The USA Historical AFV Register

Feb 2, 2018 - (the Sherman Register mailing list), G103 (dedicated to Stuart tanks), and G136 (dedicated to M8 ...... Intersection of Rice Rd & Ave of the States: N33 24.912 W082 08.296 ...... Khaki Corps Imports, 2676 E 60th St N: Ferret Mk ...
6MB taille 159 téléchargements 1314 vues
The USA Historical AFV Register Armored Fighting Vehicles Preserved in the United States of America


February 2018

Michel van Loon Neil Baumgardner For the AFV Association

Picture by Paul Hannah

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ ALABAMA.......................................................................................................... ALASKA............................................................................................................ ARIZONA.......................................................................................................... ARKANSAS....................................................................................................... CALIFORNIA..................................................................................................... COLORADO........................................................................................................ CONNECTICUT................................................................................................... DELAWARE........................................................................................................ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA................................................................................... FLORIDA........................................................................................................... GEORGIA........................................................................................................... HAWAII............................................................................................................. IDAHO............................................................................................................... ILLINOIS........................................................................................................... INDIANA........................................................................................................... IOWA................................................................................................................ KANSAS............................................................................................................. KENTUCKY......................................................................................................... LOUISIANA....................................................................................................... MAINE............................................................................................................... MARYLAND........................................................................................................ MASSACHUSETTS.............................................................................................. MICHIGAN......................................................................................................... MINNESOTA...................................................................................................... MISSISSIPPI..................................................................................................... MISSOURI......................................................................................................... MONTANA......................................................................................................... NEBRASKA........................................................................................................ NEVADA............................................................................................................ NEW HAMPSHIRE.............................................................................................. NEW JERSEY...................................................................................................... NEW MEXICO..................................................................................................... NEW YORK........................................................................................................ NORTH CAROLINA............................................................................................. NORTH DAKOTA................................................................................................ OHIO................................................................................................................. OKLAHOMA....................................................................................................... OREGON............................................................................................................ PENNSYLVANIA................................................................................................. RHODE ISLAND................................................................................................. SOUTH CAROLINA............................................................................................. SOUTH DAKOTA................................................................................................. TENNESSEE....................................................................................................... TEXAS............................................................................................................... UTAH................................................................................................................. VERMONT.......................................................................................................... VIRGINIA.......................................................................................................... WASHINGTON................................................................................................... WEST VIRGINIA................................................................................................ WISCONSIN...................................................................................................... WYOMING....................................................................................................... ..

3 5 18 19 22 26 47 50 52 53 54 60 79 81 84 96 106 110 119 129 134 136 140 143 156 162 170 176 178 185 188 189 199 200 211 215 218 228 238 241 256 257 261 262 267 282 285 287 299 303 305 321


INTRODUCTION Introduction & Purpose The USA Historical AFV Register is intended to provide a cataloging of all of the historical Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV), including tanks, APCs and self-propelled artillery, etc that are on preserved or otherwise displayed in museums or as monuments in the United States. As such the registry ranges from the World War I-era Skeleton Tank to modern M1 Abrams tanks. However, the registry is not intended to include modern AFVs that are still in service. Format The USA Historical AFV Register is organized by state and city or town as follows. STATE CITY OR TOWN Location (GPS Coordinates) AFV Model


status Notes and/or location

Man./User denotes the original manufacturer (country) and various users, using three letter country codes. Status is denoted by one of the following codes. ind = indoor display out = outdoor display std = stored (this can be either indoor our outdoor storage, but clearly not on display) wre = wreck (typically vehicles recovered from a target range or simply in very bad condition) Often, if there are a large number of AFVs on display in a particular town or military post, sub listings are also provided, organized by location - museum, building, road, etc. Many of the vehicles listed as “Unconfirmed” are from the “Central Registry” of donated vehicles maintained by the U.S. Army's Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). Many of these vehicles donated to American Legion and VFW Posts may actually be located in local parks. Additionally, many of the “Unconfirmed” World War II era vehicles – such as Sherman and Stuart tanks – have since been moved or may no longer exist. Additional information about a particular vehicle is often included in footnotes. Serial Numbers (SN) and Registration Numbers, aka “USA” numbers (RN) are given when available. Note that many M60 tanks have two SNs, the original one as built and an Anniston Army Depot (AAD) rebuild SN (which ends in an A) or a Mainz Army Depot (MAD) SN (which ends in an M). For British and Canadian WWII era vehicles, War Department (WD) Numbers are given when known, as are post-war Vehicle Registration Numbers (VRN) for British vehicles.


Sources The USA Historical AFV Register is compiled from a number of sources. Firstly, the register is an expansion of Leslie Delsing’s Wrecks and Relics in the USA tank registry, posted to the AFV News Discussion Board on 22 May 2006. The register has also been greatly expanded thanks to armyjunk2 and his copy of the TACOM Central Registry. Some of the other notable online sources include the Waymarking Military Ground Equipment Displays site, the former Tanks for the Memories geocaching site, The Sherman Register, Toadman’s Tank Pictures, Trevor Larkum's Preserved Tanks, Robert Buettner’s War Memorials of Wisconsin, and Don Moriarty's The History of the Ontos as well as forums and message groups such as the AFV News Discussion Board, G104 (the Sherman Register mailing list), G103 (dedicated to Stuart tanks), and G136 (dedicated to M8 Greyhound and M20 armored cars). Where possible, the origin of information on a particular vehicle is denoted in footnotes. A large number of individual contributors, many of which are credited throughout the registry, have provided invaluable information. Note All Serial Numbers, Registration Numbers, War Department Numbers, Vehicle Registration Numbers, etc come from the public domain or directly from the owner with permission. Public domain includes publicly visible areas of the vehicle (commonly stamped or marked on the exterior) when on display, data plates if visible/open to display, or other public domain forums and sources (such as reference works, the AFV News Discussion Board, G104, Sherman Register, etc). Special thanks Special thanks goes to Pierre-Olivier Buan and Silvio Iacuone, who took the time to check this version for errors and added both valuable information. Contact If you have any comments or corrections, please send them to Michel van Loon at [email protected], or simply post to the AFV News Discussion Board. Copyright © Michel van Loon and Neil Baumgardner, 2006-2017



ABBEVILLE Alabama ARNG Armory, armory st: N31 34.328 W085 14.645 M60A3 USA out

SN 3828A, RN 9B72301

ALEXANDER CITY Charles E. Bailey, Sr. Sportsplex, Elkahatchee State Park: N32 55.587 W085 58.619 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2532 M47 Patton USA out SN 7002 M60A0 USA out SN 195 ANNISTON Army Depot: N33 37.369 W085 58.253 M1 Abrams USA M42B1E9 Sherman USA M48 Patton USA M48A1 Patton USA M48A3 Patton USA/VNM M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA M60 USA M60A1 USA M60A2 USA

out out out out out out out out out


ex-ARVN RN 9A0001

Former Fort McClellan, 4th St & 3rd Ave: N33 44.037 W085 47.339 M103 USA out SN 773 3 Headquarters Building, 7 Frankford Ave: N33 37.441 W085 58.075 4 M1917 USA out U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility: N33 37.369 W085 58.253 BRDM-2 SOV/IRQ std BTR-50 SOV std 5 M4A1 Sherman DD USA std M103 USA std M103A2 USA std SN 796 6 M110 USA std


Former M60A1 SN 3637, identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 Flamethrower tank; former M4A2A1 3 Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009 4 Recovered from Pelham Range c1980, Fake gun. 5 Formerly at D-Day wrecks museum, Port en Bassin, France. Presumbly of 741st TB and sunk on D-Day. 6 Formerly at the VFW Post 924, 100 U. S. Highway 431, which has closed. 2


M110 M110 M15 Half-Track GMC M24 Chaffee M42 Duster M47 Patton M47 Patton


std std std std out std out

M55 M551 Sheridan M551 Sheridan M551 Sheridan M59 M59 M60A0 M60A0 M60A0 M60A0 M60A0 M60A0 M60A2 M60A3 MBT-70 MT-LB MT-LB T-54 T43 Heavy Tank T95 Medium Tank Type 69 XM247 Sergeant York XM800W ARSV?


std std std std std out std std std std std std std out std std out std std std std std std


SN 1253 8 SN 499 9 10


SN 849, RN JJ03QS12 13



RN 9B2030


U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility. Former Fort Snelling Military Museum collection: N33 37.369 W085 58.25317 M106 USA out M108 USA out 7

Formerly at Detroit Arsenal Warren, MI Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009. Formerly at Fort McClellan, Al 9 Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009. Formerly at Fort McClellan, Al 10 Formerly at TACOM Warren, MI 11 Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009. Formerly at Fort McClellan, Al 12 SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2009. Formerly at Fort McClellan, Al 13 Formerly at TACOM Warren, MI 14 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2009. Formerly at Fort McClellan, AL 15 Formerly at TACOM Warren, MI 16 Formerly at TACOM Warren, MI 17 Vehicles transferred from Fort Snelling museum, exact whereabouts need to be confirmed 8


M109A3 M110A2 M110A2 M114 M114 M26 Pershing M29 Weasel M3 Half-Track M3 Half-Track M32 M3A1 Half-Track M41 Walker Bulldog M44 M47 Patton M48A1 Patton M4A3(75)W Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman M548 M548A1 M551A1 Sheridan M578 M59A1 M60A0 M60A1 M60A3 M60A3 M728 M74 M75 M7B2 Priest M84A1 XM247 Sergeant York


out out out out out out wre wre wre out wre out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out


SN 370

RN 3038691 SN 50068

SN 232 SN 4350, RN 40152813

U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility. Former US Army Ordnance Museum collection at Aberdeen Proving Ground(Confirmed): N33 37.369 W085 58.253 2S1 Gvozdika SOV out BMP-2 SOV out BRDM-2 SOV out BTR-60 PB SOV out 18 Chieftain Mk 1 GBR/DEU out 19 Churchill Mk III GBR out 18

Gift of the German BWB, along with the Leopard 1 prototype. Formerly located at Cologne, Germany. Shipped to U.S. for tests at Yuma, and then to APG for retention by museum. Gift of British Ministry of Supply in Washington, 1944,” according to Tank Data (Old Greenwhich, Conn.: WE, Inc: c1969), 17, as well as the Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 19


HSTV-L JgPz IV L/70 JPK Leopard 1 Type IIA LVT7 hull M3A5 Lee M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M4A2(76)HVSS DD Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M5 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M7 Medium Tank M.13/40 M16 Half-Track GMC M26 Pershing M26 Pershing M32A1B3 M41 Walker Bulldog M47 Patton M75 M60A0 M60A2 M60A3 M108 M109A3 M110 M992 CP M992 FAASV M1922 Medium A Matilda II


std out out out std std std std std std std std out out std std std std std std std std std std std std out std std out

SN 10586/T36 20 21

SN 1355, RN 305425 22 SN 68827, RN 3012680623 SN 69278, RN 3012975724 SN 61438, RN 30114460 SN 6490, RN 304960225 RN 309506626 RN 405095427 RN 30103269 SN 1602 RN 3012934828

SN 8089 SN 7, RN 9B310229 SN 4430 SN 299


SN 129 31 32


Prototype. Missing tracks. 22 Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). 23 Used by the French army, carried the name “Niederbronn” (probably in honor of a WWII Sherman of the same name). Was later used as a monument in Bad Kissingen by the 14th Armored Cavalry Regiment and 1st Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Arrived at APG c1/2006. SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 3/2006). 24 This tank has an HVSS suspension and a 76mm gun. It was built by Fisher and is SN 69278, accepted in May 1945, the final month of production (Joe DeMarco). It is one of two pilot models that were built on British request. 25 Kurt Laughlin (G103, 6/2003). See also Hunnicutt, Stuart (San Francisco: Presidio Press, 1992), 364. 26 Only survivor. 27 Without guns. 28 Used to be on the mile of tanks in Aberdeen Proving Ground MD, date of acquisition 20/06/1950 (Rick Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2015) 29 Has 3 shocks per side. Training and test vehicle used at Yuma Proving Ground, according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD. Earliest known existing M60. Unique shock configuration identified by Joe D (12/2006). 30 Hull only, barrel is lying near the vehicle. 31 Only one build. 21


MBT-70 Mk A Whippet Mk IV Female PT-76 PT-76B PzJg 38(t) Marder III Ausf M PzJg Nashorn PzJg V Jagdpanther PzKpfw III Ausf L PzKpfw IV Ausf FG StuG III Ausf G StuH 42 SU-100 SU-100 SU-76M T-34/85 T-34/85 T-54 T2 Medium Tank T18E2 APC T25E1 Medium Tank T30 Heavy Tank T37 Phase II Light Tank T42 Medium Tank T54E1 Medium Tank T59 APC


out out out out out out out out out out out out std out out out out out std std std std std std std out

SN 3, RN 09A0056733 34 35


SN 303018 37 38 39 40 41

42 43 44

SN 5204E019 45 46

SN 40, RN 30103269 SN 1, RN 3016284247



Captured at El Alamein. Lost to the Germans in a battle at Sidi Rezag-Halfaya Pass in November 1941, remarked by the Germans and used as a pill box at the same pass until recaptured by the British after the battle of El Alamein in October 1942. Sent to the US as part of reverse Lend-Lease scrap shipments in 1943 and diverted from Brooklyn, N.Y. to the museum in 1944” (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 9). 33 Pilot No. 3 ex-Patton Mus. acquired from the Fort Knox Patton Museum in 1971, in exchange for the King Tiger. Painted RN is from a picture of Pilot No. 5. 34 Arrived at APG 1917. One of five surviving examples in the world. 35 One of six surv. examples. 36 Recovered from Tunisia. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 69. 37 Recovered from Tunisia, Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 41. 38 Hydrostatic drive prot. PzKpfw IV Ausf FG mit hydrostatischen Antrieb, only one built. “It was discovered placed as a pill box near the factory,” according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 55. See also Achtung Panzer! 39 Recovered from Italy, Tank Data, 77. 40 Recovered from France. 41 Captured by Israel in Sinai in 1956. Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 42 Captured in Korea, Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 43 Model 1945. 44 Model 1945. 45 Only one built. 46 M75 pilot 47 One of four surviving T30 heavy tank pilots. 48 Only surviving pilot?


T71 GMC T92 Light Tank T165E2 Ontos Type 89B I-Go Otsu Type 95 Ha-Go Type 653 Vickers Medium Tank Mk II XM247 Sergeant York XM 577 XM800W ARSV?


std out std out out out out std std std

SN 76, RN 4017740449 SN 3? 50 SN 19 51


SN AID251 53

U.S. Army Center for Military History Storage Facility. Former US Army Ordnance Museum collection at Aberdeen Proving Ground(Unconfirmed): N33 37.369 W085 58.253 ASU-57 SOV std JgPz 38(t) Hetzer DEU out SN 323814 54 55 Light Tank Mk VI USA ind M16B GMC USA std SN 28910, RN 406217156 57 M1917 USA std 58 M1918 Ford 3-man Tank USA std 59 M1920 GMC USA std M20 USA out M3 Bradley USA out M3 Half-Track USA std M3 Scout Car USA std M3 Scout Car USA std M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 3571, RN 30692360 61 M4(75) Sherman (composite) USA wre 49

Slugger M36 pilot, Has RN 40177404 (Joe DeMarco, G104, 4/2004). Records indicate that only these two models were ever constructed but here we have a mystery - the museum's tank is 'number 3'(Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 51 The museum specimen was captured on Attu, Alaska and, in 1943, was the first Japanese tank to be brought to Aberdeen” (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 127). 52 Captured by the Germans and used until lost in the North African campaign, then shipped to the U.S. via reverse lend-lease scrap shipments in 1943 and diverted for the Ordnance Museum from Brooklyn, N.Y.” (Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 5). Formerly at the US Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 53 Formerly at Fort Monmouth, N.J., July 14. 54 Fahrgestell number 323814 (Rene Martinez), it has been captured at a Skoda Factory in Plzen, Czech Republic (USA AFVs register). The tank has been restored and repainted recently in a "particular" (experimental?) camouflage scheme. This paint is said to fit to the original factory layer of paint done in 1945 at the Skoda factory. Original remains of these scheme and colors have been found during the restoration when the paint was stripped away.( forum, AFV News forum) 55 Named "Agrippa" 56 RN from Joe DeMarco (2/2007). 57 First M1917. First US Sample Tank, made from mild steel, and is on loan from the Smithsonian Institution to the National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps at Quantico, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 58 One of two surviving examples 59 Only one built 60 Honey, M3A1 Pilot. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 2/2003) 50


M42 Duster M47 Patton M56 Scorpion M60A3 M67A1/A2? Patton M901 PzKpfw IV Ausf G T-34/76 T-34/76 T-62 T-62 T-72M T1E2 Light Tank T3 Christie Tank T4 Medium Tank T43E1 Heavy Tank T49 Walker Bulldog T93 SPG XM104 SPH


out std std ind std std out out std std std out std std std std std std std

RN JJ049C62 SN 1237W SN 1834 63 64 65 66

SN H05B2559 SN K12BT4233 Has Iraqi RN 1225467 68 69 70

71 72

SN 3

BIRMINGHAM Army Reserve Center, 1400 Golden Acorn Dr.: N33 22.585 W086 47.184 73 M16 Half-Track GMC USA out 74 M42B1E9 Sherman USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 103.9


Burnt out. 1 of 7 known US surv. Information from Joe DeMarco (G104, 9/2004). Formerly at Ft Monmouth 63 Recovered from Tunisia. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 50. Has hull number 83534 (Will Phelps, AFV News Discussion Board, 11/06). 64 m1941, This tank was captured and modified by the Wehrmacht during WW2, and served with German forces (USA AFVs register). Vehicle produced in spring-summer 1941 at the factory No. 183 (KhPZ) ("Taranov") 65 m1941, This tank is a gift of the Soviet Government; it was donated and tested at Aberdeen in 1942. In 1942, the Minister of Tank Industry Malyshev commanded to the factory No.183 (UTZ) to select 5 tanks in the order of ranges: 3 for Kubinka, 1 for Bovington and 1 for Aberdeen. 2 tanks from this batch have survived: this one and the T-34/76 m1941 which is now at the Central Armed Forces Museum, Moscow, Russia (Alex Pankov) 66 Most likely captured by Israeli forces (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 67 Likely served with 8th Mechanized Brigade, 3rd “Saladin” Armored Division, according to Museum Ordnance, November 1993. 68 Only surviving T1 light tank 69 Only surv. Christie prototype? 70 Only surviving example; fmr MD Blvd 71 Seen in storage in 1984. storage yard at Aberdeen Proving Ground during December 1984,” R.P. Hunnicutt, Sheridan (Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press,1995), 48. May be the T49 located at Fort A.P. Hill. 72 One of two built; Behind the Fence. Supposed to be stored ‘somewhere in the back area’ of APG” (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 73 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2010 74 "Unruly Judie," Painted RN 3015890 62


Disabled American Veterans Chapter 4, 238 2nd Ave N: N33 30.285 W086 49.811 M114 USA out SN 286 BLOUNTSVILLE American Legion Post 129, 1183 College St: N34 04.289 W086 35.111 M60 USA out SN 943 75 BROOKWOOD Brookwood Veterans Memorial on Old Birmingham Highway: N33 15.246 W087 19.714 M60A3 USA out SN 1483, RN JJ05Y776 CARBON HILL American Legion Post 101, Hwy 78: N33 53.162 W087 31.974 M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo USA out

SN 50418, RN 308301577

DECATUR American Legion Post 15, 2706 Hwy 31 S: N34 33.516 W086 56.445 M60A0 USA out SN 1392, RN 9B471078 DOUBLE SPRINGS American Legion Post 184: M114



RN 12T454

ELBERTA VFW Post 5658, 24230 US Highway 98: N30 24.739 W087 36.735 M60A3 USA out SN 3678A, RN 9B738579 EUFALIA VFW Post 5850, Hwy 431 N: M114



FLORALA C/1-131 Armor, AL ARNG Armory: N30 59.824 W086 17.968 M60A3 USA out

SN 133

SN 3690A, RN JJ00F480

World War II Military Vehicle Federation Museum: N31 01.469 W086 21.330 81 M26 Pershing USA std 75

Coordinates and SN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 SN, Location and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 77 Discovered By Alf_Adams and confirmed by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2009 78 Coordinates by Joe_D 79 Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 80 SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 81 Formerly at Camp Shelby, transferred to this museum early 2012 (Glenn Husted, Arms and Vehicle conservator, Mississippi Armed Forces Museum, Camp Shelby, MS) Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 76


M36 Jackson M42 Duster M60 Sexton OT-810


std out out out std

FOLEY American Legion Post 99, 2101 S Mckenzie St: N30 23.061 W087 40.988 M60A3 USA out SN 3677A, RN 9B783682 FULTONDALE North Jefferson Veterans Memorial Park / American Legion Post 255, 1425 Stouts Rd: N33 36.516 W086 47.839 M60A3 USA out SN 3662A, RN JJ000083 GADSDEN Ola Mize Park: N34 02.224 W086 01.456 M60A3 USA



Private owner: M47 Patton


“Bandit II”


GUNTERSVILLE American Legion Post 8, 1900 Henry St: N34 21.035 W086 18.572 M56 Scorpion USA out HANCEVILLE Disabled American Veterans Chapter 76, 1794 County Rd 715: N34 07.972 W086 48.772 M48A5 Patton USA out SN A3055 85 HARTFORD B/1-131st Cavalry, Alabama Army National Guard Armory, 800 W Main St: N31 05.845 W085 42.447 M60A1/A3 USA out SN 3769A, RN 9B565586 HUNTSVILLE Redstone Arsenal: M142 HIMARS M2 Bradley


out out

87 88


Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 AAD rebuild. SN, RN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv discussion Board 04/2009. 84 Identified by Charlie Webb. 85 Missing on the latest satellite images 86 Former M60A1 SN 2329. SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. 87 Martin Rd, near Linder Rd 88 Martin Rd, near Linder Rd 83


89 M270 MLRS USA out 90 M551 Sheridan USA out M60A2 USA out SN 4800, RN JK00BK91 92 T-72 SOV out US Space & Rocket Center, 1 Tranquility Base: N34 42.627 W086 39.296 M270 MLRS USA out M730 Chaparral Launcher USA out

Veterans Memorial Museum, 2060A Airport Road: N34 41.529 W086 35.154 2S1 Gvozdika SOV out BTR-152 SOV out M113 USA out M114 USA ind Painted RN 12T750 M24 Chaffee USA out SN 3003 Painted RN 30121536 M3 Stuart USA out SN 156 unrestored riveted turret M36 Jackson USA/YUG out SN 394 RN 4017772293 M3A1 Half-Track USA ind Painted RN 4049945 M4(75) Sherman USA out SN 25175 94 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 666 95 M42B1E9 Sherman USA ind SN 11113, built by Pressed Steel Car M48A1 Patton USA out SN 717? M4A3(75) Sherman USA ind SN 12214, RN 3054369 96 M5A1 Stuart USA ind SN 5188 97 98 M8 Greyhound USA ind M901 USA ind Panhard VCR HOT FRA out Veterans Memorial Museum, Storage Lot: N34 41.503 W086 35.082 M3 Stuart USA std 99 M3A1 Stuart USA std 100 M3A1 Stuart USA std M4(75) Sherman turret USA std M4(75) Sherman turret USA std M4(76) Sherman turret USA std T23 turret only, missing gun M4A1 Sherman USA std hull only


Martin Rd, near Linder Rd Fowler Rd & Jungeman Rd 91 Identified by Joe_D 92 Martin Rd SW & Anderson Rd SW 93 Former Yugoslav 94 Missing gun 95 painted RN 40228183 96 RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 1/2004). 97 "Bama Belle”, has painted RN 3048300. 98 "Bama Bob", Has painted RN 6035798. 99 Hull only, Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2006). 100 Unrestored, turret stored separately from hull 90


M4A1 Sherman M4A1 Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(75) Sherman M59


std std std std std std std std std

hull only hull only RN 3036975 Missing gun & mantlet missing gun & mantlet; big hatch missing gun & mantlet missing gun & mantlet missing gun & mantlet missing gun & mantlet

LINNEVILLE Lineville Recreation Park, Park St: N33 19.040 W085 44.648 M103 USA out MIDLAND CITY Private owner: M3 Half-Track



MOBILE USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, 2703 Battleship Pkwy (Hwy 90/98): N30 40.984 W088 00.864 LVTP5A1 USA out SN 107801 M113 USA out SN 16196782 M1A1 Abrams USA out SN D36561 M26 Pershing USA out SN 2206 RN 30128752 101 Missing gun; ex range target? M4(75) Sherman USA out M42A1 Duster USA out RN 12L729 M48A1 Patton USA out M60A1 USA out SN 8208, RN JJ00TN102 103 M75 USA out Type 69-II CHN/IRQ out MONROEVILLE Veterans park S Mt Pleasant ave, veterans ave: N31 30.141 W087 20.144 M106A2 USA out SN SJ116 M47 Patton USA out SN 323 OXFORD National Guard Armory, 33 Meadow Ave: N33 35.807 W085 50.707 M60A3 USA out SN 322, RN JJ038Z 104 OZARK 101

Sn & Rn by David D. Jackson and Matthew McCluney Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 103 Identified by Tom Dinackus (4/2008). 104 Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009 102


1-131 Armor, Alabama ARNG Armory, 2301 US 231 S.: N31 25.512 W085 37.014 105 M48A1 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out SN 3686A, RN 9B7725106 RAGLAND Alabama Highway 144: N33 44.929 W086 07.835 M60A3 USA out SAMSON In front of a closed AL NG Armory: N31 06.452 W086 01.496 M60A3 USA out

SN 3713A RN 9B8207107

SARALAND VFW Post 7320, 244 Old Telegraph Rd: N30 49.828 W088 04.038 M60A3 USA out SN 6898, RN JJ00ED108 SPRINGVILLE Alabama ARNG Armory, Marietta Rd: N33 46.225 W086 28.355 109 M42B1E9 Sherman USA out M60A3 USA out SN 1481, RN JJ05XV110 SYLACAUGA E-31 Cavalry, AL ARNG Armory. Near County Highway 34: N33 10.006 W086 15.909 M60A3 USA out SN 3888A, RN 09A16372111 TALLADEGA Veterans park, S Spring Str: N33 25.694 W086 06.286 M47 Patton USA out

SN 7892

TRINITY Lawrence Veterans Memorial Park, 6629 County Rd 214: N34 33.850 W087 10.001 M60A0 USA out SN 467 TUSCALOOSA Veterans Memorial at University Mall on East McFarland Blvd: N33 11.582 W087 31.538 105

Was one of the original M48A1's that came with the Chrysler cupola before being upgraded with the M1 enclosed type. The steel ring along the bottom along with the torched off stowage points on the turret indicate so (Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010). Missing dec 12 Armory closed, Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 12/2012 106 SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. Missing dec 12 Armory closed, Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 12/2012 107 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. The most recent satellite images show that this tank has been removed, current location unknown. 108 Coordinates, SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 109 Identified and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 110 Coordinates, SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 111 SN and Rn by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010





SN 3683A, RN JJ01XL112

TUSCUMBIA Spring Park, near West 121/2 Ave and SW 10th St: N34 43.799 W087 42.329 M60A3 USA out SN 3837A, RN 09A09071113 WINFIELD Ivan K. Hill Park, 400 Community St: N33 56.294 W087 48.549 M47 Patton USA out

112 113

Former M60A1 SN 8900. SN, RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 AAD rebuild Coordinates by Joe_D



ANCHORAGE Alaska Territorial Cavalry (Motorized): M3A1 Scout Car USA


Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Camp Carroll: N61 16.092 W149 40.597 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson,Alaska Army National Guard Memorial Park, N61 16.343 W149 38.392 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out M59 USA out M113A2 M551 Sheridan


out out

EIELSON AFB on the corner of Flightline Ave & Boardway St : N64 40.509 W147 05.744 114 M110A2 USA out FAIRBANKS Fort Wainwright: N64 48.998 W147 36.537 M48A1 Patton USA


FORT GREELY At the entrance of the army Base: N63 58.264 W145 44.967 M60A3 USA out M60A3 USA out TOK unknown: M59


SN 1766A RN 9B7980115 SN 7046, RN JJ00JM116


WASILLA Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry, 3800 West Museum Drive: N61 34.636 W149 32.674 M116 Husky USA out


Identified By BB-61, Afv Discussion Board, 02/2010 Identified by BB-61, Afv Discussion Board, 02/2010 116 Identified by BB-61, Afv Discussion Board, 02/2010 115



BOUSE 9th Tank Group Memorial, Broadway Ave (Hwy 72) & Worley St: N33 55.877 W114 00.279 M109A3 USA out SN 2866 M60A1 USA out SN 10423 CHANDLER Private owner: T16 Carrier






GILBERT Museum of Military History: M3 Half-Track OT-810 T16 Carrier T16 Carrier T17E1 Staghound


std std std std std

LUKE AFB Barry M. Goldwater Range: M114 M4A3(75) Sherman


wre wre

MESA Private owner: M29C Weasel



PATAGONIA Private owner: M3? Scout Car



PEORIA Private owner: M3? Half-Track




PHOENIX Arizona Military Museum, Papago Park Military Reservation, 5636 E. McDowell Rd: N33 27.975 W111 58.081 BRDM-2 SOV out Ferret GBR out RN OO DA 83 M29 Weasel USA out M42 Duster USA out M7B2 Priest USA out MT-LB SOV out Type 59 CHN/IRQ out Intersection near Gate on McDowell Rd: N33 27.980 W111 57.758 M109A3 USA out SN 1747 Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, SWAT, 100 W Washington: M706 Commando USA out SELLS Tohono O'odham Nation: N31 54.836 W111 52.974 M60 USA out

SN 1743

THATCHER VFW Post 10385, 3481 W. 8th St: N32 49.870 W109 45.504 M106A2 USA out


TUCSON N 1st Avenue: M4 High Speed Tractor



YUMA Sunset Vista Cemetery on E 40th St.: N32 39.234 W114 26.305 M4(75) Sherman (composite) USA out SN 44518 117 VFW Post 8242, 7120 Hwy S. 95: N32 43.664 W114 25.316 M60A1 USA out YUMA PROVING GROUND Storage Yard: XM2001 Crusader SPH XM2002 Crusader RSV


out out

SN 8753, RN JJOOYO118

119 120


Identified by BB-61, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2009 Coordinates, SN an RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2014 119 Prototype SPH2 120 Re-Supply Vehicle Prototype 118


Wahner E Brooks Historical Exhibit, E Imperial Dam Rd: N32 49.692 W114 23.430 M103 USA out SN 652 121 M107 USA out M108 USA out RN 120761 M113A1 USA out SN F9719 122 M42A2 Duster USA out SN 897 M47 Patton USA out SN 1763 M4A3(75)W Dozer Sherman USA out SN 50232, RN 3082829123 M551 Sheridan USA out M60A0 USA out SN 432 M728 USA out SN 140 M74 USA out RN 8391722124 M7B1 Priest USA out SN 4146, RN 40152609125 XM247 Sergeant York USA out


SN by Loren & Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2014 SN by Loren & Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2014 123 Has combat damage, Blade is missing but the fittings are still present. 124 Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in October, 1944 with SN 57909. 125 If the RN is correct the SN should be 4146 122



ASH FLAT Memorial located on Nix Ridge Road: N36 14.791 W091 36.073 M47 Patton USA out SN 8065 126 BLYTHEVILLE American Legion Post 24, 232 N 2nd St: N35 55.801 W089 54.240 M60A0 USA out SN 1406, RN 9B4711127 CHARLESTON City vehicle storage area: N35 17.516 W094 03.118 M40 USA out FORT CHAFFEE storage yard off 1st Ave: M55



FORT SMITH ARNG Armory: N35 18.935 W094 16.544 M110A2 USA


SN 381

SN F286 128

Fort Smith Maneuver Training Center, Route 22: N35 19.000 W094 16.833 M110A2 USA out SN F302 Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 467, 100 Fort Smith Blvd: N35 18.732 W094 17.957 M106A2 USA out SN QAA10612 GREENWOOD East Center Street: N35 12.726 W094 15.279 M41 Walker Bulldog USA


HAMBURG VFW Post 9360, Highway 82 east of town: N33 13.993 W091 46.683 M60A0 USA out SN 602, RN 9B3702129 HEBER SPRINGS American Legion Post 64, 49 Park Road: N35 29.972 W092 04.580 M42 Duster USA out 126

SN, location and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2009 RN and coordinates by Joe_D 128 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2014 129 SN, RN and location by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board,04/2009 127


HOT SPRINGS DeSoto Park, off Highway 7 east of town: N34 32.159 W093 01.818 M60A1 USA out SN 878 JONESBORO VFW Post 1991, Airport Rd: N35 50.308 W090 38.996 M110A2 USA out M60A0 USA out

SN F171 130 SN 1332, RN 9B4737131

LITTLE ROCK Arkansas National Guard Museum, Camp Robinson: N34 49.543 W092 17.035 M110A2 USA out SN BMY 1207 132 M113A1 USA ind SN F11237 133 M114 USA out SN 045, RN 12T809134 M47 Patton USA out SN 6937 135 136 M55 USA out M551A1 Sheridan USA out SN 1147, RN 12F25969137 M60A0 USA out SN 625, RN 9B3728138 XM247 Sergeant York USA out SN A1D254 139 Burns Park, north side of I-40, exit 150: N34 48.056 W092 18.279 M60A0 USA out SN 1903 140 Camp Robinson: M901



Camp Robinson, Motorpool, off Topeka Ave & Omaha Ave: M40 USA std M40 USA std


RN 4015059142 RN 40205196

Camp Robinson, Old Gate (now closed), off Remount Rd: N34 49.123 W092 15.978 143 M42 Duster USA out SN 286 M42 Duster USA out SN 324 130

Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2009 Coordinates and Registration by Joe_D 132 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 133 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 134 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 135 SN an Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 136 Coordinates by Joe_D 137 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 138 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 139 SN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 140 SN by Joe_D 141 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 142 Has markings on the hull 8 (SN?) and 40194811 (RN?) 143 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 131


Camp Robinson, storage yard: M60A0 M60A0


std std

SN 1950, RN 9B531Y SN 2010, RN 9B5848

MAGAZINE Evans Museum, 6335 N. Ark. 109: M110A2



SN BMY1270

MENA Arkansas National Guard Armory on Morrow St N: N34 35.598 W094 13.346 M40 USA out MORRILTON VFW Post 4453: N35 09.152 W092 44.108 M42A1 Duster USA


PARAGOULD VFW Post 2242, 4273 Hwy 49 N: M47 Patton



SHERIDAN Grant County Museum: N34 18.013 W092 24.845 144 M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA ind M2 Half Track USA ind M29 Weasel USA ind M5 High Speed Tractor USA ind

SN 432, RN 121724

SN 233905, RN W4010737

SILOAM SPRINGS Arkansas National Guard memorial on site at the Armory: N36 10.910 W094 31.688 145 M55 USA out SPRINGDALE Northwest Arkansas WWII (Memorial?): M60 USA


STAR CITY VFW Post 2746, Hwy 425: N33 54.882 W091 50.833 M60A3 USA out

SN 1108, RN JJ05LS146


Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2012 Identified by Yosam: gs_AR 146 SN, RN and location by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2009 145


TEXARKANA Rondo Cemetery: N33 26.752 W093 58.103 M5 Stuart USA


WALNUT RIDGE Lawrence County Court House, 315 West Main Street: N36 04.223 W090 57.506 147 M110A2 USA out


Coordinates and location by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2009



BAKERSFIELD Local surplus store: N35 23.513 W119 01.105 Abbot GBR Chieftain GBR FV432 GBR Saracen GBR

std std std std

SN 325

BARSTOW Centennial Park, Virginia Way & Barstow Rd: N34 53.280 W117 01.355 M47 Patton USA/ITA out SN 403, RN 30107064 Veterans Home of California, 100 Veterans Pkwy: N34 52.071 W117 01.584 M60A3 USA out SN 1807, RN JJ0672 WWII and Korea LVT Museum storage, Yermo Annex, Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow: Lightweight Cargo Carrier USA std Only one built/prototype LVT 76MM GUN CARRIER USA out Only one build LVT(A)5 USA std FMC modified postwar; missing turret LVTA 105mm HMC USA std Only one built/prototype LVTEX3 USA out One of two prototypes built, only surv. LVTHX4 USA out Only one build LVTP3C USA out Prototype LVTP5 USA out LVTP5A1 USA out Formerly at Camp Pendleton Only one built/prototype LVTPX1 USA std LVTUX1 USA std Only one built/prototype M76 Otter USA std 148 Type 4 Ka-Tsu JPN out BEALE AFB EOD Building: M114



RN 63L776

Main Gate: N39 07.622 W121 26.243 M74 USA




Only surviving example. May have been one of those recovered in Tokyo Bay at the end of the War," according to Larkum, Preserved Japanese Tanks (Northampton, UK: Armour Archive, 1999), 32. 149 Identified by Tom Dinackus in 1996 (4/2008), missing on Google Earth.


BISHOP Undefined: M116 Husky



RN 6E2673

BODFISH Kern County Park near Lake Isabella, off Cty Hwy 483: N35 36.492 W118 29.059 M48 Patton USA out BURBANK Surplus Store: N34 10.682 W118 19.135 Saracen GBR


CAMP PENDLETON Corner of E St and 19th St: N33 19.083 W117 18.379 150 BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out MT-LB SOV/IRQ out Corner of where C St becomes 8th St: LVTH6 USA LVTP5 USA

out out

at the paintball park: 151 M110A2 T-62


out out

Boat Basin Rd & 9th: LVTP7 LVTR7


out out

Camp Del Mar Entrance: LVTE1 LVTH6 LVTR1


out out out

Elsewhere on base: LVTP5



LAV Memorial: LAV-25 LAV-TUA


out out

RN USMC 129053 RN USMC 108154

RN USMC 138057 RN USMC 120064



Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012 Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012 152 Removed November 2012, current location unknown 151


Marine Corps Mechanized Museum: N33 18.995 W117 19.742 AAAV PSD USA out HUSKY MINE DETECTOR VEHICLE USA out LVT(A)5 USA out LVT-AA-X1 USA std M103A2 USA out M1046 USA ind M107 USA out M109A3 USA out M110A2 USA out M1114 USA ind M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA std M3A1 Scout Car USA std M42 Duster USA out M48A1 Patton USA out M50A1 Ontos USA out M56 Scorpion USA std M578 USA std M60A1 USA out M60A3 USA out M74 USA out M76 Otter USA out M88A1 USA out M973 SUSV USA out QM56 Mobile Land Target USA std XM759 Marginal terrain vehicle USA ind

153 154


RN USMC 351510156 157 158

RN USMC 61423 159

SN 4660 160


SN 2618


SN 347

Near 9th and B St: YW 531




Near the 1st Marine Division HQ: 2S1 Gvozdika ZSU-23-4


out out

164 165


AAAV Propulsion System Demonstrator Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes 155 Ex Reserve Center, Rochester, NY 156 Converted from M110A2, runner 157 Ex Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona 158 Ex Twenty-nine Palms, California 159 Under restoration 160 Ex Twenty-nine Palms, California 161 Ex Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona 162 Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes. 163 Traffic circle 164 Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012 165 Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012 154


School of Infantry West, Static Display, Basilone Rd: N33 23.834 W117 31.452 BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out T-55 SOV/IRQ out T-62 SOV/IRQ out Type 69 CHN/IRQ out World War II and Korea LVT Museum: N33 13.092 W117 23.914 LVT(A)1 USA out LVT1 Alligator USA ind LVT2 Water Buffalo USA ind LVT3 Bushmaster USA out LVT3C Bushmaster USA ind LVT4 USA ind CAMP ROBERTS Camp Roberts Historical Museum and Museum Annex (Bldg. 114): N35 47.705 W120 45.022166 M103 USA out M109A2 USA out SN 4924 M110A2 USA out M114 USA out RN 12Z724 M114 USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M3 Half-Track USA std RN 4017231, incomplete M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 646? 167 M47 Patton USA/ITA out SN 8680 168 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 1129 M4A1 Sherman USA wre M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA wre M55 USA out “Widowmaker” M59 USA out M60A3 USA out SN 1814, RN JJ0679 M728 USA out M7B2 Priest USA out SN 4509, RN 40172512169 M8 Greyhound USA std RN 6032517 170 OT-810 CSK std 171 XM723 MICV USA out Camp Roberts Target range: M3 Stuart





Identified by Chris "Toadman" Hughes Formerly located at the Presidio of San Francisco. 168 Former range target 169 SN unconfirmed but if the RN is correct the SN should be 4509 170 Named Thor, belongs to a reenactment group 171 Prototype T-BAT-II Bradley 167


M3 Stuart M5 Stuart


wre wre

Range hulk; octagonal type turret 173

Near El Camino Real (US-101): N35 47.385 W120 43.880 M110A2 USA out M110A2 USA out Recovery Training: M42 Duster M59 M60A0 M60A0 M60A0


wre std std std std

CARLOTTA Private owner: M29C Weasel



ex range target SN 1418, RN 9B4761 SN 2168 SN 272, RN 9B3395

CHINO Planes of Fame Museum, 7000 Merrill Ave #17: N33 58.871 W117 38.340 M114 USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M3A3 Stuart USA out dummy barrel 174 M4A1(75) Sherman USA out Yanks Air Museum, 7000 Merrill Ave #35, Hanger A270: N33 58.789 W117 38.925 M3 Grant USA/AUS std CHIRIACO SUMMIT George S. Patton Memorial Museum: N33 39.691 W115 43.357 175 M26A1 Pershing USA out RN 310508629 M4(75) Sherman (composite) USA out SN 44480, RN 30100714176 M47 Patton USA out SN 10020 M47 Patton USA out SN 174 M47 Patton USA out SN 9445 172

Former range hulk Former range hulk, Removed for recovery training use? 174 The M4A1 is not SN 525. It is a number related to the hull only, the 525th hull cast by Continental-Hubbard factory. From Joe DeMarco: The SN number of the Chino is unknown, since it doesn't have its dataplate. However, it has the loose build number 786 stamped in to the side of the hull in the rear. I think it was assumed that that was the tank's SN number, & that is how it came to get the USA Number 3015543. As best I can determine, 786 means that it was the 786th Pressed Steel Car cast hull. (They were making welded hull M4s at the same time.) If I'm correct, that tank would have been accepted in January, 1943, and the SN Number would have been in the 110XX range, & the USA Number would have been in the 30160XX range. 175 Most of the SN by C_Sherman, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2009 176 SN and RN from Table of known Sherman serial numbers by Pierre-Olivier Buan 173


M578 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 T-55 FIREFIGHTER T23 Sherman turret (only)


out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

SN 10187 SN 10228 SN 10354 SN 10369 SN 10375 SN 10414 SN 10429 SN 10442 SN 7126 SN 7157 SN 7181 SN 7187 SN 7535 SN 7548 SN 8416 SN 8452 177

CONCORD US Army Reserve Center, Willow Pass Rd: N37 58.938 W122 01.097 LVTP5A1 USA out CUPERTINO Private owner: M3A1 Scout Car M5A1 Stuart


std std

DOS PALOS Eagle Field Foundation: AIFV M1015 M113A2E2 M548 M577 XM800T ARSV


std std std std std std

Private owner: M2 Half Track



SN 5054


179 180

RN 897460


SN by Chris "Toadman" Hughes, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2010. Has 7624 on the engine deck part. 302921 is stamped on the left side of the glacis. 178 400HP M113A2 variant with Saucy rubber track 179 NASA rescue vehicle. 1 of 2 produced. 6 roadwheels per side, no generator, among other differences.. 180 1 of 3 survivors? Formerly at BAE Systems, U.S. Combat Systems.


FAIRFIELD American Freedom Military Vehicle Collection: N38 14.558 W122 05.312 181 Abbot GBR std RN 07EB58 Chieftain GBR out RN 05FA83 CVRT Scorpion GBR std RN 04FD19182 M113 C&R USA std 183 M5 Half-Track USA/ISR ind Saracen GBR ind FIREBAUGH Central California Historical Military Museum, 11100 West Eagle Field Rd: N36 53.823 W120 40.452 M5 Stuart USA out SN 647 FORT IRWIN 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum (Bldg. 222): M113A2 USA out M2 Half Track USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M578 USA out M60A3 USA out

RN 12FC85 SN 232411 RN 13C516184 RN 12F25269185 SN BMY1252 SN 1364, RN JJ05UF

11th Armored Cavalry Regiment HQ, northeast B Ave: M551 Sheridan USA out

RN 12B49170

3rd St and Barstow Rd: M60A3



SN 1778A, RN 09A22370186

58th Engineer Battalion HQ: M48A5 AVLB M60A3


out out

SN A1B072 SN 1780A, RN JJ03YM187

Main Gate, Fort Irwin Rd: BMP-1 M1 Abrams


out out

Memorial Park, 5th and 7th Streets (near 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment HQ & Dining Facility): M48C Patton USA out SN 3599, RN 9A9031


All Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicles, sold by Auctions America. Israeli vehicle with a 6V53 Detroit diesel. 183 On loan from Rick Stewart 184 OPFOR T-72, Motorpool gate guard 185 OPFOR T-72, Motorpool gate guard 186 AAD rebuild 187 AAD rebuild, Awaiting torsion bar replacement 182


M4A3(75) Sherman M728


out out

SN 2938, RN 3055898 SN 893

Motorpool gate guard: M47 Patton



SN 1560

Motorpool near Main Gate, Fort Irwin Rd: M26 Pershing USA


SN 893, RN 30127639188

National Training Center HQ, 3rd St: M84 USA


National Training Center Operations Group HQ, South Loop Rd & Inner Loop Rd: BMP-1 SOV out M109A3 USA out SN 50021 M113A2 USA out SN MSJ12913 M47 Patton USA out SN 1022, RN 30186389 M551 Sheridan USA out RN 12F31769 189 T-72 SOV/IRQ out SN Ja03WT4620 Range Target: M47 Patton



Regimental Support Squadron, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment: 190 M74 USA out GRASS VALLEY Private owner: M3? Half-Track



HANFORD NW corner of Hanford Cemetery, S 10th Ave: N36 19.410 W119 38.196 M60A3(TTS) USA out SN 1501 HAYWARD Private owner: M4A1 Sherman Grizzly



HERLONG Sierra Army Depot, Main Gate: M1A1 Abrams M706 Commando


out out


ex Eglin AFB OPFOR T-72 190 Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in April, 1945 with SN 74159. 189


HUNTINGTON BEACH Five Star Military Vehicle Rental Company: Abbot GBR BMP-1 SOV BMP-1 SOV Chieftain Mk 10 GBR Ferret Mk 2/3 GBR FV432 GBR FV432 GBR LVT4 USA M5 High Speed Tractor USA Saracen GBR T-54 SOV T-55 SOV V-100 Commando USA

out std std std std std std std std out std std std

World War 2 Military vehicle rentals: 195 BA64 SOV M2A1 Half track USA M3 Half-Track USA M4A3(75) Sherman USA M5A1 Stuart USA M5A1 Stuart USA M8 Greyhound USA M8 Greyhound USA M8 Greyhound USA M29 Weasel USA OT-810 CZE T16 universal carrier USA

std std std std std std std std std std std std

VRN 07EB83

VRN 03EB80191 192

VRN 03EA05

193 194

Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf C

IMPERIAL Pioneers Museum & Cultural Center, 373 East Aten Rd: N32 49.594 W115 30.213 M60A1 USA out SN 10209 196 JOLON Fort Hunter Liggett, Mission Rd & Fort Hunter Liggett: N35 58.119 W121 10.690 M551A1 Sheridan USA out


Missing from the inventory 10/2010 Missing from the inventory 10/2010 193 VISMOD Type 95 Ha-Go 194 Missing from the inventory 10/2010 195 It is possible that the vehicles listed aren’t the property of the company listed, but belong to a private collection(s). 196 With ERA 192


KNIGHTS LANDING Private owner: M16 Half-Track GMC M16A2 GMC M2A1 Half-Track M2A1 Half-Track M2A1 Half-Track M2A1 Half-Track M2A1 Half-Track M2A1 Half-Track


wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre

LIVERMORE Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



LOS ALAMITOS 40th Infantry Division HQ, Minuteman Cir & Saratoga Ave: N33 47.730 W118 03.287 M47 Patton USA out Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base: 197 Centurion GBR Chieftain GBR M48A1 Patton USA M48A1 Patton USA M48A1 Patton USA M48A2C Patton USA M48A5 Patton USA M48A5 Patton USA M48A5 Patton USA M48A5 Patton USA M59 USA M60A3 USA T-55 SOV

std std std std std std std std std std out std out

MARYSVILLE Museum of the Forgotten Warriors, 5865 A Road: N39 07.542 W121 27.668 M50 Ontos USA out 198 M74 USA out MCAS MIRAMAR Undefined: M3A1 Scout Car

197 198



Under restoration

California State Military Museum Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in May, 45 with SN 74518


MONTEREY Defense Language Institute, European and Latin American Language School?, 1759 Lewis Rd. Ste. 142, Presidio of Monterey: N36 36.042 W121 55.464 T-34/85 SOV out NEWHALL Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studio: BTR-60 Centurion Centurion Centurion Centurion Ferret Ferret M114 M114 M3 Bradley M3 Bradley M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M5 High Speed Tractor M47 Patton M47 Patton M47 Patton M75 T-72


std std std std std out out std std std std std std std out std std std std std

OROVILLE Undefined: M578



199 200 201 202

203 204

SN 30 VISMOD Type 95 Ha-Go205

Arnold Swarzenegger’s tank



PASO ROBLES Estrella Warbirds Museum, 4251 Dry Creek Rd: N35 39.831 W120 37.137 208 LVTP5A1 USA out M60 turret trainer USA out 199

Vismod Abrams, used in "Courage under fire" Vismod Abrams, used in "Courage under fire" 201 Vismod Abrams, used in "Courage under fire" 202 Vismod Abrams, used in "Courage under Fire" 203 Vismod PzKpfw IV 204 Vismod PzKpfw IV 205 Formerly at the Planes of fame Museum, Chino CA 206 Formerly at the motts military museum 207 Vismod T72, original vehicle unknown 208 Painted USMC RN? 251062 200


M60A3 M901 Saracen


out out out

SN 1398, RN JJ05VU

PENNGROVE Private owner: M3? Half-Track



PETALUMA Private owner: T-34/85



PHELEN VFW Post 9415, 4892 Nielson Rd: M60A3



SN 896

PINOLE Private owner: M2 Half Track



SN 233504



PITTSBURG Camp Stoneman Veterans Memorial, Harbor St: N38 00.552 W121 53.196 M60A3 USA out SN 2615 PORT HUENEME US Navy Seabee Museum, 1000 23rd Ave: AML-90 FRA



PORTOLA Portola Railroad Museum, 700 Western Pacific Way: M60A3 USA out PORTOLA VALLEY Collings Foundation: 212 2S1 Gvozdika Churchill Mk VII Crocodile Comet Cruiser Mk VIII Cromwell M24 Chaffee


ind ind ind ind ind



Hammerhead since removed. It was later sold by a local surplus company. They were asking $5K (Silvio Lacuone) 210 Owned by reenactor group 211 Identified by Tom Dinackus in 1996 (4/2008). 212 Awaiting its move to Stow, Ma 213 Former French army


M26A1 Pershing M3 Lee M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo M39 M47 Patton M551 Sheridan M60A1 Marmon-Herrington CTMS-1TB1 PzKpfw I Ausf A PzKpfw IV Ausf H PzKpfw V Panther Ausf A SU-100 T-34/76 T-34/85 T-55 T-72G ZSU-23-4


ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind std ind ind ind ind ind ind

SN 4540 Shop N° 43, RN CT-160236214 SN 45472 215 SN 50331, RN 3082928

SN 9360, RN JJ010A 216

SN 89457 217 218


Military Vehicle Technology Foundation: N47 33.693 W112 23.369 220 Cruiser Mk V Crusader GBR ind CVR(T) Samaritan GBR ind Daimler AC Mk II GBR std Dingo GBR ind 221 M3 Half-Track USA ind 222 M36B2 Jackson USA ind M47 Patton USA wre 223 M48 Patton USA ind M5A1 Stuart USA ind SN 2440 224 M5 Stuart USA std SN 610 Marmon-Herrington CTMS-1TB1 USA wre MTTB FMC Test Bed USA ind OT-810 CSK ind 214

SN and RN by Chris Hughes Built by Chrysler an an M4A3(76)VVSS in August 1944. Converted to HVSS in 1950s. 216 Formerly part of Canadian War Museum 217 Captured from Syria 1967"This tank was used by Syria until 1967, when it was captured by Tsahal [Israeli Defense Force] during the Six-day war, and later sold to this private collection," according to Pierre-Olivier Buan, Surviving Panzer IV Tanks, 17. 218 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (Littlefield collection) Recovered from Poland in 1991 219 m1942, running condition 220 Vehicles sold at auction, current location unknown. 221 GMC 1 of 4 survivors 222 For sale at milweb 223 Shillelagh Test Vehicle 224 Former agricultural tractor, obtained from SECO, Augusta, Georgia 215


T-55AM2 Universal Carrier


std ind

REDWOOD CITY Mezes Park, near intersection of Warren St and Standish St: N37 29.477 W122 14.180 M5 Stuart USA out SN 2339 RIDGECREST Naval Air Weapon Station China Lake: LVTP5 USA M50A1 Ontos USA XM247 Sergeant York USA

wre wre wre

RIPON Private owner: M3 Half-Track



225 226 227

RIVERSIDE Fairmont Park / American Legion Post 79, 2979 Dexter Dr: N33 59.811 W117 22.862 LVT(A)1 USA out SACRAMENTO Storage Lot, formerly owned by ACME Truck Parts & Equipment: M5 Stuart USA std SALINAS Boronda Adobe History Center, 333 Boronda Rd: N36 42.038 W121 40.705 M2 Half Track USA ind RN 4011576 painted228 Garden of Memories Cemetery, Memory Dr: M5A1 Stuart USA


SN 199

SAN DIEGO 3-185 Armor, CA ARNG Armory, 7401 Mesa College Dr: N32 48.157 W117 09.778 M47 Patton USA out SN 3053 229 4th Tank Battalion, US Marine Corps Reserve, US Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center, 9955 Pomerado Rd : N32 53.452 W117 06.480 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out "Goin Home" SN 72890230 225

Approx. 12 at this location Approx. 62 at this location 227 Several? 228 Dedicated to C Co, 194th Tank Bn 229 SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2012 230 SN by Chris Hughes, built as an M4A3(76) HVSS in April, 1945. 226


M1 Abrams M60A1 RISE with ERA


out out

SN D8072, RN USMC 585990 231 SN 3757M, RN 523746232

Flying Leatherneck Historical Foundation, Anderson Ave San Diego: N32 53.473 W117 08.324 233 M60A1 USA std Private owner: M3 Half-Track



SAN FRANCISCO Private collection: Dingo



SAN JACINTO Drudging Park, 208 S. Pico Ave: N33 47.127 W116 57.616 M60A3 USA out

SN 3382M 234

SAN LEANDRO Private collection: M5A1 Stuart

SN4913, RN 3048025 235



SAN LUIS OBISPO Camp San Luis Obispo Museum, 10 Sonoma Ave: M3 Stuart USA out Type 97B Te-Ke JPN out

