sem - lea anglais martinez

We are decorating the flat » BUT NOT « I (am owning) a flat » → « I own a flat ». → Not «I (am ... The ferry gets into Rotterdam at six o'clock tomorrow morning », ... I'm reading an interesting book at the moment, but I can't remember what it's called », ... He's always getting home late at night » (= very often or too often). →E).
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COURS DE GRAMMAIRE / SEM. 1 /L.A.MARTINEZ 8/14: Verb tenses and aspects – The present 1/Action verbs and state verbs → « Jane was tired » (state) / « Jane went to bed » (action)‫‏‬ → « I need a new briefcase » (state) / « I bought a new briefcase » (action)‫‏‬ → « Jeremy owes me five pounds » (state) / « I gave/lent Jeremy five pounds » (action). → « We are decorating the flat » BUT NOT « I (am owning) a flat » → « I own a flat ». → Not «I (am knowing) the town quite well » BUT « I know the town quite well ». → NOT « I (am seeing) something under the sofa » BUT « I see something under the sofa » OR « I can see something under the sofa ». → NOT « I (am smelling) something burning » BUT « I can smell something burning ». → NOT « We (were hearing) music » BUT « we could hear music ». → HAVE « We're having lunch now « (= action – 'eating') / « We have a big kitchen » (= state – 'own'). → THINK « We're thinking about moving » (action – 'deciding') / « I think we ought to move » (state – 'believe'), → ADMIRE « He was admiring the view » (action – 'look at it with pleasure') / « I admire his courage » (state – 'approve of')‫‏‬ → FEEL « William was feeling his way in the dark » (action – 'trying to find') / « I feel we should discuss the matter» (state – 'believe'). → LOOK « The customers were looking at the picture » (action – 'admire') / « You look lovely tonight » (state – 'are'). 2/Present continuous and present simple 2.1. Basic use of the present simple →A) « This car belongs to me », « York lies on the River Ouse », « Silicon is chemical element », « Food gives you energy ». →B) « My old man takes the dog for a walk every morning », « Bob works in Avonmouth. He usually drives to work », « I quite often walk to work » « I do lots of things in my spare time ». →C) « You turn left at the church », « You put your money in this bank ». →D) «Hacker passes the ball to Short. Short moves inside, but Burley wins it back for United », «..and a man comes up to me and grabs hold of my arm », «..then Macbeth murders the King of Scotland.. » →E) « The ferry gets into Rotterdam at six o'clock tomorrow morning », « Her train arrives at 9 o'clock tonight », « We get married in July »,

« She is 20 in August ». →F) «When you go home, don't forget to feed the cat », « If you need any help tomorrow, let me know », « As soon as you go home, give me a call ». 2.2. Basic use of the present continuous →A) « What are you reading?~Macbeth », « Hurry up. Your friends are waiting for you », « I'm just ironing you shirt ». « I'm reading an interesting book at the moment, but I can't remember what it's called », « We'd better get home: We are decorating the living-room this week ». « It is raining now, look! » « He's currently working on his Phd », « I am still trying to work out something to solve your timetable problem ». « What are you doing? ~ I think », « I need a new briefcase just for this afternoon ». →B) « My car is off the road. I'm travelling to work by bus this week », « William is working in Avenmouth at the moment. But they may be moving him to the head office in Birmingham very soon ». →C) « William is coming to stay with us next week end », « She is taking her first dance lesson next Monday », « I am driving to Birmingham tomorrow ». →D) “They're always giving parties, those people next door!” Compare: “He always gets home late at night” (= every night/routine)‫‏‬ « He's always getting home late at night » (= very often or too often). →E) « I like to listen to music when I'm driving », « He always sings when he's having a bath », « My dog barks when I'm watching TV». 3/The present perfect →A) « The post hasn't come yet », « Your visitors have arrived! », « We have been married for the last 13 years ». « Les organisations criminelles ont sauté sur cette occasion pour organiser des greffes illicites pour les touristes étrangers » → « Criminal organisations have seized this opportunity to arrange illicit transplants for foreign tourists ». “Les trois dernières décennies ont vu l’explosion de la téléphonie mobile” →”There has been an explosive development of mobile communications during the last three decades”.

→B) « Debbie has been to Scotland twice » (and she'll probably go there again), « I've ridden a horse lots of times » (and I still do), « We've often talked about emigrating » (and we still do). →C) « This factory has been closed for years », « I've had these shoes for years », « I've always known about you and Diana », « I've always loved you ». →D) « I have succeeded in all my exams so far », “William has lost his home and car keys”, “This horse has won all the races of the season”. FRANÇAIS ↕↕

Présent ↕↕

« Je regarde télévision »


« I am watching Present continuous TV »

« J’aime passer mes vacances à la mer »

« I like to go to the Present simple seaside for my holidays »

“Il est malade depuis la semaine dernière”

« He has been ill Present perfect since last week »

Mémo 16 EXERCISE 1/ La délinquance globale progresse sur les cinq dernières années de près de 70 %. 2/La ville de Lyon se trouve sur deux rivières : le Rhône et la Saône. 3/Chouette! Le temps paraît meilleur aujourd'hui. 4/Bien que les jeux vidéos deviennent de plus en plus violents, seuls 2% d'entre eux sont interdits aux moins de 18 ans. 5/Mais vous avez tort! Le temps est très agréable dans cette région, même en hiver. 6/A 19 ans, Koulechov réalisa son premier film puis écrivit son premier roman. 7/Notre agent en Europe débutera immédiatement les démarches pour accélérer la mise à disposition de vos fonds dès que vous le contacterez. 8/Le vieil homme emmène promener son chien chaque matin. 9/L'avion du président atterrit à 5 heures cet après-midi, mais la police bouclera l'aéroport dès 3 heures. 10/Property market in Europe has been at a standstill for a while and the growth index is plummeting.