To truly love

Apr 1, 2014 - And so I will cry, in my own way, that is to say, I will pray and and I will hope that these ... open a gap in their hearts and minds through which God's salutory ... someone who is baptized but so often distanced from any form of.
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April 2014


To truly love Pierre-H. Grosjean

A very practical, contemporary and concrete response made by a young priest of 36 who addresses contemporary questions and misconceptions on love and sexuality being raised in today's ever demanding environment looking for points of reference when constructing a lasting, demanding and complete happiness.  Addressing in particular our youth of today aged 15-23 as well as their parents and those involved in their education, this book is written using frank and straightforward language encouraging and advising our young on how to be prepared for a just and constructive love, without ever moralizing or imposing a mode of conduct. Solid advice based on his years of experience accompanying the youth which will reach every reader. 

ISBN: 978-2-36040-255-7 Format: 180 x 125 mm 150 Pages


11 €

Father Pierre-Hervé Grosjean is a priest in the Diocese of Versailles. Ordained in 2004, he is now a parish priest in Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole and school chaplain. He also accompanies many young people in the Scouts movement in addition to the Young Catholic summer movements he has founded such as "Future Stars". Along with two other associates he hosts the well-known blog  

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

April 2014

Saint Charbel's word Hanna Skandar

France is presenting for the very first time extracts from some of the most beautiful texts written by Saint Charbel, often considered as the "Saint Thérèse" of Lebanon. Canonized in 1977 by Pope Paul VI for his numerous miracles, Saint Charbel is known throughout the world for his extraordinary wisdom and humility. Very few of his texts have ever been translated into French, and Father Hanna Skandar, a maronite Lebanese monk with a degree in theology and a PhD in History,  is presenting to the widest readership audience an anthology of Saint Charbel's thoughts and sermons using all the richness of the oriental language and biblical style imagery which will sustain our meditation and prayer.

ISBN: 978-2-36040-274-8 Format: 170 x 110 mm 142 Pages 9,9 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

November 2012

TO BELIEVE Timeless questions, today's answers

Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine

"In a few moments I'm going to leave you and go into my church to receive all those who are looking for light and understanding, indulgence, consolation, prayer, respect, a smile, energy, in a word, God ! And each time I am asked if he exists, someone will say that Christ is only human and that all religions ressemble each other, or someone else will say that the catholic morality is a straitjacket, and someone else that evil on earth only proves that God is man's invention, and in unison, they will add,  without thinking of the pain it may cause me: "We don't need God and even less the Catholic Church ! " And so I will cry, in my own way, that is to say, I will pray and and I will hope that these modest pages will reach them  - and who knows? open a gap in their hearts and minds through which God's salutory breath can pass and settle". With this collection of responses to the questions we all ask ourselves at one point in our lives, Father Zanotti-Sorkine replies with all the heartfelt simplicity and deepness for which he is so well known, like a father with his child, or like Saint Exupéry's "petit prince" who received all the great lessons on wisdom through the simplest of words. This jewel of spirituality is for all to discover, believers and non-believers alike, because its virtues are two-fold, to awaken and to sustain life in God.....

ISBN: 978-2-36040-122-2 Format: 170 x 110 mm 108 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

9,5 €

September 2011

LOVING MASS Didier van Havre

Inspired by a love for the Eucharist, source and summit of the Christian life, or just by simple curiosity, how many times have we not felt a real need for answers to our own questions ? This work fulfills that need. With simplicity and depth, it describes and explains all the gestures used in the liturgy. It offers the reader a guide for the development of "spiritual attitude" during the Eucharisty. A practical, both catachetical and spiritual guide, this is a precious book for helping to love Mass.    

ISBN: 978-2-36040-049-2 Format: 220 x 145 mm 216 Pages 16 €

Didier van Havre was born in Anvers in 1941.  He obtained degrees in political and social science, in economics, a Ph.D. in urban and regional planning and a Ph.D. in theology. Ordained to the priesthood  by Pope John Paul II in Rome in 1984, he carried out his ministry in Brussels and in Anvers. Currently he is chaplain at the Centre Culturel Groenendael and vicar at the parish of Notre-Dame au Sablon in Brussels.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

June 2012

When the couple separates A journey back to recovery

Thierry Maucour

Confronted with the trial of conjugal separation, the Christian spouse often stays in limbo on the edge of life, plagued with a sense of misunderstanding and a rejection of an insurmountable reality. What seems so ordinary and commonplace thesedays strikes him as being so particularly singular. How will he be approached now without being judged or condemned ? Who will listen to him or stand by him ? For someone who is baptized but so often distanced from any form of religious practice, what path stays open for him ?   Very few works deal with the arid affective and spiritual terrain of life after a conjugal separation. This work seeks to surround the separated or divorced couple and to help them in their personal reconstruction by gaining an inner serenity. So, nurtured by a sense of peace and hope,  they can re-discover how much the grace of the Sacrament of Marriage still continues to unite the spouses even after their separation.     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-073-7 Format: 195 x 120 mm 124 Pages

Thierry Maucour, who divorced in 1991 after twenty one years marriage, is father of four children and author of "I chose to remain faithful". For 5 years he was mediator at the Communion Notre-Dame de l’Alliance, a support and fraternity center for those who choose to stay faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage.      

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

11,5 €

November 2011

The intelligence of the Scriptures - volume 1 - Year A Sundays (Feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-061-4 Format: 240 x 160 mm 378 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

22 €

November 2011

The intelligence of the Scriptures - Volume 2 - Year A Sundays (non-feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-062-1 Format: 240 x 160 mm 616 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

26 €

November 2011

The intelligence of the Scriptures - Volume 3 - Year B Sundays (Feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-063-8 Format: 240 x 160 mm 370 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

22 €

November 2011

The intelligence of the Scriptures - Volume 4 - Year B Sundays (non-feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-064-5 Format: 240 x 160 mm 606 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

26 €

November 2012

The intelligence of the Scriptures - volume 5 - Year C Sundays (Feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-065-2 Format: 240 x 160 mm 508 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

22 €

November 2012

The intelligence of the Scriptures - Volume 6 - Year C Sundays (non-feast days)

Marie-Noëlle Thabut The Bible is a library : to be entered into with a good teacher.  With the reform of Vatican II, the Bible is now within everyone's reach. The liturgy for Sundays and Feast Days covers in three years the totality of the Biblical books. It's not enough to simply read or hear the word of the Bible every Sunday in order to understand it. We still need a good guide : " he opened their spirit to the intelligence of the Scriptures", says Saint Luke (24,45). In fact the risen Jesus Christ made himself immediately visible to the initial Christian communities as being the key to entering the biblical texts, to make connections, read and understand. Since then, it has been the mission of the Church to open the minds of each generation to the intelligence of the Scriptures. Marie-Noëlle Thabut is really the best of our guides for this. By introducing in the deepest sense the various texts, in making us appreciate the harmonics, with the clarity of the rarest of didactic talents and using straightforward language she offers to the widest readership audience the means to enter into the biblical liturgy of Sunday. The indispensable reference guide-book !     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-066-9 Format: 240 x 160 mm 648 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

