Second-Order Volterra Filtering and Its Application .to Nonlinear

Dec 6, 1985 - combination of linear and quadratic filters, is a prototype nonlinear .... k=O (N+:-? linear equations with the same number of unknowns should.
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6, DECEMBER 1985


Second-Order Volterra Filtering and Its Nonlinear System Identification TAIHO KOH



Abstract-Some recent results on the design and implementation of second-order Volterra filters are presented. The (second-order) Volterra filter is a nonlinear filter with the filter structure a€ (second-order) Volterra series. A simple minimum mean-square error solution for the Volterra filter is derived, based on the assumption that the filter input is Gaussian. Also, we propose an iterative factorization technique to design a subclass of the Volterra filters, which can alleviate the complexity of the filtering operations considerably. Furthermore, an adaptive algorithm for the Volterra filter is investigated along with its mean convergence and asymptotic excess mean-square error. Finally, the utility of the Volterrafilter is demonstrated by utilizing itin studies of nonlinear drift oscillations of moored vessels subject to random sea waves.




HE concept of optimum linear filtering has had enormousimpacton the recent development of various techniques to estimate and processstationary time series. The obvious advantage of a linear filter is its simplicity in design and implementation. However, with the minimum mean-square error criterion, the ultimate solution to the optimum filter is in finding the conditional mean which is, in general, a nonlinear function of observed data. So there remains the unanswered question of how much one pays, in termsof filter performance, for the simplicity of a linear filter. In some cases, the performanceof a linearfilter may be unacceptable. A typical example involves the casewhen one tries to relate two signals whose significant spectral components do not overlap in the frequency domain. Another important factor in favor of nonlinear filters is the vast capability of modern computers which enables us to overcome the complexity of the nonlinear filtering problem. One constructive andversatile approach tononlinear filters is to utilize the filter structure in the form of a Volterra series. Wiener’s work [l]on the analysis of nonlinear systems using white Gaussian input and so called G functionals is well known. Following his work, a number of papers [2]-[lo]have been devoted to utilizing the VolManuscript received July 23, 1984; revised April 22, 1985. This work was supported in part by the Department of Defense Joint Services Electronics Program through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Contract F496020-82-C-0033. T. Koh was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Electronics Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. He is now with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974. E. J. Powers is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Electronics Research Laboratory, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712.

terra series for estimation and nonlinear system identification. More recently [11]-[20],discrete-time filters in a similar form, whichwe call Volterra filters, have been studied with and without adaptive implementation. From a theoretical viewpoint, the Volterra filter isattractive since it can deal with a general class of nonlinear systems while its output is still linear with respect to various higher order system kernels or impulse responses. However, in spite of its long history and popularity in theoretical studies, relatively few researchers [ 111, [ 151 have attempted to apply the Volterra filtering technique to practical problems. One major reason for this seems to be the formidable complexity associated with the design of Volterra filters. For example, many works C43, [11], [183, [20]utilize a linearization techniquein which the Volterra filter is regarded as a linear filter with a multidimensional input signal. So the particular structure of Volterra filters is ignored and a huge matrix problemoccurs. The number of operations required to solve the problem increases exponentially with the highest order term of the Volterra filter. In this context, the primary concern of the present study is to seek simplifications inboth the designand implementation of Volterra filters. In particular, we concentrate our discussions on the second-order Volterra filter. The second-order Volterra filter, which consists of a parallel combination of linear and quadratic filters, is a prototype nonlinear filter by which one can improve the performance of a linear filter, considerably in some cases, with a relatively mild computational effort. The organization of this paper is as follows. Section I1 gives a brief review on the general theory of Volterra filtering in terms of the generalized orthogonal projection principle. In Section 111, we derive a simple solution for the optimum second-orderVolterra filter, based on the assumption that thefilter input is Gaussian. Section IV presents an iterative factorization technique to facilitate the implementational complexity of the Volterra filters, along with a numerical example. Also, Section V considers an extendedversion of the LMS adaptive algorithm for the Volterra filter, along with detailed analyses of its mean convergence and asymptotic excess mean-square error. Finally, Section VI is intended to demonstrate the utility of the Volterra filtering techniques in practical applications. Some examples of experiments in which the Volterra filter is utilized to model and predict the nonlinear dynamic behavior of offshore structures are presented.

