speculum universalis fevrier - ONG CNRJ

jeunesse amorcé par l'Ambassade Américaine en Fran- ce. Dans une dernière partie, la place est laissée à nos correspondants de pays anglophones. Japneet ...
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FEVRIER 2014 N°11 / 3 €



3 « La question du CNRJ-US et de son La direction du LSU à dû s’adapter à l’actualité mondiale et ainsi éditer en Janvier un SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS consacré à la Centrafrique. Merci à toutes les personnes ayant participé à ce numéro sur le monde anglophone de l’ONG CNRJ pour leur patience. Dans une première partie, le responsable du pôle international, Jérémy Delaplagne répond à quelques question sur le CNRJ-US et son développement. Pour compléter le propos, le Secrétaire Générale de l’ONG CNRJ, Pierre-Yves Chiron nous évoque le parcours du CNRJ au fils des mois en lien avec les USA. Dans une deuxième partie, nous laissons la parole au responsable du CNRJ-US, Gerald Wade Lawson pour un article consacré à « Youth Education and Employment ». Puis à Diana Lawson, co-responsable, pour évoquer la question du Marketing CNRJ-US. Notre illustratrice, Valentine Choquet, rend à travers notre revue un Hommage à Mandela. Nous vous faisons partager une initiative en faveur de la jeunesse amorcé par l’Ambassade Américaine en France. Dans une dernière partie, la place est laissée à nos correspondants de pays anglophones. Japneet Kaur d’Inde partage sa réflexion sur la fuite des cerveaux à travers un article nommé « Reverse Brain Drain In India ». Pour clore ce numéro, le responsable du CNRJ Nigéria, Saidu Ahmed Enagi écrit sur la politique international de la Jeunesse et la Communication. RAPPEL À l’heure actuelle, l’ONG CNRJ est engagée dans une démarche d’aide humanitaire en RCA. Tout soutien de votre part est le bienvenue. Diffusez l’appel au don autour de vous! Audrey Gautier Rédactrice du LSU

The direction of the LSU adapts to world news and to published in January a SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS devoted to the Central African Republic.

développement » Par Jérémy Delaplagne

4 « Le développement du CNRJ en Thanks to everyone who participated in this number on the English-speaking CNRJ of the NGO for their patience.

lien avec les USA » Par Pierre Yves Chiron

In a first part, the International Unit Director, Jérémy Delaplagne answers in some question on the CNRJ-US and his development. To complete the subject, Secretary General of the NGO-CNRJ, Pierre-Yves Chiron evokes us the evolution of the CNRJ to the son of the months in connection with the USA.

6 « Youth Education and Employ-

In a second part, we hand over to the person in charge of the CNRJ-US, Gerald Wade Lawson for an article dedicated to "Youth Education and Employment". Then to Diana Lawson, co-responsible, to evoke the question of the Marketing CNRJ-US.

Par Diana Lawson

Our illustrator Valentine Choquet, through our magazine makes a tribute to Mandela. We share an initiative for Youth initiated by the American Embassy in France. In a last part, the place is left to our correspondents of English-speaking countries. Japneet Kaur of India shares his reflection on the brain through an article named "Reverse Brain Drain In India". To close this issue, the head of the CNRJ Nigeria, Saidu Ahmed Enagi writes on international youth policy and Communication.

ment » Par Gerald Wade Lawson

8 « CNRJ-USA Marketing Review »

10 « Mandela » Par Valentine Choquet

11 « Yes you can » Par l’ambassade des USA

13 « Reverse Brain Drain In India » Par Ms. Japneet Kaur

15 « International Youth Policy and the Construction of Communicative Action » Par Saidu Ahmed Enagi

REMINDER At the present time, the NGO CNRJ is engaged in a process of humanitarian aid in the car. All your support is welcome. Spread the call to donate around you! Audrey Gautier Rédatrice du LSU

LE SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS- DIRECTEUR DE PUBLICATION : Frédéric Fappani / REDACTRICE EN CHEF : Audrey Gautier / MISE EN PAGE : LC Ont participé à ce numéro : Jérémy Delaplagne (Responsable du Pôle International ) / Pierre-Yves Chiron ( Secrétaire général de ONG CNRJ ) / Gerald Wade Lawson (Responsible CNRJ USA) / Diana Lawson (Co-Director CNRJ USA) Ms. Japneet Kaur( member of India’s CNRJ ) Saidu Ahmed Enagi (Responsible for CNRJ-Nigeria) / Valentine Choquet ( Illustratrice des revues) LE SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS N°11 (2014) est une publication éditée par l’ONG CNRJ, Cercle National de Réflexion Nationale sur la Jeunesse. Il est la version internationale du Speculum Mentis . Association loi 1901 déclarée en Préfecture de Police de Paris. Déclaration de l’ONG CNRJ en préfecture en cours. Dépôt légal à parution- Diffusion : 5 000 exemplaires ISSN : 2267- 4934

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 2

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS « La question du CNRJ-US et de son développement »

même que cette décision s’est faite en tota-

Q3) Que peut apporter selon vous le

le autonomie, d’une part la présidence et

CNRJ par rapport à la question Jeu-

moi-même avons tenu à laisser M. Lawson

nesse aux USA?

sollicité. Cela n’empêche pas bien sur notre

En tant que Français, qu’Européen, nous

Par Jérémy Delaplagne -

suivi actif de la situation sur place, nous

avons regardé avec attention ce que nous

gardons d’ailleurs un contact fréquent et de

appelons ici le mouvement des « indignés »

grande qualité avec l’ensemble de l’équipe

ou des « 99% » selon l’appellation commune

aux Etats-Unis.

aux Etats-Unis. Ici comme là-bas, la jeunesse

Responsable du Pôle International de ONG CNRJ

gérer ce dossier et lui-même ne nous a pas

pose de nombreuses questions auxquelles il En accord avec toute l’équipe nous espé-

faut des réponses. Or la question de la jeu-

rons donc une déclaration officielle du

nesse n’a pas été la priorité de la campagne

CNRJ-US d’ici à la fin Janvier, ce qui serait

présidentielle de 2012 aux Etats-Unis et

déjà une excellente nouvelle !

c’est là que nous pouvons jouer un rôle.