26 €

February 2013

Before marriage Sexuality, affectivity, prayer

Père Louis

Have you ever experienced really strong love ? Are you constructing a relationship with somone who could be the love of your life ? Or are you dreaming that one day you will experience real, deep love ? You will no doubt be wondering how to reconcile the patience needed to construct your relationship with the impatience brought on by wanting to demonstrate that love. There are many opinions on this subject, like for example : " It's a true beautiful, love and we have decided to get married, so why can't we start having sexual relations as soon as we feel ready ? That's what all our friends do. Doesn't that just prove that all the rules forbidden by the Church are just not realistic enough and a bit out of touch with our times" ?   This book provides responses to those questions, bringing a truly beautiful and complete vision of sexuality and showing the enormous advantages to be had by the young couple who wait for marriage before giving themselves to each other.     

ISBN: 978-2-36040-209-0 Format: 200 x 130 mm 196 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

12,5 €

April 2014

Bearing our pain with Christ Pierre Lyonnet

Sickness always causes considerable strife. Bearing its pain will make us descend into our innermost selves, where God is present, in order to draw from him the strength we need to continue, despite it all... That is exactly what Father Pierre Lyonnet did. Without revolt or withdrawal, he persevered in his mission with a profound love for Christ. And he truly abandoned himself into the hands of the Lord. A deep spirituality emanates from the lapidary style of this writing. Those who are brought together in the pages of this book will be able to help all those who are afflicted, in particular those who are sick, and that they join him in his prayer and his offerings, in their journey of suffering with Christ.  

ISBN: 978-2-36040-271-7


Format: 170 x 110 mm 172 Pages 11 €

Jean-Yves Théry has been a priest with the Diocese of Aix and Arles since 1986. Chronically ill for the last few years, he is currently serving a mission with the Arche de Marseille. 

Pierre Lyonnet was born in 1906 and died in 1949 after a long life of suffering. After entering the noviciat of the Compagnie de Jésus in Novembre 1923, he was ordained priest on the 24th of June 1937. Despite being bedridden by his painful illness, he received a Ministry with the college of Saint- Michel de Saint-Etienne for the final ten years of his life.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

January 2014

The tremendous mystery of joy Matthieu Dauchez

Beggars of love, the first book of Father Dauchez, traces a spiritual path illuminated by lessons on dignity, courage and love given daily by the children of the street.   In this second book, Matthieu Dauchez explores the secrets of joy. How can we explain that a child of the street, who has so often only ever experienced misery and unhappiness, be capable of such sincere and profound joy. The joy, before it becomes so tremendous, and so present in these children of the streets of Manilla, the poorest of the poor, is at first for us so disconcerting.   Divided into 4 very concrete sections and based on the real life experiences of these youngsters, this book develops the themes of joy as an attractive force, the joy of giving, the sources and the fruits of joy, the street and the Cross. This book opens ajar for us the gate of Heaven lying beyond the hell of the street.

ISBN: 978-2-36040-248-9 Format: 200 x 130 mm 160 Pages 15 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

October 2013

The preparation for birth 9 months with God

Eline Landon

There are a great number of works available on preparing for birth, but none of them deal with the spritual aspect. Month by month, through prayer and meditation on the bibilical texts, this work offers the expecting mother a spiritual preparation for the arrival of her child. It also includes the father who can in his turn accompany his child until the day the child can be held in his arms. This different way of opening ones heart to the presence of ones child allows the couple to jointly contemplate the greatness of life illuminated by God's light.  .  

ISBN: 978-2-36040-224-3 Format: 170 x 110 mm 140 Pages 8,9 €

Eline Landon is 35, married and mother to three children. She is involved in  the education of young children and is the inspiration behind the association "1001 sources of happiness", whose aim is to support and develop the role of parents towards their children.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

October 2013

Reflections on faith for the faithful Jean-Marie Brauns

The Christian progresses in his faith like a fish in water, plunging ever deeper as if into a "new world" which still mysteriously connects  with the old. And yet neither the universe, nor nature, nor society has changed.  He doesn't get befuddled by faith, because God knows who his listener is  : it is each and every one of us.  Reflections on our faith,  using very accessible language and original examples, broaches a number of subjets which are not just reserved for theologians,  because they deal with the very life of faith of every believer. Those who have already started to partake in the Word of God and plunge into the deepness of the Bible's message of love, will find that these chapters clarify and illuminate what they may sometimes find complex or incoherent. .

ISBN: 978-2-36040-239-7 Format: 210 x 130 mm 212 Pages 14,9 €

A theologian and priest in the diocese of Aix-en -Provence, Jean-Marie Brauns was born in 1969. He is member of the layman-training section at the "Cardinal Billé" Center.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2014


Curing addictions in our youth 100 question-answers

Vincent Dodin Understanding and question/answers







Seven chapters, 100 succint questions provoking synthetic, direct, well-argued, clearly written responses, bringing us up to date with information and helping us further understand addictive behaviour, its treatment, its cures. This is a practical work, the result of years of research face to face with the daily reality of the patients, and which youth, their parents, their educators or their carers will all appreciate.  

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-22006-586-1 Format: 210 x 140 mm 290 Pages 16,9 €

Vincent Dodin  is associate professeur of psychiatry at the Open Faculty of Medicine at the Catholic University of Lille, and head of department at the Medico-Psychology Clinic at the GHICL (the Lille Catholic University Group of Hospitals).   

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

August 2014


To freely obey Laurent Camiade

Does obedience mean subservience ? Should a free man obey ? Where can the line be drawn ?   We have all regularly been faced with this dilemma without knowing how best to respond. Without drawing any controversy, the author seeks to define obedience and explain how it works. By dealing simultaneously with the moral and spiritual aspect, he completely synthesizes the question without leaving out any of the finer aspects.   An accessible book for those wanting to express themelves on freedom and obedience.

RELIGIOUS AUDIENCE ISBN: 978-2-22006-611-0 Format: 210 x 140 mm 264 Pages 17,9 €

Born in 1966 in Agen, Abbot Lawrence Camiade holds a BA in canonical philosophy (1990) and a Ph.D. in theology (1997) with the Catholic Institute of Toulouse. Ordained in 1992, he teaches spiritual theology at the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse whilst running a parish ministry. He has been general vicar of the diocese of Agen since 2010.  

