questions and answers #2 to -

21 juin 2016 - No. de l'invitation ... No. – No. de réf du client. GETS Reference No. – No de reference de SEAG ... The time limit is of 18 weeks, not 100 days.
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Restoration of Cap-desRosiers Beach and Development of a Multipurpose Trail

Parks Canada National Contracting Services

Solicitation No. - No. de l’invitation

June 16, 2016

Client Ref. No. – No. de réf du client.

5P300-16-5167 GETS Reference No. – No de reference de SEAG

1899, De Perigny Bldv Chambly, Quebec J3L 4C3


Solicitation Closes L’invitation prend fin –

Time Zone

at – à 2:00 PM on – le 2016-06-27


Fuseau horaire -

F.O.B. - F.A.B.

Plant-Usine:  Destination:  Other-Autre: 


Address Inquiries to: - Adresser toute demande de renseignements à :

Tender To: Parks Canada Agency We hereby offer to sell to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto, the goods, services, and construction listed herein and on any attached sheets at the price(s) set out therefor. Soumission à: l’Agence Parcs Canada Nous offrons par la présente de vendre à Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada, aux conditions énoncées ou incluses par référence dans la présente et aux annexes cijointes, les biens, services et construction énumérés ici et sur toute feuille ci-annexée, au(x) prix indiqué(s).


Sylvie Lagacé [email protected] Telephone No. - No de téléphone

Fax No. – No de FAX:



Destination of Goods, Services, and Construction: Destinations des biens, services et construction:

See Herein

Vendor/Firm Name and Address

Comments – Commentaires

Raison sociale et adresse du fournisseur/de l’entrepreneur Telephone No. - No de telephone:

Vendor/Firm Name and Address

Facsimile No. - N° de télécopieur:

Raison sociale et adresse du

Email - Courriel : ____________________________

fournisseur/de l’entrepreneur

Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of the Vendor/Firm Nom et titre de la personne autorisée à signer au nom du fournisseur/ de l’entrepreneur

Issuing Office - Bureau de distribution

Name / Nom

Parks Canada National Contracting Services 1899, De Perigny Bldv Chambly, Quebec J3L 4C3

Telephone No. - No de telephone: Facsimile No. - N° de télécopieur:


Page 1 of 3

Title / Titre


QUESTIONS/ANSWERS # 2 THE PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS TO INFORM BIDDERS OF CLARIFICATION TO THE BID DOCUMENTS. QUESTION 1: In regard to the bridge to be demolished, do we have to demolish all footings down to the bottom grade? Do we need to plan the excavation of footings? Are the water levels known? ANSWER 1: The entire structure, including the footings, is to be demolished and excavated. Details of the structure to be demolished are presented in sheet H111. Water levels are shown on plan (sections from series H100). Moreover, no asbestos fibre was found in the analysis results of concrete samples recently collected on various sections of the structure to be demolished. QUESTION 2: In regard to the disposal of stones and excavated material, I was wondering: in the call for tenders for the major rehabilitation of Road 132 in the National Park – Phase 3, a right-of-way allocated to the Contractor of the beach restoration work can be seen on plans. What is the purpose of this right-of-way? Can we place excess excavated material there or is it only for the traffic of machinery? Is it paved? ANSWER 2: It is a section of the former Road 132 which will be decommissioned as to allow storage of materials (corresponding to Articles 4.1, 4.3 to 4.7). See specifications 02 41 13, Article 3.4.3. Excess excavated material must be disposed of outside the site. The road is paved. QUESTION 3: A signaller is requested. However, we wonder what his purpose is since we are working in a closed area without traffic. We believe it represents unnecessary expenses. ANSWER 3: The role of the signaller can be adjusted based on needs for the work, including the maintenance of Road 132 used by trucks, operations on Road 132 (access road) and the management of signalling announcing truck exits, among others. QUESTION 4: In Articles 6.3, 7.6, 7.8, 8.4, 9.5 and 9.6, granular material quantities are expressed in square metres. Is it a mistake? ANSWER 4: It is not a mistake; granular material is paid by square metre. QUESTION 5: There is mention of a time limit of 18 weeks, but later in the document, 100 working days is mentioned. Which time limit is right? ANSWER 5: The time limit is of 18 weeks, not 100 days.

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QUESTION 6: In regard to Article 1.11.2 of section 01 35 00.06, are we to understand that the section of chemin du Nord located between the new section of Road 132 (opening July 1st) and the existing Road 132 cannot be used by trucks? Or does the interdiction only concern the section located between the Haven and the new Road 132? ANSWER 6: The interdiction only concerns the section located between the Haven and the new Road 132 given that the section between the new section of 132 (opening July 1st) and the existing Road 132 will be opened for public traffic (Road 132) for the duration of work.

End of section.