Serenity RPG Index

May 4, 2006 - Regina. 218. Registered Companion (character Asset); see also Inara. 46. Registered Companion, female (NPC). 181. Registered Companion ...
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MASTER INDEX Aces & Eights (spaceship) 28, 71, 115, 116, 167 189-94 Aces & Eights crew acting Specialty 62 151 action as Initiative Action Difficulty (chart) 141 142-54 actions actions, complex 143-44 147 spending Plot Points actions, improving 147 143 actions, opposed actions, skilled 142-43 addiction, see Hooked administration Specialty 59 37 Advancement (chart) Advancement Points 32, 37, 48 5, 171, 173 adventure; see also story aerial navigation Specialty 63 106 Agility (ship Attribute) Agility (character Attribute) 30, 32, 33 106 Agility, spaceship scale (chart) AgriCultivator robot 90 144 aiding others aiming 153 129 air travel aircraft Specialties 63 30, 32, 33 Alertness (character Attribute) Alertness (ship Attribute) 107 107 Alertness, spaceship scale (chart) algae, as food 100 163 aliens all-cargo Firefly 124 48 Allergy (Complication) Alleyne, Zoe 9, 10-11, 13 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 23, 69, 73, 82, 172, 197, 199 Alliance Alliance agents 167 128 Alliance cruiser 179-80 Alliance grunt (NPC) Alliance hospital personnel (NPCs) 183 21 Alliance IdentCard Alliance officer, disillusioned veteran (NPC) 179 179 Alliance officer, gung-ho (NPC) Alliance officer, young and green (NPC) 179 125, 126, 127 Alliance patrol boat Alliance planets 209 Alliance Short Range Enforcement Vessel (ASREV), statistics 118 93 Allied Postal Service all-out attack 153 152 all-out defense Allure (character Asset) 41-42, 170 109 Allure (ship Asset) Ambassador, see Inara ammunition 78 Amorous (Complication) 48 49 Amputee (Complication) angel of mercy (NPC) 184 200-01 Anglo-Sino Alliance; see also Alliance Animal Handling (Skill) 56-57 56 animal training antibiotic course 93, 94 56 appraisal appraisal Specialty 60

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arbitrary gear (optional rule) 73 58 architecture Specialty Ares 213 210 Ariel armor 81, 153 113, 114 armor, of ship armory 77 80 arrows artificial gravity 97, 98 59 artillery Specialty Artistry (Skill) 56 ASREV, see Alliance Short Range Enforcement Vessel assault rifle 79, 81 59 assault rifles Specialty Assets, character 30, 31-32, 41-48, 170 67 chart Assets, creating new 170 109-10 Assets, of ship Assets, using Plot Points 148 144 assistance, direct assistance, indirect 144 63 astrogation Specialty astronomy Specialty 63 63 astrophysics Specialty Athens 199, 215-16 42 Athlete (character Asset) Athletics (character Skill) 57 111 Athletics (ship Skill) atmosphere, planetary 98 100 atmosphere, shipboard attack of stupidity, spending Plot Points 149 32 Attribute Die Costs (chart) Attribute Points 40 142 Attribute rolls Attributes, character 6, 29, 30, 32-34 114 Attributes, of ship, increasing 82 auto-cannon autofire weapons 154 90 Automatic Secretary robot automatic weapons 154 64 axes, throwing Specialty back story (character development) 35 76 Ballistic Mesh bar floozy, female (NPC) 181 181 barfly (NPC) barrier field 84, 85 180 bartender and owner (NPC) bartender, hired help (NPC) 180 70, 71 barter barter Specialty 59 156 basic damage basic tool kit 89 21 Bathgate Abbey batons 78-79 199 Battle of Serenity Battle of Sturges 199 84, 85 beacon, distress beacon, navigation 100 112-13, 121, 186 Beaumonde Bellerophon 213 beneficial traits, see Assets 210-11 Bernadette

