Sports et loisirs

15 sept. 2015 - nombre d'etudiants, Bishop's n'avait pas a rougir de Ia qualiu de ses Iquipes ..... nomma arbitre et commenfa a exercer un controle tyrannique.
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extract from: Portrait of Bishop's University, 1843-1993. Lennoxville: 1994. Edited by Anna M. Grant, University Archivist.

Sports and Recreation

Sports et loisirs 1. Bishop George J. Mountain, one of the founders of Bishop's University, sports the famous Bishop's gaiters.

- Christine Ljungkull 1843 -1891 There are few accounts of early sports at Bishop's. However, early diaries record that students eagerly participated in team sports such as cricket and football. In the early years, lectures finished at 1:00 p. m. and the afternoons could be used by students as they liked. This was the time that many spent participating in numerous sporting clubs and recreational activities such as boating, tennis, the game of fives and skating. The competitive sports of cricket and rugby-football held annual matches as early as 1873 of School vs. Old Boys. The College teams also played against local teams from Sherbrooke and Stanstead. The Bishop's teams were able to hold their own against the tough farm boys despite the College's small enrolment. A Fives (similar to handball) and Racquets Court was built in 1873 and the games soon became popular with the students. There was also a Lawn Tennis Court in front of Old Lodge towards the river. This sport took a while to catch on and was not considered very exciting until the players began to use heavier «bats) and harder rubber balls than were originally used. In 1851 the school possessed a flat bottomed boat which was rigged up with a mast and sail for outings on the St Francis River. The College's fleet eventually grew to include five brightly painted row boats and a red four-oar skiff which was paddled on the Massawippi with brooms. A boat house was eventually built at river side near the CPR bridge. Another sport which was for adventurous students only was to swim in the river during warm weather off the tip of the

In 1947 a competition was sponsored by the Committee on

1843-1891 Bien qu'on sathe peu aprlsent de Ia vie sportive clans les premieres annles de Bishop's, j/ semble d'apres les Icrits de lepoque que les ltudiants partidpaient activement ades sports d'equipe tels que Ie cricket et Ie football Aux dibuts de luniversit/, les cours se terminaient a13 heures, laissant aux ltudiants Ia possibilitl de disposer libremmt de l'apres-midi. Bien des ltudiants en profitaient pour partidper aune varilti de clubs sportifi ou ades activitls de Ioisir comme Ie canotage, Ie tennis, Ia balle au mur, ou Ie patinage. Des 1873, avaient lieu des matchs annuels de cricket et rugby entre lequipe universitaire du moment et une formation d'andens. Les Iquipes de luniversiti se mesuraient Igalement aux Iquipes locales de Sherbrooke et Stanstead. Malgrl Ie petit nombre d'etudiants, Bishop's n'avait pas arougir de Ia qualiu de ses Iquipes sportives qui tenaient en Ichec les robustes gaillards des Iquipes locales. Un fronton de balle au mur et jeu de paume fot construit en 1873; ces jeux devinrent vite popu/ajres aupres des ltudiants. On jouait Igalement au tennis sur gazon pres de Old Lodge non loin de Ia riviere. Ce sport neut pas Ie meme succes avant quon commence a utiliser une plus grosse batte et une balle de caoutchouc plus dure que ce qui servait al'origine. En 1851, luniversitl disposait dun bateau afond plat Iquipl de mat et voile qui servait aflire des excursions sur Ia riviere Saint-Franrois. Plus tard, s'ajouttrent dnq bateaux a rames aux couleurs vives et un ski[pour quatre rameurs qu'on utilisait sur Ia riviere Massawippi. II flllut finalement construire un hangar abateaux Ie long de Ia riviere pres du pont du chemin de for CPR. Les ltudiants thnbaires affictionnaient un