Q2) Quels sont les premiers objectifs

D’une part pour montrer que le rêve améri-

qu'ils se fixent là-bas?

cain ne se résume pas à une réussite économique ou sociale mais aussi pour affirmer

Que pensez-vous que peut apporter

Ils sont déjà nombreux ! Depuis quelques

qu’il y a un avenir après la crise. Nos idées,

semaines déjà un site internet est en cons-

en faveur de la jeunesse et contre sa stigma-

truction et une campagne active sur les

tisation, ont donc tout naturellement leur

réseaux sociaux est prévue. Le logo, les

place aux Etats-Unis. Il s’agit d’œuvrer pour

contenus sont prêts et le coup d’envoi sera

que ce pays ne reste pas aux yeux de sa

donné dès la création officielle du CNRJ-US.

jeunesse comme le point de départ de la crise, mais comme le point de départ d’un

l’arrivée du CNRJ aux Etats-Unis? Une première campagne visera à recruter

nouvel humanisme dont elle est le centre.

Q1) Comment se déroule le dévelop-

des volontaires et des fonds pour constituer

pement du CNRJ-US (les freins, les

une équipe nationale, voire une dans chaque

L’expertise que nous développons depuis

éléments facilitateurs)?

Etat si les choses marchent bien, et une

déjà quelques temps, sous la plume de notre

seconde consistera à organiser les premiè-

Président Frédéric Fappani, rencontre un

A l’heure actuelle le développement de

res actions. A ce titre notre équipe sur

écho de plus en plus important avec les

ONG-CNRJ aux Etats-Unis est en très bon-

place est entrée en contact avec une res-

Etats-Unis en témoigne nos contacts très

ne voie, grâce au travail de notre responsa-

ponsable à l’ambassade de France à Was-

étroits avec les instances de ce pays. Il y a

ble Gérald Wade Lawson et de toute son

hington, une coopération est d’ores et déjà

donc une attente, une volonté de se renou-

équipe. Depuis sa nomination il met juridi-

prévue. Je tiens également à ce que soit

veler et d’investir un nouveau champ de

quement en place notre organisation auprès

également inscrite au programme une parti-

pensée. A notre ONG d’en être un pilier,

tout d’abord de son Etat d’origine (Le Wis-

cipation à des actions « inter-CNRJ » en lien

tout d’abord par sa prise en considération

consin) puis du gouvernement fédéral afin

avec nos représentations en Afrique notam-

des attentes de la jeunesse puis par sa pro-

de pouvoir commencer à mener ses pre-


jection sur l’avenir.

Ainsi nous préparons avec M.Oumarou

En effet nous oublions souvent que la jeu-

Contrairement à d’autres pays le processus

Paul, nouveau responsable Afrique de notre

nesse est un thème transversal qui touche

administratif est très fluide aux Etats-Unis,

ONG, un échange avec la République Dé-

bien au-delà de la simple considération so-

ce qui permet de nous y établir rapidement.

mocratique du Congo autour de l’éducation.

ciale. Ce n’est pas qu’une tranche d’âge ou

Le Shutdown survenu aux Etats-Unis à la fin

Une collecte de livre et de matériels scolai-

une catégorie sociale, être jeune c’est avant

de l’été a pourtant considérablement ralenti

res a déjà commencé aux Etats-Unis, à des-

tout représenter l’héritage intellectuel et

cette procédure mais aujourd’hui les choses

tination de la RDC où nous sommes d’ail-

culturel de notre temps, pas simplement

sont rentrées dans l’ordre. Malgré tout

leurs officiellement reconnus depuis quel-

économique. A nous de le faire fructifier, en

notre responsable a dû faire appel à un avo-

ques semaines déjà. Cette opération com-

France comme aux Etats-Unis, car il y a une

cat afin de valider la déclaration et en facili-

plétera les actions menées en faveur de la

réelle attente.

ter le traitement administratif, qui n’est plus

paix par notre représentant en RDC,

que le dernier obstacle avant la création

M.Mishiki, au côté de l’ONU, voilà une belle

officielle du CNRJ-US. Je précise tout de

synergie !

mières actions.

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 3

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS Q4) Que peut apporter le CNRJ-US à

C’est ce que nous pouvons apporter, via le

ONG d’abord auprès de leur pays puis pour

la réflexion de la Jeunesse dans le

CNRJ-US. En effet l’ONG-CNRJ peut diffu-

participer au développement de notre philo-


ser son message de manière plus pertinente

sophie dans le monde. Si leur perception de

et plus percutante par les Etats-Unis alors

la Jeunesse vient nourrir notre réflexion, à

que c’est dans le même temps très difficile

eux maintenant d’agir avec nous pour inscri-

regardés par le monde entier. Parfois pour

depuis l’Europe. Lorsque nous parlons de

re la Jeunesse au cœur de l’Agenda mon-

de mauvaises raisons, comme ce fut le cas

jeunesse, la comparaison est vite faite avec

dial !

en 2008 où le système économique fut

ce « Vieux Continent » dont la définition

montré du doigt, mais aussi pour son rayon-

est aujourd’hui à prendre au sens littéral. Le

nement culturel et philosophique. Si elle

taux de natalité est faible, la jeunesse peu

exporte bien ces concepts l’Amérique a

mise en avant, tout cela ne nous facilite pas

encore du mal à penser sa jeunesse et ne

la tâche.

Quoique l’on en dise, les Etats-Unis sont

peut donc en exporter un modèle novateur et universel. Au contraire elle importe sou-

Le relais doit être pris par le CNRJ-US, qui

vent ses talents et une jeunesse créative

en est tout à fait capable. Notre responsa-

venue des quatre coins du globe. A elle

ble M.Wade et toute son équipe sont de

maintenant d’en exporter la substantifique

grande qualité, ce numéro du LSU spécial

moelle, de partager au monde cette richesse

« US » souligne d’ailleurs leur travail remar-

de pensée et de réflexion.

quable dans ce sens. Ils sont pour moi tout désigné pour porter le message de notre

« Le développement du CNRJ en lien avec les USA » Par Pierre –Yves Chiron Secrétaire Général de ONG CNRJ

ce n’est pas une nouveauté, l’ONG CNRJ

conflit. A l’occasion de ce colloque le CNRJ

suscite des motivations au travers le monde,

a été invité, par le gouvernement tamoul en

autour des questions de jeunesse, et notam-

exil, pour présenter sa démarche de lob-

ment dans les plus grands pays de la planète.

bying qui a visé à interpeler l’opinion publi-

Si en Inde et en Chine, les échanges en sont

que et dans un deuxième temps, à réclamer

encore aux préalables (le CNRJ dispose

une commission d’enquête internationale

néanmoins d’un correspondant en Inde), les

sous l’égide des Nations Unies pour évaluer

Etats-Unis deviennent un partenaire essen-

les exactions commises au Sri Lanka. La

tiel du CNRJ. En l’espace d’une année, nous

jeunesse de ce pays a été particulièrement

avons construit les bases d’un partenariat

touchée lors de ce conflit. La mobilisation

étroit avec ce pays, à même d’assurer une

du CNRJ sur cette question était donc en-

implantation en cours dans les cinquante

tièrement légitime.

états de ce pays continent. Je vais ici en retracer quelques étapes.

A l’occasion du vote qui s’est déroulé à l’ONU au mois de mars 2013sur l’envoie ou

Le CNRJ se balade au bout du monde et voit grand. Ce n’est pas que nos aspirations soient à la démesure de l’immensité mais, et

Philadelphie a accueilli le CNRJ à l’occasion

non d’une commission d’enquête au Sri

d’un colloque international du gouverne-

Lanka, le CNRJ a poursuivi son action de

ment tamoul en exil. C’est le premier pas

lobbying et a mobilisé tous ses correspon-

du CNRJ aux Etats-Unis en mai 2013. Au

dants internationaux, tous les CNRJ au tra-

regard des prises de positions du CNRJ sur

vers le monde, afin de sensibiliser les états

la question des conflits qui se sont déroulé

qui ont participé à ce vote, ainsi que cer-

au Sri Lanka jusqu’en 2009, prise de position

tains états clés susceptibles d’avoir une

en faveur de la jeunesse et de la mise en

influence significative sur l’issu du vote, dont

place d’une commission d’enquête interna-

les Etats-Unis. Les ambassades des pays

tionale pour évaluer, de part et d’autre,

membres de la commission onusienne qui

l’implication des protagonistes dans les mas-

devait statuer sur l’envoie ou non de cette

sacres qui se s’y sont déroulé, le CNRJ a


répondu aux attentes du gouvernement

contactées, dans tous les pays disposant

Tamoul en exil concernant la mobilisation

d’une représentation du CNRJ.




de la communauté internationale sur ce

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 4


SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS Des relations particulières avec l’ambassade

évoqué également le possible soutien appor-

des Etats Unis à Paris ont pu être ainsi

té par les Etats-Unis lors d’actions de lob-

nouées via cette action et elles se sont

bying de la part du CNRJ sur des questions

poursuivies par la suite sur plusieurs axes.

concernant la jeunesse dans le monde. Dans le cadre de certains votes, par exemple au

D’une part, 2013, c’est également l’année de

Conseil des Droits de l’Homme, l’ambassa-

création de l’ONG CNRJ, consacrant au

de américaine pourrait ainsi se faire le relais

travers de la « Déclaration de Lancaster » la

du besoin de soutien dans ces démarches de

dimension internationale et en quelque

lobbying. Enfin, l’ambassade des Etats-Unis à

sorte, fédérale du CNRJ. C’est à Lancaster

Paris nous apporte son soutien au travers

en effet,aux Etats- Unis, au pied de la statue

de l’implantation du CNRJ aux Etats-Unis.

du célèbre général, que le CNRJ a entériné

Une mise en relation avec l’ambassade fran-

sa dimension internationale par la signature

çaise aux Etats-Unis est évoquée à ce sujet.

de ses nouveaux statuts. L’ONG CNRJ devient avec cet acte le regroupement de

Nous sommes fin décembre 2013. Le pre-

tous les CNRJ présents dans chaque pays

mier pas du CNRJ aux Etats-Unis date du

d’implantation, soit une trentaine au jour

mois de mai 2013. Le développement des


relations avec ce pays s’accélèrent depuis le mois de septembre. Cela va vite, très vite.

D’autre part, cette excursion dans les

Cela donne toujours davantage de légitimité

contrées américaines a suscité la mobilisa-

à la cause portée par le CNRJ. Dans ce

tion des américains eux-mêmes autour de la

monde en crise, la jeunesse est aux premiè-

cause du CNRJ. C’est également en 2013

res loges et elle encaisse très violemment

que nous a rejoint Gérald Wade Lawson,

chaque coup porté. Le plus fort tribu

correspondant officiel du CNRJ et respon-

concerne bien évidemment les conflits ar-

sable pour les Etats-Unis. Gérald est en

més où elle est en première ligne.

cours de mise en place du CNRJ dans les cinquante états des USA. Cela prendra sans

Le concours des Etats-Unis dans ce défi

doute du temps mais les autorisations né-

pour la jeunesse que porte le CNRJ est

cessaires à la création des structures cor-

d’une importance capitale. Par son poids

respondantes ont été délivrées par les auto-

démographique, économique, politique, il

rités fédérales en septembre 2013. La mar-

apporte une nouvelle légitimité à notre

che en donc en bonne voie pour l’organisa-

combat, nous ouvre de nouvelles perspecti-

tion d’un vaste réseau américain du CNRJ.

ves. L’association prochaine d’autres pays importants comme l’Inde et la Chine nous

Ce développement du CNRJ sur le sol amé-

permettra de relayer partout sur la planète

ricain passe également par le rapproche-

les messages de mobilisation en faveur de la

ment du CNRJ avec les institutions du pays

jeunesse du Monde et de nous faire enten-

et notamment l’ambassade des Etats-Unis à

dre, non plus seulement des institutions,

Paris avec laquelle plusieurs actions ontété

mais de l’ensemble des êtres humains vivant


sur cette Terre tant l’avenir de l’Humanité repose en chacun d’entre nous.

C’est notamment le suivi par le CNRJ, de l’action « Yes Oui Can », et le relai des informations concernant cette action, portée entre autre par l’ambassade américaine, dans nos revues. Au travers de sa présence sur Paris, et dans différents réseaux notamment dans les quartiers populaires de la capitale, le CNRJ se propose également de s’associer, aux côtés de l’ambassade américaine, dans ce projet et de mobiliser et recruter de jeunes porteurs de projets. Est

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 5

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS « Youth Education and Employment » By Gerald Wade Lawson, Responsible CNRJ USA Inc.

ment related to the current youth situations

tional needs.

across the globe.

times causes unexpected issues. For exam-

Our own advancement at

ple; Technology changes daily what it is that “Todays’ youth are not receiving the

youth must know to enable success in the

education needed to successfully develop

global workforce.

a humanity in which social and environme nt a l

s us t a in ab i l i ty

ca n



Let’s take this into consideration; education is a partial solution within the educational issues but how can it be the issue and the

You may or may not agree with this com-

solution at the same time?

ment but you cannot deny the echo of its essence from nation to nation.

Here is our view point. Education has an underlining problem that prevents a society

If you review current youth unemployment

from developing further toward the solu-

for ages under 24 you will find that it is

tion. Ignoring all the high quality advance-

twice that of the rest of the population.

ments and new teaching methods we still find a basic need not being met.

There are possible solutions and we all must step up and begin innovative actions to

Formal education is often of very poor qual-

The team of USA CNRJ has recently been

implement and redirect current social youth

ity in low income regions within industrial-

reviewing and discussing some key global

stigma. CNRJ is meeting the call to action

ized countries as well as developing coun-

issues facing todays’ Youth. This is not new

but we also must engage governments, busi-

tries. It seems fair to say that this lack of

developments but perhaps just a different

nesses, other nonprofits to work together

education erupts from the inability to prop-

approach to old problems. We have de-

on solutions.

erly support with all the resources required

cided that most challenges facing our youth

for an acceptable education system. Consid-

in the United States and in the developing

Now that we can say education is a primary

ering that the transition of younger persons

world can be linked in several key factors.

problem we can also say education is a pri-

to the majority population and you will see

mary solution.

this has even stretched resources thinner.

Key factors involved today include eco-

We may believe that building more schools

nomic, demographic and social interactions

The world youth population averages just

is a partial answer but then you need more

working in conjunction with the large youth

above 55% with students graduating at a

teachers and the teachers need more train-


As the worlds’ population

high school level education. This means the


structure changes it becomes largely youth

remainder of the young is settling for some-

compared to other age groups. The result-

thing less than even a high school education.

ing situation from this ongoing age structure

Okay fine, more teachers, more schools and there we have it‘solution resolved’; a better

transition is evident; we should expect to

Again this is an example demonstrating

education but hardly the end of the story.

see explosive numbers toward youth unem-

society is not providing the education

When there are more youth the class room

ployment and social issues.

needed for todays’ youth to successfully

sizes are larger and much more difficult to

conquer the global challenges they will face

provide individual instruction. Then if we

in their future.

hire more teachers and build more schools

Due to the growing number of young people the current social and governmental

we will need to lower an already poor

systems become stressed in the effort to

teacher salary to offset additional cost. Edu-

support and advance suitable programs with

cational budgets continue to burst at the

adequate results. Some of the systems in-

seams while the need for more becomes

clude the educational systems, employment

stronger day to day.

markets, health care and eventually the housing markets. As the youth become adults additional agencies and social systems endure the burden

Identifying education as a solution is not a

of support.

new concept. Generation upon generations

At this time let me bring you back to reality. Have you ever heard about these dilemmas; ‘Quantity versus Quality’ or ‘you get what you’ve paid for’? These create a viscous circle to say the least.

have demonstrated and enacted huge adThe USACNRJ staff is making a bold com-

vancements toward meeting youth educa-

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 6

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS We are performing additional research into

cation and within developed nations many

“It is impossible to win the race unless

a well-known assistance program that can

schools exist that can provide the proper

you venture to run, impossible to win the

help to relieve some of the educational

education there is a lack of confidence and

victory unless you dare to battle.”(2)

short-falls. In brief it will support a concept

desire. Many young persons have become

where all youth are seen as valued assets

disengaged from education, training and

People want to do business with companies

and called upon to lead. This research will

employment. They are actually being non-

that are willing to share their values and

be in support of teachers and through an in-

productive in society other than just to

assist in making their daily lives better. It is

service classroom development where to-

survive. Most of these youth do not have

now time for us to share values and ethics,

days’ youth and teachers learn to utilize

role models or interact with society or

with this sharing it is time to pass our ex-

assets available. You will be able to read

social networking. They have secluded

perience and desire for a better world to

more about this later. Once the research is

themselves from the ability to easily be


completed we will publish the essay and our

brought back into society as a functional


productive, caring and sharing person of a sustainable humanity. These youth must be

At this time I would like to say congratulations to CNRJ and the successful symposium held this past month in Paris France.

For now what are some of the immediate

re-engaged and provided opportunity. Best

activities that can provide partial solutions?

yet this must be prevented through confi-

It is a huge success to bring together an

dence, education, awareness and guidance. If

International Community of CNRJ NGO’s ,

This is where CNRJ and other NGO’s step

our youth are empowered with a voice and

supporters and friends. The sharing of infor-

up and rescues the future of humanity. Not

interaction in todays’ decisions we would

mation, concepts, and viewing amazing suc-

only do we need organizations like CNRJ

see less youth failures.

cess stories and seeing direct results all

but large corporate businesses and private companies all can benefit from the support

As stated earlier there are several key fac-

provided to educational efforts.

tors that can be linked together tending to show a lack in todays’ humanity to support

We must bring confidence and training op-

a future that is socially, economically and

portunities to youth in our community and

environmentally sustainable.

across the globe. A successful youth empowerment allows todays’ youth to improve their communication skills, recognition within all levels of civil government, health awareness, respect and high regards toward humanity and the environment. We must devote time in development of

together in one conference room are in itself astounding. Truly amazing CNRJ and here is to another very definitive year 2014.

Young youth and young adults are and must be the priority toward a resolution. They are the one common key to a final resolution that will provide for not only their future success but our global future. Our comfort in community, regional, national and international life will become theirs as the inheritance of an adult world is received.

USACNRJ Activity – We had the privilege

and encouragement of youth microenter-

We all must support a new humanity devel-

in sharing an experience with the Non-

prise and youth capacity. Youth encourage-

oped for a future belonging to proud, ethi-

Profit Organization –‘The Salvation Army’

ment toward entrepreneurial thinking and

cal and strong youth. We must recognize

last month during the U.S. holiday called;

the ability to test their knowledge will bet-

youth empowerment and prove that listen-

“Thanksgiving”. This holiday is a celebration

ter prepare them for future workforce and

ing to their voices and pleas to be involved

of life and involves sharing a specially pre-

social sustainability.

in matters of this world benefits global soci-

pared dinner with family and friends. On


Nov 28th we supported and volunteered service with the Salvation Army during their

Many large and small businesses and corporations depend on a steady flow of trained,

Despite your age, race, nationality, or gen-

free dinner to over 650 low income and

eager, and ready to go youth to fill their

der we need to feel we are a part of life

homeless people. Congratulations to The

employment requirements. These corpora-

around us.

Salvation Army for a very successful charity dinner that provided such a very delicious

tions do support our efforts and are a large source of program development toward

Acquiring the feeling of being connected

free meal to so many in need. USACNRJ

youth empowerment and advancement.

to something bigger than you fulfills a

was proud to provide volunteer efforts to

basic human desire.

such a great organization.

Although the fact remains that many young persons are prepared to pursue higher edu-

I want you to think about this;

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS We are proud of the teens and young

Thank you for reading and remember it

youth that are proud enough to help

only takes one step at a time to change the

serve those in need!


CNRJ-USA Request:

Notes from Text:

We would like to invite all readers and

(1) Statement represents the view of CNRJUSA

youth to provide articles, photographs,


drawings and intentions (dreams) to us so that we can show governmental leaders

(2) Statement – Rich DeVos, co-founder, AM-

what todays’ youth consider as their priori-


ties and why it matters to all of us now. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts with


p lease

sen d

[email protected]

to or


[email protected].

« CNRJ-USA Marketing Review »

national CNRJ together within the United

That is a good question and the answer has

States is of a high priority.

produced many instructional books and classes across the business world.

Broad View Marketing of CNRJUSA

By Diana Lawson ,Co-Director CNRJ USA Inc.

Our cause or mission is up most important The staff will initiate a broad view marketing

to CNRJ but in reality if it is not presented

program that extends far outside the inter-

in a way that connect other people then

nal operations and programs. If we do not

you will not have the interest of potential

look beyond our organization then we will

members, donors or other support.

not understand or see the opportunities with external organizations that are suited

We will market our mission objectives to

in promoting and advancing our goals.

the community in a manner that creates inspiration toward the reason our organiza-

Broad view marketing will help us to collect

tion exist. Our marketing will announce the

resources. This approach will earn re-

reason CNRJ makes a difference in the

sources in the form of volunteers, time and

global community.

assistance, individual donations and in-kind

Nonprofit Marketing is critical to the success of CNRJUSA and in this short article I wish to present some of the common be-

gifts. Broad view marketing will reach cor-

It is sometimes very funny when I send an

porate and private business as the organiza-

email to CNRJUSA responsible outlining a

tion name and mission becomes known in

proposal that I consider vital to our success.

the community.

He will at times mention that we have a focused mission statement and to meet our

Brand Marketing

lieves we have among our future marketing

So how do we intend to perform broad


view marketing of CNRJUSA?

goals our programs must always reflect the mission purpose. As I read his return email he suddenly reminds me to think of our vision. Our vision is a broad unrestricted

I know you are fully aware that CNRJUSA is

goal. The vision is what we wish to see as

awaiting tax exempt status from the U.S.

an end result from our efforts. I believe his

Federal Government. Our responsible has

words mean; ‘Focus on the mission and in

been in constant contact with the lawyers

time we shall realize our vision’.

and pushing this along as quickly as possible.

because with steady mission success we will

This waiting period has allowed us to de-

begin to move from community to commu-

velop some of our future plans and objec-

nity till a global vision becomes reality.

I agree

tives. Marketing our organization and inter-

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG-CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 8

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS So the bottom line is that brand marketing

We provide a means for all persons in soci-

you make use of social impact designs the

of CNRJUSA objective is to ensure the

ety to be a collective part of changing the

organization will benefit from fundraising

community understands our vision but sees

world and social behavior through educa-

awareness to cause marketing that develops

the effects of our organization toward sus-

tion, youth empowerment and youth enter-

relationships built and designed to advance

tainable changes focused on our mission.

prise or employment.

mission and vision refinements and production making the plans into a reality.