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MASTER INDEX Beylix 216 21 Bible Big Damn Hero 30 92 biotechnology Black Box Cortex Terminal 83 69, 73, 77-78 black market black, the 6, 157 58 blacksmithing Specialty Blastomere Organs 86 49 Bleeder (Complication) Blind (Complication) 49 155 blinded blockade runner Firefly 124, 125 152 blocking defense blowguns Specialty 64 73, 172, 202, 211-12 Blue Sun Corporation boat, see ships bombs, shipboard 102 Bonus Die (chart) 147 20-21 Book, Shepherd Border planets 7, 69, 199, 201, 212-15 42 Born Behind the Wheel (character Asset) Boros 213 47, 143, 144 botching bounty hunter, border planet (NPC) 180 180 bounty hunter, high tech (NPC) bounty hunters 167 79, 80 bow bows Specialty 64 66 boxing Specialty Branded (Complication of ship) 109 49, 170 Branded (Complication) brass knuckles 78-79 66 brawling Specialty breaking stuff 154 180 Browncoat ally (NPC) 4, 9 Browncoats; see also Independent Faction Buddhism 21, 46, 206 182 Buddhist monk, male (NPC) bulk carrier Firefly 124 185 bully boy, male (NPC) Bumblebee Class transport 119-21 59 bureaucracy Specialty Burnham quadrant 207 157 burns burst of strength, die roll 142 154 burst weapons CAD board 89 153 called shot camouflage Specialty 57 5, 28, 163, 167 campaign can’t hire good help, spending Plot Points 149 102 canister warhead canned food 75 82 cannon cannon, land vehicle-scale (chart) 132 102 cannons, shipboard Canton 217 211 Capital City, capital of Osiris captain 29, 103 8 Captain of Serenity; see also Reynolds, Malcolm cargo 93, 94, 105

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cargo capacity, of ship 109 128 cargo liner, statistics cargo rates (chart) 72 58 carpentry Specialty cash equivalents (chart) 70 70 cash, starting (chart) catapults Specialty 59 206 Catholicism Central Planets, see also Core planets 198, 210-12 76 Chameleon Suit change of circumstance 144 30-31, 32 Character Concept character creation 5, 163 35 character development character improvement 37 163, 166, 169, 170 character relationships character-initiated Complication 146 105 charter of a ship ChemPlast 80, 81 164, 198 Chinese language Chinese phrases 220-223 49 Chip on the Shoulder (Complication) Christianity 46, 206 57 climbing Specialty clubs 61, 78-79 13, 14-15, 21 Cobb, Jayne coins 69, 70, 71 136 collision damage, vehicles and spaceships combat 149-56 135-36 combat, spaceship-vehicle combat, unarmed 155 78-79 combat knife Combat Paralysis (Complication) 50 78-79 combat sword commpack 84, 85 100, 101 communications, shipboard 84 communications equipment (chart) communications lag (chart) 105 4, 93 Companion; see also Inara Companion Client Registry 19, 46, 205 19 Companion Training House Companions’ Guild 46, 93, 172, 204-05 141, 143-44 Complex Actions complexity, of ship (chart) 112 30, 37, 48-55, 145-46, 170 Complications, character Complications, creating new 170 109-10 Complications, of ship Complications, removing 37 83 computers (chart) con artist (NPC) 186 58 concentration Specialty concussion grenade 80, 81 172 conflict, story element container Firefly 124 57 contortion Specialty conversation Specialty 59 56, 58 cooking Core 83, 163, 199, 201 165 Core cities Core planets 6, 7, 40, 69, 73, 163, 197, 210-12 219 Core speech Core-tech 163

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MASTER INDEX Corone Mining Consortium corporations Cortex Cortex Profile Protection Utility Cortex Specter (character Asset) Cortex Specter (ship Asset) Cortex Terminal Cortez, Ramona costuming Specialty counseling Specialty cover, taking chart covering action Covert (character Skill) Covert (ship Skill) covert ops gear chart Coward (Complication) CP-HE (ChemPlast explosive) Craft (Skill) credits (currency) Credo (Complication) crew, definition crew, forming crew goal, reward crew of Serenity crew quarters crew size criminal elements crop supplements crossbow Crude (Complication) cruise liners Cryo Chamber cultures Specialty currency, see also coins, credits currency (chart) cutting torch Cyanol poison cybernetics Damage damage, optional damage, taking, determining dance hall girl (NPC) dancing Specialty danger, in plot darkness, pitch-black darts Specialty Data Disc databank, see Cortex DataBook data-library dead, reviving Dead Broke (Complication) Deadly Enemy (Complication) Deaf (Complication) debugger deception, spending Plot Points decoy warhead Dedicated sourcebox deduction Specialty defense actions