Athletics and The Campus newspaper, unaware of the team name used in the 3Os, to find a nickname for the University's Football team which would fire up the enthusiasm of the fans. The contest was won by George B. McClintock '49 who originally suggested « 'Garors. after the alligator which is a clough and formidable foe when aroused, capable of swift and decisive action in an emergency•• However, by using a play on words, the name spelled «Gaiters. seemed more appropriate for an Anglican College. Gaiters were an article of ecclesiastical clothing which covered part of the wearer's shoes and lower legs. These were wom by Bishops. Deans and Archdeacons as part of the clerical dress when not robed. Collection: Quebec Diosesan Archives

L'evaque Geo'3e J. Mountain, un des fondateurs de l'Universite Bishop's porte les fameuses guatres (gaiters). En 2947, un concours a ere o'3~ par Ie Comite des sports et Ie journal etudiant The Campus, dans Ie but d'attribuer d I'equipe de football de I'universite un nom qui sache genker l'enthousiasme de ses partisans. Le nom adopte par I'equipe dans les annees 30 etait passe dans I'oubli. Le concoursJut remporte par Geolle B. McClintock, qui avait Ii I'origine propose Ie nom de Gators, rappe1ant I'alligator, cun adversaire redoutable lorsqu'U passe Ii I'attaque, capable de reaction rapide et efficace en cas d'urgence Jl • Cependant, par I'intermedialre d'an jeu de mots, ce fut la graphie Gaiters qui prevalut, car eUe semblait mieux s'appliquer au contexte anglican de Bishop's. En efJet, Gaiters sipiJie cguatres., un article de toile qoi rerouvroit Ie bas de 10 jambe et Ie dessus du soulier. Ces gu8tres falsoient partie de I'habit ecclesiastique des ev6ques, diaues et arcrudiaues lorsque ceux-ci ne portaient pos I'habit de ceremonie. CoUection : Archives diocesaines de Quebec.

2. Football team c.1888 Football was played against local teams. The players were primarily unskilled students who had little training and even less practice. They played without benefit of protective equipment and as a result suffered many injuries. tquipe de football, vers 2888. On jouait au football contle les equipes locales. Les joueurs etaient surtout des etudiants pris sur Ie tas, qui ne recevaient qu'un minimum d'entrainement et pratiquaient encore moins. On jouait sans equipement de protection, ce qui occasionnait bien des bJessures.



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island where the Massawippi joins the St. Francis. Here, the current was strong and caution was required of those brave enough to venture in the icy water. Sadly, two boys were drowned in the early years crossing the river by raft. A diary written in the mid·1870s by a student named Worthington indicates that skating was the most popular winter recreation. Occasionally the river was frozen solid and smooth enough to be used, although th!re were usually open areas due to the currents. Before the College provided a skating rink, the students most commonly used the Village rink located beside where the curling rink now stands. For an afternoon of fun students would walk in their usual moccasins to the rink where they stored their skates in lockers. Skates were then blades fastened to shoes, which were always cold when taken out to use.

Sports and Recreation: 1892 - 1947 In A. J. H. Richardson's account of «Life at Bishop's from 1875 to 1900», mention is made that if «one was so inclined there was golf and hunting, as well as tobogganing or snow shoeing parties offered at Pottery Hill (sometimes on moonlit nights) which were hosted by faculty members and to which «the fair sex)) was invited, the event was usually followed by a tea. Skiing was still considered a «savage sport, confined to Swiss and Norwegians (c. This list of recreational activities could be added to those of the other six clubs in existence : rugby-football, boating, hockey, tennis, cricket and racquets. The Jubilee year of 1895 brought the promise of funds to

be set aside to build a gymnasium. The building was erected on the far side of the Quad from the McGreer building. In 1897 the new gym was finished and formally opened with a skating party and a dance. The building was noted for its ccfixed climbing wall»...a wooden wall with hand holds on which users would muscle themselves up crossing between two sections on the bridge and down the other side. The equipment was used under the guidance of a Sergeant Perrin. By the following year the gym was the scene of ccmany hody contested» basketball games, which were then seen as a (cfiller)) to be played between football and hockey seasons. Even wrestling was enjoyed due to the new indoor facility.

