. Contact Genoa Systems Corp .. 73 East lrimble Rd .. San Jose. CA 95131. (4 08) 94 5-9720. Inquiry 611.
memory. One way to free up extended memory is to downsize. SMARTDrive or RAMdive if either is installed. Fatal Error 286.2230: Load program failed -- Out of.
Features. ⢠Access time 250/350/450ns (max.) ⢠Single +5V ±1 0% power supply. ⢠TT L compatible inputs and outputs. ⢠Three-state outputs. General Description.
the 3-STATE feature. When enabled, the outputs exhibit the low impedance characteristics of a standard LS output with additional drive capability to permit the ...
3.22 Load Disk File into Buffer . ... 3.25 Program Buffer Contents to PLD . .... The EPROM programmer is easy to install and is good to work with an IBM.
all Teru driven and easy to list, The progra II's on the floppy disk directly control the hardware .... CN For the PRCM:LIic MEGA Jrugruit litting utilities. PLDSSSS.
BURRS ARE ALLOWED ONLY IF FULL LENGTH OF LEADS WILL PASS THROUGH .... DRAWING. NUMBER. â (2 X 3°). S. 1604.002 -. 2X 5° --. Z 2X R.010. 2. X ... 3x .015. 002 F .0604.010 . 1254.015. + - 0. 3X .0154.002. ELECTROSTATIC.
Mar 25, 2003 - Applications ... conditions set forth in the âHandling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,â or âTOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability. Handbookâ etc.
WARNING: Forbid short-circuit, charge between"+" and"-". Forbid over-discharge, fire, damage. Finish sealing less more 5 seconds at. Take out the battery when ...
functions for universal motor speed control in washing machines. It operates in closed ... ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued). Characteristic. Symbol ... Additionally, the TDA 1085C protects the whole system against AC line stop or .... the integ
The TDA 1420 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Pentawatt plastic package consisting of a pair of ... DC motor driver. - stepping motor ... output stage for vertical deflection systems in colour TV etc. ABSOLUTE ... ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (con
1999 Apr 01. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ... applicable in a variety of applications for general control systems. ROM/EPROM. Memory ... up/down counting capabilities such as motor control. It also has a .... (See DC Electrical Characteristics: IIL).
11.0 Electrical Characteristics for PIC16C84. .... from high speed automotive and appliance motor control to low-power remote sensors, electronic locks, security devices and smart cards. ... Identification Systemâ at the back of this data sheet to
When Intel invented the microprocessor in 1971, it created the era of ... Additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: ... AR-522 8031's Counter Buys it a Bargain 16-Bit A-D Converter ..............3-1. AR-517 Usin
It's a collection of our latest data sheets and applica- tions literature. ..... NSN33 1/8 inch three digit LED display ................. 125. NSN133 1/8 inch two digit and ... 82. DM7806/DM8806 high speed MOS to TTL level converter. ........ 83 ...
Y Gating. Memory. Matrix. (64x128). DC READ OPERATING CONDITIONS AND ... their respective voltages, since current paths exist between the various power ...
callCentral Applications 1-888-INTERSIL or email: [email protected] .... NOTES: 1. Controlling Dimensions: INCH. In case of conflict between English and.
It multiplexes 14 bits of system supplied address to 7 output address pins. The device also .... Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended ...