Sheet Metal Production Preface Getting Started ... - MAFIADOC.COM

Mar 10, 2000 - The V5 CATIA - Sheet Metal Production is a product offering an intuitive ... Production, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario ...
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Sheet Metal Production Preface Getting Started Basic Tasks Workbench Description Glossary Index

© Dassault Systèmes 1994-2000. All rights reserved.

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Preface The V5 CATIA - Sheet Metal Production is a product offering an intuitive and flexible user interface. It provides Natively integrated, CATIA - Sheet Metal Production offers the same ease of use and user interface consistency as all CATIA V5 applications. As a scalable product, CATIA Version 5 Sheet Metal Production can be used in cooperation with other current or future companion products in the next CATIA generation such as CATIA Version 5 SheetMetal Design and CATIA Version 5 Generative Drafting. The widest application portfolio in the industry is also accessible through interoperability with CATIA Solutions Version 4 to enable support of the full product development process from initial concept to product in operation. Using This Product More Information

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Using This Product

Using This Product This guide is intended for the user who needs to become quickly familiar with the CATIA Version 5 Sheet Metal Production product. The user should be familiar with basic CATIA Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. To get the most out of this guide, we suggest you start reading and performing the step-by-step tutorial "Getting Started". The next sections deal with the handling of more detailed capabilities of the product.

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More Information

Where to Find More Information Prior to reading this book, we recommend that you read the CATIA Version 5 Infrastructure User's Guide. The CATIA - Part Design User's Guide, the CATIA - Assembly Design User's Guide, the CATIA - Sheet Metal Design User's Guide and the CATIA - Generative Drafting User's Guide may prove useful. Conventions

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Conventions Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA & DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications. The following text conventions may be used: The titles of CATIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text. File -> New identifies the commands to be used. The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform. Use this mouse button, whenever you read Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...) Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs...) Double-click Shift-click Ctrl-click Check (check boxes) Drag Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects) Drag Move Right-click (to select contextual menu)

Graphic conventions are denoted as follows: indicates the estimated time to accomplish a task.

indicates a target of a task. indicates the prerequisites. indicates the scenario of a task. indicates tips indicates a warning.

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indicates information. indicates the end of a task. indicates functionalities that are new or enhanced with this Release. Enhancements can also be identified by a blue-colored background in the left-hand margin.

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Getting Started

Getting Started Before getting into the detailed instructions for using Version 5 CATIA - Sheet Metal Production, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario demonstrating how to use key functionalities. The main tasks proposed in this section are: Entering The Workbench Recognizing Walls Using Bending Wizard Unfolding the Part Checking Overlapping Saving As DXF

All together, these tasks should take about 15 minutes to complete.

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Entering The Workbench

Entering The Workbench The Sheet Metal Production functions are available when you are in the Part environment. .This task shows how to load a document and enter the Sheet Metal Production workbench. Open the GettingStartedProduction.CATPart document. Choose the Mechanical Design -> Sheet Metal Production item from the Start menu. The Sheet Metal Production workbench is displayed and ready to use.

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Recognizing Walls

Recognizing Walls This task shows how to automatically create walls from an existing solid. 1. Click the Walls Recognition icon 2. Select a surface as the reference wall. We selected the top surface. Walls and cutouts are automatically generated.

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Recognizing Walls

Sheet Metal parameters are also created.

3. Double-click Sheet Metal Parameters in the Specification Tree. The Sheet Metal Parameters dialog box is displayed. 4. Select the Bend Extremities tab and choose Maximum. 5. Click OK.

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Using the Bending Wizard

Using the Bending Wizard This tasks shows how to automatically create bends from the generated walls. 1. Click the Bending Wizard icon Bends are previewed.


Bends that can be created are displayed in green, whereas bends where an ambiguity arises are displayed in red.

The Auto Bend Definition dialog box is displayed indicating how many ambiguities have been detected, as well as the number of Unconnected walls (i.e. walls not connected by bends), and Orphan walls.

2. Manually select the top edges as the bends to be created.

The Auto Bend Definition dialog box is updated. 3. When no more ambiguity is identified, click OK.

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Using the Bending Wizard

The bends are created and the specification tree updated accordingly.

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Unfolding the Part

Unfolding the Part This tasks shows how to unfold the part. 1. Click the Unfold icon


The part is immediately unfolded.

To return to the 3D view, click the Unfold icon


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Checking Overlapping

Checking Overlapping This tasks shows how check the overlapping of different areas of the unfolded part. 1. Click the Check Overlapping icon


In this case, a message is issued indicating that no overlapping is detected. To find out more on overlaps, refer to Checking Overlapping.

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Saving As DXF

Saving As DXF This tasks shows how save the generated geometry as a DXF document. 1. Click the Save As DXF icon . The Select a Dxf file dialog box is displayed allowing you to navigate to the correct location.