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

October 2013


Guide to the fauna and flora in the Bible Jean Emeriau

The Bible cannot be regarded as a naturalist work, but it does have many references connected with the nature of plants or animals, scattered throughout the text, developed to a certain degree in some cases, often surprising and relevant, sometimes erroneous. These ratings show that the biblical authors were attentive to nature, and their comments, unscientific in the modern sense of the word, were nevertheless perceptive.  The book is divided into 3 parts : 1) Fauna, features more than 70 animals named in the Scriptures and illuminated with many biblical quotations, ancient Greek and Latin texts, texts by naturalists and writers from different eras,  2) Flora, also describes more than 70 trees, shrubs or plants and includes many Bible quotations or those of ancient authors. 3) The Appendix contains minerals and other natural elements, which are always included in visits to the Holy land with references to metals and materials used at this time. Museums exhibit earthenware, gold jewelry, silver and ivory, all such material as worked by man. As for fauna and flora, many biblical or non-biblical quotations are also inserted.  This book comes complete with an iconography, a glossary, six maps, four paintings, thirty-eight framed sections and an index.

THE WIDER RELIGIOUS AUDIENCE ISBN: 978-2-22006-499-4 Format: 220 x 170 mm 328 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

26,9 €

February 2014


Final cause and objectives Daniel Facérias

Why look so exotically far for that which can be found so near to us, in our own culture and tradition?  Many turn to the East, sometimes to the most extravagant of shamanisms or the most annihilistic of sects, to seek wellbeing, immediate happiness, spiritual fulfillment or paradise for all.  This detour is a lure, an illusion, as the authentic spiritual path of Christianity is in the very heart of here in the West. But we must strive to attain that interior connection pulling the wire that leads us precisely to this essence, making us free and inviting us to self-connect.  Telos and scopos is a metaphor for the meeting between the author and a hermit in the Verdon. The story, based on true events, takes us into the spiritual world and an ancient monk drawn straight out of the third century who is named Barsanuphius. The narrator invites us into a veritable initiation quest ,and who will himself gradually both find himself and, on a more intrerior level meet  the Word, the living Christ, the beginning and end of all things. 

NON-RELIGIOUS ISBN: 978-2-22006-568-7 Format: 210 x 140 mm 300 Pages

A real lesson is given using humor and depth,  in a context of nature, in the midst of wild boars and the most unlikely characters who carry meaning and light. A book to be read at one go, a divine therapy through which its monk Barsanuphius expresses honey and perfume.    

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

18 €

November 2013


The small life of Charles Péguy The cathedral-man

Charles Coutel Charles Peguy Pierre (1873-1914), also known under the pen names of Deloire Pierre and Pierre Baudouin, is one of the biggest names in French literature and poetry. The chapters of  "Small life"  present in succession the stages of Péguy's life path, starting with extracts from his work, including "Eve" (Eve)  or "Money" (L'Argent); his close working-class family from the Faubourg Bourgogne area; his schooling and Mr. Naudy; the "Hussars of the Republic"; his arrival in Paris, the Ecole Normale Superieure, the Sorbonne; his socialist commitment; his meeting with the figure of Joan of Arc; his aspirations for the "Radiant City" of Marseille; the "Fortnight of the Cahiers"; the tribulations of poverty; the Dreyfus Affair and the élite betrayal; the defense of academic freedom alongside Clemenceau; the 1905 Act; the ordeals of the Catholic faith and hope; his sudden and tragic death at the beginning of the Great War; the beginnings of a relative hagiography.  The book also includes a timeline to illuminate the historical and political context, and a bibliography.

NON-RELIGIOUS ISBN: 978-2-22006-545-8 Format: 175 x 110 mm 160 Pages 10 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

April 2012


Because you are lukewarm... Dialogues with a monk from Mont Athos

Alain Durel Meccas of Christianity and Orthodoxy, Mount Athos monasteries continue  to fascinate. But the monk speaking here with Alain Durel has authorized the publication of this book only on the condition that it excludes both his name and  that of his monastery.  This theologian and preacher of international repute holds one of the highest offices in the Mount. The primary purpose of this dialogue is to raise awareness among Western readers about the faith and spirituality of the Orthodox Church as it is understood and lived today on the holy mountain in all its rigor, even if it may shock. In fact,  it is only frank and sincere dialogue which can make ecumenism and the reconciliation of divided Christians progress, and for that, it demands truth. This book could even scandalize. So much the better. It will be talked about, and perhaps even together...  No saying better suits the Eastern Church, and especially the monks of Mount Athos, than the following, taken from the Apocalypse "But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. "

FOR THE READER WITH ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE ISBN: 978-2-22006-430-7 Format: 210 x 139 mm 184 Pages 17 €

Writer and philosopher Alain Durel is the author of, amongst other books, "The Prohibited Peninsula"and an "Introduction to Mount Athos"  and was awarded the Christian Book Days Prize in 2011.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

August 2012


The Abbé Pierre, the rebellious founder Thierry Delahaye

For nearly sixty years, Abbe Pierre led a flawless fight for the poor, starting with France and the establishment of the first community of ragpickers Emmaus with that well-known call in February 1954, then very rapidly around the world. Some of the many initiatives arising from its actions quickly found an economic or legal form (communities, associations, council-housing company HLM , while others seemed resistant to any form of institutionalization. Laurent Desmards and Raymond Etienne had the chance to be drawn into the whirlwind of ideas, people and achievements revolving around the priest, who saw himself as a "sailor, a missionary or even a brigand," and certainly not a manager. "Our contribution", they say,  "like that of so many others, was to bring to daily life the demands of justice and solidarity, being borne by the man in the cape and beret, who was so emblematic of the fight against poverty",  Abbe Pierre was the keystone of the Emmaus movement;   ...He who once said, "I was not fit to lead, but to bring to life," in fact went on to hold this much more complex role in the Emmaus association... This is a strong testimony of two witnesses who were fully involved in this human adventure, rubbing shoulders with its key players.

NON-RELIGIOUS ISBN: 978-2-22006-473-4 Format: 211 x 139 mm 256 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

18,9 €

September 2012


Managerial discernment Between constraint and conscience

Etienne Perrot

To discern is to choose, then decide before acting. Faced with an alternative, discernment is the art of combining those laws which generate constraints and the individual aspirations of the decision maker in specific situations. For managers and politicians alike, discernment is not the icing on the cake, which they deal with when they have nothing else to do. Because discernment is indispensable when facing inherent uncertainty in strategic decision-making, whether for company policy or for public policy. Anyone can be trained for this. This book contributes by providing a method of discernment in the constrained environment. It is intended for business leaders, politicians, administrations and associations, senior executives, project or service managers, who are all facing the dilemmas of professional and political life, facing the contradictions between their own personal beliefs and the authority of laws and supervisors. They must incorporate the power game, networks and regulations whilst all the time adopting a judgment of conscience for which they alone are responsible. 

