To skip or not to skip?

Sources : 1. TrueView Behaviour Study, comScore Data Services, février 2015 (Royaume-Uni) – A part la distinction ... Air New Zealand – The Most. Epic Safety ...
13MB taille 3 téléchargements 825 vues

TO SKIP OR NOT TO SKIP? Who Who would would choose choose to to watch watch an an ad ad when when they they are are given given the the choice choice to to skip? skip? Who would choose to watch an ad when they are given the choice to skip?

When When we we launched launched the the TrueView TrueView skippable skippable ad, ad, most most people people thought thought that that no no one one When we launched the TrueView skippable ad, most people thought that no one YQWNFYCVEJ+VŦUPQVCNYC[UVJGECUG+VVWTPUQWVVJCVRGQRNGFQEJQQUGVQYCVEJ YQWNFYCVEJ+VŦUPQVCNYC[UVJGECUG+VVWTPUQWVVJCVRGQRNGFQEJQQUGVQYCVEJ Qui décide de regarder une publicité quand il/elle a la possibilité de l’ignorer ? En permettant YQWNFYCVEJ+VŦUPQVCNYC[UVJGECUG+VVWTPUQWVVJCVRGQRNGFQEJQQUGVQYCVEJ CFU0GYTGUGCTEJUJGFUUQOGNKIJVQPYJQKUOQTGNKMGN[VQEJQQUGVQYCVEJCP auxCFU0GYTGUGCTEJUJGFUUQOGNKIJVQPYJQKUOQTGNKMGN[VQEJQQUGVQYCVEJCP internautes d’ignorer une publicité, l’enjeu est de créer du contenu engageant pour retenir CFU0GYTGUGCTEJUJGFUUQOGNKIJVQPYJQKUOQTGNKMGN[VQEJQQUGVQYCVEJCP ad and which characteristics make ads appealing adCette and étude whichrévèle characteristics make ads more more leur attention. qui est le plus susceptible de appealing choisir de regarder une ad and which characteristics make ads more appealing publicité. Elle livre également les caractéristiques qui rendent les publicités plus attrayantes.


People People aged aged 25-44: 25-44: People aged 25-44: Internautes entre 25-34 35-44 25-34 25 et 44 ans35-44 :

25-34 25-34 ans

35-44 35-44 ans

16% 16% 16%

21% 21% 21%



Women Women dominate: dominate: Women dominate: Completion Completion index index based based on on gender gender

People People who who have have People who have visited the visited the Internautes qui sont visited the brand’s website: déjà allés sur le site brand’s website: brand’s website: de la marque : visits Completion index Completion index based based on on visits

Les femmes en tête : Completion index based on gender

to brand website Completion on visits to the theindex brandbased website to thesont brand website plus susceptibles People 12%who People who de regarder une visited People the who publicité jusqu’au bout visited the

105 105 105

more more likely likely to to watch more likely to plus susceptibles watch dewatch regarder

brand's website visited the brand's website indexed at brand's website indexed at 112 112 indexed at 112

Les femmes sont


97 97 97

People People who who did did not visit the People not visitwho the did brand's website not visitwebsite the brand's indexed at brand's website indexed at 100 100

plus susceptibles de regarder une publicité jusqu’au bout que les hommes

indexed at 100

WHY AREN’T THEY SKIPPING? 2 WHY AREN’T THEY SKIPPING? POUQUOI DÉCIDENT-ILS DE REGARDER ? Humour Humour is is the the top top reason reason not not to to skip skip +7% +7% Humour is the top reason not to skip are 7% more likely to watch to the end L'humour est laViewers principale raison de continuer de regarder Viewers are 7% more likely to watch to the end +7% Viewers are 7% more likely to watch to the end

Air Air New New Zealand Zealand -- The The Most Most Epic Safety Video Air New New Zealand The Most Air Zealand TheMade Most Epic Safety Video–-Ever Ever Made #airnzhobbit Epic Safety Safety Video Ever Ever Made Made Epic Video #airnzhobbit #airnzhobbit #airnzhobbit