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203 200, 202-03 7, 82-85 85 42 109 83 193 62 59 152 152 154 57 57, 111 87-88 88 50 81 57-58 35, 71 49, 171 163 26-37, 168 146 5, 8-25, 35 108-09 103 172 74-75 79, 80 50 128-29 86 60 69, 70 70 89 88 92 34 81 156 181 62 176 155 64 83, 84 83, 84 83, 84 159 50 50 50 87, 88 149 103 83, 84 62 150, 151-52

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demolitions Specialty 59 185 deputy, frontier (NPC) Derived Attributes, character 33-34 112 Derived Attributes, of ship Dermal Mender 86-87 79, 80 derringer desire, story element 171-72 101 detectors Devil (Ramona Cortez) 193 6, 140 dice dice rolls 139-49 144 Dice Steps (chart) die roll, spending Plot Points 147 140, 141 Difficulty Chart Difficulty roll 144 144 Difficulty Threshold (chart) Difficulty Threshold, of complex actions 143-44 155 dim light direct assistance 144 57 disable devices Specialty disarming 153 58 Discipline (Skill) disguise kit 87, 88 149 dissension in the ranks, spending Plot Points distress beacon 84, 85 104 dock worker cost doctor, see also medic, medical; Tam, Simon 40 185 doctor, frontier (NPC) doctor, see also Dr. Mathias doctor’s bag 86, 87 dodge Specialty 57 152 dodging defense doors, breaking 155 188 Dr. Mathias (NPC) dreams, in plot 174 75 drink 157 drugs dry dock costs 104 50 Dull Sense (character Complication) Dull Sense (Complication of ship) 109 185 dung heap, king of the (NPC) dying 157 197-98 Earth-That-Was Easy Mark (Complication) 23, 50-51 21, 214 Eavesdown Docks eavesdrops 88 69-70 economics Ego Signature (Complication) 51 93, 130, 131, 132 El Dorado luxury liner El Dorado, statistics 128 88 electronic lock picks electronic tools 89 76 emergency gear (chart) emergency medical supplies 86, 87 84, 85 emergency signal ring empathy Specialty 62 83, 84 encyclopedia endurance, die roll 142 59 energy weapons Specialty engineer’s supplies (chart) 89 198 English language environmental hazards 157

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MASTER INDEX Escape Pod, statistics 117-18 109, 110 Everybody Has One (Complication of ship) Excavator robot 90, 91 experience, see Advancement Points explosive warhead 102 81-82, 102-03, 155 explosives explosives (chart) 80 141 Extraordinary Success (chart) Extraordinary Success and Damage 141 92 eyetap computer Ezra 216 88 fake IdentCard falling 157-58 156-57 fallout of damage Fanty and Mingo (twins) (NPCs) 186 109, 110 Fast Throttle (ship Asset) Fate, see Plot Points Fedband Scanner 84, 85 Federal Marshals 5, 202 Feds, see Federal Marshals feinting 153 179 fellow travelers, in plot Fightin’ Type (character Asset) 42 51 Filcher (Complication) fines 104 74 fire jelly Firefly, statistics 121 4, 72, 106, 117, 121 Firefly Class Firefly class variants 124-29 155 firing into a crowd first aid 159 159 First aid conditions (chart) first-aid kid 86,, 87 175 flashbacks, in plot flashbang grenade 80, 81 155 fog 75 food (chart) food, shipboard 100 90 Foreigner Corporation forger (NPC) 186 56, 57 forgery Forked Tongue (Complication) 51 59 forward observer Specialty fragmentation grenade 80, 81 150 free actions freedom, as theme 168 93, 105 freight fresh food 75 41, 42-43 Friends in High Places (character Asset) Friends in High Places (chart) 43 43 Friends in Low Places (character Asset) Friends in Low Places (chart) 43 199 frontier planets frontier speech 219 108 fuel capacity (chart) fuel cells 72, 98 104 fuel costs Fuel Efficient (ship Asset) 109, 110 98 fusion power gambling Specialty 62 56 game designing Game Master 4, 5, 29, 40, 41, 139, 163