HUMANITIES ISBN: 978-2-22006-461-1 Format: 212 x 139 mm 304 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

24 €

September 2012


Resources for healing Understanding and evaluating new therapies: Ericksonian hypnosis, EMDR, cardiac coherence, EFT, TIPI, CNV, kaizen

Pascal Ide

How do we welcome with attention and consideration the new psychotherapeutic opportunities of our time, and apply the right level of judgement ? Are they making us venture into esoterics or the New Age ?  Faced these days with an outbreak and even an explosive number of requests for counselling, and a growing mistrust of long-term therapies such as psychoanalysis, this book chooses to examine five short-term therapies : Ericksonian hypnosis, EMDR, cardiac coherence, EFT, TIPI as well as two further methods involving 'freedom':  CNV and the Kaizen path ... Each time, in a very educational way, the author provides examples, presents the principles of the method, evaluates from a rational perspective, viewing the question from a Christian angle but without ever obscuring the Gnostic view .  A fascinating journey which really corresponds to current needs.  

NON-RELIGIOUS ISBN: 978-2-22006-474-1 Format: 240 x 153 mm 504 Pages 27,9 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

November 2012


A manifesto to break with office malaise Vincent de Gaulejac

It's a hard fact that office malaise is becoming widespread and an unfortunate reality affecting everyone, everywhere, both in the private and public sector. With suicides, depressions, burnout, harassment, and pressures of all kinds abounding, the outward signs of this heavy and disturbing phenomenon are never-ending. Is this the fate of our post-industrial society ? Should we simply shrug and get on with it ?  Both the psychologist Vincent de Gaulejac and journalist Antoine Mercier say no, in this short manifesto that resounds like an alarm bell. It is time to react, analyze causes which should not be simply reduced to psychological variables, to raise awareness amongst the players, and spot whatever may be coming out of our very own institutions or systems which require an ever-increasing number of people but lacking the means to do so. This book vigorously provides food for thought and action.  A work which will have a resounding echo, given the topicality of the subject and the fame of its participants.

NON-RELIGIOUS ISBN: 978-2-22006-489-5 Format: 185 x 110 mm 186 Pages 15 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

December 2012


The Mass of Paul VI Back to the heart of tradition

Jean-Noël Bezançon

he Mass is part of a story,  a story " which flows naturally." This is the story of a fidelity which, like that of a couple, does not indefinitely keep on reviving the chapter of its engagement. Tradition, etymologically speaking, is not frozen, but rather transmitted : it can only be a living thing. This book aims to highlight the origin, the objectives, the content and the issues of the liturgical reforms of the Mass, implemented under the direction and authority of Pope Paul VI at the request of the ecumenical Council of Vatican II. With hindsight, half a century of practice of this liturgy throughout the Western Catholic Church has allowed us to better understand the Mass as restored to the beauty of its original simplicity, rendered to all the members of the Church, and celebrated by all. 

RELIGIOUS AUDIENCE ISBN: 978-2-22006-453-6 Format: 175 x 107 mm 176 Pages 14,9 €

  Theologian, and parish priest, Jean-Noël Bezançon recently released "We planted grandfather" and "God can't count".

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

September 2014


The celibacy of priests Should the Church's teachings change ?

Jean Mercier

The celibacy of priests is a fundamental aspect of our Church. It is now being called into question from various sides, provoking heated dicussion at the very heart of the Church as well as in society. This work is a complete synthesis of the question, taking stock of the most accurate research made into the history of the celibacy of priests both in the West as well as the East. Jean Mercier, a journalist and chief editor at La Vie, goes historically through all the social questions and positions taken and which are nourishing the current debate. Enriched by a wealth of supporting documents, this work is an indispensable synthesis proving the basis for argument in today's inevitable debate. 

THE WIDER RELIGIOUS AUDIENCE ISBN: 978-2-22006-591-5 Format: 235 x 152 mm 350 Pages 19,9 €

Jean Mercier is a journalist,  and associate editor at La Vie, handling all questions relating to religion and in particular all the latest news regarding the Pope.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2014

Gustave Thibon, a lesson on silence Raphaël Debailiac

Gustave Thibon is a deep and provocative intellectual with a quest for a higher level of thinking. Using mainly aphorisms, he unmasks appearances, reverses trends by way of paradox, without paying heed to offending contemporary society's tendencies to hedonism and individualism.  Incisively written going beyond merely exposing the thought to truly awakening and invigorating the soul, this work is both an intellectual biography and a happy anthology. Exploring the themes held so dear to Thibon, Raphaël Debailiac brings out the traits of a personality so deeply imbued with the quest for truth as to be plunged deeply into the night of faith. This is a committed essay, deeply rooted in the Gustave Thibon thought process, describing a world illuminated with Thibonean thought. 

ISBN: 978-2-22006-625-7 Format: 210 x 140 mm 240 Pages 18,9 €

Raphaël Debailiac holds degrees from the Sorbonne in philosophy and history.  

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

April 2014


Spiritual exercises for the manager Etienne Perrot

Spirituality is not a management tool. But management itself can be a spiritual place for the manager. The spiritual place in this case means the bringing together of the professional, personal, social and family life of the manager. We speak, and rightly so, about spirituality in art which occurs in the intimacy of the relationship between the artist and his work, as opposed to the painting or the scuplture merely in the material sense. So why wouldn't spiritualty in the art of management itself exist ? As it combines the constraints of management, and society's expectancies and the most profound aspirations of the manager. Should spirituality just be unique domaine reserved for the intellectual and the philisopher ? The spiritual process here takes its inspiration from Loyola's Spiritual Exercices. Values are not just displayed but put into practice, ideology is not hidden behind a closed door but liberated by one's confontration with one's neighbour. And our neighbour is not just our partner or colleague at work, but he is also the unexpected, the uncertain future, our manager's contradictions in the thick of the incoherence of business.  This work is an invitation for the manager to actually practise with the exercises it contains. Be they reflections on concrete dilemmas from the office, or meditation on words taken from the Bible, or a contemplation of scenes from the Gospel.