0096-3518/85/1200-1445$01.00 O 1985 IEEE



11. THE VOLTERRA FILTER The first problem encountered in designing nonlinear filters is how to specify and characterize them. We consider the filter in have the form we of P



6 , DECEMBER 1985

filter input, but also to all possible products of the input, i.e., x(n - m1) ' ' 'x ( n - mk), k = 1, * ,p . SOif we let Y~pdn)denote the output of the minimum MSE filter,



E[(s(n) -

yopdn>> x(n -








for all (ml, , mk) E sk and k = 1, * * * , p. Consequently, theoptimum filter weightscould befound, in principle, from the following equations:

where x(n) and y(n) are the filter input and output, respectively, and hk(ml, * * * , mk) denotesthek-dimensional filter weight sequence with parameter set Sk. Also, sk denotes a region of summation in m,, * - , nzk, which is a bounded subset of lk, the kth product set of integers. Since (1) represents a discrete-time Volterra series truncated at the pth term, it will be called the pth-order Volterra filter. To avoid unnecessary multiplicities, we assume that hk(m1, . * , mk) is symmetric in that its value and is unchanged for anypermutation of m l , * , mk [for example, hz(m1, mz) = hz(m2, m11l. Two important aspects of the Volterra filter are to be noted. First, it consists of multidimensional convolutions between the filter weights and input. Consequently, it is possible and often helpful to analyze and interpret in the frequency domain using z transforms. For example, if we let yk(n) denote the kth term of (l), i.e.,



l IIk


hk(m1, Sk


, mk) x(n

- ml)



x(n - mi)



yk(n) =






mk), r

its z transform Yk(z)can be expressed in terms of X(z), z transform of x@), as


i=l 9

yk(z) = Fk[Hk(zI, ' . . zk) x(zl> ' ' ' x(zk)l 9



II j= I


x(n - aj)


for all (ul, , as) E S9 and q = 1, * ,p . Now we can see clearly the amount of statistical knowland Fk is the operation by which a k-dimensional z trans- edge and computation that are required to find the optiform is reduced to a one-dimensional z transform [19]. mum Volterra filter weights. For a pth-order Volterra filThe operation can be interpreted as a frequency combiner ter, 2p autocorrelation and p cross-correlation functions and will be discussed later with some insights on the role should be known. In most practical cases, such higherorder correlation functions are not known and could be esof Hk(Z1, * > zk). A second and more important aspect of (1) is the fact timated only with a large amountof computations and litthat the filter output is linear with respect to the Volterra tle accuracies. Furthermore, if & is chosen to be the kth filter weights. The linearity is desirable when one deals product set of N consecutive integers, a system of Hk(Z1,

. , zk) *





. , mk) $'

''' zp

with the minimum mean-square error criterion. Suppose x(n) and s(n) are zero-mean stationary random processes with discrete parameter n and we want to find the Volterra filter weights which minimizethemean-square error (MSE) between s(n) and the filter output y(n). (The zeromean assumptionis only for convenience and can beeasily removed.) Then, by virtue of the linearity of the Volterra filter, the MSE has only one global minimum and we can find it directly by using the calculus of variations. Alternatively, we can proceed by invoking the orthogonal projection principle 151 as follows. The residual error of a minimum MSE Volterra filter is orthogonal not only to the



linear equations with the same numberof unknowns should be solved in terms of these correlation functions. The task often becomes overwhelming, even for p = 2. 111. SECOND-ORDER VOLTERRA FILTER

To examine the case of the second-order Volterra filter (SVF) closely, it will be convenient to reformulate the SVF as





N- 1


y(n) = ho


y(n) = A’X(n)

a ( j ) n(n - j )



X(n) = [n(n),*

N- 1

+ CC b ( j , k) x(n

+ tr {B[X(n)X’(n) - R,])