Pepsi Pepsi -- Test Test Drive Drive Pepsi –- Test Pepsi Test Drive Drive

Poo Poo Pourri Pourri -- Girls Girls don’t don’t poop poop PooPourri Pourri–- Girls Poo Girls don’t Don't poop Poop

Celebrities Celebrities can can do do the the work work for for you you Les internautes aiment lestocélébrités Celebrities can do the work forendyou Viewers the Viewers are are 6% 6% more more likely likely to to watch watch to the end

+6% +6% +6%

Viewers are 6% more likely to watch to the end

Turkish Airlines vs Turkish Airlines Airlines –-- Kobe Kobe Turkish Kobe vs vs /GUUK5GNƒG5JQQVQWV Turkish Airlines Kobe vs /GUUK5GNƒG5JQQVQWV Messi: Selfie Shootout /GUUK5GNƒG5JQQVQWV

Volvo Trucks Split Volvo Trucks Trucks –-- Epic Epic Volvo Epic Split Split Volvo Trucks - Epic Split

T-mobile T-mobile –-- #KimsDataStash #KimsDataStash T-Mobile #KimsDataStash T-mobile - #KimsDataStash

Animations are a great way to get people to stay tuned Animations are a great way to get people to stay tuned +5% +5% LesAnimations films d’animation maintiennent l’intérêt des utilisateurs are a great way to get people to stay tuned Viewers +5% Viewers are are 5% 5% more more likely likely to to watch watch to to the the end end Viewers are 5% more likely to watch to the end

Nike Nike The Last Last Game Game Nike –-- The The Last Game Nike - The Last Game

Honda Honda Honda Hands Hands Honda –-- Honda Honda Hands Honda - Honda Hands

Metro Trains, Melbourne Metro Metro Trains, Trains, Melbourne Melbourne –-Dumb ways to Metro Trains, Melbourne Dumb Ways Die Dumb ways to die die Dumb ways to die

Les publicités qui allient humour et célébrités affichent non seulement un meilleur taux de visionnage mais aussi de meilleures performances Ads feature humour not only Ads that feature humour and and celebrities are not only associated associated enthat termes de notoriété et decelebrities souvenir are de la marque. Ads that feature humour and celebrities are not only associated with with higher higher view view through through rates, rates, they they also also see see higher higher lifts lifts in in brand brand with higher viewad through rates, they also see higher lifts in brand awareness awareness and and ad recall. recall. awareness and ad recall.

+35% Quand un contenu est apprecié, la publicité Ads highly endorsed by Ads that that are highly endorsedd’être by others KGOQTGťNKMGFŦ CTGNGUU others KGOQTGťNKMGFŦ CTGNGUU qui le précède a are plus de chance Ads that are highly1endorsed by others KGOQTGťNKMGFŦ CTGNGUU NKMGN[VQDGUMKRRGFCPFJCXGCJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVG NKMGN[VQDGUMKRRGFCPFJCXGCJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVG regardéeNKMGN[VQDGUMKRRGFCPFJCXGCJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVG jusqu’au bout. % plus/moins susceptible d’aller jusqu’au bout de la publicité Completion index based on number Completion based number of of likes likes of of the the content content video video (sur la base duindex nombre de on ‘j’aime’) Completion index based on number of likes of the content video 84 84 84

88 88 88

91 91 91

Under Under 50 50 Under 50

50-100 50-100 50-100 -12%

100-250 100-250 -9% 100-250

-16% Moins de 50

0% 100 100 100 250-1,000 250-1,000 250-1,000

98 98 98 -2%

Number Number of of likes: likes: Number of likes:

1,000-25,000 1,000-25,000 1,000-25,000

+1% 101 101 101 25,000 25,000 -100,000 25,000 -100,000 -100,000

135 135 135 Over Over 100,000 100,000 Over 100,000

Nombre de ‘j’aime’ : 50 -

100 -

250 -

1000 -

25 000 -

Plus de

Those with over 100,000 likesUGGOWEJJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVGU Those with over 100,000 likesUGGOWEJJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVGU 100 250 1000 25 000 100 000 100 000 Those with over 100,000 likesUGGOWEJJKIJGTEQORNGVKQPTCVGU


Nous avons extrait quelques best practices de notre étude :

When When creating creating new new content, content, consider consider the the When creating new content, the top and if top characteristics characteristics and see seeconsider if they they will will top characteristics and see if they will YQTMHQT[QWTDTCPF YQTMHQT[QWTDTCPF YQTMHQT[QWTDTCPF Quand vous créez du nouveau contenu, prenez en compte ces caractéristiques et voyez si elles fonctionnent pour votre marque !

Having Having great great creative creative is is only only half half of of the the recipe recipe for for Having great creative is only half of the recipe for UWEEGUU'PUWTGVJCV[QW TGTGCEJKPIOQTGQHVJG UWEEGUU'PUWTGVJCV[QW TGTGCEJKPIOQTGQHVJG UWEEGUU'PUWTGVJCV[QW TGTGCEJKPIOQTGQHVJG right people, right people, at at the the right right time time by by taking taking advantage advantage right people, at the rightoptions time byon taking advantage of YouTube of the the targeting targeting options on YouTube of the targeting options on YouTube

+VŦUPQVCNNCDQWVETGCVKPIPGYEQPVGPV +VŦUPQVCNNCDQWVETGCVKPIPGYEQPVGPV +VŦUPQVCNNCDQWVETGCVKPIPGYEQPVGPV Think about Think about your your existing existing creatives creatives that that Think about your existing creatives that HGCVWTGCP[QHVJGUGEJCTCEVGTKUVKEU HGCVWTGCP[QHVJGUGEJCTCEVGTKUVKEU HGCVWTGCP[QHVJGUGEJCTCEVGTKUVKEU Il ne s’agit pas uniquement de créer du nouveau contenu. Repensez à vos créas qui présentent certaines de ces caractéristiques !

6JKPMDG[QPFVJGƒTUVƒXGUGEQPFUЯ 6JKPMDG[QPFVJGƒTUVƒXGUGEQPFUЯ After After 6JKPMDG[QPFVJGƒTUVƒXGUGEQPFUЯ someone ad, someone has has chosen chosen to to watch watch your yourAfter ad, someone watch yourto you the perfect opportunity you have havehas thechosen perfectto opportunity toad, you have express what the brand is express whatthe theperfect brand opportunity is about, about, and andtoyou you express the brand is about, and you have as time you havewhat as much much time as as you need! need! haveau-delà as much you need! Projetez-vous destime cinqas premières secondes !

Avec une belle créa, vous n’avez parcouru que la moitié du chemin vers le succès. Assurez-vous de bien toucher Une fois que l'internaute a décidé de regarder votre publicité, les bonnes personnes, au bon moment, en tirant parti vous avez l'opportunité d'exprimer l'identité de la marque. By By giving giving viewers viewers the the choice choice to to engage, engage, brands brands are are able able to to win win more more of of the the moments moments des options de ciblage de YouTube ! Vous avez tout le temps nécessaire pour le faire. By giving viewers the choice to engage, brands are able to win more of the moments


En donnant aux internautes la possibilité de s’engager, les marques accèdent à plus de moments qui comptent pour le consommateur : pendant les cinq premières secondes et au-delà. Sources : 1. TrueView Behaviour Study, comScore Data Services, février 2015 (Royaume-Uni) – A part la distinction hommes/femmes, toutes comparaisons reposent sur le pourcentage de visionnage complet. 2. TrueView Creative Guidelines, Google, juin 2015 (Monde)