THE WIDER RELIGIOUS AUDIENCE ISBN: 978-2-22006-596-0 Format: 210 x 140 mm 224 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

17,9 €

September 2014


Accompanying the wounded Groupe de Fontenelle

Expressing one's full potential will at one point require a healing of one's own wounds.  So who to turn to in order to progress down the road to recovery ? Psychologists, coaches, spiritual guides each bring to the fore through their respective disciplines their methods and responses. On a second level, it is through the bibical experience and the light of the wisdoms of the Church (including written texts by Evagrius of Pontus who had a substantial influence in the West) that a new light is shed on the origins of and the methods for the healing process of our wounds. With simplicity and clarity this work makes the reader clearly appreciate the complementarity between the humanities and the insight into the human soul by the Church over two thousand years.

FOR THE MOTIVATED READER ISBN: 978-2-22006-617-2 Format: 210 x 140 mm 108 Pages 9,9 €

The group "Fontenelle" arose from a desire to create a meeting point for all those involved in "coaching and support". This intuition, originating with coach Michel Rebours, then immediately resonated with Mgr Pascal Roland, bishop of  Belley-Ars,  with Father Jean-Charles Nault, abbé from Saint-Wandrille de Fontenelle, with coach Brigitte Midon, with coach Sandrine Salaün, with clinical psychologist Luc Fossey, and with psychiatrist Dr Bruno Caumartin,  

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

September 2014

When philosophy meddles in sex Jeanne Larghero

Gender, parity, stereotypes, the difference between man and woman, in short, sex. Never has has the subject of sex been raised as much as today. To talk about sex is to talk about men and women. Do they share the same experiences  ? Are they interchangeable ? Why are they equal when their sexual and anatomical differences are so obvious ? A detour through the history of feminist thought over the years makes us think  that both sexes would benefit today from being considered as "genders", victims of historical evolution and the hazards of culture, and not just a simple biological reality. Now that's food for thought....but what a series of contradictions !  So let's look again at sexual identity, let's really delve into masculinity and femininity, let's go beyond individual competence, in order to really understand how our body, our heart and our whole being, as a man or as a woman, is made up.    

ISBN: 978-2-22006-623-3 Format: 200 x 130 mm 174 Pages

A book for all aged 17-177 to read, written with as much humour as intelligence !

Jeanne Larghero, following her degree in philosophy and the arts at the Sorbonne and ten years in higher education, is currently teaching philosophy at Upper Secondary Level in the outskirts of Paris.   

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

14 €

February 2014


Marcel Pagnol, another view Karin Hann

Author of what are some of the most beautiful pages of French literature, multi-talented performer, filmmaker, playwright, memoirist, essayist, novelist, Marcel Pagnol still comes across, all too often, as a simple entertainer. We will see here that this is definitely not the case. This book offers an unprecedented look into his artistic creation, sheds a new light on all of his production, his plays, his books or his films. So we can understand what lies behind the laughter, the relationships binding together his works, and major themes held so dear by the writer. The language of Pagnol is made up of simple words, yet it's the result of an amazing undertaking ! Everyone talks like Pagnol's characters but nobody has ever written like him. So what is this all due to ? How did Pagnol view love? Women ? Did his Provence really exist? How does he remember his childhood ? Why is Pagnol so universal? To all these simple questions, the author provides clear answers supported to our delight by many examples. This book is a vibrant tribute to Marcel Pagnol, showing us his ongoing uniqueness as the man, the filmmaker, the writer; Karin Hann deepens our understanding of his timeless and uncategorizable work. She gives everyone the opportunity to get behind the mirror and better understand the work of the artist. A book in a class of its own really scrutinizing Pagnol's universe. An investigation which reads like a novel ! 

ISBN: 978-2-26807-583-9 Format: 235 x 152 mm 280 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

21 €

February 2014


Hope dies last With the Foreign Legion, war and captivity in Indochina (1949-1954)

Bernard Grué

This book retraces the events in Indochina experienced by a young officer in charge of an isolated Chinese border post, on the RC4, at the head of a section of seasoned legionnaires and a large group of Nung supporters. The author describes without any hatred or exaggeration the four years of captivity endured by the officers and the Camp No.1 warrant officers who will go on to be joined by the survivors of the RC4 and 1954 Dien Bien Phu battles. We will see in particular how these barely clad officers, often suffering from injuires, were able to organize themselves and help each other, without any external assistance, coping with the harsh conditions of  jungle life and resisting the Marxist indoctrination of political commissars trained according to chinese methods.  A true survival manual ! How to put up with this kind of captivity, not give up, not to suffer, how to maintain physical and moral strength, how not to be swayed by insidious propaganda, how to endure isolation, hunger, disease, insults, the approach of death. In short, how not to lose hope, the book's ultimate message. 

FOR THE MOTIVATED READER ISBN: 978-2-26807-578-5 Format: 235 x 150 mm 250 Pages

"There is always a light at the end of the tunnel": nearly 60 years after reaching the end of the tunnel, Colonel Grué still radiates the light instilled into him after four years of captivity in the jungle.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

18 €

January 2014


Rwanda Questions around a genocide

Bernard Lugan

April 2014 saw the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Rwanda genocide (beginning April 6,1994). The two opposing views by the Hutu and the Tutsi are periodically presented by the media following their own feelings or inclinations. The book is organized into ten chapters putting to the reader ten key questions:  The genocide. Why and how ? Who had vested interests in stopping the democratic process by assassinating the Hutu President Habyarimana ?  Was the coup of April 6, 1994 carried out by the "extremist" Hutu ?   Was the  genocide programmed, organized, planned, or was it, on the contrary, spontaneous ?   Why did General Kagame's Tutsi unleash such a thoroughly prepared military offensive on the night of 6 to 7 April 1994 ?  Who were the   "extremist" Hutu and were they really run by a secret committee named "Akazu" headed by the very brother-in-law of the assassinated president ?  Who are the "moderate Hutu"?  Was the "Sinister Memory Radio Television des Mille Collines" really created by "extremist Hutu" to enable them to prepare and commit genocide ? What is the responsibility of the UN and the Canadian General Romeo Dallaire in this drama and  why, with its thousands of armed and armoured peacekeepers, did he remain passive, un-interposed, and not create refuge zones ?  Why did the Kigali regime and certain media channels regularly challenge France and are these accusations  well-founded?

ISBN: 978-2-26807-579-2 Format: 235 x 152 mm 250 Pages

Bernard Lugan, an academic,  is professor at the Ecole de Guerre in Paris and teaches at the Ecoles de Saint-Cyr-Coëtquidan. He is a lecturer at the IHEDN and expert at the ICTR (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, UN). He edits the Internet Reviw "Real Africa".