SN 1360

Veterans Memorial Museum, 801 Grand Ave: N35 17.355 W120 39.150 M60A3 USA out SN 4038M, RN JJ013P236 SAN RAFAEL World War II US Military Vehicle Museum, 1050 Andersen Drive, San Rafael: N37 57.266 W122 30.236 M19A1 USA std M22 Locust USA std M24 Chaffee USA std M3A1 Half-Track USA std M3A1 Scout Car USA std M41 Walker Bulldog USA std


Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2012 "Teufel Hunden", SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2012 233 Commes from 29 Palms 234 MAD rebuild 235 That tank was listed in an Army Motors article some years back as having been shipped to Canada in 1946. Built by Cadillac - Detroit in September, 1943 236 MAD rebuild 232


M41A1 Walker Bulldog M47 Patton M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M5A1 Stuart M60A1 RISE M667 Lance Launcher M8 Greyhound


std std std std std std std

SN 2482 237

SANTA PAULA Private owner: M4A3(75) Sherman



SN 11743, RN 3053898

Converted from an M4A2E8 SN 6305 SN 7214

SANTA CLARITA Armytrucks Inc, 14253 Davenport Rd: N34 28.986 W118 22.974

Buffalo MRAP EOD Caiman MRAP 4X4 Caiman MRAP Caiman MRAP M939238 Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP MTV 4X4 Cougar MRAP Chieftain Chieftain HMMWV Smart V Humber Pig Humber Pig M1097A2 M1114 M1114 M1151 M48A5 AVLB M578 RG 32 MRAP Rapier launcher


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

239 240

SN 2658 241 SN 2257 242 SN 78652, RN 49KB19243


Sold, current location unknown. SN from Chris Hughes (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2008). Based on a M939 truck chassis, used for training. Light or not armored vehicle.. 239 M1 Vismod. 240 M1 Vismod. 241 Former Military Vehicles Technology Foundation vehicle. 242 Former Military Vehicles Technology Foundation vehicle. 243 Former Military Vehicles Technology Foundation vehicle, sold to Idaho Motorpool, then sold to ATI 238


SANTA ROSA California ARNG Armory, 1500 Armory Dr: N38 27.086 W122 43.536 M59 USA std M728 USA out SN 160, RN 9B253368244 OT-810 CSK out SIMI VALLEY Private owner: M2? Half-Track



SOUTH EL MONTE American Society of Military History Museum aka “Tankland,” 80 1918 North Rosemead Blvd, South El Monte: N34 03.007 W118 03.810 LP2A Australian Carrier AUS out Painted RN AIF 14172 LVT4 USA out M106A1 USA out Former 11th ACR M114 USA out Ex USAF M114A1 USA out SN 1428 M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA ind RN? M16276400 M20 USA out SN 6842-0 245 M37 USA out M3A1 Scout Car USA out M42A1 Duster USA out SN 75 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 931 M43 USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 3810 M47 Patton USA out SN 1180 M48 Patton USA out SN 49 246 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 3969 M48A5 Patton turret USA out M48A5 Patton turret USA std M48A5 Patton turret USA std M48A5 Patton turret USA std M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 74560247 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out Modified to appear as Type 95 Ha-Go M50 Ontos USA std Lower hull M50A1 Ontos USA out SN 398 248 M51 USA out 244

“Rosie” Missing gun, mount & engine cover. Has Painted RN 40198083 246 Non-ballistic prototype 247 Former range target at 29 Palms 248 Missing weapons. Ontos information from Don Moriarty's The History of the Ontos. 245


M53 M548 M551 Sheridan M551 Sheridan M56 Scorpion M56 Scorpion M578 M59 M5A1 Stuart M60A1 M60A1 M7 Priest M7 Priest M706 Commando M74 M75 M75 M7B2 Priest M8 Greyhound M901 Marmon-Herrington CTL-3M Saracen


out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

RN 12F57969 SN 121 SN 166 SN F5694 SN 10425 SN 7512

Ex LAPD SN 1667 SN 7684 SN 8580-0, Painted RN 6038457 Bob Hope tank

SOUTH GATE South Gate Park, 9615 Pinehurst Ave: N33 56.533 W118 11.102 M60A3 USA out SN 1844, RN JJ0685 STOCKTON Business park near fairgrounds, S Wilson Way: N37 56.643 W121 16.088 M5A1 Stuart USA out TWENTYNINE PALMS Marine Corps Air Ground Center Twentynine Palms: CWS-POA-H5 Sherman USA out LAV-25 USA out LVTH6 USA out M48A3 Patton USA out M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA wre M50A1 Ontos USA out M55 USA out M60A1 USA out

1st Tank Battalion HQ

RN 30115226


UNKNOWN Private collection: 249 Australian Anti-Tank Carrier



SN 6084

Private collection: Raupenslepper Gebirge




12th SS Panzerdivision Reenactment unit: G13 Hetzer SUI G13 Hetzer SUI OT-810 CZE OT-810 CZE OT-810 CZE

std std std std std

UNION CITY Storage after sale of the Littlefield Collection: 251 AIFV USA AIFV USA AMX-13 FRA AMX-13 Au 50 (105mm) FRA BTR-40 SOV Centurion ARV GBR Centurion Mk 13 GBR Centurion Mk 3/5 GBR/CAN Chieftain ARV GBR Close Combat Vehicle – Light USA Combat Engineer Tractor FV180 GBR CVR(T) Striker GBR Dragoon USA Eland 90 ZAF Ferret Mk 2 GBR Fox GBR Fox prototype GBR FV432 GBR FV438 GBR Hotchkiss 11-2 Spz DEU Humber Mk IV GBR Landsverk IKV 73 SWE Leopard 1A1A4 DEU M19A1 USA M20 USA M26 Pacific (Dragon Wagon) USA

std std ind ind std ind ind ind ind ind std std std ind ind ind ind ind std std ind std ind std ind ind

Sd.Kfz 251/1 Ausf D Sd.Kfz 251/9 Ausf D Sd.Kfz 251/17 Ausf D

Demo 1 SN DSID-0001 SN 1657 SN 325, RN 6080006

VRN 07ZB74 VRN 12BA97 VRN 07FF05


SN 776 RN F117981 SN 8479 SN 162 SN 979


Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicles, sold by Auctions America . Formerly at WWII Victory Museum, Auburn, IN 251 Former Military Vehicles Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America. All delivered in 2016. 250


M37 M3A1 Stuart M3A1 Stuart M42A1 Duster M44 M44 M47 Patton


ind ind ind ind std ind ind

SN 115 SN 7073 SN 7153 SN 738, RN 12D630 SN 222 SN 581

M50 Mk 2 Isherman M53 M53/55 Praga M548A1 M59 M5A1 High Speed Tractor M74 M75 M113 C&R Marder 1A3 OT-64 SKOT Panhard EBR-90 Panhard M3 PSZH-IV PSZH-IV PT-76B Saladin Saracen T165E1 Ontos T165E2 Ontos T17E1 Staghound Trailblazer Valentine


ind std ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind

SN 18127 252

VAN NUYS Private owner: M16A1 Half-Track GMC



VANDENBERG AFB 40th Infantry Division Korean War Memorial: M47 Patton USA


VISALIA County of Tulare: M60A3


252 253


SN F3961 SN 57985, RN Y-707660 253 SN 543 SN 908, RN Y-731-295 RN 1295 712

RN 07BB39 RN 82BA07

RN. T-60072

SN 1518

Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation, sold by Auctions America, returned after Lawsuit Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in October, 1944



BRIGHTON Private owner: T16 (CTLS-4TAC) light tank



Lower hull only, re-engined

COLORADO SPRINGS 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Memorial Park, E Fountain Blvd: N38 49.072 W104 47.594 M60A3 USA out SN 3709A 254 Colorado Springs Historical Military Museum, 1200 Dragon Man Dr: M113 USA out M114 USA out SN 343 M29 Weasel USA ind M16 Half-Track USA ind Painted RN 4050126 M47 Patton USA out SN 1920 M59 USA out Old Colorado City Surplus, 2732 W Colorado Ave: M39 USA out DENVER Colorado ARNG Armory, Franklin St: N39 47.528 W104 58.143 M4A3E9(75) Sherman USA out SN 12306, RN 3054461 255 FLORENCE Bruce McCandless State Veterans Home, 903 Moore Dr: N38 22.292 W105 07.282 M60 USA out SN 2164 FORT CARSON 4th Infantry Division Museum: N38 44.256 W104 48.332 M1 Abrams USA out M2 Bradley USA out M8 Greyhound USA out M20 USA out M24 Chaffee USA out M41 Walker Bulldog USA out


SN 1587 SN 1088


AAD rebuild Remanufactured According to Joe DeMarco this tank, was originally built by Ford at Highland Park, MI in June, 1943 256 Turret no. 340, Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 257 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 255


M47 Patton M5 Stuart M551 Sheridan


out out out

On base: M1126 Stryker



4th Infantry Division Museum, storage: BMP-1 SOV M113A2 USA M114 USA M114A1 USA M2 Half Track USA M3 Scout Car USA M48 Patton USA M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA M4A3 Sherman / Jumbo turret USA M42 Duster USA M59 USA M60A1 USA M60A3 USA M728 USA M75 USA M84 USA

out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

FORT COLLINS Military Vehicle Sales: M8 Greyhound



GOLDEN Camp George West, S Golden Road: N39 44.020 W105 10.274 M53 USA out

SN 7338 SN 9833, RN 3043438


SN 402 SN 1266 259 260

SN 542 SN 63350, RN 30116372261 SN 66001, RN 30125323 262 263

SN 8935, RN JJ01XV264 SN 76, RN 9B9263 Painted RN 12K954265 RN 147623266



Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 260 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 261 “Barfly”; Has RN 30116372 (Jeff Button). SN identified by Joe DeMarco. Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood. This is one of 525 M4A3(76) VVSS manufactured by Fisher, it was remanufactured to HVSS in the 1950s. 262 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 263 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 264 Kit Carson Memorial Park 265 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 266 Formerly at 4th ID Museum Fort Hood 267 1 of 7 survivors, Spirit of Ft. Lowry 259


GRAND JUNCTION Panzerfabrik: M113 C&R




LOVELAND Private owner: Russ Morgan Collection M4A3E9 Sherman USA M4A3(75) Sherman USA M5A1 Stuart USA M29 Weasel USA

out out out out

SN 11965 RN 3054130 269 SN 12369

MONTE VISTA Homelake State and Veterans Nursing Home, 3749 Sherman St: N37 34.481 W106 05.896 M60A3 USA out PENROSE COL Leo Boston War Memorial Park: N38 26.028 W105 06.227 M113A2 USA out SN MSJ14235MAA PUEBLO Private owner: M2A1 Half-Track



SILVERTON VFW Post?: M2A1 Half-Track



SPRINGFIELD VFW Post 4001, 27913 US Highway 287: N37 23.772 W102 37.018 M60A3 USA out SN 3000A 270 UNKNOWN Kampfgruppe von Rybus Living History Group: OT-810 CSK OT-810 CSK

std std



Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America on July 11-12, 2014 For sale. 270 AAD rebuild 271 “Frita” 269



BRANFORD Connecticut Army National Guard Armory, 87 Montowese St: N41 16.684 W072 48.377 M114 USA out CANAAN VFW Post 6851, S Canaan Rd (US 7).: N42 00.827 W073 19.926 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 1964, RN 30183222 DANBURY Military Museum of Southern New England, 125 Park Ave 134: N41 22.916 W073 28.000 272 BA-64 SOV out BMP-1 SOV out Ferret GBR out RN 02CC78 Hotchkiss 11-2 Spz FRA/DEU out Hotchkiss 22/2 BeobachtungsPz FRA/DEU out Hotchkiss 51/2 MörserträgerPz CHE out M108 USA out M110A2 USA out M116 Husky USA out RN 13B262 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2447 M47 Patton USA out SN 7340 M48A2C Patton USA out RN 9B1694 4 M551 Sheridan USA out M578 USA out M60A0 USA out SN 955 MBT-70 USA out SN 5, RN 09A00567273 Pbv 302 SWE out RN 12?57170274 Saracen GBR out SpPz 2 Luchs DEU out SPz 12-3 CHE/DEU out SPz 42-1 cargo carrier FRA/DEU out MOOSUP 121 Main St: N41 42.954 W071 52.795 M60A3 USA


SN 3801A, RN 09A08171275


The museum has closed its doors, part of the collection has been donated to the Museum of American Armor, Old Bethpage NY. The pieces witch were on loan will go back to its owner. 273 Poor condition 274 Likely tested by the U.S. Army and formerly part of the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD., which previously had a Pbv 302 in its collection. 275 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2012


NEW MILFORD Town Green, Rte 45: N41 34.638 W073 24.636 M3A1 Stuart USA


PLAINFIELD Plainfield Vets Park: N41 40.683 W071 55.054 M5A1 Stuart USA


WALLINGFORD American Legion Post 73, 190 Ward St: M42A1 Duster USA


WINCHESTER Town Green: M3A1 Stuart



SN 10130 276


SN 2226

WINSTED VFW Post 296, 114 Colebrook River Road: N41 56.935, W073 02.979 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1076 WOLCOTT American Legion Post 165, 1253 Wolcott Rd: N41 37.233 W072 58.264 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61178

276 277

Has RN 3025340 painted on Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2012



BETHANY BEACH Bethany Beach Training Site, Route 1: N38 32.832 W075 03.591 M42 Duster USA out HOCKESSIN VFW Post 5892, Lancaster Community Park, 7620 Lancaster Pike: M42 Duster USA out SN 7832 MILLSBORO American Legion Post 28, Legion Rd: N38 37.129 W075 11.835 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 527 NEWARK VFW Post 3420, 649 Churchmans Road: N39 41.189 W075 38.220 M42A1 Duster USA out RN? E1231-7512 VFW Post 745, 100 Veterans Ln: N39 40.709 W075 45.828 M3 Lee USA out

SN 2, RN 301000278

SEAFORD Virgil Wilson VFW Post 4961: N38 39.595 W075 34.488 M113 USA out

SN 19207

TOWNSEND VFW Post 3792, Summit bridge Rd: N39 24.750 W075 42.171 M84 USA out Vietnam Veterans of America Inc, 474 Flemings Landing Rd: N39 23.204, W075 34.199 M42 Duster USA out


First Chrysler M3



WASHINGTON Armed Forces Retirement Home – Washington, Sheridan building, Sheridan Rd NW: N38 56.473 W077 00.520 M48A5 Patton USA out SN A3008 279


A3 features incldg cupola. The TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) says it has SN 554, which may be the original SN (prior to A5 upgrade. Cupola and other info identified by tanker2010 and Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2008). Access to the Armed Forces Retirement Home - Washington is by appointment only.



AVON PARK In the front of the Army National Guard, 2500 US Highway 27 South : N27 33.721 W081 30.768 M110A2 USA out CRESTVIEW Along the road: M4E9(75)



SN 1765, RN 3065844 280

DESTIN American Legion Post 296, 311 Main St: N30 23.851 W086 29.032 M47 Patton USA out SN 11487 EGLIN AFB Air Force Armament Museum: XM800W ARSV?



Eglin air force base: M4E9 Sherman



FORT LAUDERDALE Veterans park NW 21st St: N26 10.349 W080 10.272 M60A3 USA out

Built by Pullman Standard

SN 2387A

FORT McCOY VFW Post 4781, Fort McCoy VFW Retirement Home, 12801 NE 139th Pl: M114A2 USA out FORT WALTON BEACH American Legion Post 235, 105 Hollywood Blvd NW: N30 24.771 W086 37.203 M4E9 Sherman USA out Built by Pullman Standard GAINESVILLE VFW Post 2811, 1150 NE Waldo Rd: N29 39.695 W082 18.318 M37 USA out M42A1 Duster USA out SN 426 GREEN COVE SPRINGS VFW Post 1988, 421 South Orange Ave: N29 59.388 W081 40.704 M42A1 Duster USA out 280

Reference P-O’s known Sherman serialnumber list


HUDSON Pasco County Park: N28 21.865 W082 38.996 M60A3 USA


LAKE PANASOFFKEE VFW Post 10084, County Rd 439: N28 47.149 W082 07.684 M60A3 USA out

SN 3882M, MAD rebuild

SN 3656A, AAD rebuild

LARGO Armed Forces Military Museum : N27 53.906 W082 45.135 281 Abbot GBR ind Ferret GBR ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind RN 4026357 M3A1 Scout Car USA ind M4 High Speed Tractor USA ind M41 Walker Bulldog USA ind M47 Patton USA ind M59 USA out RN 12948 M5A1 Stuart USA ind RN USMC 379248282 M8 Greyhound USA ind LIVE OAK FLANG Armory, 1416 11th St SW: N30 17.402 W083 00.504 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 2823, RN 3055783283

MARIANNA American Legion Post 100, 3627 Hwy 90 W: N30 47.008 W085 17.678 M60A1/A3 USA out SN 1215 MERRITT ISLAND Veterans Memorial Center, 400 S Sykes Creek Pkwy: M113A1 USA/ISR ind M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out MIAMI Undefined: M42 Duster


RN 12A70069284 SN 3002, Painted RN 20171258


NAPLES Collier County Museum, 3301 Tamiami Trl E: N26 07.671 W081 45.862 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out 281

Museum closing, vehicles may be auctioned soon. “Margret”, has painted RN USMC 379248 283 Location and SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2014. Fake Barrel and shield. 284 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2015 282


PANAMA CITY In the Choctawhatchee River LVT-3C




OCALA E-153 Cavalry, FL ARNG, 900 SW 20th St: N29 10.078 W082 08.788 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 62075 VFW Post 4209, 4805 NE 36th Avenue: N29 14.184 W082 05.201 M47 Patton USA out 11209 OKEECHOBEE Part of the veterans memorial on main street: N27 14.600 W080 49.815 M60A3 USA out ORLANDO Universal Studios Florida, Disaster!, Hollywood Blvd: N28 28.710 W081 28.170 286 M75 USA out WW2 Armor: M3 Scout Car M3 Scout Car M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M5 HST M5 HST M7B1 Priest M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat M20


std std ind std std std std std std std

M20 M36 Jackson T-34


std std std

SN 58068287 Shop N°166, RN CT-163990 288 289

Named Kohen 290 291 292

SN 117 293 294


Abandoned by a logging company (Chris Bailey). Vismod 287 built by Chrysler in October, 1944. Formerly owned by Fred Ropkey. When the tank was restored, the Serial Number was painted as the USMC Registration Number, but this is incorrect as this RN was not used for a USMC Sherman. The USMC had its own registration number system, which towards the end of WW2, consisted of 6 digits, beginning with "10". 288 Named Golem. Formerly at Mount Angel, OR and named “Becky” 289 Stuart Replica, build on a M5 HST chassis. 290 Restored from a M7B2 by Ivo Richter from BAIV, The Nederlands. 291 Named “BRACHA”. Formerly at the Ropkey Armor Museum,Crawfordsville, IN and named “Cocky” 292 Named “BUPKES”. Formally owned by Northeast Military Vehicle Services, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 293 built by Fisher in May, 1944. This tank is from the first batch of 300 M36s produced by Fisher between April and July, 1944, and that served in Europe from September, 1944 294 Tiger Replica used in Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan. 286


PENSACOLA Private owner: M54 Guntruck



PLANT CITY Private owner: M16 Half-Track GMC



PORT SAINT LUCIE Private owner: M8 Greyhound



"Black Widow"

ROTANDA WEST American Legion Post 113, 3436 Indiana Rd: N26 52.620 W082 17.658 M60A3 USA out 2404A 295 SAINT AUGUSTINE VFW Post 2391, 6184 US 1 South: N29 46.293 W081 18.910 M60A3 USA out SARASOTA Private owner: M4A3 Sherman



VFW Post 3233, 124 S Tuttle Ave: N27 20.096 W082 30.854 M60A3 USA out

3765A 296


SN 1880, RN JJOO88

SNEADS American Legion Post 241, 2101 Legion Rd: N30 42.958 W084 54.680 M60A3 USA out SN 3841A 298 ST PETERSBURG Florida Holocaust Museum, 55 5th St S: N27 46.233 W082 38.427 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61203 RN 30114225299 War Veterans Memorial Park: N27 48.204 W082 46.329 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out

SN 3019 300


AAD rebuild AAD rebuild 297 The reported SN and RN are incorrect for a Ford M4A3.The highest SN on a Ford M4A3 is 12799 (P-O Buan). 298 AAD rebuild 299 Formerly at NACM, Fort Benning and before that at Gaffney Hall (Building 2369), Fort Knox KY 300 Build nr 3020 296


STARKE Camp Blanding Museum and Memorial Park, Tallahasse St: N29 58.821 W081 59.088 BRDM-2 USA out M110A2 USA out M113 USA out M16 Half-Track GMC USA out RN 4061723 M29 Weasel USA out M3 Half-Track USA out RN 4061921 M3A1 Half-Track USA out SN 2155, RN 40150872 M42 Duster USA out M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out RN 101952 M60A3 USA out SN 3028A Type 69-II CHN/IRQ out SN B9821514 YW 531 CHN out TAMPA USMC Reserve Center, 1521 W Gandy Blvd: N27 53.542 W082 32.306 LVTP5 USA out Veterans Memorial Museum and Park, 3602 Hwy 301 N: N27 58.572 W082 21.804 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 9834 M47 Patton USA out TITUSVILLE IMT collection: N28 31.288 W080 48.450 LVT(A)4 USA M103 USA M110A2 USA M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA M18 Hellcat USA M1917 USA M19A1 USA M24 Chaffee USA M26 Pershing USA M29C Weasel USA M37 USA M3A1 Scout Car USA M3A3 Stuart USA M4 Half-Track MMC USA

ind ind out ind ind ind std ind ind ind ind ind ind ind

turret only 301

302 303

RN 30127834



Formerly at the Historical Military Armor Museum, Anderson IN. It was previously part of the World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center in Hubbard OH, USA (AFV News forum) 303 Formerly at the Historical Military Armor Museum, Anderson IN. Reproduction turret, Information from Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 304 Formerly at the Historical Military Armor Museum, Anderson IN. 302


M4 Sherman M4(75) Sherman turret M41 Walker Bulldog M42 Duster M42A1 Duster M47 Patton M48 Patton M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M4A3(75) Sherman M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M60 M60 M60A1 M60A3 M7 Priest M7B1 Priest T71 GMC


ind std ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind

UNKNOWN Private collection: M75



305 306

SN 68928 307 308

10460 309

310 311

M36 Pilot


WAUCHULA Florida ARNG Armory, 450 Rodeo Dr: N27 32.123 W081 50.298 313 M110 USA out WEST PALM BEACH 391 Bomb Squadron (restaurant), 3989 Southern Blvd: N26 40.706 W080 06.224 314 M5A1 Stuart USA out


Formerly at Armed Forces Military Museum, Largo, FL. A M4 small hatch hull with a T23 turret. On the turret there is an experimental AAI model 108 cupola from a T54/T54E2 turret. The hatch pivots to the side instead of up and back (Joe D Afv discussion Board 02/2014). The hatches and MG ball mount on the front glacis are not original. I think that the front was cut open, maybe for agricultural use. The museum probably had to reconstruct part of the front hull to display the tank (P-O Buan). 306 Turret trainer 307 SN from the Sherman Register. 308 Formerly at the Historical Military Armor Museum, Anderson IN. 309 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 310 Vismod with a wooden superstructure to look like a M3 Lee 311 Converted back from M7B2 to M7B1 by Henry Venetta. It was previously part of the World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center in Hubbard OH, USA (AFV News forum) 312 Formerly at Big Shots of Idaho 313 Missing, Google earth 2016 314 Missing, site is a construction yard, Google earth 2016



ALBANY American Legion Post 30, 2916 Gillionville Rd: N31 35.118 W084 13.598 LVTC3 USA out SN 42274 M47 Patton USA out SN 447 ALPHARETTA American Legion Post 201, 201 Wills Dr: N34 04.473 W084 18.722 M60A0 USA out SN 1056 RN 9B4193 ATLANTA 3rd Armored Division: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman Stug III


std std

Armytrucks Inc: Caiman MRAP M939 Caiman MRAP M939 Cougar MRAP M1114 M1151


std std std std std

AUGUSTA Pendleton King Park, Highland Ave: M48A1 Patton




SN 676

South Eastern Equipment Company (SECO), 3000 Mike Padgett Hwy 172: M548 USA std VFW Post 649, 2430 Windsor Spring Rd: N33 23.660 W082 03.275 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 19 BARNESVILLE VFW Post 6542, 361 Old 41 Hwy: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman



SN 61312, RN 30114334

CALHOUN Georgia ARNG Armory, 300 N River St: N34 30.362 W084 57.372 M114 USA out M4A1(75) Sherman USA out 315






SN 1835, RN JJ0680316

CANTON American Legion Post 45, 120 McClure St: N34 13.539 W084 29.812 M59 USA out SN 499 Georgia National Guard 108th Armory: N34 13.873 W084 30.022 M60A3 USA out CARROLLTON VFW Post 7404, 1625 E. Hwy 166: N33 36.175 W085 01.451 M47 Patton USA out West Georgia Tactical (Private owner): LAV-300 USA M114 USA M114 USA M114A1/E1 USA

SN 8068

std out out out

CORDELE Georgia Veterans Memorial State Park, 2459 US Highway 280 W: N31 57.542 W083 54.686 LVT3C USA out SN C91308 LVTP5 USA out SN 108225 317 M3A1 Stuart USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 188537 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 6004X318 DECATUR Private owner: Dingo Mk II Ferret Mk 2/3 Humber Mk IV


std std wre

DULUTH American Legion Post 251, 2760 Duluth Highway 120: N33 59.094 W084 07.547 M56 Scorpion USA out SN 215 M60A0 USA out SN 1752 FAIRMOUNT American Legion Post 305, 2962 US Highway 411 SE: N34 25.671 W084 41.983 M59 USA out


SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2010 "Miss Staten Island" 318 SN by Kurt Laughlin 317


FORT BENNING (New) National Infantry Museum, Fort Benning Ave: N32 23.303 W084 57.315 319 Renault FT FRA/AFG std 320 M2A2 Bradley USA ind 321 M3A1 Stuart USA std (New) National Infantry Museum, WWII Camp, Fort Benning Ave: N32 23.209 W084 57.332 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 9107 322 M4(75) Sherman USA out SN 25054 RN 3033584323 324 M1917 USA std (Old) National Infantry Museum, Baltzell Ave: 325 2S1 Gvozdika USA M1 Abrams USA M114 USA M2 Bradley USA M22 Locust USA M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA M47 Patton USA M48 Patton USA M56 Scorpion USA M59 USA M60 USA M60A1 USA M75 USA XM701 MICV-65 USA XM723 MICV USA XM723 MICV USA XM765 SOV/IRQ

out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

Building 5500: N32 22.472 W084 50.419 M59 USA



SN 0103 327 328

SN 12237


SN 1233 330 SN 8793, RN JJ01UY 331 332



Recovered from Afghanistan, part of the NACM collection. Veteran of ODS and OIF, coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 321 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 322 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. Recovered from fort Dix 323 ALCo build 324 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 325 Situation of this collection is unclear, still there? 326 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 327 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 328 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 329 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 330 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 331 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 332 Only surviving XM723? 333 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 320


Kelly Hill: N32 22.332 W084 53.554 BMP-1 M125 M41 Walker Bulldog M41 Walker Bulldog M48C Patton M59 T-72M1


out out out out out out out


Kelly Hill Motor Pool: N32 22.676 W084 53.767 M125 USA



Kelly Hill motor Pool: N32 23.003 W084 53.616 M59 USA



Sand Hill: N32 24.499 W084 54.483 M113A1 M114 M125 M3A1 Stuart M75

out out out out out

RN MSJ17491


335 336 337 338 339

SN K11BT8014340

343 344

SN 10127 345

The National Armor & Cavalry Museum, Patton Park: N32 24.449 W084 54.100346 M1 Abrams USA std M3 Bradley USA std M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman USA std M26 Pershing USA std M48 Patton USA std M60A3 USA std M113 ACAV USA std M114 USA std 334

Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 09/2010 336 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 337 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 338 Identified by Joe_D, Afv discussion Board, 09/2010 339 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 340 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 341 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 09/2010 342 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 343 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 344 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 345 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010 346 Most of the vehicles are coming from the NACM collection and are probably listed double there, only serialnumbers comfirmation will eliminate them from that list. 335


M551 Sheridan



The National Armor & Cavalry Museum: N32 24.449 W084 54.100347 AMX-13 FRA std SN 2ANO452 RN 6680100348 BMP-1 USA std SN 78056400 BMP-1 SOV std SN ZWJ38HNM 349 BRDM-2 SOV/IRQ std BRDM-2 SOV std SN K03TT000556 350 Centurion Mk 5 GBR std SN 115-450 III? RN 10BA38 Challenger VC47 GBR std VRN 06SP41351 Chieftain Mk 1 GBR std RN 05M699352 353 Churchill Mk VII Crocodile GBR std 354 Comet Mk GBR std 355 Ferret GBR std Fox GBR std RN 11FD26356 Renault FT FRA/AFG std SN 9053-18 357 G-13 Hetzer CSK/CHE std IS-3M SOV/ISR out SN 11306 358 JgPz IV L/70 DEU std SN 320996 359 Leopard 1 DEU std SN M031 RN V907140360 LVT(A)1 USA std SN 32800 RN 8035642361 LVTP5 USA std RN 108081362 M1 Abrams USA std RN J2000C363


Most of the vehicles are coming from Fort Knox, still needs to be confirmed which vehicles are here. Former RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 349 SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). 350 Formerly RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 351 Formerly RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. VRN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). This was the last of the seven V4 series Challenger prototypes and was used as a reference vehicle at RARDE Chertsey, then assigned to the Challenger development program, and finally as the Vickers Defense Systems reference vehicle, according to Richard Stickland (TankNet AFV Forum, 11/2007). 352 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 353 “Eagle;” Painted WD No T252118K 354 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 355 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 356 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 357 This hull was recovered from a dumb in Afghanistan in 2003, with another (more complete) Renault FT which can be seen above (Don Moriarty). It is currently being restored. The turret has been discovered at Fort Benning and recovered in February, 2017 358 Sold to the Egyptians about 1960 and captured by the Israelis during the 1967 Six-Day War. The Israelis removed the engine from the damaged vehicle and made some modifications prior to installing it as a fixed emplacement on the Bar Lev Line. A T-54 engine deck was installed and other repairs were made, like installation of a dummy rear left sprocket, before it was given to the US as a gift (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 359 Formerly at Richardson Motor Pool Storage Facility, Fort Knox, KY. Came from RMCS Shrivenham, PierreOlivier Buan, Surviving Pz. IV Variants. 360 Type IIA Prototype. Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 361 Formerly at the Patton museum of Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 362 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Identified by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2009 363 Tank Test Bed 348


M1 Abrams M1A1 Abrams M1A1 Abrams M1IP Abrams M1IP Abrams M10 TD M103A2 M113A1 M113A2 M113A2 M113A2 M113A2 M113A3 M114 M114 M114 M114 M16A1 Half-Track GMC M18 Hellcat M1918 M2 Half Track M20 M24 Chaffee M24 Chaffee M24 Chaffee M26 Pershing M26 Pershing


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN D1301 RN JZ01VZ364 SN D6387 365 SN D6422 366 SN D5121 RN JZ02LX 367 SN D820 RN JZ01FS368 SN 7341 RN 305247369 SN 666 RN 233150370 SN C3189 RN 12FB33371 SN C2840 SN C2956 RN 12HV51 SN J20402 SN MAA24428 RN 12FA36372 RN 12T680373 374

SN 294 375 SN 465 RN 12T920376 SN 2474 SN 740 377 378

RN 4013126-5 SN 2891-C Painted RN 60112366379 380

SN 2762 RN 30121290381 SN 1761 SN 1773


Identified by armyjunk2 (11/06), Current location unknown, Dontos, Afv Discussion Board 05/2009. Turret no. 2781. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 366 SN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2007). Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 367 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. SN/RN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 368 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. SN/RN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 369 Formerly at the Patton museum of Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 370 Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 371 SN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2007). Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 372 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 373 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. Formerly at Building 5940, Wilson Rd, Fort Knox KY 374 Identified by armyjunk2 (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/06).Formerly at USAR Center near Bowman Field, Cannons Lane. Formerly at in front of the Patton museum, Fort Knox KY 375 Formerly at Ropkey Armor Museum. Houndog; SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 376 SN/RN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 377 Recovered from Bosnia, SN by Dontos Afv discussion Board 09/2010. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 378 Ford 3-man Tank, One of two surviving examples. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 379 SN from Joe DeMarco (G136, 4/2006). 380 Former Boudinot Hall(building2010), Fort Knox. 381 This one ('The Phoenix') appears to have been a French veteran of Algeria, now painted with the name Rebel's roost. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 365


M26 Pershing M26A1 Pershing M26A1 Pershing M2A1 Medium Tank M2A3 Light Tank M3 Lee/Grant hull M3 Bradley M3 Grant Mk I M3 Half-Track M3 Half-Track M3 Stuart M3 Stuart M3 Stuart M3 Stuart M31B2 M32A1B1 M32A1B1 M36B2 Jackson M37 M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Stuart M3A1 Stuart


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN 710 RN 30128476382 SN 1394 SN 1947 383 384

SN 312 RN 30434385 SN 727 SN 3AA00054 386 SN 1054 RN 305124387 388

RN 4017060389 RN W30980390 SN 1343 RN W30877391 SN 158 RN 301258392 SN 2564 RN W304172 SN 81 393 394 395 396

RN 40197995 Painted RN 6083962397 SN 297028 RN W20190 SN 6826 SN 793 RN W20190398


Has painted RN 30119851, from one of the 20 T26E3 Pershings assigned to the Zebra Mission. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 383 Ex- Stithton Traffic Circle, SN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 384 One of two surviving M2 medium tanks. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 385 “Mae West”, one of four surviving M2 light tanks (although one or two additional wrecks may exist in Antarctica). Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 386 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky, early production 387 Grant turret on a US M3 hull. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). Formerly at the US Army Ordnance museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. This vehicle is currently stored and is not publicly visible. 388 Modified 389 Formerly located at the US Army Ordnance Museum's Mile of Tanks at Aberdeen Proving Ground. May have been the first M3 Half-Track GMC. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 390 Formerly at Fort Knox, Kentucky 391 Under restoration 392 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky, empty hull & turret, SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2003). 393 Missing arm, appears as M3, SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 6/2006). Former Keyes Park. 394 Formerly at Keyes Park 395 Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 396 T-55 engine; 1 of 3 survivors in US. May have been assembled post-war. Was “hit by a large caliber HEAT round that passed through the upper section of the transmission housing, sliced through the cabling on the radio, and impacted on the hull side wall. The entry hole had been welded over with a patch. The tank destroyer's original gasoline engine had been removed and replaced with a Soviet T-55 power plant because of the lack of spare parts” (“Two WWII Tank Destroyers Saved from the Balkan Wars Are Returning to U.S. Museums,” Armor, January-February 2000, 15). 397 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky


M3A1 Stuart M3A1 Stuart M3A3 Lee M3A3 Stuart M4(75) Sherman M4(105) Sherman M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M4A1(75) Sherman M4A1(76) Sherman M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M4A1E13 Sherman M4A2 Sherman M4A3(75) Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN 8281 RN 306782399 SN 8722 RN 307155400 RN 305169401 SN 10673 RN 3025882402 SN 3949 403 SN 58235 RN 30105007404 Shop N° 93 405 SN 453 RN 3015209 Missing gun 406

SN 7152 407 SN 1405 RN 3065484408 SN 2804, RN 3055764 409 SN 49855 410 SN 62113 RN 30115135411 SN 44969 RN 30101204412 SN 61079 RN 30114101413 SN 61909 414 SN 65957 415 SN 60038 416 SN 65997


Diesel, Converted from M3. SN from Kurt Laughlin (G103, 9/2003). Tiger, SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2003). Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 400 Empty hull & turret, SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2003). 401 "Kentucky", Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Painted RN 308513. 402 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 403 Formerly at Kelly Hill motor pool. Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2010, built by ALCO in April 1943 404 Should have RN 30104750 405 "Cindy", formerly at Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, KY 406 Current location unknown, Dontos, Afv Discussion Board 05/2009 407 Formerly at the LST building, Fort Knox, Ky. Flamethrower tank, built by Lima December 1942 408 Firefly M4A2 w/ Firefly turret. The turret is probably the one sent by Great Britain to the United States in 1944/1945 (along with a sister sent to Canada) and originally mounted on an M4A3 Sherman for test by the AGF Board and the Ordnance Department, according to Mark Hayward, Sherman Firefly (Essex, England: Barbarossa Books, 2001), p 145, 153 and David Fletcher, Military Ordnance Special No. 19 Sherman VC M4A4 Firefly (Darlington, MD.: Darlington Productions, 1997). If so, the placement of the turret on this M4A2 appears to have been done post-war. The Sherman hull is the first M4A2 hull built by American Locomotive, according to Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004 and 7/2006). 409 Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 410 "Blockbuster" Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 411 "Tiger Jack". Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox, Former Wood Hall(building 9306) 412 “Thunderbolt VI”, Former Brooks Field. SN by Dontos, RN by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board 09/2010, This tank was built as an M4A3(76) VVSS, it received HVSS in the 1950s. 413 RN by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2009. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 414 Formerly at Stithton Circle, Fort Knox, Ky 415 “Thunderbolt VII”. SN by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2009. Former PX parking lot 416 Railhead 9/2005, Identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 8/2003) 399


M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo M4A4(75) Sherman M40 M41 Walker Bulldog M41A1 Walker Bulldog M41A1 Walker Bulldog M42 Duster M46 Patton M47 Patton M47 Patton M47 Patton M48 Patton M48 Patton M48A1 Patton M48A1 Patton M48A1 Patton M48A2C Patton M48A2C Patton M48A2C Patton M48A2C Patton M48A2C Patton M48A3 Patton M48A5 M48A5E1 Patton M5 Half-Track


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN 72912417 SN 50429 RN 3083026418 SN 20026 419

RN 3200 3139 RN 32003139420 SN 256, RN 12C087421 SN 368 RN 30163234422 SN 2947 RN 53862423 SN 3200 424 SN 7693 RN 30186153425 RN 9A4687 426

SN 2400 SN 4372 427 SN 6888 428 RN 9B1376

SN 1237 429 SN 923 RN 9B1344430 SN 358, RN 9B6323431 SN A10927 432 SN 4494 RN JK001F433 SN 570 434


Recovered from Iraq Donated its gun to Cobra King. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 419 T6 Pilot. Fitted w/ spigot mortars. Experimental mine destroyer/demolition variant fitted with spigot mortars. Originally part of the Aberdeen Proving Ground Ordnance Museum collection, later transferred to the Marine Air-Ground Museum at Quantico, and now in the Patton Museum collection. (Joe DeMarco, G104, 5/2002). 420 Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 421 Formerly located at the Ropkey Armor Museum according to Gary Redmon (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2008), and then in storage at Fort Knox, Kentucky. 422 One of seven known surviving M46s in the United States. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 423 This M47 Has a Belgian registration on it and has the aux fuel tank mounts. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 424 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Formerly located at the Ropkey Armor Museum according to Gary Redmon (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2008). Has an Italian rebuild plate on the rear. 425 Cut-away, Has SN 20 stamped on the tow lug. 426 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Fmrly at 16th Cav HQ & Wilson Rd Gate 427 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 428 Formerly at Keyes Park 429 Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 430 Formerly at the LST building, Fort Knox, Kentucky. 431 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 432 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 433 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 418


M50A1 Ontos M51 Isherman M51 TRV M52A1 M551 Sheridan M577 M577 M578 M578 M578 M578 M578 M59 M59 M59 M59 M59 M59 M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M60 M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN 304 RN 226684435 RN 810100436 RN 229713437 RN 12C402438 RN 13F008439 SN 465 RN 12T920440 SN PAA03706 441

SN F210 SN 507 RN 12FJ44 SN BMY 1742 SN BMY1965 RN 40232731442 RN 12D261 RN 12K377 RN 12K974 RN 12A340443 SN F475444 445

SN 10069 446 SN 9875, RN 3059180447 SN 3063 SN 3903 448 SN 8182 449 SN 584 RN 9B3695450 SN 5106 RN 09B04668451 RN JJ00ZW452


Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Named "Road Runner" 436 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. 1 of 2 M51 Isherman in US 437 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 438 1 of 5 confirmed survivors. Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 439 Formerly in the Patton Museum. 440 SN/RN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007).Current location unknown, Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 441 Formerly at 16th and 26th Cavalry Dr, Fort Knox KY 442 Two of these M59s are displayed on post. 443 Likely one of four M59 in storage, with RN 40232731, 12D261, 12K377, or 12K974. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 444 Formerly at Cherry Hall (Building 6559), Eisenhower Ave, Fort Knox KY 445 Identified by Joe D (10/2006). Formerly at 4th Cavalry Brigade, 85th Division (Building 6581), Eisenhower Ave, Fort Knox KY 446 Former Keyes Park 447 U-Go Recovered from Haiti. 448 SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2003). 449 SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2003). 450 Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky. RN by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2009. SN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 451 RN by Joe_D. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 435


M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE M60A1 RISE with ERA M60A2 M60A3 M60A3 M60A3(TTS) M60A3(TTS) M60A3(TTS) M706 Commando M728 M74 M74 M75 M7B2 Priest M8 Greyhound M8 Greyhound M8 Armored Gun System M84 M84 M84 M84


std std std out out out out std std std std std std out std std std std std std ind std std out std ind

RN JJ010G453 SN 4284 RN 09B8957454 SN 6053 RN 09A12771455 SN 6346 RN 09A09872456 SN 8679 RN JJ00XV 457 SN 9349 RN JJ00ZW458 SN 7109 RN USMC 399630459 SN 4666 RN JK007B SN 2394A RN JJ04GP460 SN 3854A RN 09B13769461 SN 3621A RN JJ009C462 SN 836 RN JJ03QD463 SN 837 RN JJ03QA464 SN 53 RN 09B8526 SN 73362 465 466

RN 40229098 RN 40152689467 SN 7059344 468 469

RN 12H860470 RN 12H869471 RN 12D261 SN F7 RN 13C635


One M60 in storage has SN 4284, while one M60A1 has SN 867. One M60 in storage has SN 4284, while one M60A1 has SN 867. 454 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. SN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 455 Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky. RN by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board 09/2009 456 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, formerly at Quinn Hall Fort Knox, KY 457 Formerly located at the Burger King (Building 2012), Fort Knox, Kentucky. 458 Formerly at Copple Center / 1st Armor Training Brigade Headquarters (Building 6590), Fort Knox KY 459 “Buster”. Formerly at USMC Detachment (Building 2372), Fort Knox KY 460 “FireBrether”, Anniston Army Depot rebuild, Formerly at 16th Cav HQ. 461 Anniston Army Depot rebuild. Location by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board 03/2009. 462 One of two M60A3(TTS)s believed to be in storage. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 463 SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 464 Detroit produced, SN, RN by Joe_D. Location by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2009. Formerly at Crecy Hall (Building 5921), Fort Knox, KY 465 Current location unknown, Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009. Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in April, 1945 466 French registration 628-0381 467 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 468 Formerly at Fort Knox, Kentucky 469 Appears to have been a former live fire/survivability prototype. Formerly at the US Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 470 Formerly at Merrell Hall 471 Formerly at Gaffney Hall (Building 2369), Fort Knox KY 453


M88A1 M981 M981 MBT-70 MBT-70 Mk V* Male Mk VIB Mk VIII MT-LB PT-76 PzJg II Marder II PzJg II Marder II PzJg VI Jagdtiger PzKpfw II Ausf F PzKpfw III Ausf F PzKpfw III Ausf F PzKpfw III Ausf N PzKpfw III Ausf N PzKpfw IV Ausf F2


std std std out std ind std std std std std std std std std std out std std

RN 9B4225 SN C3257 SN MAA22698 SN 4 RN 09A00467472 SN 6 RN 09A00668473 474 475 476

SN 480197 477 SN 1A-518504-96



SN 28042 480 SN 305020 481 SN 28284 482 SN 61266 483 484 485

SN 83534 486


Pilot No. 4 Pigg, an MBT-70 modified by Col Jimmie Pigg with M60 and M88 parts to serve as an XM803 surrogate. The tank's plaque describes the chassis as an automotive test rig, torsion bar version, of the 803. Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 473 Pilot No. 6. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 474 Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky 475 Obtained from the Canadian War Office in 1944” (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 7). 476 Presumably behind the fence. One of three surviving Mk VIII “Liberty” tanks in the world. 477 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 478 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 479 This Marder belonged to the APG collection and was on loan to the museum in Sinsheim (DE). It was for a short time with the Wheatcroft collection and returned to the US in June 2012 480 Turret no. 332. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 481 The vehicle was attached to the s.Pz.Jg.Abt 653 and had the vehicle number 331. The vehicle was captured near Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany in March 1945. Damage is still visible on the gun mantlet, glacis plate, and lower nose armor. This vehicle used the late version 9 tooth sprocket ring, for use with the 'contact shoe' and 'connector link' style continuous track it shared with the Tiger II. Formerly located at Aberdeen Proving Ground 482 This PzKpfw II Ausf F belonged to the APG collection and was on loan to the museum in Munster (GE). It was for a short time with the Wheatcroft collection and returned to the US in June 2012 483 Formerly behind the Patton Museum. The NACM's Panzer III is one of the 450 Ausf. F variants produced. However it is unique. Ausf. Fs were originally produced with the 37mm KwK 36 L/45, though later this was upgraded to the 50mm KwK38 L/48. Our Ausf. F was upgraded later in its service to the longer and more powerful 50mm KwK 39 L/60. It also received numerous armor upgrades, including reinforced armor on its front upper hull and the addition of Schurzen (skirts) to the turret. This makes this particular Panzer III Ausf. F appear closer to the later Ausf. J standard. However, her "Fahrgestellnummer" (chassis number) of 61266 reveals her true identity. Her interior is relatively untouched since World War II. 484 37mm gun; Position A17. Museum Director G.B. Jarrett mounted a 37mm gun on this PzKpfw III for display purposes. According to Thomas Jentz, Jarrett took a 7.5 cm KwK L/43 for display out of a rebuilt PzKpfw IV Ausf D (presumably the D/E/F model) that came out of Sicily and replaced it with the 7.5 cm KwK L/24 out of the PzKpfw III Ausf N. The tank originally came from Tunisia. 485 Recovered from ETO. Tank Data, 44. 486 Formerly at Richardson Motor Pool Storage Facility, Fort Knox, KY


PzKpfw V Panther Ausf A PzKpfw V Panther Ausf G PzKpfw V Panther Ausf G PzKpfw V Panther II PzKpfw VI Tiger PzKpfw VI Tiger II QM41 Walker Bulldog RSO Raupenschlepper Ost S-103C S-Tank Sd.Kfz. 223 Sd.Kfz. 234/4 PzSPW Sd.Kfz. 251/9 Ausf D Sd.Kfz. 6 Half-Track Sd.Kfz.10 SpPz 2 Luchs StuG III Ausf G StuG III Ausf G StuH 42 T-34/85 T-34/85 T-54 T-55


out std std ind std ind std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

487 488

SN 121455 489 SN 120417 490 SN 250031 491 SN 280243 492 493

SN 202351 494 SN 8101396 RN WH-1620274495 496

RN WH-1808565497 SN 5512 SN 700975 SN 80008 498 SN 452065 499 SN 93826 500 SN 107572 501 SN 1002631 502 SN 135 503 SN 62603 504 SN 5210__005 505


Recovered from Italy. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 59. Recovered from either France or Italy - conflicting information in Tank Data, and the Ordnance Museum Guide CD respectively. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 489 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Unrestored, no tracks, mocked-up exhausts and no commander's hatch. Appears to be a very late production vehicle, with the foliage loops on the turret side. 490 Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Ausf G turret, only surviving Panther II chassis. See also Achtung Panzer! 491 This tank was on loan to Germany (Sinsheim Auto + Technik Museum, Panzermuseum Munster) and was returned back to the USA in July 2012. Fahrgestell number 250031. Belonged to the s. Pz. Abt. 504, the tactical number was "712". It was captured in Tunis in May 1943 (Alex Pankov) 492 Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Captured in Belgium; transferred from the Aberdeen Proving Ground Ordnance Museum in 1992 in exchange for MBT-70 Pilot No.3 493 Navy Target Tow Vehicle 494 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 495 Formerly at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Shipped to Ft Knox in Dec 1946. SN and registration by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009. 496 One of two survivors in the world 497 Formerly at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Very late version using steel track without rubber pads. This one was captured in May 1945 east of Prague (CZ). The vehicle belonged to PzAufklAbl 20 from the 20. PzDiv (Rudi Ehninger, Brigadier General (rtd) German Pz. truppe) and it wears the markings of this unit 498 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky 499 Original paint. Formerly at Fort Knox, KY 500 This StuG III was found in a bog in Latvia and is still in its original paint (Don Moriarty and Garry Redmon). Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 501 formerly at Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, KY 502 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 503 Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox, Kentucky 504 First Model, 488


T-72M1 T-72M1 T114 T17E1 Staghound T23 Medium Tank T23 Medium Tank T23 Medium Tank T26E3 Pershing T28 Heavy Tank T29 Heavy Tank T29E3 Heavy Tank T30 Heavy Tank T34 Heavy Tank T41 Light Tank T41E1 Walker Bulldog T43 Heavy Tank T5 Phase I Prototype T95E13 Medium Tank TAB-72


std std std std std std std out out out out out std std std std std std std


SN XO9BT5771 507 RN 12T443508 SN? C115769 RN F221123509 510 511

SN 17 RN 30103066512 SN 221 513 SN 1 514 515

SN 8 RN 30162841516 SN 2? RN 30162843517

SN 1086 RN 81477518 SN 1 519 RN 30369520 SN 8 521 SN 801D120009


Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. w/ KTO-105 armor, SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). 506 Has Iraqi modified exhaust system. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, KY 507 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). 508 Formerly at Harmon Hall. 509 Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 510 One of three surviving T23 pilots 511 One of three surviving T23 pilots 512 Formerly at Patton Museum, Fort Knox KY 513 Formerly at Keyes Park Fort Knox. Korean War colors.SN from Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2007). 514 Only surviving example, would be RN 40226809. One of two T28 pilots built in 1945. Believed to be the first pilot, which was located at Aberdeen Proving Ground until at least 1946, then at Fort Belvoir by at least 1951. The T28 was “lost” for about 20 years (believed to have been scrapped) until it was found at the Combat Developments Research Lab range at Fort Belvoir in 1975. After its re-discovery, the T28 was recovered by the Patton Museum. The other, second T28 pilot is believed to have been destroyed by fire during testing at Yuma, Arizona 1946. Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 515 One of two surviving T29 heavy tank pilots, along with the modified T29E3 tank. Former Marshall Hall(building 1726). 516 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Only T29E3 built. Former Keyes Park 517 One of four surviving T30 heavy tank pilots. Former Marshall Hall(building 1726) 518 M41A3 Pilot. Former LST Building and before that it was transferred from the Letterkenny Army Depot at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, in May 1969. It was restored to running order in 1977 and for some years was displayed in the museum building, with the museum's M551, in a Vietnam setting(Trevor Larkum 519 M103 pilot 520 Only surviving T5 pilot. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky 521 Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension, Likely chassis no. 6, RN 9B1051 - the second pilot T95E3, later converted to a T95E8 and then fitted with a variable height suspension and M60E2 turret . Information from David R. Haugh and Michael Duplessis, “An Idea Too Early for Its Time: The US Army T95 Medium/Heavy Tank Series,” Journal of Military Ordnance, November 1999. Formerly at the LST Building, Fort Knox, Kentucky


Type 69-II Type 95 Ha-Go Type 97 Te-Ke XM1 Abrams XM551 Sheridan XM701 MICV-65 XM800T ARSV XM800W ARSV XM803 YW 531


std std ind out out std out std out std

SN 39851110 522 523 524 525 526

RN 12FP19527 528

SN 2 529 SN 7 RN 09A 007 67530 SN J22983335 531

FORT GORDON Intersection of Rice Rd & Ave of the States: N33 24.912 W082 08.296 M48 Patton USA out M48 Patton USA out M59A1 USA out M59A1 USA out FORT OGLETHORPE 6Th Cavalery museum, 6 Barnhardt Cir: M47 Patton USA


FORT STEWART 3-7 Cavalry Headquarters: N31 52.078 W081 37.013 M114 USA out M26 Pershing USA out Fort Stewart Museum (Bldg T904), 2022 Frank Cochran Dr: M110A2 USA out M113A3 USA out M15A1 Half-Track GMC SOV/IRQ out M37 Priest USA out

SN 6900 Unconfirmed

SN 974 532


SN SJ18310


Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). Captured by US forces during World War II. At one time it was in storage as shown, largely dismantled and undergoing restoration, Preserved Japanese Tanks, 7. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 524 Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 525 FSED PV1. Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 526 Formerly at Keyes Park, Fort Knox KY 527 Formerly at RMP, Fort Knox, Kentucky. std Pilot No. 5, only surv. 528 One of four built, two survivors. Former Sinclair Hall(building 1109), 6th Ave 529 One of four built. The National Armor & Cavalry Museum 530 Formerly located at Serio Hall (Building 2470), which has since been torn down. Only XM803 built. Formerly at Sinclair Hall (Building 1109), 6th Ave, Fort Knox KY 531 SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). 532 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Group, 08/2010 533 Behind the museum 523


M47 Patton M48 Patton CWS-POA-H5 Sherman M74 MT-LB T-72M1 YW 531 YW 750


out out out out out ind out out

SN 7296 SN 62203



Main Gate, W General Stewart Way: M1 Abrams USA M109A6 Paladin USA M2 Bradley USA

out out out

Museum Storage: BMP-1 BRDM-2 BRDM-2 BTR-60 BTR-60 BTR-60 M24 Chaffee M60A3 M113A1 M114 MT-LB T-54 T-55 Type 69


out std std std std std out out std std std std std out


National Guard Area: M4A1(75) Sherman



fake barrel

Range Control: M41 Walker Bulldog



William H Wilson & 16th.: N31 52.645 W081 37.685 M163A1 USA out





Captured by 24th ID(M) during ODS Ambulance 536 Captured by 2-7 Infantry during ODS. 537 Not present in 2010 538 Captured by 3-69 Armor during ODS. 539 Formerly at Fort Stewart Museum (Bldg T904), 2022 Frank Cochran Dr. 535


GLENNVILLE VFW Post 8379, W Bernard St & Veterans Dr: N31 57.039 W081 57.137 M47 Patton USA out SN 1267 HINESVILLE American Legion Post 168, 1211 W Oglethorpe Hwy: N31 48.516 W081 36.237 M60A3 USA out SN 1865 540 VFW Post 6602, 931 Ga Highway 196 W: N31 49.574 W081 37.400 M110A2 USA out SN F249 M163 USA out HOMER American Legion Post 215, intersection of Trotter St and Rte 15/441: N34 19.040 W083 29.975 M60A0 USA out SN 289 KATHLEEN 3rd Armored Division: M3A1 Half-Track M5A1 Stuart M8 Greyhound


std std std

LAVONIA VFW Post 5897, 144 E Main St: N34 25.325 W083 05.954 M60A0 USA out


SN 396

LAWRENCEVILLE Gwinnett County Sheriff SWAT, 2900 University Pkwy: M114 USA std LESLIE Georgia Rural Telephone Museum, 135 N Bailey Ave : N31 57.339 W084 05.191 M4 High Speed Tractor USA out MACON Army National Guard, 1030 Shurling Dr: N32 51.590 W083 36.379 M114 USA out M47 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out SN 1757A, AAD rebuild Georgia Military Institute, 433 Shurling Dr: N32 51.565 W083 37.042 M48 Patton USA out

540 541

Participated in Desert Storm Converted from M16 GMC?