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Game Master, instructions Game Master, playing parts game rules garbage garden bunk gas grenade Gas Guzzler (Complication of ship) gear, character gear, of ship General Skills chart general store gentleman, high-falutin’ (NPC) gentleman’s sword get out of harm’s way, die roll g-fields Gilgamesh shot-rifle GM, definition, see also Game Master GM-initiated Complication goals, of characters gold good fortune, spending Plot Points Good Name (character Asset) Good Name (ship Asset) Gorram Chinese governments Governors grapple, in combat gravcart gravity control Greedy (Complication) green-eyed monster, spending Plot Points Greenhorn Greenleaf grenade launcher grenade launchers Specialty grenade Specialty grenades guilds gun case gun shops gun-cleaning kit guns Guns (Skill) Gunscanner gunsmithing Specialty gymnastics Specialty gypsy planet, see Paquin hacking Specialty handcuffs, breaking hand-to-hand weapons chart hard coin hatchet hatred, spending Plot Points Haven healing difficulty (chart) Healthy as a Horse (character Asset) Healthy as a Horse (ship Asset) Hearing (character Asset) hearing Specialty HeartLine Health Suit

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160-94 176-77 139-59 203 74 80, 81 109, 110 6, 35, 68-94 112 34, 55 67 73-74 184 78-79 142 97 92 163 146 173 70 149 41, 43, 49, 171 109 219-23 200 201 153 89 97-98 51 149 29, 32 216 79, 80 59 64 80, 81 203, 204-06, 212 74 77-78 74 77-81 58-59 84, 85 59 57 65 155 78-79 78 69 78-79 149 82, 217 159 43 109 46 62 76, 77

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MASTER INDEX Heavy Tolerance (character Asset) heavy weapons Healthy as a Horse (character Asset) Healthy as a Horse (ship Asset) helmets Henderson, Joe, see Time Bomb Hera Hero Worship (Complication) heroes heroic levels Higgins’ Moon High Court High Priestess Highly Educated (character Asset) hired gun (NPC) history Specialty holographic imaging Holo-Image Development Suite Homestead transport Hooked (character Complication) Hooked (Complication of ship) hospital administrator (NPC) Hotaru, sample ship Hotaru, statistics Household Assistant robot hover mule hovercraft hustle, movement speed Hwa Ling IdentCard, fake illness immunization packet impersonation Specialty improvised weapons Inara income Independent blockade runner Independent Faction Independents indirect assistance inertia inertia reduction Infantry Helmet infiltration Specialty Influence (Skill) Initiative (Agility + Alertness) Initiative, die roll Initiative, in combat Initiative, optional rule innate defense insurance Intelligence (character Attribute) Intelligence (ship Attribute) Intelligence, spaceship scale (chart) interludes, in plot interplanetary freight Interplanetary Police, see Interpol Interpol interrogation Specialty interrogation Specialty Intimidating Manner (character Asset) intimidation Specialty

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43 82 43 43 76-77 4, 6, 199, 213 51, 171 167 29-30 217 211 19 43-44, 171 186 60 82 83, 84 119, 120 51-52 109 183 106-110 117 90, 91 133 133 151 190 88 158 86, 87 62 155 18-19, 21 104-05 125 4, 199, 201 6 144 97 98, 99 76-77 57 35, 41, 59-60 30, 33 142 150 151 152 104 30, 32, 33 107 107 175 93 202 58 59 44 58, 59