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

22 €

January 2014


Female spies - the novel Vladimir Fédorovski

Using testimony and unpublished archives as well as a strong dose of his personal experience as diplomat during the great upheavals in the East,  Vladimir Fedorovski takes us into the secret world of the most famous female spies "from the colder climes"  who changed the history of the twentieth century.  The beautiful Baroness Boudeberg mounts the biggest conspiracy against the Kremlin before herself becoming a double agent; Elisabeth Zarubin steals for the USSR  the secrets of the American atomic bomb, the dreaded Elsa Triolet and Maia Romain Rolland are behind a real "red orchestra" of Western intellectuals, the famous film actress Olga Tchékhova becomes the best friend of Eva Braun, informing Stalin of the Nazis great secrets; not to mention the wonderful network of KGB "swallows"  penetrating the highest levels of Western politics even today. Or the spy mistress Nina who seduces Albert Einstein on orders from Moscow ... Each one should have died a thousand times if each day, each hour, hadn't been a real duel with the dramatic events of History. These women from the shadows were imbued with a kind of life-genius ! Thrown into the fray of events, they were subjected to nameless tragedies and terrible pressures emanating from a man-grinding machine put into action by the Kremlin as much today as yesterday. These women were not devoid of intelligence or insight, or conviction, or passionate love ! 

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-576-1 Format: 235 x 152 mm 224 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

20 €

November 2012


The magic of Saint Petersburg Exceptional sights and eternal splendour

Vladimir Fédérovski Vladimir Fédorovski offers a magnificent ride through the splendours of this mythical city St. Petersburg. Peter the Great, Dostoevsky, the canals of the Neva, sleepless nights, Pushkin, Hermitage ... Men and places that reconnect with the magical mystery of the city of the tsars. Here we travel through time and space with its legendary figures, secret alcoves and glittering palaces. These mesmerizing pages invite us to reflect on the contradictions of the slavic character which, like its architecture bears no ressemblance to either Gothic Europe, or the Byzantine style. Is it the art of building or just the Russian soul which creates these whims with such fantasy, with its contrasts, its colors, its play on light ? Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Voltaire, Diderot, the Chevalier d'Eon, Cagliostro, Joseph de Maistre, Armand de Richelieu, Napoleon, Alexander I, Turgenev, Alexander Dumas, Matisse, Diaghilev, Eluard, Cocteau, Gala, Aragon .. . Each figure strides through this book as if in Italian drama, putting himself forward as our guide for gaining access to the secrets of this city. Exceptional illustrations bring us directly into its famous palaces.

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-440-5 Format: 288 x 246 mm 144 Pages 25 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

December 2012


Behind the National Gendarmerie's Intervention Group (GIGN) Roland Môntins Roland Môntins is a modern-day hero. His actions are well known throughout France, as it was he who led the GIGN assault against the hostage takers entrenched in Marignane at Air France Airbus in December 1994. The terrorists were killed and the hostages freed. Today, after a book and a hit movie (The Assault), he describes other GIGN exploits inspired by real events. How do masked men react when faced with a violence in which they themselves are actors? What do they feel ? Are they proud of their accomplishments? Roland Môntins has since left the GIGN but reveals to us today his extraordinary missions and the psychology behind those heroes. A captivating story in honor of the men who protect the Republic from its worst enemies.

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-467-2 Format: x mm 218 Pages 17,9 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2013


Louis Pasteur An adventurer in science

André Besson

This book on Pasteur ressembles no other. Written from unpublished documents, it favors the secret and family dimension of the scientist. The public finally knows really very little about him, other than his discovery of the vaccine against rabies.  This biography takes readers into the intimacy of an atypical and enigmatic man whose life was permanently affected by the tragedies of an implacable destiny. He had to overcome the successive deaths of his relatives, including the deaths of three of his daughters, before even being struck with hemiplegia which deprived him, at the age of 46 years, of the use of his arm and left leg. He did not pursue any less his courageous work that led to the eradication of several virulent diseases.  This book is also a moving tribute to Mary, the wife of Pastor without whose affection and devotion  he would never have been able to complete his research. She also provided support for her husband against his rivals when his revolutionary discoveries were often opposed by the scientific authorities.

ISBN: 978-2-26807-540-2 Format: 15 x 24 mm 324 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

22 €

October 2012


50 Bridge Exercises with the world champion Adapted version (5th generation)

Michel Lebel 50 bridge exercises + practical guide  50 one-to-one lessons with the world champion. With each exercise: - commentaries - explanations - detailed game strategy + its practical guide ADVANCED LEVEL

ISBN: 978-2-26807-445-0 Format: x mm 288 Pages 24 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

June 2012


The Charles de Gaulle Men in Action


The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is the first and only nuclear-powered surface ship built in Western Europe. Since its launch in 1994, it has become legendary and has joined its predecessors, such as the Clemenceau and the Foch. Through its numerous missions which have seen its credibility confirmed, it thrusts France's position in Europe and worldwide strategically forward.  This book is specifically devoted to the "Harmattan" operation (March 20, August 12, 2011) whose aim was to enforce the 1973 Resolution  of the Security Council of the United Nations to help the Libyan people.  Alternating between exclusive photos and text which bring this   magnificent book to life, it helps to account for the largest operation conducted by France off the Mediterranean and describes life on the ship.  From the Admiral to the petty officer, each take part in a simplifying chain of command which unifies and humanizes life aboard where action is its soul aim. A photo report (provided exclusively by the E.M.) takes us from the "squares" a kind of sanctuary for free speech, to the cursives and flight deck for the Rafales M, the Supers Etendars, helicopters and surveillance aircraft. A captivating story.

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-268-5 Format: x mm 192 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

42 €

June 2009


The France Guillain Method Live a balanced life !

France Guillain

Did you know that we have a hundred million neurons in our stomach which are in direct contact with our food? It takes just one alcoholic drink on an empty stomach to  make us understand : signals sent by these neurons to the brain no longer work straight. In other words, what goes into our stomachs affects our mental faculties, our capacity to think. Our brain only make ups for 2% of our body weight, yet it engulfs a massive 20% of what we eat. Think about it : 20% of that bottle of "black lemonade", 20% of those crisps ! And what happens if we are abandoned by our neurons along the way ? Is it high time we stopped taking our stomach for a garbage can ? Let's be clear here : the stomach is a sanctuary. We should offer it only the most precious of foodstuffs : fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, quality food. Contrary to what we are told everywhere, eating healthily is not expensive ! For a more balanced life, you will discover here how to combine the benefits of these foods with those of clay, sunlight and, of course, cold water therapies. The France Guillain method, already being practiced by millions of people around the world, will keep you in great shape at minimum cost !