autre sport, celui de nager flte dans Ia rivim au bout de lile pres du confluent de Ia Saint-Franfois et Ia Massawippi. Le fort courant de l'endroit posait un danger pour ceux qui avaient Ie courage de negocier ses eaux g/aciales. Malheureusement, deux jeunes gens perirent noyes lz cette epoque, tentant de traverser Ia riviere en radeau. Un journal personnel eerit dAns les annees 1870 par un etudiant du nom de Worthington indique que It patinage etait lz l'tpoque It Ioisir It plus populaire pendant l'hiver. II arrivait que Ia glace de Ia riviere soit assez epame et Ime pour quon puisse y patiner, malgre Its zones laissees libres de glace par Its courants. Avant que l'universite nait sa propre patinoire, Its etudiants se servaient d'habitude de Ia patinoire du village, qui etait situee lz l'mdroit actuel de Ia piste de curling. Pour alltr patiner, Its etudiants se rendaient sur Ie bord de Ia patinoire chausses de /turs mocassins habituel.s; les patins, entreposes au froid dans des casiers pres de Ia patinoire, etaient de simples lames fixees aux chaussures.

Sports et loisirs: 1892-1947 A. j. H. Richardson mentionne dans son volume La Vie lz Bishops entre 1875 et 1900, que «si on Ie dlsirait, on pouvait jouer au golfou alkr lz Ia chasse, ou bien participer aux parties de luge ou de raquette» offertes lz Pottery Hill (parfois lz Ia bellt etoilt). Ces parties etaient organisees par des membres du corps enseignant. On y invitait «ces dAmes», et It tout se terminait par un the. Le ski etait encore vu comme un «sport rutle, qui ne convenait quaux Suisses et aux Norvegiens». II flut donc ajouter ces activites aux six autres clubs dijlz mentionnes: rugby. aviron, hockey, tennis, cricket, et jeu de paume. Lannee jubilaire de 1895 vit Ia promesse dal/ocation d'un fonds special destine lz Ia construction d'un gymnase. Celui-ci fot erige de lautre cote du Quad (Ia cour carree) par rapport lz fldifice McGreer. En 1897, It nouveau gymnase r!cemment termine fot inaugure par une partie de patinage et un bal Le batiment etait dllbre pour son fCmur descalade» ... un mur de bois muni de points dappui pour Its mains. Les athlltes pouvaient lescalader, traverser un pont entre deux sections et redescendre de lautre cote. Tout cet !quipement !tait utilise soU! Ia surveillance d'un dlnomme Sergent Perrin. Lannee suivante, Ie gymnase fot Ie theatre de nombreux matchs de basket-ball


Cricket Team c.1890 Cricket is the oldest recorded team sport at Bishop's. Practices took place on the then much larger Butternut Island in the St. Francis River. The island was hayed every year which provided a fairly smooth field. Baseball was forbidden until the tum of the century as it was thought to be «too American». Equipe de cricket, vers 1890. Le cricket est Ie premier sport dont les annales de Bishop's fassent mention. On pratiquait autrefois sur l'ile Bunemut de la riviera St. Fran,ois, l'Ue etont al'epoque beaucoup plus grande qu'a I'heure actuene. On y faisait les foins chaque annee de fa,on II libber un terrain relativement egal. Le baseball, qu'on trauvait trap flamericain» Jut proscrit II Bishop's jusqu'au debut du siecJe.

4. «The Cricket Professional» (Homsworth, student) on school grounds, Lennoxville, June 1898. Nolman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum of Canadian History. fiLe professionnel du cricket» lHornsworih, etudiant) sur Ie terrain de I'eco/e, Lennoxville, en juin 1898. Archives photographiques Norman, Musee McCord d'histoire canadienne.

