movements support this idea although the final answer will have to be brought by neuronal ...... North (Eds.), Progress in Brain Research, Elsevier, Amsterdam,.
from its position during haptic scanning. A small amount of force was required for its position to be changed intentionally. This rod could be fixed ... ference (in degrees) between the positions of the stan- dard and test rods. ...... Perception, 15
Due to the hegemony of genetics, the vindication of the role of form in biology has been mainly posed against the belief in the molecular determination of ...
The perception of biological motion is influenced by motion and form information. ... Recognition of biological movements may activate both systems as well as their ..... stimuli with visual bilabial consonant /b/ and labio-dental consonant /v/.
Sep 27, 2005 - Children with SLI exhibit deficits in several aspects of language, including ... dren with SLI. Our aim was to increase the power of detecting.
Apr 2, 1975 - K pr = - yr where K is a constant. Numerous attempts have been made to establish ... theory of binocular space perception (Hardy, Rand,. IYj ...
Apr 8, 2011 - experimentally evaluate a possible contribution of interactive whiteboard (IWB) to phonological awareness teaching of pre-school children. ... between the perception and the production of oral language on ... chief pedagogical inspector
tance surrounded by a background of some other reflectance, whereas the .... sured observers' sensttwtty to surface curvature from patterns of optical texture ...
cal sfide-changing button in the static conditions, controlling the 1- or ... 4.0. 3.7. 4.6. Object 2. 2.7. 4.0. 4.9 effect of condition [F(2,66) = 2.93, .05 < p < . 10], a.
texture provide mformatmn about the three-dlmensmnal structure of objects in space Four experi- .... spectwely The rows from top to bottom depict slant angles of 0*, 25", ..... quate explanation of these seemingly contradictory findings did.
to disparity and perception of depth are still not under- stood ... system, though producing (cyclo)vergenceerrors, could ... structure of the vertical disparity field, whereas metric ..... The middle panels show the horizontal (c) and vertical dispa
a target object, one of the following was displaced: the entire scene, the target object, or the ... We use a new theory, the saccade target theory (McConkie & Cur-.
chitectures: mixtures of Gaussians and locally weighted regression. .... brie y review how the statistical approach can be applied to neural networks, as described.
surface color (a reflectance edge) while the other is due to a ... illumination (an illuminance edge). ..... viewed with the line of sight aligned to the polar axis. (a).
Here we describe an initial study of neural responses in the lateral intraparietal ... pattern that appears within a circular aperture on a video monitor. A fraction ..... Green, D. M. & Swets, J. A. (1966) Signal Detection Theory and. Psychophysics
1School of Biological Sciences and Centre for Mathematical Biology, The ... Key words: ants, pheromone, recruitment, collective decision, dynamic environment, exploration. ... different life times is given by the Pharaoh's ants (Monomorium.
Nov 24, 2010 - calculate the point of subjective equality (PSE, ''androgyny'' in this case) ... for each of the eight tested positions on the display circle. Figure 1 ...