MORGANTON Tank Town USA, 10408 Appalachian Hwy, N34 53.300 W084 13.286: FV432 GBR out FV432 GBR out FV434 GBR out FV439 GBR out PTS-M SOV out PALMETTO Private owner: T16 Carrier



REYNOLDS Veterans park, Marion St & N Winston St: M60A0 USA


SN 609

RINGGOLD Catoosa Area Training Center, Tennessee ARNG, off Georgia Hwy 2: M41 Walker Bulldog USA out ROME A/1-108 Armor, GA ARNG Armory, 3400 Wilshire Rd: N34 16.329 W085 07.555 M60A1/A3 USA out M60A1/A3 USA out ROSWELL Private owner: Ferret Mk 2/3



SAVANNAH Georgia ARNG Armory, 1248 Eisenhower Dr: N32 00.371 W081 05.882 542 M37 USA out SPARKS Private owner: M3? Half-Track



TALLAPOOSA Helton Howlan Park , E Atlanta Street (US 78): N33 44.272 W085 15.910 M110A2 USA out M578 USA out M60A1 USA out SN 7823, RN JJ00T9


Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion board, 10-2011


TIFTON Local park, Central Avenue South: N31 27.216 W083 30.654 M60A3 USA out

SN 3652A 543

Private owner: M4A1(75) Sherman Grizzly

SN 125, RN CT-163949



TOCCOA VFW Post 4346, E Savannah St: N34 34.856 W083 20.115 M60A0 USA out UNION CITY 3rd Armored Division: M3 Half-Track



WARNER ROBINS Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



543 544

SN 8346


AAD rebuild Converted from M16 GMC



UNKNOWN John Gerber's Pacific War Museum: M76 Otter



Private collection: Type 95 Ha-Go



YONA Harmon tank farm: M4A3(75)W Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman


wre wre

545 546


This tank has hull fittings (on the other side) only seen on some USMC tanks that served on Okinawa, so it might be a combat veteran (Leife Hulbert) 546 - This tank has the remnants of the T6 fittings on it, so it may be a combat veteran (Leife Hulbert)



KAUAI Waimea on hwy 50: N21 57.628 W159 40.843 LVT4 USA M3 Half-Track USA M5A1 Stuart USA

out out out

OAHU Kaneohe, Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Main Gate, G St: LVTP5 USA out Tropic Lightning Museum, Schofield Barracks (Bldg 361): M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out M75 USA out

SN 61644

Hawaii museum of Military Vehicles, Naval air museum Barbers Point, building 1792: M60A3 USA out Runner M60A3 USA out M110A2 USA out M113 USA out RN 13D200 M578 USA out M901 USA out US Army Museum of Hawaii, Fort DeRussy: N21 16.742 W157 50.019 M15A1 Half-Track GMC USA out 547 M24 Chaffee USA out M3A1 Half-Track USA out Type 95 Ha-Go JPN out


Battery Randolf



BLACKFOOT Local park, Airport Rd & E Airport Rd: N43 12.386 W112 20.804 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12302, RN 3054457 M60A3 USA out SN 1773A 548 BOISE Big Shots of Idaho: M29 Weasel M4 Half-Track


std std

Gowen Field Armor Park: N43 33.463 W116 13.961 M1 Abrams USA out M1 Abrams USA out M113 USA out M114 USA out M42 Duster USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M60A3 USA out

SN 106 SN 977

SN 12115, RN 3054270549 SN 1776A, RN JJ03YH 550

Idaho Military History Museum, 4748 Lindbergh St, Bldg 924: N43 33.454 W116 14.341 M1 Abrams USA out SN 723 M110A2 USA out M113 USA out M3 Scout Car USA out M548 USA out M578 USA out M59 USA out M60A3 USA out SN 2978, RN JJ04ZV M728 USA out M901 USA out BUHL Local park, Maple St & 6th Ave N: N42 36.235 W114 45.544 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out


AAD rebuild Has painted RN 1468736 550 AAD rebuild 549


BURLEY Burley Municipal Airport, E Main St (US-30) & Rte 81 : N42 32.507 W113 47.722 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11474, RN 3053629 CALDWELL Idaho ARNG Armory, 1200 S Kimball Ave: N43 39.506 W116 41.872 M60A0 USA out Private owner: M3 Scout Car



COUNCIL Veterans Park, Highway 95 and Industrial Ave: N44 44.283 W116 25.930 M60A3 USA out SN 1783A 551 EMMETT Gem County Courthouse, 415 E Main St: N43 52.531 W116 29.736 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12593, RN 3054748552 GOODING Idaho ARNG Armory, 417 North Main St: N42 56.855 W114 42.755 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11693, RN 3053848 HOMEDALE Pioneer Park W Idaho Ave : N43 37.058 W116 55.819 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 12422, RN 3054577

KENDRICK VFW Post 3913, 301 West B St: M110A1

SN 11688



LEWISTON Idaho State Veterans Home, 821 21st Ave: N46 23.942 W117 01.215 M60A0 USA out SN 143 Painted RN 9A3227 MACKAY Veterans park, Capitol Ave : N43 54.816 W113 36.971 M60 USA out

SN 53

MIDDLETON Local park, off Star Blvd (Rte 44): N43 42.349 W116 37.061 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 12225, RN 3064380

551 552

AAD rebuild Former MVTF vehicle.


MOUNTAIN HOME Monument: N43 08.882 W115 39.529 M1 Abrams USA


NAMPA Lakeview Park, 16th Ave N: N43 35.112 W116 32.664 M60A0 USA out

SN 153 Painted RN 9B3234

POCATELLO 1-148 Field Artillery, Idaho ARNG Armory, 10714 Fairground Drive: N42 54.859 W112 26.178 M109A3 USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12453, RN 3054608 M548 USA out M60A3 USA out POST FALLS American Legion Post 143, 640 N Highway 41: N47 43.817 W116 55.690 M113 USA out SN F1368, RN 12N122 M60A0 USA out SN 1704, RN 9B0041 RIGBY Near US 20: N43 39.985 W111 54.943 M60A0 USA


RUPERT Neptune Park, F St and S 3rd St: N42 37.946 W113 40.484 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

RN? 53748

SN 12660 RN 3054815

ST ANTHONY Along S Bridge Street in American Legion Park : N43 57.883 W111 40.919 M60A3 USA out SN 1841A 553 TWIN FALLS 116th Base Support Battalion, Idaho ARNG Armory, 1069 Frontier St: N42 34.838 W114 28.130 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12758, RN 3054913 M60A3 USA out SN 1793A WENDELL American Legion Post 41, 610 W Main St: N42 46.557 W114 42.796 M60A0 USA out SN 139 RN 9B3239554

553 554

AAD rebuild Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014



ADDISON Undefined: M114



RN 12T70651

ALGONQUIN 2nd Panzer Divison: G-13 Hetzer OT-810 Sd.Kfz. 247


std std std

RN M-78085555 556

ANTIOCH Intersection of Orchard St & Toft Ave: N42 28.737 W088 05.857 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 385 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Memory Garden Cemetery, 2501 E Euclid Ave: N42 05.091 W087 57.043 M60 USA out SN 2133 AURORA American Legion Post 84, 715 Foran Ln: M5 Stuart USA


BARRY Mason Street: N39 41.568 W091 02.369 M60A0 USA


SN 551

BELVIDERE VFW Post 1461, 1310 W Lincoln Ave: N42 15.426 W088 51.742 M47 Patton USA out RN? 12822 BENLD Veterans park, Trolley St: N39 05.605 W089 48.413 M60A3 USA out BERWYN American Legion Post 422: M60

555 556



running condition Replica?


BLOOMINGTON Miller Park, W Wood St: N40 28.242 W089 00.150 M1917 USA out CALUMET CITY Undefined: M60A3



CAPRON American Legion Post 205, 205 W Main: N42 23.972 W088 44.595 M84 USA out RN 120596 CHICAGO Hummel Square Veterans Memorial, 100th St & Ewing Ave, off S Indianapolis Ave: N41 42.797 W087 32.130 M60A0 USA out SN 21, RN 9B3132 Museum of Science and Industry, 57th St and Lake Shore Dr: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA std Private owner: M2 Half Track USA std Smith Park, 2526 W. Grand Ave: N41 53.497 W087 41.370 M3A3 Stuart USA out DeKALB Donald P Schoo Memoral Park : N41 55.865 W088 45.221 M5 Stuart USA out

SN11773 557


DIXON Veteran's Memorial Park, at the corner of IL Hwy 2 and Palmyra Rd.: N41 50.872 W089 30.201 M60A3 USA out SN 2403A 559 EAST SAINT LOUIS Bob Graebe Collection: PzJg 38(T) Marder III Ausf H RSO 01 Sd. Kfz 10 Sd. Kfz 251/1D Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf D


std std std out ind


SN 470.02 / 4119 SN 1010 SN 324137 SN 542201, WH 79243561


SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/14 "Donna" 559 AAD rebuild 560 This vehicle has been built from a Stormartillerivagn Sav m/43 hull 561 This Half-Track was previously on display in the Victory in Europe museum in Arlon (Belgium) 558


EDWARDSVILLE American Legion Post 199, 58 S State Rd 157: M5 Stuart USA


ELBURN Elburn Police department, E North St: M60A3 USA


SN 4136A


ELMHURST American Legion Post 187, 310 W Butterfield Rd: M114 USA out FLANAGAN American Legion Post 456, W Lumber St: M60A0 USA


SN 14

FREEPORT Private owner: M4A3(75) Sherman


SN 11518 RN 3053673


GALESBURG American Legion Post 285, 571 E North St: N40 57.077 W090 21.660 LVT3C USA out Stockdale Soldier Citizen Museum, VFW Post 2257, 1001 Michigan Ave: N40 56.085 W090 20.420 M60A0 USA out SN 1411 GENEVA American Legion Post 68: M60A1/A3



GLENWOOD Bloom Township Veterans Memorial Park, 19101 S Halsted St: N41 32.518 W087 38.126 M60A1 USA out SN 1524, RN 9B4857 GRAYSLAKE VFW Post 2245: LVT3C



GRAYVILLE Memorial Park, off Oxford Street: N38 15.011 W087 59.246 M60 USA out

SN 316

The suspension, frame and motor are real, inside everything is incorrect and rudely made (Dimitri Bushmakow) 562 AAD rebuild


GREENSVILLE American Heritage Farm Museum: N38 52.433 W089 22.456563 LVT4 USA out M3 Scout Car USA out M20 USA out GURNEE American Legion Post 771, 749 Milwaukee Ave: N42 22.325 W087 55.341 M47 Patton USA out SN 8689, RN 30172358 HAMPSHIRE VFW Post 8403: M114A2



SN 5726

HARRISBURG American Legion Post 167, 600 E Logan St: M60A3 USA


SN 2817A 564

HOOPESTON American Legion Post 384, 502 E Penn St: M3A3 Stuart USA


JOLIET Black Road, next to a local funeral home: N41 32.226 W088 07.022 M60A3 USA out SN 3685A 565 VFW Post 2199, 2423 S Chicago St: N41 28.694 W088 05.010 M60A3 USA out KEWANEE IL ARNG Armory: N41 14.593 W089 54.928 M42 Duster USA

SN 1547


LACON Located near the Courthouse, intersection of 5th Ave & S Prairie St: N41 01.470 W089 24.462 M60A3 USA out SN 4114M 566 LADD Veterans park, S Main St: N41 22.745 W089 13.130 M60A3 USA out

SN 26


Formerly at Armed Forces Museum, Alton Depot, 2 Cut St Alton IL AAD rebuild 565 AAD rebuild 566 MAD rebuild 564


LAKE ZURICH American Legion Post 964, 51 Lions Dr: N42 11.910 W088 05.509 M114 USA out SN S41117 Painted RN 12T467 038 LAMONT Gary's Half-Track Parts, 16253 W 135th St: M15 Half-Track GMC USA M2 Half Track USA M2 Half Track USA M2 Half Track USA M2A1 Half-Track USA M2A1 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA M3A1 Half-Track USA M4 Mortar Carrier USA

wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre

LOCKPORT American Legion 18 15052 Archer Ave.: N41 36.778 W088 02.443 M60 USA out MARINE Marine Village Park, N Duncan & East Silver Streets: N38 47.380 W089 46.639 M60 USA out SN 27 RN 9B3130567 MARION VFW Post 1301, 201 W Longstreet Rd: N37 45.321 W088 55.936 M60A3 USA out SN 2463A 568 MATTOON Peterson Park, 500 Broadway Ave: N39 28.999 W088 21.422 M3A1 Stuart USA out MAYWOOD Veterans Memorial: N41 53.194 W087 50.075 M3A3 Stuart USA

SN 8288 569



Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board 05/2011 SN and Coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 569 Identified by Jim Goetz (G103, 9/2007). 568


MILLSTADT VFW Post 7980, 200 Veterans Dr: N38 27.556 W090 06.057 M47 Patton USA out MOUNT CARMEL Public park: M41A3 Walker Bulldog


RN 11813570


MULBERRY GROVE American Legion Post 1180, S. Maple St. & Banks Lane: N38 55.389 W089 16.129 M60A3 USA out SN 2437A 571 NEW LENOX American Legion Post 1977, 14414 Ford Dr: N41 29.397 W087 57.919 M60A3 USA out SN 1798A NOKOMIS American Legion Post 94, 215 S Spruce St: N39 18.296 W089 17.587 M3A3 Stuart USA out NORTHLAKE American Legion Post 888, 241 E North Ave: N41 54.422 W087 53.619 M46 Patton USA out SN 248 Veterans Park, 44 Golfview Dr: M42A1 Duster



OAK FOREST Local park: M114



OAK LAWN Columbus Dr: N41 43.211 W087 44.816 M5 Stuart USA


PEORIA American Legion Post 2, 110 E McClure Ave: M5 Stuart USA


RN? 2H237

SN 386 painted RN 3044270

PONTIAC American Legion Post 78: N40 52.521 W088 35.631 M60A1/A3 USA out

570 571

SN and Coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010 AAD rebuild


QUINCY Illinois Veteran’s Home, 1707 N 12th St: N39 57.187 W091 23.903 M110 USA out SN NG18E2 M4 Sherman USA out SN 662 RN 3015418 M5 Stuart USA out M60A3 USA out SN 4091A 572 RIDGWAY Ridgway Community Park: M60A3


ROCHELLE Robert’s Armory: N41 53.280 W089 06.703574 M16 Half-Track GMC USA M22 Locust USA M29C Weasel USA M3 Half-Track USA M5A1 Stuart USA M8 Greyhound USA T16 Carrier USA


std std std std std std std

SN 2447A 573

SN 110 575

SN 1243 painted RN 301243 SN 2785

ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Rock Island Arsenal Museum (Bldg 60), North Ave: N41 31.076 W090 32.405 576 BMP-1 USA out 577 M22 Locust USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 59964 RN 3031827578 M50A1 Ontos USA out M55 USA out SN 9 RN 12B425 579 ZSU-23-4 USA out RUSHVILLE American Legion Post 4, 1 Charles Dr: M109 USA


SN 442


AAD rebuild AAD rebuild 574 Formerly at Big Rock Il 575 ex farm tractor; fake turret 576 Former Iraqi vehicle, abandoned west of Kuweit city. 577 Missing mantlet & gun 578 "4th Armored Division General Sherman Tank Knocked Out During the Battle of the Bulge Dec. 16 1944 Jan.23 1945" is painted on the (4 inch?) slabs of (German?) armor welded on the hull sides. Battle of the Bulge casualty seems doubtful in that the up-armoring process didn't commence until February. The glacis armor was taken directly from another Sherman, complete with hull lifting rings as well as headlamp and gun travel lock fittings. According to Joe DeMarco, with no prospect of further deliveries of Jumbos, in February 1945, the Third Army embarked on a program to "up-armor" its M4A3(76)s (P-O Buan). 579 Captured during ODS 573


City Cemetery: M52


SKOKIE American Legion Post 320, 7401 N Lincoln Ave: M5 Stuart USA



SMITHTON Veterans park, S Main St:N38 24.179 W089 59.558 M109A2 USA out SOUTH BELOIT American Legion Post 288, 14879 Dorr Rd: M114 USA



SN 659581


SOUTH HOLLAND Veterans Memorial Park, 16000 S Park Ave: N41 36.412 W087 36.424 M4A3(105) Sherman USA out SN 73235 583 SPRING VALLEY Memorial park E Erie St & N Greenwood St: N41 19.558 W089 11.874 M60A3 USA out SN 3671A 584 SPRINGFIELD Camp Lincoln : N39 48.982 W089 40.158 M1 Abrams USA


Illinois State Military Museum, Camp Lincoln, 1301 N MacArthur Blvd: N39 49.182 W089 40.113 M42 Duster USA out M47 Patton USA out 585 M60A3 USA out STEGER Veterans Memorial Park, 98 E 35th Ave: N41 28.059 W087 37.794 586 M20 USA out


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Quentin McCart, Afv discussion Board, 02/2016 582 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 583 Information from Joe DeMarco (G104, 8/2004). 584 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 585 According to museum website in 2004 (Tom Dinackus, 5/2008). 586 Identified by supertsar (AFV News Discussion Board, 12/2007). 581


UNKNOWN 2nd Panzer Division Association: OT-810



VICTORIA American Legion Post 26: M42A1 Duster



SN 250 587

VOLO Volo Auto Museum, 27582 Volo Rd: N42 19.605 W088 10.281 BRDM-2 USA out CVR(T) Sultan USA ind M114 USA ind M15A1 Half-Track GMC USA ind SN 1213 M3A1 Stuart USA ind SN 7579 588 OT-810 DEU ind WALNUT American Legion Post 179, 410 Ross St: M60 USA


1032 589

WEST CHICAGO VFW Post 6791, 431 N Neltnor Blvd: N41 53.458 W088 11.643 M47 Patton USA out SN 5434 590 WHEATON 1st Division Museum at Cantigny, 1 S 151 Winfield Rd: N41 51.182 W088 09.313 M113A2 USA out SN F10525 591 M1917 USA out M1IP Abrams USA out SN D685 592 M24 Chaffee USA out SN 2812 M3 Half-Track USA std M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 254 593 M46 Patton USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 2313 RN 12J866 M48 Patton USA out SN 2650 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA ind SN 45310 594 M5 Stuart USA out SN 644 595 587

SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by c322348 (G103, 6/2005). 589 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 590 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 591 Assembled from parts found in Canada in the 1990s, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007 592 SN identified by Scott Taylor (AFV News Discussion Board, 12/07). 593 1 of 7 known US survivors 594 Build as VVSS 588


M551 Sheridan M60A0 T26E4 Super Pershing


out out out

SN 99 SN 280 SN 1397596

1st Division Museum at Cantigny storage, 1 S 151 Winfield Rd: N41 51.182 W088 09.313 M4A3(105) HVSS Sherman USA std SN 74247 597 WHEELING American Veterans Post 66, 700 Mchenry Rd: N42 08.813 W087 56.653 M47 Patton USA out SN 3391 598 WILLIAMSVILLE Undefined: M114A2


ZION Russell Military Museum, 43363 Old Highway 41: Alpha MRAP USA BTR-40 SOV BV206 GBR Centurion GBR/AUS Ferret GBR LVTP5 USA M110A2 USA M113A1 USA M113A1 USA M113A2 USA M113A2 USA M113A2 USA M114 USA M114 USA M116 Husky USA M116 Husky USA M16 Half-Track GMC USA M29 Weasel USA M29 Weasel USA M32A1B3 USA


out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

SN 4915


SN 587 SN C1997 SN F12187 SN SJ10343 SN WSJ0083 SN F835 600

RN 12U636

SN 11800, RN 3053955601


Formerly located at VFW Post 6366 in Northlake, Ohio according to André Flener (G103, 1/2004). SN identified by Kurt Laughlin, (G103, 11/2004). 596 Only surviving T26E4. On loan from the Fort Knox Patton Museum. Possibly also the only surviving longbarreled Super Pershing of any kind. SN identified by Scott Taylor (AFV News Discussion Board, 12/2007). 597 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation. 598 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 599 VISMOD Abrams 600 Identified by Mark Holloway, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 601 Been built from a M4A3(75) (P-O Buan).


M37 M37 M3 Half-Track M3 Stuart M3A1 Stuart M3A3 Stuart M4 High Speed Tractor M41 Walker Bulldog M41 Walker Bulldog M42A1 Duster M42A1 Duster M42 Duster M47 Patton M47 Patton M48 Patton M48A2 Patton AVLB M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M4A3(75) Sherman


out out ind out out Out out out out out out out out out wre out out out

M4A3(75) Sherman M4A3(105) Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman M5 High Speed Tractor M548 M548 M578 M5A1 Stuart M60A0 M60A3 M7 Priest M706 Commando M706 Commando M901A1 Pandur RG33L MRAP Sexton T117 T165E2 Ontos


ind out out std out out out out out out out ind ind out out out out out out ind

SN 7579 SN 10659602 SN 3215 SN 348 SN 1490 RN 12F456 SN 1188 RN 12D311 SN 8091 SN 8768 SN 2657 SN 68025 SN 11536, RN 3053691 SN 12311 SN 64078, Painted RN 16273603 SN 45460 SN 74335 604

Armored version605 SN 861 SN 2207, Painted RN 102058606 22 9B3128 SN 3351A SN 3248

SN 0AA01404607

SN 370 608


SN by P-O Buan, formally of the Littlefield Collection. 1/62 produced with defective armor. It has "For Training Only" welded on the hull sides and is 1/2 of the surviving vehicles from the defective batch (Silvio Iacuone). 603 “Betty Boop” 604 Storage yard 605 Actually a XM45 armored flametrower refueler. Only surviving example? 606 “Tiger Bait” 607 Former MVFT vehicle


XM1 Abrams XM734 MICV


out out

SN F3304


Ontos Prototype. Owned by Ropkey before being sold to Littlefield. Sold to Russell at the 2014 Auction (Silvio Iacuone)



ALBION Military Vehicle Repair & Restoration Inc.: M3 Half-Track USA


1002 609

ANDERSON Historical Military Armor Museum, 2330 Crystal St: N40 08.428 W085 40.437 BTR-40 SOV ind M1 Abrams USA ind SN D735 M114 USA ind M3 Half-Track USA ind M106 USA ind M551 Sheridan AVLB USA ind SN 3 Prototype M551 Sheridan USA ind SN 426 M60A2 USA ind SN 4830 610 M60A1 USA ind RN J02Z0 611 M60A3 USA ind SN 2097A RN JJ047Y 612 M706 Commando USA out 613 M706 Commando USA out ATTICA VFW Post 3318, 203 S Market St (Rte 41): N40 17.647 W087 15.160 614 M4A1(76)HVSS Sherman USA out AUBURN National Military History Center, 5634 County Rd: N41 19.978 W085 05.488 C15TA Armoured Truck CAN ind Chieftain USA ind LVT3 Bushmaster USA ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind RN W4017684615 M18 Hellcat USA ind 616 M26 Pacific (Dragon Wagon) USA ind M29C Weasel USA ind RN 40176866 617 M3 Half-Track USA ind 609

“Princess”; converted from M15A1 Only known Blade example 611 AAD rebuild 612 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry 613 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry 614 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 615 Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 616 Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 617 Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 610


M3? Half-Track M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Scout Car M5 High Speed Tractor M8 Greyhound PzJg 38(t) Marder III Ausf M (Sd.Kfz 138) T16 Carrier T24 Weasel Universal Carrier Windsor carrier


ind ind ind ind ind ind ind


ind ind ind ind


RN CF40378 RN W4211371619 RN 6051455S620

RN 40176899 621 622

BEDFORD Indiana ARNG Armory, 2020 19th Street : N38 51.449 W086 29.948 M60A0 USA out SN1780 623 BLUFFTON National Guard Armory, 500E Spring street: N40 43.689 W085 09.911 624 M60A3 USA out BRAZIL S Forest Ave: N39 30.730 W087 07.505 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA


BRISTOL American Legion Post 143, 905 Maple: N41 42.777 W085 49.345 M60A0 USA out SN 2396A, RN JJO4GR625 BROWNSTOWN Jackson County Courthouse, 111 Main St: N38 52.732 W086 02.502 M4A1(76)HVSS Sherman USA out BUTLERVILLE Muscatatuck Urban Training Centre (MUTC) Headquarters, Building 16 (near 6 th Ave) T-72M1 SOV/IRQ out SN Y11B15727 626


Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 620 French markings, named "Flibustier" 621 Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 622 Current location unknown, sold on a auction dec 2012 623 SN and Coordinates by Geoff Walden, The Afv Discussion Board 09/2008 624 Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2009 625 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2015 626 Formerly at Fort Knox KY 619


COLUMBUS VFW Post 1987, 215 N National Rd: N39 12.041 W085 51.688 M60A0 USA out SN 623 627 CRANE Crane Army Ammunition Activity, 300 Hwy 361: N38 52.249 W086 50.094 M47 Patton USA out SN 1447 CRAWFORDSVILLE Ropkey Armor Museum, 5649 E. 150 North: N40 03.718 W086 47.744 M109A3 USA ind 628 M24 Chaffee USA ind M26 Pershing USA ind Painted RN 30129385 M3A1 Scout Car USA ind M3A1 Stuart USA ind M4 Half-Track USA ind Painted RN 40256? 629 M41A1 Walker Bulldog USA ind M41A1 Walker Bulldog turret USA out M48A1 Patton USA ind M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA ind 630 M50 Ontos USA std M56 Scorpion USA ind Painted RN 12J1283 M5A1 Stuart USA ind M7B2 Priest USA ind M8 Greyhound USA ind T16 Carrier GBR ind Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha JPN ind CROMWELL N Jefferson St (Route 5) & Industrial Rd: N41 24.420 W085 36.660 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 980 631 CROWN POINT American Museum of Military Vehicles, 996 E Joliet St: N41 24.929 W087 20.934 M110A2 USA out SN F426 M113A2 USA out SN MSJ21405 M113A1 USA out M114 USA out M548A1 USA out SN C298HAV 627

SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). “Rebel's Roost” 629 For sale at 630 Missing weapons; Tiger stripe camo. Private owner. Information from Don Moriarty’s The History of the Ontos. 631 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 628


M548A1 M578 M60A3 M901 Sexton


out out out out out

SN CHX399HAB SN F246 SN 2907A? 632 SN F246

In between N Main St & Merrillville Rd: N41 25.372 W087 21.852 633 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out EDINBURGH Camp Atterbury: N39 21.566 W086 01.922 M1 Abrams USA M110A2 USA M41 Walker Bulldog USA M42 Duster USA M47 Patton USA M47 Patton USA M48A5 Patton USA M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA M59 USA M60A0 USA M60A3 USA M901 USA T165 Ontos USA

out out out out out out out out out out out std out out

SN 1599

SN 106 634 SN 2396 635 SN 67977, RN 30125956 SN 68080, RN 30126059


FAIRMOUNT American Legion Post 313, 522 E 8th St: N40 25.343 W085 38.586 M60A0 USA out SN 1588 637 FORT BRANCH VFW Post 2714, US Hwy 41N: N38 14.965 W087 34.060 M60A3 USA out

SN 2456A 638

FOWLER VFW Post 1348: M4 Sherman

SN 3516, RN 3061083 unconfirmed




AAD rbld. The same SN is given for an M60A3 in Fremont, Wisconsin. Hull number 1-321, turret number 2449. Produced by Pressed Steel Car Co. in Chicago around January February 1945. 634 SN by Shermanwasright, Afv discussion board, 04/2012 635 SN by Shermanwasright, Afv discussion board, 04/2012 636 Sole surviving T165? Don Moriarty’s The History of the Ontos. 637 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 638 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 633


GAS CITY City Hall, 211 E Main St (US 35): N40 29.286 W085 36.771 M5 Stuart USA out

SN 671 639

GRIFFITH Central Park, N Broad St & E Pine St: N41 31.935 W087 25.674 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 71729 640 HAGERSTOWN Private collection: Dingo Mk III



RN F48037641

HARTFORD CITY Indiana ARNG Armory, 1620 N Jefferson St: N40 27.882 W085 22.024 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 67984, RN 30125963642 HOWE Howe Military School, 5755 N State Rd 9: N41 43.710 W085 25.539 M60 USA out SN 40, RN 9B3106643 HUNTINGTON Memorial Park, Bartlett St: N40 52.692 W085 30.501 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 68091, RN 30126070644

INDIANAPOLIS American Legion Post 64, 601 S Holt Rd: N39 45.413 W086 13.493 645 M59 USA out Fort Benjamin Harrison, army reserve complex: N39 51.751 W085 59.630 M42 Duster USA out VFW Post 7119, 6325 Lee Road: N39 52.646 W085 59.975 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out


JEFFERSONVILLE Kiesler Guns Gear Gadgets, 3300 Industrial Pkwy: N38 18.826 W085 44.990 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA ind


SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). Identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 5/2005). Hull number 1-1403 641 Formerly at WWII Victory Museum, 5634 County Rd, Auburn IN 642 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 643 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2015 644 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 645 missing in 2016 satellite imagery. 646 Identified by armyjunk, Afv Discussion Board 12/2009 640


US Army Reserve Center, Dutch Lane: N38 17.109 W085 44.275 M48A1 Patton USA out KOKOMO Foster Park, intersection of S McCann St and W Superior St: N40 29.101 W086 08.033 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out LA PORTE Hesston Steam museum, 1201 E1000N: M110A2 USA


LEBANON Indiana Army National Guard Armory, former D/2-150 Field Artillery: N40 03.239 W086 27.993 647 M110A2 USA out LINTON Humphrey Park, Phil Harris Pkwy: N39 02.256 W087 08.992 M60A1 USA out LOWELL VFW Post 6481, 17401 Morse St: N41 18.097 W087 25.225 M60A3 USA out

SN 964

SN 2466A 648

MARION Indiana ARNG Armory, E Williams St: N40 33.421 W085 39.239 M60A0 USA out MICHIGAN CITY Great Lakes Museum of Military History Storage, 360 Dunes Plaza W US Hwy 20: M110A2 USA std M114 USA std M42 Duster USA std M578 USA std MILAN VFW Post 6234, 107 N Warpath Dr: N39 08.113 W085 07.845 M48 Patton USA Out SN 3297 649 MUNCIE Indiana ARNG Armory, 401 N Country Club Rd : N40 11.772 W085 19.806 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA Out SN 68434, RN 30126413650 647

Placed on display in 1996, according to 16 May 1996 Indiana National Guard press release (Tom Dinackus, 5/2008). 648 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 649 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 650 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008).





SN 675 651

NEW ALBANY Indiana ARNG Armory, 2909 Grantline Rd: N38 19.159 W085 49.227 M59 USA Out M59 USA Out VFW Post 1693, 1919 Grantline Rd: N38 18.299 W085 49.251 M60A0 USA Out

SN 413

VFW Post 3281, 232 E 5th St: N38 17.120 W085 49.065 M60A0 USA Out

SN 198 653


NEW CASTLE Local park, near Indiana ARNG Armory: N39 55.619 W085 22.034 M59 USA out RICHMOND Veterans memorial park, Johnson St & N 2nd St: N39 49.867 W084 54.000 M3A3 Stuart USA out SN 131? M3A3 Stuart USA out SN 13367? ROCKPORT Seminary St & Fairground Dr: N37 52.942 W087 03.514 M551 Sheridan USA out

SN 152

SAINT JOHN Private owner: Sexton

SN 1900



SCOTTSBURG Indiana ARNG Armory, Main St: N38 40.439 W085 46.179 M4A1(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SEYMOUR Freeman Field: M60A3



SN 2828A, RN JJ04VF654

VFW Post 1925, 311 S Jackson Park Dr: N38 57.592 W085 52.374 M60A0 USA out SN 1446 655 651

Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012 Identified by armyjunk2 (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/06). SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 653 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 654 AAD rebuild 655 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 652


SHELBURN American Legion Post 197, E State Rd 48: N39 11.168 W087 23.599 M60A0 USA out SN 1015 656 SOUTH BEND Military Honor Park, Michiana Regional Airport : N41 41.847 W086 18.618 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 870 M60A3 USA out SN 2852A, RN JJO4W5657 ST LEON American Legion Post 464, 28866 Post 464 Rd: N39 17.342 W084 59.072 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12281 RN 3054436658 TERRE HAUTE Indiana ARNG Armory, 3614 Maple Ave: N39 29.539 W087 21.928 M60A1/A3 USA out VFW Post 972: N39 28.120 W087 24.030 M60 USA


UNION CITY Local park, E 700 N: N40 11.942 W084 49.537 M60A3 USA


UNKNOWN Private collection: 661 Chieftain Pz 61 T-55AM2 T-62 T-72M1


std std std std std

Private collection: BMP-1



SN 835 659


SN 72639 662



SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild, SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2015. Has the wrong RN JJ00JG painted on. 658 SN from the Sherman Register. 659 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 660 AAD rebuild 661 The BTR-70 and Leopard 1A4 (former MVTF vehicles) formerly here, are no longer in this collection 662 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions American, July 2014 663 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle sold by Auctions America July 2014 657


VAN BUREN American Legion Post 368, 7595 E 450 N: N40 37.045 W085 31.949 M60 USA out SN 2572A 664 VINCENNES Indiana Military History Museum, 4305 Bruceville Rd: N38 40.388 W087 32.288 2S1 Gvozdika SOV out LVT4 USA out Painted RN 997675 665 M114 USA ind M114 USA ind RN 138777666 M15A1 Half-Track GMC USA wre SN 2277 667 M2 Half Track USA wre SN 233712 668 M20 USA ind M29 Weasel USA out M3 Half-Track USA wre M3 Half-Track USA out SN 420, RN 409900669 670 M3 Scout Car USA std M3 Scout Car USA std M3A1 Half-Track USA std Painted RN 40150027 M3A1 Stuart USA ind SN 10316 M47 Patton USA out SN 2400 671 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA ind Painted RN 3063045 M551 Sheridan USA out M5A1 Stuart USA std M6 High Speed Tractor USA out M8 Greyhound USA out Painted RN 6034340 M1917 USA out OT-810 DEU std Sexton USA out 672 T16 Carrier USA out T16 Carrier USA std 673 Type 95 Ha-Go JPN ind WANATAH American Legion Post 403, 205 S Washington St: N41 25.745 W086 54.071 M60 USA out SN 2517A 674 664

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 666 “Recon Runner” 667 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2014 668 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2014 669 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2014 670 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2014 671 Italian rebuild plate 672 Modified for civilian use? 673 This tank was previously at the Marine Corps Museum at Quantico, VA 665


WARSAW Court House, 121 N Lake St: N41 14.334 W085 51.461 M3A3 Stuart USA out

SN 12562, Painted RN 3047999675

WINCHESTER Indiana ARNG Armory, 700 Western Ave: N40 10.316 W084 58.892 676 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out


AAD rebuild, SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). “Teresa”. The RN is from a M5A1 so its false, Sn by Kurt Laughlin G103 676 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 675



BRADFORD Undefined: M60A3



BRADGATE VFW Post 7083, Garfield St: N42 48.191 W094 25.108 M42A1 Duster USA out

SN 3848A

SN 1262 677

CAMANCHE Historical Museum, 1307 S. Washington Blvd.: N41 47.161 W090 15.562 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 1346 678 CARROLL Iowa National Guard Armory, Le Clark Rd.: N42 04.723 W094 53.250 M113A3 USA out CEDAR RAPIDS Veterans Memorial Stadium, 950 Rockford Road SW: N41 58.020 W091 41.254 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M56 Scorpion USA out SN 75 DAVENPORT Credit Island Park, off US 61: N41 30.017 W090 36.741 M103 USA out DYERSVILLE American Legion Post 137 / Memorial: N42 28.979 W091 06.582 M60A3 USA out SN 3479A, RN JJ01HP679 EARLHAM Military Vehicle Sales: CVR(T) Spartan



ELKADER Elkader city park, S High St: N42 51.042 W091 23.861 M60A3 USA out

SN 2820A 680


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). New location and coordinates by John Anderson 679 AAD rebuild. RN by John Anderson 680 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 678


EVANSDALE Meyers Lake Park: N42 27.768 W092 17.485 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA


SN 68148, RN 30126127

FOREST CITY Winnebago County Court House: N43 15.799 W093 38.314 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 72945 681

HUMESTON Memorial Park: N40 51.549 W093 29.745 M60A3 USA


SN 3363A 682

INDEPENDENCE Veterans Park near the river: N42 28.213 W091 53.786 M60A3 USA out

SN 3329A 683

JEFFERSON American Legion Post 11: M60A3

SN 3321A 684



Spring Lake State Park, 1847 195th St: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA


JOHNSTON Iowa Gold Star Museum, Camp Dodge: N41 42.232 W093 42.745 M1 Abrams USA out M3 Half Track USA out M113 USA out M113A2 USA out M2 Bradley USA out M42 Duster USA out Painted RN 12F523 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out M56 Scorpion USA out M578 USA out M901 USA out MT-LB SOV/IRQ out T-55 SOV/IRQ out Northwest Drive Beaver Drive Gate: N41 41.893 W093 42.464 M47 Patton USA out SN 7636 685 681

Coordinates, SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2015 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 683 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 684 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 685 Has ORMeC Bologna stamp 682





LAKE MILLS Arlington Park, N. Mill St: N43 25.256 W093 32.069 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 7313A, RN JJ00BS686

SN 60980687

LE MARS National Guard Armory near the Plymouth County Fairgrounds: N42 47.980 W096 08.989 M60A1/A3 USA out M113 USA out LONE TREE American Legion Post 457, 300 N Devoe St: N41 29.455 W091 25.435 M1 Abrams USA out SN L1469 688 M41A2 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 5275 MONONA VFW Post 4117, 1425 Brookside Dr: M60A0



NASHUA Veteran’s memorial park: N42 57.364 W092 32.147 M60A3 USA out

SN 3484A

ONAWA Monona County veteran’s memorial museum, 12th St: M3 Half Track USA out M60A3 USA out

SN 3325A 689

RHODES American Legion Post 456, 709 S Oak St: M60A0 USA

SN 634 690


SCHLESWIG Local park, Cty Hwy 16: N42 10.036 W095 25.750 M60A3 USA out

SN 3483A 691


Original SN 6836 Identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2005). 688 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 689 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 690 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 691 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 687


STOCKPORT American Legion Post 147: M114



SN 20012 692

WAUKON American Legion Post 62: M60



SN 5


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).



ABILENE Eisenhower Park: N38 55.110 W097 13.800 M110A2 USA M60A0 USA M7 Priest USA

out out out

SN BMY598 693 SN 780 694

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum, 200 SE 4th St: 695 M20 USA ind ARGONIA Local park N Elm St: N37 15.916, W097 45.757 M60A3 USA


ATWOOD American Legion Post 46, 112 S 3rd St: M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA M60A0 USA

out out

SN 2719A 696


SN 667 698

AUGUSTA Kansas Museum of Military History, 135 S Hwy: N37 40.285 W096 58.856 LVT4 USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out M551 Sheridan USA out SN 439 M60A3 USA out SN 2825A 699 BAXTER SPRINGS Local park, E 7th St and East Ave: N37 01.703 W094 44.022 M60A0 USA out BEND Private owner: M2 Half Track M2A1 Half-Track M3 Half-Track


SN 746 700

std std std


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 07/2012 695 Painted RN 60132041 696 “The Earth Pigg”, AAD rbld, SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 697 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 698 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 699 AAD rebuild 700 SN from the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 694


BIRD CITY Memorial park, Rich Ave: N39 45.205, W101 32.147 M60A3 USA out

SN 2678A 701

CALDWELL Local park, S Caldwell Blvd & W 1st St : N37 01.911, W097 37.112 M60A3 USA out SN 4143A 702 CHANUTE American Legion Post 170, 301 N Evergreen Ave: N37 41.079, W095 26.943 M60A3 USA out SN 2663A 703 VFW Post 1654, 1654 W Main St: M60A3



SN 3069A 704

CLAY CENTER Dexter Park, 6th Street: N39 22.487 W097 07.463 M60A0 USA out COFFEYVILLE VFW Post 1022, W 8th St: N37 02.212, W095 38.608 M110A2 USA out M60A3 USA out CONCORDIA National Guard Airport Park: M110A2 M60A0


COTTONWOOD FALLS Swope park, 210 Rd: N38 22.166, W096 31.987 M60A3 USA

SN BMY593-1 SN 4262A 705

out out


SN 2642A 706

COUNCIL GROVE Memorial park, E Valley St: N38 39.996, W096 29.180 M60A3 USA out

SN 3330A 707


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 703 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 704 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 705 AAD rebuild 706 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 707 AAD rebuild 702


DODGE CITY VFW Post 1714, 909 13th Ave: N37 45.451 W100 01.962 M110A2 USA out M60A0 USA out ELLSWORTH Old US Hwy 40: N38 44.427 W098 13.076 M60A0 USA

SN BMY234 708 SN 2069 709


EMPORIA Veterans Memorial Park, off S Commercial St (Route 57/99).: N38 23.182 W096 10.852 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 65383 FORT RILEY 5/4 CAV HQ: N39 06.874 W096 48.682 M3 Scout Car USA


HQ 2-70 Armor, Custer Hill: N39 06.816 W096 48.798 M47 Patton USA out M47 Patton USA/FRA out


SN 3137 SN 8694

Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (MATES): N39 05.905 W096 44.358 M577 USA out M60A3 USA out RN JJ052J Normandy drive: N39 06.406 W096 48.999 T-55 SOV/IRQ


SN 911G355 711

Range 18: M2A4 Light tank M31B1 TRV


out out


Range 18C: N39 08.103 W096 45.022 AMX-30 FRA


RN 2940073713

Range management: N39 07.115 W096 49.560 M60A3 USA


SN 955, RN JJ03UX714


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 710 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 711 Soviet build according Lesley Delsing, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 712 Hull only 713 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011. Believed to be a gift from France to the 1st Division after Desert Storm (Joe_D) 714 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 709


Stable Area Storage: N39 03.627 W096 46.928 BRDM-2 USA M20 USA M60 USA M728 USA MT-LB USA VT-55A USA

std std std std std std

Staff Sergeant David Q. Douthit Multi-Purpose Range Complex (MPRC), off Hwy 77: N39 17.552 W096 55.952 M1 Abrams USA out SN D1156 M41A1/A3? Walker Bulldog USA out M60A0 USA out SN 1374 U.S. Cavalry Museum Vehicle Display: N39 03.785 W096 46.919 M113A2 USA out SN MSJ216 13 715 M16 Half-Track GMC USA out M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA out M20 USA out M24 Chaffee USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M36 Jackson USA out SN 2274716 717 M48 Patton USA out M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 48751 718 M5A1 Stuart USA out M75 USA out M8 Greyhound USA out T-72 SOV/IRQ out GALENA Veterans Park, Galena Municipal Government Complex, Hwy 66: N37 04.495 W094 38.496 M60 USA out SN 886 719 GARNETT VFW Post 6397, RR 2 (S Willow St & E 2nd Ave): N38 16.217 W095 14.862 M113A2 USA out SN F12801 M60A3 USA out SN 4163A 720 715

SN By Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 Build by Ford in may 1943, serial by David D. Jackson 717 In bad shape? 718 Or 48754, Fisher build. The appliqué armor on the side was most probably applied to repair a damage, as the tank might be a WW2 combat, It was formerly displayed at Ferris Barracks, Erlangen, Germany (Joe deMarco) . 719 Identified by Scott Moore (11/06). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 720 AAD rebuild 716


GOVE CITY Broad St: N38 57.686 W100 29.261 M60A3



GRAND BEND Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



private owner: LVT3 Bushmaster M2 Half Track M2 Half Track M3 Half-Track M3 Half-Track


std std std std std

SN 2696A 721




Veterans Memorial Park, Veterans Lake, off McKinley St: N38 22.295 W098 47.609 M110A2 USA out SN BMY800 725 GRINNELL Local park, Fifth & Adams: N39 07.205 W100 37.749 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY489 726

HANOVER Veterans memorial park, E Elm St & Memorial Dr: N39 53.702, W096 52.145 M60A3 USA out SN 2727A 727 HAYS American Legion Post 173, 13 Canterbury Rd: N38 52.302 W099 18.048 M60A3 USA out SN 4280A, RN 09A94268728 HUGOTON Corner of S Monroe St & E 3rd St: N37 10.863 W101 20.776 M60 USA out IOLA Undefined: M110A2




SN F133 730


AAD rebuild All American; may have been sold. Information from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 723 Converted to M2A1 724 Converted to M3A1 725 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 726 Confirmed by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2011 727 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 728 SN, RN and coordinates by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2011 729 Identified by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2012 722


JETMORE Memorial park US283: N38 03.918, W099 53.899 M42A1 Duster USA out M60A3 USA out

SN 1355 SN 4142A 731

JUNCTION CITY B/1-635 Armor, Kansas ARNG Armory, 500 Airport Rd: N39 02.539 W096 50.244 M60A0 USA out SN 1723, RN 9B5085732 Local park, off Henry Dr and I-70: N39 02.284 W096 45.925 M114 USA out


KINGMAN Kansas ARNG Armory, S Main St (Rte 14): N37 38.442 W098 06.794 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 68146, RN 30126125 KINSLEY VFW Memorial, off Hwy 56 near the intersection with Hwy 50: N37 55.098, W099 25.269 M60A3 USA out SN 4050A 734 LAKIN Kearney County Veterans Memorial, near Lakin Cemetery, US-50/400: N37 57.066 W101 14.918 M60A3 USA out SN 2755A 735 LEBO Local Park, off Broadway St: N38 24.921 W095 52.384 M60A3 USA out MARYSVILLE Kansas ARNG Armory: N39 50.624 W096 38.106 M110A2 USA

SN 4161A 736


Lions Park off N 16th & North St: N39 50.990 W096 38.304 M7 Priest USA out

SN 246 737


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild 732 Identified by tanker2010 (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 733 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 734 “Night Owl”; AAD rebuild, SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 735 AAD rebuild, Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 736 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 737 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN by Joe deMarco, Coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2013 731


OFFERLE Local Park, Chestnut St & W Front St: N37 53.477 W099 33.698 M110A2 USA out SN BMY415 738 OSAGE CITY Lincoln Park, Market St: N38 38.068, W095 50.036 M60 USA out

SN 2092 739

OSWEGO Riverside Park off North Oregon Street: N37 10.531, W095 06.000 M60 USA out SN 1314 740 OVERBROOK VFW Post 239, 16396 S Shawnee Heights Rd: N38 46.370, W095 33.414 M60A0 USA out SN 4032A 741 OZAWKIE American Legion Post 225, 10114 Old Town Trl: N39 13.653 W095 26.442 M110A2 USA out SN BMY730-1 M60 USA out SN 1494 PITTSBURG American Legion Post 64, 2815 N Joplin St: N37 26.168, W094 42.046 M60 USA out SN 819 742 RUSSELL VFW Post 6240, 248 Bob Dole Dr: N38 53.277 W098 50.682 M60A3 USA out

SN 2740A 743

SALINA Memorial Hall, northeast corner of 9th and Ash.: N38 50.579 W097 36.793 M60A0 USA out SN 1788, RN 9B5124744 SENECA Masonic Temple Nemaha historical society 33N 6th: N39 50.110 W096 03.830 745 M7 Priest USA out


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 740 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 741 Has dozer blade;AAD rbld 742 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 743 SN and Coordinates by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2011 744 SN, RN and coordinates by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2011 745 Missing in 2016 satellite imagery 739


TONGANOXIE VFW Post #9271, 910 E 1st St: N39 06.764, W095 04.893 M60A3 USA out

SN 2681A 746

TOPEKA American Legion Post 1, 3800 SE Michigan Ave: N38 59.953 W095 39.327 M60A3 USA out SN 4289A 747 American Legion Post 400, 3029 NW Us Highway 24: N39 05.422 W095 42.426 748 M60A0 USA out Combat Air Museum, Hangars 602-604 "J" Street, Forbes Field: N38 56.469 W095 40.674 M114 USA out SN 1736 M29 Weasel USA out M56 Scorpion USA out SN 209 Museum of the Kansas National Guard, Forbes Field, 6700 SW Topeka Blvd: N38 56.802 W095 41.079 749 2S1 Gvozdika USA out M109A3 USA out M110A2 USA out SN 1KO3RQD M113A2 USA out SN MAA22662 M1IP Abrams USA out SN D5127 M2A1 Half-Track USA out SN 2A1 4013918 M4 High Speed Tractor USA out M42 Duster USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out M60A0 USA out SN 374 750 751 M7 Priest USA out 752 ZSU-23-4 USA out 746

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 748 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 749 Formerly at Fort Riley 750 This is one of the few places where they actually have a power plant co located with a tank, and outdoors at that. Without trying to sound like a nitpicker, that engine/transmission combo is not for an M60 (A0). The engine is an AVDS-1790-2DA and the transmission is fitted with Hydro-mechanical brakes on the output shafts. It's a 2DA engine based on the 300 amp air cooled generator, easily identified by the air ducting running to the forward part of the engine from it. The large oil coolers, electrical harness connectors and starter relay located on top of the engine make it a "D" model with this generator. The tubing running from the exhaust stacks along the top of the oil coolers is for the VEDES system (Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System). The "A" in 2DA is for VEDES equipped. These particular engines where installed in late model M60A1 RISE Passives, M728A1 CEV's and M60A1 AVLB's. M60A0's had only Mechanical brakes and were never issued with the VEDES system. The tank itself has the earlier aluminum air cleaner units too, only the armored units were equipped with VEDES. The Kansas National Guard never had M60A1's, they went from M60A0 to M60A3's. Most likely this pack came from an M60A1AVLB or M728A1 CEV, since they were in the inventory long after the M60's were retired (Joe_D Afv Discussion Board, 02/2015). 751 Riveted Lower hull, M3 style bogies 752 Formerly at Fort Riley 747


Private collection Larry Mogge M4A1 Sherman Grizzly M29 Weasel M36B2 Jackson


out out out

WOODBINE Western Ave and 6th St: N38 47.768 W096 57.843 M60A0 USA out

SN 374



ALBANY VFW Post 1096, 611 Hopkins St: N36 41.766 W085 08.592 M60A3 USA out

SN 1829A, RN JJ0402753

ASHLAND Veterans Memorial at Armco Park: N38 26.251 W082 41.329 M56 Scorpion USA out BENTON Kentucky ARNG Armory, Armory Rd: N36 51.927 W088 21.945 M60A3 USA out SN 2527A, RN JJ04LL754 BOWLING GREEN VFW Post 1298, 1965 KY Highway 185: N37 01.138 W086 26.642 M60A3 USA out SN 1874A, RN JJ0410755 CAMPBELLSVILLE American Legion Park - East Broadway Ave & American Legion Rd: N37 21.498 W085 19.369 756 M103 USA out National Guard Armory - East Broadway Ave: N37 21.275 W085 19.711 757 M110A2 USA out DANVILLE Millennium Park, Rowe St: N37 39.327 W084 47.877 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out

SN 23 758

DAWSON SPRINGS American Legion Post 310, Trundle Ave: N37 10.635 W087 40.887 M60A3 USA out SN 2547A 759 ELIZABETHTOWN American Legion Park, N Miles St (Rte 251): N37 42.437 W085 51.275 M114A1 USA out SN 500 760 753

AAD rebuild, SN, RN and coordinates from Joe D. AAD rebuild, SN, RN and coordinates from Joe_D 755 AAD rebuild. SN, RN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 05 2009 756 Identified by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2010 757 Identified by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2010 758 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 759 AAD rebuild, SN from Joe D 760 First Robotic Fighting Vehicle, RFV1; formerly marked as “C.S. Spalding.” 754


Det 2, 203rd Forward Support Company, Kentucky Army National Guard Armory, 205 W Warfield St: N37 41.932 W085 51.374 M109A3 USA out SN 6677 761 FALLS OF ROUGH VFW Post 3852, 611 Hopkins St (intersection of Falls of Rough Road (KY-79N) & Creek 1499): N37 35.180 W086 30.805 M60A3 USA out SN 2002A 762 FORT CAMPBELL 101ste Memorial Park, Kentucky Ave & Normandy Rd: EE-11 Urutu USA out Air Force Detachment, Market Garden Rd & Caaf Quarters: T-54 SOV/IRQ out Don F. Pratt (101 st Airborne Division) Memorial Museum (Building 5702), Tennessee Ave: 763 M5A1 Stuart USA ind Motor Pool: M56 Scorpion



Dryer Field House: N36 38.297 W087 27.144 M4A1 Sherman Grizzly USA M20 USA

out std

Museum Storage Lot, Tennessee Ave & 28th St: M110A2 USA M113 USA M114A1 USA M48A5 USA M551A1 Sheridan USA M60A3 USA

std std std std std std

Range Control Building: N36 38.220 W087 28.211 M60A0 USA out

764 765

SN BMY1102

SN A3473, RN JA019A SN 1399, RN 12F51569 SN 4243A, RN 9A09570

SN 1808 766


SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2010). AAD rebuild, SN and coordinates from Joe_D. 763 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 764 The tank, donated by the Anniston Army Depot in Anniston Ala. through the U.S. Center for Military History, is planned to be converted to an amphibious "duplex drive" model that linked up with the division following its occupation of Utah beach on D-day. It is scheduled to serve as a centerpiece for a diorama at the post's forthcoming Wings of Liberty Museum ( 765 Formerly at Anniston. Has signs on it from the Fredericks County Sheriff department (MD) 766 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 762