Okay so you are getting the idea. To beMission Statement Marketing

come a long term successful organization

I hope that providing a little insight into our

you must engage the population for your

future plans for marketing USACNRJ has

passion. Trust and friendship along with

provided you with some ideals that allow

duties and shared tasking’s must be devel-

you to further advance your development.

oped and maintained throughout the partnership. Social Impact Marketing I will leave you with a note on social impact marketing and our usage of this method toward future development of USACNRJ.

We are working hard to finalize our Federal recognition so that we may implement our concepts. I would like to ensure that all CNRJ representatives should feel free to contact us for further information or assistance. We are a team and together the CNRJ International will accomplish huge, significant improvements across the globe.

We realize that without a clear and concise Why do we care, what does our organiza-

plan we will become lost among the many

tion do and why is it so important? Most

other NGO’s with similar missions and

mission statements are short and precious

visions toward success and accomplish-

and read as an institutional document. The

ments. To the end this will mean a loss of

mission statement touches everything we

prospective stakeholders who are proud

do and is of our organizations highest prior-

and delighted to support our combined

ity. When other people are being influenced


by our mission statement we will present it in a manner that compels action and need for success. It has to be presented in a persuasive manner to encourage internet users, readers, or personal contact to act upon the cause of the organization. No you do not change your mission statement but in marketing you present your passion and why your mission statement is so valuable to the audience and why it

Social Impact Marketing is a method to

should influence their decisions to consider

which strategic plans and consumer cam-

being a part of the overall impact; in this

paigns develop effective communication

case, development of a humanity that can

resources. The goal of using a marketing

and will seek safe, sustainable societies living

campaign is to develop sustainable partner-

within an environment providing successful

ships and sponsors. In doing this again you

life to all members of our world.

create a strong brand identity and always seek to increase the importance of your

A few thought considering support of our

organization in the eyes of society.

non-profit organizations NGO CNRJ International Federation.

Social impact will develop interest and personal goals within the individual board mem-

We are providing to society something that

bers, community leaders and corporate

is not performed or offered through the

assistance committees.

business world. Use it often and develop you aim to encourage support across all of the community. If

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS | Revue internationale de ONG CNRJ | www.cnrj.org | N°11 Fev 2014 | 9

SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS Valentine CHOQUET est la nouvelle illustratrice de la revue SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS. Cette jeune artiste de 13 ans exerce sa passion du dessin et du graphisme depuis son plus jeune âge. Lauréate à deux reprises du festival de bande dessinées d’Amiens dans sa catégorie d’ âge, Valentine a été élue écureuil d’or national à l’occasion du Festival de bandes dessinées d’Angoulême. Défendre les droits de la jeunesse au travers de sa collaboration avec CNRJ est pour elle une grande satisfaction. Vous pouvez consulter ses planches sur son blog sissisaprine.overblog.com et la suivre sur twitter @valentine0907. Si vous souhaitez la contacter, adressez vous au pôle édition du LSU.

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Postulez à notre programme et rejoignez-nous pour deux semaines de formation gratuite d’initiation à l’entrepreneuriat dispensée par des experts américains et français.

20 jeunes de 18 à 25 ans 2 semaines de formations seront sélectionnés pour participer à ce programme destiné à leur transmettre l’esprit entrepreneurial et de leadership, entre autres, la réalisation de projets liés à toutes les formes d’entrepreneuriat.

intensives à travers des séminaires, ateliers, mises en situation et rencontres avec des modèles de réussite dans le domaine entrepreneurial.

9 - 20 Juin 2014 Dossier de candidature à déposer à l’adresse web

globalpotential.fr/yoc avant le 20 Décembre 2013.

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS « Reverse Brain Drain In India » By Ms. Japneet Kaur, member of India’s CNRJ

groups of foreign students in U.S. universi-

US recession began. Indian scientists and

ties. The sudden spike in "brain drain" oc-

engineers are returning due to better ca-

curred in the 1990s when many IT students

reer and growth prospects in India versus

left for the west for possibly better educa-

the West. There is more job security, as

tion and employment opportunities. How-

well as the intangible benefits of better fam-

ever, as the dot-com bubble burst, many

ily and cultural ties.

were forced to return to India. At that time, it might have seemed to them that this was

These globe-trotters also find India an excit-

a misfortune.

ing place to be in. Jayant Sinha, a partner in McKinsey, and with an enviable background

However, in the past decade, something

— IIT-Delhi, MS in energy policy (University

interesting has occurred: India's economy

of Pennsylvania) and MBA (Harvard) —

boomed while the US and other countries

says, "We are now entering a new phase of

have suffered through struggling economies.

nation-building. Technology, IT services and

In the past 10 years, the Sensex has appreci-

telecom are all growing rapidly in India."

ated 310 per cent while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (the equivalent to the Sensex in the US) has appreciated a meagre 62 per cent. The global meltdown in 2008 definitely contributed towards many NRIs returning to India; however, due to the mass exodus of Indians leaving the West and returning to India, as evidenced by economists all over

India, the urge to return is only going to

the world, is not only the world's largest

grow since the returnees have started and

democracy but a country with untapped and

will continue to start thousands of compa-

unlimited economic potential. Entrepre-

nies which will provide equal or better op-

neurs boldly state that doing business in

portunities than there are in the West.