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intuition Specialty 62 62 investigation Specialty Iskellian Technology Solutions 203, 213 149 it broke!, spending Plot Points Jabberwocky Signal blocker 84, 86 102-03 jammer warhead javelin Specialty 64 Jayne, see Cobb, Jayne Jiangyin (moon) 199, 217 66 judo Specialty juggling Specialty 57 57 jumping Specialty karate Specialty 66 16-17, 21 Kaylee kinetic warhead 102 78-79 knives knives Specialty 61 64 knives, throwing Specialty Knowledge (character Skill) 60 111 Knowledge (ship Skill) Kortine poison 88 66 kung fu Specialty land vehicles 129-136 164, 219-23 language language Specialties 60 79, 80 laser pistol Laserlight Mist 88 202 Law law Specialty 60 176 Law, long arm of the Leadership 171 44 Leadership (character Asset) leadership Specialty 58, 59 52 Leaky Brainpan (Complication) leatherworking Specialty 58 189 Leland, Jack 88 lethal poison lies, telling, by NPCs 176 30, 34 Life Points (Vitality + Willpower) life support 99-100 44 Lightnin’ Reflexes (character Asset) Lightweight (character Complication) 52 109 Lightweight (Complication of ship) Lilac 5, 217 153 limb damage Linguist (Skill) 60 60 literature Specialty Little Person (Complication) 52 173 locations, in plot lock picks 88 69, 87, 92, 197, 198, 200, 211 Londinum long haul, die roll 142 84, 85 Long Range Commpack longbow 80 149 love is in the air, spending Plot Points LoveBot robot 90, 187 109, 110 Loved (ship Asset) Loyal (Complication) 52 171 Loyalty Lu’Weng, capital of Sihnon 212 78-79 machete machine guns Specialty 59

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MASTER INDEX Macintosh, Ross, see Rawhide mag charge Magistrate magnetic warhead maintenance, of ship Major Assets Major Complication Major Traits Mal, see Reynolds, Malcolm marketing Specialty Math Whiz (character Asset) Mean Left Hook (character Asset) mechanic mechanic’s tools Mechanical Empathy (character Asset) chart Mechanical Engineering (character Skill) Mechanical Engineering (ship Skill) mechanical engineering Specialties MedAcad doctor’s bag MedComp medic Medical Academies medical care medical equipment chart Medical Expertise (Skill) medical Specialties medical supplies medicine medship Firefly melee weaponsmithing Specialty Melee Weapon Combat (Skill) Memorable (character Complication) Memorable (Complication of ship) memorable characteristics, of NPCs memorize, die roll Mental Attributes mental resistance Specialty mercenaries; see also Cobb, Jayne metalworking Specialty micro transmitter microphones military, Alliance Military Rank (character Asset) mimicry Specialty Miners’ Guild Mingo, see Fanty and Mingo mining mining charge miniscule target damage Minor Assets Minor Complications Minor Traits Miranda misfits missiles, on ship chart Mjolnir Mk II Cannon Modular Operating Theatre money Moneyed Individual (character Asset)

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88 201 102 112-13, 114 30 37 31 59 44, 171 41, 45 16, 28 89 41, 45 45 60-61 111 61 86, 87 86, 87 28; see also doctor 23, 87 93, 94 86-87 86 61 61 86, 87 158 124 61 61-62 52 109 177 142 32 58 167 58 84, 85 88 201-02 45 62 203, 206 203 80, 82 153 30 37 31 208, 218 168 102 113 82 86, 87 69-70 41, 45

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chart 45 112 monthly maintenance, of ship (chart) morale Specialty 58 84, 85 motion sensor array motivation 168, 171 59 mounted guns Specialty movement (chart) 151 187 Mr. Universe (NPC) Mudders 217 132-33 mules, mechanical multiband 74 150 multiple actions Munroe Wagon, layout 120 62 musical instruments Specialty Mute (Complication) 52 158 natural healing Natural Linguist (character Asset) 45 45 Nature Lover (character Asset) navigation 100-101 76, 77, 81 NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) Mask NBC Body Suit 76, 77 213 New Dunsmuir, capital of Beaumonde New Paris, capital of Bernadette 210 214 Newhall Newtech 77, 82, 85, 86, 91-93 52 Non-Fightin’ Type (Complication) Non-Player Character (NPC) 5, 163, 174-78 46 Nose for Trouble (character Asset) NPC, see Non-Player Character NPC, stock characters 179-88 nuclear warhead 103 nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards, see NBC nunchaku Specialty 61 75 nutrient bars obscured vision 155 165, 175 Old West 57 open locks Specialty operating theatre 86, 87 188 Operative of the Parliament (NPC) Operative, The 5 143 opposed actions optical bomb 88 81 optional damage (chart) oratory Specialty 62 206-07 Order of Shepherds organized crime 205 169-70 origin events Osiris 23, 87, 198, 211-12 168 outcasts outer planets, see Rim outer space, see black, the outfitters 86 52 Overconfident (Complication) overly cautious, spending Plot Points 149 159 painkillers painting Specialty 56 214 Paquin parachuting Specialty 57 53 Paralyzed (Complication) paramedics (NPCs) 183 57 parasailing Specialty Parliament 43, 199, 201