XM1 Abrams



FORT KNOX Boudinot Hall: N37 54.350 W085 57.156 M47 Patton USA


At the training area: M3A1 Stuart M3A1 Stuart

wre wre


Brandenburg Station Road Gate: N37 55.410 W085 58.451 M60A1 RISE USA out M60A3 USA out Bullion Gate: M1/IPM1 Abrams M24 Chaffee M2 Bradley


out out out


SN 6735 768


SN 6307, RN W3011943 770

SN 8587, RN JJ010G771 SN 2004A, RN JJ0457772

SN D275, RN JZ0?Z?773 774

Chaffee Gate (former main gate, no longer in use): N37 53.636 W085 58.287 M48A2C Patton USA out RN 9B0263 M48A2C Patton USA out RN 9B1376 Copple Center / 1st Armor Training Brigade Headquarters (Building 6590): N37 54.435 W085 55.641 775 M59 USA out M60A1 RISE USA out SN 9349, RN JJ00ZW776 in front of the Patton Museum: N37 53.770 W085 58.499 M47 Patton USA out M4A4(75) Sherman M59 M60A1 RISE


out out out

SN 6960 777 SN 18108



SN 9357, RN JJ00ZZ780


FSED PV5?; diesel engine Formerly at USAR Center near Bowman Field, Cannons Lane, Louisville, KY 769 Discovered by Patton Museum volunteer Matthew Rector 01/2013. Missing turret 770 Discovered by Patton Museum volunteer Matthew Rector 01/2013 771 RN and coordinates by Joe_D 772 Anniston Army Depot rebuild. RN and coordinates by Joe_D 773 Identified by armyjunk2 (11/06). 774 Identified by armyjunk2 (11/06). 775 Likely has RN 40232731, 12D261, 12K377, or 12K974. 776 Coordinates and RN by Joe_D 777 Identified by armyjunk2 (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/06).Formerly at USAR Center near Bowman Field, Cannons Lane, Louisville, KY 778 Burst barrel, Former British tank still has the fittings. Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox 779 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox 780 Coordinates by Joe_D 768


Ireland Army Community Hospital (289 Ireland Avenue), Parking Lot: 781 M59 USA out MATES (Building 2858): N37 55.678 W085 56.940 M110A2 USA out M60A3 USA out

SN BMY550 782 SN 2278A, RN JJ04D9783

Patton Museum: N37 53.778 W085 58.454 M10 TD M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M60A3 M7B1 Priest


ind ind ind ind

Range Targets: M1 Abrams M1 Abrams M1 Abrams M1 Abrams M103A2 M113 M2 Bradley M2A1 Bradley M3A4 Lee M47 Patton M47 Patton M47 Patton M47 Patton M48 Patton M48 Patton M48 Patton M577 M59 M60A1 M60A3


wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre wre std wre wre wre wre wre wre

SN 6865 784 SN 59894, RN 3031757785 SN 2448A, RN JJ04J9786

SN 4373 787

788 789 790

SN 9243 791 SN 2003A 792


Likely has RN 40232731, 12D261, 12K377, or 12K974. Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 783 Anniston Army Depot rebuild, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 784 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 785 SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 6/2006). 786 Original SN 5823.AAD rebuild. AAD rebuild SN and coordinates originally identified by Joe D (10/2006), original SN and RN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). Formerly at Sadowski Field House, Wilson Rd 787 Build by Chrysler in July, 1942 788 Hull with M60A2 turret 789 Hull with M60A2 turret Zussman Range 790 Hull with M60A2 turret 791 Identified by Joe D (12/2006). 792 AAD rebuild, Identified by Joe D (12/2006). 782


Skidgell Hall (Building 1724): N37 54.557 W085 57.124 M60A1 RISE USA out

SN 3078, RN 09B7257793

Stithton Traffic Circle: N37 53.688 W085 57.411 M41 Walker Bulldog USA M47 Patton USA M48A2C Patton USA

out out out

SN 2796 795 RN 9B1416796

West point HWY 31W: N37 58.335 W085 58.904 M60A1 USA


SN 8692, RN JJ01JR797

Wilson Road Gate: N37 55.153 W085 55.926 M551 Sheridan USA M551 Sheridan USA

std out

RN 13F158798



GEORGETOWN Connector Road, in front of the Legion Post 24: N38 13.222 W084 32.125 M901 USA out SN CAA00626 GLASGOW American Legion Park, 805 Happy Valley Rd: N37 00.572 W085 55.471 M56 Scorpion USA out GREENSBURG American Legion Post 124, 1099 Legion Park Rd: N37 14.657 W085 28.835 M103 USA out SN 766 GREENUP Greenup Cty War Memorial, Ashland Rd: N38 33.201 W082 47.821 M60A3 USA out SN 2526A, RN JJ04LK800 GREENVILLE VFW Post 5478, 1424 State Rte 176: N37 12.336, W087 09.293 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out RN 7334789801


SN and coordinates from Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2006). Formerly at Humpick Hall? Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox 795 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox 796 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox 797 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 798 Formerly at Harris Hall, current location by Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 799 Former Armor Basic Course OPFOR. Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 800 SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 801 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 794


HANSON Western Kentucky Veterans Center, 926 Veterans Dr: N37 24.940 W087 27.838 M60A3 USA out SN 2524A, RN JJ04LH 802 HARRODSBURG VFW Post 6935, US 127 South: N37 46.439, W084 50.699 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out HARTFORD County Fairgrounds, off KY-69N by the Ohio County Airport: N37 27.572 W086 52.046 M60A3 USA out SN 2399A, RN JJ04GU803 HAZARD City park, Judy St: N37 15.058 W083 11.756 M60A3 USA


SN 1855A, RN JJ04GU804

Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center, 200 Veterans Dr: N37 17.232 W083 13.954 M60A3 USA out SN 2522A, RN 9B9164805 HENDERSON Ontos Veterans Restoration Project: M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos


std std std std std

HINDMAN Holly Hills Shopping Center, 3068 Hwy 160 S: N37 18.904, W082 56.558 806 M47 Patton USA out HODGENVILLE Lincoln Memorial Post 87 : N37 33.574 W085 44.111 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out

SN 3243 807

JEFFERSONTOWN Veterans Memorial Park, Taylorsville Road (Rte 155).: N38 11.356 W085 33.306 802

SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 AAD rebuild, SN/RN and coordinates from Joe_D 804 Original SN 7685. AAD rebuild. SNs & RN identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2008). 805 AAD rebuild. SNs & RN & coordinates identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2008). 806 Has ORMeC Bologna stamp 807 SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2013 803





LEBANON VFW Post 5910, 500 Veterans Dr: N37 34.082 W085 15.487 M60A3 USA out

SN 2436A, RN JJ04HX808

SN 2090A, RN JJ0471809

LEITCHFIELD American Legion Post 81, 415 Lee Ave: N37 29.081 W086 16.850 M60A3 USA out SN 2450A, RN JJ64JB810 LEXINGTON Veterans Park: N37 57.386 W084 30.372 M60A3 USA


SN 2339A, RN JJ00412811

LIBERTY Gateway Park, 88 E Ky 70: N37 18.857 W084 55.884 M60A3 USA out

SN 1903A 812

LIVERMORE 1st Street: N37 29.154 W087 08.197 M60A3 USA

SN 2542A, RN JJ04M1 813


LONDON VFW Post 3302, W Laurel Rd: N37 04.637 W084 08.099 M60A3 USA out

SN 2481A, RN JJ04K8814

LOUISVILLE 149th Armored Brigade, 35th Infantry Division, Kentucky ARNG Armory, 2729 Crittenden Dr: N38 12.269 W085 44.914 M60A3 USA out SN 2331A, RN JJ04F5815 VFW Post 5421, 7111 Lower Hunters Trce: N38 10.467 W085 52.802 M60A3 USA out SN 1964A, RN JJ0441816 MADISON 808

AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild, RN and coordinates by Joe_D. 810 SN & RN and coordinates by Joe D 811 AAD rebuild. RN and coordinates identified by Joe D (10/2007). 812 AAD rebuild, Identified by Geoff Walden (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN and coordinates identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/2007). 813 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by Joe D 814 AAD rebuild, SN/RN and coordinates from Joe D 815 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D. Missing on 22/09/2014. 816 Anniston produced Former M60A1 SN 7956 809


Undefined: M5 Stuart



MIDDLESBORO Middlesboro Bell County Airport, 1420 Dorchester Ave: N36 36.530 W083 44.158 M60A1E3 USA out SN 11, RN JJ0301817 MILLERSBURG Forest Hill Military Academy/ HQ US Army Cadet Corps: N38 18.379 W084 08.622 M56 Scorpion USA out MOUNT STERLING American Legion Post 22, 1091 Winchester Rd: N38 03.185 W083 57.982 M60A3 USA out SN 2483A, RN JJ04KA818 OLIVE HILL American Legion Post 138 Park, off Lawton Rd (Hwy 174): N38 17.509 W083 11.211 M60A3 USA out SN 1987A, RN JJ044Q819 RADCLIFF Radcliff Chamber of Commerce, 306 N Wilson Rd: N37 50.570 W085 56.474 820 M103 USA out RUSSELL SPRINGS Russell County Fairgrounds: N37 03.558 W085 04.808 M60A3 USA out RUSSELLVILLE American Legion Post 29, 153 Legion Lane: M113 USA M114 USA

out out

SANDY HOOK Elliot County Veterans Memorial: N38 06.238 W083 07.089 M60A3 USA out

SN 2612A, RN JJ004P8821


SN 2424A, RN JJ04HK823


Pilot PM 09, Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 818 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 819 Former A 1/12 CAV tank, Bumpernumber A-47 from Fort Knox KY used to train AOB students tactics (Joe_D).SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. 820 Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 821 Original SN 3454. AAD rebuild. RN and coordinates identified by Joe D (10/2007). 822 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Possibly misidentified M114. 823 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry. RN and coordinates by Joe_D


VFW Post 5710, 1979 Highway 44 W: N38 00.046 W085 44.861 M47 Patton USA out SN 7747 824 14th Armored Re-Creations M5A1 Stuart USA std “The Texan” B2 M5A1 Stuart USA std B3 M5A1 Stuart USA std B4 M5A1 Stuart USA std B5 825 M8 HMC USA/FRA std SHIVELY Shively Park, 3920 Dixie Hwy (US 31 W): N38 11.694 W085 48.406 M103 USA out SN 765 826 SOMERSET American Legion Post 38, 500 Enterprise Dr: N37 01.851 W084 37.187 M60A3 USA out SN 2467A, RN JJ04JU827 STANFORD First Southern Veterans Park: N37 32.299 W084 38.761 M26 Pershing USA out

SN 2018828

STEARNS American Legion Post 115, Hwy 92W: N36 42.040 W084 29.283 M60A3 USA out SN 2310A, RN JJ04E7829 M60A3 USA out SN 2411A, RN JJ04H6830 UNIONTOWN Park, 8th St: N37 45.940 W087 56.087 M60A3 USA


SN 2520A, RN JJ04LD831

VALLEY STATION VFW Post 1181, 6518 Blevins Gap Rd: N38 04.257 W085 52.992 M48 Patton w/ Shillelagh turret USA out SN 5934/SN 923B 832 VINE GROVE VFW Post 10281, 299 Brigg Lane: N37 51.291 W085 59.197 824

SN identified by Don Moriarty (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2007). Coordinates from Dontos Armored ghosts of Ft Knox. 825 “Anglemont”, French markings;1 of 5 in the US. Formerly at Brent Mullins. 826 SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2013 827 AAD rebuild, coordinates by Joe_D 828 Built by Chrysler (David D. Jackson).Formerly at the AMVETS Post 110, 1080 Harding Road, Franklin KY 829 AAD rebuild, coordinates by Joe_D 830 AAD rebuild, coordinates by Joe_D 831 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 832 “Buford”, hull with M60A2 turret. Has original SN 5707.


M60A3 USA out SN 2533A, RN JJ04LS833 WEST LIBERTY TREADWAY PARK, PRESTONBURG ST (US-460): N37 55.209 W083 15.009 M60A3 USA out SN 2556A, RN JJ04MF834 WHITE PLAINS Undefined: N37 11.110 W087 23.073 M60A3 USA


SN 2020A, RN JJ004BK835

WHITESBURG Whitesburg Veterans Memorial, off Cowen Street: N37 07.015 W082 49.511 M60A3 USA out SN 2528A, RN JJ04LM836 WHITESVILLE Local park, Hwy 54/764: N37 40.979 W086 51.762 M60A3 USA out

SN 2514A RN JJ004L7 837

WILMORE Thomson-Hood Veterans Center, 100 Veterans Dr: N37 52.365 W084 38.739 M60A3 USA out SN 2428A, RN JJ04HR838


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).Coordinates by Joe_D AAD rebuild, SNs & RN & coordinates identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2008). 835 AAD rebuild. RN and coordinates identified by Joe D 836 SN & RN identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2008). 837 Original SN 2514. AAD rebuild,RN and coordinates identified by Joe D 838 AAD rebuild, SN/RN and coordinates from Joe D (10/2007). 834



ABBEVILLE The LAARNG armory: N29 58.112 W092 05.237 M114 USA


Louisiana Military Hall of Fame and museum 911 Revis Sirmon Loop: N29 58.261 W092 05.213 M60/M48 USA out M110A2 USA out ALEXANDRIA Private owner: M16 Half-Track GMC



Thunderjet Park: M19



SN 282491


VFW Post 1736, 701 Veterans Dr : N31 18.492 W092 28.595 M60A3 USA out

SN 3558A, RN 09A98668840

BALL Park Shanghai Rd: N31 24.420 W092 24.628 M60A3 USA

SN 4068M, RN JJ01M4841


COTTONPORT Veterans Memorial Park, Front St: N31 00.063 W092 03.030 M60A3 USA out DERIDDER West Park, Park Rd: N30 51.630 W093 17.634 M47 Patton USA

SN 4085M 842


DUSON VFW Post 9822, 120 VFW Rd: N30 11.198 W092 06.941 M47 Patton USA out



First reported by John Gerard, "On Display in Central and Southwest Louisiana," AFV News (Preston, ON: The AFV Association), Vol. 3, No. 6 (November 1968), 10. Also reported by Tom Dinackus c1973 (7/2008). Could be the display park at Camp Beauregard in Pineville, Louisiana. 840 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 841 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 842 MAD rebuild, Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 843 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


ELTON Veterans Memorial, Main St: N30 28.888 W092 41.841 M60A3 USA out

SN 3310M, RN JJ059M844

EUNICE VFW Post 8971, 3809 Highway 190: N30 29.721 W092 22.595 M60A0 USA out SN 360, RN 9B3780845 FORT POLK 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum: T-72 SOV/IRQ


5th Infantry Division Memorial Park: N31 02.894 W093 12.792 M114 USA out M24 Chaffee USA out M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 68419, RN 30126398846 M59 USA out M75 USA out 509th Infantry building: N31 02.608 W093 12.604 BRDM-2 SOV out M551 Sheridan USA out Fort Polk Museum: N31 02.506 W093 12.711 M4A3E9 Sherman USA M26 Pershing USA M60A3 USA T-54 SOV/IRQ

out out out out

OPFOR colors Vismod T-72


SN 3908A

JACKSON Louisiana War Veterans Home, 4739 Highway 10: N30 49.650 W091 09.944 M60A3 USA out SN 3536A 848 LAFAYETTE storage area: M103





SN by Kurt Lauglin, RN by Tanklord, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2012. Still has the old SN 1294 on the towlug. Formerly located at the now closed Louisiana Museum of Military History. 846 “Bad Mammia”, SN from Shawn Ferguson (G104, 5/2002). 847 Formerly at the Many VFW Post (Victor Crook) 848 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 849 The tank used to be a gate guard at Fort Polk, LA 845


LAKE CHARLES Lake Charles Veterans Memorial Park: N30 14.024 W093 13.282 M60A3 USA out SN 3552A 850 LECOMPTE Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 215: N31 05.373 W092 24.181 M60A3 USA out SN 1590 851 MANY West Louisiana Veterans Memorial and Park, Hwy 191: N31 30.194 W093 39.128 M60A3 USA out SN 7780 MARKSVILLE VFW Post 3193, 411 Elmo St: N31 07.501 W092 04.557 M19 USA out MONROE American Legion L B Faulk Post #13 at 401 Forsythe Avenue: N32 31.277 W092 07.795 M60A3 USA out SN A12 852 NEW ORLEANS Jackson Barracks Military Museum, 6400 St Claude Ave: N29 57.557 W090 00.383 853 D7 Armored Tractor USA out 854 FT-17 USA ind M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA out M19 USA out M20 USA out M42 Duster USA out M4A3E9(75) Sherman USA out SN 12271, RN 3054436855 856 M5 Stuart USA out M60A0 USA out M75 USA out 857 MT-LB USA out


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 852 Also has A3012 stamped on tow lug. Possibly one of the M60A1E3 pilots. Has all the ID features of such a vehicle. Possibly 3012A was assigned when refurbished at Anniston. Unable to confirm unless access to interior is gained.SN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 853 Desert Storm veteran 854 Cast metal turret, Information from Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). The tank is currently being restored (Wikipedia). Retains its original turret. Presented by the French Govt in 1920 to Louisiana (Nathaniel MacDonald) 855 Info from the museum. 856 “Enforcer”, Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 857 Captured by 527th Engineer Battalion 851


National World War II Museum, 945 Magazine St: N29 56.587 W090 04.219 LVT4 USA ind 858 M3 Half-Track USA ind M3A1 Stuart USA ind M4A3E9(75) Sherman USA out SN 12050, RN 3054205859 Textron Marine & Land Systems, Storage Lot, Chef Menteur Hwy: 860 LAV-600 USA std 861 Peacekeeper II USA std 862 Stingray II USA std 863 V-150 Commando USA std Private owner: M36 Jackson



PINEVILLE Louisiana Maneuvers and Military Museum, Camp Beauregard, 409 F Street Gate Guard: N31 22.142 W092 24.348 M60A3 USA out SN 4373A Louisiana Maneuvers and Military Museum, Camp Beauregard, 409 F Street: N31 22.172 W092 24.271 D7 Armored Tractor USA out M113 USA out M19 USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA out "Buddy 6" M551 Sheridan USA out M56 Scorpion USA out M59 USA out M60A3 USA out M728 USA out National Guard's Camp Beauregard: M3 Stuart USA




Converted from a M15 GMC Has E9 fittings 860 Prototype. Turret removed, mounted on a stand 861 Prototype 862 Prototype 863 May be a prototype 864 An engineer battalion from the Fort Polk Army base that has been clearing land for a small arms range at the National Guard's Camp Beauregard in Pineville has uncovered this tank in September 2013. The tank will probably be restored and go to the Louisiana Maneuvers and Military Museum, Camp Beauregard 859


PONCHATOULA Private owner: M2 Half Track



RUSTON Louisiana Military Museum, 201 Memorial Dr: N32 31.834 W092 37.994 M113A1 USA out SN F9025 M42A1 Duster USA std SN 2175 M48A1 Patton USA std SN 5988 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 34 M60A1 USA std SN 3083 SHREVEPORT American Legion Post 14, 5315 S Lakeshore Dr: M60A3 USA


SN 2063A 865

Louisiana ARNG Armory, Stoner Ave: N32 30.009 W093 43.466 M60A0 USA out SN 799, RN 9B3921866 Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



SN 5136 867

VILLE PLATE VFW Post 3803, ~1500 Main St: N30 41.652 W092 17.668 M4A3E9 Sherman USA out VIVIAN Louisiana Army Nation Guard, 625 Park Dr: N32 52.417 W093 58.621 M60A3 USA out


AAD rebuild, Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Could be the M60A3 located at the ARNG Armory. 866 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 867 Information from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007) / Army Motors #98.



AUGUSTA American Legion Post 2, 213 Capitol St: N44 18.543 W069 48.167 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 6775 BANGOR Cole Land Transportation Museum, 405 Perry Rd: N44 47.134 W068 48.292 M3 Half-Track USA ind M60A3 USA out SN 4120A, RN 9B9152


HOWLAND American Legion Post 97, 4 Front: N45 14.456 W068 39.472 M60A3 USA out

SN 4196A, RN 09A22870 869

KENNEBUNKPORT Private owner: M20

SN 2446, RN 60113218870



LINCOLN American Legion Post 77, 3 Fleming St: N45 21.774, W068 30.307 M60A3 USA out SN 3980A, RN 9B8214 871 MADAWASKA VFW Post: M15A1 Half-Track gun mount



MEDWAY Medway veterans memorial Park: N45 36.827 W068 32.368 M60A3 USA out


SN 4123A 873

MILLINOCKET American Legion Post 80, 80 Central St: N45 39.417 W068 40.883 M60A3 USA out SN 1739A, RN JJ03X


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 870 Formerly used by US Army and US Air Force police. 871 AAD rebuild, Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 872 Identified by Mike Duplessis (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 873 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 869


TRENTON American Legion Post 207, 163 Bar Harbor Rd: M60A3 USA


Private collector: M41 Walker Bulldog



Private collector: M36B2 Jackson



UNKOWN Private collector: M60A0



WATERBORO Howe & Howe technologies: FV432



SN 4122A 874


SN 15 876

WATERVILLE American Legion Post 5, 21 College Ave: N44 33.280 W069 37.709 M60A3 USA out SN 4094A, RN 09A1437 877


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America, July 2014 876 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle. 877 AAD rebuild 875



ABERDEEN VFW Post, 821 Old Philadelphia Rd (Route 7), near APG entrance: N39 29.582 W076 10.711 M48A2C Patton USA out SN 1339 RN 9B1158878 ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND Former Ordnance museum, Aberdeen Blvd: N39 29.349 W076 08.537 M60 USA out Target Loop: N39 29.239 W076 09.294 Panhard AML 90 FRA/IRQ T-34/85 SOV

out out

Ranges of Recovery: M51 Isherman



USAOMMS Weapons Department: M41 Walker Bulldog




ANNAPOLIS Maryland ARNG Armory, 1-158th Cavalry, 18 Willow St: N38 59.139 W076 32.016 M60A0 USA out BALTIMORE Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 451, 6401 Beckley St: N39 16.048 W076 32.126 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 1108 880 BERLIN American Legion Post 123, 10111 Ocean City Blvd: N38 20.059 W075 12.806 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 60564 881 BRUNSWICK Legion Monument, A Street: N39 18.783 W077 37.491 M5 Stuart USA out

SN 910 882


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). May be a T41E1 880 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 881 SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2006). 882 SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 8/2003). 879


CAMBRIDGE VFW Post 7460, 115 Sandy Hill Rd: N38 34.992 W076 05.810 M110A2 USA out CUMBERLAND Constitution Park, Parkview Ave: N39 38.999 W078 44.864 M56 Scorpion USA out ELKTON VFW Post 8175, 208 W High St.: M42A1 Duster


SN BMY846 883



ESSEX American Legion Post 148, 20 Marlyn Ave: N39 18.660 W076 27.906 M114 USA out SN 216 885 VFW Post 2621, 206 Riverside Rd: N39 18.720 W076 29.128 M114 USA out FORT GEORGE G. MEADE Fort George G. Meade Museum: N39 05.934 W076 44.559 Renault FT-17 with M1917 turret FRA/USA std M113A1 USA out M114A0 USA out M3A1 Stuart USA ind M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M47 Patton USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out M84 USA out Mk VIII USA ind

SN 541 886


Painted RN 12P053 Painted RN 12T066888 SN 6718 889 SN 2948 SN 66147, RN 30125469890 891

SN 68015 892

FREDERICK A/1-115 Infantry, Maryland ARNG Armory: N39 23.993 W077 22.387 M114 USA out SN 580/597 893 883

Former 5-113 FA, Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). "Donated by USA Weapons Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Oct. 1964," according to a plaque on the vehicle. 885 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 886 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 887 “K-K-K-Katy” . The first FT-17 sent by France to the United States to serve as the basis for M1917 licensed production, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). The tank is named after the popular World War I era song by Geoffrey O'Hara. 888 Identified by armyjunk2 (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/06). 889 SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 1/2006). 890 Built as an M4A3(75)W HVSS by Fisher in March, 1945. SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 1/2006). 891 Identified by armyjunk2 (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/06). 892 One of three surviving Mk VIII Liberty tanks in the world. 884


FRIENDSVILLE Friendsville Community Park, Old River Rd: N39 39.978 W079 24.035 M60A3 USA out SN 3016A, RN JJ050Z894 FUNKSTOWN American Legion Post 211, 12 N Westside Ave: N39 36.658 W077 42.646 M5 Stuart USA out SN 1181 895 GRASONVILLE VFW Post 7464, 203 VFW : N38 57.781 W076 12.322 M60A3 USA out

SN 1918A, RN JJ042P896

HAMPSTEAD American Legion Post 200, 4600 Legion Ln: N39 36.258 W076 49.966 M114 USA out SN 571/576 897 HANCOCK American Legion Post 26, 240 E Main St (Old US Highway 40).: N39 41.800 W078 09.758 M114 USA out SN 35 898 JARRETTSVILLE VFW Post 8672, E West Hwy (Rte 23): N39 35.042 W076 27.401 M60A1 USA out SN 1628 (tow lug)/6614 (rear deck) RN JJ004A899 LAUREL Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge, 10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop (former Fort Meade ranges): Cruiser Mk V Crusader USA wre Cruiser Mk V Crusader USA wre Cruiser Mk V Crusader USA wre Cruiser Mk V Crusader USA wre Cruiser Mk V Crusader USA wre M5 Stuart USA wre


Has two different SNs stamped under the left and right tow lugs. SNs identified by Bob Smart (AFV News Discussion Board,8/2006). 894 AAD rebuild (SN 2811), has top opening air cleaners. Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 895 SN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 5/2003). 896 SN and RN by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board 02/2009 897 Has two different SNs stamped under the left and right tow lugs. SNs identified by Bob Smart (AFV News Discussion Board,8/2007). 898 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 899 SNs from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). Rear deck SN may be the rebuild SN. Has RN JJ004A according to the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


PORT DEPOSIT VFW Post 8185, 520 Susquehanna River Rd: N39 37.131 W076 08.045 M48 Patton USA out 1040 900 POWELLVILLE VFW Post 2996, 35481 Mount Hermon Rd: N38 19.688 W075 22.969 M60A1 USA out SN 8111, RN JJ01FL901 PRINCESS ANNE American Legion Post 132, Terry Hawkins Rd: N38 12.309 W075 39.651 M60A3 USA out SN 1917A, RN JJ042N 902 ROCK HALL American Legion Post 228, 21423 Sharp St: N39 08.133 W076 13.821 M60A3 USA out SN 4059A, RN 09A02972903 THURMONT American Veterans Post 7, Apples Church Rd: N39 37.316 W077 24.012 M60A0 USA out SN 13, RN 9B3096904


Recovered from APG ranges SN by Rick Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2012. 902 AAD rebuild, RN by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 02/2009 903 AAD rebuild. Confirmed by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2013 904 Non-ballistic tank. Marked on the glacis plate “for training use only.” Removed, current location unknown (BSmart, Afv Discussion Board 03/2016). 901



CHICOPEE Szot Park, off Front St 656: N42 08.794 W072 35.325 M5 Stuart USA out

SN 3487 905

Szot Park, off Front St 657: N42 08.813 W072 35.357 M60A3 USA out

SN 3782, RN 09B04168906

DEDHAM American Legion Post 18, 155 Eastern Ave: N42 14.601 W071 10.135 M5 Stuart USA out SN 1460 907 EASTON American Legion Post 7: M3A1 Stuart



VFW Post 2547, 170 Allen Rd: N42 03.132 W071 08.469 M60A3 USA out


SN 3800A, RN 09B07468909

FEEDING HILLS American Legion Post 185, 478 Springfield St: N42 04.995 W072 38.773 M60A3 USA out SN 4067A, RN 9B7747910 GEORGETOWN VFW Post 7608, 435 Andover St: N42 42.710 W071 01.555 M37 USA out HAMILTON Patton Park, 330 Bay Rd: N42 36.875 W070 52.291 M4A1(75) Sherman USA out LEOMINISTER Johnny Ro Veterans Memorial Park: N42 31.203 W071 43.594 M60A3 USA out


SNs & RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). SNs & RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 907 "Delores" 908 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 909 Has engine deck cover from Roslindale, MA M60A3 SN 3804A 910 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 05/2014 906


MARLBOROUGH American Legion Post 350: M114



NATICK Museum of World War II, 8 Mercer Road: N42 17.78 W071 23.271 M42B1E9 Sherman USA ind SN 415, RN 3015171 911 NEW BEDFORD Exercise Tiger Memorial, VFW Post 1531, 477 Park St: N41 35.690 W070 54.176 912 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out Franco-American Square, Mount Pleasant St & Nauset St: N41 39.727 W070 56.566 M26A1 Pershing USA out SN 922 913 Pvt. Norbert A. Papineau Memorial, Mount Pleasant St & Lang St: N41 40.824 W070 56.914 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2703, RN 3055663914 NORTHBOROUGH American Legion Post 234, 402 W Main St: N42 18.340 W071 40.072 915 M60A0 USA out ROCHESTER Fighting Iron: M3 Half-Track M3A1 Half-Track M5A1 Stuart


std std std

SN 230 916 SN 230 917 918

ROSLINDALE VFW Post 1018, 263 American Legion Hwy: N42 17.552 W071 05.728 M60A3 USA out SN 3804A 919 SALEM Brigadier General Albi F.Irzyk Park, Fort Ave: N42 31.581 W070 52.868 M60A3 USA out SN 4112A 920 911

"Dragon" N. Africa combat veteran, NOT DV, riveted lower hull, Remanufactured in 1945 Cosmetically restored in Summer 2016 by USABOT( Silvio Iacuone)). 913 SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2013, Cosmetically restored in Summer 2016 by USABOT( Silvio Iacuone) 914 SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 1/2006), Cosmetically restored in Summer 2016 by USABOT( Silvio Iacuone). 915 Identified by Joe D (12/2006). 916 Converted from T19 HMC 917 Converted from T19 HMC 918 “Fighting Yankee”, Painted RN 3048347 919 Has engine deck cover from Easton, MA M60A3 SN 3800A 920 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 912


SPRINGFIELD 1525 Roosevelt Ave: N42 07.364 W072 32.942 M42A1 Duster USA


STOW Collings Foundation: N42 24.146 W071 30.495 G-13 Hetzer DEU LVT(A)4 USA IS-2 SOV M3A1 Half-Track USA M16 Half-Track USA M18 Hellcat USA/YOU M22 Locust USA M2A1 Half-Track USA M4A3(75) Sherman USA M5A1 Stuart USA/PRT OT-810 CSK Sd.Kfz 8 DEU Sd.Kfz 10 DEU Sd.Kfz. 222 DEU Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf D DEU StuG III Ausf G DEU T41 Walker Bulldog USA

ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind std ind ind ind ind ind ind

RN M-78057921 922

923 924


SN 5085, RN 3048197 926 927


WH 1785098929 SN 92475, RN Ps531-16930

Collings Foundation storage: N42 24.146 W071 30.495931 Borgward IV DEU std M3A1 Scout Car USA std M29C Weasel USA std M7B2 Priest USA std M8 Greyhound USA std Mk VIA GBR std


Formerly part of the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (Littlefield collection), before this tank was part of the Budge Collection before the collection was scattered 922 Formerly at Overloon, the Nederlands. 923 Recovered from Bosnia-Herzegovina 924 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (Littlefield collection) 925 Former Ropkey museum 926 Converted to faux Sd.Kfz.251 927 Used in Dirty Dozen 928 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (Littlefield collection) 929 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation (Littlefield collection). This Half-Track comes from Poland and was recovered from the Pilica River on 27 August 1988. It was sold for 40,000 Deutsch Marks (Maciej Borun) 930 Ex-Finnish army vehicle, Fahrgestell number: 92475, built by Alkett in May 1943 (Andreas Lärka) 931 Not been seen on this location, on loan to a different museum?


UPTON Private collection: M59



WEST SPRINGFIELD Army Surplus Store: Ferret





AKRON VFW Post 7486, 4734 Dutcher Rd: N43 33.167 W083 32.009 M114A1 USA out

SN 265 932

ALLEGAN American Legion Post 89, 632 Eastern Ave: N42 31.310 W085 50.160 M60A3 USA out SN 4416A 933 ALLENDALE Engine House #5 Museum, 6620 Lake Michigan Dr 668: N42 58.302 W085 56.963 M60A0 USA out SN 616, RN 9B3742934 M60A3 USA out SN 1505A, RN JJ05YT935 ANN ARBOR American Legion Post 423, 3230 S. Wagner Rd: N42 14.382 W083 48.005 M60A3 USA out SN 4389A, RN 9B8985936 ARMADA AMVETS Post 93, 75185 North Avenue: N42 51.123 W082 53.130 937 M48 Patton w/ Shillelagh turret USA out AUGUSTA Fort Custer, West Dickman Rd: N42 20.168 W085 18.024 T48E2 Patton USA out BALDWIN VFW Post 5315, M-37: N43 57.320 W085 50.870 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA



SN 97 939


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 934 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 935 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 936 SN/RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (5/2008). 937 Has a XM66 D Turret. Formerly at TACOM Warren, MI. 938 This is T48E2 Pilot #4. She is one of four built by Chrysler to test and demonstrate all the new upgrades to the M48A1 to include the AVI-1790 fuel injected engine and low IR deck and grills. These tanks were the Pilots for the M48A2. Pilot #4 pictured went on to be used for testing the AVDS-1790-P engine, the first diesel for US tanks and forrunner to the M60 engine. She was referred to as the "Yuma Test Rig" and is pictured in RP Hunnicutts's "Patton" on pg 150. Her RN should be 9A4161, and can be ID'd by the large non standard external air filter boxes. 939 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 933


BARODA American Legion Post 345, 9214 1st St: N41 57.118 W086 29.156 M114 USA out RN 12T455 BATH American Legion Post 412, 5480 Clark Rd: M114 USA



BERVILLE VFW Post 203, 13989 Hough Rd: N42 54.577 W082 53.180 M60A3 USA out

SN 4396A, RN 9B7126941

BIRCH RUN VFW Post 7542, 11325 Dixie Hwy: N43 15.590 W083 46.565 M60A3 USA out

SN 5? RN JJ02ZW942

BRIGHTON VFW Post 1224, 8891 Spicer Rd: M59

RN 126558943



BURTON VFW Post 2777, 2260 S Belsay Rd: N42 59.860 W083 35.714 M60A3 USA out

SN 4327A, RN JJ005M944

CADILLAC Michigan ARNG Armory: N44 15.167 W085 24.698 M60A1/A3 USA out CALEDONIA American Legion Post 305, 9548 Cherry Valley Ave SE: N42 47.415 W085 30.391 M60A3 USA out SN 2004 945 CAMP GRAYLING Gate Guard: N44 38.001 W084 46.438 M60 USA M109A2 USA

out out


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 942 RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 943 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 944 AAD rebuild. SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board,10/2010 945 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 941


Mates 2450 West North Down River Road: N44 41.107 W084 39.903 M114 USA out M47 Patton USA out M60 USA out Range: T95E8 Medium Tank




CARLETON VFW Post 4093, 700 Carleton Rockwood Rd: N42 03.861 W083 21.998 947 M37 Priest USA out CARSON CITY American Legion Post 222, 121 N Mercantile: N43 10.661 W084 50.873 M60A3 USA out SN 4350A CASPIAN Memorial park, Caspian Rd: N46 03.935, W088 37.623 M60A3 USA out

SN 3323A 948

CLARKSTON Flint & Frizzen Gun Shop : N42 44.661 W083 27.765 LVT4 USA out CLIMAX American Legion Post 465, 6101 S 44th St: N42 13.819, W085 20.130 M60A3 USA out SN 1890A 949 CONSTANTINE American Legion Post 233, 65079 US-131 N: M60A3 USA


SN 3043A 950

CORUNNA VFW Post 4005, 215 S Shiawassee St: N42 58.521 W084 07.091 M60A3 USA out SN 4331A 951


Fitted with variable height sups. Chassis no. 2, RN 9B1050. Information from David R. Haugh and Michael Duplessis, “An Idea Too Early for Its Time: The US Army T95 Medium/Heavy Tank Series,” Journal of Military Ordnance, November 1999. 947 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). 948 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 949 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 950 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 951 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


CUSTER VFW Post, 2022 E State St: N43 57.300 W086 13.656 M4A3(105) Sherman USA out DAVISON VFW Post 4087, 9474 Lapeer Rd: N43 00.838 W083 31.161 M7B2 Priest USA out DECATUR VFW Post 6248, 560 N Phelps St: N42 06.935 W085 58.791 M60A0 USA out M60A3 USA out M84 USA out DETROIT Fort Wayne: N42 17.838 W083 05.980 M114 USA M19A1 USA M4(105) Sherman (composite) USA

out out out

SN 65407


SN 33, RN 9B3112 SN 4399A, RN 9B7735953 RN 12J135

954 955

SN 44272, RN 30100506956

DORR American Legion Post 127, 4310 18th St: N42 43.953 W085 43.364 M60A3 USA out SN 1984A 957 DOWAGIAC 1-246 Armor, MI ARNG Armory, 700 W Prairie Ronde St: N41 59.473 W086 07.041 M103 USA out RN USMC 381246958 952

Identified by Shawn Ferguson, coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010. Missing the return rollers on both sides. 953 AAD rebuild. 954 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). 955 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). 956 M4(105) pilot, composite hull. , SN and RN identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 9/2004 and 12/2005). See also R.P. Hunnicutt, Sherman (San Francisco: PresidioPress, 1976), 261. One of seven known surviving composite hull M4 Sherman’s in the United States. 957 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 958 This tank is definitely an odd ball. Hull has small drivers hatch and does not have the turntable opening for the M24IR driver’s night sight. All M103's had the night sight, part of BII. Makes her one of the early T43/43E1 tanks that didn't get upgraded to M103 standards. RN number is bogus, missing a digit and all wrong. Shame, might help ID her. Of the initial batch of T43E1's all but 6 were converted to M103. The remaining 6 we kept for testing. Some hulls were used for experimental turrets like the T57 and T58. Others for testing upgrades to automotive and turret improvements eventually for use in M103A1 and A2 Tanks. Based on these pictures I'd bet the hull was one of those 6 and eventually was used to test the AVDS-1790 set up used in the M103A2. The turret looks like an M103A1. Cupola and lack of searchlight fittings indicate so, but with these pictures I can confirm it's not an M103A2. The bulge located under the turret bustle where the gunner was originally located in the M103 is complete. When they converted M103's to A1's they moved the gunner forward but the bulge remained. When upgraded to M103A2 standards they had to cut part of the bulge off and plate it over in order for it to clear the newer, higher rear deck. This one isn't cut. Just wish I had a better image of the sight housing opening and top of turret. There is an odd chance this tank started off as a T43E1, then was used to make one





SN 4390A, RN JJ00R4959

EDWARDSBURG VFW Post 2284, 69946 M 62: N41 47.139 W086 05.331 M60 USA out

SN 790 960

ELLSWORTH American Legion Post 488: N45 10.255 W085 14.832 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 11566, RN 3053721961

ELSIE American Legion Post 502, 300 S Ovid St: N43 05.168 W084 23.241 962 M60 USA out ESTRAL BEACH Estral Beach Village Hall and Fire Dept, 7151 Lakeview Blvd: N41 59.218 W083 14.402 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11762, RN 3053917 FLINT Alfred P. Sloan Museum, 303 Walnut St: N43 01.517 W083 40.567 963 M18 Hellcat USA ind VFW Post 8236 Hall, 4008 W Coldwater Rd: N43 05.413 W083 45.284 M60A3 USA out SN 4319A, RN 9B7078964 FRANKENMUTH Michigan's own Military and Space Museum, 1250 Weiss Street: N43 19.085 W083 44.126 M60A3 USA out SN 4405A, RN JJ01U9965 GERMFASK War Memorial: N46 14.886 W085 55.593 M47 Patton USA


SN 11335 966

of the pilot T43E2/M103A1's, then eventually was used to test the M103A2 diesel setup. Also could be they stuck this excess M103A1 turret on this hull that was used for all sorts of experiments. That's the problem with the standard 85" turret ring. You can plop any turret with the same diameter on it for display, Covers M48's all the way to M1A2SEP version whatever. JoeD, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2013 959 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board,09/2013 960 Confirmed by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2015 961 SN and Coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2014 962 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 963 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). This vehicle is a fugitive from the Yugoslavian civil war. It was purchased by General Motors, shipped back to the USA, and donated to the museum (Daniel A. Mitchell). 964 Identified by Joe D (12/2006). 965 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN, RN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 966 SN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010


GRAND RAPIDS John Bull Park, 1300 Fulton St W: M5 Stuart



GRANDVILLE American Legion Post 179, 2327 Wilson Ave SW: N42 55.281 W085 46.425 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11686, RN 3053841967 GRAYLING American Legion Post 106, 106 S. James St: N44 39.539 W084 42.714 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12489, RN 3054644968 M60A0 USA out SN 1342, RN 9B4674969 HEMLOCK VFW Post 7302, 17595 M46 Rd: N43 24.770 W084 15.597 M60 USA out

SN 212, RN 9B3338970

HERMANSVILLE Vietnam Veterans Museum, N16462 Linden St: N45 42.521 W087 36.254 M60A3 USA out SN 4309A, RN 09A06370971 HESPERIA American Legion Post 411, 4085 S. 198th Ave: N43 34.101 W086 03.892 M60 USA out SN 1394 972 HOLLAND American Legion Post 6,10820 Paw Paw Dr: N42 48.071 W086 03.001 M60A0 USA out HOLLY Private owner: M2 Half Track



SN 252 973

HOLTON American Legion Post 397, 9150 Holton Rd: N43 25.190 W086 04.008 M60A0 USA out SN 1670 974


Identified by Row Chow, on Toadman’s Tank Pictures. SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 3/2006). 969 SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 970 SN, RN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 971 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 972 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 973 “Tinman” 974 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 968


HOUGHTON LAKE VFW Post 4034, 935 S Loxley Rd: N44 19.233 W084 46.433 M60A3 USA out

SN 4338A, RN 09A20370975

JACKSON American Legion Post 29, 3200 Lansing Ave: N42 17.347 W084 24.839 M60A3 USA out SN 4387A, RN 09A1O671976 KAWKAWLIN Veterans Of Foreign Wars, 132 Beaver Rd: N43 40.047 W084 02.547 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12123, RN 3054278 KENT CITY American Legion Post 123, 14111 Ball Creek Rd: N43 13.328 W085 45.713 M60A3 USA out SN 4367A, RN 09A07470977 KINGSTON VFW Post 5317, 3719 Ross St: N43 24.423 W083 11.134 M113A1E1 USA out M113A2 USA out M60A3 USA out

SN MSJ8721 -S 978 SN? 80212, RN? 4189993979 SN 6200 980

LUDINGTON American Legion Post 76, 318 N James St: N43 57.569 W086 26.857 M60A3 USA out SN 651 981 LUZERNE American Legion Post 162, 3590 Legion Dr: N44 36.769 W084 16.499 M48A5 Patton USA out SN 3016 982 MANCELONA American Legion Post 264, 6501 Cedar River Rd: N44 54.128 W085 03.623 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11755, RN 3053910 983 MANCHESTER American Legion Post 117, 203 Adrian St: N42 08.884 W084 02.246 M60A0 USA out SN 457 984 975

AAD rebuild. SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 AAD rebuild. SN and RN confirmed by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 09/2015 977 AAD rebuild. 978 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 979 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 980 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 981 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 982 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 983 SN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2014 976


MANISTEE B/1-126 Cavalry, Michigan ARNG Armory, 555 1st St: N44 14.762 W086 20.229 M48A1 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out MARCELLUS VFW Post 4054, 53550 M 40 (W Duncan Ave): N42 01.214 W085 48.932 M56 Scorpion USA out RN 7309603985 M60A0 USA out SN 1663 986 MAYBEE VFW Post 4361, 2640 Blazer Rd: N41 59.898 W083 30.994 M55 USA out


MESICK American Veterans Post 120, 3669 N 9th Rd: N44 23.482 W085 44.424 M60 USA out SN 963 988 MILFORD VFW Post 216, 510 W Commerce Rd: N42 35.502 W083 36.356 M60A0 USA out SN 732 989 MONTAGUE VFW Post 3256, 9370 Walsh Rd: N43 25.720 W086 20.729 M60A0 USA out

SN 1537 990

MUSKEGON VFW Post 446, 165 S Getty St: N43 14.902 W086 13.498 M48 Patton USA out

RN 9A4120991

VFW Post 7729, 6285 E Apple Ave: N43 14.089 W086 05.435 M60 USA out

SN 2007 992

VFW Post 8846, 1061 Witham Rd: N43 16.289 W086 15.721 M60A0 USA out

SN 1493 993


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 986 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 987 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). 988 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 989 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 990 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 991 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 992 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 993 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 985


NASHVILLE VFW Post 8260, 304 S State St: N42 36.057 W085 05.576 M55 USA out

SN? 184, RN? HT2234994

NEW HAVEN American Veterans Post 72, 57581 AMVET Drive: N42 43.340 W082 47.342 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2197 995 NEW LOTHROP VFW Post 6579, 8235 S Saginaw St: N43 07.403 W083 58.287 M551 Sheridan USA out

RN? 13E772996

NEW TROY American Legion Post 518, 4789 Weechick Rd: N41 52.712 W086 34.075 M60A0 USA out SN 1877, RN 9B5203997 ONONDAGA Junkyard: M16A1 Half-Track GMC M16A2 GMC M3 Half-Track M5A1 Half-Track


wre wre wre wre

VFW Post 6986, 5373 Gale Rd: N42 25.389 W084 34.718 M60A3 USA out

SN 4408A 998

ONTONAGAN American Legion Post 462, 62 Hemlock St: N46 45.610 W089 34.680 M60A0 USA out SN 1702 999 OTSEGO Otsego Memorial Park, Dix St & S Farmer St: N42 27.183 W085 41.940 M60A3 USA out SN 4414A, RN 9B67181000 PELLSTON Undefined: M114





Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 996 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 997 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2013 998 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 999 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1000 AAD rebuild. SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2013 1001 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 995


PENTWATER VFW Post 6017, 8440 N US-31: N43 47.836 W086 25.641 M60A0 USA out

SN 246 1002

PONTIAC 761st Tank Battalion and Allied Veterans Association: M60A3 USA out PORTAGE VFW Red Arrow Post 1527, 1920 E Kilgore Service Rd: N42 14.689 W085 33.319 M60A0 USA out SN 1963, RN 9B5304 1003 PORTLAND VFW Post 4090, 1336 E Bridge St: N42 51.842 W084 53.424 M114 USA out

SN 583 1004

RIVER ROUGE Memorial Park, W Jefferson Ave: N42 15.988 W083 08.155 M60A3 USA out

SN 4415A 1005

SAGINAW Private owner: BTR-60 Ferret Mk 1 Ferret Mk ? M3 Stuart M5 High Speed Tractor T16 Carrier T17E1 Staghound


std std std std std std std

SAINT HELEN American Legion Post 416, 10062 Ford Dr, near the M76 and F97 split: N44 22.452 W084 24.603 M47 Patton USA out SN 8652 SAINT LOUIS Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



VFW Post 3055, 1295 W Monroe Rd: N43 24.452 W084 37.977 M60A0 USA out SN 1511 1006 1002

SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1004 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1005 AAD rebuild. Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1003


SELFRIDGE ANG BASE Selfridge Military Air Museum, 27333 C Street, Bldg 1011: N42 37.706 W082 49.811 M113A2 USA out RN 12FB33 Wiesel 1 DEU out SN US0003 SHELBY VFW Post 9441, 122 Ferry St: M60



SN 965 1007

SHERIDAN VFW Post 5065, 209 Washington St: N43 12.704 W085 04.492 M60A0 USA out SN 1630 1008 SIX LAKES VFW Post 5602, 2195 W Fleck Rd: N43 25.777 W085 07.712 M60 USA out

SN 156 1009

SOUTH BOARDMAN VFW Post 4087, 9474 Lapeer Rd: N44 38.467 W085 16.883 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 2662, RN 3055622 1010

SOUTH HAVEN Michigan ARNG Armory; Aylworth Ave: N42 23.316 W086 16.406 M60A3 USA out STANDISH VFW Post 3724, 3580 W Huron Rd: N43 59.683 W083 56.979 M60A3 USA out

SN 4349A, RN 9B72361011

STERLING HEIGHTS Freedom Hill County Park: N42 33.947 W082 58.682 M60A0 USA out SWARTZ CREEK VFW Post 3720, 3131 South Elms Rd: N42 58.954 W083 48.680 M47 Patton USA out SN 5401 1012


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1008 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1009 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1010 Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). Possibly the oldest surviving Ford Sherman 1011 AAD rebuild. SN and RN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 1007


TEMPERANCE American Legion Post 192, 620 W Temperance Rd: N41 46.769 W083 33.903 M60A0 USA out SN 1315, RN 9B52031013 THREE RIVERS America legion post 170, 60010 Lutz Rd: N41 55.533 W085 37.541 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 1897 1014 TRAVERSE CITY VFW Post 2780, 3400 Veterans Dr: N44 44.140 W085 38.125 M60A0 USA out

SN 608 1015

WARREN US Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM), 6501 E 11 Mile Rd 756: N42 29.518 W083 02.498 M109A6 Paladin USA out SN N360 1016 M1128 Stryker MGS USA out SN MGS-0015-05 1017 M1A1 Abrams USA out SN0066 1018 1019 M3A3 Bradley USA out 1020 T30 Heavy Tank USA out 1021 T92 HMC USA out 1022 XM1 Abrams USA std XM1 Abrams USA std 1023 XM1060 ROBAT USA std 1024 XM808 Twister USA out WASHINGTON Jim Sherman (private collection): M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman



WESTLAND VFW Post 9885, 9440 Hix Road: N42 19.871 W083 25.096 M60A0 USA out

SN 71697

SN 1540 1025


Identified by Shawn Ferguson (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). SN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2010 1013 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2013 1014 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1015 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1016 Front Lawn 1017 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2009 1018 Front Lawn, SN by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2009 1019 Front Lawn 1020 Inside the Main Gate. One of four surviving T30 heavy tank pilots. 1021 One of two built; Inside the Main Gate 1022 PV4, has original Chrysler XM1 turret 1023 Current status unconfirmed 1024 One of two built; Inside the Back Gate 1025 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


WYOMING 1-126 Cavalry, Michigan ARNG Armory, 1200 44th St SW: N42 53.049 W085 41.595 M48A2 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out SN 4386A, RN JJOOFK1026 American Legion Post 154, 2327 Byron Center Rd: N42 55.379 W085 43.520 1027 M43 USA out 1028 M60A0 USA out


SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2013 One of four known survivors. Identified by Roy Chow, on Toadman's Tank Pictures. 1028 Identified by Roy Chow, on Toadman's Tank Pictures. 1027



AITKIN VFW Post 1727, 36558 410th Ave: N46 32.480 W093 42.421 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 2800, RN 30557601029

ALEXANDRIA VFW Post 936, 1102 3rd Ave E: N45 53.351 W095 21.720 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 118151030

ANDOVER Veterans Memorial, Bunker Hills Regional Park, off Cty Hwy 116: N45 12.800 W093 17.017 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out APPLETON Det 1, HHS, 1-151 FA, Minnesota ARNG Armory, 25 N Munsterman Stÿ: N45 12.044 W096 01.287 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12613, RN 3054768 1031 AUSTIN Mower County Fairgrounds, 700 12th St SW: N43 39.649 W092 59.440 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 60982, RN 30114004 BRAINERD 194th Tank Battalion Bataan Monument, Minnesota ARNG Armory, 1115 Wright St: N46 20.201 W094 11.576 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 10135 1032 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12601, RN 30547561033 M60A3 USA out SN 2862A, RN JJ04WF1034 CHAMPLIN American Legion Post 600, 12450 Business Park Blvd: N45 10.732 W093 23.486 M60A3 USA out SN 2879A, RN JJ04WY1035 CHISHOLM Iron Range Veterans Memorial, American Legion Post 247: M60A3 USA out

SN 2874A 1036


Direct vision hull, Fake muzzle brake. SN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv discussion Board 09/2010 SN by Daniel Reed 1031 This is a plain M4A3(75) Sherman, except the barrel. I don’t know if we should call it M4A3(76), because the turret is not the large one seen on real 76mm Shermans. 1032 SN by Alf Adams, Afv discussion Board, 09/2010 1033 Odd/fake? Muzzle brake. SN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 1034 SN and RN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010. 1035 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1030


CLOQUET Veterans park, Ave B E: N46 43.388 W092 27.485 M60A3 USA out SN 4255A, RN 9B71481037 CROSBY Crosby Memorial Park, 3rd Ave SW & 3rd St SW: N46 28.746 W093 57.438 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12188, RN 30543431038 DULUTH Private collection: M5A1 Stuart



EXCELSIOR Private owner: M2 Half Track M2 Half Track M2 Half Track


std std std

SN 6799 SN 7560 SN 7562

FOSSTON Melland park, Hwy 2: N47 34.325 W095 44.590 M60A3 USA


SN 3414A, RN JJ01D61040

HOLDINGFORD American Legion Post 211, 560 S Main St?: M60 USA




HOUSTON American Legion Post 423, 121 S Grant St: N43 45.718 W091 34.227 M3A3 Stuart USA out Painted RN 30278 HUTCHINSON McLeod County Veterans Park 1st NE & Adams St NE: N44 53.620 W094 21.901 M60A3 USA out SN 3488A 1042 ISANTI VFW Post 2735, 410 Railroad Ave S: N45 29.171 W093 14.761 M42A1 Duster USA out



AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 1038 SN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv discussion Board, 09/2010 1039 Welded-up pistol ports. Formerly located at American Legion Post 44 in Canton, Ohio, sold to Mother Goose Land Amusement Park in Canton, then sold to a private owner in Duluth. 1040 SN, RN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 1041 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1042 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1043 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1037


JENKINS VFW Post 3839, 3341 Veterans St: N46 38.738 W094 19.949 M60A3 USA out KASOTA "Drive a Tank", 550 West cherry St: N44 17.448 W093 58.299 Abbot GBR out Centurion Mk5 GBR out Chieftain Mk 10 GBR out FV432 GBR out FV432 GBR out M4A2(76)HVSS Sherman USA std T55AM2 DDR out LITCHFIELD Memorial park 1775 S Sibley Ave: N45 06.396 W094 31.611 M59 USA out LITTLE FALLS Camp Ripley target range?: M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo



SN 4113M, RN JJ02DW1044

SN 69361, RN 301298401045


SN 50455, RN 30830521047

Camp Ripley, Entrance off Hwy 371, MN-115 & County Hwy 76: N46 03.851 W094 19.453 M60A3 USA out Camp Ripley, Entrance off Hwy 371, MN-115 & County Hwy 76: N46 04.390 W094 19.732 M60A3 USA out SN 2857A, RN JJ04W Camp Ripley, USPFO Warehouse: M4A3(75) Sherman



SN 11764, RN 3053919 1048

Minnesota Military Museum, Camp Ripley, Infantry Rd (inbetween Cleman Ave & E Srv Rd): N46 04.863 W094 20.853 1049 Caiman MRAP USA out M1 Abrams USA out 1050 M2A2 Bradley USA out M110A2 USA out


SN, RN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle. 1046 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1047 SN/RN from Scotty (G104, 12/2005). 1048 Identified by P-O Buan (09/2016) 1049 Identified by P-O Buan (09/2016) 1050 Identified by P-O Buan (09/2016) 1045


M113A3 M42 Duster M48A1 Patton M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo M578 M60A3


out out out out out out

SN 4627 1051 SN 50344, RN 30829411052 SN 993 1053

LONG PRAIRIE Veterans Memorial Park, Central Ave & First St S: N45 58.436 W094 51.810 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2893, RN 3055853 1054 MABEL American Legion Post 299, 114 N Main St: M60A3 USA


