Torg - Creatures of Tharkold.pdf

and many of the darker fonos of life from that cosm have migrated ... have prepared a report on the most deadly creatures in the ...... claves, with techno-demons.
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Roleplaying the Possibility Wars ""

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Creatures of Tharkold Compiled by the Warriors of Dzis

Aishllln •.•.....••..•.••............••...•••..••..••••.•....••••.•••..•••....................6 Anora 8 Cairn 10 Calinosaur 12 CI'ip-Killer , 14 Cyberplant 16 Cyberpossessor 18 Cyborlh 20 Cygon 22 DeQthmllSk 24 Demon Ghul .......................•••..•••..••••.•••..•••..•••...••..•...........•.. 26 Duni 28 Dessicator 30 Dim'Azzin 32 Eye-Driller 34 Face Thief 36 Fe"ovirus 38 Flesh Hive 40 Glitch 42 Glitterdust 44 Gridlock 46 Gridrake 48 Grid·Vid _ 50 Hackles 52 Horgon 54 Kettest 56 Life Stealer 58 Liqllefier 60 Mon-D·Vil 62 Nanodeth 64



Needlebird 68 Neuroch ....................•.....•...•.•...•....•....•....••............................ 70 Nuclear Shadows 72 Pain Giver 74 Pain Sculpture 76 Phaser 78 Preserver 80 Priestbumer 82 The Progeny 84 Protectionist 86 Psi-Borg 88 SQdomQch 90 Semth 92 Sensors 94 Shards 96 Sideann 98 Simmulid 100 Skitters 102 SpQsm FQmes 104 Spheres 106 Sprite 108 SSQthack 110 StQrlet 112 Tar Pit Ghuls 114 Widows 118 Tunneler 120 Warlord Drolle 122 Watchbeast 124 Ziggit 126




Paul Balsamo, Mike Cone, Nicholas Corkigian, Steve Crow, Greg Detilwer, Greg Farshtey, Patrick Flanagan, James French, Michael Gittings, LaUfiI. Heilmoln, Jeffrey Hersh, John Hopler, Christopher Hudson, Stephen Kenson, Jolmie Lewolndowski, Ashley Lovins, Ron Lundeen, Scott Mitchell, David Oolkes, Bill Olmesdolhl, Brioln S. Peny, Orioln olnd Scott Schomburg, Sean Shemloln, Ed Stark, Steve Stelter, Muk Swut, Sam Thornton, Pete Venters, Clinton Wolf Design Greg Farshtey Development and Editing Stephen Cune, Colthleen Hunter Graphic Design Colthleen Hunter Graphics Catherine HuertoJ. Cover Illustration Marshall Andrews III, John PolU! Lona, David A. Plunkett, Scott Rosema, Pete Venters, Kiltl Waller Interior Illustrations

Published by

.".WEST ~J=E5~

RR 3, Box 2345 Honesdale, PA 18431

First Printing: February 1993


Angar Uthorion,AysIe. Baruk I 13, intimida-

11 Tharkotd


OOn14 Additional Skills: one at +2 adds Possibility Potential: some (20) Equipment: synthileatherarmor, va]ueTOU+S/17; monofilament dagger, damage value STR+4/16; plasma dagger, damage value STR+5/17 Note: Face thieves have special technomagical implants that give them the equivalent of disguise 18and artist (actor) 17. These skills will only aUow them to impersonate human/humanoid individuals whose face the face thief has cut off and has in its possession.

Tharkotd Realm






Grid-Vid Re.ality: ThMkold DEXTERITY 8 Melee weapons 15, stealth 12, unarmed combat 15 STRENGTHll TOUGHNESS 18 PERCEPTION 9 Alteration magic 17, find 12, trick 15 MlNDU Test 15, willpower- 15 CHARISMA 13 Chamt 16, pel'Suasion 17, taunt 19 SPIRITU Intimidation 18 Additional Skills: two at +1 adds Possibility Potential: some (82) Al'cane Knowledges: liv-


Tharkold Realm



Hackles ace combinations of vegetable and animal material which have the ability to create fear in their victims. They feed on blood and commonly act in concert with other, more formid· able, creatures. The hackles paralyzethevictirn with ter· ror, making him an easy victim for its partner. When the larger beast has fed, the hackles sup on what remains. Hackles are small crea· tares, rarely more than five centimeters in diameter, a1· though some have been known to grow larger. 120/500/1k


Tharkold Cosm

Tharkold Realm


Discovered by Paul Balsnmo

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berneticallyenhanced ser-

pents. released

by the Thar"oklu into Race areas in the cosmo Roughly a meter in

length. a kettest resembles a standard snake until one looks closely and notices its fangs are metallic. The kettest's most dangerous weapon is its explosive venom, stored in injector sacs attached to its fangs. If a kettest causes a wound or better with an lmanned combat attack, the venom is introduced into the victim's system. The chemical romponents of the venom are inert at this point, and thus cause no damage. But 24



hours alter the attack, the venom will have worked its way to the brain, where it will explode, doing damagevalue22. Thisshould be considered as a vital blow. A medicine total of 15

during the period the venom is making its way through the bloodstream will enable a phsyician to neutralize it. Healing miracles can patch up the wound made by the kettest, but will have no effect on the venom at this stage, as it is not doing any damage. Encountered alone, kettest do not pose too great of a threat. However,shoulda nest be disturbed, the kettest will attack en masse, using the "Many-