The effect of computerization on the teaching of Art History
20 How many people use the digital materials available a week ? Teachers. Students. WWW users. Others, please specify. 21 If you have had any feedback, ...
The effect of computerization on the teaching of Art History 10 Who built the facility ? Someone from the Art History department Someone from another department of your school/university A software company Other, Please Specify
11 Who has access to the facility ? Teachers All students of all years Research students (post-graduate) Students working on a project Anyone (including WWW users) Anyone willing to pay a fee of $ Others, Please Specify
12 Where can one access the facility ? School library School computer room Classrooms Public libraries WWW Other :
13 When do authorized users have access to it ? School opening hours Restricted schedule Always Other :
Evaluation de l'utilisation du numérique dans l'enseignement de l'histoire de l'art - Questionnaire
14 Do you offer a training session for new users ? If so, how long is the session ?
15 What does the software you use aim at ? Sharing information between students and/or teachers of your school Sharing information and working with other schools More powerful research tool E-learning Videoconferencing with artists, scholars, museums or other schools Other :
16 Optional : Please describe the software
17 Do you offer access to databases foreign to your school (museums, institutions, universities, etc) ?
18 Does your school has its own database ?
19 What fields can one look up ? Author Artist Date Location Period Theme
Evaluation de l'utilisation du numérique dans l'enseignement de l'histoire de l'art - Questionnaire
Other(s) :
20 How many people use the digital materials available a week ? Teachers Students WWW users Others, please specify
21 If you have had any feedback, how do users rate 1
very bad
5 very good
User Friendliness / Teachers User friendliness / Students User Friendliness / WWW users User friendliness / Others Usefulness / Teachers Usefulness / Students Usefulness / WWW users Usefulness / Others Exhaustiveness / Teachers Exhaustiveness / Students Exhaustiveness / WWW users Exhaustiveness / Others Change in their way of working / Teachers Change in their way of working / Students Change in their way of working / WWW users
Evaluation de l'utilisation du numérique dans l'enseignement de l'histoire de l'art - Questionnaire
Change in their way of working / Others
22 Any comments on the use of digital materials in the teaching of Art History are welcome :
23 Please confirm your name and institution before submitting
Evaluation de l'utilisation du numérique dans l'enseignement de l'histoire de l'art - Questionnaire
Specialized software. 4. ... Easier access to specialized information ... Other: Our system is on a server accessible from the Visual Arts and Technology ... There is an open computer lab in this building that students may use at any time and may ...
38402, St. Martin d'Hères, France. Abstract- Pitting .... ratio can fix the occurrence time for .... 17 A.M. Mc Kissick, A.A. Adams, R.T. Foley, J. Electrochem. Soc.
Aug 9, 2005 - properties of the disease life history: (i) the basic reproduction number ... describe the life history of an infection caused by this ...... dynamics of invasion and escape. ... Woolhouse, M. E. J. 2002 Population biology of emerging.
the wing. In order to visualize the in- fluencing factor and the inter- action of the slipstream with the ... high angle, the decrease and in- ... for having a different span load- ... the best average position will be ... In all cases, the results w
man-Rakic, 1987; Fuster, 1995). In a well-studied exam- making a saccadic eye movement to the location of the ple, many neurons have been shown to respond ...
Aug 24, 1971 - aircraft magneto. The greatest problem now facing the aircraft magneto is field service. The amount of magneto service normally performed in ...
5 mai 2018 - fast and stays put, for added security. .... in the Canadian healthcare system; ..... âThe Continence Exchangeâ aims to foster and support ETN continence practice. ..... many events including the WCET global conference.
Arabic numerals have two dimensions: a base dimension represented by the ... needed to compare two multidigit Arabic numerals is not only in internal ...... G. Deloche & X. Seron (Ed.), Mathematical disabilities: A cognitive ... Journal of Experiment
internal representations in order to be involved in numerical tasks: they can directly ..... 160) = 2.42, p < 0.05), and a significant interaction (F(24, 480) = 1.57, ...
current status of real-time algorithms, biologists daringly desire the exploration of ... and reliable methodologies use the memory bus to study. B-trees. ... technical property of GanguePongee. Figure 1 depicts ... ware is available under a the Gnu
Social Engineering uses influence and persuasion to deceive people by convincing them that ...... instruction manual for accessing-the database of the National Crime ...... often appears somewhere on a Web page and looks like a drawing of a.
Aug 22, 2000 - BY INSTALLING OR USING âTHE ART OF IMPROVISATIONâ (THE ...... Hum and finger eighth-notes for all 12 expanded blues scales, around ...
Aug 22, 2000 - jeopardize, limit or interfere in any manner with Taylor-James or its suppliers' ... convinced it's better to visualize and understand their ideas, not just copy them. ...... At first, you may want to ignore the time goal until the ski
and technological entrepreneurs, as well as for people like Kevin Mitnick, following this inner urge ..... What's the greatest threat to the security of your business assets? That's easy: ..... management because of this book will come none too soon.
In Part I of this book, we will discuss the theories behind the Art of. Approaching. ..... way to open the group is to approach the âleaderâ of the group first. In .... The best way to present yourself as an authority in someone else's world is.
art of influence and persuasion might have been an inherited trait. When you ..... Stanley Rifkin had used the art of deceptionâthe skills and techniques that.
Aug 22, 2000 - Styles Around the World. 164 ... world of rhythmic development begins to unfold, leading you to new creative paths ...... Or, use the sheet music.
Ollyscript âdbhâ command patches this flag. â Olly Advanced also ... Flags can overridden via registry setting or gflags.exe ..... occurred. â« Guard Pages are set via PAGE_GUARD page protection modifier and triggers ... reverser needs to set
BY INSTALLING OR USING âTHE ART OF IMPROVISATIONâ (THE ...... Hum and finger eighth-notes for all 12 blues scales, around the circle of 4ths, at quarter-.
Aug 22, 2000 - For a complete fill, the F would also need to be filled in. " Exercise 2.22 Using Partial and Complete Fills ... author's book Sightreading Jazz. ...... at each new tune section at the correct bar (especially helpful in drum solos).
This .pdf edition copyright 2002 by Robert E Cassidy. (NOTE: This e-book comprises .... want to do magic tricks, do fancy and impressive magic. "Mental magic.