SN 3328A 1055

MELROSE Memorial Park, W Main Street: N45 40.514 W094 48.897 M60A3 USA out

SN 2863A, RN JJ04WG1056

MILACA Trimble park: N45 45.319 W093 39.262 M4A3(75) Sherman USA

SN 12307, SN 30544621057


MINNEAPOLIS Ft Snelling gate guard, Minnehhaha Ave & Weigel Blvd : N44 53.821 W093 11.996 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out MINNEAPOLIS-SAINT PAUL Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport, 7150 Humphrey Dr: M60A3 USA out MOORHEAD 2-136 Infantry, Minnesota ARNG Armory: N46 53.442 W096 45.874 M59 USA out NISSWA American Legion Post 627, 25807 Main St: N46 31.546 W094 17.644 1051

SN by RhinoQ, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2009 RN from Scotty (G104, 12/2005). Minnesota ARNG, postwar until surplussed in 1959 and placed on a target range; later recovered and put on display, according to Jacques Duquette, M4A3E2 Jumbo from Camp Ripley. One of only 4 known survivors in the US. 1053 SN by Rhino Q (Afv Discussion Board 03/2009 1054 Fake barrel? 1055 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1056 SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 1057 Fake muzzle brake 1052


M60A3 USA out SN 2871A, RN JJ04WC1058 PIPESTONE In front of the Pipestone County Courthouse : N43 59.872 W096 19.101 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12559, RN 3054714 1059 PLYMOUTH private collection: Saladin



PRESTON VFW Post 6893, 217 St Paul St: N43 40.312 W092 04.695 M60A3 USA out

SN 932 1060

PRINCETON Local cemetery: N45 34.580 W093 35.515 M4A3(75) Sherman USA

SN 12126, RN 3054281


REDWOOD FALLS American Legion Post 38, 100 Industrial Dr: N44 32.586 W095 05.720 M60A3 USA out SN 2870A 1061 Westside park: N44 32.447 W095 07.444 M4A3(75) Sherman USA


SN 12129, RN 3054284

ROYALTON American Legion Post 137, 103 N Maple St?: N45 50.199 W094 17.972 M60A3 USA out SN 2860A, RN JJ04WD1062 RUSH CITY North Chisago Historical Society: N45 41.067 W092 58.836 M60A3 USA out

SN 4238A 1063

SAINT PAUL Private owner: M4A4 Sherman

SN 5598, RN 30574081064



STEPHEN American Legion Post 390: N48 27.195 W096 52.425


SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 Identified by gjsikma, 1060 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1061 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1062 AAD rebuild. SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1063 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1064 SN from the Sherman Register. One of four with the original multibank engine. Comes from Argentina 1059



M114 USA out THIEF RIVER FALLS American Legion Post 117: N48 07.164 W096 11.422 M60A3 USA out

SN 3522A, RN JJ01C81066

WACONIA Memorial park, 555 W 1st St: N44 50.956 W093 47.703 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 2894, RN 3055853

WATKINS Veterans park, Veteran’s Drive west: M60A3 USA


SN 4217A 1067

WINDOM American Legion Post 206: M114A2



SN 5010 1068

WINTHROP VFW Post 4078, 4078 102nd Carver N: M60A3 USA


SN 2911A 1069

ZUMBROTA VFW Post 5727, 25 East 1st St: N44 17.763 W092 40.140 M60A3 USA out

SN 3331A 1070


Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 1067 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1068 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1069 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1070 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1066



ABERDEEN American Legion Post 26, 40166 Old Columbus Rd: N33 50.548 W088 34.581 M60A0 USA out SN 891 1071 AMORY 1-198 Armor, MS ARNG Armory, Trace Rd: N34 00.304 W088 28.584 M60A0 USA out SN 1160 BALDWYN Veterans Memorial Park, Caldwell Cir & S Fourth St: N34 30.140 W088 38.440 M60A3 USA out SN 624 1072 BATESVILLE VFW Post 4968: N34 18.294 W089 56.774 M60 USA


BAY SAINT LOUIS American Legion Post 139, 703 Green Meadow Rd: N30 19.048 W089 20.907 M60 USA out SN 1767 1073 BEAUMONT Beaumont city library and museum on Bolton Avenue: N31 09.982 W088 55.233 M60 USA out SN 1611 1074 BROOKHAVEN VFW Post 2618, Industrial Park Rd NE: N31 35.986 W090 26.960 M60A3 USA out SN 2488A 1075 CAMP SHELBY 177th Armor Brigade HQ's, 1st Army East.: N31 11.714 W089 13.507 M60A0 USA out SN 1942 1076


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1073 Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1074 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 1075 SN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 1076 Was reflagged from the 87th Division. Formerly named "Mudcat", but now "Spearhead". Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1072


Camp Shelby MATES: N31 11.185 W089 13.120 M110A2 USA M60 USA

out out

DRMO Storage Lot: 1079 M60A3 M60A3

std std


SN BMY579 1077 SN 879 1078

Mississippi Armed Forces Museum (Bldg 850): N31 11.869 W089 13.425 BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out M1 Abrams USA out SN 0004 M114 USA out M19 USA out M26 Pershing USA out SN 86 1080 M2A2 Light Tank USA ind SN 112 1081 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M42 Duster USA out M42B1E9 Sherman USA out SN 11382 1082 M48A1 Patton USA ind M56 Scorpion USA out SN 572 1083 M578 USA out M5A1 Stuart USA out M60A0 USA ind SN 786 M728 USA out SN 187 M7B2 Priest USA out M8 Greyhound USA ind MT-LB SOV/IRQ out 1084 ZSU-23-4 SOV/IRQ out Motorpool Storage Lot: M48 Patton M728


std std

Museum Storage Lot: BTR-60




SN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 SN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1079 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1080 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Recently restored and put on display 1081 Recovered from the woods outside the former Mississippi Ordnance Plant in Flora, MS (Information from Don Moriarty, AFV News Discussion Board, 12/06). One of four surviving M2 light tanks (although one or two additional wrecks may exist in Antarctica). 1082 Built by Pressed Steel Car in Feb 1943 1083 Identified by Joe_D 1084 Originally located at Fort Stewart. Captured by 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, according the sign while it was at Fort Stewart (Tom Dinackus, 5/2008). 1078


M103A2 M110A2 M41 Walker Bulldog M42 Duster M47 Patton M48 Patton M59 M75 MT-LB Piranha


std std std std std std std std std std

Recovery Range: N31 11.420 W089 11.329 M60A3 USA


SN 2439A, RN JJ04J01085

CARTHAGE Rte 16: N32 44.164 W089 31.589 M60A0


SN 170 1086


SN 380, RN 40227671

CLARKSDALE American Legion Post 28, 700 Spruce St: N34 11.828 W090 35.451 M60A3 USA out SN 3860M, RN 9B69001087 CORINTH American Legion Post 6, 511 S Tate St: N34 55.801 W088 31.562 M728 USA out SN 90, RN 9B92791088 D'IBERVILLE Veterans Memorial Park, 7th Ave & Brodie Rd: N30 25.923 W088 54.009 M60A3 USA out SN 3858M, RN 9B77311089 DECATUR American Legion Post # 89 off of HWY 15 : N32 25.193 W089 06.638 M60 USA out SN 1089 1090 DEKALB Mississippi national Guard: N32 46.637 W088 40.588 M60 USA out

SN 1968 1091


AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Coordinates and SN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009. Former dozer 1087 Former M60A1 2790. SN, RN and location by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2009 1088 Fake muzzle brake. SN, RN and location identified by Joe D. 1089 Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1090 Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 1091 Identified by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1086


ELLIOT Camp McCain, Camp McCain Rd & Clark Rd: N33 41.534 W089 42.599 M60A0 USA out SN1589, RN 9B4933 FLORENCE Hemphill Park off of South Church Street: N32 08.573 W090 07.826 M60A0 USA out SN 966 1092 FOREST American Legion Post #9 and VFW Post #4974 on West Third Street (HWY 80). : N32 21.864 W089 29.439 M60A0 USA out SN 54 1093 GAUTIER VFW Post 2132, 3801 Old Spanish Trl: M106A2 USA


SN F473QAA 1094

HATTIESBURG African American Military History Museum, 305 E 6th St: N31 20.061 W089 17.562 M60A3 USA out SN 3888M, RN 9B69491095 HERNANDO VFW Post 7531, 4263 Highway 51 S: N34 47.897 W089 59.379 M60A3 USA out SN 4342A, RN 9B73391096 HOLLY SPRINGS VFW Post 5697, 705 Hwy 7 S: N34 45.083 W089 27.145 M60A0 USA out

SN 763, RN 9B3896

IUKA C/1-198 Armor, MS ARNG Armory, 901 Quitman Street (Cty Hwy 172): N34 48.459 W088 10.952 M60A0 USA out SN 770 1097 JACKSON Brooks W. Stewart VFW Post 9832, 410 Sunray Drive: N32 21.258 W090 13.518 M60A3 USA out SN 4052M, RN JJ01R01098


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1094 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1095 MAD rebuild. SN, RN and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1096 AAD rebuild. SN and Registration BY Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 02/2009 1097 Identified by Joe D (12/2006). 1098 MAD rebuild. SN, RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1093


Thompson Field ANG Station, Jackson International Airport: N32 19.747 W090 04.999 M110A2 USA out M60A0 USA out SN 372 KILN VFW Post 6285, 16111 VFW Rd: N30 24.560 W089 26.633 M60A3 USA out KUSCIUSKO VFW Post 1983, County Road 4171: N33 01.640 W089 38.474 M47 Patton USA out

SN 3876M, RN 9B70371099


LAUREL Veterans Memorial Museum, 920 Hillcrest Dr: N31 40.605 W089 09.840 1101 M60A3 USA out LEAKESVILLE Green County Courthouse on Main Street (HWY 63/57): N31 09.219 W088 33.070 M60 USA out SN 1536 1102 LUCEDALE George County War Memorial, 1850 Government St?: N30 55.455 W088 35.376 M60A0 USA out SN 47 1103 M60A3 USA out SN 2465A, RN JJ04JS1104 MANTEE Undefined: M114




MENDENHALL VFW Post # 9122, Simpson Highway (HWY 49/149): N31 54.590 W089 47.356 M60A0 USA out SN 151 1106 MONTECELLO E A Beby Turnage MS ARNG Armoury off Old Highway 27 and Jimmie R Davis Road: N31 33.895 W090 06.743 M60 USA out SN 1075 1107 1099

MAD rebuild. Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1101 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1102 Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1103 Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1104 Coordinates, SN and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1105 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1106 SN Location and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 1107 Identified by Joe_D 1100


MONTICELLO Shirley Magee VFW Post #4889 off of West Broad Street (HWY 49): N31 33.678 W090 08.489 M60A3 USA out SN 3851M, RN 9B74921108 MOUND BAYOU American Legion Post 220, 202 Burns St: N33 52.590 W090 43.599 M60 USA out SN 1570 1109 NETTLETON Det 1/HHT, 1-98th Cavalry Regiment, 7314 Will Robbins Hwy: N34 04.712 W088 37.309 M60A0 USA out 1027 RN, 9B4131 PASS CHRISTIAN War Memorial Park, E Second Street: N30 19.113 W089 14.462 M60A0 USA out SN 70 1110 PELAHATCHIE "Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park-Camp Resort" on Lake Drive near HWY 43: N32 19.936 W089 48.612 M60A3 USA out SN 3077A, RN JJ052S1111 PHILADELPHIA Woodard Creek : N32 48.056 W089 06.519 M60 USA


PICAYUNE Private owner: M16 Half-Track GMC M2 Half Track M2 Half Track


out out out

PONTOTOC Undefined: N34 14.287 W089 01.021 M60 USA


SN 57, RN 9B31501112

SN 1561 1113

PRENTISS Jefferson Davis County Court House on North Columbis Avenue (HWY 42): N31 36.031 W089 51.923 M60A3 USA out SN 3847M, RN 9B69701114


Identified by Joe_D Confirmed by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2009 1110 Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1111 AAD rbld. SN, RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 1112 Coordinates and RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009 1113 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1114 MAD rebuild. RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1109


PURVIS VFW Post 3955 off of College Drive near the Ball Fields: N31 09.049 W089 24.780 M60A3 USA out SN 3864M, RN 9B71531115 RALEIGH Tullos Park off of Whiteoak Avenue (HWY 18): N32 02.314 W089 32.052 M60A3 USA out SN 3877M, RN JJ00DD1116 ROLLING FORKS Mississippi ARNG Armory: N32 54.020 W090 52.485 M60A0 USA out

SN 156, RN 9B32691117

SOUTHHAVEN VFW Post 10567, 1884 Veterans Dr: N34 59.315 W090 01.411 M60A3 USA out SN 3868M, RN 9B69991118 STARKVILLE 2-114 Field Artillery, Mississippi ARNG Armory, Rogers Street (Route 12 W): N33 26.989 W088 50.253 M7B2 Priest USA out SUMRALL Trent Lott War Memorial on HWY 42/44: N31 25.060 W089 32.932 M60A3 USA out SN 4364A, RN 09A036721119 TUPELO VFW Post 4057, 1930 Mitchell Rd: N34 13.287 W088 44.059 M114 USA out


VICKSBURG Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station: N32 18.034 W090 52.303 1121 M113 USA out 1122 M116 Husky USA out 1123 M116 Husky USA out M48A1 Patton USA out 1124 M56 Scorpion USA out 1115

MAD rebuild. RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. AAD rebuild. SN, RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1117 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 05/2009 1118 SN & RN and coordinates identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 3/2008). 1119 SN, RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1120 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1121 "Hotrod" - "two Chrysler 440s yoked together that got 70+ mph, unofficial land speed record for tracked vehicle until M1 with no governors took the title" 1122 Confirmed by PAO, Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station 1123 Identified by PAO, Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station 1124 Confirmed by PAO, Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station 1116


M60A0 XM800W ARSV?


out out

SN 1963 1125 1126

WALNUT Walnut Municipal Park, 131 James St: N34 56.987 W088 54.446 M60 USA out SN 470 1127 WAYNESBORO MS ARNG Armoury on HWY 63: N31 38.915 W088 38.589 M60A3 USA out

SN 3865M, RN 9B69581128

YAZOO CITY American Legion Post 7: N32 51.046 W090 24.714 M60 USA out

SN 144 1129


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).Confirmed by PAO, Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station 1126 Confirmed by PAO, Corps of Engineers Waterway Experimental Station 1127 Identified by Joe_D Afv Discussion Board 03/2009. 1128 MAD rebuild. RN, Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1129 Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2009.



BONNE TERRE VFW Post 6883, Veterans Rd & Old Rt 67 : N37 55.227 W090 32.388 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 3000 1130 BRANSON Ride the Ducks Tour / Bob McDowell Military Museum, 2320 West Highway 76: LVT4 USA out M29 Weasel USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out M56 Scorpion USA out M59 USA out Otter USA out CAMDENTON VFW Post 5923, 65 VFW Rd (off S State Highway 5): N38 00.015 W092 43.936 M60A3 USA out SN 2469A 1131 CARTHAGE National Guard, Richard Webster Dr: N37 10.390 W094 20.530 M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman USA out CASSVILLE American Legion Post 118, Hwy 112 S: N36 40.337 W093 51.861 M60A3(TTS) USA out SN 2464A 1132 CEDAR HILL VFW Post 5331, 1 Lynn Ln: N38 21.461 W090 38.763 M60 USA out DEFIANCE Private owner: M3 Half-Track


DESOTO Amvets Post # 48: N38 08.088 W090 34.437 M41 Walker Bulldog USA

SN 526 1133



SN 2510


SN by Paul & Loren Hannah Afv Discussion Board 07/2010 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1132 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1133 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 07/2010. 1131


Missouri ARNG Armory, 1555 Veteran's Blvd: N38 07.221 W090 33.579 M728 USA out SN 0281, JP00001134 ELSBERRY American Legion Post 226, 111 Long Blvd: N39 10.786 W090 47.228 M60A3 USA out SN 2523A 1135 FARMINGTON VFW Post 5896, 814 E Karsch Blvd: N37 46.941 W090 24.465 M60A0 USA out

SN 674 1136

FLORISSANT Bangert Park, 275 S New Florissant Rd: N38 47.034 W090 19.571 1137 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out FORT LEONARD WOOD 88M School: M54 Gun Truck



Baker Theatre, Iowa Ave: M114



Constitution Ave & Replacement: N37 45.612 W092 07.041 MTU-20 AVLB USA out T-55 USA out Iowa Ave & W 12th St: N37 44.662 W092 06.677 M728 USA out

SN 266, RN JP0008

Iowa Ave & W 16th St: N37 44.820 W092 07.317 M706 Commando USA out North Dakota Ave & Constitution Ave: N37 47.404 W092 07.801 LVTP5A1 USA out RN 107646 M1 Abrams USA out SN 0096 North Gate, off I-44: N37 47.404 W092 07.801 M1117 Guardian USA M48 Patton AVLB USA M93A1 Fox USA

out ind out

SN 2641


SN, RN and coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2010 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1136 SN and coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 07/2010 1137 Formerly named "Victory" 1135


Old WWII Barracks Area, 19th St and Nebraska Ave: N37 44.576 W092 06.674 1138 M4A1E9(75) Sherman USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 59941, RN 3031804 1139 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 65870, RN 30125192 1140 Parade Ground: M41 Walker Bulldog M41 Walker Bulldog


out out

SN 339 SN 2331

US Army Chemical Corps Museum, 425 South Dakota Ave: N37 44.662 W092 06.677 M20 USA out SN 917 US Army Chemical Corps Museum, Outdoor exposition, 425 South Dakota Ave: N37 44.662 W092 06.677 1141 CWS-POA-H5 Sherman USA out M1 Grizzly USA out G0021142 M1 Grizzly USA out G001 (SN 1?) 1143 M113A2 USA out SN MSJ 18205 1144 M132A1 USA out SN F3031 1145 M42B1E9 Sherman USA out SN 7321 RN 30588331146 M67 Patton flamethrower USA out RN 9B14611147 1148 M706 Commando USA out M728 USA out SN 1 1149 M1059 USA out UET USA out Prototype HAYTI City Park, East Cleveland St & N 3rd St: N36 14.560 W089 44.971 1150 M114 USA out


Identified by Lesley Delsing (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Identified by Lesley Delsing (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Was built by Chrysler. 1140 Identified by Lesley Delsing (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Was built as an M4A3(75) HVSS by Fisher. 1141 Relocated from Fort McClellan, Alabama. One of three surviving CWS-POA-H5 two-barreled Sherman flamethrower tanks. 1142 Prototype G002, identified by Lesley Delsing (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1143 Prototype, Formerly at the US Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground 1144 Engineer squad vehicle 1145 M113 converted to flamethrower. Relocated from Fort McClellan, Alabama. 1146 SN and RN by Joe DeMarco (G104, 11/2010). Lima builded 1147 Relocated from Fort McClellan, Alabama. 1148 Many vehicles identified by Lesley Delsing (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1149 Smoke generator carrier 1150 Confirmed by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2008). 1139


JACKSON Spec Ops Plaza, 2387 W. Jackson Blvd : N37 22.979 W089 42.027 M109A3 USA out SN 1754 1151 M114A1 USA out RN 12T706511152 M42 Duster USA out SN 5340 1153 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 355 RN 13E8311154 JEFFERSON CITY Missouri Army National Guard Armory, Rte 50 & Shamrock Rd?: 1155 M551A1 Sheridan USA std 1156 M551A1 Sheridan USA out Museum of Missouri Military History, 2405 Logistics Rd: N38 32.962 W092 04.352 1157 M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 62889 1158 M551 Sheridan USA out JOPLIN VFW Post 534, 110 Veteran's Way: N37 07.005 W094 30.648 M60 USA out

SN 368 1159

KANSAS CITY National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial, 100 W 26th St: N39 04.846 W094 35.164 1160 FT-17 USA ind LADDONIA American Legion Post 510, 9145 Hwy 54: N39 12.313 W091 38.813 M114 USA out SN 22 1161 LAMAR National Guard Armory, Broadway St: N37 30.382 W094 16.515 M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman USA out


SNs / RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SNs / RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1153 SNs / RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1154 SNs / RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1155 "General Lee" 1156 Vismod 1157 Identified by Paul and Loren Hannah. 1158 Built by Fisher as an M4A3(76) VVSS in September, 1944 (we only knew 4 M4A3 76 made by Fisher, this is a 5th one). the SN was uncovered by David. D Jackson 1159 Identified by Scott Moore (9/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1160 WWI combat veteran / damaged. Originally a gift of the French government to the city of San Francisco, the tank was knocked out of action during World War I by a German 77mm shell. Has 37mm gun-armed turret. Formerly owned by Hayes Otoupalik. 1161 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1152


MOBERLY American Legion Post 6, 619 Concannon St: N39 25.509 W092 26.671 M60A3 USA out SN 2548A 1162 MONETT VFW Post 4207, 540 W Highway 60: N36 54.929 W093 57.891 M110A2 USA out SN 40 1163 National guard Chapell Dr: N36 55.527 W093 54.045 M60A3 USA out NEVADA Missouri Army National Guard Armory, 1400 W Cherry St: N37 50.331 W094 22.532 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 68089, RN 30126068 PIERCE CITY National Guard Armory, 23935 State Road 97: N36 56.134 W094 00.523 M4A3(76) HVSS Sherman USA out ROLLA VFW Post 2025, 15035 S US Hwy 63: N37 52.636 W091 47.748 M60A3 USA out SN 2421A, RN JJ04HG1164 SAINT CHARLES VFW Post 2866, 66 VFW Lane: N38 45.664 W090 32.247 M60A3 USA out

SN 2417A 1165

SAINT ROBERT George M. Reed Roadside Park: N37 49.276 W092 08.843 M60A0 USA out

SN 243 1166

Roadside Display, off I-44-BL: N37 49.472 W092 09.326 M60A0 USA out

SN 436 1167

SALEM American Legion Post, MO-32: N37 37.859 W091 34.766 T-55 USA out



AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1164 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1165 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1166 SN and coordinates By Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010 1167 SN and coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010 1168 Has Chinese armor, plow 1163


SIKESTON Veterans Park, near Sikestone Memorial Municipal Airport: N36 53.083 W089 33.930 M60A3 USA out SN 8111 1169 ST LOUIS Jefferson Barracks Historic Site, 12 Hancock Ave M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA



Missouri Veterans Home, 10600 Lewis & Clark Blvd: N38 45.683 W090 14.249 M60A3 USA out SN 2166A 1171 Private collection: Humber scout car MkII



RN F198307

Private collection: Dingo



RN F340576

Private owner: M5 Stuart with M5A1 turret M5A1 Stuart


std std

SN 3?? 1172 1173

WARSAW American Legion Post 217, 32748 Wildcat Dr: N38 12.859 W093 19.943 M60A3 USA out SN 2427A 1174


Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2006). Identified by P-O Buan. 1171 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1172 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1173 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1174 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1170



BLACK EAGLE VFW Post 4669, Smelter Ave NE: N47 31.461 W111 16.263 M114 USA out

SN 529 1175

DILLON Near the intersection of N Idaho St & E St: N45 13.943 W112 37.056 M60A0 USA out SN 11-24, RN 9B41431176 HAMILTON Montana ARNG Armory, 910 W Main St: N46 14.789 W114 10.094 M7B1 Priest USA out HELENA Montana Military Museum, Fort Harrison Complex: N46 37.368 W112 05.8071177 M7B1 Priest USA out 1178 M7B1 Priest USA out M29 Weasel USA out 1179 M551 Sheridan USA out 1180 M551 Sheridan USA out M60A0 USA out MISSOULA Private owner (Hayes Otoupalik) : 1181 M1917 M20 M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Stuart M4A1 Half-Track M5A1 Stuart M8 Greyhound T16 Carrier


std 1182 std std std std std std std


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN (from left & right tow lugs) identified by Alf Adams (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 1177 There are two more Afv’s at this location, need to identify them. 1178 Formerly at the Montana Army National Guard Armory in Kalispell (P-O Buan) 1179 OPFOR vehicle, supposed to look like a T-72 (P-O Buan) 1180 OPFOR vehicle, supposed to look like a BMP (P-O Buan) 1181 Collection information from Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007) 1182 37mm gun-armed turret 871. Owned by M.C. Bradley Military Rental Studios of Hollywood, California from 1922 to 1967. 1176


Rocky Mountain Museum of Military History: N46 50.678 W114 03.905 M7B1 Priest USA out POLSON Miracle of America Museum, N47 40.821 W114 06.949: 1183 M2A1 Half Track USA out M5 HST USA ind M20 USA ind M29 Weasel USA ind M106A2 USA ind M548 USA ind M578 USA out


SN 233512

Identified by P-O Buan.



AUBURN Local park off Hwy 75: N40 23.662 W095 50.331 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA


SN 71741, RN 301355731184

BANCROFT Bancroft Park : N42 00.595 W096 34.509 M60A3 USA


SN 2743A, RN JJ948Y1185

BATTLE CREEK Battle Creek City Park: N41 59.563 W097 35.889 M551 Sheridan USA


SN 504 1186

BEATRICE Chautauqua Park, off Highway 77: N40 15.280 W096 44.693 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out


BEAVER CITY Local park O St: N40 08.141 W099 50.009 M60A3 USA


SN 2784A 1188

BEAVER CROSSING Local park: N40 46.668 W097 16.578 M60A3 USA


SN 2791A 1189

BELLEVUE Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home, 12505 South 40th Street: N41 07.438, W095 58.451 M60A0 USA out SN 2188 1190 BURWELL American Legion Post 298, 657 G St: N41 17.806 W096 36.481 M60A3 USA out SN 2763A 1191


Painted RN 3013557, turret number 3560 cast by Union Steel AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), Coordinates, SN and RN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 08/2013 1186 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv discussion Board 08/2012 1187 Coordinates by Gary Binder, turret number 2524 1188 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1189 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1190 Formerly at the Thomas Fitzgerald Veterans Home, Omaha, NE 1191 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1185


CEDAR BLUFFS Near baseball fields: N41 23.811 W096 36.871 M60A3 USA


SN 2780A 1192

CLAY CENTER Clay Center City Park, N Alexander Ave & Johnson St: N40 31.473 W098 03.480 M60A3 USA out SN 2773A 1193 COLON American Legion Post 265: N41 17.806 W096 36.481 M60A3 USA out

SN 2754A 1194

COLUMBUS American Legion Post 84, 2263 3rd Ave: N41 26.290 W097 19.731 M60A3 USA out SN 2701A, RN JJ04R01195 CRETE Crete City Park at Linden Ave and E 12th St: N40 37.477 W096 57.602 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 68886 1196 DAKOTA CITY American Legion Post 376, 117 S 21st St: N42 24.877 W096 25.571 M60A3 USA out SN 2723A 1197 DAVENPORT VFW Post 10579: M60A3



SN 2749A 1198

DAVID CITY Local park: N41 14.737 W097 07.471 M5 Stuart USA


SN 838, painted RN 30018381199

DORCHESTER US Post Office on Washington St at W 8th St: N40 38.864 W097 06.827 M60A3 USA out SN 2761A 1200


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1194 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1195 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1196 Coordinates and location by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2013, may 1945 production at Pressed Steel Car (Cady Cade). 1197 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1198 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1199 SN from Kurt Laughlin (G103, 7/2004). Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 08/2013 1200 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1193


ELKHORN Ta-Ha-Zouka park: N41 17.117 W096 14.691 M60A3 USA


SN 2738A 1201

FAIRBURY Fairbury City Park: N40 08.224 W097 11.190 M60A0 USA


SN 1103

Town museum, 12th & Oak Streets: N40 08.601 W097 11.185 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out VFW Post 3113, 2337 K St: N40 09.539 W097 10.304 M60A3 USA out


SN 2703A 1203

FALLS CITY American Legion Post 102, 721 Harlan St: N40 03.125 W095 36.104 M110A2 USA out SN 2826 1204 M60A3 USA out SN 2722A 1205 FRANKLIN Local park, Park Dr & 16th Ave: N40 06.053 W098 57.148 M60A1 USA out M113A2 USA out

SN 7815 1206 SN MAA24330 1207

GENEVA Geneva City Park, F St & S 13th St: N40 31.439 W097 35.689 M60A3 USA out

SN 2775A, RN JJ04TW1208

GRAND ISLAND Bosselman Travel Center, North of the I-80 / Highway 281 interchange, south of Grand Island: N40 49.893 W098 22.791 M60A3 USA out SN 2746A, RN JJ04111209 GREELEY American Legion Post 186: N41 33.153 W098 32.163 M60A3 USA out

SN 2799A 1210


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Turret number 2391 1203 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1204 SNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1205 AAD rebuild. SNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1206 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1207 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1208 AAD rebuild. SN and RN confirmed by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2013 1209 SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 08/2013 1210 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1202


GRETNA American Legion Post 216, 11690 S 216th St: N41 08.110 W096 15.213 M60A3 USA out SN 2672A 1211 HOLDREDGE Jaycee Field, 2nd Ave & Hancock St: N40 26.117 W099 22.612 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out KEARNEY Cemetery, 16th Ave: N40 43.060 W099 04.132 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA



SN 63284, RN 301163061213

LAWRENCE American Legion Post 45, 578 E 2nd St: N40 17.577 W098 15.249 M60A3 USA out SN 2643A 1214 LEIGH Church St: N41 41.991 W097 14.781 M60A3 USA


SN 2710A 1215

LEXINGTON Heartland Museum of Military Vehicles, 606 Heartland Rd: N40 44.562 W099 44.277 M110A2 USA out SN BMY750 1216 M113 ACAV USA out SN 1?? 1217 1218 M113 with Hellfire Launcher USA out M113A2 USA out SN F10102MAA 1219 M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind M2 Bradley USA out SN? FV-101 1220 M2 Bradley USA out SN? FV-108 1221 M2 Half Track USA ind RN 4023833 M2 Half Track USA ind RN 4078451 M2 Cletrac High-Speed Tractor USA ind M29 Weasel USA ind Painted RN 458347 M29 Weasel USA ind Painted RN 4047786


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Turret number 2738 1213 SN from Mike Canaday (G104, 4/2004).this is one of 525 M4A3(76) VVSS manufactured by Fisher, it was remanufactured to HVSS in the 1950s. We only know 4 surviving M4A3(76) manufactured by Fisher. 1214 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1215 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1216 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1217 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1218 Prototype Hellfire launcher 1219 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1220 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1221 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1212


M3 Half-Track M4 High Speed Tractor M42A1 Duster M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M5 High Speed Tractor M548 M548 M548 M60A0 with Dozer M60A3 T-55


LINDSAY Small park on Elm St.: N41 41.879 W097 41.820 M60A3 USA

out out out out out out out out out out out

RN 1928291222 1223

SN C-3407 1224 SN 1455 1225 SN 2746A 1226


SN 2694A 1227

LOUP CITY Sherman County,S 7th St: N41 16.249 W098 58.054 M60A3 USA out

SN 2710A 1228

LYONS Local park: N41 56.160 W096 28.586 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA


McCOOK Barnett Park, Barnett Park Rd, off South St : N40 11.405 W100 37.458 M60A0 USA out NEBRASKA CITY Steinhart Park : N40 40.365 W095 52.537 M60A3 USA


SN 2729A 1229

NELIGH Riverside Park, L Street: N42 07.527 W098 01.671 M60A3 USA out

SN 2776A 1230


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Painted RN 528607, turret number 2708. Coordinates by Gary Binder 1224 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1225 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1226 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1227 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), coordinates and location by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2013 1228 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1229 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1230 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1223


NEWMAN GROVE small sports park on N 8th St : N41 45.056 W097 46.499 M42 Duster USA out SCRIBNER American Legion Post 121: N41 39.615 W096 28.586 M60A3 USA out


SN 2760A 1232

SEWARD State Arsenal Military Museum, W Jackson Street: N40 54.533 W097 06.109 1233 M113 USA out M59 USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 44098 1234 M60 USA out SHELBY Spc. Blake Kelly Memorial, Shelby park: N41 11.544 W097 25.252 M60A3 USA out SN 2725A 1235 SHELTON American Legion Post 297, between US Hwy 30 and the Union Pacific RR tracks: N40 46.816 W098 44.062 M60A0 USA out SN 1296 1236 SPALDING Memorial park off S Pine St: N41 41.097 W098 21.522 M60A3 USA out

SN 2766A 1237

STUART American Legion Post 115: M60A3



SN 2753A 1238

SUPERIOR Lincoln Park: N40 01.246 W098 04.856 M60A3 USA


SN 2741A 1239


Coordinates and location by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2013 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1233 Formerly at Lincoln 1234 SN by Kurt Laughlin. Built as an M4A3(76) VVSS, remanufactured to HVSS 1235 AAD rebuild. Formerly at VFW Post 1346, 1053 S Wabash Ave, Hastings NE (Don Barker) 1236 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1237 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1238 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1239 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1232


SUTTON Sutton City Park: N40 36.606 W097 51.492



TECUMSEH Courthouse square: N40 22.075 W096 11.733 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA


SN 2728A 1240


TEKAMAH Veteran’s Memorial, County Courthouse, intersection of L St and S 13th St: N40 22.075 W096 11.733 1241 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out WEST POINT Local park: N41 50.314 W096 43.402 M60A3 USA


WILBER Legion Memorial Park: N40 28.433 W096 57.885 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 2782A, RN JJ04U31242


WINSIDE American Legion Post 252, 171 Hunter St: N42 10.520 W097 10.416 M60A3 USA out SN 2788A 1244 YUTAN Near VFW Post 9844 on Hwy 92: M60A3



SN 2757A


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Coordinates by Gary Binder 1242 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 08/2013 1243 Coordinates by Alf Adams. Union Steel turret N°2721, hull cast by General Steel Castings Co 1244 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1241



BUNKERVILLE Private owner: M4 Sherman



CARSON CITY Nevada Army National Guard Armory, 2460 Fairview Drive: N39 09.071 W119 44.391 M1 Abrams USA out M113 ACAV USA out M42 Duster USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M60A3(TTS) USA out M901 USA out DIXIE VALLEY Electronic Warfare Range, Settlement Road (Rte 121): N39 40.617 W118 04.165 XM247 Sergeant York USA out XM247 Sergeant York USA out M548A1 USA out M548A1 USA out ELY VFW Post 3547, Route 93: N39 15.855 W114 51.370 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 12020, RN 3054175

LAS VEGAS Battlefield Vegas, 2771 S Industrial Rd: N36 08.348 W115 10.115 Abbot USA out 1245 Abbot USA out BMP 1 SOV/IRQ out 1246 Chieftain Mk 10 USA out FV432 GBR out FV432 GBR out FV432 GBR out Humber Pig GBR out Leopard 1A5BE DEU/BEL out RN 54682, SN 85991247 Leopard 1A5BE DEU/BEL out RN 54821, SN 88681248 Leopard 1A5BE DEU/BEL out RN 54797, SN 88471249 1245

Desert color Rebuild to look like a M1 Abrams 1247 Former Belgian 2/4 Lancers vehicle, Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2017 1248 Former Belgian 1/3 Lancers vehicle, Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2017 1246


Leopard 1A5BE Leopard 1A5BE M3 Half-Track M3A1 Scout Car M4A3(75)W Sherman M56 Scorpion M548 M548 M577 M60A1 M113A2 M901A1 OT-64 SKOT Saracen Sexton Sexton T-55AM2


out out out out wre out out out out out out out out out ind out out

MERCURY Nevada Test Site: M47 Patton



NELLIS AFB Threat Training Facility 5719 Tyndall Ave: 2S1 Gvozdika SOV 2S6 Tunguska SOV AML-90 FRA BMP-1 USA BRDM SOV BRDM AT-3 Launcher SOV BTR-60 SOV MT-LB SOV MTLB SA-13 Launcher SOV PT-76 SOV SA-11 Launcher SOV SA-12 Launcher USA

out out out out out out out out out out out out

RN 54695, SN 86271250 RN 54627, SN 83951251

SN 49606, RN 30822031252

SN PAA 02870 SN 10410 1253 SN C2069



Former Belgian 1/3 Lancers vehicle, Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2017 Former Belgian 2/4 Lancers vehicle, Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2017 1251 Former Belgian 2/4 Lancers vehicle, Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2017 1252 This is probably a former USMC tank, as it has tracks with "duck bills" and little metal nubs on the two hull hatches, which could be remains of metal spikes welded onto the tops of the hatches, which was a rather common practice in the USMC (Joe DeMarco) 1253 Formally owned by Steve Preston, identified by Silvio Iacuone. Former USMC M60A1 RISE/Passive Tank, has the rear deck with SN 10369 witch is actually still around and is located at Chiracco Summit California (Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 01/2018) 1254 The two Sextons are SN 1904 and 1918 (Kurt Laughlin) 1250


SA-6 Launcher SA-8 Launcher T-34/85 T-54 T-62 T-62 T-72 T-80BV ZSU-23-4


out out out out out out out out out

Freedom Cr: T-72






OVERTON VFW Post 8336, North Moapa Valley Blvd: N36 32.718 W114 26.700 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2982, RN 301834401258 RENO Marine Corps League Detachment 672 / VFW Post 9211 (225 Burris Ln)?: M114A2 USA out SN 4982 1259

WINNEMUCCA Veterans Memorial, US-95 and Jungo Rd: N40 59.398 W117 44.321 M5 Stuart USA out RN 9B57641260 M60A3 USA out RN JJ03ZJ1261


Czechoslovak manufactured ex-Egyptian In front of the building 1257 Only T-80 on display in the US? 1258 Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2011. 1259 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1260 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1261 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1256



EPSOM American Legion Post 112, 44 Short Falls Rd: N43 12.141 W071 23.024 M60A3 USA out SN 1377M 1262 HAMPTON Hampton Motor Company, 611 Lafayette Rd: Ferret GBR


KENSINGTON American Legion 195 Amesbury Rd: N42 54.806 W070 55.769 M76 Otter USA out TILTON private collection: M5 High Speed Tractor M29C Weasel


std std

WHITEFIELD American Legion Post 41, 44 Littleton Brook Rd: N44 22.245 W071 36.884 M60A3 USA out SN 3676A 1263 WOLFEBORO Wright Museum, 77 Center St: N43 35.355 W071 12.328 M2 Cletrac USA ind M2/M3 Half-Track USA ind M3 Scout Car USA ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind M20 USA ind M32A1B3 USA ind M3A1 Stuart USA out M3A1 Stuart USA ind M4A1(76)HVSS Sherman USA ind T26E3 Pershing USA ind

RN 4050418 SN 11727 1264

SN 68264, RN 301619451265 SN 35 1266


MAD. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1264 "Bloody Mary" 1265 SN from the Sherman Register, formerly at Shrewsbury, Ma. 1266 Remagen survivor? Came off a range in Camp Edwards, MA and restored to running condition. Information from Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2003) and Silvio Iacuone. 1263



ABSECON private owner: Peacekeeper



BARNEGAT American Legion Post 232: N39 45.855 W074 13.051 M60A3(TTS) USA out BEVERLY Private owner: M3? Half-Track



BLACKWOOD Private owner: M3 Half-Track



BRICK VFW Post 8867, 373 Adamston Rd: N40 02.665 W074 05.345 M60A3 USA out

SN 4250A 1267

SN 27127

SN 4071A 1268

BURLINGTON Burlington Veterans Memorial Park, off Veterans Dr near the Burlington-Bristol Bridge: N40 04.571 W074 52.064 M60A3 USA out SN 2895A? 1269 Municipal Complex and Park, off Old York Rd (Rte 660): N40 04.041 W074 49.642 M60A3 USA out SN 2895A? 1270 New Jersey ARNG Armory, 559 High St: N40 04.407 W074 51.363 1271 M59 USA out CHERRY HILL 119th Cbt Sust Spt Batt, New Jersey Army National Guard Armory, Grove St & Park Blvd: M110 USA std M55 USA std


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1269 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1270 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1271 Identified by Bob Smart (1/2007). 1268


CLIFTON Main Memorial Park, Main Ave & Park Slope: N40 52.952 W074 08.917 M60A3 USA out DELRAN Ricky's Army & Navy store, 2925 Route 130: N40 00.626 W074 57.957 Chieftain Mk 10 GBR out VRN 05FA911272 VFW Post 3020, 1125 Fairview Ave, S Fairview St: N40 01.621 W074 57.021 M60A3 USA out SN 4065A 1273 DOVER New Jersey ARNG Armory, 479 West Clinton St: N40 54.136 W074 34.041 M60A3(TTS) USA out SN 2856A, RN JJ04W9 DUNELLEN American Legion Post 119, 137 New Market Rd: N40 35.341 W074 27.736 M5A1 Stuart USA out SN 567 1274 ELMWOOD PARK Local park, corner of Market and Boulevard: N40 53.986 W074 06.958 M56 Scorpion USA out ENGLEWOOD American Legion Post 58, 151 W Forest Ave: M52A1 USA


SN 1851

EWING Veterans Memorial Park, Jake Garzio Dr: N40 16.642 W074 48.147 M60A3 USA out SN 4077A 1275 FLEMINGTON 50th Finance Battalion, NJ ARNG Armory, Rte 12: N40 30.380 W074 54.654 M60A3 USA out FLORENCE American Legion Post 194, 6th Ave & Broad St: N40 07.068 W074 48.390 M60A3 USA out SN 4064A, RN 9B73121276


Berlin Bde urban camo. Identified by Jeff Lewis (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2006). VRN from Bob Smart (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2007). 1273 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1274 Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2004). 1275 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1276 AAD rebuild. SN and RN from Bob Smart (1/2007).


FORT DIX Dix-McGuire Circle, Pemberton Wrightstown Rd & Texas Ave: N40 01.800 W074 37.117 BTR-50 PK SOV out M80 BVP USA out MT-LB SOV out T-72M SOV out SN 08JM1R825A 1277 Fort Dix Military Museum, 6501 Pennsylvania Ave: M114 USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M578 USA out Fort Dix Museum, storage: M48A5 Patton AVLB M548A1


std std

Forward Operating Base Training Range: M113 USA


General Circle, Fort Dix Rd & Pemberton Wrightstown Rd: N40 01.003 W074 38.116 M1 Abrams USA out M110A2 USA out M113A2 USA out SN C3250 M47 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out SN 4045M, RN JJO1RP1278 Millville Ave & W 8th St : N40 00.613 W074 37.434 M114 USA out M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M46 Patton USA out M7B1 Priest USA out M901 USA out


New Jersey Army National Guard Unit Training Equipment Site (UTES): M110 USA std M60A3 USA out Range Road: M59 M59


wre wre


Polish build T72. Formerly located at the Cold War Memorial, Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum? (GT98, AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1278 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1279 1 of 8 known survivors in the US


Soccer Fields (near the Fort Dix Museum): N40 00.295 W074 37.357 M60A3 USA out SN 2902A, RN JJO4XV M60A3 USA out SN 2935A Technology Drive & Admin St: N40 01.663 W074 38.322 M1 Abrams USA out M60A3 USA out

SN0518 1280 SN 2858A, RN JJO4WB1281

FRANKLIN LAKES VFW Post 5702: N41 01.206 W074 12.155 M551 Sheridan USA


SN 1576 1282

GARFIELD American Legion Post 255, 163 Cedar St: M5 Stuart USA



Memorial Park, corner of Midland Ave and Outerwater Lane: N40 53.046 W074 06.060 M114 USA out Painted RN 13B8371284 GILLETTE Private owner: M29C Weasel



HALEDON Hofstra / Prospect Park, 15th St & Struyk Ave: N40 56.471 W074 10.325 M114 USA out JACKSON VFW Post 4703, 54 Magnolia Dr: M60A3



SN 4086A 1285

JAMESBURG Stone Museum, 608 Spotswood Englishtown Rd (Monroe Township): M60A3 USA out SN 4134A 1286 KEYPORT American Legion Post 23, 81 W Front St: M5 Stuart USA




Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2012 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2012 1282 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1283 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1284 Has 20mm cannon mount? 1285 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1286 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1287 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1281


LAKEWOOD VFW Post 9521, 7 Squankum Rd: M60A3



SN 4273A 1288

LAWRENCEVILLE Artillery Annex to the Militia Museum of New Jersey: N40 16.240 W074 44.667 M106A2 USA out M108 USA out M109A2 USA out M110A2 USA out M42 Duster USA out M48A5 Patton USA out SN A10563 M55 USA out M578 USA out M60A3 USA std SN 8588 M60A3 USA out M901 USA out Marmon-Herrington CTMS-1TB1 USA/GTM out SN 791 1289 Artillery Annex to the Militia Museum of New Jersey, Motorpool: M16 Half-Track GMC USA std M4A3(76) HVSS USA ind M44 USA wre 1290 M60A0 USA std M114 USA wre M114 USA wre B/3-112 Field Artillery HQ: N40 16.372 W074 44.733 M7B1 Priest USA out LEDGEWOOD Ray Bentley, Adam Metal Products: M16 Half-Track GMC M19A1 M41 Walker Bulldog


std std std



AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Given to the museum by Robert Bentley, Adam Metal Products, of Ledgewood, NJ. Originally acquired from Guatemala. Information from Museum Ordnance, January 1994. 1290 Equipped with Gun Thermal Shrouds 1291 Ray Bentley previously owned three Marmon-Herrington tanks, one of which was donated to the Artillery Annex to the Militia Museum of New Jersey in Ledgewood, and a number of M8 Greyhounds and M41 Walker Bulldogs which have since been sold. All were acquired from Guatemala. Information from Museum Ordnance, January 1994. 1289


LITTLE FALLS Local park, Wilmore Rd & First St: N40 52.808 W074 13.460 M5 Stuart USA out

SN 634 1292

LYNDHURST American Veterans Post 20, 323 New York Ave: N40 48.955 W074 07.398 M60A3 USA out SN 4230A 1293 VFW Post 3549, 527 Valley Brook Ave: M60A3 USA


MANVILLE VFW Post 2290, 600 Washington Ave: N40 32.521 W074 35.534 M1917 USA out SN 18198 1294 MONTVILLE VFW Post 5481, 132 Changebridge Rd.: N40 53.716 W074 21.932 M60A3 USA out SN 4051A 1295 MORRIS PLAINS Veterans Memorial Park: N40 51.360 W074 30.386 M60A3 USA out

SN 2854A 1296

MORRISTOWN NJ ARNG Armory, 450 Western Ave: N40 46.917 W074 30.532 M109A3 USA out MOUNT HOLLY NJ ARNG Armory, Route 38: N39 58.925 W074 46.705 M75 USA out PARAMUS Veterans Memorial Home, 1 Veteran's Way: N40 57.517 W074 03.697 M42 Duster USA out PARSIPPANY VFW Post 10184, 33 Baldwin Rd: N40 51.702 W074 23.931 M60A3 USA out

SN 4028A, RN 09BO15881297


Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 12/2005). AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). May be the same M60 as the one identified at the VFW Post. 1294 Has bullet marks from testing. Information from David Maynard's Surviving WW1 Tanks. 1295 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN & RN by vagabond, afv Discussion Board, 02/2017. 1296 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1293


PATERSON Rifle Camp Road, West Paterson: N40 53.911 W074 11.105 M60A3 USA out

SN 2256A, RN JJ049P

PEMBERTON American Legion Post 294, 39 Fort Dix Rd: N39 58.890 W74 40.740 M60A3 USA out SN 2898A 1298 PERTH AMBOY American Legion Post 45, 530 Smith St: N40 30.817 W074 17.124 M60A3 USA out SN 4141A 1299 PORT MURRAY New Jersey Army National Guard Armory, 550 State Rte 57: N40 46.013 W074 56.035 M60A3 USA out M113 USA out RIVERSIDE American Legion Post 146, 212 American Legion Dr: N40 02.312 W074 58.031 M60A3 USA out SN 4068A, RN 09A018701300 ROEBLING VFW Post 8838, 10th Ave: N40 07.018 W074 46.920 M60A3 USA out SAYREVILLE VFW Post 4699, Jernee Mill Rd: N40 26.439 W074 21.243 M42A1 Duster USA out

SN 4074A, RN JJ01981301


SEA GIRT National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey, Sea Girt Ave & Camp Dr: N40 07.387 W074 02.3151303 M110A2 SOV out M113A3 USA out M42 Duster USA out M48 Patton USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA out M60A0 USA out SN 332 1304 M728 USA out SN 99 1297

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1299 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1300 AAD rbld. SN/RN from Jeff Lewis (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2007). 1301 AAD rebuild. SN and RN from Bob Smart (1/2007). 1302 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1303 The M3A1 Stuart previously here was on loan and returned to the owner. 1304 SN by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2013, repainted by USABOT 10/2016 1298





National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey, Sea Girt Ave & Camp Dr, storage area: N40 07.284 W074 02.164 M26 Pershing USA wre M47 Patton USA wre M706 Commando USA wre National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey, Sea Girt Ave & Camp Dr, Storage area: N40 07.284 W074 02.164 M114 HEL STTV USA out RN 1387661305 SEWELL American Veterans Post 77, 934 Mantua Blvd: N39 45.687 W075 07.991 M60A3 USA out SN 4126A 1306 SOMERSET 42nd Inf Div DISCOM HQ, New Jersey ARNG Armory, 1060 Hamilton St (Franklin township): N40 29.161 W074 29.449 M5 Stuart USA out SN 3423 1307 SPOTSWOOD Spotswood Veterans Memorial Walkway, 80 Summerhill Rd: N40 23.849 W074 23.168 M75 USA out TEANECK New Jersey ARNG Armory, 1799 Teaneck Rd: N40 54.661 W073 59.837 M42 Duster USA out Painted RN 07F221255 M728



unknown: M52



Painted RN 9132760

TRENTON Hamilton Veterans Park, 1716 Yardville Hamilton Square Rd: N40 12.633 W074 39.739 1308 M60A3 USA out TUCKERTON American Legion Post 493, 420 Radio Rd (Little Egg Harbor Township): N39 35.427 W074 21.145 M60A3 USA out SN 4025A 1309 1305

Human Engineering Lab Scaled Tactical Target Vehicle. AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1307 Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2004). 1308 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1309 Hull only, formerly in Easton, PA 1306


UNKNOWN M36B1 Jackson



SN 690 1310

VINELAND 5-117 Cavalry, New Jersey ARNG Armory, 2650 S Delsea Drive: N39 26.947 W075 02.568 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 49730, RN 30823271311 M60A3 USA out SN 4072A, RN 9B71371312 M60A3 USA out SN 4076A, RN JJ01XJ1313 Local park: M110A2




WALL TOWNSHIP Military Technology Museum, 2201 Marconi Rd: N40 11.148 W074 03.575 1315 M3A1 Stuart USA out M16 Half-Track USA out M22 Locust USA out M29 Weasel USA out WATCHUNG War Memorial, Watchung Ave: N40 37.889 W074 26.594 M114 USA out WEST ORANGE Essex Troop, 1-102 Cavalry, New Jersey ARNG Armory, 1315 Pleasant Valley Way: N40 46.853 W074 16.665 M60A3 USA out M75 USA out WESTHAMPTON Joint Veterans Alliance of Burlington: M60A3 USA


WESTVILLE VFW Post 2174, 640 Tacoma St: N39 50.833 W075 07.801 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 2110 1316

SN 67072


SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 12/2005). SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 12/2005). 1312 Ex 3-102 Armor 1313 Ex 3-102 Armor 1314 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1315 Under restoration 1316 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1311


WOODBURY New Jersery ARNG Armory, 120 Progress Ave: N39 50.648 W075 08.645 M114 USA out WRIGHTSTOWN Public road near Fort Dix: M56 Scorpion



YARDVILLE VFW Post 491, 9 Fisher Pl: N40 10.867 W074 40.627 M60A3 USA out


SN 2894A 1317

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)



ALBUQUERQUE Private owner: M16A1 Half-Track GMC M18 Hellcat M3A1 Scout Car M8 Greyhound M8 Greyhound T16 Carrier T28 Weasel


std std std std std std std

DEMING Deming Luna Mimbres Museum / Veterans Park, 301 S Silver Ave: N32 15.992 W107 45.416 M42 Duster USA out SN 1631 HATCH Off NM-26: N32 39.823 W107 09.960 M3 Half-Track USA M3 Half-Track USA

out out

HERLEY Military Vehicle Sales: M114



LAS CRUCES New Mexico Army National Guard Armory, 259 N Armory Rd: N32 16.383 W106 56.152 M42 Duster USA out SN 297, RN 10230838 LORDSBURG Veterans Park, Main Street: N32 19.870 W108 43.264 M42A1 Duster USA out

SN 1646, RN? 2H2371318

RATON Legion Park, Legion Dr: N36 53.610 W104 26.491 M42 Duster USA out New Mexico Army National Guard Armory, Raton Municipal Airport/Crews Field, Hwy 64: N36 44.914 W104 30.441 1319 M42 Duster USA out

1318 1319

RN? Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Missing in 2016 satellite imagery


SANTA FE New Mexico National Guard Museum, 1050 Old Pecos Trl: N35 40.400 W105 56.253 M42 Duster USA out MIM 72 Chapperal USA out SANTA ROSA Santa Rosa Memorial Park, Intersection of US 54 and US 84 (old route 66): N34 56.235 W104 41.621 M728 USA out SN 280, RN JP0001320 SOCORRO Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 1001 South Rd: N34 04.348 W106 55.109 1321 M103 USA std 1322 M48 Patton USA std M53 USA wre M59A1 USA wre RN 12FD36 1323 M60 USA std T48 Patton USA wre SN 6267, RN 9A55291324 WHITE SANDS White Sands Missile Range Museum & Missile Park, Headquarters Ave & Picatinny Ave: M667 Lance Launcher USA out


Identified by Roy Lingle (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/2007). Confirmed by Mark Holloway (3/2007). 1322 Confirmed by Mark Holloway (3/2007). 1323 Confirmed by Mark Holloway (3/2007). 1324 One of six built by Chrysler/Ford. 1321



ALBANY American Legion Post 30, 480 Ontario St: LVT3C USA



Private owner: M5A1 Stuart




Private owner?: M36 Jackson



ALLEGANY VFW Post 5798, 4350 Route 17: N42 06.474 W078 32.468 M60A3 USA out

SN 4178A, RN 9B73161327

ANGOLA VFW Post 5798, 8989 Erie Rd: N42 38.406 W079 02.802 M60A3 USA out

SN 3866A 1328

ANTWERP Local park, Main St & Madison Ave: N44 11.738 W075 36.416 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out ARCADE VFW Post 374, 550 Main St: N42 32.013 W078 26.200 M60A3 USA out

SN 4135A


BARKER American Legion Post 425, 42 Niagara St: N43 20.227 W078 33.054 M60 USA out SN 4087A 1330 BATH VFW Post 1470, approx. 7100 NY-54: N42 21.111 W077 18.236 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 9927 1331


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1327 SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1328 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1329 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1330 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1331 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1326