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MASTER INDEX Parliament Operative (NPC) 188 109 passenger capacity, of ship passenger rates (chart) 72 93, 94, 105 passenger service passing out 156 74 patch tape pawn broker/fence (NPC) 186-87 163 PC, definition Perception/Read Lips (character Skill) 50, 62 111 Perception (ship Skill) Performance (Skill) 62-63 21, 23, 40, 73, 197, 199, 214 Persephone Personal Access Cortex Terminal 83 145 personal edge, die roll personality 35, 41 170 personality traits of characters personnel carrier Firefly 124 59 persuasion Specialty philosophy Specialty 60 53 Phobia (Complication) photography 56 32-33 Physical Attributes physical exam, full 93, 94 12, 28, 100 pilot Pilot (character Skill) 63 111 Pilot (ship Skill) pistol 79, 80 59 pistols Specialty Planetary Vehicles (Skill) 63-64 212-15 planets, Border planets, Core 209, 210-212 215-18 planets, Rim plasma 98 70 platinum player character, definition 163 137-59 playing the game 173-75 plot Plot Points 36, 41, 145-49 36-37 chart Plot Points, spending 146-49 148 Plot Points and Story Impact (chart) Plot Points and the Bonus Die (chart) 147 98 pod poetry Specialty 56 88, 157 poison Polaris Class cargo liner 128 61 pole arms Specialty pole vaulting Specialty 57 59 politics Specialty port fees 104 53 Portly (Complication) pottery Specialty 58 79, 80 powered crossbow preacher man (NPC) 184 53 Prejudice (Complication) price, of ship 114 71-72 prices Progression Points 145-46 155 prone, combat propulsion 98-99 204 prostitution protective gear (chart) 76

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protective gear, for defense 152 75 protein paste provisions 72, 104 psychic, see Tam, River Public Access Cortex Terminal 83 98, 99 pulse drives purification crystals 74 199 Purple Bellies purveyor of stolen goods (NPC) 186 109, 124 quirks, of ships race 31 158 radiation range (chart) 153 152 range defense Ranged Weapons (Skill) 64 79 ranged weapons (chart) ranged weaponsmithing Specialty 64 194 Rawhide reaction rolls 150 98 reaction thrusters read lips Specialty 62 46 Reader (character Asset) Reader (chart) 46 187-88 Reaver (NPC) Reaver skiff 135, 136 5, 207, 210 Reavers recall, die roll 142 158 recovery roll Regina 218 46 Registered Companion (character Asset); see also Inara Registered Companion, female (NPC) 181 181 Registered Companion, male (NPC) Registered Companion, school mistress (NPC) 182 60 religion Specialty religions 21, 206-07 41, 46 Religiosity (character Asset) 78 reloading remember me?, spending Plot Points 149 104 rental costs repair heavy weapons Specialty 59 65 repair, technical Specialty resistance, die roll 142 150 resolution of combat resolution of story 172 158 rest, for recovery revivalist, itinerant frontier (NPC) 184 146-49 rewards Reynolds, Malcolm 4, 5, 8-9 56, 57 riding rifle 79, 81, 92 59 rifles Specialty Rim 163, 165, 197, 199 7, 73, 215-18 Rim planets Rim shop keeper (NPC) 185-86 172 rising action River, see Tam, River robots 89-91 chart 90 98-99 rocket engines rocket launchers Specialty 59 4 role playing roles of characters 168

