sem - lea anglais martinez

I think we will have time for a coffee »,. → « There'll probably be lots of people at ... I've got some shopping to do ». 4/Will or be going to? → « It's going to rain.
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COURS DE GRAMMAIRE / SEM. 1 /L.A.MARTINEZ 10/14: Verb tenses and aspects – The future 1/The future time expressed by the present simple A/ → « My dad is going to move to the seaside when he retires », → « By the time you get this letter, I'll be in Singapore », → « Call me as soon as you get home ». → mémo 13 B/ → “The ferry gets into Rotterdam at six o'clock tomorrow morning », → « Her train arrives at 9 o'clock tonight », → « We get married in July ». C) → « William is coming to stay with us next week end », → « She is taking her first dance lesson next Monday », → « I am driving to Birmingham tomorrow ». 2/Will and shall A/ → « Southern England will stay cloudy and windy tonight », → « This book will change your life », → « William will probably stay abroad for at least two weeks ». B/ → « Look! It's raining. I'll take an umbrella », → « Just wait a second, I'll buy some postcards », → « Well, I think I'll have the soup please ». C/ → « Jim will translate it for you, he speaks Italian », → « I will sit on the floor, I don’t mind ». → « The doctor won't come at this time of night », → « I won't put up with such nonsense! ». → « The car won't start this morning! », → « This screw won't go in properly ». D/ → « You will leave this building immediately », → « Application forms will have to be given to the secretary first ». → « I think we will have time for a coffee », → « There'll probably be lots of people at the party », → « I'm sure it'll rain. It always rains in August », → « She'll come with us, I expect. She won't leave you alone with me ».

E/ → « I will be/shall be at home tomorrow », → « Don't worry, we will have/shall have another opportunity very soon ». → « Where shall I put these flowers? », → « What shall we do this week-end? », → « You shall be the first to know, I promise ». → « The secretary shall give two weeks' notice of such a meeting ». 3/Be going to → « It's ten already! We're going to be late », → « This fence is going to fall down ». → « I'm going to start my own business », → « I'm not going to live here all my life », → « They're going to build some old people's flats here ». → « Barbara is coming round for a chat tonight », → « I'm going out in a minute. I've got some shopping to do ». 4/Will or be going to? → « It's going to rain. Look at those clouds! » → « It will rain, I'm sure. It always rains in August ». 5/The future with ‘be to’ → « The Prime Minister is to visit Budapest next week », → « The two leaders are to meet for talks on a number of issues », → « Prime Miniser to visit Budapest next week ». → « The boss says you are to come at once », → « No one is to leave the building », → « You're not to stay up late! », → « Trolleys are not to be removed from the station ». 6/The future continuous: « Will be + verb-ing » → « I can't meet you at four. I'll be working », → « A huge crowd will be waiting when the Queen arrives later today ». → « I'm going on holiday. This time next week, I'll be lying in the sun ». → « The crowd will cheer when the Queen arrives » / « The crowd will be cheering when the Queen arrives » → « I'll be phoning my brother tonight. I always phone him on Fridays », → « The Queen will be arriving in ten minutes' time », → « The cinema will be closing at the end of December ». → « Will you be going past the post office this morning? Could you post this for me, please? », → « When will you be marking our test papers? », → « How long will you be using the tennis court?, Because we've booked it until three ». 7/The future perfect: Will have + past participle → « Our neighbours are moving soon. They'll have only been here a year ! » → « We don't want to spend all day in the museum. I should think we'll have seen enough by lunch-time ». 8/Other ways of expressing the future → « The audience are in their seats, and the performance is about to start » → « Hurry up! The train is just about to leave »

→ « The company is on the point of signing the contract ». → « The company is set to/is expected to sign the contract very soon ». → « The visitors are due to arrive at four ». → « The scheme is sure to fail », → « There is bound to be trouble ». Choisir le bon temps pour traduire le futur en anglais → /mémo 20/

Exercise 1/Cette nuit, le sud de l’Angleterre restera couvert, avec du vent. 2/La semaine prochaine, je serai en train de réviser pour l’examen 3/ Lorsqu'il sera à la retraite, mon frère ira habiter au bord de la mer 4/Tiens, il y a un match contre l'Ecosse. Je vais acheter un ticket!

5/ Je ne peux pas te voir demain, je joue dans l'équipe de mon club de foot 6/Le sommet doit avoir lieu en janvier, selon le porte-parole du gouvernement 7/ Les joueurs sont sur le terrain. Le match est sur le point de commencer 8/Il ne veut se garer nul part ailleurs, même si sa voiture bloque tout le monde 9/ Et si on passait au salon pour prendre un café? 10/ La production a baissé de plus de 20 pour cent, l'entreprise va licencier une partie du personnel