BELLEROSE VFW Post 6478, 242-37 Braddock Avenue: N40 43.554 W073 43.493 M114 USA out SN 114? RN 12T6341332 BETHPAGE Museum of American Armor, 1303 Round Swamp Road: N40 46.568 W073 26.749 CVR(W) Fox GBR ind Ferret GBR ind LVT4 GBR ind 1333 M2A1 Half-Track USA ind M3 Scout Car USA ind M4 HST USA ind M4A3(75) HVSS USA ind “Trumans bark” 1334 M5 Stuart USA ind M8 Greyhound USA ind 1335 M8 Greyhound USA ind 1336 M18 Hellcat USA/YUG ind M20 USA ind M22 Locust USA ind 1337 M36 Jackson USA/YUG ind 1338 M36B1 Jackson USA std 1339 M48A4 Patton Magach 3 USA/ISR ind 1340 M1917 USA ind T16 Carrier USA ind BUFFALO Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park, 1 Naval Park Cove: N42 52.663 W078 52.795 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M84 USA out National Guard: N42 54.191 W078 51.561 1341 M42 Duster USA M48 Patton USA

out out

1342 1343


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Has RN 407562 painted on, for sale on 1334 Formerly at the American Air Power Museum, Farmingdale NY. this was an M74 TRV restored back to turreted sherman configuration (the M74 dataplate is still inside). The tow lugs are still lower than usual, as they were displaced during modification to M74. Imported from the Netherlands 1335 Has RN60114171 painted on 1336 "Amaz'n Grace;" gift Yugoslav govt, has RN 40145192 painted on, formerly at Danbury CT 1337 T-55 engine 1338 Turret and gun only, comes from a private collection in Easton, PA. The hull is stored in NJ. 1339 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America, July 2014 1340 On loan from the Collings Foundation. Owned by M.C. Bradley Military Rental Studios of Hollywood, California from 1922 to 1967, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 1341 Identified by mastodon60 at Panoramio 1342 Missing in 2016 (P Hannah) 1333





SN 215

CANASERAGA American Legion Post 1582, State Rte 70: N42 27.659 W077 46.820 M60A3 USA out SN 4173A, RN 9A246701344 CANISTEO American Legion Post 846, 61 W Main St: N42 16.552 W077 36.524 M60A3 USA out SN 3862A, RN 9B78691345 CARMEL Putnam County Veterans Memorial Park, 842 Fair St: N41 26.581 W073 42.501 M60A3 USA out RN 9856051346 CAYUGA VFW Post 1259, Wheat Street: N42 54.934 W076 43.288 M48 Patton USA out CENTRAL SQUARE Local Park, Fulton Ave: N43 17.405 W076 09.080 M60A3 USA out CHEEKTOWAGA VFW Post 2429, 2450 Walden Ave: N42 54.504 W078 44.742 M42 Duster USA out

SN 1768

CHESNUT RIDGE American Legion Post 1447, 221 Saddle River Rd (Monsey/Spring Valley): N41 05.954 W074 04.118 M60A3 USA ind SN 4180A CLIFTON PARK American Legion Post 1450, 275 Grooms Rd: N42 50.245 W073 45.198 M60A3 USA out SN 2853A or SN 4171A 1347 COLD BROOK American Legion Post 1118, 529 Main St : N43 14.734 W075 02.145 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 2536 1348 M84 USA out SN F569 1349


Missing in 2016 (P Hannah) AAD rebuild. SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1345 AAD rebuild. SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1346 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1347 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1348 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1349 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1344


CONESESUS American Legion Post 1779, 6317 Marshall Rd: M48A3?/A5? Patton USA


SN A1573 1350

CORINTH Memorial park, Heath Rd: M60A3


SN 3751A 1351


CORTLANDT MANOR Camp Smith Military Reservation Front Gate: N41 17.938 W073 56.509 M42 Duster USA out 1352 M48 Patton USA out Parade Ground: N41 18.003 W073 56.339 M114 USA M59 USA

out out

1353 1354

DRYDEN American Legion Post 1134, 2272 Dryden Rd (Rte 13): N42 29.417 W076 19.259 M60A3 USA out SN 3861A 1355 EAST AURORA American Legion Post 362, 1 Legion Dr: N42 45.446 W078 37.371 1356 M59 USA out M60A3 USA out SN 1709A, RN JJ03WJ 1357 EAST HAMPTON VFW Post 550, 290 Montauk Hwy: N40 57.116 W072 14.134 M60A3 USA out

SN 4103A

EDEN VFW Post 8265, 2551 March Rd: N42 40.033 W078 54.351 M60A3 USA out

SN 1745A 1359



SNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1352 “Countess Lucille VI” 1353 Identified by Sean Gilday (7/2007). 1354 Identified by Sean Gilday (7/2007). 1355 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1356 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1357 AAD rebuild. SN & RN by vagabond, Afv Discussion Board (11/2016) 1358 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1359 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1351


FAIRPORT Freedom Hill, VFW Post 8495, 45 Erie Dr: N43 05.749 W077 25.381 M60A3 USA out SN 4127A 1360 FORT DRUM Fort Drum, NCO Academy, 515 Lewis Ave, South Post : M48A5 Patton USA out M60A3 USA out GARDEN CITY Eisenhower Park, off Merrick Ave & Park Blvd: N40 44.146 W073 34.931 M42 Duster USA out GOWANDA American Legion Post 409, 100 Legion Dr: N42 27.807 W078 56.066 M60A3 USA out SN 1706A


HAMBURG VFW Post 1419, 2985 Lakeview Rd: N42 42.800 W078 53.075 M60A0 USA out

SN 4185A 1362

HANNIBAL VFW Post 5380, 8785 Rte 104: N43 20.258 W076 34.149 M60A3 USA out

SN 2070A 1363

HENDERSON Alexander Corners Veterans & Pearl Harbor Memorial: N43 49.477 W076 12.162 M60A3 USA out HOLLEY VFW Post 202, 8 Veterans Dr: N43 13.294 W078 01.764 M60A0 USA out

SN 699 1364

HOMER Living history centre, 4386 US Rt. 11: N42 37.192 W076 10.998 M60A3 USA out SN 4245A 1365


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1362 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). However, the TACOM Registry claims this is an M60A2. 1363 Has dozer blade; AAD rbld. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1364 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1365 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1361


HONEOYE 4931 County Road 36: N42 47.133 W077 31.038 M29 Weasel USA



LATHAM 42nd Combat Aviation Bde, New York Army National Guard Aviation Support Facility: N42 44.664 W073 47.625 M1 Abrams USA out SN 0170 LITTLE VALLEY American Legion Post 531, Cattaraugus Rd: N42 15.336 W078 48.867 M60A3 USA out MATTYDALE US Marine Corp. Training Center: N43 05.938 W076 07.494 BMP-1 USA out


USMC Reserve Center, Hancock Field, Cty Hwy 69: N43 05.931 W076 07.166 M103 USA out MEDINA Veterans Memorial Park, 335 West Oak Orchard St.: N43 12.914 W078 23.613 M60 USA out SN 4087A 1368 MENTZ Local Park: M56 Scorpion



MONTICELLO Undefined: M60A3



SN 3467A 1369

MORRISONVILLE American Legion Post 1619, 219 Rand Hill Rd: N44 42.626 W073 33.968 M60A3 USA out SN 1707A 1370 NAPLES VFW Post 8726, 7811 State Route 21: N42 37.960 W077 23.360 M60A3 USA out SN 4198A 1371 1366

Identified by mastodon60 at Panoramio It was dedicated to Helen Kalinowski in 2004. 1368 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1369 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1370 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1371 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1367


NEW HAVEN American Legion Post 1532, State Rte? 104: N43 28.771 W076 19.145 M60A3 USA out SN 2137A 1372 NEW YORK Cold War Memorial, Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, Pier 86, 12th Ave & 46th St: N40 45.882 W073 59.959 1373 M60A0 USA out Emergency Service Unit (ESU): M113 M75


std std


OVID VFW Post 6200, 7068 State Rte 414: N42 40.904 W076 49.213 XM706 Commando USA out PALMYRA VFW Post 6778, 4306 State Rte 31: N43 03.506 W077 10.494 M60A3 USA out PHELPS Along the side of the road: N42 56.906 W077 01.164 M5 High Speed Tractor USA out POESTENKILL VFW Post 7466, 25 Veterans St: N42 41.610 W073 34.250 M60A3 USA out

SN 2139A 1375


SN 4114A 1377

RANDOLPH American Legion Post 181, 62 Jamestown St: N42 09.820 W078 58.801 M114 USA out SN 572 1378 RHINEBECK Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, Stone Church & Norton Ave: N41 58.163 W073 51.822 1379 M1917 USA out


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Non-ballistic variant 1374 Identified by Jim (M75APC, 8/2006). 1375 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1376 Identified by mastodon60 at Panoramio 1377 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1378 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1379 Colonel GB Jarret's former tank. Identified by Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). Has Ordnance department No 18336 1373


ROCHESTER American Legion Post 468, 344 Dorsey Rd: N43 13.881 W077 39.417 M60A3 USA out SN 4160A 1380 VFW Post 1097, 1224 Elmwood Ave: M60A1/A3 USA



ROME American Legion Post 24, 325 Erie Blvd W: N43 12.743 W075 27.840 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 10183 1382 ROUSES POINT Park near the water: N44 59.785 W073 21.646 M60A3 USA


SN 3795A 1383

SALAMANCA entrance to the Salamanca, New York Community park: N42 09.501 W078 44.104 M110A2 USA out RN? 87369731384 SARATOGA SPRINGS New York State Military Museum: N43 05.000 W073 46.900 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 11807, 3053962 1385

SHERIDAN VFW Post 6390, 2556 Route 20: N42 29.603 W079 13.677 M60A3 USA out

SN 4069A, RN 09A194701386

SPENCERPORT American Legion Post 330, 691 Trimmer Rd: N43 11.970 W077 49.373 M114 USA out SN 465 1387 STATEN ISLAND 1-101 Cavalry, New York ARNG Armory, 321 Manor Rd: N40 37.218 W074 07.395 M60A1/A3 USA out


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) May be the M60 located at the American Legion Post. 1382 Identified by Jim Goetz / Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2004). 1383 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1384 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1385 Currently at Fort Drum for Repainting. The M4A3 "Sherman" tank outside the New York State Military museum was formerly a display piece at the New York State Armory in Carthage, N.Y. prior to the armory closure. The tank sat outside the armory for approximately 20 years. The specific history of this vehicle has been lost. Presumably the tank was used by New York National Guard Soldiers of the 27th Armored Division or the 42nd Infantry Division during the 1950s. 1386 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 1387 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1381





Private owner: M50A1 Ontos




VERNON American Legion Post 404, 5192 W Seneca St: N43 04.684 W075 32.621 M5 Stuart USA out SN 600 VERONA VFW Post 6811, 4928 Spring Rd: N43 08.268 W075 33.700 M60A3 USA out

SN 4073A 1389

VESTAL American Legion Post 89, 118 S Jensen Rd: N42 05.664 W075 59.800 M37 HMC USA out SN 82 1390 WAPPINGER FALLS Private owner: M3? Half-Track



WATERVILLE American Legion Post 92, 8083 Rte 20: N42 54.744 W075 21.138 M60A3 USA out SN 4078A 1391 WATERVLIET Park on the corner of 16th St and 2nd Ave: N42 43.656 W073 42.070 M60A3 USA out SN 4195A 1392 WAVERLY American Legion Post 492, Rte 17C: N42 00.043 W076 32.615 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61059, RN 30114081 WAYLAND American Legion Post 402, 102 N Main St: M60A3 USA


SN 4231A 1393


Forestry service configuration. Don Moriarty’s The History of the Ontos. AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1390 “Carol Ann”, SN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1391 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1392 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1393 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1389


WEST POINT U.S. Military Academy: N41 22.370 W073 58.815 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out West Point Museum: M1917



WHEATFIELD Wheatfield Highway Dept: N43 05.531 W078 53.401 M60A3 USA out WHITNEY POINT US Hwy 11: N42 20.057 W075 58.297 M60A3 USA

SN 60009, RN 3031872 1394





“Thunderbolt VII” 37mm gun-armed turret. Owned by M.C. Bradley Military Rental Studios of Hollywood, California from 1922 to 1967, according to Hayes Otoupalik(2/2007). 1396 Identified by mastodon60 at Panoramio 1395



BREVARD private collection: XM734



BUTNER NCANG Armory: N36 07.817 W078 45.324 M110A2 USA



Range control, 539 Roberts Chapel Rd: N36 10.954 W078 47.629 M110A2 USA out Range, off Old Headquarters Rd: N36 11.163 W078 47.499 M110A2 USA out CAMP LEJEUNE 2nd Tank Battalion Headquarters (Building 407): M103 USA M48 Patton USA M60A1 RISE/Passive USA

out out out

Amphibian Base Equipment Display and Enemy Equipment Display, NC 172: BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out LVTP5A1 USA out Courthouse Bay, off NC 172: LVT4 LVTP5A1 LVTPX12


out out out

Historical Gun Park, N Street: M110A2



CAMP MACKALL at the range: N35 01.110 W079 27.570 BMP-1 USA BRDM-2 USA T-72 USA

wre wre wre

1398 1399

SN X12BT7489


Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 09/2015 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board 03/2011 1399 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2011 1398


Intersection of 17th ABN Div Rd and Operation Varsity Rd: N35 00.870 W079 28.589 M60 USA out SN 2086 1400 CHARLOTTE Carolinas Aviation Museum, 4108 Airport Dr: N35 13.525 W080 56.027 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 1447 CHEROKEE Cherokee War Memorial Park, Sequya Rd: N35 29.020 W083 19.117 M60A3 USA out SN 1849, RN JJ068A1401 FAISON Undefined: M56 Scorpion



FAYETEVILLE Airborne & Special Operations Museum, 100 Bragg Blvd: N35 03.353 W078 53.147 M551A1 Sheridan USA ind Cumberland County: M60




NC ARNG armory 345 E mountain dr: N35 00.748 W078 53.263 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 1934 1403 M60A0 USA out SN 1787 FORT BRAGG 3-27 Field Artillery, Ardennes St: M44



82nd Airborne Division War Memorial Museum, Bldg C-6841, Ardennes Street: N35 07.810 W079 01.369 M551A1 Sheridan USA out M56 Scorpion USA out 2719 Ardennes Rd: N35 07.571 W079 00.119 M42 Duster USA MIM 72 Chaparral launcher USA M163 USA

out out out


Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2011 SN & RN identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2008). 1402 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1403 Identified by C. Sherman 1401


GASTONIA VFW Post 9337, 3250 W Franklin Blvd: N35 15.518 W081 14.579 1404 M114 USA out HOFFMAN Camp McKall, front gate Maultsby Rd: N35 02.386 W079 28.387 M60A0 USA out Target range: BMP-1 M60A0


wre wre

JACKSONVILLE Museum of the Marine: LAV-25 M50A1 Ontos


ind out

1405 1406

KURE ISLAND North Carolina Military History Museum: N33 58.897 W077 55.108 M110A2 USA out M60A0 USA out M901 USA out T-55 USA out SN V05GT8314 LIBERTY American Legion Post 81, 604 S Greensboro St: N35 50.651 W079 33.980 M37 USA out RN 401979681407 MOUNT AIRY Veterans War Memorial Park, 691 W Lebanon St: N36 30.973 W080 37.016 M47 Patton USA out SN 6753 1408 PARKTON C/1-120 Infantry, NC ARNG Armory, 439 N Washington St: N34 54.526 W079 00.724 M60A3 USA out SN 3992M, RN JJ00J21409 PINE LEVEL VFW Post 9564: N35 30.926 W078 15.011 M110A2 USA


SN BMY1217 1410


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Former USMC Museum of the Carolinas 1406 Hull only 1407 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1408 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1409 MAD rebuild 1405


ROCKINGHAM VFW Post 4203, 106 Old River Rd: N34 56.132 W079 46.712 M60A3 USA out

SN 3990M, RN JJ01YJ 1411

SANFORD American Legion Post 382, 305 Legion Dr: N35 27.939 W079 12.210 M7B2 Priest USA out STEDMAN VFW Post 9925, 2105 Wade-Stedman Rd: N35 03.717 W078 41.691 M110A2 USA out SN BMY463 1412 STUMPY POINT Dare County Bombing Range, off Navy Shell Rd: N35 44.594 W075 47.698 LVTP5 USA out THOMASVILLE Private owner: M29C Weasel



WILMINGTON Strickland’s Surplus: M114




WINSTON-SALEM Private collection: M50A1 Ontos




YADKINVILLE Yadkin County Park, 6600 Service Rd: N36 06.954 W080 38.127 M110A2 USA out


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). MAD rebuild. SN and Rn by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010 1412 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1413 Training vehicle? 1414 For sale at milweb (13 oct 2015) 1411



ANAMOOSE VFW Post 6831, 606 1st St W: N47 52.798 W100 14.455 M42 Duster USA out ANETA Aneta Park, 4 St N: N47 40.904 W097 59.369 M42 Duster USA


SN 1376 1415


DAWSON American Legion Post 231: N46 52.047 W099 45.066 M60A3 USA out

SN 4048M, RN JJ01T91417

FORBES American Legion Post 277: N45 56.627 W098 46.874 M60A3 USA out

SN 4056M, RN JJ00XP1418

GALESBURG American Legion Post 210: N47 16.190 W097 24.482 M114 USA out

SN 419 1419

GRAND FORKS Private owner: M29C Weasel



LARIMORE Local park: N47 54.646 W097 37.442 M4A3(75) Sherman USA


SN 12558, RN 30547131420

LIDGERWOOD Memorial Park at the corner of Wiley Ave N & 2nd St N : N46 04.683 W097 09.155 M42 Duster USA out SN 1636 1421 LINTON American Legion Post 54: N46 15.753 W100 13.813 M48A5 Patton USA out

SN A10617, RN JA00UR1422


Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 Rhino Q, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1417 MAD rbld. RN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1418 MAD rbld. RN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1419 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1420 SN and Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1421 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1416


LISBON North Dakota Veterans Home, 1400 Rose St: N46 25.744 W097 40.720 M47 Patton USA out SN 1121 1423 MADDOCK American Legion Post 123: N47 57.686 W099 32.039 M114A1 USA out


MANVEL American Legion Post 299, Main St & Manvel St?: N48 04.514 W097 10.618 1425 M42A1 Duster USA out McVILLE McVille Dam, Hwy 15: N47 45.650 W098 10.030 M114 USA


SN 1134 1426

NAPOLEON American Legion Post 72, 69 Broadway?: N46 29.806 W099 46.087 M60A3 USA out SN 2882A, RN JJ04X11427 NEW ROCKFORD American Legion Post 30, 824 Central Ave: N47 40.965 W099 07.516 M47 Patton USA out SN 3454, RN 75371631428 NEW TOWN American Legion Post 290, 290 Main St : N47 58.829 W102 29.250 M114 USA out SN 355 1429 M60A3 USA out SN 2868A, RN JJ04WM1430 PARK RIVER Local park: N48 23.871 W097 45.346 M60A3 USA


SN 2908A RN JJ04XT1431

REGENT American Legion Post 273, Main St: N46 25.234 W102 33.482 M60A3 USA out SN 2771A, RN JJ04T8 1432 1422

Registration and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1424 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1425 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1426 SN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1427 AAD rebuild. SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1428 SN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1429 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1430 AD rebuild. RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1431 AAD rebuild. Registration and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1423


SHEYENNE VFW Post 3696, 303 3rd St S: N47 49.524 W099 06.912 M42 Duster USA out

SN 1635, RN F76652971433

WISHEK at the corner of 13 St S & First Ave S : N46 15.476 W099 32.894 M114A1 USA out SN 366 1434


AAD rebuild. Registration and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 Coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1434 Location and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 10/2008 1433



AKRON Sam Winer Motors, 3417 E Waterloo Rd: N41 01.597 W081 24.429 1435 M32B1 USA wre 1436 M4 High Speed Tractor USA out M4A3E9 Sherman USA out SN 12298, RN 3054453 1437 M5 Stuart USA wre SN 2295 1438 M8 High Speed Tractor USA std M8 High Speed Tractor USA wre BEALLSVILLE American Legion Post 768, 52561 Broad St: N39 51.223 W081 03.434 M60A3 USA out SN 2487A 1439 BEDFORD Bedford Historical Society Town Hall Building, 30 S Park Ave: N41 23.385 W081 32.061 M5 Stuart USA out SN 631 1440 BELLEVUE VFW Post 1238: N41 16.045 W081 48.669 M42A1 Duster USA


BLANCHESTER At the cemetery on West Main st. : N39 17.477 W083 59.704 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out BOWLING GREEN private collection (Tom Price): LVT4


SN 2011 1441

SN 12084, RN 30542391442


BURTON Geauga County Fairgrounds, 14373 N Cheshire St: N41 28.614 W081 08.595 M42 Duster USA out


Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board 06/2009 Several in the yard. Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board 06/2009 1437 Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board 06/2009 1438 Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 4/2003). SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1439 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1440 SN from Kurt Laughlin (G103, 7/2004). 1441 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1442 Identified by Mark Haines, coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2009 1436


CANTON Ohio Army National Guard Armory: N40 55.650 W081 26.850 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out CELINA American Legion Post 210, 2510 State Rte 703: N40 32.736 W084 32.185 M3A3 Stuart USA out SN 10534 1443 CHILLICOTHE Forrest E. Everhart Memorial Golf Course: N39 23.317 W083 00.993 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11605, RN 30537061444 Camp Sherman, Narrows Rd: N39 21.442 W082 57.861 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out M106 USA out

SN 11790, RN 3053945 1445

Unioto High School: N39 21.919 W083 00.824 M60A3 USA


SN 2204A, RN JJ04B31446

CINCINATTI Green Township: N39 11.136 W084 39.112 M60A3 USA


SN 2470A, RN JJ04JX1447

CIRCLEVILLE American Legion Post, 23363 US Hwy 23 S : N39 35.398 W082 57.272 M32B3 USA out SN 5601448 CLARKSBURG Guy Zurmehly Jr Memorial Park: N39 30.397 W083 08.994 M60A3 USA out CLEVELAND Gary's Bunker: M29 Weasel


SN 838, RN JJ03QB1449



Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 5/2003). Formerly at Amvets Post #68 at 3535 Westerville Road, Colombus OH. Location By Chris_C, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2016 1445 formerly displayed in Ashtabula, OH. 1446 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1447 AAD rebuild. SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1448 Converted by Pressed Steel Car in August 1944 from SN 11903, RN 3054058 a Ford build M4A3 in March 1943. 1449 RN and coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010. RN by Paul & Loren Hannah Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1444


Ohio Vietnam Veterans Memorial park: M60A3 USA


SN 2801A 1450

CLYDE VFW Post 847 W Maple St: N41 17.806 W082 59.592 M4A3E9 Sherman USA out

SN 12723, RN 30548781451

COLUMBUS Defense Supply Center Columbus: N39 58.781 W082 53.415 M60A3 USA out

SN 2296A 1452

Private owner: M3A3 Stuart

SN 9748 1453



CORWIN Miami Cemetery, 6379 Corwin Ave: N39 31.395 W084 04.443 M60A3 USA out


COSHOCTON Amvets Post 36, 986 Otsego Avenue: N40 15.529 W081 51.315 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2765, RN 3055725 1455 DAYTON U.S. Air Force Museum, 1100 Spaatz St, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: M2 Cletrac High-Speed Tractor USA ind XM706E2 V-100 Commando USA ind DEERFIELD American Legion Post 713, 1357 State Rte 14: N41 01.809 W081 03.351 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 1673 or 1686 1456 DELPHOS American Legion Post 268, 413 N State Rd: M5A1 Stuart USA


DUNKIRK Local park, Pioneer Street: N40 47.562 W083 38.463 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 3122

SN 2993, RN 30559531457


AAD rebuild. Formerly at VFW Post 3360, 201 Clinton Street, Defiance, OH (Don Barker) SN from Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004), RN by Pierre-Olivier Buan. 1452 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1453 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1454 “Conquistador” 1455 Has a direct vision hull. SN by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2012 1456 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). The TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) claims it has SN 2397. 1457 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1451


EATON outside of Fort St. Clair Park: N39 44.472 W084 39.086 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out EDISON Junkyard: M42 Duster M578 M60A1


SN 12465, RN 30546201458

wre wre wre

ELYRIA American Veterans Post 32, 11087 Middle Ave: N41 19.688 W082 06.354 M60A3 USA out SN 4353A, RN 9B68041459 VFW Post 1079, 500 South Abbe Rd: N41 22.161 W082 04.659 M114 USA out EUCLID Veterans Memorial Monument, 222nd St: N41 35.903 W081 31.574 M103A2 USA out SN 217, RN 233037 FAIRFIELD Ohio National Guard Armory, 3000 Symmes Rd: N41 35.903 W081 31.574 M1 Abrams USA out SN D1050, RN JZ01NJ GALION American Veterans Post 1979, 420 Harding Way E: N40 44.034 W082 47.024 M60A3 USA out SN 2803A 1460 GIBSONBURG Undefined: N41 23.273 W083 19.103 M42 Duster USA


RN 12C3531461

GROVEPORT Motts Military Museum, 5075 South Hamilton Rd: N39 51.540 W082 53.232 LVTH6 USA out RN 1055981462 M110A2 USA out M114 USA out RN 13C4891463 1458

Identified by Rick Francis (G104, 3/2005).SN by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2009 RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2014 1460 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1461 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1462 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1459


M42A1 Duster M47 Patton turret trainer M551 Sheridan XM706E2 V-100 Commando


out ind out out

SN 658 1464 1465

SN 1193 1466 1467

HARROD Harrod Veterans Memorial Park: N40 42.559 W083 55.231 M60A3 USA out

SN 2451A 1468

HIGHLAND HILLS Woods-King Armory: N41 26.773 W081 30.956 M4A3(75) Sherman USA


SN 12479, RN 30546341469

HOLLAND Memorial Park, 101 E Lincoln Hwy: M42 Duster



HOLMESVILLE American Legion Post 551, 9150 State Rte 83: N40 39.909 W081 56.618 M5A1 Stuart USA out SN 3131? JEROMESVILLE American Legion Post 749, 30 N Huron: N40 48.302 W082 11.873 M47 Patton USA out SN 5491 1470 KINGSTON Fort Economy Sam Werner Museum, 6587 St Rte 180: N39 26.374 W082 50.140 M3A1 Stuart USA ind M4 HST USA ind M114 USA ind LIMA Allen County Museum, 620 W Market St: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA



LOGAN 1463

Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1465 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1466 Missing gun, fake barrel. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1467 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1468 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1469 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2012. Formerly located at the former Ohio Army National Guard Armory in Barberton. 1470 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1471 Dedicated on 18 October 2007. 1464


American Veterans Post 1776, 649 Radio Ln: M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2387 1472 LORAIN Ohio ARNG Armory, 3520 Grove Ave: N41 26.316 W082 07.203 M59 USA out LUDLOW FALLS VFW Post 6557, 7578 Fenner Rd: N40 01.196 W084 20.698 M60A0 USA out

SN 573 1473

MADISON American Legion Post 112, 6671 Middle Ridge Rd: N41 47.395 W081 02.967 M60A3 USA out SN 4362A, RN 9B91881474 MALVERN Park, W Canal St: N40 41.456 W081 11.159 M114 USA


SN 48 1475

MARIETTA American Legion Post 64, 8th & Wooster: N39 25.405 W081 27.006 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 1810 1476 McCONNELSVILLE OHANG Armory; Hawk Dr & N Monastery Rd: N39 40.166 W081 50.112 M42 Duster USA out SN 1689/1677, RN 12H268 MIDDLETOWN DAV Post 131, 4610 Trenton Franklin Rd: N39 30.471 W084 25.513 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11826, RN 30539811477 MILFORD VFW Post 6562, 1596 State Rte 131: N39 10.651 W084 11.769 M60A3 USA out SN 2202A 1478 MINERVA Minerva Veterans Memorial Park, 106 East Plain Street: N40 43.639 W081 06.139 M3A3 Stuart USA out SN 13277 1479


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1474 AAD rebuild. Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1475 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1476 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2012. 1477 Coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 01/06/2009 1478 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1479 From Donald Shafer, G103Location and coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board 03/2014 1473


MOSCOW Park, Broadway St & 2nd St: N38 51.356 W084 13.886 M60A3 USA out

SN 4324A, RN 9A118701480

NEWTON FALLS American Legion Post 236, 2025 E River Rd?: M42A1 Duster USA

SN 5289? 1481


Ohio ARNG Armory, 1440 State Route 534 SW: N41 12.339 W080 58.632 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11948, RN 30541031482 NORTHFIELD VFW Post 6768, 8584 Olde Eight Rd: N41 17.770 W081 31.483 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 537, RN 402283821483 NORWALK Firelands Museum of Military History, 202 Citizens Bank Bldg: 1484 Ferret Mk VII GBR out M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2290 M60A1/A3 USA out SN 8045 T16 Carrier USA out NORWOOD Victory Park, Montgomery Rd (Rte 3): N39 09.524 W084 27.462 M60A3 USA out SN 2454A 1485 OREGON American Legion Post 537, 4925 Pickle Rd: N41 37.853 W083 25.748 M42 Duster USA out SN 254 or 259, RN 402286081486 PARMA HEIGHTS American Legion Post 703, 7667 York Rd: N41 21.493 W081 45.576 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11730, RN 30538851487 PORT CLINTON Armory Park, Monroe St: N41 30.748 W082 56.580 1480

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 11/2007). 1482 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1483 SN & RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 11/2007). 1484 SNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1485 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1486 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1487 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1481


M42A1 Duster



SN 952 1488

Camp Perry Military Reservation, Bldg 1, 1000 Lawrence Rd: N41 32.551 W083 01.201 M1 Abrams USA out SN 467 1489 M113 USA ind SN SJ217, Painted RN 12E6691490 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 224, Painted RN 12C1311491 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11676, RN 30538311492 M551 Sheridan USA out RN 12C95861493 In front of the PX, Lawrence Rd: N41 32.626 W083 01.163 M5A1 Stuart USA out REINERSVILLE Army Surplus Store: T-54



SN 2121, RN 30455551494


REYNOLDSBURG VFW Post 9473, Broadwyn Dr & Southwood Ave : N39 57.397 W082 47.640 M47 Patton USA out RITTMAN American Legion Post 423, 423 E Sunset Dr: N40 58.881 W081 46.494 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12454, RN 30546091496 SAINT MARY’S American Legion Post 323, 2880 Celina Rd: N40 32.985 W084 26.150 M60A3 USA out SN 2532A, RN JJ04LR1497 SAINT PARIS private collection: M41 Walker Bulldog




SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SNs & RNs identified by Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004; e-mail 4/2007; and AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 1490 SNs & RNs identified by Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004; e-mail 4/2007; and AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 1491 SN & RNs identified by Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004; e-mail 4/2007; and AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 1492 SN from Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004). 1493 SNs & RNs identified by Kurt Laughlin (G104, 8/2004; e-mail 4/2007; and AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008). 1494 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1495 In poor condition 1496 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1497 SN confirmed and RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2008) 1489


SANDUSKY American Legion Post 83, 3615 S Hayes Ave: N41 24.922 W082 43.417 M5 Stuart USA out SN 3459 1498 Ohio Veterans Home, 3416 Columbus Ave: N41 25.307 W082 40.717 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12699, RN 30548541499 SIDNEY VFW Post 4239, 2841 Wapakoneta Ave.: N40 19.271 W084 09.782 M60A3 USA out SN 4311A 1500 STEUBENVILLE County of Jefferson: M110A2 M60A3


out out

1025 1501 SN 2807 1502

STOW 1-107 Armor, Ohio ARNG Armory, 4639 Allen Rd: N41 11.624 W081 28.395 M114 USA out M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2930, RN 30558901503 SYLVANIA Veterans Memorial Park: N41 43.435 W083 42.527 M42A1 Duster USA out TIFFIN American Veterans Post 48, 1901 S State Rte 100: N41 05.775 W083 09.826 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2385 1504 TROY VFW Post 5436, 2220 Lefevre Rd : N40 02.164 W084 09.786 M60A0 USA out

SN 20 1505

WALBRIDGE Ohio ARNG Armory, 28846 Tracy Rd: N41 34.116 W083 31.654 1498

Formerly located at American Legion Post 178 in Van Wert, Ohio. Identified by Kurt Laughlin (G103, 8/2004). 1499 “Billy Boys” 1500 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1501 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1502 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1503 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1504 Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2012 1505 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


M4A3E9 Sherman



SN 12458, RN 3054613

WAUSEON American Legion Post 265, 1105 N Shoop Ave: N41 33.680 W084 08.075 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2065 1506 WEST JEFFERSON American Legion Post 201, 9701 W Broad St: N39 56.666 W083 15.426 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12638, RN 30547931507 WEST SALEM Intersection of S Main St and Market St: N40 58.167 W082 06.557 M114 USA out SN 515 WHEELERSBURG Airport: N38 50.378 W082 50.992 BMP-2




WINDHAM American Legion Post, 9960 E Center St: N41 14.094 W081 01.883 M4A3E9 Sherman USA out SN 12007, RN 30541621509


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1508 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1509 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1507



ALTUS VFW Post 4876, 500 North Veterans Dr: N34 38.533 W099 17.909 1510 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out AMES American Legion Post 340, Main St N36 14.753 W098 11.186: M110A2 USA out SN BMY234 1511 ARDMORE Ardmore Veterans Center, 1015 S. Commerce: N34 09.650 W097 08.650 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1147 1512 M110A2 USA out SN PCF47 1513 1514 M59 USA out ATOKA Undefined: M110A2



SN BMY509 1515

BARNSDALE American Legion Post 227, 416 W Main St: N36 33.693 W096 09.800 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1136 1516 BARTLESVILLE American Legion Post 105, 501 NE Washington Blvd: N36 45.815 W095 56.158 1517 M114 USA out BOISE CITY VFW Post 7092: N36 44.073 W102 29.983 M110A2 USA




An M110A2 (SN BMY496) is identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) at this location, but is not present according to BB-61 (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2010). 1511 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1512 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1513 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1514 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1515 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1516 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1517 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1518 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


BRISTOW VFW Post 3656, City Park and Wake Island Veteran Memorial: N35 49.711 W096 24.326 M103 USA out SN 719 1519 M114 USA out BROKEN ARROW National Guard, 26401 E 101st St N36 01.192 W095 41.026: M60A1/A3 USA out CALVIN Memorial park: N34 57.902 W096 15.324 M60A3 USA


CARMEN City Park, 3rd St & Cherry St: N36 34.472 W098 27.422 M110A2 USA out

SN 2023A 1520

SN BMY618 1521

CLAREMORE Disabled American Veterans Post 44, 801 W Dupont St: N36 18.653 W095 37.240 M110A2 USA out SN B(MY?)854 1522 JM Davis Arms and Historical Museum, 333 N Lynn Riggs Blvd N36 18.875 W095 36.908: M41 Walker Bulldog USA out RN 73872421523 CLINTON VFW Post 4465, 911 E Gary Blvd N35 30.957 W098 56.762: M110A2 USA out

SN BMY772 1524

COALGATE City Park near Industrial Blvd & OK-3N: N34 31.246 W096 13.131 M110 USA out SN BMY482 1525 COWETA Cemetery N35 56.800 W095 38.181: M110A2 USA


SN BMY783 1526


Identified Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2014 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1521 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1522 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1523 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1524 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1525 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1526 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1520


CUSHING VFW Post 1118, 6600 East Highway 33 N35 59.203 W096 40.103: M110A2 USA out SN 6464 1527 DURANT Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, 16th & Locust: M110A2 USA M113A2 USA M60A3 USA

out out out

SN BMY1211 SN C3729MAA SN 2018A 1528

EL RENO American Legion Post #34, 2101 Sunset Dr: N35 32.161 W097 58.754 M110A2 USA out SN 6155 1529 VFW Post 382, 1515 S Rock Island Ave: N35 30.834 W097 56.862 1530 M114 USA out FORT SILL Army Air Defense Artillery Museum: N34 40.564 W098 24.697 Autocannone da 90/53 ITA ind M4 HST USA ind M6 Bradley Linebaker USA ind M15A1 Half Track USA ind M15A1 Half Track USA ind M15A1 Half Track USA ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA ind M16A2 Half-Track GMC USA ind M19 USA ind M20 USA std M39 USA std M42 Duster USA out M42A1 Duster USA out M163 USA ind M730 Chaparral Launcher USA out

1531 1532 1533

1534 1535 1536 1537


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1529 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1530 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1531 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2013 1532 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2013 1533 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2013 1534 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2013 1535 Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 1536 Runner. Formerly at Fort Snelling Military Museum 1537 Runner. Formerly at Fort Snelling Military Museum 1528


T249 Vigilante Type 63 XM247 Sergeant York XM546 Guided Missile Carrier


std std std out

1538 1539 1540 1541

Field Artillery Museum, Randolph Rd: N34 39.943 W098 23.122 1542 10.5 CM LeFH 18 (sf) FRA out 2S1 Gvozdika SOV out 2S3 Akatsiya SOV out 1543 GPF 194 FRA out 1544 Heuschrecke IVb Grasshopper DEU out M2 Bradley USA out M107 USA out Painted RN 12Z3911545 M109 USA out M109A6 Paladin USA out M110A2 USA out M12 GMC USA ind SN 35, RN 40555241546 1547 M1922E Mk X GMC USA ind M270 MLRS USA out M37 Priest USA out M40 GMC USA out 1548 M43 USA out M44 USA out M474 Pershing Launcher USA out M52A1 USA out M56 Scorpion USA out M5A1 High Speed Tractor USA ind M7 Priest USA ind SN 2843 1549 M7 Priest USA std SN 2623 1550 1538

Only prototype built, formerly at Aberdeen Proving Grounds Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Recovered from Vietnam. Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 1540 Formerly at Fort Bliss, Texas 1541 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv discussion Board, 07/2013 1542 Formerly at US Army Ordnance Museum Aberdeen, Maryland. auf GW Lorraine Schl. (f). Captured at El Alamein. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 73. 1543 Only surviving example. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Captured at a German vehicle depot and was transported to APG in 1946,” according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD. A variant with a 280mm mortar on the same chassis was recently uncovered in Hanover, Germany and is now in the hands of the Dresden Military History Museum. 1544 Only surv. Prototype. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Found at a German Army Proving Ground at Hillerslieben from where it was transported to Aberdeen (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). See also Achtung Panzer! 1545 Proud American. Barrel formerly located at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. 1546 Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). Only surviving M12 GMC, formerly at APG Maryland 1547 “Slo Poke”, Only one built, formerly at APG Maryland 1548 1 of 3 known survivors, formerly at the 1st Cavalry Division Museum, Fort Hood TX. 1549 Build by ALCO in March 1944 1539


M74 M548 M752 M981 Munitionspanzer 38(t) Ausf M PzH 18/1 Hummel Semovente da 149/40 su M.14 Semovente da 90/53 su M.41 sIG 33/1 Grille StuH 42 StuPz IV Brummbar Type 1 (Type 97) Ho-Ni T101 Scorpion T162 GMC T195E1 SPH T92 HMC T97 GMC XM 108 SPH XM104 SPH XM2001 Crusader SPH XM2002 Crusader RSV


out out out out out std out out out out out out out out out std std out out out out

SN 43 1551


SN 320643 1553 SN 28910, RN 40621711554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559

SN 3 1560 SN 1 1561 1562

SN4? RN 12T4331563 1564 1565


Build by ALCO in June, 1943. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground Identified by Dustin Roderigas (3/2007). 1552 Formerly at Fort Knox, KY. This vehicle is one of the original vehicles which became the Patton Museum in 1948 (Dontos, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010). 1553 Formerly at the Ordnance Museum, Fort Benning and before that at the Patton Museum, Fort Knox, Kentucky 1554 Recovered from Tunisia. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 125. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 1555 Believed captured from Italian forces in North Africa, Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 1556 Recovered from Italy. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 111. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 1557 Missing muzzle brake. Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Also features “additional appliqué armor.” Recovered from ETO (Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 79). 1558 Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 1559 Captured either on Luzon in the Philippines or on Okinawa, according to conflicting sources. According to Andrei M. Tomczyk, Japanese Armor, Volume 5 (Gdansk, Poland: AJ Press, 2006), p 4 (and supported by Preserved Japanese Tanks, p 27), the Ho-Ni served with the “2nd Company, 2nd Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, and captured by the American 37th Infantry Division near Aritao (Luzon, Philippines) on April 6, 1945.” However, Ordnance Museum records and the Ordnance Museum Guide CD claim it was captured on Okinawa from the 27th Tank Regiment. Formerly at the US Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 1560 Only survivor? claims it is the last of three built. 1561 “King Kong”, behind the fence a few years ago it was taken ‘behind the fence’ for painting. Once there, however, the T92 was dismantled, the chassis is nearly intact (Museum Ordnance, March 1994). Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 1562 M53 pilot, formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground 1563 RN from Dustin Roderigas (3/2007). 1564 SPH1 firing prototype. One of two Crusader prototypes built. Fate of SPH2 mobility prototype unknown. 1565 Re-Supply Vehicle prototype. Identified by Dustin Roderigas (3/2007). 1551


GROVE VFW Post 8380, 33450 S 620 Rd N36 31.986 W094 46.367: M42 Duster USA out

SN 5316 1566

HELENA War Memorial, Rte 45 & Rte 58: N36 32.160 W098 15.906 M110A2 USA out M60 USA out M60A0 USA out

SN PCF46 SN 1041 SN 137 1567

LAHOMA City of Lahoma - Park Association: N36 23.104 W098 05.187 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY781 1568

LAMONT American Legion Post 209: N36 41.530 W097 33.418 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY749 1569

LAWTON Local park N34 37.172 W098 23.510: M110A2 USA


SN BMY1209 1570

McLOUD American Legion Post 244, Main St: M110


SN BMY1 1571

MEDFORD Grant County Court N 36 48.492 W097 44.049: M110A2 USA


SN BMY836 1572

MIAMI VFW Post, A Street NW: M42 Duster




MUSKOGEE Muskogee War Memorial Park & Military Museum, 3500 Batfish Rd: N35 47.598 W095 18.639


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1568 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1569 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1570 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1571 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1572 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1567





SN BMY1104 1573

MUSTANG Wild Horse Park, SW 59th Street: N35 24.348 W097 43.674 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY1278 1574

NEWKIRK Lion Park: N36 53.272 W097 03.320 M60A3 USA

SN 4033A, RN 9B82491575


OKEENE VFW Post 7203, 117 W Madison N36 06.882 W098 19.092: M110A2 USA out

SN BMY1178 1576

OKEMAH 289 S 2nd St, N35 25.755 W096 18.141: M110A2 USA

SN BMY347 1577


OKLAHOMA CITY 45th Infantry Division Museum, 2145 NE 36th St: N35 30.494 W097 28.418 M103A2 USA out 1578 M110A2 USA out M114 USA out M42 Duster USA out M44 USA out M47 Patton USA out M48A5 Patton USA out 1579 M4A1 Half-Track USA out M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out SN 68031, RN 30126010 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12449, RN 3054604 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out M51 ARV USA out M56 Scorpion USA out M60A1 USA out 1573

Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1575 Former M60A1 SN 4018. GEN 2 hull with large escape hatch and late casting A1 turret. Someone had stenciled a bogus USMC registration number (579008)on the side. This tank was a former National Guard vehicle before retirement and had all the usual late model Anniston features to include the M68A1 105mm gun and forward thermal shroud as initially used on the M1. Also had modified torsion bar anchor plugs fitted with grease zerks. Typical late MWO done at MATE sites (Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 02/2015). 1576 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1577 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1578 Atomic Dog 1579 Mortar carrier 1574


M8 HMC M84 M270 MLRS


out out out

Painted RN 40517471580 Painted RN 12H774 1 of 5 on display in United States

Disabled American Veterans Post 29, 5300 NW 23rd St: N35 29.589 W097 36.689 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1150 1581 Oklahoma machine guns: N35 32.690 W097 30.767 CVR(T) Sabre USA std PAULS VALLEY Donald W. Reynolds Recreation Center N34 44.811 W097 13.832: M110A2 USA out SN BMY1278 1582 VFW Post 4576 M110A2



SN BMY350 1583

PAWHUSKA Memorial park Lynn Ave N36 39.716 W096 19.892 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY1036 1584

RAMONA American Legion Post 334 N36 31.790 W095 55.158: M110A2 USA out

SN BMY1177 1585

ROLAND War Memorial Park N 35 24.900 W 094 30.897: M48 Patton USA M60A3 USA

SN 4061M 1586

out out

SAPULPA VFW Post 1320, 2400 W Dewey St: N35 59.601 W096 08.223 M110A2 USA out

SN FMC252 1587

SAYRE Shortgrass Country Museum Historical Society, 101 E Poplar Ave: 1588 M60 USA out 1580

1 of 5 in US. RN from André Flener (G103, 12/2003). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1582 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1583 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1584 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1585 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1586 MAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1587 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1588 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1581


SEILING VFW Post 9524: N36 08.880 W098 55.457 M110A2 USA


SN 7746 1589

SHAWNEE American Legion Post 16, 522 Saratoga St: N35 21.121 W096 55.867 M110A2 USA out SN 8087 1590 STUART Stuart hotel town hall, 894 Roosevelt Ave: N34 54.190 W096 05.939 M110A2 USA out SN PCF89 1591 SULPHUR Sulphur Veterans Center, 200 E Fairlane: N34 29.669 W096 57.767 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1208 1592 TALAHINA Kiamichi Valley War Memorial: N34 45.409 W095 02.224 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY622 1593

Talihina Veterans Center, Hwy 63A: N34 46.024 W095 04.751 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1006 1594 TISHOMINGO Johnson County War Veterans Center: N34 14.089 W096 40.946 M110A2 USA out SN BMY83 1595 TULSA Khaki Corps Imports, 2676 E 60th St N: Ferret Mk 1 USA Ferret Mk1/2 USA Fox USA FV432 USA FV432 USA

std std std std std

1596 1597


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). “Ace of Spade”; SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1591 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1592 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1593 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1594 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1595 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1596 Mk I 1597 Mk I 1590


FV432 Humber Pig


out std

TUTTLE American Legion Post 176, E Main St: N35 17.462 W097 48.708 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1149 1598 WAGONER National Guard Armory, E Cherokee St N 35° 57.581 W 095° 22.267: M110A2 USA out SN BMY720 1599

1598 1599

Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).



CLACKAMAS Oregon Military Museum, Camp Withycombe: N45 24.765 W122 33.583 M113A2 USA std M114 USA ind RN T27662 M114 USA ind RN 12AK12 M20 USA ind Painted RN 601125321600 M3A1 Half-Track USA ind M3A1 Half-Track USA ind M3A1 Scout Car USA ind M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M42 Duster USA ind M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12560, RN 30547151601 M60A1 USA out M60A3 USA out M60A3(TTS) USA ind SN 3073A, RN JJ00D9 / JJ052N?1602 M7B1 Priest USA out RN 3031225 1603 Type 95 Ha-Go JPN ind Type 95 Ha-Go JPN wre ESTACADA Private owner: M20



McMINVILLE Evergreen Aviation Museum, 500 NE Captain Michael King Smith Way: N45 12.257 W123 08.716 M2 Cletrac High-Speed Tractor USA ind OT-810 CSK ind PSZH-IV HUN out PSZH-IV HUN out PT-76 SOV out T-34/85 SOV out T-34/85 USA out T-54 Tiran 4 SOV/ISR out


Gary SN from the Sherman Register. 1602 SN / RN (both stamped into the glacis) identified by Alf Adams (8/2007). 1603 One of two Type 95s which were recovered from a US Navy aircraft desert bombing run in Nevada. This one was in the best condition so it was planned to be reconstructed by using parts cannibalized’ from the other, Preserved Japanese Tanks, 7. Has been restored to running condition 1601


OREGON CITY Private owner: M3? Half-Track



PORTLAND Jason Ball Collection: LVT-4 M29C Weasel M76 Otter M76 Otter M116 Husky


std std std std std

Private owner: Cadillac Gage Scout V-100 Commando


std std

Private owners: Abbot Ferret Ferret Ferret Fox M113 M2/M3? Half-Track M2/M3? Half-Track M2/M3? Half-Track M2/M3? Half-Track M20 M3A1 Scout Car M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M75 Saracen T-34


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

REDMOND G-82 Cavalry, OR ARNG Armory, 822 W Highland Ave: N44 16.164 W121 10.602 M60A3 USA out Painted RN JJ052K SALEM Private owner: M75





Identified by Steve (M75APC, 8/2006).


VERNONIA Pihl Logging, 1984 N Mist Dr: M4 Sherman M4 Sherman


std std

1605 1606

WARRENTON Camp Rilea Armed Forces Training Center, Oregon St & Patriot’s Way: N46 07.363 W123 56.064 M42 Duster USA std M60A3 USA std M114 USA std WILSONVILLE Steve Greenberg collection: M3A1 Stuart

1605 1606



SN 10103

Sherman undercarriage & suspension Sherman undercarriage & suspension



ANTES FORT Town of Nippenose: N41 11.567 W077 13.595 M114A2 USA



AVIS Avis Veterans Park,E Central Ave: N41 11.202 W077 18.311 M60A3 USA out

SN 3076A 1608

BATH American Legion Post 470, 278 Race St (Rte 987): N40 43.430 W075 23.741 M60A1/A3 USA out SN 3047A 1609 BEECH CREEK American Legion Post 623, Wynn Ave: N41 04.432 W077 34.719 M46 Patton USA out BENSON American Legion Post 802, 883 Penn Ave: N40 11.775 W078 56.894 M60A3 USA out SN 3035A 1610 BERLIN American Legion Post 445, 419 Meadow Street : N39 55.296 W078 57.348 M60A3 USA out SN 3039A 1611 BERWICK VFW Post 821, 1408 W Front St: N41 02.882 W076 15.385 M60A3 USA out Stuart Tank Memorial, Vine St M3A1 Stuart



BLOOMSBURG Bloomsburg Fair Grounds: N40 59.679 W076 27.980 M60A3 USA out

SN 3318A, RN JJ01HG1612


SN 2883A, RN JJO4X2 1614


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1609 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1610 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1611 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1612 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1613 Comes from the UK. 1614 AAD rebuild. SN & RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2013 1608


BOALSBURG Pennsylvania Military Museum, South Atherton Street (Business Rte 322): N40 46.862 W077 47.686 1615 M1917 USA std M3 GMC USA std RN 40502161616 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2865, Painted RN 12H1761617 1618 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out M59 USA out RN? 3D0167761619 M60A3 USA out SN SN 3032A, RN JJ051F1620 BROCKWAY American Legion Post 95, 1109 Pershing Ave: N41 14.948 W078 47.829 M60A3 USA out SN 2867A 1621 CARBONDALE Intersection of Rte 171 & Reservoir St: N41 35.607 W075 29.032 M60A3 USA out SN 4155A 1622 CARLISLE Army Heritage & Education Center, 950 Soldiers Dr: N40 12.202 W077 09.472 1623 FT-17 FRA ind M1 Abrams USA out SN 1599 1624 M109A5 USA out SN 6689 1625 1626 M18 Hellcat USA out 1627 M42A1 Duster USA out M46 Patton USA out RN 301631461628 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 11473, RN 3053628 M60A1 RISE USA out SN6241, RN 09A051721629 1630 M7 Bradley FIST USA out 1615

Undergoing restoration. Only M1917 with the first pattern US machine gun turret intact, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 1616 Undergoing restoration. Vehicle confirmed by Joe DeMarco (8/2006). 1617 Vehicle confirmed by Joe DeMarco (8/2006). SNs & RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry. 1618 “Abigail”. Vehicle confirmed by Joe DeMarco (8/2006). SNs & RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry. 1619 Vehicle confirmed by Joe DeMarco (8/2006). SNs & RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry. 1620 AAD rebuild. Vehicle confirmed by Joe DeMarco (8/2006). SNs & RNs identified by the TACOM Central Registry. 1621 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1622 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1623 Formerly inside the Patton Museum, Kentucky 1624 Missing 1625 Identified by Rick and Barbara Eshleman 1626 Sold by Frank Buck, not Donated. Vehicle was fully restored prior to sale with a new engine but the USAHEC placed it outside and the interior has deteriorated badly over 10+ years. 1627 Identified by Rick and Barbara Eshleman 1628 Identified by Rick and Barbara Eshleman, formerly at Fort Leonard Wood, MO 1629 Formerly at Brave Rifles Reg Ave & Wilson Rd, Fort Knox KY. 1630 Identified by Rick and Barbara Eshleman


Private collection Leopard 1A5BE


RN 54725 1631


SN 2827A 1632

CATAWISSA VFW Post 3806, 115 Main St: N40 57.213 W076 27.859 M60A3 USA out

SN 3807A 1633


CARROLLTOWN American Legion Park: N40 36.683 W078 42.562 M60A3 USA

CECIL American Legion Post, 3323 Millers Run Rd: N40 19.409 W080 11.831 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 62999, RN 301160211634 CENTRAL CITY Local park, Chestnut St: N40 06.521 W078 48.482 M60A3 USA out CHAMBERSBURG Letterkenny Army Depot: N40 00.079 W077 38.021 M109A3 USA out M2 Bradley USA out M42 Duster USA out M52 USA out M55 USA out

SN 3048A, RN JJ051X1635

1636 1637 1638 1639 1640

Pennsylvania ARNG Armory, 1010 Lincoln Way Rd: N39 56.029 W077 41.258 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61704, RN 301147261641 M706 Commando USA out


Former Belgian Leopard, for sale at EBay (nov 2016) AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1633 AAD rebuild 1634 This is one of 525 M4A3(76) VVSS manufactured by Fisher, it was remanufactured to HVSS in the 1950s. We only know 4 surviving M4A3(76) manufactured by Fisher. 1635 Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1636 Identified by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2012 1637 Identified by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board 12/2012 1638 Identified by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2012 1639 Identified by Tom Dinackus in the late 1970s (3.2008). 1 of 5 known survivors. Confirmed by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2012 1640 Identified by Tom Dinackus in the late 1970s (3.2008).Confirmed by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2012 1641 “Adam” 1632


CHINCHILLA Shady Lane Road: N41 28.462 W075 40.964 M60A3 USA


SN 2867A 1642

CHRISTIANA American Legion Post 865, 219 Newport Ave: N39 57.640 W075 59.590 M60A3 USA out SN 4020M, RN JJ00XK1643 CLAIRTON Local park: N40 18.702 W079 53.632 M41A1 Walker Bulldog USA


SN 3611 or 3614? 1644

CRESSON VFW Post 7377, 133 Penn Ave: N40 27.990 W078 35.445 M48A5 Patton USA out

SN A10848 1645

CURWENSVILLE VFW Post 842, 19 River Street: N40 58.389 W078 31.259 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out

SN 48779, RN 30813761646

DANVILLE American Legion Post 40, Northumberland St: N40 57.969 W076 37.370 M60A3 USA out SN 3018A 1647 DUNMORE Dunmore War Memorial, intersection of S Blakeley St, Cherry St, & Short St (US 11): N41 24.959 W075 38.189 M60A3 USA out EAST BERLIN VFW Post 8896, Stoner Ave: N39 56.162 W076 58.667 M60A3 USA out EAST BRADY American Legion Post 488, 975 State Rte 68: N40 59.803 W079 37.762 M60A2 USA out SN 4703, RN JK006C1648


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1644 SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1645 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1646 Low-bustle D50878 turret. Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1647 AAD rebuild. SN confirmed by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2013 1648 SN and Registration by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board,06/2009 1643


EASTON American Legion Post 9, 2260 Corriere Dr: N40 43.230 W075 15.555 M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2298 1649 ELDRED Eldred WWII Museum, 201 Main St: N41 57.503 W078 23.150 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 897 1650 ELYSBURG Ralpho Township All Home Days Association: N40 52.091 W076 32.986 M60A3 USA out SN 3058A 1651 EPHRATA American Veterans Post 136, 614 S State St: N40 10.514 W076 11.347 M60A2 USA out SN 4725 1652 ETTERS VFW Post 537, 1095 Pines Rd: N40 08.723 W076 47.380 M60A3 USA out

SN 3314A, RN JJ02OT1653

FARRELL American Legion Post 160, 613 Broadway Ave: N41 12.633 W080 30.311 M114 USA out SN 471 or 472? FORT INDIANTOWN GAP Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania Army National Guard facility, Fisher Ave & Clement Ave : N40 25.782 W076 34.324 M1 Abrams USA out M110A2 USA out M113 USA out M42 Duster USA out M46 Patton USA out SN 160 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 65944, RN 301252661654 M60A3 USA out SN 3034A 1655 M578 USA out


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). More about this vehicle at Trevor Larkum's site: 1650 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1651 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1652 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1653 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). A M46 Patton, SN 160?, was formerly located here – current status/location unknown. 1654 Built by Fisher as an M4A3(75) HVSS. It was upgraded in the 1950s to M4A3(76). 1655 SN by Richard S. Eshleman, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2012


FORT WASHINGTON American Legion Post 10, 493 S Bethlehem Pike: N40 07.875 W075 12.952 M60A1/A3 USA out FREELAND Freeland Park, Front St: N41 01.103 W075 53.619 M60A2 USA out FREEPORT Freeport Park, off PA 128: N40 40.825 W079 40.856 M7B1 Priest USA out

SN 4594 1656


FRACKVILLE John W Rich auto museum, 2 Eleanor Drive: N40 47.086 W076 11.927 M4A3(75) Sherman USA ind SN 27791658 GALETON VFW Post 6611, 221 Germania St: N41 43.611 W077 39.542 M114 USA out

SN?489, RN?109254351659

GETTYSBURG Battlefield Military Museum (George W. Marinos), 900 Baltimore Pike: N39 49.143 W077 13.590 M5 High Speed Tractor USA std Private collection: M4A2(76) HVSS Sherman M36 Jackson M4 HST


std std std

Battlin’ Bitch II Former Yougoslavian vehicle

GILBERT American Legion Post 927, 1 Fairground Rd: N40 54.950 W075 25.577 M60A3 USA out SN 3995M 1660 GOULDSBORO American Legion Post 274, 3rd & Lake St: N41 14.831 W075 27.384 M60A3 USA out SN 3024A 1661


Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1658 Converted from M4A3(75), has the M32 76mm from an M41 Walker Bulldog, rather than the M1A1/A1C/A2 76mm gun normally used in a post-war "E4" conversion. Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle 1659 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1660 MAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1661 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1657


GRANTVILLE VFW Post 9636, 8926 Jonestown Rd: N40 21.819 W076 40.807 M60A3 USA out SN 3053A 1662 HALLSTEAD VFW Post 537, New York Ave: N41 58.181 W075 45.083 M60A3 USA out

SN 4052A 1663

HARRISBURG 28th Infantry Division HQ, Arsenal Blvd (US-22): N40 16.841 W076 52.512 M60A3 USA out SN 3310A VFW Post 148, 5802 Union Deposit Rd: N40 17.453 W076 46.898 M60A3 USA out SN 3054A 1664 HAZLETON Hazle Township Community Park: N40 58.838 W076 00.383 M60A3 USA out

SN 3072A 1665

Hazleton Airport, Old Airport Rd & Hess Rd : N40 59.315 W075 59.552 M551A1 Sheridan USA out SN 1635 1666 HOLLIDAYSBURG Veterans Home, Apple Blossom Lane: N40 26.670 W078 24.792 M60A3 USA out SN 3027 1667 IRWIN VFW Post 781, 100 Billott Ave: N40 19.562 W079 43.162 M60A3 USA out SN 3061A, RN JJ0521668 JESSUP Jessup Veterans Memorial, Hill Street: N41 28.525 W075 33.843 M60A3 USA out SN 3051A 1669 JIM THORPE private collection: Sd.Kfz. 251




AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1664 AAD rebuild. Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2014 1665 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1666 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1667 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2007). 1668 AAD rebuild. RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1669 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1663


JOHNSTOWN 1-103 Armor, PA ARNG Armory, 565 Walters Ave: N40 18.180 W078 52.043 M60A3 USA out Veterans Leadership Program of Western PA, 727 Goucher St: M60A3 USA out


JONESTOWN American Legion Post 883, 334 N Lancaster St: N40 25.115 W076 28.750 M60A3 USA out SN 3052A 1671 KNOXVILLE VFW Post 6753: N41 56.031 W077 26.550 M114 USA


LEBANON Local park, Cornwall Road: N40 19.877 W076 25.556 M60A3 USA out

SN 185 1672

SN 3057A 1673

LEESPORT War Memorial, E Wall St/ Water St: N40 26.743 W075 58.074 M60A3 USA out SN 3056A 1674 LEGIONIER Private collection John Tippins: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman




LEVITTOWN Veteran's Memorial Park, 700 Veteran Hwy: N40 09.587 W074 53.720 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 49578, RN 30821751676 LOCK HAVEN American Legion Post 284, Located at 3115 Woodward Ave: N41 10.842 W077 19.664 M60A3 USA out SN 2036A, painted RN JJ05191677


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), although it gives the SN as AAD rebuild 3048A, which is a confirmed M60A3 in Central City, Pennsylvania. 1671 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), although the same SN is given for an M60A3 in Windber, Pennsylvania. 1672 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1673 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1674 Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). 1675 On exhibit at the Senator John Heinz History Center (Pittsburgh, PA)from 10/2015 - 01/2016 Probably build as M4A3(105), has RN3034568 painted on. 1676 This is the Sherman tank that was displayed at the Former American Legion Post 436 in Penndel, PA 1677 AAD rebuild. Has painted RN JJ0519 (Joe DeMarco, 8/2006).