5. Boat house near C.P.R. bridge. c.190{)'s Enthusiasm for boating lagged in the mid·1890s partly because of the low water level and from the fact that logs being driven downstream clogged the river and made boating both difficult and dangerous. Hangar II bateawc pres du pont du chemin de fer CP, au debut du sitcle. L'entbousiasme pour ce sport diminua sensiblement au milieu des annees 1890 : la secheresse avait fait baisser Ie niveau de la riviere, et Ie volume grandissant de randins qui descendaient Ie courant encombroit la riviere. 11 devenait done difficile et dangerewc de faire du bateau sur 10 Saint.Fran~is.




Once the location for the gym was determined, the University's first out-door skating rink was staked out nearby. The new rink was worked on by students during their Christmas vacation. In the winter of 1896 the first hockey games were played in the improvised rink in the quad. «Tough games were the rule and the ice was often steeped in the gore of our players», recorded one student, «while black eyes and small wounds were the rule rather than the exception». The game of «Shinny» (road- hockey) came into fashion for a while at this time and was played when the weather became too disagreeable to play football. An article in The Mitre notes however that the «students' enthusiasm for the game died quickly when the Principal appointed himself referee and became unpopular for his autocratic decisions, which included making all games end in a draw».

Curling Curling was introduced in 1898 and was explained as «a game that must be seen to be comprehended». The curling rink in Lennoxville was used and the students played matches against the Sherbrooke Club. There was a concern that some hockey players would turn to curling because there was «no wayward puck to spoil the classic features of the player». Cricket continued to be played however, and soon after the turn of the century baseball was allowed and a diamond was laid out. It is also recorded that ping-pong was played with «a great deal of enthusiasm and energy.» The enrolment of women at Bishop's after the turn of the century encouraged the growth of athletic teams and soon there was a ladies' basketball team. Womens' involvement in sporting activities expanded to include golf, badminton and hockey. Continued strides in athletic recognition for the College were marked by the building of a covered skating rink due to the perseverance of Principal McGreer. The rink was claimed to be the best in the province. Bishop's could further boast that in 1928, 70% of males registered at the College were playing rugby-football and that Searth field (now the Optimist's Park) had been plowed and would be ready for practice in the fall.

Ce sport etait considire comme un «intmnede» entre les saisons de football et de hockey. On mentionne que ce batiment permettait meme Ia tenue de matchs de lutte. Une fois quon ait decide de lemplacement du gymnase, on se mit a!'installation dune patinoire non loin de Ill. Ce sont des etudiants eux-memes qui len chargerent pendant leur conge de Noel Pendant l'hiver de 1896, les premiers matchs de hockey formt livres sur Ia patinoire improvisee du Quad. «Cetait toujours violent, et Ia glace etait sou vent maculle du sang de nos joueurs,» ecrivait un etudiant de l'epoque. «Les yewe poches et les petites blessures etaient Ia regie plutot que l'exception,» ajoutait-il Le jeu de Shinny (hockey-macadam) devint aIa mode acette epoque. On y jouait quand if commenfait afoire trop froid pour Ie football. Un article du The Mitre note que «I'enthousiasme desitudiants baissa vite Iorsque Ie principal se nomma arbitre et commenfa aexercer un controle tyrannique. II allait meme jusqua triger que chaque rencontre se tmnine par un match nul» Ie curling Le curlingfot introduit aBishop's en 1898, presentl comme «un jeu qUII fout voir pour Ie comprendre.» On utilisait Ia glace de Lennoxville. les etudiants jouant contre les membres du club de Sherbrooke. Un peu apres Ie debut du siecle. Ie baseball fit son entree aluniversitl et on tr~a un terrain de baseball sur Ie campus. On note aussi que Ie ping-pong avait des adeptes enthousiastes. Larrivee de femmes parmi les etudiants de Bishop's favonsa Ia croissance des equipes de sport; une equipe fbninine de basket-ball se forma rapidement. Les femmes se tournerent egalement vers dautres sports. tels que Ie golf. Ie badminton et Ie hockey. La reputation sportive de luniversitl grandit avec Ia construction d'un arena. grace aux efforts et al'lnergie du principal M McGreer. La patinoire avait Ia reputation detre Ia meilleure de Ia province. Bishop's pouvait aussi senorgueillir du foit que. en 1928. 70% de ses ltudiants males jouaient au rugby. et quon avait laboure Scarth Field (actuelfement Ie parc Optimiste) pour en faire un terrain. qui serait prh alautomne.