India is one of the many intangible treasures that few other countries can offer a "foreigner". India encourages entrepreneurship and has untapped potential in virtually

Another startling reason as to why NRIs are returning to India is because they are unable to get their spouses, parents, and relatives visas abroad. In India, NR's are welcomed warmly since it is guaranteed that they will most likely contribute towards the economy in a meaningful way. There is also another valid reason as to why NRIs are returning to India: they are unable to start up their own ventures and businesses. Due to recent immigration rule changes, students with an F1 Visa in the US are unable to get into entrepreneurship due to laws that forbid them from working on "outside jobs". They can work as an employee (within their domain of studies) or in internships with companies in his/her field of study, but they are not allowed to be self-employed in a business venture.

every sector in its economy. India has the world's third largest GDP (by purchasing power parity) and with a middle class of nearly 300 million, is a preferred location for FDIs around the world to invest in. In a recent study published by the Harvard NRIs are returning to India in what is being

Law School, 50 per cent of NRI returnees

called the "reverse brain drain". Through

are doing so for entrepreneurship and busi-

much of the 1960s to the 1990s, India suf-

ness start-up reasons. NRIs have returned

fered from a brain drain (the exodus of

to India for other reasons as well. Leverag-

educated professionals from one country

ing the education and experiences they

(often a developing one) to more developed

gained abroad, they are applying their skills

ones. Each year, graduates—especially those

and contributing towards India's economy in

in engineering, math and other sciences—

numerous ways, across all sectors and walks

would leave India to access superior post-

of life. Whether it be business start-ups,

graduate education and research opportuni-

non-profits, high-level positions at MNCs,

ties available abroad, with the United States

or purely to be in a country that they can

near the top of the list. For decades, Indian

confidently call "home", NRIs have been

students have been one of the largest

returning in a massive scale ever since the

An irrational fear among Westerners, mostly due to the recession, that an accelerated growth of Indians in their countries will make it more difficult to obtain jobs has also contributed towards the "reverse brain drain". Thus, NRIs are being crowded out overseas and are looking at India for better employment and economic opportunities. Among those NRIs that are returning to India, a special mention needs to be made to scientists, who are finding that better research opportunities and passion towards doing something for their home countries is luring them back to their motherland. Around 500 scientists have come back in the last seven years - and only six have gone back. A lot of Indian academia trained in the US are returning after acquiring PhD or postdoctoral degrees, some of them most successful.

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS Dr Meghna Sabharwal, assistant professor at the University of Texas, Dallas, shared her ongoing study, funded by the National Science Foundation. As per the survey conducted, Forty five per cent of the survey respondents indicated that they returned due to career prospects. They find better growth opportunities, flexibility in type of research, ease in availability of funds and job security in India. 36% returned for family reasons; taking care of aging parents, family ties and raising children, while 32% returned due to cultural ties with most 'not fitting in the US'. Many also wanted to contribute to India. While the vast majority of the "reverse brain drain" has happened from the U.S., Germany and Britain, scientists have also started coming from South Korea and Japan. Schemes set up by the Indian government, including the setting up of The Ramanujam Fellowship, Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) Programme and the Ramalingaswamy Fellowship, are just a handful of programs that are being pushed by India to entice NRIs to return to India. The tide has finally passed. Two decades ago, India was worried was about the "brain drain". Skilled Indian students were leaving the country and caused India concerns that they would not return. India has been one of the biggest recipients of international development aid and has been regarded as a country suffering the most from brain drain. Today this country is beginning to profit from the re-migration of its experts previously ”lost” to the USA. Historically, Indians left because of better economic opportunity abroad. This is probably still one of the main reasons why Indians leave today. There are many factors though that contributes to the Indian exodus. Understanding these factors will help policymakers improve conditions to encourage Indians to return or to stay in the first place. India needs to reform its banking sector, improve its infrastructure, and offer a better tax incentives if it wants to keep these businesses at home. To tackle these challenges, India will have to address long-standing problems, such as corruption and political deadlock, which underlie these problems. Further exacerbating the infrastructure

challenge is the lack of planning and tracking associated with the increased urbanization taking place in India. Local governments do not have the capacity to collect data and the federal government has not made it a priority . Addressing political deadlock is crucial to passing laws and creating policies that will address these vast problems. On the academic front, the Indian government is taking steps to improve the research climate. India’s new science policy aims to make India among the top five nations worldwide by 2020 for scientific achievements. To achieve this lofty goal, India must increase the number of students pursuing doctorates at home. Improving research, lab facilities, funding, conference opportunities, and travel opportunities may encourage doctoral students to stay in India. Furthermore, India has to improve the quality of the teaching staff at its universities as well. There are large numbers of vacancies at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology as well as other higher education institutions. Government funding for research needs to increase if qualified faculty are going to teach and research at Indian universities.

The efforts to transform India’s higher education system are still sorely needed and will eventually strengthen the country as more highly educated citizens conduct research and start their own businesses. Investment in human capital is just as important as the investment in physical infrastructure. Both need to happen simultaneously for India to stem the time of the brain drain. With a democratic government, change is possible. Political will is needed to move beyond the current gridlock. If this is able to occur, the India will be a model country and force to be reckoned with on the world stage.

India also has to improve its educational system at the undergraduate level as well. The cut-off for admission is nearly 100 percent at the top Indian universities. This leads many youth to explore costly higher education opportunities abroad

Given India’s history of migration, it will be a major challenge to keep, India’s most talented at home unless the country is able to tackle some of its long-standing infrastructure and bureaucratic issues. With a diaspora of 25 million, Indians can travel all over the world and find communities that meet their cultural and religious needs, while taking advantage of hassle-free environments to run businesses and undertake research.

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS « International Youth Policy and the Construction of Communicative Action » By Saidu Ahmed Enagi Responsible for CNRJ-Nigeria

nology has transform the size of economy

tions somewhere especially in the Global

and politics of nations. These patterns have

South suffering the consequences of bad

continued to appreciate in geometric pro-

governance. It is crystal clear, that every

gression living mankind with numerous chal-

nation has its own political issue and his-

lenges concerning success and survival, con-

tory, resulting into a disparity between the

cerning hope and fear about the future. The

destinies of nations. World democracy has

global voice against poverty, hunger and

come to a stage where the youth now form

disease will not fall silent, because we have

the fulcrum of every legitimate political

come to an era were we can all hear one

government on earth. This is because they

another from every corner of the world,

have greatness in number; their intellectual

from Paris to Madagascar, from Washington

vitality and sufficiency in energy are what

to Zhejiang Province in China, From Lon-

stand as a vital organ of the government of

don to a satellite town called Kutigi in Niger

the people, for the people and by the peo-

State Nigeria. This are clear indications that


in the near future, there will come a time when a global village will emerge with people strongly dedicated to the pursuit of


peace, unity and development.