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MASTER INDEX rope, breaking 155 163 rules, serve the story; see game rules running 151 57 running Specialty sabotage Specialty 57 53 Sadistic (Complication) salaries of crew 104 183 saloon piano player (NPC) salvage 203 214-15 Santo savate Specialty 66 136 scales, mixing in combat scanners 84, 85, 101 183-84 school teacher (NPC) sciences Specialty 64 64-65 Scientific Expertise (Skill) Scout Drone robot 90, 91 89 Scrapper’s Gel scrapware 89 53 Scrawny (Complication) screening field 97 63 scuba diving Specialty sculpting 56 62 searching Specialty second wind 158 151 secondary actions, optional rule secrets 35-36, 167 29 security, crew member security baton 78 84 security equipment (chart) security guard (NPC) 183 59 seduction Specialty Seeker missile 80, 82 110 Seen Better Days (Complication of ship) sensors, shipboard 100, 101 Serenity 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 71, 72, 122, 123, 124, 163, 167 (starship) Serenity crew 8-25 4, 6, 9, 11, 199, 213 Serenity Valley Serenity Valley, Battle of 9 93 services (chart) session 5 182-83 settler family (NPCs) sewing Specialty 58 9, 199, 218 Shadow Sharp Sense (character Asset) 41, 46 4 Shepherd; see Book Shepherds, Order of 206-07 185 sheriff, frontier (NPC) Sheydra, mistress of Registered Companion school (NPC) 182 106-29 ship, as a character ship, owning 70-71 106-07 ship attributes ship dimensions 108 112-13 ship maintenance ship operating costs 104 93, 94 ship repair ship Skills (chart) 111 108-09 ship specifications ship Traits 109-11 109 chart shipboard life 103-06

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ship-linked handset 84, 85 97-136 ships ship’s cannons Specialty 59 115-29 ships, samples Shock Points 34, 157 110 Short Range (Complication of ship) Short Range Commpack 84, 85 118 short-range shuttle, statistics shotgun 79, 81 59 shotguns Specialty siege weapons Specialty 59 46 Sight (character Asset) sight Specialty 62 86 signal blocker Sihnon 19, 69, 87, 92, 198, 200, 212 70 silver Simon, see Tam, Simon singing Specialty 62 single-shot weapons 154 146 situational Complication skiff, armored hovercraft 134 34 Skill Costs (chart) Skill Levels (chart) 56 30 Skill Points Skill Rolls 35 142-43 skilled actions Skills, character 6, 55-67, 168 67 Skills, General (chart) Skills, of ship 111-112 197 skyplexes slang 164, 219-23 200 slavery sleight of hand Specialty 57 64 slings Specialty Slow Learner (Complication) 53 110 Slow Throttle (complication of ship) 118 small transport, statistics Smell (character Asset) 46 62 smell Specialty smoke grenade 80, 81 155 smoke sneak attack 154 79, 81 sniper rifle socialite 29 184 society belle (NPC) Soft (Complication) 53 83 software (chart) sonic rifle 79, 81 83, 84 sourcebox space, see black, the space mines, shipboard 102 space stations 197 63, 64 space survival Specialty spacecraft missiles (chart) 113 63 spacecraft Specialties spacecraft, see ships spacecraft-scale cannon (chart) 113 spacecraft-scale warheads (chart) 113 220 spacefaring slang spaceship, as home 166 136 spaceship-scale ranges (chart) spaceship-vehicle combat 135-36

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MASTER INDEX spacesuits, see Vacuum Suit Special Alliance Support Specialty Skills speech speed class spices sports Specialty squad helmet Squadkiller explosive St. Albans staying alive, spending Plot Points Steady Calm (character Asset) stealth Specialty Sticky Scrapper’s Gel Stingy (Complication) stock characters story, see also adventure story action, rising story climax story impact, spending Plot Points (chart) story manipulation, spending Plot Points story resolution Straight Shooter (Complication) streetwise Specialty Strength (character Attribute) Strength (ship Attribute) Strength, land vehicle-scale (chart) Strength, spaceship scale (chart) stun baton Stun Damage Stun recovery Sturges, Battle of SubKelvin submachine gun suffocation suits Superstitious (Complication) supplies (chart) surface travel surgery surveillance Specialty survey Firefly surveyor’s box Survival (Skill) survival Specialties swai (smooth-talker) Sweet and Cheerful (character Asset) swimming Specialty swords swords Specialty Syndicate, organized crime Tactical Suit tactics Specialty tailor Talented (character Asset) Tam, River Tam, Simon tanker Firefly Taste (character Asset) taste Specialty Technical Engineering (Skill) technical slang