6. Untitled (Students can Ding on the Massawippi River), c.1890 By I par Rev. Arthur W. Dutton (1860-1942) (class of 1892) Watercolour I Aquarelle 12.8X8.8cm Collection: Miss Dorothy Dutton This picture of the river is thought to have been painted in 1890 when A.W. Dutton taught at Bishop's College School before taking his Arts course and then Divinity Studies at Bishop's Univenity. Ce tableau representant la rivim Jut probablement peint vers 1890, alors que A. W. Dutton enseigrrait a Bishop's College School, avant de mivre un programme en arts, puis en thhllogie ei l'Universit6 Bishop's.

7. Mark Bennett c. 1900 Fortunately for Bishop's hockey players, Mr. Mark Bennett, who had a store just across the river towards Lennoxville. made and sold hockey sticks and he also sharpened skates. His store se"ed as a sort of tuck shop for students, selling candy and noteboob. Les joueurs avaient la chance de disposer d'une abondance de batons de hockey par l'interm6diaire de Marie Bennett, qui tenait un magasin juste de I'aulre c616 de la riviate vers Lennomne. Celui-ci fabriquait et vendait les batons de hockey; H aiguisait les patins et vendait egalement des bonbons, camers et toutes $Ortes de fournitures aux 6tudiants.

8. Cricket Team, 1909. tquipe de cricket, 1909.

9. Bishop's indoor rink (left) and fint gymnasium (right) c.1900. Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum of Canadian History. Patinoire int6rieure de Bishop's (ei gauche), et premier 8}'DUIase (ei droite). Vue datant du debut du slec1e. Archives photograpmques Nolman, Mus6e McCord d'histoire canadieMe.





In 1938 the Athletic Committee was established to deal with the business derails and management of all organized athletics in which the University took part. This same year the Ski Club had skiing acknowledged as a competitive sport. Meets were held at the new Hillcrest ski area in North Hatley against members from the North Hatley Connaughr Ski Club and Bishop's College School. Finally in 1939 the Committee succeeded in having Bishop's recognized as a member in the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union, the C.I.A. U., a forerunner to the current day interuniversity C.I.A.U. established in 1961. The Athletic Committee is credired with sreering sports at Bishop's through the war years. Besides directing and supervising athletic activities, the Committee had the responsibility of keeping sports alive despite the time and energy students needed to put into training with the C.O.r.e. In 1942, intercollegiate athletic competitions were suspended for the duration of the war. In 1944 hockey suffered a blow when the rink burned to the ground. The war situation did not have an altogether negative effect on athletics at Bishop's since it encouraged minor and individual sports, such as badminton, skiing, bowling, ping-pong and track to become more popular. Enthusiasm for these sports could also be credited to the fact that mixed teams of men and women were organized. In 1947 the intercollegiate playing schedule was resumed. Football entered a league with Loyola, MacDonald, McGill and Dawson. Basketball, under the coaching of Doug McVie had a most successful year finishing second in the league. Hockey continued to suffer because ofinadequate ice facilities, but the badminton team played in the St. Francis Valley Badminton League while the ski team, known as the «Snow Dusters», sent members to compete at Mt. Orford and to the first intercollegiate ski meet in St. Sauveur.