ISBN: 978-2-26806-811-4 Format: x mm 320 Pages


Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

18,3 €

May 2014


The Story of Jaurès Ideas in his fists

Laurent Lasne

Impossible to categorize, an indefatigable fighter, Jaurès had fists stuffed with ideas, so Jules Renard, the writer, will go on to say. But before his fists, it's his world of ideas ... this is where it all begins for the child from the Tarn region tumbling into Paris, the capital city, to swallow philosophy at the Ecole Normale Superieure. Going against the spiritualists, he argued in favour of the "reality of the sensitive world", but without excluding a central impersonal God, "a point of unity in the universe." Unity, this is it, the very heart of the world vision held by this apprentice philosopher who wrote that "the need for unity is the deepest and noblest of all which is in the human mind ". Thus, this concept of unity so dear to Jaurès, will be found later in the historian, who will attempt to combine the legacy of the French Revolution and the understanding of capital, and the politician, who will want put into practice the difficult synthesis between marxist and republican values. 

ISBN: 978-2-26807-626-3 Format: 235 x 152 mm 220 Pages

His thoughts were never frozen into  corseted doctrines or theoretical strips because everything to Jaurès was movement itself. This idea of movement, linked to the need for unity, was the founding stone for the political act through which individual autonomy,  social unity, materialism and idealism should be held together.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

19,9 €

June 2012


Food or the third medicine Jean Seignalet

"My excellent and much regretted colleague Jean Seignalet would have been   happy with this new version of its best-seller that strongly and scientifically supports Hippocrates' 2512 year old aphorism: "Let your food be your medicine " Even today traditional medicine and alternative medicine is easily brought into opposition. Indeed, they are complementary. Jean's great merit was to promote this third way with great success.  A simple, rigorous method, which often fights significantly more effectively the many diseases of civilization than the traditional treatments or the very expensive modern ones. This book is a gold mine. Our Ministers of Health should know of it in order to significantly cut their explosive budget spending. Improper eating habits are capable of being at the origin, along with other associated factors, of many permanent, long-term disabling illnesses. The Seignalet method is there precisely for yout to change your eating habits. " This book is the greatest gift you can give to your friends, your doctor. You'll learn a lot about the wealth of your health, and what you don't understand, your doctor can explain". Henri Joyeux

THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND SUPERMARKET RETAILERS ISBN: 978-2-26807-400-9 Format: 240 x 150 mm 776 Pages 32 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

October 2013


Change how you eat Henri Joyeux

The human body is fortunately very coherent. If it gets the "right food", we have the best chances of staying in excellent health and operating at the optimum level of our physical, intellectual, and emotional capacities. The key is to keeping our immune system strong and effective in order to prevent invasion by bacteria or viruses or environmental pesticides which are either ingested or inhaled. Professor Joyeux provides answers to all our questions In this book.  How does obesity increase the risk of diabetes, cancer and auto-immune diseases ? Why are gentle steam or vertical barbecuing the best cooking methods ? How does red meat increase the risk and recurrence of breast and colon cancers ? Why are pill and HRT hormones also key factors in the development of hormone-dependent cancers (such as breast, uterus, the ovaries...)? How do phytohormonal fruits, vegetables, and grains protect us from digestive cancers, as well as hormone-dependent cancers, and even osteoporosis? Why such a phobia of osteoporosis and how can it be prevented without an excessive intake of dairy produce? What is the GMO danger to human health? How can good nutrition slow down or stop the symptoms of auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's.  A book which is accessible to all, with an index to facilitate research. Health tips to be put into immediate practice.

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-532-7 Format: 240 x 150 mm 464 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

24 €

May 2014


Putin A secret itinerary

Vladimir Fedorovski

The image of Putin has become one of excelling in masking his tracks. A born chameleon ever faithful to the methods of his past in the secret services.  In line with the classical methods of the KGB Spy School, he has made all those he's with believe that he's really like them, one of them : a mirror which reflects their very own image. Going so far as to even imitate their mimics, their grimaces, their ways of talking.   There are at least five versions of Putin. Firstly, in the 70s-80s, the version as James Bond, trained and sustained by the secret services, initially in counter-espionnage, and then in the outside world : and as such, the perfect KGB product. Then as a skilled administrator, deputy to the democratic mayor of Saint- Petersburg,  then senior official, head of the secret services chosen to defend the interests of Eltsine and his family. The fourth Putin is that of Prime Minister during the Tchetcen War, a man with a sulfurous reputation coming to power in August 1999, in the crepuscular end-of-reign climate and in favour of that terrible war against the small Causasian separatist republic, a skilled manœuverer toying with the politicial clans to impose himself as tsar Boris's unexpected successor in December 1999. Finally the fifth, and the one which interests us today, as leader of the Kremlin confronting the major challenges of the 21st century. Syria, Iran, Khodorkovski, his links with the mafia…  An explosive book. 

ISBN: 978-2-26807-619-5 Format: 235 x 152 mm 250 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

19,9 €

September 2014


The Story of the Russians in Paris Alexandre Jevakhoff

Ask a Parisian - or any Frenchman for that - about the Russians in Paris. They'll talk about bistrots, the 'Pont Alexandre III' bridge , the orthodox cathedral, night clubs, taxi drivers, the Russian Ballet, the White Russian painter Chagall... This book naturally describes these aspects, but fills them all out. It's not an accident if Russians are so omnipresent in the history of Paris and the image it conjures up. Paris has always been a special place for the Russians.  Using a documented, highly spirited approach and open to a wide readership audience, this book deals with the real stories of the Russians in Paris, the marriage of Anne of Kiev, the revolutionaries against the tsar's police, the Soviet camp at Beauregard, the Russians sent to Corsica during Krushchev's visit, beef Strogannof.  This Parisian-born author, whose all four grandparents are White Russian, runs through scenes and dialogues through the last 10 centuries of passion and deceipt, of heroism and mystery, combining historical fact, personal anecdotes and sometimes with a touch of his own imagination.       

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-623-2 Format: 235 x 152 mm 306 Pages 22 €

Alexandre Jevakhoff is a historian and a high-ranking French official. As General Finance Inspector, he was a former close aide to Michèle Alliot-Marie. An HEC, Sciences-po, and ENA graduate, he is president of the Circle of the Imperial Russian Navy and a member of the Union of Russian Nobility.  He is author of several works, including The White Russians published in 2007 by Tallandier.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

June 2014

Akamasoa, the child's dream 25 years of work by Father Pedro

Collectif For over 25 years, the « Les Amis du Père Pedro » Association has been   providing support for the work of Akamasoa being carried out in Madagascar and one of the world's most deprived popoulations.  After the success of the book  « Father Pedro, the prophet from the slums » published by 'Editions du Rocher', Pierre Lunel and Père Pedro have decided to present  over a quarter of a century's work this time through photography : the construction of houses, schools, pharmacies, the procurement of food (an annual 900 tons of rice !!) and other material needed for the development and implementation of this mission. Today, over 250 000 people are being cared for, villages have grown to a population of 20,000 and over 9,000 children are being educated. Poverty, as an inevitable destiny, has regressed. Pedro is a giant of faith and love for our poorest.   Magnificent photos illustrating an extraordinary human adventure. .