LYKENS VFW Post 2385, 424 Specktown Rd: N40 35.259 W076 45.585 M60 USA out SN 404 1678 LYNDORA American Legion Post 778, 150 Legion Memorial Ln: N40 51.171 W079 55.485 M60A3 USA out SN 3017A 1679 MAHANOY CITY American Legion Post 74, 108-110 E Centre St: N40 48.738 W076 08.707 M60A3 USA out SN 3062A 1680 MCKEESPORT Renziehausen Park, 160 University Dr: N40 20.636 W079 49.600 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 60478 1681 MEADVILLE VFW Post 2006, 1018 Morgan Village Rd: N41 37.854 W080 08.104 M60A1 USA out SN 7817, RN JJ00T71682 MEYERSDALE American Legion Post 112, 413 Grant St: N39 48.967 W079 01.773 M60A3 USA out SN 3031A 1683 MILLERSBURG VFW Post 5507, Hwy 147: N40 33.778 W076 58.461 M60A0 USA out

SN 408 1684

MILLERSVILLE VFW Post 7294, 219 Walnut Hill Rd: N39 59.359 W076 22.035 M60A3 USA out SN 3041A 1685 MILLHEIM American Legion Post 444, 162 W Main St: N40 53.331 W077 29.093 M60A1 USA out SN 7755, RN JJOORW?1686


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1680 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1681 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1682 SN / RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2007). 1683 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1684 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1685 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1686 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1679


MONESSEN Local park, Grand Blvd: N40 08.754 W079 52.368 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out MORRIS VFW Post 6755: M114



SN 61180, RN 301142021687


MOUNT PLEASANT American Veterans Post 94, United St: N40 13.131 W079 29.336 M60A3 USA out SN 3349A, RN JJ01EV1689 MOUNTAIN TOP American Legion Post 781, 1550 Henry Dr: N41 07.784 W075 56.848 M60A3 USA out SN 3335A 1690 MUNCY VFW Post 3428: N41 12.404 W076 47.325 M42A1 Duster USA


SN 2187 1691

NEW GALILEE VFW Post 8106, 100 Monroe St (PA 351): N40 50.115 W080 24.113 M60A3 USA out SN 3799A, RN 09A916721692 NEWMANSTOWN Memorial Dr & Ash Rd: N40 21.097 W076 12.471 M60A3 USA out

SN 3820A 1693

NORRISTOWN Former Pennsylvania ARNG Armory, Harding Blvd: N40 07.490 W075 20.622 M42A1 Duster USA out OLYPHANT South Valley Avenue (Rte 347): N41 27.591 W075 36.320 M60A3 USA out

SN 3805A 1694


SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1689 AAD rebuild, SN / RN confirmed by Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2008). 1690 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1691 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1692 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1693 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1694 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1688


PHILIPSBURG Local park: http: N40 54.125 W078 13.628 M4A3(75) Sherman USA


PINE GROVE Local park, Pine Grove Rd: N40 32.599 W076 22.978 M60A3 USA out

SN 11603, RN 30537581695

SN 3013A 1696

PLUM American Legion Post 980, 7824 Saltsburg Rd: N40 28.513 W079 45.947 M60A3 USA out SN 4125A, RN 9A010721697 POCONO LAKE American Legion Post 413, Old Rte 940: N41 06.501 W075 29.297 M60A3 USA out SN 4125A 1698 PORT CARBON Veterans of Vietnam War Post 29, 612 5th St: N40 42.244 W076 09.777 M60A1/A3 USA out PORT MATILDA American Legion Post 536, 510 W Front St: N40 47.788 W078 03.315 1699 M60A3 USA out PORTAGE Caldwell Ave: M60A3



SN 3033A 1700

POTTSVILLE American Veterans Post 227: M60A3



SN 2934A 1701

QUAKERSTOWN Blastco, 1505 Northwest End Blvd: N40 29.199 W075 22.678 Ferret USA out



Identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2007). RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1697 AAD rbld. SN & RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1698 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1699 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1700 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1701 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1702 Identified by Tom Dinackus (5/2010). 1696


RED HILL VFW Post 5954, 401 Main St (Rte 29): N40 22.487 W075 28.930 M60A3 USA out SN 3065A 1703 RENOVO Huron Avenue (Rte 120): N41 19.708 W077 44.557 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 59787, RN 30316501704

RILLTON VFW Post 8518, 1 Maple St (US 30): M60A3



RN JJ052A1705

RUSSELLTON Township of West Deer: M114




SALTSBURG American Legion Post 57, 17530 State Route 286 W.: N40 31.007 W079 24.408 M60A3 USA out SN 4133A 1707 SELINSGROVE VFW Post 25 Memorial Garden, Market St S: N40 47.525 W076 51.904 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 49322, RN 30819191708 SHAMOKIN West Water St: N40 47.349 W076 33.593 M60A3 USA


SN 3055A 1709

SHICKSHINNY American Legion 495, 575 State Rte 239: N41 10.752 W076 11.622 M60A3 USA out SN 3339A 1710 SLIPPERY ROCK Commmunity park: M7B1 Priest




AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). 1705 RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1706 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1707 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1708 SN identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2008). Was built as a M4A3(75)W VVSS 1709 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1710 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1704


SMETHPORT Allegheny Arms & Armor Museum, Rte 46: N41 50.551 W078 26.460 BMP-1 SOV out Ferret GBR out LVTP7 USA out M106A2 USA out M110A2 USA out M113 USA out M29 Weasel USA wre M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2378 1711 M48A1 Patton USA out SN 1173 1712 M55 USA out M578 USA out T-62 SOV/EGY out SPRING RUN American Legion Post 232, 17319 Path Valley Rd: N40 09.389 W077 45.786 M60A3 USA out SN 3159A 1713 STOYSTOWN American Legion Post 257, Hwy 30: N40 05.727 W078 56.755 M60A3 USA out

SN 3022A, RN JJ05151714

SWOYERSVILLE American Legion Post 644, 259 Shoemaker St: N41 17.526 W075 52.728 1715 M55 USA out TARENTUM Riverview Park, 1st Ave: N40 36.083 W079 44.873 M60A3 USA out TOBYHANNA Tobyhanna Army Depot, Midway Rd: N41 11.393 W075 25.623 M1 Abrams USA out M1015A1 USA out M109A3 USA out M110A2 USA out M113A2 USA out

SN 3052A 1716



SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1713 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1714 Original SN 3609, AAD rebuild. SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). Was modified for a Mine Clearing Roller, according to Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 4/2007). 1715 Identified by Kurt Laughlin 1716 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1717 Added in 2015, shipped from Anniston ( 1712


M163A1 M577 M578 M60A0 M730 Chaparral Launcher M901A1


out out out out out out


TRAPPE VFW Post 7155, 201 W 3rd Ave: N40 11.509 W075 28.587 M60A3 USA out

SN 3050A 1719

UNIONTOWN VFW Post 8543, 1235 W Penn Blvd: N39 55.183 W079 41.576 M42A1 Duster USA out

SN 2441 1720

WASHINGTON American Legion Post 175, 168 Park Ave: N40 09.729 W080 14.823 M47 Patton USA out SN 789 1721 WHITE HAVEN VFW Post 6615, 3 VFW Road (RR 1): N41 02.512 W075 46.824 M60A3 USA out SN 3023A, RN JJ05161722 WILLIAMSBURG Local park, Riverside Dr: N40 27.777 W078 12.039 M42 Duster USA out WILLIAMSPORT Lycoming Cty Veterans Park, 4th St. & Wahoo Dr: N41 14.058 W077 04.797 M60A3 USA out SN 4258A, painted RN9B89871723 WINDBER Memorial park: N40 14.034 W078 49.882 M60A3 USA


SN 3078A? 1724


Identified by Tom Dinackus in 1998 (3/2008 & 5/2008) AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1720 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1721 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1722 SN by vagabond, RN by Joe_D, afv Discussion Board, 02/2017. 1723 AAD rbld 1724 AAD rbld. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), although the same SN is given for an M60A3 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 1719



JOHNSTON Johnston War Memorial Park, 1583 Hartford Ave: N41 49.594 W071 30.334 M60A3 USA out SN 3785A, RN 9B70031725


AAD rebuild. SN, RN and coordinates by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2012



ANDERSON American Legion Post 14, 1301 E Greenville St: N34 31.499 W082 38.530 M60A3 USA out SN 1858 1726 BLACKVILLE Local VFW hall: N33 20.757 W081 15.071 M48A1 Patton USA


CHARLESTON The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, 171 Moultrie St: N32 47.906 W079 57.661 LVTH6 USA out M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 49619 1727 COLUMBIA Celebrate Freedom Foundation, Palmetto Cavalry, 455 St. Andrews Rd: M3A1 Half-Track USA std Painted RN 2612991728 M3A1 Scout Car USA out Painted RN 253771729 Richland County Sheriff's Department, Special Response Team: M113A2 USA std South Carolina ARNG Armory, T. Eston Marchant National Guard Complex, 1225 Bluff Rd: N33 58.165 W081 01.003 M60A3 USA out SN 1863, RN JJ06801730 M728 USA out SN 193 1731 South Carolina Military Museum : N33 58.100 W081 01.0351732 M110A2 USA out M114 USA out M3 Half-Track USA std M42 Duster USA out M48A1 Patton USA out SN 4988 M59 USA std M60A3 USA std


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Thunderbolt. SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 10/2004). 1728 “Trail Boss" 1729 “Hercules” 1730 SN & RN by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board 09/2008 1731 SN by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2008 1732 By Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board 09/2008 1727


CONWAY C/1-263 Armor, South Carolina ARNG Armory, 1621 16th Ave: N33 50.365 W079 03.959 M60A3 USA out SN 1884, RN JJ069B1733 DILLON B/1-263 Armor, South Carolina ARNG Armory, 1119 Hwy 34 West: N34 25.111 W079 23.251 M60A3 USA out SN 1874 VFW Post 6091, 2024 Hwy 9 East: N34 24.309 W079 19.847 M7B2 Priest USA out EDGEFIELD 122nd Engineer Battalion, South Carolina ARNG Armory, Main St: N33 47.168 W081 55.194 M60A3 USA out RN JJ06981734 FORT JACKSON NCO Academy, 2400 Jackson Blvd: M4A1E13 Sherman


Soldier Support Institute, 10000 Hampton Pkwy: M46 Patton USA M5A1 Stuart USA


out out

South Carolina National Guard Unit Training Equipment Site: M113 USA std


SN 1169 1736 SN 2900


U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Museum, Building 4442, Jackson Boulevard: N34 00.675 W080 56.635 M114 USA out Painted RN 12T826 M15A1 Half-Track GMC USA out SN 2156 1738 M26 Pershing USA out SN 1517 1739 M3A1 Scout Car USA out M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 3222, Painted RN 30186088 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 48923, RN 30815201740 M84 USA out Painted RN 12H874 1733

SN, RN and coordinates by ShermanWasRight, Afv Discussion Board, 07/2010 RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1735 One of two surviving M4A1E13 Sherman flamethrower tanks. Originally located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.; moved to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., in 1983; and finally to Fort Jackson in 1995, according to the tank's plaque. The other surviving example is at Fort Knox. Missing in 2016 Satellite imagery. 1736 Originally located at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., from the early 1950s and moved to Fort Jackson in 1995, according to the tank's plaque. May be an M46A1 model. 1737 By Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board 09/2008 1738 SN from Joe DeMarco and Bill Miley (2/2007). 1739 SN from Joe DeMarco (2/2007). 1740 Originally built as an M4A3(75)W VVSS. Information from Joe DeMarco (G104, 10/2004). 1734


T30 Heavy Tank



GAFFNEY VFW Post 3447, S Granard St: N35 03.988 W081 39.540 M114 USA out

SN 6, RN 301628471741


GREENVILLE Gower Park, Evelyn Ave: N34 49.801 W082 21.064 M60A3 USA out

SN 1856 1743

GREER Victor Park : N34 55.890 W082 13.318 M106A2 USA

SN QAA10610 1744


MONCKS CORNER South Carolina Army National Guard Armory, 320 Airport Dr: N33 11.012 W080 01.747 M59 USA out MOUNT PLEASANT South Carolina Army National Guard Armory, 245 Mathis Ferry Rd: N32 48.425 W079 53.428 M59 USA out NINETY SIX Local park: N34 10.412 W082 01.246 M60A3 USA



ROCK HILL National Guard Armory, 126 Museum Rd: N34 58.691 W081 03.838 M728 USA out SN 225 SAINT GEORGE South Carolina Army National Guard Armory, 601 South Parler Ave: N33 10.438 W080 34.488 M59 USA out SUMTER American Legion Post 15, 28 S Artillery Dr: N33 55.035 W080 21.647 M60A3 USA out SN 1857 RN JJ068J 1746


One of five U.S. armored vehicles 'discovered' in 1975 at Fort Belvoir, according to the Fort Jackson Leader - presumably along with the T28 super heavy tank. One of four surviving T30 heavy tank pilots. 1742 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1743 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1744 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1745 Identified on 1746 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


VFW Post 3034, 1925 Gion St: N33 56.961 W080 22.671 M110A2 USA out

SN BMY1199 1747

UNION American Legion Post 22, 120 Scenic Dr: M59 USA

SN F809 1748


WALTERBORO C/1-118 Inf, South Carolina ARNG Armory, 849 Cottageville Hwy: N32 54.694 W080 38.252 M59 USA out WILLIAMSTON South Carolina Army National Guard Armory, 123 Gossett Dr: N34 36.885 W082 28.793 M42 Duster USA out Williamston Veterans Park : N34 36.975 W082 28.756 M60A3 USA out

1747 1748

Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).



CACTUS FLAT Launch Facility Delta-01, Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, off Cty Rd S 23 : N43 52.671 W101 57.696 Peacekeeper USA out HOT SPRINGS The Michael J. Fritzmaurice Veterans Home, 2500 Minnekahta Ave: N43 26,279 W103 29,590 T-55 USA out MITCHELL Kippes Veterans Memorial, Graceland Cemetery, W 23rd Ave: N43 43.894 W098 02.265 M84 USA out PIERRE South Dakota National Guard Museum : N44 21.828 W100 21.125 M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA out M75 USA out QUINN Launch Facility Delta-09, Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, 195th Ave / Dillon Pass Rd: N43 55.883 W102 09.604 Peacekeeper USA out REDFIELD National Guard: N44 52.786 W098 31.393 M60A0 USA


SN 1581 1749

SISSETON American Legion Post 50, 9 8th Ave E: N45 39.630 W097 02.424 M60A0 USA out SN 1578 1750 WINNER VFW Post 4674, 117 E 3rd St: M60A3



SN 2881A 1751


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1751 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1750



ATHENS 1-278 ACR, Tennessee ARNG Armory, 413 County Line Rd 544: N35 23.613 W084 34.082 M60A0 USA out SN 95 1752 VFW Post 5146, 706 N Congress Pkwy: N35 28.529 W084 35.899 M59 USA out SN E5408 1753 M60A3 USA out SN 3926A, RN 9B55781754 BROWNSVILLE 1175th Transportation Company Armory: N35 35.839 W089 13.900 M60A3 USA out SN 3719A, RN 9B74411755 BURNS 3rd Armored Division: M20



CAMDEN Private owner: M3/5 Stuart




CHATTANOOGA National Medal of Honor Museum, intersection of E 4th St and Georgia Ave: N35 03.718 W085 14.961 M42 Duster USA out CLARKSVILLE Local VFW: N36 31.008 W087 18.895 M106A2 USA


SN SJ277 1757

Tennessee ARNG Armory, 1801 Fort Campbell Blvd (Route 12): N36 35.155 W087 24.758 M60A3 USA out SN 3914A, RN 09A182711758 COLLEGEDALE Veterans' Memorial Park, Apison Pike & Ooltewah Ringgold Rd (near Collegedale): N35 03.760 W085 04.158 M48A5 Patton USA out SN 2872/SN A1056C 1759 1752

“Warrior 5”. Non-ballistic training tank. Newark produced, coordinates by Joe_D SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1754 AAD rebuild. SN & RN identified by Joe D (10/2007).Original SN 2246 1755 SN & RN by Joe_D, original SN 3233, has upper engine deck cover SN 3719A of M60A3 in Brownsville, TN. 1756 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1757 Identified by Quentinmccart, Afv Discussion Board, 01/2014 1758 SN & RN and coordinates by Joe_D 1753


COLLIERVILLE Private owner: M3 Half-Track M3 Half-Track


wre wre

SN 10181 SN 6795W

COOKEVILLE 3-278 ACR, Tennessee ARNG Armory, 505 Gould Dr.: N36 07.947 W085 32.268 1760 M59 USA out M60A0 USA out SN 723 1761 CROSSVILLE Tennessee ARNG Armory, 144 Sparta Hwy (Rte 1): N35 57.621 W085 02.586 M59 USA out DECATUR American Veterans Post 90, 16334 State Highway 58 S: N35 30.304 W084 47.767 M114A1/E2 USA out SN 3406 1762 GREENVILLE American Legion Post 64, Snaps Ferry Rd & Fairgrounds Rd: N36 11.304 W082 47.199 M551 Sheridan USA out SN 51, RN 12C835681763 HENDERSON the Henderson National Guard Armory: N35 26.640 W088 37.315 1764 M59 USA out HUNTINGDON TN ARNG Armoury across from the Carroll County Fairgrounds on Mustang Drive: N36 00.590 W088 23.105 M60A3 USA out SN 3752A, RN 9B89921765 JACKSON American Legion, Post 90 : N35 34.841 W088 48.605 M59 USA out Tennessee Army National Guard Armory, 1510 FE Wright Dr: N35 37.824 W088 47.132 M60A3 USA out SN 3717A, RN JJ007C1766


SNs identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2007 & 10/2007). Identified by Joe D (10/2006). 1761 Coordinates by Joe_D 1762 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1763 SN & RN identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2007). 1764 Source: 1765 SN, RN by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009. 1766 Original SN 3859, AAD rebuild. SN/RN from Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). 1760


JAMESTOWN Alvin York Tennessee NG Armory, 3399 S York Hwy (Hwy 127): N36 21.457 W084 56.883 M60A3 USA out SN 3712A, RN 9B7810 1767 XM247 Sergeant York USA out SN A1D320 1768 JEFFERSON CITY Howitzer Battery/2-278 ACR, Tennessee Army National Guard Armory, : N36 07.924 W083 28.899 M42 Duster USA out KNOXVILLE 278th ACR HQ, Tennessee ARNG Armory, 3330 Sutherland Avenue: N35 56.871 W083 58.573 M114 USA out M42 Duster USA out M59 USA out M60A0 USA out SN 75 1769 M7B2 Priest USA out 278th ACR, CSMS East Facility, 711 Concord Ave: M59 USA


American Legion Post 2, 6520 Ruggles Ferry Pike: N36 01.041 W083 48.802 M60A3 USA out SN 3384A, RN 9B71811770 Big Orange Army : Saladin



LEBANON Private owner: M3? Half-Track




LOUDON VFW Post 5150, 101 Maremont Pkwy: N35 44.148 W084 20.975 M59 USA out MEMPHIS TN ARNG armoury on Holmes road : N35 00.411 W089 58.639 M109A5 USA out SN 65X22, RN 12VQ20 M7B2 Priest USA out


Anniston produced Former M60A1 SN 3573. RN and coordinates by Joe_D Semi-operational. Identified by Joe D (10/2006). 1769 One of original batch of tanks made by Chrysler at the Newark, Delaware Tank Plant. Coordinates by Joe_D 1770 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D 1771 "Huey;" University of Tennessee colors 1768


NASHVILLE American Legion Post 88, 2864 Elm Hill Pike: N36 08.868 W086 39.779 M56 Scorpion USA out VFW Post 1970, 7220 Charlotte Pike: N36 07.422 W086 54.737 M59 USA out SN F5461, RN 12LO88 PALL MALL Sgt. Alvin C. York State Historic Park, Hwy 127: N36 32.525 W084 57.575 XM247 Sergeant York USA out SN A1D250 1772 PARSONS Tennessee ARNG Armory, 256 W 9th St: N35 38.423 W088 07.616 M59 USA out ROCKWOOD Tennessee ARNG Armory, Hewitt St: N35 52.375 W084 41.561 M59 USA out


ROGERSVILLE American Legion Post 121, 1924 E Main St: N36 25.629 W082 58.733 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61056 1774 SELMER National Guard Armory: N35 11.748 W088 36.252 M59 USA out SMYRNA 4-278 ACR, Tennessee Army National Guard Facility, Fitzhugh Blvd & 8th Ave, former Steward AFB: N36 00.496 W086 30.390 M59 USA out M110A2 USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 3791 Building 635, former Steward AFB: N36 00.862 W086 30.357 M114 USA out M60A3 USA out

RN 12U047 SN 3880A, RN 09B09681775

Tennessee Army National Guard Combined Support Maintenance Shop, 8th Ave & G St, : N36 00.461 W086 29.915 1776 M51 TRV USA out 1772

SN identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 10/2007). Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2008). 1774 Old Hickory; . SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1775 AAD rebuild, coordinates by Joe_D 1773





SN 1919, RN JJ06AC1777

SUN BRIGHT VFW Post 5116, 316 VFW Rd: M114



SN 2350 1778

TAZEWELL Claiborne County War Memorial Park, Main St & Hardin St: N36 27.173 W083 34.181 M114 USA out SN 443 1779 TRACEY CITY Private owner: M3/5 Stuart



TRENTON 230th Engineer Battalion, Tennessee Army National Guard Armory, 1460 Industrial Park Rd: N35 56.578 W088 56.711 M4E9 Sherman (composite) USA out SN 44266, RN 301005001780 TULLAHOMA Tennessee ARNG Armory, 1202 E Carroll St: N35 22.015 W086 11.404 M7B2 Priest USA out RN 402335331781 UNION CITY Local VFW N Clover St: N36 26.972 W089 02.636 M7B2 Priest USA out WINCHESTER 1-115 FA, TN ARNG Armory, 313 Wilton Circle: N35 10.393 W086 08.067 M7B2 Priest USA out


This Vehicle was use to move test subjects at Oak Ridge National Laboratories SNs & RNs and coordinates identified by Joe D (10/2007). 1778 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1779 Almost certainly a production M114, although the data plate on the front hull identifies it as a T114 pilot model - albeit with SN 443, which would be extremely high for a pilot vehicle. 1780 Small hatch 1781 False RN 1777



ABILENE 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum, 1289 North Second St: N32 27.017 W099 44.180 M16A1 Half-Track GMC USA out RN 2323671782 M4(75) Sherman (composite) USA out SN 59148 1783 ADDISON Cavanaugh Flight Museum: N32 58.357 W096 50.100 M50 Isherman USA ind AUSTIN Private owner: M29C Weasel M8 Greyhound Saladin T16 Carrier


SN 17091, RN 30170911784

out out out out

Texas Military Forces Museum, Camp Mabry: N30 18.804 W097 45.708 G-13 Hetzer CSK/CHE out RN M-780511785 M106A2 USA out SN C59 M108 USA out M110A2 USA out M113 USA out SN F10074 M114 USA out M114 USA out M16 Half-Track GMC USA out M1A1 Abrams USA out SN 155 M24 Chaffee USA out M26 Pershing USA out SN 1766 M29 Weasel USA ind 1786 M3? Half-Track USA out 1787 M3A1 Stuart USA out M42 Duster USA out SN 5472 M44 USA out M47 Patton USA out 1782

SN & RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1 of 9 known US survivors, SN & RN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1784 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2009. Former Fred Kager collection. SN 17091 was built as a M4A4 by Chrysler. This tank is a 1967 and 1973 wars veteran 1785 Runner 1786 Mortar carrier 1787 Ex Fort Dix range target , before being put on display at Fort Polk, Louisiana in the 1980s, and then at Fort Sam Houston (where it was seen in 1990), according to André Flener (USA AFVs register) 1783


M48A1 Patton M4A4(105) Sherman M577 M578 M59 M60A0 M60A1 M60A3 M60A3 M60A3 M7 Priest M728 M75 M7B2 Priest M84 M901A1 M981 M981 MT-LB Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf C T101 Scorpion


out ind out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out ind out ind out

SN 7542 SN 17884 1788 SN F777

BELTON VFW Post 4008, 2311 S Pearl St: M84



SN L43 1792

SN 289 SN 8804 SN 2112A 1789 SN 3573A SN 3586A 1790 SN 142

SN 4?

SN F2997


BIG SPRING Vietnam Memorial of Big Spring, Rackley St, near Avenue D: N32 13.708 W101 29.953 M60A3 USA out SN 3637A 1793 BOERNE Private owner: M2 Half Track



BROWNWOOD Camp Bowie Memorial Park: N31 40.565 W098 59.523 M44 USA out 1788

Former French M4A4T, Israeli M50 Super Sherman, later fitted in the U.S. with a 105mm howitzer turret. Has painted RN 1238064. SN identified by Jeff Button (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2008). M50 Super Sherman turret now on a former M4A3(105) range target wreck at the Russell Military Museum, Illinois, according to Jeff Button / Joe DeMarco (AFV News Discussion Board, 5/2008). 1789 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2009 1790 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 12/2009 1791 Scorpion pilot 1792 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1793 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).





BURNET Highland Lakes Air Museum, 2402 South Water Street, Burnet Airport: N30 44.369 W098 14.145 M60A3 USA out SN 2007A 1794 COLLEGE STATION American G.I. Museum: FT-17 M4A1 mortar carrier M3 GMC M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat M24 Chaffee M5 High Speed Tractor M4A1(75) Sherman Grizzly M4A3(75) Sherman M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M5 Stuart with M5A1 turret M8 Greyhound M47 Patton M8 HMC M50A1 Ontos M551 Sheridan M3 Lee


std std std std ind std std ind ind std std std out ind std ind std

Brent Mullins Jeep Parts: LVT(A)5 M8 HMC


std wre

CORRIGAN VFW Post 6521, 1000 N Home St: N31 00.877 W094 49.431 M42A1 Duster USA out



RN 30545371796 SN 62966, RN 301159881797

SN 1270 1798 1799


SN 191 1801


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Under restoration. Missing upper armor and Turret. Has original paint and 345th Tank Battalion markings. Information from Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 1796 If the RN is correct, the SN is 12382. 1797 “Gideon”. This is one of 525 M4A3(76) VVSS manufactured by Fisher, it was remanufactured to HVSS in the 1950s. We only know 4 surviving M4A3(76) manufactured by Fisher. Owned by Fred Krager 1798 Former MVFT vehicle 1799 Former MVFT vehicle 1800 One of five in the United States 1801 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1795


COTULLA American Legion Post 409: M60A3



CROCKETT Davy Crockett memorial Park: N31 18.420 W095 27.112 M60A3 USA out


SN 3636A 1803

DICKINSON VFW Post 6378, 5204 Highway 3: N29 27.162 W095 02.478 LVTP5 USA out EL PASO VFW Post 6388, 9170 Cananea Ln: N31 41.354 W106 19.406 M42A1 Duster USA out FORT AP HILL private owner: M60A1 RISE with ERA M4A4E8 Sherman Easy Eight M50 Mk 2 Super Sherman ,


std std std

FORT BLISS 1st Armored Division Museum: N31 49.310 W106 25.761 G-13 Hetzer USA out M10 TD USA out M113A2 USA out M114A2 USA out M15A1 Half-Track GMC USA ind M16 Half-Track GMC USA out M163A1 USA ind M24 Chaffee USA out M26 Pershing USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M3 Lee USA out




SN 6412 1807 1808

SN 2374 1809

SN 2818 1810 SN 1232 1811 SN 4559 1812


Unconfirmed AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1804 Desert Storm veteran, for sale? 1805 1 of 4 M50 Super Sherman’s in the US 1806 Formerly at Baumholder, Germany 1807 Returned from Baumholder (DE), Roy_A_Lingle, 11/2009, Afv Discussion Board. 1808 Recovered from White Sands Missile range 1809 Identified by Roy_A_Lingle, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2009 1810 Ex Baumholder? 1811 Returned from Baumholder (GE) 11/2009, Roy_A_Lingle, Afv Discussion Board. 1812 Returned from Baumholder(GE) 11/2009, Roy_A_Lingle, Afv Discussion Board. 1803


M36 Jackson M3A1 Stuart M4 High Speed Tractor M41 Walker Bulldog M41 Walker Bulldog M42 Duster M4A1(76)W Sherman M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman M47 Patton M48A2C Patton M551A1 Sheridan M5A1 Stuart M60A0 M60A3 M74 M7B2 Priest M8 Greyhound OT-810 T-34/85 T-72


ind ind ind out ind out out out out out out out out out out out out ind out out out

SN 1095, RN 401919341813 SN 8614 1814 SN 1185, RN 3015305 SN 2642 1815 SN 52002, RN 3027535 1816

SN 49047, RN 30816441817 SN 11290, Painted RN 32174362 Painted RN 30174562 SN 269 SN 739, RN 3047092 SN 59, RN 9B31591818

SN 4508, RN 401725111819 1820

SN 3822 1821 SN B01VT9143 1822

Behind 1st Armored Division Museum, Marshall Rd: N31 49.351 W106 25.657 M24 Chaffee USA out SN 2218, Painted RN 122972 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2345 5th BCT HQ, 1st Armored Division, Building 2040, south of Cassidy Rd, west of Chaffee Rd: M1A1 Abrams USA out SN D1123, RN JZ010P M2A1 Bradley USA out SN 832 Dona Ana Range Base Camp: M42 Duster




Build by Fisher as M10A1 with SN 8351, converted to M36 by Alco. Recovered from Yugoslavia, has a T55 engine installed 1814 Ex Baumholder? 1815 Ex West Virginia ARNG? 1816 Was previously located at the 37th Armor Regiment Park in Vilseck, Germany (alongside the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo “Cobra King” now at Fort Knox) and then at Ray Barracks in Friedberg, Germany. 1817 Comes from the US Army base in Baumholder, Germany (USA AFVs register) 1818 ex-WSMR. Location, RN & SN identified by Joe D (10/2006 1819 Has its SN in a box on the front upper slope, usually this has been done by the French after a rebuild. 1820 Identified by Roy_A_Lingle, Afv Discussion Board, 10/2009 1821 Ex Yugoslavian T34 1822 Returned from Baumholder, Roy_A_Lingle, 11/2009, Afv Discussion Board


Fort Bliss Museum, Bdg 1735, Marshall Rd: M730 Chaparral Launcher USA


Jeb Stuart Rd: M163A1 M730 Chaparral Launcher


out out

North of Cassidy Rd, east of Chaffee Rd: M42 Duster USA


Robert E Lee Street: N31 47.698 W106 24.877 M3A1 Stuart USA


SN 5972 1823

Sheridan Rd & Haan St: M551 Sheridan


SN 5810


Between Sheridan Rd & Pershing Cir: N31 48.168 W106 26.145 M26 Pershing USA out SN 5810 FORT HOOD 1-44 Air Defense Artillery: M163 M42 Duster ZSU-23-4


out out out

19th Street & Battalion Road: N31 08.423 W097 44.334 M60A3 USA out

SN CC17 1824 1825 1826

SN 3293A, RN JJ01M51827

1st Brigade Combat Team Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division, 76th St: T41E2/M41A1 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2988 1st Cavalry Division Headquarters, 72nd St & Battalion Ave: M60A1 RISE/Passive USA out

SN 8797, RN JJ01UG


Recovered from Haiti? Formerly located at the Headquarters of the 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery which was located at Building 2920, off Carrington Rd & Cassidy Rd, these vehicles may be in storage on post or moved to the unit's future home at Fort Hood. 1825 Formerly located at the Headquarters of the 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery which was located at Building 2920, off Carrington Rd & Cassidy Rd, these vehicles may be in storage on post or moved to the unit's future home at Fort Hood. Fox; Vietnam combat veteran 1826 Formerly located at the Headquarters of the 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery which was located at Building 2920, off Carrington Rd & Cassidy Rd, these vehicles may be in storage on post or moved to the unit's future home at Fort Hood. 1827 “Death Dealers”. 1824


1st Cavalry Division Museum, Bldg 2218, intersection of 56th and 761st Tank Battalion Ave: N31 08.376 W097 46.280 2S1 Gvozdika SOV/IRQ out AMX-10 P FRA/IRQ out BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out 1828 BTR-60 PB SOV out EE-11 Urutu BRA out M109A3 USA out 1829 M110A2 USA out M113A2 USA out M114 USA out M163 USA out M1E1 Abrams USA out SN D790, RN JE01EW1830 M3 Stuart USA out M3A1 Half-Track USA out M3A1 Stuart USA out Painted RN 30759 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M44 USA out M47 Patton USA out SN 8537, Painted RN 3C168736 M48 Patton USA out M4A3(105) Sherman USA out SN 56625, RN 30103307 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 43944, RN 301001781831 M59 USA out M60A0 USA out SN 504, RN 9B3C311832 M60A1 RISE USA out SN 8800 1833 M60A3 USA out SN 3079A 1834 M7 Priest USA out 1835 M728 USA out M74 USA out SN 65332 1836 M8 Greyhound USA out M84 USA out M981 USA out M1230 MRAP USA out PT-76 SOV out T-54/55 SOV out 1828

Captured by Israel in 1967 Missing in 2017 1830 Turret no. 569 1831 Korean War Tiger colors. SN from Jeff Button (*AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2006). Was built as an M4A3(75)W VVSS 1832 Coordinates by Joe_D 1833 Coordinates by Joe_D 1834 Original SN 7241. One of 5 Army M60A3s equipped with reactive armor for testing. AAD rebuild, coordinates by Joe_D 1835 Missing in 2017 1836 Originally built by Chrysler as an M4A3(105) in January, 1945. 1829


T-55 ARV T-72M Type 69


out out out

1st Cavalry Division Parade Field: M1 Abrams M3 Bradley M44


out out out

SN 1406 1837 SN 3AA00152

1st Cavalry Division Parade Field & Korea Memorial: N31 08.539 W097 47.169 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61594, RN 30114616 M24 Chaffee USA/FRA out SN 623 M26 Pershing USA out SN 1983, RN 30128529 2-8 Cavalry Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division, 76th St and Battalion Ave: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 61948 1838 36th Engineer Brigade Motorpool: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman



SN 60633, RN 301136551839

3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (former 4th Infantry Division) Motorpool?: M60A0 USA std SN 10, RN 9B30931840 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum, Building 409, 31st St & 761st Tank Battalion Ave: N31 08.203 W097 44.962 17Pdr SP Achilles USA out 2S1 Gvozdika SOV/IRQ out BMP-1 SOV/IRQ out BRDM-2 SOV/IRQ out M2A1 Half-Track USA out M3 Lee USA out SN 4428, RN W-304433 M3 Stuart USA out M3A1 Stuart USA out M4A1E9(75) Sherman USA out Painted RN 3015305 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 45268, RN 30101502 1841 M5A1 Stuart USA/CAN out SN 6306, RN 3049418 M7 Priest USA out M7B2 Priest USA out M10 TD USA out 1842 M16 Half-Track USA out 1837

Turret no. 1284 “Stallions”, has full skirt 1839 Korean War Tiger colors. Has RN 30113655 (Jeff Button). SN identified by Joe DeMarco. 1840 Smoothbore gun? 1841 Build as VVSS, Has RN 30101501 painted on. 1838


M18 Hellcat M24 Chaffee M36B1 Jackson M40 GMC M41 Walker Bulldog M44 M47 Patton M48 Patton M60A0 M74 M113A2 M114 M551A1 Sheridan M1126 Stryker MT-LB T-54/55 T-62 T-72M1 T43 Heavy Tank Type 69 XM1 Abrams


out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out

Painted RN 48181953 SN 363, RN 30112956 SN 772, RN 401910711843 SN 2323, Painted RN 420102

SN 3535, Painted RN 0718842 SN 1420 1844

Painted RN 480999 RN JZ0009?1845

3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment Museum (former 4th Infantry Division Museum) Storage Facility?: M60A0 USA std SN 836 M60A3 USA std SN 8823, RN JJ01V4 M7 Priest USA std M728 USA std SN 59 3rd Cavalry Headquarters: M8 Greyhound



3rd Brigade Combat Team Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division, 62nd St and Battalion Ave: N31 08.513 W097 46.639 M3 Half-Track USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 438781846 M7B1 USA out


Fmr at 3-1 ACR Motorpool, Fort Carson 1 of 2 in US. SN from Jeff Button, RN from Joe DeMarco (8/2006). Ex Yugoslavian 1844 Detroit produced, coordinates by Joe_D 1845 FSED Pilot PV? RN from the 4th Infantry Division Museum, which also appears to claim the tank is PV1. According to the museum, the tank came to Fort Hood from the Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, where it was used a training platform for the extraction of tankers by medical personnel. 1846 Has the differential replaced with the differential from SN61178 1843


4-15 Air Defense Artillery Headquarters, 31st ADA Brigade, Old Ironsides & 31st (Bldg 1006): 1847 M163 USA out 4th Infantry Division Headquarters: N31 08.280 W097 44.702 M728 USA out 4th Infantry Division Museum: N31 08.236 W097 44.955 M3 Stuart USA/JPN? out M3A1 Stuart USA out

SN 108 1848

RN W30851 1849

7-10 Cavalry Headquarters, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized), 27th St: 1850 MT-LB SOV/IRQ out 89th Military Police Brigade Headquarters, 42nd St & Battalion Ave: M151 Armored Jeep USA out 02A51672-10374, RN 4A7847 M706 Commando USA out Elsewhere on Post: T-72



III Corps Parade Field: M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman



SN 61587, RN 30114609

Mates: M1 Abrams M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman M60A3


out out out

SN 73274 SN 3631A 1851

Motor Pool: M74



Old Ironsides Avenue: M44 M52


out out

Range Control: M3 Half-Track M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M60A0


out out out

SN 2121, painted RN 92G292571852 SN 66228, painted RN 30125550 SN 1128, 1853


“Renegade Strike” “Crusher” 1849 Painted RN 306923. Same RN as the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum M3A1 Stuart. 1850 Captured by 588th Engr Bn during ODS 1851 AAD rebuild;“Sissy, coordinates by Joe_D” 1852 M15A1? RN by Jeff Button. 1848


M60A3 M728


wre wre

SN 6378, RN 09A119721854

Target Range: M60A3 M60A3 M60A3 M60A3 M60A3


wre wre wre wre wre

SN 2593A 1856 SN 2921A 1857 SN 3264A 1858 SN 3274A 1859 SN 3290A 1860

FORT WORTH Texas ARNG Armory: M60A3





FREDERICKSBURG National Museum of the Pacific War, 340 E Main St: N30 16.265 W098 51.809 LVT4 USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M3 Stuart USA/AUS ind SN 2017 1862 M3A1 Stuart USA std SN 9517 1863 1864 Type 95 Ha-Go JPN wre 1865 Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha JPN out


Detroit produced, Coordinates by Joe_D Confirmed by Jeff Button (AFV News Discussion Board, 8/2006). 1855 De-milled for hard target duty. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). Formerly with A Company, 1-303 Armor, 81st Armor Brigade, 1856 AAD, reactive armor. Washington Army National Guard, according to Jeff Button (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2007). 1857 AAD rebuild 1858 AAD rebuild 1859 AAD rebuild 1860 AAD rebuild 1861 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1862 New Guinea combat veteran. This tank was transported to Milne Bay, then transported by barge to Buna. It is one of the seven M3 Stuarts of the 2/6th Armored Regiment that were supporting troops of the 2/9th Infantry Battalion at Cape Endaiadere. On December 24, 1942 this tank suffered a hit to the driver's flap from one of the Japanese 76.2mm Type 3 Naval Gun emplaced at Buna Airfield (Old Strip). It was recovered from the Buna battlefield in mid-1973, and was transported to Port Moresby by barge. Then it was shipped to the Nimitz Museum to be displayed ( Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1863 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1864 It is in a very poor condition, missing its wheels, tracks, suspension and many other parts” (Preserved Japanese Tanks, 7). 1865 Originally arrived in the U.S. via Ogden Air Force Base, which was the initial point of research on captured war materiel, before being assessed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. From APG it went to San Clementi Island, a target range for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps” (Preserved Japanese Tanks, 7). See also The Restoration of Shinhoto Chi-Ha. 1854


GARLAND VFW Post 5076, 1906 E Miller Rd: N32 55.179 W096 36.180 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out

SN 3007

GRAND SALINE VFW Post 6635, 402 E Garland Rd: N32 40.444 W095 41.992 M60A3 USA out

SN 4065M 1866

HARKER HEIGHTS All Era Militaria: Ferret M3A1 Scout Car T16 Mk I Carrier T16 Mk I Carrier T16 Mk II Carrier


out out std std std

HARLINGEN Iwo Jima Museum & Monument, 320 Iwo Jima Blvd: N26 13.401 W097 40.031 LVT4 USA out M5 Stuart USA out HOCKLEY private owner: M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos M50A1 Ontos


std std out

1867 1868 1869

HOUSTON American Legion Post 586, 708 East Parker Rd: N29 51.570 W095 23.301 M60A0 USA out SN 456 1870 Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



Tony Buzbee Collection: M4A4(75) Sherman



SN 18688 1871

KAUFMAN Memorial park: N32 33.933 W096 19.036 1866

MAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Formerly in Vine Grove, KY 1868 Forest service configuration 1869 Don Moriarty’s The History of the Ontos. 1870 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1871 Formerly at the Normandy Tank Museum, Catz, France. 1867





KILLEEN Action Pawn, 1107 Fort Hood Rd: Universal Carrier



SN 2513A 1872


James H Arnold Military Plaza, East Ave D: N31 07.234 W097 43.762 M47 Patton USA/ITA out SN 1420? 1874 LUBBOCK Texas Guard/Reserve Center, near Lubbock International Airport: N33 38.621 W101 50.001 M60A3 USA out SN 3609A, RN 9B6839 1875 MCKINNEY VFW Post 2150 1710 N Church St : N33 13.191 W096 36.945 M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 676481876

MIDLAND American Airpower Heritage Museum, 9600 Wright Dr: N31 56.547 W102 12.886 M4 Sherman USA out M42A1 Duster USA out SN 383 1877 MISSION Undefined: M60A3



MONAHANS Ward County: M59



SN 2062A 1878


NACODOCHES Pioneer Park, Collins Street: N31 34.961 W094 39.862 M103 USA out NAVASOTA 1872

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) False wooden superstructure 1874 ORMeC Bologna stamp. SN “1420-US” identified for an M48 Patton in Killeen by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1875 SN and RN by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 058/2014 1876 Built by Chrysler in March, 1945. Has differential housing from M4A3(75)W Serial Number 62764 1877 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1878 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1879 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1873


VFW Post 4006, 1575 W Washington Ave: N30 22.744 W096 06.445 M60A3 USA out SN 3757A, RN 09A96668 1880 PALESTINE National guard Armory: N31 45.796 W095 39.477 M60A3 USA out

SN 3618A, RN JJ01CS

PAMPA Freedom Museum USA, 600 N Hobart: N35 32.278 W100 58.304 M110A2 USA out SN BMY1215 1881 M3 Half-Track USA out M5 High Speed Tractor USA out M59 USA out PEARLAND private owner: T-34/85




PLANO Liberty Recreation Center, 1200 Mill Valley Rd: N33 00.921 W096 44.665 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2915 1883 PORT ARTHUR Golden Triangle Veterans Memorial Park, 8100 Gulfway Dr: N29 57.205 W093 52.669 M60A1/A3 USA out PORT NECHES VFW Post 4820, 633 Grigsby Ave: M60A3



ROSENBERG Texas armory: N29 31.644 W095 48.333 M60A3 USA


SN 2092A 1884


RUSK Military film fleet1886


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1882 "Mystery" 1883 SN identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 06/2014 1884 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1885 Missing its engine, probably on loan from Camp Mabry Austin, Texas 1886 Former Toyland Combat Vehicles: 1881


Ferret Mk 2/3 JgPz 38(t) Hetzer M5A4 Artillery Tractor T16 Carrier


std std std std



SAN ANTONIO Fort Sam Houston Museum, 2250 Stanley Road Ste 36: M113 USA out M3 Scout Car USA std M3A1 Half-Track USA std M48 Patton USA out Texas Air Museum: M47 Patton



SCHERTZ VFW Post 8315, 1000 FM 78: N29 33.363 W098 15.656 M60A0 USA out

1021 1889

SEAGOVILLE 37th Medical Brigade, US Army Reserve Center, 701 W Simonds Rd : N32 39.284 W096 34.765 1890 M114 USA out SOUTH HOUSTON South Houston Veterans Memorial: N29 39.922 W095 14.294 M5 Stuart USA out SULPHER SPRINGS VFW Post 8560, 1 Veterans Dr: N33 07.700 W095 34.893

M4A3(75) Sherman



SN11844, RN 3053999

SWEETWATER Newman Park: N32 29.067 W100 24.623 M103A2 USA


SN 7512

TERRELL Texas ARNG Armory: N32 44.381 W096 17.805 M59 USA




No longer in the inventory, current location unknown Modified to appear as Type 95 Ha-Go, No longer in the inventory 1889 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1890 Ambulance colors 1891 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1888


VFW Post 2427, 14408 Alice Rd: N30 04.634 W095 38.397 M60A3 USA out UVALDE OX Ranch: Chieftain Mk 6 Leopard 1A4 M4A2(76)HVSS Sherman T-34


ind std out std

SN 3757A 1892

RN 02EB611893

WACO 1-124 Cavalry, TX ARNG Armory, 2120 N New Rd: N31 32.904 W097 11.234 M60A1/A3 USA out WALLER Undefined: M60A3




WESLACO Catholic War Veterans Post 770, 1501N International Blvd: N26 10.499 W097 57.537 M60A3 USA out SN 2022A 1895


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Formerly part of the Littlefield collection, used to have a dozer blade 1894 Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). 1895 AAD rebuild. Identified by John Anderson, SN from Tacom. 1893



DUGWAY Dugway Proving Ground: BTR-80 M103 MTLB


out out out

HYRUM Cemetery, East Main St: N41 38.037 W111 50.320 M5 Stuart USA out PLEASANT VIEW Smith and Edwards Co., 3936 N Hwy 126: M32B3 USA


RN 30441921897


SALT LAKE CITY Fort Douglas Military Museum, 32 Potter St: N40 45.858 W111 49.976 1898 M110A2 USA out 1899 M4(75) Sherman (composite) USA out M47 Patton USA out M48 Patton USA out 1900 M548 USA out M551 Sheridan M60A0 M901


ind out out

SN 191, RN 13E6671901 SN 1067, RN 9B41791902


It is decon test vehicle. The main gun barrel was cut off at midpoint (James J. Pavelka). RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1898 Identified by Mark Holloway (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2008). 1899 One of seven known surviving composite hull M4 Sherman’s in the United States. 1900 Identified by Gary Binder (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2008). 1901 Identified by Mark Holloway (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2008). 1902 SN identified by Mark Holloway (AFV News Discussion Board, 1/2008). 1897



ARLINGTON American Legion Post 69, 54 Legion Rd: N43 04.234 W073 09.237 M60A3 USA out SN 3956A 1903 BARTON Private owner: M3A1 Stuart



BENNINGTON Vermont Veterans Home, 325 North Rd: M113 USA


BOMOSEEN American Legion Post 50, Rte 4A W: N43 36.508 W073 12.952 M60A3 USA out SN 3962A 1904 BRADFORD Vermont ARNG Armory, Fairground Road: M60A1/A3 USA


BRANDON Legion post 55, Franklin St 55: N43 47.592 W073 04.712 M48A5 Patton USA out ESSEX JUNCTION Vermont Veterans Militia Museum and Library, Camp Johnson, 789 National Guard Rd: N44 30.024 W073 09.444 M1 Abrams USA out M109A3 USA out M113A1 USA out M114 USA out M42A1 Duster USA out M47 Patton USA out M48A5 USA out M551 Sheridan USA out M578 USA out M60A0 with Dozer USA out M60A3 USA out

1903 1904

AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)


M7B1 Priest MT-LB


out out

ISLAND POND American Legion Post 80, 60 Railroad St: N44 48.919 W071 52.979 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2846, RN 3055806 LUDLOW Vermont National Guard Bldg. on 37 Main Street: N43 23.798 W072 41.267 1905 M60A3 USA out NORTHFIELD Norwich University: M1 Abrams M4A3(75) Sherman


out out

unconfirmed SN 11497 1906

SAINT ALBANS 1-172 Armor, ARNG Armory: N44 48.612 W073 04.951 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 12381, RN 3054536




SN 3788A 1907

WINOOSKI Main Street: N44 29.550 W073 11.201 M4A3(75) Sherman USA


SN 11550, RN 3053705


Location and Coordinates by Joe_D, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2009 “Sabine Sally” 1907 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 1906



ALEXANDRIA Tactical Truck: M113 M41 Walker Bulldog M548 V-100 Commando


std std std std

ASHLAND VFW Post 10657, 11568 Cedar Ln: N37 42.730 W077 30.240 M60A0 USA out

SN 345 1908

CHARLOTTESVILLE National Ground Intelligence Center, 2055 Boulders Road: N38 09.427 W078 24.782 1909 T-64B SOV out Virginia ARNG Armory, 1640 Avon Street Ext : N38 00.299 W078 29.693 M84 USA out SN F3, RN 87312051910 CREWE VFW Post 7819, 1004 W Virginia Ave: N37 11.027 W078 08.150 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 10047 1911 CULPEPER VFW Post 2524, Sperryville Pike: N38 29.209 W078 01.478 M56 Scorpion USA out

SN 62

DANVILLE American Armored Foundation (AAF) Tank Museum, 3401 U.S. Highway 29B: N36 38.608 W079 23.020 1912 2S3 Akatsiya SOV ind Dingo Mk II GBR ind Ferret GBR ind 1913 LVT4 USA ind M1015A1 USA ind SN C341HAB 1914 1908

Was formerly located at VFW Post 8617 in Goochland, Virginia, according to Dan Sherrier, “VFW Post 10657 acquires a military tank ,” Hanover Herald-Progress, 5 July 2007. 1909 Only T-64 on public display in the US? 1910 Identified by Tom Dinackus (4/2008). 1911 Marked as “non-combat”. Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2004). 1912 Captured during Desert Storm 1991 1913 Recovered from Catskill, NY junkyard 1914 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007).