Sports and Recreation 1948 - 1993 In 1948 the purple and white brought home the St. Francis Valley Badminton Championship and that same year, Bishop's ski team gave an outstanding performance at the Canadian Intercollegiate Ski Union meet held at Hillcrest near North Hatley. Competitive sports at Bishop's were gaining more atten-

En 1938, Ie Comite des sports fot cree pour regler les details administratifi et la gestion des rencontres sportives auxquelles Bishop's participait. Gette mbne annee, Ie club de ski parvint afoire reconnaitre Ie ski comme sport de competition. On organisa des rencontres ala piste Hillcrest de North Hatley contre les membres du club de ski Connaught de North Hatley, et contre Bishop's College School En 1939, Ie Comitl des sports reussit a foire admettre Bishop's au sein du Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union, Ie C.IA. u., ancetre de l'association actuelle etablie en 1961. Ie Comitl des sports eut Ie mtrite de permettre aux sports universitaires de survivre la ptriode de la guerre, malgrl Ie temps et l'!nergie que les etudiants devaient consentir au cours de formation des o./ficiers. En 1942, les competitions sportives entre les universites forent suspendues jusqua la fin de la guerre. En 1944, Ie hockey sou./ftit un autre recul,' l'arlna fot detruit dans un incendie. II fout cependant admettre que la guerre n'eut pas que des effets negatifi sur les sports a Bishop's; elle fovorisa Ie developpement de sports individuels tels que Ie badminton, Ie ski, les quilles, Ie ping-pong et l'athlltisme. On doit aussi une partie de l'engouement pour ces sports au foit qu on organisa des Iquipes mixtes. En 1947, les competitions entre universitls reprirent. Lequipe de football se joignit aune ligue regroupant Loyola, MacDona!tJ, McGill et Dawson. Lequipe de basket-ball menee par son entraineur Doug McVie se distingua en finissant dtuxieme de sa ligue. Ie hockey continuait de souffiir de son manque d'arhza, tandis que l'Iquipe de badminton jouait dans la ligue de badminton de la vallie Saint-Franfois. Lequipe de ski, quant aelle, qui avait pris Ie nom de Snow Dusters, envoyait de ses membres en competition au Mont Orford et ala premiere rencontre intercolllgiale de ski aSaint-Sauveur.

10. Hockey Team, 1901. Wearing new authorized uniforms. The authorized uniform for hockey, foothall and baseball consisted of stockings with alternate purple and white one and one half inch stripes, white jerseys and sweaters with purple trimmings, and white knee pants. Cricket and tennis required white trousers with a soft white shirt and white felt hat. The cricket uniform added a purple sash and dark blue blazer trimmed with white cord. All members of the Athletic Association were entitled to wear a white flannel cap with a purple mitre stitched on. At this same time, tbe purple .BIt came into use as well as Roman numerals indicating the wearer was a member of the starting line for that particular sport, only those players were allowed to wear the distinctive marks oftheir team's position. Equipe de hockey, 1901. Les joueurs portent les nouveaux uniformes officiels.

L'uniforme officiel des equipes de hockey, footban et baseball consistait de bas arayures violettes et blanes de un pouce et demi de lfJ18eur, de chandalls blancs agarniture violette, et de pantalons aux 8enoux blanes. Pour Ie cricket et Ie tennis, Ie pantalon blanc, chemise Jloue blanche et casquette de feutre blanc etaient de rigueur. L'uniforme de cridet y ajoutait une lfJ18e ceinture violette et une veste bleu fance 8ame de cordon blanc. Tous les membres de l'Association sportive avaient Ie droit de porter une casquette de JlaneJle blanche 8arnie d'one mitre brodee de fi1 violet. C'est aussi acette epoque que Ie fiB. violetfit son apparition, ainsi que les chi/fres romalns qui indiquaient que I'individu faisoit partie de la ligne de depart dans ce sport. Personne d'autre que ces joueurs n'avait Ie droit de porter les signes distinctifs de cette position dans I'equ;pe.