2. Indicate the correct path and file name. 3. Click Save. The geometry has been saved as a DXF type file.

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Basic Tasks

Basic Tasks The Basic Tasks section explains how to create and modify various kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find. Recognizing Walls Using the Bending Wizard Checking Overlapping Unfolding Saving As DXF

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Recognizing Walls

Recognizing Walls This task shows how to create a Sheet Metal part based on an existing solid. Open the RecognizeWalls01.CATPart document from the samples directory. This document contains a part created in the Part Design workbench and looking like this:

1. Click the Walls Recognition icon


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Recognizing Walls

2. Click any face of the part as the reference wall. Walls are automatically generated from the Part Design geometry.

Open the RecognizeWalls02.CATPart document from the samples directory. This part contains a filleted CATIA V4 solid presenting different orientations.

1. Click the Walls Recognition icon


2. Click any face of the part as the reference wall.

Walls and bends, due to the presence of fillets in the initial part, are automatically generated.

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Recognizing Walls

Note that once the part has been transformed into Sheet Metal features, the Sheet Metal Parameters are also created in the specification tree. Double-click to edit these parameters.

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Using the Bending Wizard

Using the Bending Wizard This task shows how to automatically create bends onto existing walls. Open the BendingWizard01.CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Click the Bending Wizard icon The bends are created.

Open the BendingWizard02.CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Click the Bending Wizard icon The bends cannot be created as there is an ambiguity because too many bends would overlap. The Auto Bend Definition dialog box is displayed indicating how many inconsistencies have been detected, and the number of walls not yet connected by a bend (Unconnected walls). Orphan are wall that are not connected to any other wall.

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Using the Bending Wizard

2. Explicitly select the bends that should be created. They are immediately previewed and the dialog box reflects your selection.

3. Click OK in the dialog box to create the bends.

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Checking Overlapping

Checking Overlapping This tasks shows how check the overlapping of different areas of the part. This is usually done when the part has been designed, bends created and the part is unfolded. Overlapping between areas of the part are highlighted. Open the Overlap01.CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Click the Check Overlapping icon


The area with the overlapping is highlighted in red.

2. Unfold the part and repeat the check, as it often is more obvious on an unfolded part.

i 3. Click Apply. A curve is generated. This curve can then be used to create a cutout, for example, to solve the overlapping. 4. Click OK. When no overlapping is detected, a message is issued:

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Checking Overlapping

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Unfolding This tasks shows how unfold/fold a part. Open the Unfold1.CATPart document from the samples directory. 1. Click the Unfold icon


2. Click the Unfold icon the folded part.

again to return to the view of

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Saving As DXF

Saving As DXF This tasks shows how save the generated geometry as a DXF document. 1. Click the Save As DXF icon . The Select a Dxf file dialog box is displayed allowing you to navigate to the correct location.

2. Indicate the correct path and file name. 3. Click Save. The geometry has been saved, and can be imported as a DXF file in any system supporting this type. Refer also to DXF Import/Export Format.

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Workbench Description

Workbench Description The CATIA - Sheet Metal Production Version 5 application window looks like this: Click the hotspots to display the related documentation.

Menu Bar Tool Bar Specification Tree

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Menu Bar

CATIA - Sheet Metal Production Menu Bar The various menus and menu commands that are specific to CATIA - Sheet Metal Production Version 5 are described below.









Tasks corresponding to the Start, File, Edit, View, Tools, Windows and Help menu commands are described in the CATIA Version 5 Infrastructure User's Guide.

Insert For...


Walls Recognition

See Recognizing Walls

Automatic Bends

See Using the Bending Wizard


See Unfolding

Check Overlapping

See Checking Overlapping

Save As DXF

See Saving As DXF

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Tool Bar

Tool Bar The CATIA - Sheet Metal Production Version 5 tool bar looks like this:

See Unfolding the Part See Recognizing Walls See Using the Bending Wizard See Checking Overlapping See Saving As Dxf

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Specification Tree

Specification Tree Within the Sheet Metal Production workbench, you can generate a number of Sheet Metal Features that are identified in the specification tree by the following icons.

Sheet Metal Parameters

Point Stamp


Extruded Hole

Wall On Edge

Curve Stamp


Surface Stamp



Tear Drop


User-defined Flange

Stiffening Rib

Automatic Bends

User-Defined Stamp


Cutout Rectangular Pattern Circular Pattern

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Glossary B bend bend extremity

A feature joining two walls Axial relimitation for a straight bend

C cutout

A feature corresponding to an opening through a feature. The shape of the opening corresponds to the extrusion of a profile.

E extrusion

A feature created by extruding a profile and adding thickness

F flange

A feature created by sweeping a profile along a spine. The different flanges or swept walls available are: simple and swept flange, hem and tear drop.

P pattern profile

A set of similar features repeated in the same feature or part An open or closed contour including arcs and lines created by the Profile command in the Sketcher workbench

R reference wall

The first created wall; when unfolding the part, it is the fixed wall.

S stamping

A feature created by embossing sheet metal. The different stampings available are: point, extruded hole, curve, surface, bridge, louver and stiffening rib.

W wall

A feature created by adding thickness to a profile

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Index B Bending Wizard , bends (automatic) ,

C commands Bending Wizard Check Overlapping Save As Dxf Unfold Walls Recognition ,

D Dxf format

O overlap

P parameters (Sheet Metal)

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R recognize walls


S Saving As Dxf format Sheet Metal parameters

U unfolding

W wall

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