- j ) x(n -




A = [a(O),

- , x(n




, a(N


+ l)]’

l)] ’

where {a(j ) } and {b(j , k ) ) are called the linear and quadratic filter weights, respectively, and N denotes the filter length. Recall that thequadratic filter weights are assumed to be symmetric, i.e., b ( j , k ) = b(k, j ) . As before, we want to minimize the MSE between the primary signal where R, denotes the N by N autocorrelation matrix of s(n) and filter output y(n), i.e., x(n) whose ( j , k)th element is r,(j - k). Throughout this paper, ” and tr denote transposition and trace, respect; = E[Is(n) - y(n)l21 tively. A and B will be called the linear andquadratic filter where both s(n) and x(n) are assumed to be strictly staoperators, respectively. tionary with zero means. Before the derivation, let us define the cross-correlation The first step to determine the minimum MSE SVF is and cross-bicorrelation functions between s(n) and x(n) as to require the unbiasness of the filter output. In other follows: words, we should have E [ y ( n ) ]= 0 since the primary signal s(n) has zero mean. Then, we have the following rers,(j> = E[s(n)x(n - j ) l lationship between ho and b ( j , k ) : N- 1

ho =

-cc b ( j , k) r,(j j,k=O



Since s(n) and x(n) are assumed to be strictly stationary, (4’ both r s x ( j )and t s x ( j ,k) are independent of the variable n.

where r X ( j ) E[x(n) - j > l denotes the autocorrelation function of x(n). Inclusion of the zeroth-order term ho is important’ Of the previous works 1’17 14i7 Ii3i? [201 did not have the zeroth-order output. But without it, the output of a minimum MSE SVF is not necessarily unbiased, and hence tends to yield a larger - error than the SVF with ho given by (4).B i combining (3) and (4), the SVF is expressed as =

c a ( j ) x(n


-j )

L - - 1 -


L~~,(O), . . . , r s x ( ~- 111’



The next step is to determine the linear and quadratic filter weights which yield the minimum MSE. This can be done, in principle, by directly applyingthe orthogonal projection principle as described in Section 11. Due to its complexity, we will not present the general solution here. For an explicit form of the solution, see [4]. However, we note that the general solution” requires computing the in3)/2 by N(N 3)/2 matrix whose eleverse of an N(N ments are given in terms of second-, third-, and fourthorder autocorrelationfunctions of x(n). The number of operations required to compute the inverse is of order N 6 . This computational requirement becomes almost prohibitive for large N . Besides, a singularity problem may occur r201.



+ jcc b ( j , k) ,k=O

- [x(n - j ) x(n - k) - rx(j - k ) ] .


define Rsx and T, as




In particular, the cross bicorrelation ts,( j , k ) measures the 66third-order79 statistical dependency between s(n) and x(n), which is crucial in finding the optimum quadratic filter operator. Alsonote the symmetry of the correlation f~nction,i.e., t s x ( j , k ) = ts,(k, j ) . we also


tsx(0,N - 1)




- 1, 0)


ts,(N - 1, N




Now it is seen from (2) that the linear and quadratic filter operators with minimumMSE should satisfy the following matrix equations:

E[X(n)s(n)] = E[X(n)A ’X(n) + X(n)

- tr {B(X(n)X f ( 4 - RA)l (7) EhX(n) X f ( n ) s(n)] = E[X(n) X’(n) A’X(n)+ X(n) X’(n) - tr {B(X(n)X @ ) - R,)}]. (8) On the other hand, it is easy to see that

E[X(n)A ’X(n)]= R,A

E[X(n>tr { B m ) X ’ ( 4 - R J I l = o,, 1) Gaussian Case E[X(n)X f ( n )A’X(n)] = O(Nxw. In the following, we derive a simple solution for the optimum SVF under the technical assumption that the filter Furthermore, we have input x(n) is Gaussian. First, it is noted that ( 5 ) can be E[X(n)X’(n) tr {B(X(n)X’(n) - R,)}] = 2R,BRx as rewritten




which is a consequence of the facts that B is symmetric and E [ X I X ~ - ~ : ~ )= C ~E I [x,%]

N- 1

ry(n) =

CC a ( j ) a(k) r,(n + j f



Ccc b ( j , k) b(m, s)

j,k,m,s=O *



+ m) r,(n

We also define the power spectral y(n>as

RY.X = RXA =



N- 1




E [x3X4I

E R 2 x 4 1 + E[XIX41 E [X2.X31 for zero-mean jointly Gaussian x l , x 2 , x3, and ,x4. Consequently, (7) and (8) become





+ s).

densities of x(n) and


So, if we assume that R, is positive definite with its inverse RP1, the linear and quadratic filter operators with minimum MSE are given by the followingtwosimple equations: =