11. Interior of gymnasium, note fixed climbing wall. c. 1900 Int6rieur du gymnase vers 1900. Noter Ie mar d'escolade.

Sports et loisirs : 1948-1993 En 1948, l'Iquipe de Bishop's remporta Ie championnat de badminton de la vallie de la Saint-Franfois. Cette meme annie, l'Iquipe de ski de luniversitl se distingua ala competition canadienne interco/Jigittle de ski tenue aHillcrest, pres de North Hatley. Ie sport de competition prenait al'lpoque de plus en plus d'importance aBishop's; vers la fin des annees 40, nombre dequipes setaient dotees dun cadre administratif et dun entraineur d'exptrience.

12. Tennis. c.I920 Match de tennis, vers 1920.

13. First Ladies' Basket Ball Team. 1919-1920. Premiere equipefemJnine de basket·bal/. 1919-1920.

14. Men's Basketball Team. 1929. Equipe masculine de basket·baU, 1929•

Uni\'CjI;ity of Bishop's College


Ladies' Baskel BaUTe:ll~---­







cion and the end of this partirular decade saw more interest in the teams having individual managers and experienced coaches. The 50s brought about a boost for sports at Bishop's with the addition of a new gymnasium, which was soon in constant use as athletic activity began to playa major role in the daily life of many Bishop's students. An Athletic Director was hired to oversee the expanding sports programme. One of the Athletic Director's first initiatives was to introduce intra-mural sports which took the place of Inter-year competitions. This provided both male and female students with the opportunity to take part in a greater number of athletic activities. The introduction of this programme was enthusiastically received by those students not interested in playing major athletics at Bishop's. In the following years golf and track were added and most recendy, volleyball. It is estimated that at one time seventy-five per cent of the student body took part in some type of intra-mural sport. Interest and involvement in intra-mural Athletics has continued to grow, and the remarkable spirit and eagerness of contestants has m~de the programme an overwhelming success. Garth Smith who had previously been hired as a coach took over the job of Director of Athletics for the Athletics Society. He provided the energy and resourcefulness the teams needed to increase their ranking. Particular emphasis was put on golf and basketball. Under Garth's coaching, Bishop's gained golfing recognition in 1955 when it hosted the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Valley Intercollegiate Golf Tournament which was being held for the first time. Bishop's came third behind Loyola and McGill.

Athletics Board Formed Yet another reorganization came for sports when an Athletics Board was formed in the early 60s to make major decisions on Athletics. It also took over financial control from the Athletics Society. Two other big changes occurred at about this same time. The Athletics Board hired Bruce Coulter as Athletics Director with the hope of developing the football programme, and the long awaited W. B Scott Arena opened, providing Bishop's with artificial ice. All of these changes would have a lasting impact on sports and student life

US sports connurmt un nouvel essor dans Its annles 50 avec i4 construction d'un nouveau gymnase. Celui-ci fot tout tk suite utilisl au maximum car lactivitl sportive foisait maintenant partie tk i4 vie quotidienne tk bien des ltudiants de Bishops. Un directeur des Services sportifi fot engagl pour glrtr ce programme tks sports en pltine croissance. Une tks premieres initiatives du directeur des Services sportifi fot dtntroduire Its compltitions intra-muros. Cette pratique permit aux ltudiants et ltudiantes de participer aun nombre accru d'activitls sportives. Cest avec enthousiasme que ce programme fot refU par Its ltudiants qui ne pouvaient stmpliquer dans Its Iquipes delite tk Bishops. Dans Its annles qui suivirent, It golf et lathlitisme lajouttrent aces disciplines, et plus rlcemment, It volley-ball On estime que i4 participation aux sports intra-muros a atteint jusqua 75% tk i4 clientelt tk luniversitl. Cet enthousiasme ne lest jamais dlmenti, assurant chaque annie It sueces du programme. Garth Smith, qui ltait dlja un tks entraineurs, prit It poste tk directeur tk i4 vie sportive au sein tk cette sociltl. Cest grace a son Inergie et sa dlbrouillardise que Its Iquipes purent samlliorer. II mit particulierement l'accent sur It golfet It basket-bail. Sous sa tutellt, Bishops se distingua au golfen 1955 alors qu'ellt accueiliit sur son campus It premier tournoi interco/IJgia/ de rOutaouais-Va/IJe du Saint-lAurent. Bishops prit i4 troisieme pi4ce tkrriere Loyoi4 et McGill.