ISBN: 978-2-26807-592-1 Format: 210 x 210 mm 168 Pages 19,9 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2014


Love A wholly holy affair.

Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine

In Marseille, by the Canebière, there are plans for the Reformed church to be demolished.  The Bishop wants to make a final stand and designates Father Zanotti-Sorkine. Seven years later, in this part of the town where Catholics are in the minority, the church every Sunday morning  is full. Is it a miracle ? No. But it's an exception in France and for the following reasons. The church is open twelve hours a day, mass is held daily in the nave. Worship is held in the greatest of traditions : solemn processions, altar boys, incense, musical magnificence of the organ, hymn singing, the appealing sermons given by the priest, rosary recitals, confessions twice daily.   Father Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine is available for everybody every evening after 8.00pm. As a priest, musician, writer, and artist, his writings and preachings have already made him conquer a very wide public.  In this new work, he speaks about love. Love at every stage of life, whatever the situation, drawing attention to the fact  that " nothing is ever lost, it can only be retrieved, by way of other paths which open to give love a chance"   

THE CHRISTIAN READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-621-8 Format: 195 x 120 mm 126 Pages

We can all find the keys to love in this book, to contruct love, to deserve love. This is a real book on life ! Following an artistic career in Paris, Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine was ordained at the age of 40. Poet, composer, singer, writer, this multi-talented priest puts his quill to the services of his mission.  

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

12 €

September 2014


Gabriele d'Annunzio or the Story of the Belle Epoque

Dominique Lormier

Considered to be one of the greatest of Italian writers of his time, Gabriele d'Annunzio (1863-1938) is a central figure of the Belle Epoque era, the Great War years 1914-1918 and the Années Folles.  Gifted as a child, a sublime poet, an internationally renowned novelist , playwright of pieces acted out by the greatest of players, he embarks on endless love affairs with the most beautiful women of his time, duchesses and countesses, female artists and actresses, socializes with the most illustrious characters of his time, like Edmond Rostand, Marcel Proust, Maurice Barrès, Anna de Noailles, André Gide, Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Robert de Montesquiou, Marie de Régnier, Romaine Brooks, Jean Cocteau, Ida Rubinstein, Claude Debussy… He lives the most select of social lives, attending receptions and performances, but also isolating himself in an authentic mystical research. D'Annunzio positions himself with the Allies when Italy enters into the war in 1915. Aviator, sailor and infantryman, his military prowess is recognized on the austro-italian front. At Fiume, il writes up a revolutionary constitutional tract, refusing to subscribe to Mussolini's fascism, and retires to the shores of lake Garda. He does everything in his power to stop the italo-german alliance against France, even paying for it, in 1938, with his life.

ISBN: 978-2-26807-617-1 Format: 235 x 152 mm 250 Pages 18,5 €

Dominique Lormier, historian and writer, was born in 1960,  and through this lively,  historlcal novel, is adopting a different style of writing. Through this work, the greatest of Italian writers is reborn. 

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

August 2014

NATO in the 21st century The transformation of a legacy

Kempf Olivier

For twenty years, the NATO Alliance has continually been adapting to its environment : operations carried out over three continents, entry of the former Communist-block states, creation of dialogue with the United Nations or the European Union, new operational procedures. a radical modification of its organisation or responses to new questions such as  cyber-defense, terrorism or anti-missile defense... In permanent mutation, the field of action for the Atlantic Alliance goes well beyond just a reducing prism of the relationship with France. The issues linked to NATO are much more enthralling. And it's time to understand the transformation behind what was up until only very recently a legacy of the Cold War.     This novel, rigorous work accurately describes a breathtaking adaptation. Its tone creates the right balance, allowing for an uncompromizing understanding of the permanent, a recognition of the changes, drawing attention to the gaps and a positioning of perspectives.  This, to date, is the most complete synthesis of NATO, the inevitable actor in contemporary international relations. The author, a recognized specialist of the subject, uses a pedagogical approach, fulfilling the expectations and responding to both the citizen and the professional.

ISBN: 978-2-26807-627-0 Format: 15 x 24 mm 614 Pages 29,9 €

Olivier Kempf is a lecturer at Sciences Po Paris and editorial consultant with the Revue Défense Nationale.

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2014


SYRIA The West and their mistake

Frédéric Pichon

As the major crisis affecting Syria since 15th March 2011 is threatening the stability of the Middle East, we should now be asking ourselves about the real reasons behind the current situtation, going beyond the expounding of moralities by western diplomacy.    Reassured by examples set by Ben Ali and Moubarak, the question today should be whether certain analysts have not been applying a merely unilateral and Manchean approach to the events in Syria. Should the West have dubbed the opponent coalition as quickly as it has done, without trying to further understand the elements involved.  Whatever the problems of the current régime, does this Manichean vision really lend itself to a future national dialogue, and the end of the massacre.


Is the politicial reform that the Syrians so quite rightly expect possible if external powers are so constantly confessionalising the conflict ever further, to the detriment of the Syrian minority poplutations ?

13,5 €

ISBN: 978-2-26807-605-8 Format: 210 x 140 mm 132 Pages

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420

May 2014


Sex and Sharia Law Mathieu Guidère

In the euphoria of change, arab youth experienced a sexual liberation in 2011. But the liberation was quickly checked and recovered by the islamic election victors in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.  This new youth sexuality was immediately redefined in islamic terms, and hitherto unchartered practices were declared by theological opinion, as if by the stroke of a wand, as conforming fully to Sharia Law, as astonishing or as amusing as it may have appeared. There was also an increase in the "islamic" type of marriage (customary, temporary, for pleasure, etc) and an increase in "fatwas" authorizing or forbidding various sexual practices. This book publishes for the first time the most consulted fatwas on internet, as well as the most dicussed themes on social networks. Starting with a both live and virtual full investigation the author goes into detail to explain how the arabic sexual revolution was phagocytosed by the islamists and politically instrumentalized to be used in the further enslavement of both body and mind 

THE WIDE READERSHIP AUDIENCE ALL AGES ISBN: 978-2-26807-618-8 Format: 210 x 140 mm 180 Pages 16,9 €

Pauline Misconi - Email : [email protected] - Phone : +33140465420