(9) Then, from the duality between the multidimensional convolution and Fourier transform, it can be shown that

B~ = ( ~ 2 R;~T~,R;~. )


q f ) = lKdf)l2S x ( f > + 2F2[llie(fi, h>I2 It is noted from (9) that the linear filter operator of an Ufl) S,(f2>1(f> (13) optimum SVF is exactly same as the optimum linearfilter. Consequently, one can construct the SVF simply by add- where H A ( @ )and HB(., *) arethelinearand quadratic ing a quadratic filter in parallel to apredesigned linear transfer functions (LTF and QTF) defined by filter without changing the linear filter. Even though this N- 1 might be what one expected naturally, there is no reason inverse to presumeit. Also, (10) implies thatoncethe R,-' is computed, the quadratic filter operator as well as the linear oneis directly obtained without solving another system of equations. Since the autocorrelation matrix R, is in the Toeplitz form, the number of operations required Also, the operation F2 is given by to compute its inverse is only of order N 2 . To evaluate the performance of the optimum SVF, we first note that the MSE of an SVF is given by




~ ~ (+0A) '(RxA - 2R,)

for any X( f i ,fi).Consequently, the operation transforms (11) a function on the ( f i ,fi)plane to another function off by integrating the first one along the linef= fi + fi. So it is where r,(O) = E [ s 2 ( n ) ]and the following equalities have seen from (13) and (14) that, for fixedf, Sy(f)is affected been used: not only by S,(f), but also by all possible pairs S,(fl) and Sx(fi),with fi f2 = f. Here the QTFplays a similar role E[s(n)tr (B(X(n)X'(n) - R,)}] = tr (BT,) as the LTF in that it acts as a weighting function in the E [Jtr {B(X(n)X@) - R,)} l2 } = 2 tr (BRJRX). operation F2. On the other hand, if we define the cross-spectral and Consequently, by substituting A and B in (11) by (9) and cross-bispectral densities between y(n) and x(n) as (lo), the MSE of the optimum SVF becomes

+ 2 tr {S(RxBRx- T'J}


gopt = rS(o)- R;,R;'R,


(112) tr (R,-~T~,R,-~T,). (12)

Note that the first two terms of the right-hand side of (12) m are equal to the MSE of an optimum linear filter. So, the third term, which is nonnegative, represents the reduction of MSE achieved by the quadratic filter operator. In park) = E[y(n) ticular, if x(n) and s(n) are jointly Gaussian, the third term where r,,,(j) = E [ y ( n )x(n - j ) ] and f&, is zero (T, = O,, x N)) and the optimum linear filter is the x ( n - j ) x(n - k ) ] , then we have best possible filter. It seems useful at this point to discuss the input/output relationship of the SVF in the frequency domain. Let us which is a familiar result from linear system theory, and first note that the autocorrelation function of the filter output y(n) is given by



Notefromtheabove equation thatthecross-bispectral density can specify the QTF uniquely, assuming that S(, f) is known and S(, f) # 0 for all f. This also reveals the possibility that one can compute the QTF directly from (16) using an estimate of the cross-bispectraldensity. This technique, called cross bispectral analysis, can be implemented efficiently by using the FFT algorithm. However, it suffers the- same problem as the linear approach using (15): the QTF so obtained is not causal, in general. For more detail on cross-bispectral analysis, see [21].

Estimation of Cross Bicorrelation Assuming that the optimum linear filter has been al(b) ready constructed,the only additional information reFig. 1. Subclasses of the quadratic filter: (a) Class I and (b) Class 11. quired to build an SVF is the cross-bicorrelation function t,,( j , k ) , 0 5 j , k IN - 1. Given observations x(n) and to the case where thequadratic filter operator is diagonal, y(n), n = 1, , M , the following estimator seems to i.e., b ( j , k) = 0 f o r j # k . be suitable: M-j Class II (Linear Filters Multiplier) i,(j, k) = (l/Cjk)x(n) x(n + j - k) s(n j ) (17) The quadratic filter of Class I1 is given by n= I