I want to use the platform of Speculum Universalis of the ONG-CNRJ to call for a global Consensus among the youth worldwide to unite under one voice so as to draft The International Youth Policy Document which will serve as a future document that which will defend the place of youth in contemporary international economic and po-

The human voice has the powers to engage

litical relation among nations. The United

life, time and destiny, the human voice has

Nations Youth Leader, kudos to his fre-

the powers to control the radical volatility

quent contact with world youth in confer-

of human psychology, the human voice has

ences, seminars and symposium. However,

the spirit to unite the people of a nation

there is a need for him to have rethought

formally disintegrated by the forces of war.

and double his commitment towards im-

What has not change since the beginning of

proving the life and well-being of world

democracy and politico-cultural civilization

youth, his impact are weak in Third World

is the vociferous possibilities contained In

Nations, especially those of Africa and Mid-

the powers of communication. Marcus

dle East.

Cicero before the Roman Court, Vaclav Havel and the Velvet Revolution in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Late Madiba Nelson Man-


dela and the Fall of Apartheid In South Africa, Mao Zedong, Cultural Revolution and the birth of modern political democracy in Peoples Republic of China, Somewhere in the heart of Africa, Sir Abubakar Tafawa

The role of the youth in all affairs of interAhmad Alhendawi, Special envy on

national development requires the re-


orientation of global commutation strategy, the result of this clarion call will change and

Balewa with his golden speeches struggle

consolidate the voice of the youth in their

against the dark times of exploitative colonialism. Barack Obama became an incredible


signature of political history in American

respective nationalities, this is a time when we need to create a global village where the

Democracy, because ideas were combined

Development and discontent are moving at

change we seek remain the answer to the

with charisma, emotional intelligence and

parallel interval with one another both con-

end of war, poverty and disease and the

the power of communicative action.

tributing drastically to global transformation.

beginning of the world of our dream.

When America was celebrating the fulfillWe live today in the digital era were satel-

ment of the “MLK-DREAM” through the

lite and information communication Tech-

evolution of Barack Obama, there are na-

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS Abdullahi Hussaini Maibasira, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) National YouthLeader, Nigeria



Prénom :


Adresse :


Téléphone :


Courriel :



Membre International

(adhésion 152 euros)

Membre National

(adhésion 50 euros )


Une exception de cotisation est possible pour bienfait auprès du CNRJ (Prêt de matériel, de locaux, contribution sous formes d’articles et de publications). Règlements libellés à l’ordre du CNRJ à envoyer à l’adresse suivante : l’ONG-CNRJ, 66 Avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris.

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SPECULUM UNIVERSALIS « Comment faire un don et recevoir jusqu’à 66 % de réduction d’impôt pour ce don ? » Ce texte et ces dispositions concernent uniquement la fiscali-

Comment justifier de ce don auprès des impôts ?

té française c’est-à-dire les gens payants leurs impôts en France. Pour les autres pays nous contacter à [email protected]

Vous recevrez alors sur simple demande par courrier un document nommé Cerfa n°11580*03

Les règles relatives à l'impôt sur le revenu - 27.12.2013 : Ce reçu est couramment appelé « reçu fiscal ». Il permet aux La loi de finances pour 2014 modifie certaines règles relatives

organismes et associations d'intérêt général bénéficiaires d'un

à l'impôt sur le revenu (barème de l'impôt, plafonnement du

don ou d'une cotisation de délivrer une attestation au dona-

quotient familial, fiscalité des plus-values mobilières et immo-

teur, afin qu'il bénéficie d'une réduction d'impôt.

bilières, réductions d'impôt, etc.) et vous permet aussi de

Il permet aussi de justifier des sommes correspondant à une

faire des dons à notre ONG dans de nouvelles disponibilités.

renonciation par un bénévole au remboursement de ses frais.

Quels sont les dons concernés ?

Pour les dons en nature, il faut indiquer son évaluation en numéraire (son équivalence en argent).

Vous devez effectuer votre don sans rien recevoir en contrepartie et celui-ci peut prendre la forme d’un versement direct

Des renseignements et informations complémentai-


res ?

Pourquoi l’ONG CNRJ peut-elle recevoir vos dons ?

Ecrire à : [email protected]

Les conditions remplis sont que notre organisme respecte les

Références légales: Code général des impôts : article 200 ,

3 conditions suivantes :

Bofip-impôts n°BOI-IR-RICI relatif aux réductions et crédits

- être à but non lucratif,

d'impôt et Bofip - Impôts n° BOI-IR-RICI-250-20 relatif aux

- avoir un objet social

dons faits aux associations et aux frais engagés par les béné-

- une gestion désintéressée, et ne fonctionnant pas au profit

voles ouvrant droit à réduction d'impôts.

d'un cercle restreint de personnes. Si je fais un don, ai-je droit à un abattement d’impôt ? Oui ! Il ne peut pas excéder plus de 20 % de vos revenus (vous ne pouvez pas nous verser tous vos impôts dus au Trésor Public) et la réduction est de 66 %. Dans la grande majorité des dons, cette condition est suffisante. Comment faut-il faire ? Il vous suffît d’envoyer un chèque à notre ONG avec vos nom, prénom et adresse à : ONG CNRJ 66, Avenue des Champs Elysées 75008 PARIS. Il s’agit d’une adresse administrative de traitement. Où faire un virement bancaire sur le compte suivant : IBAN FR76 30004 01638 00010142823 68

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APPEL À PARTENAIRES / DONS Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de partenaires (Editeurs, Journaux, Institutions publiques) ou de dons (nous contacter). Des demandes d’intervention sont aussi possibles au cas par cas.

Autorisez-vous à nous contacter en envoyant un mail à [email protected]

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