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211 34, 55 219-23 108 75 57, 60 76, 77 80, 82 218 147-48 47 57 89 53-54 177, 179-88 172 172 148 148 173 54 57, 59 30, 32, 33 106 132 106 78-79 34, 141, 156 158 199 83, 84 79, 81 158 76, 77 54 75 129 93, 94, 159 57 125 84, 85 65 65 29 41, 47 57 78-79 61 205 76, 77 62 76 47 23, 24-25 17, 22-23, 25 125 46 62 65 220

technobabble (chart) techshop Telofonix terraforming terrain, unstable That was cool! reward Things Don’t Go Smooth (Complication) Things Go Smooth (character Asset) threatening thrown weapon attack thrust Time Bomb (Joe Henderson) Tohoku Class cruiser Tong leader (NPC) tongs tonnage tool kit tools (chart) Total Recall (character Asset) Touch (character Asset) Tough as Nails (character Asset) town leader (NPC) tracking Specialty trade associations Traders’ Guild Traits; see also Assets, Complications Traits (chart) Traits, creating new Traits, of ships Traits & Skills (general table) tramp freighter, general expenses Transmission Station trapping Specialty trash incinerator trauma nurse (NPC) trauma surgeon (NPC) Traumatic Flashes (Complication) travel times (chart) Triumph Trustworthy Gut (character Asset) twinge of conscience, spending Plot Points Twitchy (Complication) Two-Fisted (character Asset) Ugly as Sin (character Complication) Ugly as Sin (Complication of ship) Unarmed Combat (Skill) underworld slang unexpected, spending Plot Points Unification War Unification war vet (NPC) Unified Reclamation universe, see ’Verse unprepared, spending Plot Points unskilled actions unskilled crew utility knife vacuum exposure Vacuum Suit vehicle scale vehicle Specialties vehicles, on land vehicle-scale ranges (chart)

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164 82-83 83 74, 97, 197, 198 155-56 146 54 47 154 154 98 192 128 185 205-06 108 89 74 47 46 41, 47 187 62, 65 200 206 31, 38-67, 170 41 170 109-11 67 72 84, 85 65 74 183 183 54-55 105 218 47 149 55 47 55 109 66, 155 220 149 4, 6, 9, 199 180 203, 216 149 35 143 78-79 157 76, 77 135 63 129-36 135

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MASTER INDEX vehicle-scale tables Vera (Jayne’s Callahan full-bore autolock) Verbena Verse ‘Verse ‘Verse, guide to the Veteran veterinary Specialty Victoria, Alliance flagship villains, in plot violence, inflicting vision, obscured vital area damage Vitality(character Attribute) Vitality (ship Attribute) Vitality, spaceship-scale (chart) walk, movement speed walkie-talkie Walking Timepiece (character Asset) War for Unification Warheads, land vehicle-scale (chart) warheads, shipboard Warheads, spacecraft-scale (chart) Washburne, Hoban “Wash” waste management, shipboard water Weak Stomach (Complication) weapon damage weapon damage, simplified (optional rule) weapons weapons, improvised weapons, shipboard Wears a Badge (character Asset) weight lifting Specialty whips Specialty Whitefall (moon) whore with a heart of gold, female (NPC) Williams, Maxx Willpower (character Attribute) Willpower (ship Attribute) Willpower, spaceship-scale (chart) wine Wound Damage Wound penalty (chart) Wound recovery Wren Class transport wrestling Specialty writing Specialty XerO Security Yamadera, Jennifer Zero-G Thruster Cane zero-gravity ZgTC, see Zero-G Thruster Cane Zoe, see Alleyne, Zoe zoology Specialty

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132 15 215 163 4, 5, 6-7 195-218 29 56 211 176, 178-79 153-54 155 153 30, 32, 33 107 107 151 85 47 199 132 102-03 113 11, 12-13 100 74, 100 55 156 81 77, 203 155 102-03, 113 48 57 61 73, 197 182 190 30, 32, 33 107 107 75 34, 142, 156 157 158 118 66 56 83, 85 121 93 156


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