N- 1

for 0 5 k 5 j 5 M. In particular, when we choose c j k = M , it is straightforward to seethat the estimator is asymptotically unbiased and its variance decreases linearly with . x(n - k) - r,(j - k)]. (19) 1/M for large M. A detailed statistical analysis of the estimator is beyond the scope of this paper and will not be So it corresponds to the case that the quadratic filter operator can be factorized into two linearfilters in that b ( j , discussed. k ) = [ g l ( j )g2(k) + gl(k) g2(j)]/2. Consequently, the filIV. ITERATIVE FACTORIZATION ter consists of a parallel combination of two linear filters It has been noted in Section I11 that the SVF with min- whose outputs are multiplied to give the actual filter outimum MSE is easily determined from (9) and (10) when put, as shown in Fig. l(b). the filter input is Gaussian. However, the result does not Now suppose that, due to the implementationalcomsolve the implementational complexity of the SVF: given plexity, we have to sacrifice the optimality of the solution the (optimum) linear and quadratic filter operators with in (10) and we want to find the minimum MSE filter in length N , operations of order N 2 are still required at each Class I or 11. In the case of Class I, it is straightforward instant of time to compute the filter output. Recall that a to see that the MSE is minimized by choosing linear filter with the same length requires operations of G = ( ~ 2 R,;’R,,~ ) (20) only order N . The implementational complexity, which exists inherently in the general Volterra filters, poses an- where other major problem in the application of the SVF. In some G = [do), * g(N - I)]’, practical cases, tradeoffs between the filter performance and its computational requirement are necessary. In this R,z = [t,,(O, 0 ) , * . , t,(N - 1, N - l)]’ section, two special classes of the SVF, which can be imand Rx2 is an N X N matrix whose( j , k)th element is given plemented with operationsof order N , are discussed along by r:(j - k). Incidentally, the MSE of the quadratic filter with their design problems. In the following, we consider is also given by only the quadratic filter operator of the SVF since the linear filter operator of an optimum SVF, which is same as E = r,(o) - R , ~ R , ; ’ R ~ ~ ~ . the optimum linear filter, is not affected by the particular On the other hand, to consider the minimizationin Class form of the quadratic filter operator. 11, we first note that the filter in (19) can be rewritten as 7

Class I (Multiplier 4- Linear Filter) The quadratic filter of this class is given by N- 1

y(n> =

.zg ( j > [x2(n - j ) - r x m .


y(n> = G;(X(n) X’(n> - R,) G2 (21) gl(N - 111’ and G2 = [g2(0). where G1 = [ gl(0), * . . . , g2(N - l)]’. The MSE between the filter output and (18) s(n) is then expressed in terms of G1 and G2 as

As shown schematically in Fig. l(a), the filter consists of

a multiplierbyfollowed linear

corresponds a also filter. It





+ G;R,GlG~R,G2 + (G[R,G2)2- 2G[TyxG2 (22)

quadratic filter of Class I1 whose MSE is no larger than that for the previous step of the iteration. Also, by virtue of the matrix inversion lemma, computing GI or G2 at each stage can be done very effectively once the inverse R,-' is obtained. It should be noted, however, that unlike quadratic filters of the general type, a quadratic filter of Class I1 does not possess a unique solution for optimum GI and G2 since the factorization in (19) itself is not unique. Furthermore, the coupling between GI and G2 could allow, in principle, local minima in the MSE surface of the quadratic filter. Consequently, the convergence of GI andG2 through the iteration is not easily established in the general case. However, in many cases of practical interest, the convergence of its MSE, in addition to its computational efficiency, seems to guarantee the usefulness of the iteration technique.

where the following equalities have been used:

E M n ) G; fX(n> X'(n>- R,)G21 E[IG;(X(n)X'(n)




R,) G2I2] = G;RxG,G;R,G2

+ (G;RXG2)2.

The next step is to minimize (22) over GI and G2. However, the simultaneousminimizationover2N variables presents potentialnumericalproblemsdue to couplings between G, and G2. As an alternative to the simultaneous minimization, we describe an iterative method in the following. In this and following sections, we define ax/dY, given a scalarx and M X N matrix Y , as the M X N matrix whose ( j , k)th element is the derivative of x with respect to the ( j , k)th element of Y. Now suppose GI is already chosen properly and we need to findG2which minimizes (22) with the choice of GI. Example (Iterative Method) Then, it is easy to see that Suppose x ( n ) is a stationary Gaussian process with r, (0) d(/dG, = 2G;RxGlR,G2 + 2RXG1GiR,G2 - 2TsXG1. = 1, r,(l) = 0.5, and r,(2) = 0.2. Also, let s(n) bea So, by letting a(/aG2 = O ( N x we hve stationary process with r,(O) = 0.3 and the cross bicorrelation between s ( n ) and x (n) be given by (GiR,G,R, + R,G,GiR,) G2 = TsxG,. Consequently, by noting that G;R,G,R, + R,G,GiR, is positive definite, the optimum G2 is given by G2 = (G;R,GlR,

+ R,G,G;R,)-' T,Gl.