15. Golf was first played at Bishop's in

1897 when professors from the College and the School were granted permission to use a pasture and a field within walking distance of the campus buildings as a «Golf Links•• A clubhouse was soon erected and the COtme took the name of the SI. Francis Golf Club, later changed to the LennoxviUe Golf Club. The original clubhouse seen here burned in the early 20s and was replaced by a pump house donated by the Town of Lennoxville. In the 19705, under the direction of Garth Smith, the University undertook to build a new clubhouse and improve the greens. The present day golf club is comprised of 45 acres. Last year the clubhouse underwent an expansion making it a comfortable site for receptions and entertaining. On commen,a a jouer au golf iJ Bishop's en 1897. Cette annee-Ia, les professeUlS de I'universite et de Peco/e eurent la permission de se servir d'un p6blrage et d'un champ iJ quelques minutes d pied du campus comme «terrain de golf•• On y construisit bien tat un club de golf, et Ie terrain prit Ie nom de Saint Francis Golf Club. nprjt plus tard Ie nom de Club de golf de LennoxvilJe. Le premier club Jut detroit par un incendie au debut des annees 20. La municipalite de LennorvilJe Ie rempla,a en faisant don du hariment qui avait abrite son ancienne pompeo Dans les annees 70, SOUS la direction de Garth Smith, I'universite entreprit la construction d'an nouveau bariment pour son club de golf et s'employa d am61iorer les greens. Le club de golf actJJeJ occupe une surface de 45 acres. Sa salle de reception Jut agrtmdie et tronsformee I'an demier, ce qui en fait un endroit adapte pour les galas officiels et les f6tes d I'umversite.


Programmes de diners-receptions pour Ie club de lUgby 1926 et 1927.

Creation J'un conseil administratifdes services sportifi us services sportifi connurent encore une autre rlorganisation sous i4 direction dun conseil administratif des services sportifi, forme dans Its annles 60, et charge des dlcisions importantes touchant ce domaine. C'est aussi ce conseil qui glrait Its finances de i4 Societl des sports. Deux grands changements eurent lieu II ce moment: tout d'abord i4 nomination de Bruce Coulter comme directeur des Services sportifi, avec It mandat de dlvelopper It programme de football; dautre part, larena w. B. Scott ouvrit ses portes, permettant enfin II Bishops davoir sa propre gi4ce. Ces changements ali4ient avoir une influence majeure sur i4 vie sportive et Its activitls etudiantes de luniversit/. Soulignons egalement i4 participation tk Bruce dans l'organisation tk laduellt Union sportive interuniversitaire canadienne ru.S.L C), qui eut un effet d'entrainement et de stimui4tion pour Its joueurs de Bishops.

Rugby Dinner Programmes, 1926 and 1927.

17. Provincial Intermediate Intercollegiate Hockey Champions. 1932

Collection: Anthony DavidsoD. Champions de la competition provinciale intercollegiale de hockey, mveau intermediaire. 193%. Collection: Anthony Davidson.

18. Badminton Team. 1930. tquipe de badminton, 1938.


An assortment of purple «B,'s, the earliest dating from the 1920's. The intertwined BU is the newest design and was first awarded in 1993. AssorIiment de lettres fiB. violettes. la plus ancienne datant des annees 20. Les lettres flBU. entre/acees sonl les plus recentes; on les utilisa pour la premiere fois en 1993•



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