M103A2 M108 M110A2 M113A1E1 M114 M163A1 M15A1 Half-Track M16A1 Half-Track GMC M18 Hellcat M1917 M2 Bradley M2 Cletrac High-Speed Tractor M2 Cletrac High-Speed Tractor M20 M3 Half-Track M37 M41A3 Walker Bulldog M42A1 Duster M44 M44 M47 Patton M48A1 Patton M48A5 Patton M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman M5 Stuart


ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind

SN 690 1915 SN 229 1916 SN 577 1917 SN MSJ21848 1918 SN 132 1919 Painted RN 40288361920 RN 2835191921 1922 1923

SN 2695, RN 601192521924 Painted RN 40198037 SN 3031 1925 SN 2259 1926 SN 269 1927 SN 315 1928 SN 7311 1929 SN 9487 1930 SN A3177 1931 SN 60110, RN 30319731932 SN 755, painted RN 3051381933


SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1917 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1918 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1919 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1920 "Bahamas Best" 1921 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1922 Owned by M.C. Bradley Military Rental Studios of Hollywood, California from 1922 to 1967, according to Hayes Otoupalik (2/2007). 1923 Built from 2 different vehicles 1924 Identified by Joe DeMarco (G136, 3/2005). 1925 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1926 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1927 Donated from the Rock Island Arsenal. The TACOM Central Registry identifies two M44s, but only one is on display. 1928 Donated from the Rock Island Arsenal. The TACOM Central Registry identifies two M44s, but only one is on display. 1929 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1930 Rebuilt T48? 1931 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1932 “Carmen;” has M2 dozer. Recovered from the Central Islip Psychiatric Center , where it was buried. SN identified by Joe DeMarco (G104, 7/2004).n 1933 May be a USMC / 3AD combat vet. Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2004). Additional information from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 1916


M548 M548A1 M55 M551A1 Sheridan M56 Scorpion M56 Scorpion M60A0 M60A1 M60A2 M706 Commando M75 M75 M75 M75 M84 M84 M901 PzKpfw IV Ausf H/J Sexton Strvgn 74 T-34/85 T-54A T-72A


ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind out ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind ind

SN C341HAB, Painted RN? 5F18?1934 SN 210 1935 1936

Painted RN 12J2251937 SN 768 1938 SN 5763 1939 SN 4710 1940 SN 10843 1941 Painted RN 40229437 Painted RN? 12A210? SN 180, Painted RN 40229375 SN F414, RN 12J0291942 SN F470, RN 12J0851943 SN CAA-00433 1944 SN 85575 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949

DAYTON American Legion Post 27, 3021 John Wayland Hwy (Rte 42): N38 25.534 W078 55.470 M60A3 USA out SN 3064A 1950 1934

Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1936 Under restoration; turret SN 706 1937 "Frankenstein;" 1938 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1939 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1940 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1941 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1942 Recovered from a Pennsylvania "army tank dump. 1943 Donated from the Rock Island Arsenal. 1944 SN by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1945 This "Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf H/J (hybrid) was captured by the Russian Mongols of the Red Army in Czechoslovakia and then it was eventually sold to Syria by Czechoslovakia. In 1967, it was captured by the Israelis at the Golan Heights and eventually put on display in the museum in Latrun along with Sturmgeschutz III Ausf G and other PzKpfw IV Ausf H. It was then traded to the Mattituck American Armored Museum on Long Island [which later moved to Danville] for another vehicle (Stuart) in the museum's collection," according to Steve Gabrielli, "Syrian Panzerkampfwagen IV in USA," Achtung Panzer!: PanzerKampfwagen IV. 1946 Only example in Western Hemisphere 1947 Czechoslovak-built 1948 Captured during Desert Storm 1991. Formerly located at the 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.1949 Captured during Desert Storm 1991 1935


DUNDAS Dundas Rd: N36 54.843, W078 01.303 M5 Stuart USA


FORT AP HILL Fort AP Hill Historical Holding, 18436 Fourth St: M3A3 Stuart USA M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA M59 USA M7B2 Priest USA M7B2 Priest USA

out out out out out

Front Gate, Rte 301: M41 Walker Bulldog T49 Walker Bulldog


out out

FORT BELVOIR Beulah St: N38 43.188 W077 09.457 BMP-1 SOV T-72 SOV

out out

SN 10572, RN 30105721951 1952


The National Museum of the Army: N38 43.330 W077 10.010 FT-17 FRA/USA ind M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo USA std

SN 50487 RN 30830841955

FORT BLACKMORE Off Route 72/619: N36 45.470 W082 34.758 M60A3 USA

SN 2402A



FORT EUSTIS US Army Transportation Museum, 300 Washington Blvd (Besson Hall): Caiman MRAP USA ind 1956 M2A1 Half-Track USA std M4A3(75)W Sherman USA ind 1957 M54A2 USA ind M60A3 USA ind 1950

AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) Marked “For Training Only.” Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2004). 1952 Rare mid-production version. Information from Bob Clifton (1/2007). 1953 One of two built, Front Gate, Rte 301 1954 “Five of Hearts”; WWI combat veteran 1955 “Cobra King “ This is the original Cobra King which was the first tank in Bastogne. It's the same tank as in the "First in Bastogne" photo. The cast in turret serial number, 138, can be seen in the Signal Corps photo, Joe deMarco G104 8/2008. Formerly at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor, Fort Knox, Kentucky 1956 Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). 1957 Only surviving Vietnam guntruck 1951





std std

FORT LEE Ordnance Circle: M32A1B3



SN 273 1959

Randolph Hall LVT4



RN 24808831960

U.S. Army Ordnance Museum: M3 Stuart



SN 2704, RN 3032381961

U.S. Army Ordnance Training and Heritage Center: N37 17.869 W077 20.244 M51 TRV USA out M578 USA out SN BMY 820 XM1 Abrams USA out SN H002 U.S. Army Ordnance Museum Storage, Railroad Ave: Cruiser Mk V Crusader GBR std KV-1C SOV std M10 TD USA/ITA out M113 USA out M2 Medium with M2A1 turret USA out M22 Locust USA out M24 Chaffee USA out M2A2E3 USA out M37 USA std M3A1 Lee USA out

RN T1261201962 SN 11302 1963 SN 6196, RN 4011031 1964 SN 174, RN 12HV041965 SN 2, RN 304451966 RN 3023588 SN 3874 1967 SN 248, RN 30368 1968 SN 75 1969 SN 1962, RN 3060321970


Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). Pressed Steel Car conversion accepted June 1944, converted from SN 11719, RN 3053874 “Jan C” 1960 Formerly at the US Army Ordnance Museum, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, transferred from Anniston Army depot in Sep 2015. 1961 Diesel Sad Sack. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 7/2003).Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground MD 1962 “Obtained from the British War Office for test at APG and retained in museum, 1943-1944,” Tank Data, 11. 1963 Position A19; Only KV-1 in U.S. Acquired via Reverse Lend-Lease, according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD. 1964 Used by US forces in Europe between 1944 and 1945. After the war, it was turned over to the Italian Army and used for several years... The 3-inch gun on this, and other Italian M10s, were shortened by the Italian authorities and a counterweight collar was added to restore balance.” Donated to the Ordnance Museum in 1967 (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104,8/2005). 1965 Iron Butterfly II, formerly at APG Maryland 1966 “Glamorous Gladis”. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). One of the two original M2 medium tanks built, and one of two surviving M2-series medium tanks. 1967 “Skeeter” 1968 Formerly on the Maryland Blvd Mile of Tanks. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 5/2005). One of four surviving M2 light tanks(although one or two additional wrecks may exist in Antarctica). 1969 Possibly T76 pilot 1959


M40 GMC M44 M48A2C Patton M4A1(75) Sherman Calliope M4A4 Sherman M55 M5A1 Stuart M7 Priest M8 HMC PzJg 38(t) Marder III Pak 36(r) PzJg Tiger(P) Elefant PzKpfw I Ausf B PzKpfw IV Ausf D/E/F Renault R-35 Model ZM Semovente da 47/32 su L6/40 Semovente M42 da 75/18 Sd.Kfz. 10 Skeleton Tank Somua S 35 T114 T1E1 Heavy Tank T25E1 Medium Tank T64E1 HMC


out std out std out out out out std out out out out out out out std out std out std std out

SN 840, RN 401956501971 RN 12F069 SN 518 1972 SN 7320, RN 30588321973 SN 19617, RN 30192231974 RN 12B3201975 SN 2641, RN 30460751976 SN 3167, RN 40400831977 SN 339, RN 40515721978 1979

SN 150040 1980 1981 1982

1983 1984


SN 672521986 SN 24 1987 SN 18, RN 301032911988 SN 2 1989


“Lu Lu Belle”, SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). “Big Shot” 1972 Formerly at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 1973 Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). Only surviving Sherman tank with a T34 Calliope rocket launcher? 1974 Exper. HVSS suspension(Joe DeMarco, G104, 8/2005) 1975 “Tiny Tim” 1976 “Jeb” 1977 SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004) 1978 1 of 5 in US Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2003). 1979 Captured at El Alamein. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 67 1980 This tank was part of the first batch of 200 vehicles that were transferred from Aberdeen Proving Ground MD, to Fort Lee VA. Fahrgestell number 150040, belonged to the s. Pz. Jäg. Abt. 653 (Kampfgruppe Ulbricht), with the tactical number "102". Captured in Italy in May 1944. During the Kursk battle, this SPG belonged to the s. Pz. Jäg. Abt. 654 (tactical number "511") (Alex Pankov). Currently on loan to Bovington. 1981 Recovered from Libya. Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 37. 1982 Likely has the 7.5 cm KwK L/24 from the PzKpfw III Ausf N. 1983 Captured at Tobruk. Used at El Alamein, and moved westward to near Tobruk, where captured. Sent to APG 1943” (Tank Data, 119 and the Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 1984 Captured at Tobruk. Used during the Battle of El Alamein and then moved westward to Tobruk where it was subsequently captured. Shipped to Aberdeen from Egypt 1943,” Tank Data, 121. 1985 Only one built 1986 Recovered from the Hillerslieben Proving Ground (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). 1987 Pilot M6, only survivor 1988 Formerly at APG, Maryland. Formerly on display at Crozier Hall (Materiel Testing Directorate, Building 400) beside Colleran Road, according to Trevor Larkum, Preserved Tanks: Solitary Vehicles, Aberdeen Proving Ground . Mistakenly marked as a T26E1 Pershing. 1989 M41 HMC pilot Gorilla 1971


T70 Hellcat GMC T88 HMC Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha XM551 Sheridan


out std out std

RN 401283861990 1991 1992

SN 4, RN 12FD251993

US Army Quartermaster Center & School, Petroleum & Water Department, 40th St & G Ave: 1994 M56 Scorpion USA std US Army Quartermaster Museum, 1201 22nd St (Bldg 5218): M3 Scout Car USA std FORT PICKETT Main Gate, Military Rd & Darvills Rd : N37 04.884 W077 58.188 M60A0 USA out Military Rd: M42 Duster M84




out out

HAMPTON VA Medical Center, near Building 15 (old boiler building), Corner of Woodfin St & Harris Ave: N37 00.977 W076 20.130 1997 T195E1 SPH USA out LYNCHBURG American Legion Post 16, 1301 Greenview Dr: N37 20.292 W079 13.448 M3A1 Stuart USA out SN 10071, RN 30252801998 NEWPORT NEWS Virginia War Museum, 9285 Warwick Blvd: N37 01.161 W076 27.221 1999 2S1 Gvozdika USA out M1917 USA ind M42A1 Duster USA out SN 2469 2000 1990

T70 pilot number 3; “Fearless Felix”. Has RN 40145153 Painted on . See Hunnicutt, Stuart, 307. Only 1 built; based on M18 Hellcat. Formerly on the Mile of Tanks 1992 Captured on Iwo Jima during the War and has a distinctive shrapnel hole in the left front fender, as well as fittings to carry a dozer blade. The dozer fittings can be seen on the turret to the left of the gun, on the front hull below and to either side of the towing shackle mount, and between the first and second road wheels each side,” Preserved Japanese Tanks, 24. 1993 Formerly at APG, Maryland 1994 Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). 1995 Identified by Tom Dinackus (3/2008). 1996 Missing, current location unknown. (Armyjunk, Afv Discussion Board, 4/2016) 1997 The Hampton;” only surv. T195? Probably RD 3 / SN 5, according to Jim Webster and Jeff Button (AFV News Discussion Board, 3/2007). 1998 Marked as “Non-Combat.” Identified by Joe DeMarco (G103, 3/2004). 1999 Identified by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 03/2015 1991


M53 M5A1 Stuart M60A3


out ind out

NOKESVILLE Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles (VMMV): 2004 Abbot GBR std Abbot GBR std Abbot GBR std Barr Car ARSV USA std BMP-1 SOV std BTR-152 SOV std C15 Personnel Carrier CAN std Centurion Mk 12 GBR std Centurion Mk 7 GBR/CHE std Churchill Mk VII Crocodile GBR std CVR(T) Scorpion GBR std CVR(T) Scorpion GBR std CVR(T) Striker GBR std Dingo USA std Dingo USA std Ferret Mk 1 GBR std Ferret Mk 2 GBR std Fox GBR std Fox GBR std FV432 GBR std FV432 GBR std FV432 GBR std FV432 GBR std FV432 GBR std FV434 GBR std G-13 Hetzer CSK/CHE std LVT4 USA std M10 TD USA std M113 USA std M114 USA std M16 Half-Track GMC USA std M16 Half-Track GMC USA std

SN 197 2001 SN 2632, RN 30460662002 SN 4039M 2003

RN 43BA16 SN 899

RN 07FF68 RN F340824 RN F19711 RN 00EA55 RN 09FD54

RN 16MS98 RN 28MS98


SN 17122006 SN 3, painted RN 12L686 Painted RN 12T729 SN 276275, Painted RN 4048604


SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 1 of 6 known survivors 2002 SN/RN from André Flener (G103, 10/2004). 2003 MAD rebuild. SN identified by Joe D (10/2006). 2004 The Virginia Museum of Military Vehicles (VMMV) is generally open once each year during its annual open house. 2005 Modified to appear as a JgPz 38(t) Hetzer. 2006 Built by Fisher in April, 1943 2001


M18 Hellcat M19 M1917 M20 M24 Chaffee M29 Weasel M3 Grant M3 Lee M36 Jackson M3A1 Half-Track M3A1 Half-Track M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Scout Car M3A1 Stuart M41 Walker Bulldog M41 Walker Bulldog M42A1 Duster M42A1 Duster M4A1(75) Sherman M4A3(75) Sherman M5 Stuart with M5A1 turret M50 Super Sherman M56 Scorpion M7 Priest M8 Greyhound OT-810 Panhard M3 PT-76 Pz 61 Pz 68/88 RDF Light Tank S-103C S-Tank S-103C S-Tank Saladin Saracen T-34/85


std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std std

SN 2295 2007

RN 601260462008 SN 965, RN 30113558 2009

Painted RN T246562010 SN 4444, Painted RN 309515 SN 869 RN 401911682011 Painted RN 40109856 "Gone Huntin" SN 11375, Painted RN 609921 Painted RN XX72130 SN 10139 SN 1654 RN 12H224 SN 217, RN 12C126 SN 192, RN 30149482012 SN 2980 2013 SN 2730 2014 2015

SN 1364, Painted RN 4038014 SN 6951, Painted RN 6035718

RN M-77634 RN M-77974 RN 202359 RN 202367 VRN 02BB03 VRN 80BA61


Acquired from Loef's scrap yard in Athens, Georgia. “Labrador” 2009 Painted RN 4065768 2010 Acquired from the former Budge Collection in the UK, according to Buan, Surviving M2 Medium, M3 Lee and M3 Grant tanks. 2011 Converted by Massey Harris from an M10 in December, 1944. Recovered from Bosnia-Herzegovina. 2012 Turret N° 345 2013 "Cosmos 41" 2014 Painted RN 3045842 2015 1 of 4 M50 Super Sherman’s in the US 2008


T-34/85 T-55 T-55AM2 T-72 T16 Carrier TK55 Universal Carrier Universal Carrier Valentine


std std std std std std std std std

SN MHY11DKH SN 59 N 1053 D SN T19ZNK 005 2016

Painted WD T296720 Painted WD T27475 WD No. T1219442017

NORFOLK Marine Corps Reserve Center, Shore Dr (US-60): N36 54.739 W076 11.352 LVTP5 USA out PORTSMOUTH Virginia Army National Guard Armory, 3150 Elmhurst Ln : N36 48.209 W076 22.348 M42A1 Duster USA out QUANTICO Henry Machine Gun Range (Range #8): LVTP5 USA M47 Patton USA M48 Patton USA M4A3(105) Sherman USA

wre wre wre wre


National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps, 18900 Jefferson Davis Hwy: 2019 LVT1 Alligator USA ind 2020 LVT3 Bushmaster USA ind M26 Pershing USA ind RN USMC 1180412021 M3A1 Stuart USA ind SN 9952 2022 M4A3(75) Sherman USA ind SN 11578, RN 3053733 2023 2024 M50A1 Ontos USA ind


Painted WD No. T24775 This tank was part of the Budge Collection (UK) before the collection was scattered 2018 Identified by Mike Canady (G104, 12/2004). 2019 Recently restored by the Aberdeen Proving Ground Ordnance Museum. 2020 Korea Gallery. Used in the movie “Tank”? (Joe DeMarco, G104, 5/2002); SN from the Sherman Register. 2021 Korea Gallery 2022 WWII Gallery. Recently restored by the Aberdeen Proving Ground Ordnance Museum. 2023 WWII Gallery 2024 Vietnam Gallery 2017


National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps, Museum Storage: 2025 BMP-1 SOV/IRQ std 2026 CWS-POA-H5 Sherman USA out King armored car USA std LVT4 USA std LVTP5A1 USA std RN USMC 108081 M24 Chaffee USA std M29 Weasel USA std M2A3 Light Tank USA std SN 312? RN 30433 M3 Half-Track USA std M3 Half-Track USA std M3A1 Scout Car USA std M3A1 Stuart USA std Painted USMC RN 06606 M5A1 Stuart USA std Painted USMC RN 201789 M60A1 RISE USA std M7B2 Priest USA std Painted RN 40233536 SU-76M SOV std T-34/85 SOV std T-62M SOV/IRQ std T-62M SOV/IRQ std T-72M SOV/IRQ std 2027 Type 4 Ho-Ro JPN std Type 69 command tank CHN/IRQ std Type 95 Ha-Go JPN std Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha JPN std XM759 Marginal terrain vehicle USA std RICHMOND 80th Division USAR : M114



Defence supply center: M41 Walker Bulldog



SALEM American Legion Post 3, 710 Apperson Dr: N37 16.295 W080 02.743 M114 USA out SMITHFIELD 2025

Most of these vehicles were formerly part of the Marine Air-Ground Museum, which closed in 2002. They may be used in future exhibits at the new National Museum of the U.S. Marine Corps. Some collection information provided by Scott Taylor (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2006). Information from Chris Hughes (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2006). 2026 Recovered from Camp LeJeune, NC. One of only three surviving CWS-POA-H5 two-barreled Sherman flamethrower tanks. 2027 Captured on Okinawa. Only surviving example?


Virginia Military Preservation Association: M8 Greyhound USA


VIRGINIA BEACH Camp Pendleton, Headquarters Rd & Jefferson Ave: N36 48.966 W075 59.033 M42A1 Duster USA out Fighter Factory: Dingo





AUBURN Auburn Memorial Park, Park Ave: N47 18.707 W122 13.443 M56 Scorpion USA out CAMP MURRAY Front Gate, Militia Dr: N47 07.123 W122 33.570 M47 Patton USA


SN 8211, RN 9588952028

Washington National Guard Museum, The Arsenal, Infantry Dr : N47 06.909 W122 33.857 M3A1 Stuart USA out CHEHALIS Undefined: M4 Sherman WWII Light Tank


out out

DURRAL Military Vehicle Sales: M75




EVERETT Flying Heritage Museum, Paine Field, 3407 109th Street SW : N47 53.956 W122 16.783 Churchill Mk VII Crocodile GBR ind RN T-251611/H2030 8K11 SCUD A USA std SN 663B0536 2031 G-13 Hetzer USA std 2032 JS-3 SS-1b Scud A Launcher SOV ind 2033 M4A1(75) Sherman USA ind 2034 M55 USA ind 2035 Sd.Kfz 7 USA ind 2036 T-34/85 USA std


Identified by Alf Adams (AFV News Discussion Board, 7/2007). Former logging Sherman 2030 This tank was previously on display at the Musée des blindés, canons et instruments de Justice of Geneva, Switzerland (Chris Shillito) 2031 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation, sold by Auctions America, July, 2014 2032 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America, July 2014 2033 Manufactured by Pressed Steel Car. This tank was used by the army of the Netherlands after WW2. It had the E9 suspension during post-war service, but it was removed during the tank's restoration 2034 Former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle, sold by Auctions America. 2035 Running condition, former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation. Sold by Auctions America. 2036 Formerly displayed in Eastover, SC 2029


FORKS Tillicum Park, Tillicum Ln: M56 Scorpion



FORT LEWIS 14th Cavalry Memorial, Stryker Ave: M4A1(76) HVSS Sherman USA


8-1 Cavalry HQ: M3 Half-Track



Fort Lewis Museum: 2S1 Gvozdika BMP-1 BRDM-2 M103A2 M114 M15A1 Half-Track GMC M20 M24 Chaffee M3 Half-Track M3A1 Stuart M42 Duster M4A1E9(75) Sherman M5 High Speed Tractor M55 M551A1 Sheridan M59 M60A0 M60A0 M728 M8 Greyhound MT-LB T-72


out out out out std out out out std out out std out out out out out out out out out ind

SN 92 2037

SN 6236 2038


SN 618 2040 2041 2042


SN 217 SN 734 2044

SN 12, RN 13C5072045 SN 216, RN 9B3332 SN 3332, RN 9B33322046 SN 75 2047

RN K12BT42492048


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2039 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2040 SN identified by Alf Adams (8/2007). 2041 Previously identified as being on display at the Fort Lewis Museum and may still be in storage. 2042 Identified by Chris Hughes, on Toadman’s Tank Pictures, in 1995. 2043 Previously identified as being on display at the Fort Lewis Museum and may still be in storage. 2044 Previously identified as being on display at the Fort Lewis Museum and may still be in storage. 2045 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board 04/2009 2046 RN identified by Alf Adams (8/2007). 2047 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2048 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2038


Type 69




Fort Lewis Museum, LTC Herbert Mills 1-33 Armor Memorial: M4A1(76)W Sherman USA out M60A0 USA out

SN 52499, RN 30850962050 SN 1209, RN 9B4544

Range Control: M113 M47 Patton M60A0

SN MSJ14177 2051 SN 29 2052 SN 1270, RN 9B46062053


out out out

KENNEWICK Desert Lawn Memorial Park, 1401 S Union St: N46 11.819 W119 10.674 M60A3 USA out SN 3294A 2054 KENT Washington ARNG Armory, 24410 36th Ave S: N47 22.937 W122 17.162 M60A3 USA out SN 3534, RN JJ01N62055 KETTLE FALLS Private owner: M3A1 Scout Car



LAKEWOOD Tactical Tailor, Pacific Highway: CVR(T) Scorpion



OAK HARBOR Police Department, 860 S.E. Barrington Dr: V-150 Commando USA


SN 60609 2056

ODESSA Cemetery, off W 1st Avenue (Route 28): N47 19.881 W118 42.536 M60A3 USA out SN 5099 2057


Captured by 864th Engineer Batt Identified by Chris Hughes, on Toadman’s Tank Pictures. SN by Kurt Laughlin, build November 1944, ex MDAP. 2051 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2052 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2053 Identified by Neil Baumgardner, Afv Discussion Board, 05/2009 2054 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2055 SN / RN identified by Alf Adams (8/2007). 2056 Former USN. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2057 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2050


ORTING Washington Soldiers Home, 1301 Orting-Kapowsin Hwy: N47 04.846 W122 12.796 M60A3 USA out SN 8548 2058 SEATTLE Private owner: M5A1 Stuart



Private owner: T114



STEVENS PASS Washington Department of Transportation : M60A3 USA M60A3 USA

std std

VANCOUVER private owner: M75



WOODLAND Private owner: M5 Stuart with M5A1 turret



SN 1253 2059

YAKIMA Central Washington Agricultural Museum, 4508 Main St: N46 32.275 W120 28.881 M60A1/A3 USA out City cemetery: N46 34.478 W120 32.355 M103 USA

2058 2059


Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). Obtained from SECO. Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007).



BARBOURSVILLE WV Veterans Home, 512 Water Street: N38 24.645 W082 17.712 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out BLUEFIELD Bowen Field, Bluefield City Park, off Stadium Dr: N37 14.838 W081 14.876 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out BUCKHANNON Private owner: M3A1 Scout Car



CHARLESTON West Virginia National Guard HQ, Coonskin Park, 2000 Coonskin Dr: N38 22.430 W081 35.123 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2652 2060 CLARKBURG 119th Engineer Company, West Virginia ARNG Armory, RR 19: M41 Walker Bulldog USA out DUNBAR West Virginia ARNG Armory: N38 22.254 W081 44.971 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out LEADSVILLE Randolph County Armed Forces Reserve Cent, 201 Caisson Drive: N38 57.398 W079 58.756 2061 2S1 Gvozdika SOV out MADISON VFW Post 5578: M114A1



SN 3197 2062

MORGANTOWN 201st Infantry - Field Artillery Memorial Park, Don Nehlen Dr & Chestnut Ridge Rd: N39 39.366 W079 57.180 M41A3 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 2561 2063


SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). Identified by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2016. 2062 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2063 Coordinates and SN by Kurt Laughlin, Afv Discussion Board, 04/2011 2061


MOUNDSVILLE West Virginia ARNG Armory, 1501 9th St: M41 Walker Bulldog USA


PARKERSBURG Quincy Park, Shattuck Ave: N39 16.046 W081 33.185 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out

SN 346


POINT PLEASANT West Virginia ARNG Armory, Rte 62 N: N38 54.637 W082 07.005 2065 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out M7B2 Priest USA ind PRINCETON County of Mercer County Commission: N37 21.975 W081 06.178 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 3225 WEIRTON Veterans Memorial Park, Rte 22: N40 23.418 W080 35.642 T95E8 with M48 turret USA out

SN 5, RN 9B10472066


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2066 Based on information from David R. Haugh and Michael Duplessis, “An Idea Too Early for Its Time: The US Army T95 Medium/Heavy Tank Series,” Journal of Military Ordnance, November 1999. 2065



ALLENTON American Legion Post 483, 301 W Main St: N43 25.069 W088 20.519 M60A3 USA out SN 3850A, RN JJ00952067 ANTIGO C Coy/32nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, Wisconsin Army National Guard Armory, 720 Amron Ave: N45 09.979 W089 09.086 M60A3 USA out APPLETON American Legion Post 38, 3220 W College Ave: N44 15.735 W088 27.268 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12501, RN 30546562068 M60A3 USA out SN 2923A 2069 ARCADIA Arcadia Memorial Park, 435 E Gaveny Rd : N44 14.648 W091 29.908 M48A5 Patton USA out SN 10960 2070 ATHENS Memorial Park, Mueller St & Caroline St: N45 01.956 W090 04.525 M60A3 USA out SN 3373A, RN JJ015Q2071 AUBURNDALE On the south side of Hwy 10: N44 37.761 W090 01.260 M60A3 USA out

RN JJ01F52072

AVOCA Veterans Memorial Park: N43 10.963 W090 19.500 M60A3 USA out

SN 3366A, RN JJ00UL 2073


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry. RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2068 SN and location from Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2004). 2069 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2070 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2071 AAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (AFV News Discussion Board, 6/2006). SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2072 Identified by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2073 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin


BANGOR Park, James St & Park Dr : N43 53.397 W090 59.596 M60A3 USA out

SN 3396A, RN JJ014J 2074

BEAVER DAM American Legion Post 146, 300 Beichl Ave: N43 28.203 W088 49.440 M60A3 USA out SN 3361A, RN JJ01H12075 BERLIN VFW Post 2925, 420 N Wisconsin: N43 58.671 W088 56.794 M60A3 USA out

SN 3855A, RN 09A188722076

BIRCHWOOD American Legion Post 379, 504 N Stoney Hill Rd: M60A3 USA

SN 3400A 2077


BLACK RIVER FALLS Jackson County Veterans Park Development Committee: N44 17.339 W090 51.866 M60A3 USA out SN 3843A, RN JJ00112078 BOSCOBEL Memorial Park, corner of W Oak & Elm: N43 08.075 W090 42.629 M60A3 USA out SN 6903, RN JJ00DW2079 BRODHEAD American Legion Post 197: N42 37.127 W089 22.595 M60A3 USA out

SN 3362A? RN JJ00WC2080

CADOTT Chippewa County Veterans Memorial Park, intersection of State Hwys 27 and 29: N44 56.220 W091 08.804 M60A3(TTS) USA out SN 985, RN JJ03WS2081 CALEDONIA American Legion Post 494, 4277 Highway 41: N42 46.517 W087 57.174 M60A3 USA out SN 3372A, RN JJ00W32082 2074

AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2076 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2077 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2078 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2079 SN, RN and coordinates by Joe D 2080 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2081 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2075


CAMP DOUGLAS VFW Post 10911, 110 School St: N43 55.130 W090 16.181 M60A3 USA out

SN 1582 2083

Wisconsin National Guard Museum, Volk Field: N43 55.714 W090 16.013 M110A2 USA out M48 Patton USA out SN 3748 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2842, RN 30558022084 M60A3 USA out SN 3688A, RN 09A066702085 CAROLINE American Legion Post 494, W12580 County Rd M: N44 43.384 W088 53.866 M60A3 USA out SN 3369A 2086 CHETEK American Legion Post 179, 1432 Hwy Blvd N: N45 19.382 W091 39.817 M60A3 USA out SN 3409A 2087 CHIPPEWA FALLS Private owner: M3 Half-Track



CLEAR LAKE VFW Post 5828, 159 Hwy 63: N45 14.943 W092 15.945 M60A3 USA out

SN 3379A 2088

CLINTONVILLE Outside the American Legion Hall, Memorial Circle: N44 37.281 W088 45.531 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2756, RN 3055716 COLBY American Legion Post 179, 104 S Division St: N44 54.541 W090 18.898 M60A3 USA out SN 3852A, RN JJ004K2089 COLEMAN American Legion Post 280: M114





AAD rebuild. SN/RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007) and the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2084 SN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2004). 2085 AAD rebuild 2086 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2087 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2088 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2089 AAD rebuild. SN and RN by John Anderson, War memorials of Wisconsin 2090 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2083


CRANDON County Courthouse Square, 297 South Lake Ave at E. Polk St.: N45 34.053 W088 54.146 M60A3 USA out SN 3393A, RN JJ01HK2091 CRIVITZ Crivitz Community Veteran's Park, Louisa St between Henriette Ave & Hall Ave : N45 13.961 W088 00.142 M60A3 USA out SN 3402A 2092 DARLINGTON American Legion Post 214, 1400 Keep St: N42 41.353 W090 06.945 M60A3 USA out SN 3667A 2093 DICKEYVILLE Community Park, N Center St & N Church St : N42 37.862 W090 35.812 2094 M114 USA out EAGLE RIVER Undefined: M3A3 Stuart




EAST TROY American Legion Post 7501, 1892 Division St: N42 47.862 W088 25.519 M60 USA out SN 3156A 2096 EAU CLAIRE VFW Post 305, 1300 Starr Ave: N44 49.844 W091 28.790 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 11849, RN 30540042097

VFW Post 7232, 2900 W Folsom St: N44 49.742 W091 32.956 M60A3 USA out

SN 3398A, RN JJ00W72098

ELDERON VFW Post 8068, Main St: N44 47.014 W089 15.408 M60A3 USA out

SN 3767A 2099


SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2093 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2094 VFW identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2095 Identified by Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). 2096 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2097 SN and location from Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2004). 2098 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2099 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2092


ELROY American Legion Post 115, 402 Franklin St: N43 44.305 W090 16.103 M60A3 USA out SN 2945A 2100 ENDEAVOR Park, N Church St / County Rd CX & E Prairie St: N43 42.837 W089 27.911 M60A3 USA out SN 3378A, RN JJ01632101 EVANSVILLE Lake Leota Park, Antes Dr: N42 47.084 W089 17.958 M47 Patton USA out FOND du LAC American Legion Post 75, 500 Fond Du Lac Ave?: N43 45.974 W088 25.684 M114A1 USA out SN 65 2102 Private owner: M4A3(75) Sherman



FORT ATKINSON Recovery Training Range : M901



SN 11944, RN 3054099

Wisconsin ARNG, 420 Bark River Dr: N42 54.990 W088 49.942 M60A3 USA out RN JJ01652103 FORT McCOY Commemorative Area, History Center & Equipment Park: N44 01.158 W090 39.828 M1 Abrams USA out 0078 2104 M109A2 USA out M110A2 USA out M114 USA out M29 Weasel USA out M3 Half-Track USA out M42A1 Duster USA out M4A3(76)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 67593, RN 301233292105 M548A1 USA out M551 Sheridan USA out


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2102 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2103 RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2104 May be 1 of first 110 LRIP? 2105 SN and location from Joe DeMarco (G104, 2/2004). 2101


M577 M578 M60A3 M706 Commando M728 M88A1 M901A1 T95 with M48 turret


out out out out out out out out

SN 2949A, RN JJ04Z02106 SN 229 2107

SN 12, RN 9B10492108

Former 84th Division / Training Command HQ, U.S. Army Reserve, 50 O St: N44 01.158 W090 39.828 M114 USA out RN 12T6366 Recovery Training Range : M114 M551 Sheridan M901 M901


out std std std

RN 13C143

FREMONT American Legion Post 391, 322 Waupaca St: N44 15.667 W088 52.118 M60A3 USA out SN 2907A? RN JJ04YZ2109 GILMAN VFW Post 6186, 315 S 5th St: N45 09.917 W090 48.723 M60A3 USA out

SN 2933A, RN 09A__4_72110

GLIDDEN VFW Post 7300, 124 E 1st St: N46 08.012 W090 35.380 M60A3 USA out

SN 3387A 2111

GRANTSBURG Wisconsin ARNG Armory Park: M4A3 Sherman




GREEN BAY North 41 to Marinette: M4A3(75) Sherman





Anniston Army Depot rebuild, SN, Registration and coordinates by Joe_D SN and coordinates by Joe D (10/2006). 2108 Based on information from David R. Haugh and Michael Duplessis, “An Idea Too Early for Its Time: The US Army T95 Medium/Heavy Tank Series,” Journal of Military Ordnance, November 1999. 2109 AAD rbld. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), although the same SN is given for an M60A3 in Crown Point, Indiana. RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2110 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2111 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2107


HIXTON American Legion Post 368: N44 22.989 W091 00.670 M60A3 USA out

SN 7014 2112

HOLMEN Associated Bank?, Holmen Rd (Hwy 53 / US 35) & W Gaardner Rd: N43 57.321 W091 15.603 M47 Patton USA/ITA out SN 473 2113 HORICON American Legion Post 157, 735 S Hubbard St: N43 26.562 W088 37.743 M60A3 USA out SN 634 2114 HOWARDS GROVE Post 9924, 904 College Avenue: N43 50.223 W087 49.084 M42A1 Duster USA out


HURLEY Local park, Villa Dr & 3rd Ave S: N46 26.682 W090 10.995 M60A3 USA out

SN 4075M 2116

JACKSON Jackson Park, Jackson Drive: N43 19.643 W088 09.718 M60A3 USA out

SN 3358A RN JJ01CM2117

JANESVILLE VFW Post 1621, 1015 Center Ave: N42 39.983 W089 01.792 M60A3 USA out

SN 3404A 2118

KANSASVILLE VFW Memorial, Durand Avenue: N42 41.312 W088 08.330 M110A2 USA out M60A3 USA out

SN FMC287 2119 SN 3374A, RN JJ015W2120


Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Has ORMeC Bologna stamp. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2114 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2115 Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2116 MAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 2117 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2118 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2119 SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2120 AAD rebuild. SN & RN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007) and the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2113


KENDALL VFW Post 309, Highway 71: N43 47.418 W090 21.877 M60A3 USA out

SN 4117M, RN JJ01KW2121

KESHENA city park at intersection of Hwy 47 & BIA Route 331: N44 53.026 W088 38.108 2122 M42 Duster USA out La CROSSE Veterans Freedom Park, Mosher Dr: N43 50.475 W091 15.372 M60A3 USA out SN 3403A, RN JJ00V92123 VFW Post 417, 700 Fisherman Rd: N43 52.168 W091 15.061 M60A3 USA out

SN 3847A, RN JJ00EF 2124

La VALLE American Legion Post 242, 116 W Main St: N43 34.935 W090 07.880 M60A3 USA out SN 3391A, RN JJ021M2125 LADYSMITH Rusk County Historical Society: N45 28.367 W091 06.000 M60A3 USA out

SN 3737A 2126

LOMIRA American Legion Post 347, 412 Pleasant Hill Ave: N43 35.176 W088 26.570 M60A3 USA out SN 3381A, RN JJ013U 2127 LOWEL VFW Post 9392, 280 South St: N43 20.191 W088 49.171 M60A3 USA out

SN 4083M, RN JJ01Z52128

LOYAL American Legion Post 175, 302 N Union St: N44 44.283 W090 29.611 M60A3 USA out SN 3394A, RNJJ01PH2129


MAD rebuild. Identified by Joe D (12/2006). Identified by War Memorials of Wisconsin 2123 RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2124 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2125 AAD rebuild, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2126 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2127 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2128 Identified by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2129 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2122


LUBLIN American Legion Post 547, W13315 South St: N45 04.511 W090 43.479 M60A3 USA out SN 3383A, RN JJ02032130 LYNDON STATION VFW Post 5970, 147 Oak St: N43 42.612 W089 54.165 M60A3 USA out MADISON VFW Post 8483, 5737 County Hwy : N43 09.687 W089 20.127 M114 USA out

SN 3407A, RN JJ01MQ 2131


Wisconsin Veterans Museum, 30 W Mifflin St: N43 04.500 W089 23.204 M3A1 Stuart USA ind MARSHFIELD American Legion Post 54, 2100 S Maple Ave: N44 38.893 W090 10.811 M60A3 USA out SN 3377A, RN JJ015X2133 McFARLAND American Legion Post 534, 4911 Burma Rd: N43 00.671 W089 17.821 M60A3 USA out SN 3364A, RN JJ00RO 2134 MELLEN City Park / VFW Post 2273, Fayette Ave: N46 19.348 W090 39.610 M114 USA out SN 26 2135 MELROSE American Legion Post 439, Hogg St & 3rd St: N44 07.950 W090 59.914 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 579572136 MENASHA Private owner: M5A1 Stuart




AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorial of Wisconsin 2131 RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2132 There are two VFW Posts located in Madison: Post 1318, 133 E Lakeside St; and Post 7591, 301 Cottage Grove Rd. 2133 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2134 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2135 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). 2136 Built by Chrysler in October, 1944. It served in Italy during WW2 and was issued to the 11th Armored Infantry Bn, 1st Armored Division on March 5, 1945. It has some of the 1950s upgrades such as the infantry phone and rubber tracks


MEQUON American Legion Post 457, 6006 W Mequon Rd: N43 13.309 W087 59.070 M60A3 USA out SN 3856A, RN JJ01092137 MERRILL Det 1/HQ Coy/32nd Brigade Special Troops Battalion, Wisconsin Army National Guard Armory, 106 Memorial Dr: N45 10.972 W089 40.064 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12563, RN 3054718 MILLSTON Park, US-12 & Cty Hwy O, Millston: N44 11.522 W090 38.749 M60A3 USA out

SN 3360A

MILLTOWN VFW Post 6856, 1503 200th Ave: N45 29.878 W092 28.136 M60A3 USA out

SN 3375A 2138

MILWAUKEE 521st Maintenance Battalion, USAR, 5130 W Silver Spring Dr: N43 07.187 W087 58.572 M60A3 USA out RN 9B8990 2139 MINERAL POINT VFW Post 7629, 527 Fountain St: N42 51.878 W090 10.237 M60A3 USA out

SN 3367A, RN JJ00RJ2140

MONDOVI VFW Post 6711: N44 34.219 W091 40.108 M60A3 USA


SN 3858A 2141

MONROE Pleasant View Park : N42 37.330 W089 39.622 M60A3 USA


SN 3389A, RN JJ0001 2142

MONTELLO American Legion Post 351, W3008 State Rd 23: N43 47.525 W089 18.710 M60A3 USA out SN 3365A, RN JJ00Q52143


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin. 2138 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2139 RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2140 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2141 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2142 Formerly at the Green County sheriff's office. AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin


MONTFORT VFW Post 9298, Main and Fountain Streets: N42 58.363 W090 26.027 M60A3 USA out SN 3382A, RN JJ01GH2144 NECEDAH American Legion Post 277: N44 01.450 W090 04.721 M60A3 USA out

SN 3399A, RN JJ01ND2145

NEENAH Mahler Park, 1648 S Park Ave: N44 09.169 W088 27.355 M60A3 USA out

SN 4103M, RN 9B75142146

NEW BERLIN VFW Post 5176, 17980 West Beloit Rd: N42 57.118 W088 08.293 M41 Walker Bulldog USA out SN 1169 NEW LISBON 110 Welch Prairie Rd / Germantown Rd / Highway 80: N43 52.819 W090 09.505 M60A3 USA out SN 4121M, RN JJ01ZZ2147 OCONTO Oconto Memorial Golf Course, Harbor Rd: N44 53.566 W087 52.011 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 2797, RN 3055757 ONALASKA American Legion Post 336, 713 Sand Lake Coulee Rd: N43 53.587 W091 13.239 M60A3 USA out SN 3380A, RN JJ000M2148 OSHKOSH Military Veterans Museum, 375 City Center: M20 USA M3 Half-Track USA T-34/85 SOV

out std ind

Red Arrow Park, intersection of Taft Rd and N Westfield St: N44 01.566 W088 34.608 M114 USA out 2143

AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2144 Anniston produced Former M60A1 SN 8144. SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2145 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2146 SN identified by Robert Buettner (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/2010). The TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) identifies this tank as being located at American Legion Post 360, Waunakee, Wisconsin. 2147 MAD rebuild, SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2148 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin





SN 3354A 2149

OXFORD VFW Post 6003, N3250 1st Dr: N43 45.468 W089 35.715 M60A3 USA out

SN 3401A, RN JJ01N12150

PEPLIN VFW Post 8280, 3332 Hwy 153: N44 47.223 W089 32.978 M60A3 USA out

SN 3515A, RN JJ01462151

PLOVER VFW Post 10262, 2970 Hickory Dr: N44 28.813 W089 32.869 M60A3 USA Out

SN 3405A, RN JJ0ZZ02152

PRAIRIE DU CHIEN War Memorial: N43 02.099 W091 08.216 M60A3 USA

SN 969, RN JJ03UK2153


PRAIRIE DU SAC Wisconsin Veterans Memorial adjacent to the Sauk Prairie Airport: N43 18.096 W089 45.508 M60A3 USA out SN 3408A, RN JJ01Z62154 PRINCETON VFW Post 10452, 136 N Farmer St: N43 51.103 W089 07.603 M60A3 USA out RHINELANDER C/724th Engineer Battalion, WI ARNG Armory, 1136 Military Rd: N45 37.752 W089 23.701 M60A3 USA out SN 042, RN JJ03142155 VFW Post 3143, 120 Park St?: M60A3



SN 3279A 2156


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) RN and Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2151 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007)RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2152 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2153 Detroit produced, SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2154 It was donated by the Sauk Prairie VFW Post 7694 and was previously one of two M60A3s at the Badger Ammunition Plant 2 miles north of this location, War memorials of Wisconsin. 2155 RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 2156 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed 2150


RIB LAKE American Legion Post 274: M60A3



SN 3397A 2157

RICE LAKE American Legion Post 87, 1404 Macauley Ave: N45 29.184 W091 44.111 M60A3 USA out SN 3368A, RN JJ00RD2158 RICHLAND CENTER American Legion Post 13, 900 Flag Park Dr: N43 20.643 W090 23.697 M60A3 USA out SN 2876A 2159 RUDOLPH Memorial park, Main Street : N44 29.755 W089 48.198 M60A3 USA out

SN 3352A, RN JJ01RF2160

SHAWANO Memorial Athletic Park, 909 S Main St: N44 46.268 W088 36.524 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12236, RN 30543912161 SHEBOYGAN Veterans Memorial Park, Union Ave, between 24th & 25th Streets: N43 43.941 W087 44.117 M60A3 USA out SN 3772A, RN 09B069682162 VFW Post 9156, 522 S Evan St: N43 44.934 W087 44.204 M60A3 USA out

SN 3689A, RN 09A1772 2163

SHOPIERE Veterans memorial: N42 34.644 W088 56.609 M60A3 USA


SN 3359A 2164

SIREN Veterans park: N45 47.259 W092 22.784 M60A3 USA


SN 4411A, RN 3A019702165


AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed SN, RN and coordinates by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board, 09/2010 2159 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2160 Identified by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2161 SN confirmed by Paul & Loren Hannah, Afv Discussion Board, 11/2015 2162 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2163 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2164 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2165 Formerly at VFW Post 2408 Ypsilanti MI. SN / RN identified by Kurt Laughlin (5/2008). 2158


SOLDIERS GROVE American Legion Post 220, 103 Legion Dr: N43 23.338 W090 45.871 M60A3 USA out SN 3672A 2166 SPARTA American Legion Post 100, 1116 Angelo Rd.: N43 57.323 W090 47.780 M60A3 USA out SN 4118M, RN JJ00XF2167 VFW Post 2112, 121 South Rusk Street: N43 56.582 W090 48.056 M4A3(75)W Sherman USA out SN 49880, RN 3082477 M60A3 USA out SN 3728A, RN 09A945682168 SPOONER 1724th Engineer Battalion, Wisconsin ARNG Armory, Hwy 70: N45 49.326 W091 52.833 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out SN 12198, RN 3052978 Spooner Military Vehicle Preservation Group, W8600 Dock Lake Rd: N45 51.577 W091 58.499 LVT4 USA std M20 USA std M29 Weasel USA std M4A3(75) Sherman USA std RN 3054762 2169 VFW Post 1028 Northwestern dr: M60A3



SN 3357A 2170

SPRINGBROOK VFW Post 10568, 8593 N City Rd M: M60A3



SN 3280A 2171

STANLEY Chapman Park? / VFW Post 2711: N44 57.746 W090 56.578 M60A3 USA out

SN 3371A, RN RN JJ01Y22172

STETSONVILLE American Legion Post 519, 224 N Powell St: N45 04.308 W090 18.919 M60A3 USA out SN 3406A, RN RN JJ01GY2173 2166

AAD rebuild. Former M60A1 SN 3578. Coordinates by Joe_D MAD rebuild, Former M60A1 SN 8305. SN, RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2168 Coordinates by Joe_D 2169 If the painted RN is correct the SN would be 12607 2170 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2171 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed 2172 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2173 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2167


THORP Thorp Area Veterans Memorial Park, S Washington St: N44 57.493 W090 48.012 M60A3 USA out SN 3376A, RN JJ00X32174 TICHIGAN VFW Post 10441: N42 49.993 W088 13.787 M60A3 USA


SN 4120M 2175

TOMAH Butts Park, N Superior Ave: N43 59.576 W090 30.267 M4A3(75) Sherman USA out

SN 12520, RN 3054675

VA Hospital, Veteran’s Drive: N44 00.089 W090 29.671 M60A0 USA out

SN 1285, RN 9B46152176

TOMAHAWK Memorial Park, N 4th & E River St: N45 28.575 W089 43.732 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out

SN 65603 2177

TREGO Warbirds North Airport, off Cty Hwy E: N45 53.724 W091 56.756 M60A3 USA out UNITY American Legion Post 358: N44 50.780 W090 19.080 M60A3 USA out

SN 3392A, RN JJ01G52178

VIROQUA VFW Post 3032, 751Washington St: N43 32.686 W090 52.963 M60A3 USA out SN 3386A, RN JJ00DS2179 WABENO Legion Post 44 on North Branch St (Hwy 32) at Cecil Ave: N45 26.349 W088 39.455 M4A3(105)HVSS Sherman USA out SN 581592180 2174

AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2175 MAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), Coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2176 RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2177 SN by Alf Adams, Afv Discussion Board 09/2010 2178 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2179 RN and coordinates by Joe_D 2180 Built by Chrysler in November, 1944. It served in Italy during WW2 and was issued to the 6th Armored st Infantry Bn, 1 Armored Division on March 5, 1945. It has some of the 1950s upgrades such as the infantry phone and rubber tracks


WATERFORD VFW Posts 8343 & 11038 : N42 45.313 W088 12.562 M60A3 USA out

SN 2877A, RN JJ04WW2181

WAUNAKEE American Legion Post 360 417 East Main : N43 11.579 W089 26.927 M60A3 USA out RN JJ013M WAUPACA American Legion Post 1037, 244 Industrial Dr: N44 21.528 W089 02.748 M60A3 USA out SN 2919A, RN JJ04Y42182 WAUSAU private collection: M56 Scorpion



Wisconsin Army National Guard Armory, 833 S 17th Ave: N44 57.145, W089 39.314 2183 M60 USA std WAUTOMA Wautoma Am. Legion Post 163 memorial, Cty Hwy Y & Cty Hwy JJ: N43 59.379 W089 21.385 M60A3 USA out SN 3390A, RN JJ016N 2184 WEST BEND VFW Post 1393, 915 S Indiana Ave: N43 24.526 W088 10.256 M60A3 USA out

SN 3356A, RN JJ01BV2185

WEST SALEM American Legion Post 51, 148 S Leonard St: N43 53.822 W091 07.007 M60A3 USA out SN 3410A, RN JJ01MD2186 WESTFIELD VFW Post 8718: N43 53.163 W089 29.188 M60A3 USA


SN 4116M, RN JJ01DT2187


SN from Kurt Laughlin (4/2007). AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN by John Anderson, War Memorial of Wisconsin 2183 Identified by Loren Hannah 2184 Identified by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2185 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2186 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2187 MAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), RN and coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2182


WHITEWATER American Legion Post 173, N8330 Jackson Rd: N42 49.878 W088 43.631 M60A3 USA out SN 3666A 2188 WISCONSIN RAPIDS VFW Post 2534, 2711 Reddin Rd: N44 25.035 W089 49.399 M60A3 USA out

SN 3370A? RN JJ00LL2189


AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin 2189 AAD rebuild. Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007), coordinates by John Anderson, War Memorials of Wisconsin



CHEYENNE Wyoming Military Department HQ, 5800 Central Ave: N41 08.782 W104 48.894 2190 M7B2 Priest USA out M114 USA out M114 USA out FE WARREN AFB 90th Security Forces Group HQ: APC? APC? T-55 or -62?


out out ind


GREEN RIVER 141st Tank Battalion Memorial, Evers Park: N41 31.918 W109 28.199 M60A3 USA out SN 1760A 2192 GUERNSEY Army Reserve Base, Guernsey State Park: M110 USA M7B1 Priest USA

out out

HANNA VFW Post 6680, 611 2nd St: M110A2



SN BMY539 2193

LA BARGE American Legion Post 88: M60A3



SN 4051M 2194

ROCK SPRINGS 141st Tank Battalion Memorial, Veterans Park, just off I-80 Exit 107: N41 36.000 W109 12.395 M60A3 USA out SN 1747A 2195


Identified by Gary Binder (AFV News Discussion Board, 9/2006). Identified by Scott Moore (9/2006). 2192 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed 2193 Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed 2194 MAD rebuild Identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007). Unconfirmed 2195 AAD rebuild. SN identified by the TACOM Central Registry (8/2007) 2191


Unknown Private collection: 2196 Conqueror Mk II G-13 Hetzer Humber Lorraine 37L M15 Half-Track GMC M15 Half-Track GMC M16 Half-Track GMC M16 Half-Track GMC M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat M18 Hellcat M2 Half Track M20 M21 Half Track M24 Chaffee M29 Weasel M3 Half-Track M3 Scout Car M36 Jackson M3A1 Half-Track M3A1 Half-Track M3A1 Stuart M4 High Speed Tractor M4(75) Sherman (composite) M4A1(75) Sherman M50 Super Sherman M5A1 Half-Track M5A1 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M6 GMC M7 Priest OT-810


ind std std ind std std std ind std std std std std std std std ind ind std std ind std std ind std std std std std std std std

2197 2198

2199 2200

RN 4049255 2201 2202 2203

RN 4012209 Painted RN 40612822204

Painted RN 40100323

2205 2206


RN 3047999-S2208


Formerly at Utah Military and Armament Museum, Tooele, UT Running condition 2198 This vehicle was previously part of the Bob Fleming's collection in UK ( forum) 2199 Formerly at WWII Victory Museum, Auburn, IN 2200 Reproduction; Painted RN 40196409 2201 “Jawbreaker”, ex-Yugoslav 2202 “Amazing Grace” 2203 Fmrly WW II MV Museum in San Rafael 2204 With 81mm mortar, named "Daisy" 2205 Painted RN 3069947; "The Sorcerer" 2206 1 of 4 M50 Super Sherman’s in the US 2207 “Tokyo Express” 2208 "All American" 2197


Sexton Sexton T-34/85 T-55 T19 T48 57mm GMC


std std std std ind ind

Private collection: XM1 GM





Prototype Only one built, former Military Vehicle Technology Foundation vehicle