0.4956 0.4880 0.3340

T, =



0.4880 0.4800 0.3280



0.33400.32800.2236 Furthermore, it can be shown by using the matrix inverThe above matrix has been chosen deliberately such that sion lemma [22] that (23) can also be expressed as the corresponding optimum quadratic filter operator, given G2 = O C ~ [ R - ~(011/2) ' GIG;] T,GI (24) in (IO), is factorizable, i.e.,

[0.3 0.2



where a I = (G;R,G,)-l is a positive scalar. In a similar However, it should be remembered that the factorization manner, for fixed G2, (22) is minimized whenisnot unique: once B is factorizable, there exist an infinite number of different pairsGI and G2 such that B = T,G2 (25) (GI G; G2G;)/2. We note by using (12)that the correGI CY~[R;'- (0~2/2)G2G;l sponding MSE is approximately equal to 0.0679. where cy2 = (G$R,G2)-'. Table I shows the result of the iterative methodas given Thus, by using the above result, the iterative technique above with the initial condition = [1, 1, Note that is given as follows. after five iterations, the MSE reaches very close to the Step I : Choose the first linear filter GI arbitrarily with minimum MSE of the optimum B. Also, the filter operaGI f O w x 1). tors G1 and G2 seem converge to the correct values fairly step 2: With the choice Of use (24) to determine well. After five iterations, the corresponding quadratic filG2 which minimizes the MSE. ter operator, i.e., B = (GI G; + G2G;)/2, becomes Step 3: With the choice of G2, use (25) to determine 0.1181 0.0855 0.0529 the optimum G1. Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the improvement in B = 0.0855 0.0599 0.0343 the MSE of (22) is negligible. At each stage of the iteration, the technique provides 0.0529 a 0.0343 0.0156



145 1



Compare this result to (26). After 100 iterations, the errors in the quadratic filter operator have become less than V. ADAPTIVEALGORITHM The least mean square (LMS) algorithmfor the adaptive linear filter is well known and is given by


+ 1) = A(n) - 2pAe(n)X@).


Here A (n) is the linear filter operator at time n and e (n) = A ’ ( n ) X ( n ) - s (n) denotes the residual error of the filter. Also, pA is a positive constant which controls the stability and convergence speed of the algorithm. In his original development of the algorithm, Widrow 1231 justified the algorithm as a stochastic variant of the steepest descent method and showed, by assuming independence where between A (n) and X ( n ) , that when 0 < pA < A,,: X,, denotes the largest eigenvalueof the autocorrelation matrix R,, the expectation of A ( n ) approaches the optimum linear filter operator Ao. He also derived the following approximation for the asymptotic excess MSE of the algorithm:

stant in the adaptive implementation. Recall that the zeroth-order term is required to subtract the expectation of the quadratic filter output from the outputof SVF. Consequently, when R, is not known, a recursive estimator (such as a low-pass filter) for the mean level of the quadratic filter output can replace the zeroth-order term. For simplicity, we will regard the zeroth-order term as given, and hence its adaptation will not be considered in this discussion. As an extension of the LMS algorithm, the following adaptive algorithm for the quadratic filter operator has been considered by several authors [ 111, [ 121, 1141:


+ 1 ) = B ( n ) - p B e ( n )X(n)X’(n)


where p B is a positive constant. Conceptually, the above algorithm seems to be reasonable since de2(n)ldB(n) = 2e (n) X ( n ) X ’ ( n ) , and also its performancehasbeen shown to be acceptable [ 111. However, until recently, the convergence and stability criteria of the algorithm have remained not established. In the following, we present some results on the asymptotic behavior of the algorithm. The discussion is mainly heuristic and utilizes various assumptions on the adaptation processwhich, in spite of t A = PAEopt tr (R,) (28) being somewhat restrictive, have been widely accepted. where to,!is the MSE of the optimum linear filter. Actually, theassumptionsmadehere are essentially In considering the adaptive implementation of the SVF, equivalent to ones used in thework of Widrow [23]on the the linear filter operator can be updatedby using the same LMS algorithm. LMS algorithm as given in (27), except that the residual error is given by Expectation of B (n) We define thematrixnorm I(Qll of Q as l(Qll = [tr e(n) = A ’ ( n ) X ( n ) + tr ( B ( n ) [ X ( nX’(n) ) - R,]) - s ( n ) . (QQ‘)]”’. The following inequalities related to the norm (29) will be helpful: Then it is straightforward to see that the previous results o Itr (A’RA) 5 A ~ ~ ~ ( / A I ( ’ ‘ (31) for the standard LMSalgorithm are still valid. Consequently, we only need to consider the adaptation of the o Itr (BRBR) I~ ~ , , l l ~ 1 1 ~ (32) quadratic filter operator. However, it should be noted from (29) that the zeroth-order term -tr ( B ( n )R, 1 is not con(33) 11RBR112 IAi,, tr (BRBR)




VOL. ASSP-33, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1985

for any A , symmetric B , and positive definite R where X,,, where the excess MSE’s of the linear and quadratic filters denotes the largest eigenvalueof R. Furthermore, we have are given by tr (BRBR) = 0 onlywhen llB /I = 0. The proof of these inequalities is essentially straightforward. tB(n) = E[tr {GB’(n)Rx6B(n) Rx)1 The first approximation is toassume that both A (n) and (37) B ( n ) are independent of the pair {s ( n ) , X(n)). Then we = B ( n ) - BO are the have E [ e ( n )X(n) x’(n)] = 2R,1. (41) E[116B(n)l121 = /&opt 5 llE[6B(n)1112- 4 p B ( l - P B X k a x ) Consequently, by combining (38)-(41), wehave the foltr {E[6B(n)l R,-WB(n)l Rx I lowing bounds for the asymptotic excess MSE’s (AEMSE): 5 llE[6B(n)1112 because p B ( l - p g X i , , ) > 0. In fact, it can be shown by using a similarity transform of R, that





1)11/ < h 4 I I E r ~ ~ ( 4 1 I I


4/44t;,pthTrx(O) 3pB$opt


NoticethatbothlinearandquadraticAEMSE’s are bounded by linear functions of ,uA and p B , respectively. where In the following, we examine the AEMSE of the quadratic filter more closely by taking the dynamics of 6B(n) into consideration. The adaptive algorithm of (30) can be Hence, the mean error between B ( n ) and Bo decreases reformulated in terms of 6B(n) as follows: monotonically to zero as time increases. Furthermore, a 6B(n 1 ) = 6B(n) - ,uBe(n)X(n) X’(n) close examination of theadaptationprocessshowsthat each element of the matrix E[6B(n)] is composed of a 6B(n) - pB[2Rx6B(n) R, + W(n)] (42) mixture of damped exponentials of which the fastest and ,, and X slowest damping modes are determined by h , where W ( n ) = e ( n ) X(n) X’(n) - 2 R X 6 B ( n )Rxis a n n X n noise matrix with zero mean. Note the similarity beExcess MSE tween (34) and (42). Actually, when the noise term W ( n ) equation of the In the adaptive implementation of the SVF, the fluctua- is omitted, (42)becomestherecursive steepest descent method. So, W ( n )can be regarded as the tions (over time) ofthe linear and quadratic filter operators measurement noise of the gradient matrix cause some additional MSE at the filter output, even in additive 2 R, 6B (n) R,.We assume that the measurement noise is the steady stateof the adaptation process. So, the asympuncorrelated with 6B(n). Then we have totic MSE of an adaptive SVF is generally larger than the














TIME lSEC t1001 Fig. 3. Output of the second-order Volterra filter.

Fig 2. An example of theLFDOphenomenon:(a), (b) timeseriesand power spectrum of sea wave, (c) mooring configuration, and (d), (e) time series and power spectrum of the barge sway response.

In thesteadystate of theadaptation, we canassume E[ll&B(n+ 1)))*]= E[116B(n)()*]. In addition, for,uB